The quieter you go, the further you'll get Quieter you will go further (jesting gain: from that mѣsta, where you want). Ѣ Jead Potikh, will help you like famously. Cf. "You will be quieter, then you will be", Your motto is prudent. Selecting the smooth track, we, someday, until the centuries end the slightly. P. I. Vainberg. Utѣsey Cf. We are guided by the ancient of the talk of our dѣsov: you will be quieter, you will go further! We carry french, do not make a just proverb: Rira Bien Qui Rira Le Dernier! Nіkodim Pumpomko (Nadezhdin). Sonmische Nihilists. (Visitor Hell. 1829, 1.) Cf. Nur Langsam Wächst Die Eiche, Und "Chi Va Piano, Va Sano", Spricht Das Sprichwort Im Römischen Reiche. Slowly Oak grows up and Chi Va Piano, Va Sano - all kinds of rome knows the proverb. H. Heine. Deutschland. Cf. The More Hast, The Worse Speed. Per. Came more of the order, TѣM is worse. Cf. QUI TROP SE Hâte Reste en Chemin. Cf. Pas à Pas on Va Loin. Cf. QUI VA Doucement, VA Seerement. GaBr. MEURIER. Sent. XVI S. Cf. Chi Va Piano, Va Sano, Chi Va Sano, Va Lontano. Cf. VELOCEM TARDUS Assequitur (in sense: Smart at least a strong - Salnago is overcome). Cf. Κιχάνει τοι βραδὺς ὠκύν. Per. SPѣSHASHOGO Slow catch up. Homer. Odyss. (Regarding the Mur, adopted by the volcano, to catch the mѣst. Crimea Venus and Mars). Cf. Erasm. Adag. 1, 7, 66. Cf. Ὅς πορεύεται βράδιον, πορεύεται τάχιον. Per. Who is quieter, goes soon. Cf. Planud. Cf. Ἂν σπεύδης καθίσον. Per. If you feel, then sit down. Per. (Doesn't our custom from here - Say the final shipping in the journey?) Cf. Σπεύδοντες σχολαίτερον πάνουσι. Per. Spexed Late eared. Thucydides. Cm. Hurry and no hurry. Cm. Slowly hurry.

Russian thought and speech. His and someone else. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. Tt 1-2. Walking and tale words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, presses and individual words. SPb., Type. AK. Sciences .. M. I. Michelson. 1896-1912.

You drive quieter, you will go further .. a place where you go ... - more than a year ago


This is just the "Top Iceberg." It sounds correctly like this: "You go quiet - you will go further, you will go further - you will be quieter, you will be quieter - you will be quiet."

But even the first part of the phrase is easy to explain. The fact is that your guardian angel cannot fly at a speed of more than 120 km / h. So draw conclusions.


If you briefly, the meaning of this proverb is that you do not need to hurry. Literally it can be applied to drivers who are very in a hurry and exceed the installed high-speed mode forgetting about the fact that if they fall into an accident, then at best will lose much more time than if they were driving calmly, and in the worst that they could not have no longer somewhere in a hurry. In the figurative sense, this proverb can be used to anyone who is rushing and as a result of his hurry makes foolish mistakes because of their inattention. Also they say then when they try to do everything thoroughly, carefully and efficiently, and from the side it looks through CHUR slowness.

Chupachina Tatyana Borisovna

In my opinion, when you weigh every step and think about something you will regret something and, on the contrary, if you run, as they say, ahead of the locomotive can come to such Burno, what to rake it to be overcome painful mistakes and, maybe it will take the whole balance Of your life!

The meaning of the saying "You can go quiet - you will go further"

The meaning of the saying "You can go quiet - you will go further"

Meaning First: an old value
Knowing the entire text of the saying, you should not doubt that a person will correctly understand its meaning. By the way, this phrase was to the place many years ago, when there were practically no car, but it is relevant and now, in the century of total motorization. Previously, most people moved on horseback. If they were going to a long way, the horse was never allowed to be scoped, all moved exclusively by the usual step. After all, the horse will quickly get tired and she will have to relax a lot. Moving the same slower, it might think that the ultimate goal is very far, but it approaches much faster if you do not beat the poor animal.

