36.No, well, did you see this moral amone?! This is just a shoe infusor on the topic of man!

37. When a person is pontoon, throw him a ruble and tell me: "When you know the price - to return the surrender ..."

- How are you?
- Better than your way to start a conversation!

39. You have such an intelligent family ... But, as they say, in the family is not without you.

40. I have ever offended you, mp * zy?

41. With your behavior, everything is simple * the area of \u200b\u200bthe district will soon remain without work.

- Girl, are you the last?
- Yes.
- I'm yours.
- Very nice. And I'm behind the cola.

43. Always be yourself, as the letter "C" on the keyboard.

44. See which cool empty place. Let's build a quarrel on it ...

- What are you still harmful!
- All claims to manufacturers!

46. \u200b\u200bI hear my sugar, dissolving.

47. To say that I hate you? Few.

48. Thank you, native, for not mine.

49. All men goats. Who is not a goat, he is not a man.

50. - Sorry, and you do not say that an hour?
- Farewell, but I will not say!

51. ... And at night I dream every x * ya. And you.

52. When you online, my heart ...
Yes, I'm kidding me, I like * th me.

53. I am the kindest man in the world. If there is someone kinder, I will kill him and will become the best person in the world. Are you ready?

- advise me a movie.
- SD * HNNI.
- Is this a movie?
- This is advice!

55. For guys
- Let's list the pros and cons of each other in turn. Let's start with the advantages.
- Okay, you are the first.
- You are very kind.
- C * Sitches.

56. Instead of "kill yourself about the wall", you should say "You, about the ridiculous creation that the world is full of terrible evil, save: about the wall of the Mirozdanya, sick with a vast man!"

- Hello. Can you talk?
- Yes, from two years.

- Hello, did you get flowers?
- Yes, but the courier faced me a bouquet on the head.
- Okay. This is my whim.

59. I do not like rats. Especially when it is people.

60. My business is to tell the truth, and not forcing it to believe in it

- Bunny, what to say to uncle when he gave you a candy?
- I know what you hope, the old library * puzzle!

62. You have an iPhone - U * Side, you have android - y * Side, watch football - y * side, hate - U * side, fat - worse, skinny - get up ...
Love people.

63. - I am a messenger of God!
- I did not send anyone!

64. Well, sorry, not all the same * hami be

65. * Pensive look in the sky *
Most people some kind of idios * evous

- I want us to die in one day!
- Grandfather, stop!

67. Infuriates when they advise the guy. Sorry, I'm not a dog.

68. I do not pack my life with people who do not appreciate me. Retribute.

69. And God created a woman. The creature was harmful, but funny.

- Stupid to stop on one person.
- Standing in people is generally indecent.

71. We buy patties:
- And meat in the pies earlier than the Havage or meoweow?
- All sorts of x * we asked ...

72. I do not hate you, I'm just not always glad the fact of your existence ...

73. Oh yes, I am the person you all hate. I'm a beast. I am horror on the wings of the night. I am answering your kilometer emoticon.

74. When it is bored, I can go even to extreme measures and talk to someone. Even with you.

75. Your mother must be written a book "How to spoil the child for 10 seconds"

"Yes, I, in general, in this life, I love only chocolate ... I reciprocate does not respond, but I do not behave as a scho.

77. I hate everything that moves. And what is not moving, I move and hate.

78. Everything breaks: feelings, people, iron. I was upset especially Iron. I didn't expect from him!

79. There is a couple of people in my life, the correspondence with which I am willing to print and shove instead of wallpaper to read and extend my life daily.

- Hello, My name is Sasha. (Calm down, not Sasha is called me. This is an example.)
- Very nice!
- It's not for long.

81. The main thing is not the age, but what in the head.

82. Oh, well, you just do not need this: "I am easy to lose, it's hard to find ..." What are you sock?

36.No, well, did you see this moral amone?! This is just a shoe infusor on the topic of man!

37. When a person is pontoon, throw him a ruble and tell me: "When you know the price - to return the surrender ..."

- How are you?
- Better than your way to start a conversation!

39. You have such an intelligent family ... But, as they say, in the family is not without you.

40. I have ever offended you, mp * zy?

41. With your behavior, everything is simple * the area of \u200b\u200bthe district will soon remain without work.

- Girl, are you the last?
- Yes.
- I'm yours.
- Very nice. And I'm behind the cola.

