The activities of the Foundation are aimed at stimulating the educational, scientific and practical activities of talented and promising Russian students studying in the field of humanitarian, social and economic sciences.

The Scholarship of the Oxford Russian Foundation is appointed by students of 2-4 courses of day offices of humanitarian faculties of Russian state universities, students studying under the undergraduate program in the following scientific directions:



History and theory of art,


World literature,







Ethics and religion,



The challenger for a scholarship should have high academic performance (study at "well" and "excellent" during the last two semesters following each other), as well as exercise high scientific and public activity:

Have publications in special scientific publications (student collections, scientific journals, etc.),

Participate in the scientific and practical activities of their departments,

Take an active part in the public life of the faculty,

Use respect among teachers and students.

For scholars, summer and winter schools are regularly held - exit interdisciplinary seminars, which allow young scientists to familiarize themselves with related areas of knowledge, to influence the formation of professional relationships, to develop joint projects both in Russian and internationally.

Among the twenty partners of the Oxford Russian Foundation, the Irkutsk State University is the only representative of Eastern Siberia. The scholarship program is valid here since 2006. 163 people became scholars 2014-2015.

Olga Aleksandrovna Edelstein, Deputy Chairman of the Council for the Research Work of Students (NERS) IGU, Curator of the Scholarship Program of the Oxford Russian Foundation in IGU:

The acquisition of the Scholarship of the Oxford Russian Fund has a positive effect on the increase in the number and quality of scientific work of scholarships. If on average, one student engaged in research work is 0.1-0.2 scientific publications, then the "Oxfords" this indicator is an order of magnitude higher - 1-2 publications on the scholarship. Student's academic mobility increases significantly: thanks to the financial support of the Foundation, the Fellows can visit from 5 to 10 conferences and schools of the Foundation per year. And the high scientific achievements of ORC scholars are a worthy basis for obtaining an increased academic scholarship.

Applications indicating the name, course, directions (specialties) are submitted to the electronic postal address of the Deputy Dean in the NERS at the Faculty (at the Institute). After sending the application, the applicant for scholarships will be sent personal login and password for the Daas Internet System - (Distributed Application AppRoval System, distributed application processing system).

The composition of the NERS Council of ISU and the ORF Coordination Council is listed on the ISU website.

With full position on scholarships can be found on the website

The Foundation Coordinator in each university confirms the correctness of the design of closed applications and the accuracy of the information provided in them. After confirming, the application has the status "confirmed". The incorrectly executed applications and applications containing inaccurate information are not confirmed by the coordinator and are not allowed to participate in the competition, their status remains unchanged - "closed".

Charter of FGBOU in "VSU";
"Agreement on the provision of targeted gratuitous donations" dated April 1, 2015 ", concluded between the" Oxford Russian Fund "and the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education" Voronezh State University ".

As the correspondent 1ul.ru, explained to Ulgu to become a member, the student must fill out an application on the competition website, where it is necessary to indicate its scientific achievements, such as the topic and maintenance of scientific work, participation in conferences, the publication of scientific articles, etc. The application is then closed, and open only in July so that participants can add the screenshot of their credit book with estimates for the 2 past semesters. The winners of the competition will receive a scholarship of 4,000 rubles during the entire school year (40,000 rubles).

Oxford scholarships - Tyumen students

Participate in the competition can enroll in full-time compartment. Applicants must have high academic indicators, actively participate in research and social activities. The presence of scientific publications is welcome.

To traditional directions Added anthropology and ethnology , , as well as digital Humanitarianism .

Oxford scholarships - Tyumen students

Participate in the competition can students of Tyula Humanitarian specialties (bachelors 2 and 3 courses and students-specialists 2, 3 and 4 courses)Student in full-time compartment. Applicants must have high academic indicators, actively participate in research and social activities. The presence of scientific publications is welcome.

