The spectrum of literature on the topic "How to become a medium" is quite wide, however, the boring treatises with an incomprehensible trooper of terminology only scare up newcomers and force themselves to engage in the simplest, unlike the actions of the medium professional magic. Start with a small one - try to develop supernatural abilities with simple exercises - this was the great minds of psychics!

  • Who are such mediums

    In the representation of the majority, the medium is a strange, incompetent view of a person who comes into contact with the ghosts, spirits and other inhabitants of the subtle world. Indeed, individuals with extrasensory abilities often look, to gently say, extravagant, however, a non-standard appearance does not prevent them from emerging in touch with different entities, and their abilities are not limited.

    How does a live contact transmitter work? The process of communicating with representatives of the other world, described by the mediums themselves, allows you to divide the mediators to several categories:

    1. There is such a concept as "physical mediumism". Psychics related to this category can reproduce various noises and movements, levitation is also subject to them.
    2. The so-called "hearing mediums" are able to tune into a special wave and capture the speech of entities. Developing its gift, the register easily interprets the sounds that occur as if there are sounds in his head, he telepathically communicates with the souls of the dead and with live people.
    3. Along with extrasensory talents, some individuals have the ability to talk to other people's voices. By establishing a connection with the ghost, the contacter uses his body as a conductor between the worlds, allowing it to be an affordable spirit for the communication period to adjust into its own physical shell. Upon completion of the ritual, the "clarifier" may not remember the words, which through his speech apparatus passed the shower that came to contact.
    4. There are among the mediums of a person who can see ghost beings. Perhaps you had to observe how small children communicate with someone invisible. So, in some adults, the ability to see the ghosts living with us is preserved. They in a dream or reveal visually in contact with the souls of the dead and other entities.
    5. There are psychics that are capable of diagnosing various diseases, as well as heal them. As they explain themselves, the human body appears for them in different colors, each organ has its own color and pulsation, and in sick people these indicators change.

    There is no such medium, which has only one of the above abilities, often these people combine several of these qualities in themselves, and some are endowed with a rare gift - the foresee of the future.

    As is known, the medium may not be each. Often, they become people with congenital abilities that need to be constantly developing and train. There is a specific special person to become a good psychic, says the presence of the following signs.

    1. Continuity. Often the gift is transmitted from one generation to another. If someone from the ancestors owned extrasensory skills, they could pass into the inheritance and you. It is also believed that the majority of hereditary psychics are women. No wonder because there is a generally accepted saying about the sorcerer: "To, you need to be born!"
    2. Eye color.A feature that allocates some mediums from the crowd is dark (practically black) or different colors of the eye, the presence of specks on the iris. People with such a promise, noticing unusual abilities, are designed to become strong psychics.
    3. Strong intuition. If you notice that the sixth feeling never fails you, more than once helped to avoid the danger to loved ones, and they themselves never got to see, try to find a good teacher who will develop your gift to clairvoyance opportunities.
    4. Prophetic dreams, repeating images. You know such a feeling as "dejavu" when you understand that this situation has already happened in the past, and you know what it will end? Or do you constantly come dreams, which are then strangely implemented? So, your energy shell is configured to receive information from the higher forces, learn how to interpret it correctly, and become a prunerator.
    5. Head injury, shock, coma or clinical death in the past. Most of the newly new mediums, the gift of which are not related to the continuity of generations, indicate that a launching mechanism for its appearance was a traumatic event, which puts threatened their further earthly existence: an accident, fall, blow, shocking lightning.

    Even a couple of positive statements from the list makes it clear that you should use the opportunity to try yourself in a mediumism, and if all the criteria talked about you, start working without delay - any specialists need humanity!

    Anyone who has decided to become a medium is obliged to adhere to the basic rules and to train their skills as often as possible, so that they did not begin to weaken, but only fastened.

    Each, psychic or clairvoyant, it is necessary to adhere to the golden rule - no excitement and stress, even in the most emergency situations. Emotional equilibrium and stability should always prevail over fears and experiences. Otherwise, the gift, and without further, it can disappear indefinitely or forever.

    Train intuitive flair

    The most important thing for the medium is his intuition, which will never deceive the person who has a gift. For psychics, it is vital to maintain its flair in a tone so that it is not lost at all. With the right approach and competent use of their skills, the sixth sense will only increase, helping psychic at the right time to maintain communication with the subtle world.

    You can start training with attempts to predict different minor events, for example, when the home phone rang before removing the phone, try to intuitively call the one who is on the other end of the wire.

    The intuition training is based on the development of feelings of perception. The aggravated adoption of the world helps the medium to strengthen the invaluable gift of heaven, and also helps in various life situations. Listen to quiet sounds, peer into darkness, feel the inner experiences, learn to hear different flavors of flavors, to understand them in combination in complex perfume compositions.

    Learn to understand signs: Catch every unident of the word said next; Daily fix the unusual events taking place with you; Do not neglect your feelings - if a wave of fear covered you or suddenly remembered someone with a feeling of a tight alarm, try to learn emotion, and understand where she came from.