43. Always be yourself, as the letter "C" on the keyboard.

44. See which cool empty place. Let's build a quarrel on it ...

- What are you still harmful!
- All claims to manufacturers!

46. \u200b\u200bI hear my sugar, dissolving.

47. To say that I hate you? Few.

48. Thank you, native, for not mine.

49. All men goats. Who is not a goat, he is not a man.

50. - Sorry, and you do not say that an hour?
- Farewell, but I will not say!

51. ... And at night I dream every x * ya. And you.

52. When you online, my heart ...
Yes, I'm kidding me, I like * th me.

53. I am the kindest man in the world. If there is someone kinder, I will kill him and will become the best person in the world. Are you ready?

- advise me a movie.
- SD * HNNI.
- Is this a movie?
- This is advice!

55. For guys
- Let's list the pros and cons of each other in turn. Let's start with the advantages.
- Okay, you are the first.
- You are very kind.
- C * Sitches.

56. Instead of "kill yourself about the wall", you should say "You, about the ridiculous creation that the world is full of terrible evil, save: about the wall of the Mirozdanya, sick with a vast man!"

- Hello. Can you talk?
- Yes, from two years.

- Hello, did you get flowers?
- Yes, but the courier faced me a bouquet on the head.
- Okay. This is my whim.

59. I do not like rats. Especially when it is people.

60. My business is to tell the truth, and not forcing it to believe in it

- Bunny, what to say to uncle when he gave you a candy?
- I know what you hope, the old library * puzzle!

62. You have an iPhone - U * Side, you have android - y * Side, watch football - y * side, hate - U * side, fat - worse, skinny - get up ...
Love people.

63. - I am a messenger of God!
- I did not send anyone!

64. Well, sorry, not all the same * hami be

65. * Pensive look in the sky *
Most people some kind of idios * evous

- I want us to die in one day!
- Grandfather, stop!

67. Infuriates when they advise the guy. Sorry, I'm not a dog.

68. I do not pack my life with people who do not appreciate me. Retribute.

69. And God created a woman. The creature was harmful, but funny.

- Stupid to stop on one person.
- Standing in people is generally indecent.

71. We buy patties:
- And meat in the pies earlier than the Havage or meoweow?
- All sorts of x * we asked ...

72. I do not hate you, I'm just not always glad the fact of your existence ...

73. Oh yes, I am the person you all hate. I'm a beast. I am horror on the wings of the night. I am answering your kilometer emoticon.

74. When it is bored, I can go even to extreme measures and talk to someone. Even with you.

75. Your mother must be written a book "How to spoil the child for 10 seconds"

"Yes, I, in general, in this life, I love only chocolate ... I reciprocate does not respond, but I do not behave as a scho.

77. I hate everything that moves. And what is not moving, I move and hate.

78. Everything breaks: feelings, people, iron. I was upset especially Iron. I didn't expect from him!

79. There is a couple of people in my life, the correspondence with which I am willing to print and shove instead of wallpaper to read and extend my life daily.

- Hello, My name is Sasha. (Calm down, not Sasha is called me. This is an example.)
- Very nice!
- It's not for long.

81. The main thing is not the age, but what in the head.

82. Oh, well, you just do not need this: "I am easy to lose, it's hard to find ..." What are you sock?

Useful advice

    Nobody wants just so put up with rudeness and rudeness that you can hear in public transport, at work, online, and just on the street.

    No need to fulfill the role of the victim, and learn to react correctly on aggression in your direction.

    Obviously, for most people, rudeness in their address may be negative affect health, self-esteem and performance.

    How to answer rudeness

    To be able to answer rudeness, first you need to work on improving self-esteem.

    It is worth noting that it's not easy to heat a man with a strong spirit.

    And yet, if you urgently need to know how to communicate with Ham, you can use one or more methods of struggle.

    Answers to rudeness

    © Polka Dot Images / Photo Images


    When talking with similar people, you should never demonstrate to them that you are confused. Try to express your point of view frankly, firmly and open.

    Try not to move into defense and speak calm and relaxed.

    Most often, the Grubians are weak, envious people who are difficult to get used to honesty and calmness, and sometimes they do not know these words at all. They take energy for their negative precisely from those people who give in to rudeness and begins to be nervous. Do not "eat" your nervousness.