To traditional directions archeology, journalism, art, history, cultural studies, political science, right, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy, economy, ethics and religionAdded anthropology and ethnology , regional studies and international relations , as well as digital Humanitarianism .

Presentation of Oxford scholarships

The ORF scholarship is obtained by students of faculties and institutions of socio-economic and humanitarian orientation, students only on "4" and "5", which are engaged in public and, most importantly, research work. On this day, 120 such excellent students from the number of students in the directions of Bachelor IHU received certificates from the hands of representatives of the Foundation.

- I get a scholarship for the first time and is very glad that Oxford supports humanitarian specialties. It seems to me that in addition to the Oxford trustees in us - philologists, journalists, economists, historians, political scientists, no one else believes. It is very nice to see that many students of the IGU managed to take the selection and become a scholarshot. I believe that Oxford scholarship is prestige and a very good motivator for further work and study. It is necessary to participate in such programs, and in general, modern students have a tremendous number of opportunities, and each of them needs to be used as fully as possible.

Students of Ulgu fight for Oxford scholarship

There are several conditions under which a student can get an Oxford scholarship. The first, and most important, he must learn from the university on "good" and "excellent", and also a great time to pay scientific activities. When choosing a candidate for a scholarship, the Commission will pay attention to the academic indicators, that is, on evaluations for the 2nd educational semesters and participation in scientific and practical activities at the Department of his university.

Take part in the competition for Oxford scholarships can students who study on the day office on the following disciplines: archeology, history, history and theory of art, cultural science, world literature, political science, jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy, economics, ethics and Religious studies. As the representatives of the Oxford Russian Fund specified themselves clarified, the advantage of students who study on a budget basis, but the platforms will also be able to compete for the title of winner and the happy owner of scholarships. We emphasize that the student who has previously received a scholarship can also apply and already in the second or even in the third race of the monthly allowance from Oxford.

Size Oxford Scholarship 2020

- I am very happy to receive a scholarship of the Oxford Russian Foundation! This opens up new perspectives for me, because you can spend these funds to participate in conferences in other cities and countries. I want to express my great gratitude to my supervisor Polyushevich Oksana Aleksandrovna for the support that she provides me in my scientific work for the fourth year. I also want to say thanks to the Oxford Russian Foundation for the wonderful opportunities that he gives humanitarian students.

The visit of the Delegation of the British Charitable Organization in IGU has confirmed the long-time partnerships. 10 years ago, the Irkutsk State University entered the Foundation program and still remains the only university of Eastern Siberia, whose students receive a scholarship. From this academic year, its size increased to six thousand rubles per month.

200 Students SFU will receive charitable Oxford scholarships

Oxford Russia Fund is based in 2005 by the University of Oxford graduates to promote education in the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The key project of the Oxford Russian Fund is a scholarship program for Humanitarian students. The program started in 2005 and at present the project is being implemented in twenty Russian universities. SFU entered the program in the 2007-2008 academic year.

The list of applicants for the Scholarship of the Charitable Organization "Oxford Russian Fund" approved by the decision of the SFFA Council. Scholarships are paid to students of 3-6 courses every month during the school year, subject to high academic performance, as well as scientific and public activity. In the future academic year, the size of the scholarship will be increased and will amount to 3.25 thousand rubles.

AMO VOO Young Guard United Russia -\u003e

During the school year, the coordinator of the Fund's scholarship is monitored by the educational, scientific and practical activity of scholarships, on the basis of which the extension of scholarships is carried out. If, as a result of the monitoring, it was revealed that the student receiving the Foundation scholarship does not comply with the requirements for scholarships of the Foundation, the coordinator is preparing materials to terminate the payment of scholarships to this student, transfers them to the Council's academic council and to the Moscow Representative Office of the Foundation.