Meaning Second: Transport
As for modernity, the saying "you go quiet - you will be more" acquires a little different, but still a close value. Machines do not require rest, like horses, however, how do you not remember the likhats on the roads and often sad the end? A lot of accidents and emergencies will definitely not give a motorist to quickly reach the specified purpose. And if several times just lucky, then the payback is still a lover of fast driving. And if it is not an accident, then the arrest of road patrol officers. And this, again, takes a lot of time, and besides also nerves.
Value Third: Educational
"You go quiet - you will be on" - this phrase can often hear schoolchildren from their teachers. What does it mean in this case? Here the teacher wants just to say that the better and more the student thinks over the challenge, not rushing from his head to its rapid decision, just to get rid of the lesson, the better the result will be. You do not need to rush to the control on algebra or on a dictation in the language, because you can make a lot of mistakes and get an unsatisfactory assessment for it. And who needs it?
Value Fourth: Working
The same saying can be applied to adult people. So, it is relevant at any workplace, there will be a person to work with his hands or head. The proverb "You go quiet - you will continue" the value here is that the fact that the person is more and careful, avoiding mistakes, the faster he will cope with it and receive a well-deserved rest. This is especially true today when the payment of the worker is often carried out not in time spent in the workplace, but depending on the production, i.e. the amount of work.
Value Fifth: Business
The proverb "You go quiet - you will go further" relevant for people who wish to earn great money. In such a matter, the main thing is not to hurry, it is to count to small details, to study all the details of various transactions and trading operations. And although often people take into account another proverb - "Who does not risk, does not drink champagne," acting on such a principle, you can easily ruin or, as they say, "get" for big money. Only collecting your capital gradually, folding the money to the money honestly, you can earn great wealth. Although, in truth, today, alas, few people do that.
Sixth value: game
The saying "You go quiet - you will be more relevant for people who love to play. But not in computer games, but in a casino or to make various bets in the bookmakers. So, you do not need to fall into the courage, winning a certain amount of money and immediately try to put them in the same thing. Luck the change in nature, and if pyfartilo, do not need to think that it will always be so. Only a strict calculation, the ability to keep yourself, as they say, in the ultrasound - that's what this saying for the gamers means.
Seventh value: for shopaholics
What else means saying "You go quiet - you will be on?"? It would be good to know her to know that people who thoughtlessly spend money on what they liked at first glance. You can submit a situation: a girl in the shopping center goes, her eyes got a beautiful dress, she immediately buys him. And after a couple of boutiques, the same, only even better colors. Well, if you can return the purchase, and if not? If the girl did not hurry to buy a thing that he liked without thinking, such a situation would simply have happened.
General conclusions
By the same principle, you can interpret this proverb still very and very long. And it is possible to apply it to all situations, professions and moments that you can imagine. However, if we make a general conclusion, based on the foregoing, I would like to note that the main meaning of this wisdom of the centuries, which other ancestors used, - never anywhere to hurry the head, and everything is slow, but, as they say, confidently. Insudacy, pure mind and maximum effort - that's all you need in order to succeed in any business. In the given version - to achieve the finish line to which you strive.

How to write an essay "are you going to go, will you go next"?


The approval that "you are going to go quiet, you will be more expedient to apply in affairs and projects that are aimed at the future or implies long-term performance. In such enterprises, reasonableness, carefulness, attention to the little things will only benefit the case and contributes to its imminent, successful and error-free completion.

But in cases where fast mobilization of thought and actions are required, it is better to be guided by other considerations. So, for example, this says not to the motto for the ambulance brigade, or other of the rapid response services, from the speed of which people depend on the life of people.

One of the most important misfortunes of our modern society is its ultra-speed pace of life. We are all running somewhere, we hurry, eat and sleep on the go, did not have time to talk or relax. As a result, constant stress, constant errors that have to correct a very expensive price. We are all some dropped and exhausted and as if forever lost the idea of \u200b\u200bcalm happiness. But if you turn to the wisdom of the people, you can pay attention that he was still in the deep past warned - you go quiet, you will go further.

You should not tear tendons in the desire to do something to an unrealially compressed period, it is still not possible, and if the matter is still done, as a result there will be shortcomings and errors, the correction of which will take even more time. No need to chase the leaders who burn themselves and their followers. It is better to do your business slowly and thoroughly. Do not forget about small details, think over and find optimal solutions, if necessary, calculate the possibility of alternative. And this is certainly not all. The meaning of the expression is "quietering" also in the fact that you should pay more attention to your holiday and restoration of forces. The rested person works in many productive, and the tired brings more harm than good.