    © Diablo2097 / Getty Images

    This method is more suitable as a reaction to prolonged rudeness.

    If a person who is rude to you, can not stop, you can make it help it.

    To begin with, try to listen to him calmly until he himself will be convinced that right. After that, loudly and demonstratively sneeze - the small pause will hang, in which they calmly say the phrase: "Sorry, I'm allergic to nonsense" and politely add: "So what have you stopped?"


    © ComStock Images / Photo Images

    Simply put: You are me, I am. This method translates the negative of your interlocutor to him. You just need to agree with his attacks to your address, thank for the spent time and strength to underscore your shortcomings.

    You can even praise the interlocutor for attentiveness and those "tips" that you heard. Do it calmly and try not to show the peeliness of your phrases.

    It is worth noting that the more conflict witnesses will be, the better for you, because Grubian hardly gets the right approval from the side, and most likely causes laughter and jokes to their address.


    Such methods can take advantage of forum administrators, sites, blogs and groups in social. networks.

    © Elnur.

    Despite the fact that the majority of community members are familiar with the general rules, some still consciously violate them, after which they express dissatisfaction with the personal administrators associated with the fact that they were covered with access.

    After all the arguments ended, these characters turn to frank rudeness and rudeness.

    The easiest way is just banned, but if you want to prove your rightness, try without emotions, describe in detail all the errors of the intruder. At first, the interlocutor will refresh and continue to "have fun" by rudeness, but when it will understand that it is darling dry, without emotions, just get along.


    Perhaps the most famous and simple method of combating rudeness. Sometimes silence is not only efficient and safe, but also beautiful.

    © Latino Life.

    In the event that you do not need anything from Grubian, or you are psychologically just not ready to enter into your debate with him, or if the "interlocutor" is simply not in your mind, and can harm your health - just ignore it. Grubians want to win your attention, do not give them this joy.

    It is worth noting that you also need to ignore correctly. No need to include anosis look and sigh - These are signals that you paid attention to it. Do not show any emotions, Ham for you - an empty place.

    How beautiful to answer rudeness

    There are several phrases that can be used when "skirmis" with a storm:

    "Sorry, that's all?"

    "I was the best opinion about you"

    "Rudeness you don't really go"

    "Do you wish a polite answer or truth?"

    "Why are you trying to look worse than you really do?"

    "Like everyone, I also have unsuccessful days. Do not be upset, everyone will succeed"

    "Yes, of course, go through. Yes, there will be luck on your side" (in case someone climbs out without turn)

    "Looks like this role is not suitable for you. And what do you really want?"

    "Thank you for showing interest in my person"

    "Do you want to offend me? For what?"

    How to react to an insult

    If you accidentally or intend to wrap, you should not understand these words literally and take everything to your account.

    Understand that if someone who insulted you, a bad mood or he is just Not enough wellded, this does not mean that you wines everything.

    In order to be able to correctly respond to insults, it is necessary, first of all, to know that a person who insults with all possible ways, he himself is a victim, namely the victim of the rapidness of his character.

    Most often, those who "attack" are trying to humiliate others, are weak personalities who are simply not able to cope with negative emotions, which loses them to splash all on others.

    What to do in response to insult

    If insulted an unfamiliar man

    The best option is ignoring. Try to just not notice the one who is trying to insult you. Of course, there are cases when you need to act differently, but most often you need to act as if there is no stranger, andhis words - empty sound.

    If you insulted a close man

    © AnyAmberkut / Getty Images

    From the very beginning, try to place all the points above "and". You should calmly and directly tell him that the words have said that they are crushed. The correct step will be a discussion of the situation.

    If you insulted a work colleague / head

    With this coincidence, try carefully to get away from the conflict. If the colleague insults tirelessly and silence does not help, try to respond with neutral packaging.

    © Minerva Studio.

    In the case of the head, conflicts are not needed, and therefore, do not respond to insults. Instead, imagine your head in the role of a capricious and fucking little child.

    In my head, inhabit it on your head, feed the kola and help him sit on the pot. This method recommends psychologists. You will not only postpone insults, but also acquire a good mood, or at least it will cause a smile on your part and increases performance. In addition, the boss can also pay attention to your durability.