Organization of the competition.
The first stage of the competition is carried out by the SCIENCE Council of the University with the participation of the coordinator of the Foundation's scholarship program appointed by the order of the rector. After graduating from the summer session, the scientific Council of each university participating in the project is considering candidates for the Fund scholarship and makes a decision for each of the applicants. Recommendations of the Academic Council and a list of students recommended to receive scholarships are transferred to the Moscow Representative Office of the Foundation.

Siberian Federal University

The competition is held for students of the 2nd and 3rd courses, studying under undergraduate programs (applicants for scholarships on the 3rd and 4th courses of 2020-2020 academic year) and students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses learned by specialist training programs (applicants for scholarships on the 3rd, 4th and 5th courses of 2020-2020 academic year).

Competitors can be students on "well" and "excellent" during the last two semesters in the following specialties and directions: archeology, history, history and theory of art, cultural studies, world literature, politics, law, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy, economics , ethics and religion, ethnology, journalism.

Citizens of the Russian Federation - students of divisions, courses, scientific fields and training programs, if they are trained in full-time education in the daytime branches of universities, can apply for the Foundation scholarships.

Applicants for the Foundation Scholarship - Students, students studying on educational programs of undergraduate and specialist training - should demonstrate the performance on "good" and "excellent" during the last two semesters following each other, which is confirmed by copies of the relevant documents (certified discharge from the examination statement or copy of the credit book for the last two semesters).

Applicants for the Foundation Scholarship - Masters of 1 year - must have at least 95% of the ratings "well" and "excellent" in annex to the diploma on the end of the highest educational institution, which is confirmed by copies of the relevant documents (certified copies of the diploma and diploma to the diploma of the undergraduate program or training specialist).

Applicants on the Foundation Scholarship - undergraduates of 2 years of study - should demonstrate the performance on "good" and "excellent" in the previous school year, which is confirmed by copies of the relevant documents (certified discharge from the testing and examination statement or copy of the test book).

Applicants for the Foundation Scholarship - graduate students of 1 year of study - should have at least 95% of the ratings "well" and "excellent" in the appendix to the diploma on the end of the highest educational institution, which is confirmed by copies of the relevant documents (certified diploma copies and diploma application Masters or training specialist).

All applicants for obtaining the Fund scholarship should demonstrate the active management of scientific work within the framework of the chosen scientific direction, to participate in the scientific and practical activities of the Department of his university, to take an active part in the public life of the Faculty and University. The presence of scientific publications in scientific journals, student collections or other special scientific publications is welcomed.

The advantage in obtaining scholarships will have applicants enrolled on a budget basis.

The appointment of the Foundation's scholarship does not cancel the right of a student to receive state, including increased, scholarships as usual, as well as a different scholarship, if it is not provided by commercial organizations. If the student at the time of the competition knows what will receive such a scholarship in 2016-2017 academic year, he has no right to participate in the competition.

If a student, already being scholarshotom of the Foundation, participates in the competition for a nominal scholarship of a commercial organization, then after declaring the results of the competition, the student must choose to receive either the Foundation Scholarship, or the registered scholarship of a commercial organization. A student is obliged to inform the Foundation Coordinator at its university.

A student who is a relative (as defined below) of any member of the administration, a teaching staff or a scientific council of the University, should indicate its relatives in the application for the competition. The Fund reserves the right to refuse scholarships to such a challenger after considering the application by experts by the Competition. Under the definition of "relative": spouse / a, parent, child, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew / ka cousin / sister, as well as the following relatives from the spouse (s): Mother, father, sister, brother , Son or daughter.

The competition for the Fund scholarship is held annually. The student who has previously received the Foundation's scholarship can participate in the new competition on the general basis.

Registration of applications for the competition

Applications for the competition is carried out by applicants via the Daas Internet System - Distributed Application Approval System (distributed application processing system), which was specially developed by the Foundation for the Competition. The Foundation provides access to universities to the DAAAs system free of charge. All technical support of the functioning of the system is independently.