In joining the composition, it is necessary to write about the fact that Russian sayings are born on the basis of the experience of people, and this saying that

it is no exception. For the time to organize something first we need to mentally think about this topic, and it will be an intention, and it's good to think about everything, it's never worth it. And about it and there will be an essay that any desire must ripe and even if that That does not work, you should not knock the forehead about the wall, you need to let him go and at least temporarily forget.

Because if we hurry, everything can fly away.

And the main thing in humans is the manifestation of his patience and life in the stream of the universe, and not against him.

And then there will be time and we are surprised to notice what it was planned, it turned out and it was not worth a lot of work, because there was an excerpt. And in a hurry, this is the first enemy of man.


Probably it is worth noting that this folk wisdom is suitable for many situations in our difficult and rapid life. If there is some important thing ahead, then you should distract from the everyday bustle and calmly reflect on how best to do everything. Then you can consult with a knowledgeable person or friend, remember some important details. And if we do in a hurry, you can make mistakes and misses.

However, all the sayings and proverbs apply to our lives only relative. Somehow in the minibus met this slogan / Obviously, it was a joke. If on the way you will drive too slowly, then create a danger of a road accident. So in any case, there is an optimal speed of its execution and rush or slow down at all does not benefit.

Hunt Nick

In order to write an essay on the topic "Sweet you go - you will go further," you need to bring a few examples when the proverb "Hurry - Make People". After examples from the side, you need to bring one bright example from personal experience. Then you can scientifically justify why you need to plan your actions and how much does it increase the productivity of work if you do according to plan and measured, and not with a scatter and thoughtlessly.

At the end, you can tell you that all your actions and actions need to be thought out and weigh. The sayings go from the mouth to the mouth of hundreds of years not just like that. They always have sound grain.

Why do you say quieter you go further?

Sigoid Diogis.

the monotony of actions requiring constant attention disables / dull our long-term / short-term memory, it seems to be a person that time flew unnoticed.
There is still a guess: with a constant translational movement at one speed, a temporary corridor is created, which is still moving the gravitational particles of time on inertia for some time.

Lisa Alisa

Drops do not assist.
Hurry up - rush people.
What soon, then not controversy ...
Better at 12 to be at home than in 11 in the cemetery ...
Quickly go - quietly suffer.

The meaning of the signs that you go quiet - you will go further, takes my beginning from those times when people only invented the wheel. From the moment that only a simple person began to use carts or brights, he began to notice that any unnoticed bump or ditch on the road could long detain a person on the road.

Z. s. In fact, the expression "quieter you will go further" in the full version it sounded like this: "You go quiet - you will be on the place where you are going."))

We are so accustomed to everywhere to use the words "quieter you are going, then you will be" that we spend sometimes simply as a promsion, not even noticing her paradoxicity.

Many consider this expression a purely Russian proverb, especially since this is how this phrase was recorded in the "Russian proverbs" V. I. Dalya with the same analogues "who rides soon, on the road is not a spore," "Shibo go - not soon get there. However, this truly winged expression is much more than we think.

It is believed that the saying of "Festina Lente" (Latin) - "Hurry slowly" or in the Greek version of "Speude Bradec" - "Hurry not hurrying" once was one of the most favorite expressions of Octaviana Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire. It is these words, in his opinion, followed in everything to be guided by an exemplary commander. On the coins minted during the rule of the Roman emperor of Tita, it was also possible to see the words "Festina Lente" and anchor as a symbol of a stop, paid by Dolphin, the fastest fish. In the future, this motto and coat of arms elected outstanding historical figures for themselves, as it was believed that this symbol means "maturity in doing business that there is something among the great hurry and slowness."

The beauty of this linguistic paradox at different times was appreciated by Erasmus Rotterdam, who attributed this proverb to the "royal", and F. Rabl and Gaine. K. D. Balmont also called "quiet speed", concluded in these words, "captivated contradictory".

A little more about the sense of phraseologism

The meaning of this phraseological turnover is that fast, and, consequently, rapid decision making or reckless acts often not only do not help achieve their goal, but they are removed from it or even make it an impossible achievement. A figurative meaning calls for not to do everything "slowly and sad", but to think first, and then do, but not the opposite. No wonder the nearest Russian analogue of this phrase is the more easy "hurry - the people are embossed." And at best, in the worst may not be laughing.

Analogs of phrase in English and other languages

Similar expressions are almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world:

  • Slow But Sure (eng.) - Slowly, yes, right.
  • Eile Mit Weile (Him.) - Soon, but not spore.
  • CHI VA PIANO, VA SANO, CHI VA SANO, VA LONTANO (IT.) - Who goes slowly, he goes well, who goes safely, he will come far away.