    How to answer an insult

    A person who is trying to insult you, wants to assert himself, stand out, which means you need to give him a cold answer "Well, I asserted at my expense?"

    Listening to such a person, try to understand what purpose is why you want to insult.

    * If you do not know how to answer an insult, then you need to know one important thing - nOTit is easy to reach mutual insults and rapid reactions.

    In addition, it may look stupid, you are also addressed to manipulation that can end the cappos for you. You do not need to play according to the rules that you impose.

    * Another major rule - answer rudeness calmly, without losing self-esteem. But it is worth noting that the cultural response to the "attack" of Ham most often does not produce any effect, because The game occurs on someone else's territory and not according to your rules.

    * If it comes to trolling, or other similar situations, best ignore the offender.

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    * It happens that you need to answer, but you know that all your arguments simply will not work against stubborn Grabian. In this case, the best option will be turn out and leave.

    * The person who insulted you or is trying to do it may just failed the day. Therefore, with you it will be enough to ask: "Bad day?" . If a person is adequate, he will agree and may even ask for forgiveness.

    But if it comes to the troll, the problem is not only inappropriate, but can also lead to additional insults to your address.

    * Most often to answer an insult is not a good strategy, and you can get away from it, only by neutrally asking a person, that he just told you. Try to pretend that you did not hear his words or did not pay attention to them. In this case, continue its "attacks" only frank Ham.

    * If you fell into a situation where you need to answer the offender, or you have a desire to do it, do not rush to it. The main thing is calm, cold in words and expressions. Swiss Insults Preferably witty replicas And only after the interlocutor finished his monologue.

    * It happens to insult more like a mock. In this case, perhaps, the best option will be the answer in the form of a joke, which not only does not offend a person, but also will retain normal relationships.

    One of the frequent mistakes that people allow is an attempt to justify, they say, "No, you're wrong, I'm not guilty". First, such a strategy can make it humiliated, and secondly, an attempt to justify is simply meaningless, because justification, as a rule, no one listens.

    Uncomfortable questions

    "How much does it cost?", "When you marry?", "What is your salary?" - These questions are annoying, and despite the fact that you can ask them - a bad tone, some can not stop.

    © AntonioGuillem / Getty Images

    Several situations can be considered, but first notice several universal responses.

    As the original answer

    - "I am amazed by your ability to ask questions that can put in a dead end!"

    - "You are an amazing woman (man). I was always struck by your ability to ask uncomfortable (correct, uneasy, rhetorical) questions!"

    - "I will gladly try to answer your question, just answer you first, why are you so much interested in you?"

    - "And for what purpose are you interested in this?"

    - "Do you really want to talk about it?". If the answer is positive, then just answer: "And I am not very" - And complete the smile dialogue.

    If a person is not very pleasant to you, and you have no desire to communicate with him, especially after an incorrect question, you can answer cold: "This is my dog \u200b\u200bbusiness."

    - write: "I understand correctly that ..."

    Questions about money

    When you encounter an unpleasant question, you have all the right not to give the interlocutor any specific answer. For example, to the question "How much do you earn?" You can evaporate the answer "As a majority, the average salary in the industry (significantly less Abramovich)."

    © hemera technologies / photo images

    You can also answer this question to the counter-question. For example, to the question "How much is the jacket?" You can ask the interlocutor how much is his jacket. Another way to answer this question is naturally overstray or lower the digit And then transfer the conversation into a joke.

    Questions about work

    "What are you doing?", "What are you doing at work?".

    © Pressmaster.

    When answering such questions, psychologists advise to call that profession that can give you more confidence for what you are doing. If you have a different job, you are engaged in many different cases, you can decompose all the work per month on the shelves. So you will know what the most time goes.

    Questions about personal life

    "Why not a girl (boyfriend)?", "When the wedding?", "Why not married?".

    © Minerva Studio.

    Do not treat these issues seriously. In response, you can ask the interlocutor why such an unusual question came to his mind. In this case, the interlocutor will be in an awkward situation.

    There is another option - just answer straight as it is. For example, to the question "Why is one more (one)?" Proudly admit that patiently looking for your half, which would not leave you in a difficult hour.

    Third option will be "Cooling". For example, "I understand correctly that you do not mind hold the candle over my bed?" , or "... that, today, your main task is to discuss my personal life?" , or "... that interest in the troubles of other people for you in the order of things?"