For the competition, the Fund provides a special application for participation in the competition, which reflects the following challenge characteristics:

  • academic
  • professional motivation of the applicant,
  • the degree of scientific training and the scientific potential of the applicant,
  • availability of scientific publications
  • participation in research projects,
  • participation in educational, cultural, social, etc. Projects implemented at the university or beyond,
  • availability of prizes of university, regional, regional, all-Russian, international competitions, competitions,
  • participation in the public life of the university.

The Foundation has the right to use in its materials (studies) data of applicants from contest applications (except FULL NAME, addresses and phone numbers), as well as any information on the holding and results of the competition, including the financial conditions of the competition.

The student cannot participate in absentia in the competition (being in an internship, in academic leave, etc.) - at the time of the design and submission of the application, it should be trained in this university.

The work of the scholarship in the specialty is allowed. For the 3rd course of the undergraduate and the 3rd, the 4th year of the specialist, work is allowed in a specialty for no more than 5 hours a week.

Procedure and Competition Format

Competition is held in two stages. The first stage of the competition is held by the University. The second stage of the competition is held by the Representation of the Fund in Moscow. The timing of the competition is approved by the Foundation annually.

The first stage of the competition

Applicants within the prescribed period are applying for a competition in the DAAS system, filling a special electronic form. At the time of opening and further during editing the application has the status "New".

When applicants completed the filling of applications, they confirm the ending ending, performing the procedure for closing applications. The application receives the status "closed".

The Foundation Coordinator in each university confirms the correctness of the design of closed applications and the accuracy of the information provided in them. After confirming, the application has the status "confirmed". The incorrectly executed applications and applications containing inaccurate information are not confirmed by the coordinator and are not allowed to participate in the competition, their status remains unchanged - "closed".

Experts of the first stage assess applications that have the status "confirmed" on a five-point scale in the DAAA system. After analyzing expert assessments and comments, the Fund Coordinator forms a preliminary list of finalists of the first stage of the competition.

Applications with the status "Finalist" are becoming accessible to evaluate experts of the second stage of the competition.

The interim duration of the first stage of the competition is the beginning of submission of applications, the completion of applications, closing applications, confirmation of applications, conducting an examination of applications, the definition of finalists of the first stage of the competition - can be adjusted for each university in accordance with the curriculum of the curriculum and the date of the Academic Council.

The second stage of the competition

The second stage of the competition is held by the Representation of the Fund in Moscow. The representation provides access to the requests of the finalists of the first stage of the competition with independent experts of the competition - Russian and foreign specialists in the field of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences.

When evaluating applications, experts are guided by the established criteria.

The main criteria of the examination of the competition are:

  • the level of scientific activity of the student (results, prospects, degree of personal interest, the relevance of the scientific problem),
  • professional qualities of the student (literacy, possession of professional terminology, owning foreign languages, the ability to object the main aspects of their scientific and educational activities, formulate interim conclusions and plan research prospects);
  • the prospects and feasibility of the scientific work used by the student
  • formal professional activity of the student - the availability of scientific publications related to the subjects under study, participation in profile scientific conferences as a rapporteur, the availability of scientific projects related to the topic under study,
  • maintaining a student of public work and its own projects demonstrating an active life position, social responsibility, society, the ability to apply professional skills and knowledge directly related to the specialty, in practical activities,
  • professional aspects and realism of career and student personal plans.

No one knows when Oxford University was founded, but the first testimonies of training here originate from 1096, which makes it the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second oldest functioning university. Serious change occurred in the 13th century, when some students and faculties left Oxford to establish the University of Cambridge, his competitor.

Oxford University consists of 38 colleges and 4 divisions. In these various institutes, 23 thousand students study, of which 11,728 students for bachelor, 10941 are graduate students. The total number of foreign students is 9,900, which is 42% of the student composition. This is a good news for foreign students, as Oxford takes students from around the world.
It is very difficult to go to study in Oxford, since only one student is selected from five applications for reception. Therefore, to be competitive to Oxford, it is necessary to demonstrate outstanding achievements and have leadership qualities.