    Choose mediammic activity

    Before proceeding directly to the practice of developing all senses, it is necessary to determine which of them are stronger than you, with them and begin learning.

    1. A man with advanced vision is necessary in the practices to make a clanswoman slope. Learn to concentrate attention will help a simple exercise:

      On a white sheet of paper, put a black point and daily, starting with one minute, look at this point, placing a piece of eye on my eye, at a distance of an elongated hand. Try not to blink and do not strain your eyes.

    2. Lovely ear talks about the ability to come into contact with the dead. A person who has such a gift is capable of not only feeling the invisible presence of intuitively or see silhouettes, but can fully communicate with spirits.
    3. Highly developed taste receptors help the medium to feel someone else's taste taste, in this way he not only knows how to determine, a good person or bad, but also to diagnose some diseases. Experiment with tastes, use natural components for cooking: flowers, herbs, leaves, root.
    4. If your strong side is a sense of smell, strengthening it, you can predicate the approaching threat, an unpleasant situation present on some damage and any changes in its biological field.

      Exercises are quite simple: with a blind-eyed eye-looking eye, try to recognize different smells (first simple, then mixed). Do not forget about the care of the nasooplot and proper nutrition - avoid products capable of annoying taste receptors.

    5. The tangible gift helps determine the presence of a negative magical influence on a person determines the state of its health. Tactile sensations help to catch many properties of items. Pick for workouts both inanimate and animated objects (let relatives, close people help you improve the skill).

    Developing extraordinary skills, in parallel, it is important to pay attention to physical development. Emotionally susceptible and subject to energy attacks medium, the highest forces will be tested for strength, and dark perfume try in every way to take possession of the physical shell.

    As a result of constant stress, weak physically register will begin to suffer from frequent diseases, so sports and the use of relaxing practices should be part of the daily life of any contacter. If you have bad habits, the rejection of them will serve as a starting point to the formation of persistent immunity.

    In training, the beginner psychic to help will come books in which detailed technicians are described. Among them:

    • "Book of Medium" (by Allan Cardek);
    • "So you want to become a medium (author of Rosa Aainden);
    • methodology V. Bronnikova "Information Development of Man".
  • The practical contact transition from the invisible world of subconscious can be an exciting and powerful event. Whether you want to exacerbate an understanding of our own nature or escape from the physical body to communicate beyond it, you can learn how to limit the amount of your research, reach the state of such a trance, and find a guide to help your journey so that it is safe and productive. See step 1 for more information.


    Part 1

    How to start your research

      Choose between the study of your consciousness and communication with the spiritual world. In various traditions, the word "Chenneling" is used in different ways. Some mediums seek to go beyond the limits of mind, in an attempt to contact others or plunge into the inner world to learn more about themselves. Depending on your interests and goals, this decision can lead you to different customs, rituals and practitioners, although most types of channeling include a similar process, first entry into a state like a transdu, and then communication with the "other world".

      • In supernatural or spiritual channelingThe goal is to reach the world of spirits and communicate with them. Practices often want to contact the dead relatives or famous historical figures, to establish contact with the dead. Spiritual Channeling, in our presentation, with crystal balls and spiritual boards, was extremely popular in intellectual occult circles from the middle to the end of the 19th century. Although this type of non-commercial mediummism is completely rejected by scientific skeptics as organized scamming against often rich participants, spiritual channeling has historical roots that extend far beyond the limits of Victorian stereotypes.
      • Conscious channeling - New phenomenon. In some philosophies of the new era, the mediums will meditate, and try to visualize archetypal figures, which are manifestations of their own subconscious, objects from the "past life" or metaphorical representatives of psychological injury. This image will often conduct a participant through various interactions and communications in order to heal the Spirit and know yourself ..
    1. Be open to combat strange phenomena. Would you like to find comfort and understanding, contacting oracles, or try to comprehend life and death deeper, it is important to clearly formulate our goals for channeling and realistically perceive them. If you are going to start channeling a journey, it is important to trust often-mocking, mysterious interpretation of the messages you get. The better you understand their receipt, the more you learn from experience.

      • Entering his mystery. Anyone who ever opened a book of change, or tried to learn about Tarot maps, knows that channeling can be a disappointing and complex process. Not always everything happens like a movie where the candle flickes, and you hear the voice of a long deceased relative. Mentally ask a specific question - the feature you want to know - and understand that you can not get the desired answer.
      • Perceive it seriously. If your goal is to get a spiritual board and ask the ghost, as the false bunch smells, you probably should spend your time on something more constructive. Channeling works only if the participant is fully committed and open to the possibility of knowing himself and consciousness, which is difficult to believe or understand.
      • Read about occult symbolism and symbolism. Since the process often requires interpretation of characters, it is important to make a small study before jumping into a outer with your head to get more experience. "Hero with thousands of persons" Joseph Campbell and Occultism Colin Wilson are excellent textbooks for beginners to interpret ideas and images that you should meet. The modern verse-epic of James Merrill "Changeable Light over Sandover" describes his communication with the Spirit named Ephraim.
    2. Specify a specific question. All Chenneling Methods require that you have a specific mental question for your guide spirit or your own subconscious. It is unlikely that any spiritual guides are internal or external - come out to answer a frivolous, dishonest or trivial question, so think about the corresponding question that deserves a difficult answer.