    How to react to rudeness

    Hama can be found everywhere. These are people who often experience pressure, which leads to rudeness as protection weapons.

    © Golubovy / Getty Images Pro

    Why Hamyat.

    Cause 1: Despair

    © G-Stockstudio / Getty Images

    The person did not hold the day - here he is Hamit. For example, the saleswoman, a customer, a colleague, brought to stress for the entire working day.

    Most often, such people, after all anger splashed on someone, feel guilty and can even bring their apologies.

    If you decide in such a situation to answer the same weapon, then the feeling of guilt will go and the person will think that it is normal - this is normal.

    Cause 2: Self-affirmation

    When Ham degrades another person, he feels above him, especially if this person, for one reason or another, can not give offext.

    © Syda Productions.

    Usually such hams have, albeit not big, but still in power. They believe that they can just tear the anger on those who depends on them and escape from it unpunished.

    Cause 3: Desire to be noticed

    If rudeness is an integral part of a person, it means that its roots can be hidden in childhood.

    © Deagreez / Getty Images

    The child always wants attention and love from his parents. If he does not get it, it begins to rude, so that at least somehow paid attention to him. With age, a person uses the same strategy.

    Answers to rudeness

    Method 1: You do not need to perceive everything that has been said to your account.

    Often a person who has a Hamit does not do this specifically to you - Rather, it's anger to the world at all: an uncompatible youth, guys goats, etc. And only grubean white and fluffy.

    © Fizkes / Getty Images Pro

    Such Hama can only be sympathize, because In the world in which he lives, living is not easy. Remember, each person sees the world in his own way. If Ham says that you are an uneducated person, you can try to refute his statements with your knowledge, but it is unlikely to succeed.

    Method 2: Ham should not be the master of the situation

    Try not to give Hamu power over the situation so that they do not feel stronger.

    © Fizkes / Getty Images

    In case you are kamit's head, and it is impossible to get away from it, think about the fact that you are not for all my life chained to him. You are not a slave, you only professionally perform your work, i.e. You help him work, which means you can call yourself a partner in a certain case. You can demand more respect, because You have the full right to do it.

    Method 3: Remember your rights

    When you rude in a public place, it is necessary to fight not with overtakers, but with their bosses.

    © KatarzynaBiasisAwicz / Getty Images

    Learn the name, surname, position and contact. You can ask the book of complaints if there is something. If it did not help, try contacting the consumer protection society or a lawyer.

    Use your weapon - human rights and levers of influence. This method is suitable if Ham is an official, manager, waiter, security guard and other representatives of large organizations

    Method 4: Turn on the imagination

    Try to imagine an offender for a glass wall: you see him, notice that he expresses something, but you just don't hear.

    © LightfieldStudios / Getty Images

    You can also imagine Hama in the image of a large fish in the aquarium: it seems like shelitis lips, fins, but it is not clear why it all.

    If you watched the movie "Matrix", remember the moment when Neo stopped the bullets, bruised into it. Imagine that the rudeness thrown into your address is bullets, and you are invulnerable, and all rudeness does not reach you, falling with a ringing to the floor.

    Method 5: Try to contact Ham

    Try to learn the cause of aggression. For example, you can say: "Now you are a haeper, why do you need it?" Or "on your face a smile, and at the same time you speak unpleasant things, so I have not come up with how to respond to your words."

    © Mangostar Studio.

    Perhaps a person who heard you will think of his actions, look at himself and rethink his behavior. You can use this method when communicating with people with whom you will have to meet more than once and talk - work colleagues, familiar, close.

    There is a chance that a person will look at himself and rethink something in his behavior.

    How beautiful to answer rudeness

    © Tommaso79 / Getty Images

    Rudeness can be well treated with politeness, which scares Ham, forcing them to be cautious when communicating:

    - "You see, dear, I do not intend (a) to communicate with you in such a tone"

    - "Dear, you may have been confused with someone"

    If Ham can not stop, after all your attempts, then beat your nerves, wish him all the best and leave the place of conversation.

    Sometimes Hama is worth putting in place, otherwise your silence you will make them stronger. A good answer can close the mouth of the Ham. But remember, Hamit on rudeness does not put you above.