In the ranking Times Higher Education World University, Oxford ranked first in the world. This is not surprising, because Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and conducts fundamental studies. Oxford takes the first not only in one, but in several rating systems, including QS World University Rankings.
To see the ratings, as well as other interesting facts and Oxford's Persons, open Oxford University Facts and Figures.

Scholars for bachelors

Reach Oxford Scholarship
. Scholarship covers training, charges, annual grants for accommodation, and air ticket back.
. Acceptability - Students from low-income countries.
. The number of recipients is about 2-3 student annually.
The adoption procedure - students must be taken to the university before submitting an application for Reach Oxford scholarship. Application deadline - October 15, you must apply after you are taken to university. For more information about REACH OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP, read on this page.

Other scholars for specific colleges and specialties
Reach Oxford, Simon and June Li scholarships do not have restrictions in the choice of training spheres other than medicine. However, in addition to these scholarships, there are many good scholarship programs that are directed to a certain field of training, as well as nationality. To find scholarships suitable for you, visit the Oxford University Scholarship Search.

Scholarships for undergraduates and phd

Scholarship Clarendon

. Acceptability - all local and foreign students who want to receive any degree in Oxford University.
. The number of recipients is 140 new students every year.
. The adoption procedure is to get a Clarendon scholarship, no application is required for another individual scholarship.

Ertegun scholarship
. Scholarship covers learning, fees, accommodation.
. Acceptability - all local and foreign students who wish to learn to humanitarian science at Oxford University.
. The number of recipients is the minimum of 10 students annually.
. You must complete training on certain types of scholarships on your application.

Other scholars for foreign students
In addition to the Clarendon and Ertegun scholarship, there are other good scholarships for foreign students. Scholarship data, as in the case of scholars for bachelors, are directed to a certain learning. To find these scholarships, open Oxford Scholarship Search.

Dates of acceptance of applications
. The undergraduate is the deadline for receiving applications opens on September 1 and closes on October 15. After you have been accepted, you must submit a separate application for the scholarship on January 1.
. For graduate school - acceptance of applications begins on September 1 and ends on the 8th or 15th of January, depending on the specialty.

How to apply for an Okford University scholarship
The application procedure for foreign students is clearly explained on the University of Okford. If you are a bachelor's student, then Chief Guide to the adoption of undergraduate students to learn about the procedure for submitting an application. If you are a graduate student, then open the postgraduate manual.

More detailed information about the university you can find in our review

That's all! Good luck to all in the receipt and receipt of scholarships!

The Charitable Organization "Oxford Russian Fund" ("Oxford Russia Fund") was founded in 2005 to promote the development of humanitarian education in the Russian Federation and supporting the humanitarian students of regional universities in Russia.

The Fund promotes the dissemination of current educational initiatives, promising for the development of Russian education, and conducts joint activities of Russian and British educational centers.

Currently, the Oxford Russian Foundation exercises several charitable programs:

    Monthly scholars for bachelors, masters and graduate students of humanitarian directions (history, sociology, philology, journalism, law, economy) day offices. Scholarships are provided on a competitive basis with the participation of the expert community.

    Participation in winter and summer student schools. The Foundation regularly conducts exit interdisciplinary seminars for scholarships in Russia. Participation in these events is organized with the provision of financial support and on a competitive basis.

    Help in financing students' business trips to participate in conferences, short-term internships, etc. To do this, it is necessary to submit the necessary documents in advance and obtain the approval of the Fund.