Russian mentality with his love for quick ride on the "bird-triple" and the hope for "maybe, this proverb was not too much like that, that's why she quickly had a continuation" quische you go, you will continue ... from the place where you go " The inexident number of accidents, however, indicates that too fast ride also does not contribute to the timely and successful arrival in place.

All people know that there are no wonder there are various sayings and proverbs. After all, they are invented not just so, this is a kind of wisdom of the centuries, in which people have invested a lot of meaning. Not to listen to them are simply unreasonable, because they successfully used our ancestors many centuries in a row. In this article, let's talk about the well-known proverb "You go quiet - you will go further": what does it mean, what is its meaning.


We are accustomed to such a simple, brief proverb. But she was originally somewhat longer. And only thanks to this, it is possible to understand its meaning and what the ancestors wanted to convey to us in these simple words. As for the full version of its version, it sounds as follows: "You go quiet - you will be on the place where you go."

Meaning First: Ancient

Knowing the entire text of the saying, you should not doubt that a person will correctly understand its meaning. By the way, this phrase was to the place many years ago, when there were practically no car, but it is relevant and now, in the century of total motorization. Previously, most people moved on horseback. If they were going to a long way, the horse was never allowed to be scoped, all moved exclusively by the usual step. After all, the horse will quickly get tired and she will have to relax a lot. Moving the same slower, it might think that the ultimate goal is very far, but it approaches much faster if you do not beat the poor animal.

Meaning Second: Transport

As for modernity, the saying "you go quiet - you will be more" acquires a little different, but still a close value. Machines do not require rest, like horses, however, how do you not remember the likhats on the roads and often sad the end? A lot of accidents and emergencies will definitely not give a motorist to quickly reach the specified purpose. And if several times just lucky, then the payback is still a lover of fast driving. And if it is not an accident, then the arrest of road patrol officers. And this, again, takes a lot of time, and besides also nerves.

Value Third: Educational

"You go quiet - you will be on" - this phrase can often hear schoolchildren from their teachers. What does it mean in this case? Here the teacher wants just to say that the better and more the student thinks over the challenge, not rushing from his head to its rapid decision, just to get rid of the lesson, the better the result will be. You do not need to rush to the control on algebra or on a dictation in the language, because you can make a lot of mistakes and get an unsatisfactory assessment for it. And who needs it?

Fourth value: working

The same saying can be applied to adult people. So, it is relevant at any workplace, there will be a person to work with his hands or head. The proverb "You go quiet - you will continue" the value here is that the fact that the person is more and careful, avoiding mistakes, the faster he will cope with it and receive a well-deserved rest. This is especially true today when the payment of the worker is often carried out not in time spent in the workplace, but depending on the production, i.e. the amount of work.

Value Third: Business

The proverb "You go quiet - you will go further" relevant for people who wish to earn great money. In such a matter, the main thing is not to hurry, it is to count to small details, to study all the details of various transactions and trading operations. And although often people take into account another proverb - "Who does not risk, does not drink champagne," acting on such a principle, you can easily ruin or, as they say, "get" for big money. Only collecting your capital gradually, folding the money to the money honestly, you can earn great wealth. Although, in truth, today, alas, few people do that.

Fourth value: Game

The saying "You go quiet - you will be more relevant for people who love to play. But not in computer games, but in a casino or to make various bets in the bookmakers. So, you do not need to fall into the courage, winning a certain amount of money and immediately try to put them in the same thing. Luck the change in nature, and if pyfartilo, do not need to think that it will always be so. Only a strict calculation, the ability to keep yourself, as they say, in the ultrasound - that's what this saying for the gamers means.

Meaning Fifth: for shopaholics

What else means saying "You go quiet - you will be on?"? It would be good to know her to know that people who thoughtlessly spend money on what they liked at first glance. You can submit a situation: a girl in the shopping center goes, her eyes got a beautiful dress, she immediately buys him. And after a couple of boutiques, the same, only even better colors. Well, if you can return the purchase, and if not? If the girl did not hurry to buy a thing that he liked without thinking, such a situation would simply have happened.