    Try using humor. If you rude, smile and tell me "Well, you and the Bolon (Fool, Idiot)!" Such an act can pour out Hama even more, the reaction of which will make you.

    A smile in response often annoys Hama, so you sincerely smile.

    "You ignore how to hither me ... Why? Your goal to offend me? Why?"

    Answer your word will last and then rudeness will stop.

    Do not pay attention to Hama. Imagine the script in your head: "You are a sheet of the road ... Everything passes by and does not hurt you" .

Unfortunately, almost every person in everyday life is forced to face rudeness and rudeness. We hear the thread of the shuffle words in response to the remark that we gave us a foot in public transport. The boss in a tight verbal form reported us for a five-minute one of the friends of Orurug for the fact that you returned to him for two days later than the prescription. Such situations can be as much as you like. Of course, it's terribly insulting to hear offensive expressions in your address, especially when they are undeserved. So I want to say to your abuser: "Fool himself!" However, one should not be higher than this. Try to respond to an insult in non-standard form, without obscene, and vulgarity.

"How to cheat beautifully?" - A question that really deserves a separate analysis. Those who will forever understand the answer to Him will receive the opportunity under any circumstances and vital turmoils not to lose their own dignity.

So, we turn to the consideration of the question of how to Khmit is beautiful.

Grubian, who is he?

As a rule, Hama are people with an unbalanced psyche and they want to increase due to insulting others. And for them it does not matter, whether they really are guilty. They just need to "disrupt anger." It would seem how to rudely beautiful to such people, because with them it is impossible to communicate at all? In fact, their potential victims simply cannot withstand their onslaught. Why? Simply do not allow character traits. First of all, the Grubian can not resist people with an increased sense of duty. They always feel guilty, whatever they do, so for Hama they are easy prey. Secondly, people are worthy to respond to an insult can not be insecured people - their pride is so deeply harnessed that they cannot come up with anything smarter than in response to the abuse of others loudly shout on them or express it obscene into their address.

Such a form of "intelligence" prevents them to adequately answer their abuser, and they try to avoid communicating with him in principle. How to do the above categories of people when someone insults them? In this case, we will advise the following: Learning how to heat beautifully - 1000 non-standard answers will help give a worthy abuser. That's all.

How to adequately answer rudeness?

Nevertheless, how to rude beautiful? First of all, it is necessary to understand one important thing: there is no need to descend to the level of your offender. Otherwise, you recognize your inconsistency in terms of culture of communication and upbringing. So, Hamim is beautiful! Make sure that your boldly interlocutor felt himself a real idiot and a fool in the eyes of others: in this case, his pride will be infringed, and you will become the winner in verbal duel. Consequently, Hamim is beautiful in such a way that he understands how much sorry he looks like, having wrapped in your head. And for this you must show the maximum erudition, intelligence and self-confidence.

What is beautiful rudeness? I am expressed by a simple language, it is a sharpness veiled into a decent (cultural) phrase. It seems to be in words there are no obscene, but mocking intonations exhibit offenders in the wrong light. For example, you can get rid of an obsessive interlocutor by the phrase: "I can't remember your name and, please do not help me in this!" Or "say, say ... I always yaw when I'm wondering!"

Simply put, learning how to heat beautifully, and the point.

What do you need to remember?

Make sure to react to the "sharp" attacks of your loved ones and friends. If you are consciously born on a quarrel, then resort to the following psychological methods of impact:

1) Trolling in a soft form. Permanent members of the forums and chats are well familiar with this term. Its essence is as follows: if you are starting to be sad, then turn into an intellectual and raw on the head of the Darzoslov type: "Your mind, like a steel trap, which always slams while trying to find an answer!" Or "like an outsider What do you think about the human race?"

2) Question to the question. We learn how to rude beautifully and, instead of an answer to the knife, ask a counter question: "I can't talk to you right now, tell me where you will be ten years old?" Or "Did you lose list who is afraid?"

3) misunderstanding. In response to the lunge, everyone showed that you did not understand the interlocutor: "Sorry, what did you say? I purchased my ears today. "

4) humor. This quality will save in any life circumstances. You can always rudely beautiful. The phrases "do not evil me, I already have any corpses to hide anywhere! Yes, okay, kidding me, kidding, there is still a place, "" Yes, a girl, the beauty of the world you will not save, "" Go, plirag, preferably on the rails "- a bright confirmation of this.