  • Formation and maintenance of the libraries of the Oxford Foundation. The Oxford Russian Foundation transferred in 2009 as a gift from the Scientific Library of the KFU. Lobachevsky selection of the newest foreign literature on humanitarian and public sciences in English. Books can be found on the 4th floor, the 1st reading room. ORF also supports an electronic library, access to which is separated for everyone: https://www.myilibrary.com/content.aspx

Competition 2018-2019

Within the framework of the Charitable Support Program of the Oxford Russian Fund, a new competition has been opened to receive scholarships of the Oxford Russian Fund in 2018/2019 academic year. Conditions for scholarships can students of humanitarian directions 2, 3 and 4 * courses (* specialty) (the competition for undergraduates and graduate students will be declared in the fall) of the day branch, successful on "Good" and "excellent" During the last two semesters, leading actively scientific work within the framework of the chosen scientific direction and participating in the scientific and practical activities of the Department. The scholarship is awarded for a period of 1 academic year (09.09.2018-30.06.2019). Monthly scholarship size is 7 000 rubles.

Students are invited to participate in the competition in the following directions of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences: Archeology, art history, history, cultural studies, politics, law, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy, economics, ethics and religion, ethnology, journalism. Attention: In 2018, additional directions were introduced: anthropology, regions and international relations, digital humanitarianism.

The advantage of applicants who are enrolled in a budgetary basis, which have scientific publications in student collections or other special scientific publications involved in projects on the specialty profile and university profile.

The appointment of the Foundation scholarship does not cancel the right of a student to receive state, including elevated, scholarships in the usual basis, as well as other registered all-Russian scholarships.

Application for the competition is served online through the DAAS system

ORF Coordinator in KFU:

Kulikova Anna Yurevna
Vedas Specialist of the Academic Mobility Department
Department of External Relations
tel. 233 7467.
E-mail: [Email Protected]

Communation at the expense of ORF

The Oxford Foundation is designed to help the student humanitarian directions in their scientific activities and social activity. To perform this goal there is an opportunity commands at the expense of the estimates of the Oxford Russian Fund. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you need to apply for the DAAS platform in the Commandment Competition. The final decision on the allocation of funds is made by the Coordinator and the General Representation of ORF in Russia.

Conditions: 10 thousand rubles total For accommodation and travel expenses.


In case your application has been approved online, you need to go through the procedure of community:

  • Issue Representation in the namedirectors of the Department of External Relations A.A. Krylov, bring it in the engine, 214 cab.
  • appended K. Representation Printed official Invitation (and Financial support notification from side org committee Events, if any).

After receiving approval from the Department of External Relations to issue Presentation in order (dates are indicated with the road)

The presentation is signed by the head of the department (head of the department / head of the sector) and the head of the KFU structural unit (Dean / Director of the Institute).

  1. In the calculation department with the student head of the FEZULIN Tagirovna (com. 155)
  2. To the budgeting department for signature leading economist Stepanchenko Lydia Leonidovna (com. 147)
  3. In the Department of Cash Accounting and other Financial Assets, Korea Love Alexandrovna (com. 135)
  4. To the Treasury Department for registration (com. 111)
  5. On the signature to the rector for scientific activities D.K. Nurgaliyev.

Thenit is necessary to do on the 2nd copies: submissions to the order (after signature D.K. Nurgaliyev), invitations and submissions to A.A. Krylova. Two copies of the presentation in order with the invitation and representation to A.A. Krylov must be submitted to the Department of Control of the Contingent Training Habibulline Natalia Nikolaevna (com. 134)

The original of the presentation in the order with the invitation and representation in the name A.A. Krylova is provided by Mohametdin Alphira Dilusovna (com. 135).

ATTENTION!Upon returning from the trip you need to provide within 3 business days advance report in com. 135.

Mandatory condition for compensation for travel costs is:

  • availability of tickets for travel (train in a second-class car or bus (to the venue of the event),
  • availability of relevant documents for accommodation (receipt and check / account and check) (per day to 1000 rubles),
  • advance report
  • report on participation in the scientific event: a copy of the diploma / certificate of participation.

After checking the accounting Advance report and report on participation Present a fund coordinator in KFU (cab. 214, the building of the Department of External Relations of the CFU) .