General conclusions

By the same principle, you can interpret this proverb still very and very long. And it is possible to apply it to all situations, professions and moments that you can imagine. However, if we make a general conclusion, based on the foregoing, I would like to note that the main meaning of this wisdom of the centuries, which other ancestors used, - never anywhere to hurry the head, and everything is slow, but, as they say, confidently. Insudacy, pure mind and maximum effort - that's all you need in order to succeed in any business. In the given version - to achieve the finish line to which you strive.

Basically, all the proverbs came out of the simple people. The townspeople never had no time or opportunities to keep track of the nature of the course of events and the consequences of any of their actions. But the simple people all the signs, proverbs and sayings took from life. So did - some consequences, otherwise - others. Today we are no longer thinking about the meaning of any proverb, nor about its origin. Just know that it is truth, and everything, and then although the grass does not grow.

The meaning of the signs that you go quiet - you will go further, takes my beginning from those times when people only invented the wheel. Of course, such a luxury has become far from immediately accessible to a simple peasant. However, from the moment the simple person began to use the carts or brights, he began to notice that any unnoticed bump or ditch on the road could long detain a person on the road. This is not one car away today on the road without a spare wheel, but before the spare wheels did not take with you, they simply were not.

If the path happens so that the wheel of the cart will break, then its owner had to throw its vehicle where it broke, and go to the nearest settlement for help. And this is on foot there, it is not known how much, then on foot back. How much time will take repairs - this is also a question. And maybe so that you will have to pull the cart in the village to repair it there. After all, it may be necessary to help the blacksmith, who needs his forge for work. This is today on any road the car and jam and back, someone will stop and help. And earlier, in order to meet any other transport on the road, it was possible to wait for a whole week, or even more.

So it turns out that if a person rides slowly, he has the opportunity to see any flaw on the road, which means that he can slow down and direct the horse in the right direction. And the one who rides quickly, everything flies for him, and he will definitely stumble on the boulder on the road, or fall into the ditch.

This proverb is relevant today. Of course, in our time in order to change the wheel, you will need much less time than before. But life with us is not as in the old days. We need to have time to do a lot, meet with the right people, sign important contracts. Therefore, even fifteen or twenty minutes of lost time for a modern person is a lot.

You should never forget the meaning of the saying "Caishe go - you will go further." Everyone known for an equally famous proverb that there are two misfortunes in Russia - fools and roads. Fools have always grabbed, and our roads are akin to medieval. The managers never have enough money to repair roads, so a bodie or bump and today you can catch even in an unexpected place.

Basically, all the proverbs came out of the simple people. The townspeople never had no time or opportunities to keep track of the nature of the course of events and the consequences of any of their actions. But the simple people all the signs, proverbs and sayings took from life. So did - some consequences, otherwise - others. Today we are no longer thinking about the meaning of any proverb, nor about its origin. Just know that it is truth, and everything, and then although the grass does not grow.

The meaning of the signs that you go quiet - you will go further, takes my beginning from those times when people only invented the wheel. Of course, such a luxury has become far from immediately accessible to a simple peasant. However, from the moment the simple person began to use the carts or brights, he began to notice that any unnoticed bump or ditch on the road could long detain a person on the road. This is not one car away today on the road without a spare wheel, but before the spare wheels did not take with you, they simply were not.

If the path happens so that the wheel of the cart will break, then its owner had to throw its vehicle where it broke, and go to the nearest settlement for help. And this is on foot there, it is not known how much, then on foot back. How much time will take repairs - this is also a question. And maybe so that you will have to pull the cart in the village to repair it there. After all, it may be necessary to help the blacksmith, who needs his forge for work. This is today on any road the car and jam and back, someone will stop and help. And earlier, in order to meet any other transport on the road, it was possible to wait for a whole week, or even more.

So it turns out that if a person is rising, then he has the opportunity to see any flaw on the road, which means he can slow down and direct the horse in the right direction. And the one who rides quickly, everything flies for him, and he will definitely stumble on the boulder on the road, or fall into the ditch.

This proverb is relevant today. Of course, in our time in order to change the wheel, you will need much less time than before. But life with us is not as in the old days. We need to have time to do a lot, meet with the right people, sign important contracts. Therefore, even fifteen or twenty minutes of lost time for a modern person is a lot.

The real driver should never forget the meaning of saying "the quieter you go, the further you'll get" . Everyone known for an equally famous proverb that there are two misfortunes in Russia - fools and roads. Fools have always grabbed, and our roads are akin to medieval. The managers never have enough money to repair roads, so a bodie or bump and today you can catch even in an unexpected place.