5) consent. Agree with what the offender told you:

Do not climb without a queue, Gadnah!

Yes, I am so, so I climb without a queue. The absence of a dispute as it would disarm the Grubian, and he ceases to displace you.

6) Allergy. When you hear an insult to your address, begin to cough and sneeze, then get ready to ride beautifully. The phrases "Sorry, but I have an allergic to a verbal diarrhea," "I'm starting to cough when I understand that the human mind is able to overshadow the light of the flooring" will be as impossible by the way.

7) disappointment. You can cool the offender's dust with your own disappointment in it: "I thought you were a man with a big letter, and it turns out that just with a little", "mind like a shell."

Do not position your Grurebian-interlocutor as "the embodiment of evil," do not work even more to pour it out of it, but try to eradicate its terrible flavors in it.

How in the correct form to rude friends?

Of course, we should not forget that it is not only a non-unclean, but also so much.

At the same time, often circumstances occur, in which a friend or close person expresses frank rudeness towards you. The reason for such behavior can be held in a simple attempt to assert and prove their own superiority. Such is human nature. Naturally, in this case, we learn how to rude beautifully: 1000 non-standard answers exist on crucia, crouch and rudeness. On all the baffles from the side of loved ones, try to respond calmly and even with a barely lit smile. For example, I don't like Hamm. Why do I need competitors? "," MY treasure! Remember Once and before sclerosis! " Or "I would probably hurt you / A, but I'm afraid that it is better than the nature of the mother, I still will not work." These answers are ideal for lips from relatives or friends. The main trumps in communication with them is positive sarcasm and

How in the right form of rude strangers?

It often happens so that it is necessary to hear rudeness and bend from the side of the unfamiliar or at all unfamiliar people. For example, you Nahamila saleswoman in the supermarket. A rather common situation, isn't it? How to react to her tights? Again, we study how beautiful.

Non-standard answers will travel to it be sad to other buyers. What can be answered by the employee of trade? You can respond as follows: "It's a pity that I am too busy / and to cherish your complexes" or "I understand that you are trying to compensate for the scarce of the mind?" If an unfamiliar man gave you out on the street, then we recommend to give such an answer: "I don't care what you think about me ... I don't think about you at all!"

civil servants?

Today, pension fund employees, urban administrations and other state structures are not too legible in expressions when communicating with people. In this case, the method is not applicable called "Learning Hamit Beautiful". Phrases, sharpness and ironic statements are inappropriate here and meaningless. If you were heated in the state institution, write a complaint with the superior authorities, while hypothetically can be represented as the garbage from a large bucket on your head - this will help calm the nerves after the insult.

Your reaction to insult

What to do when you are lacaround or specially offended in verbal form? The main thing is not to perceive insult to your account. You must understand that Drzozlov gasped you not because of the relationship hostile to you, but only because he is badly brought up, or he has a naughty mood. In other words, your person here has nothing to do with it. You should also take into account the fact that in most cases your offender makes its black work impulsively because it is a hostage of its violent and irrepressible character.

As already emphasized, the insult or saying of curses to someone is a certain way of self-affirmation, the demonstration of his "I", the manifestation of egocentrism, which in the daily life of the offender is missing, as he leads the life of the "middle of the mouse".

What to do in the first place?

When the stranger expressed his own way in your direction, the best way out of the current situation is to ignore the offender. Try to just not notice his presence, and after some time it will distract from your person. However, this reception is not always triggered. Then we learn how to rude beautifully. "Mouth will open from the dentist," here is your reaction to the crust of Grubian.

If in the words offended the employer

Many, having heard offensive expressions from the boss, try to miss them past the ears. "And where are you going, can and dismiss if you say something against!" - People will say. In fact, you need to learn how to defend your interests as an employee and not allow the leadership to scatter the charges to the left and right. Believe me, no one will dismiss you for what you have the dignity and your own point of view when it comes to unfair accusations.

If the words offended a close man

When you insulted a close person, then the most correct solution to the problem will reveal the cards and in a relaxed atmosphere to talk to him for souls. In 99% of cases, it is possible to determine the true cause of disagreements.

Learning how to heat beautifully or how culturally put in place!

"Hamsia makes sense only when it causes an equal to itself the intellect reaction."

Every force there is another force. When a man is full of malice and resentment, it does not always come out to be silent on his foul language. Sometimes I want to answer.

How to answer without leaving yourself and not falling to the level of the interlocutor?

1. To talk to you on the same level, I need to lie! ..

2. I do not know what you eat at breakfast, but it really acts! Intellect is striving for zero!

3. Only it is not necessary to remove the headphones from the ears. God forbid the brain from the inside.

4. Is it time for me to a psychologist? No, of course, thank you very much for the good advice, but you should not hear everyone.

5. The mouth will be discovered from the dentist.

6. To shock me, you will have to say something clever.

7. Another beep with your platform and your dental composition is touching.

8.The you have noted your wedding in McDonalds.

9. If I had a pleasure to communicate with bitches, I would have had a dog for a long time.

10. Mind of like a shell.

11. Looking at you I begin to understand that nothing is a little man alone. He has an excellent sense of humor.

12. Speak, say ... I always yaw when I'm wondering!

13. Would you decorated the world with your absence while I didn't take sin to the soul!

14. From positive qualities you have only the "Rh Factor".

15. I live opposite the cemetery. You will shift, you will live in front of me.

16. Do you love you all? A, well, yes, love is evil ...

17. Why would you have a teaspoon in a bathhouse!

18. -Deschka, miss? -Not by that much…

19. Your right to own opinion does not even oblige me to listen to nonsense.

20. - "Thank you" in your pocket do not make it.
-The hands incur !!!

21. Hear, you rose! Tulip from here, otherwise, as Zagurny, they will oversee!

22. I came to you with greetings, with an iron and a gun

24. It is better to be cleverly silent than stupidly talking

25. Is this a set of words, or do I need to think about?

26. Sorry that your stereotypes did not meet

27. Some heads of thought come to die

28. He: Will we go to you or let's go to me?
She: at the same time. You are to yourself, and I am to myself.

29. What, the verbal oil supply dried?

30. Madhouse on the road, psychos in nature!

31. What are you looking? Are you in the museum or what? I will arrange a cultural event in two actions without intermission! Ladies landing - the head will fly away

32. And what do you think, what if you wonder on me louder, will I listen quiet?

33. You now have my glasses to carry our home. In different pockets.

34. Your speech style reminds me of a market language of distant nineties of the past century.

35. And do not laugh! Laughter for no reason is a sign that man is either an idiot or a pretty girl. Want to convince me in the second - for a start, smashed.

How to respond in specific situations. Examples!

  1. Agree with insult you man.Classic:

- Yes, you are a round fool and idiot!
- Yes. I have a certificate! Do you think it is very clever to prove something fool?

- You're just a fool!
- Agree! This is the fact that you constantly have to talk with fools.

- I am not satisfied with your answers!
- What questions, such and answers!

- Yes, I am smarter than all of you combed!
- Sure! After all, you have the mind of the Chamber. Stores to this shed ...

2. To bring a statement directed to your side to the absurdity:

- Hey, Pribramiosi!
- I can not, the brake should be one. (It is impossible, in our pair already there is one brake!)

- What are you doing?
- I do in pants.

- You, what do you build me now?
- Do you now consider yourself a bee or rabbit?

3. Turn the negative statement to a positive:

- You are a horse!
- If it were not for Loi, where would you be now?

- Some idiots around!
- Do you not usually feel smart?

- What did the phone grabbed when I talk to you?!
- I also prefer to talk with smart people!

4. Davate the man "on weakly". After all, no one likes to feel a weaklock:

- Something you somehow dancing shit ..
- I'm not dancing, I just remove my legs so that you do not give me from ... (And you know how I embroider with a cloak!)

- What are you letting?
- Strange, and others like my speech ... You have something, no feeling of beautiful, or hearing problems?

- Clear from yourself?
- Do you have problems communicating with smart?

5. What do you want?

- Well, and what do you come?
- And what did you already want to get on the table to the surgeon by this time?

- Well, who is bold here?
"You're talking to me that way, as if you had a subscription to the trauma disappear."

- You are a simple housewife!
- Would you like me to be a currency prostitute?

I need to fight with rudeness! If, when you Hamyat, I want to cry - then the interlocutor has achieved his own. Self-harded at your expense and reinforced a considerable share of your energy! Do not encourage such behavior in any way!

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