      • Specify it, but not too much. The question is how "did Bill hates me when I'm late for work?" Probably it is better to save for a magic ball 8. Your question should be quite extensive to be a place for complexity and personal enough to be worthwhile: "How I I can be the best person in my work "will suit more ..
      • Let one question result in another. If you are worried about your working form, let this matter develop to a greater number of questions so that you can find possible answers in your research. Who am I when I work? What does my work mean for me? How should I treat work? What is a worker? All of them can be applicable questions that rotate around one source. Look for answers to the questions you did not ask ..
    3. Start keep a dream diary. When you start a journey in mind, you may become more difficult and harder to distinguish sleep and wakefulness. Symbols will surround you and will appear at an unexpected time. It's good! You just have to be ready to capture them for further analysis later. Log of dreams or channeling will be an excellent resource for your research.

      • Keep a small notebook next to the bed. When you wake up from any sleep, boring or unsuccessful, immediately write down everything you remember from it. What did you see? What did you feel? Who was there? This method of interpretation and attention to the details will serve you in your channeling experiments.

      Part 2

      1. Thoughtfully meditate, focusing on my breath. Find a quiet, meditative place where you will feel comfortable and calm. Cut in a convenient position sitting on the floor or in a straight chairs, and sit in a vertical position with a straight back. Surround yourself with soft, natural light and silence. Close your eyes or focus somewhere in the average distances - on a deaf wall or soothing place.

        • Word your intentions for this meditation, place in the center of some mantra as, "I will reach the trance, and I will return to normal consciousness with a complete understanding of what I experienced. Practicing, I will dive into a more deeper trance. "
        • You do not need to sit in the lotus pose in the middle of the intersection at midnight or cuddle to the ground before the skull of goat and candles for channeling. Focus on your comfort and the achievement of the status of a trance, not superficial data from the films.
      2. Focus on breathing. Sit calmly and deep breathe. Feel like breathing enters and comes out of the body. Feel like air falls into the lungs, filling you with nutrient oxygen, and goes into the world. Inhale and exhale. Do not do anything, just breathe within a few minutes. Let the thoughts come and go, not focusing on any of them. Just focus on breathing.

        Use the power of suggestion to slow down the rhythm of the body. For immersion in a deep trance, start with a certain part of your body, like left hand. When you breathe, feel the air entering the body into the left hand. Move your consciousness into your left hand, and focus your energy on the relaxation of the left hand. Say, "My left hand relaxes, my left hand is relaxed."

        • Move the relaxation to the left hand, then right brush, right hand, and legs on the same principle. Spend 30-60 seconds on each part of your body, focusing all consciousness and attention to relaxation. Wait until you feel that part of your body relaxed before moving on.
        • After you relaxed your body, give it weight. After you relaxed your body, you need to present a feeling of gravity, as if the body is covered with many blankets, or buried in the sand. In the same way, install a conscious connection with your left hand, fully orienting its energy in it. It still should be relaxed. Let's say "My left hand is heavy." Spend 30-60 seconds, focusing on each part of your body in the same way.
        • After you gave the weight to your body, give him warm. In the same way, move your body, giving him warmth, saying: "My left hand is warm." Focus your energy on achieving the state of warmth, as if you were in a warm bath or put the heating on every part of your body. Your body should feel exceptional comfort, but you should not be sleepy.
      3. Finish each trance meditation slowly. When you decide to return to normal consciousness, focus on your fingers and legs, moving them and returning to a more normal state. Feel how your body is gradually cooled, and inspect the room, allowing your mind to return to the normal method of thinking. Stand up and walk when you align a little.

        • Do not just jump and start walking around - if you sat for a long time, you may have fed limbs, and you can dislocate an ankle. Bad amulet for conscious meditation.
      4. Practicing, gradually deepen the trance. The purpose of the trance is to erose the boundaries between the body, consciousness, and the world around you. Come through the steps described in the previous step, slowly immerse yourself in trance, focusing on calming your body. Practice to enter your body into a transcendent for many days before trying to deepen trance or channeling anyway. To this process, it is necessary to relate to this process if you want to achieve results.

        • First you can move slowly, but as soon as you learn, the previous steps will become even easier and easier. If you focus on the heating of the left hand, you can simultaneously feel how it becomes warm, or both hands become warm. This is a good sign that you prepare your mind and body faster to reach the state of the trance.
        • When it seems to you that you are ready to move on to a deeper state of consciousness, add one more step to your trance: Feel like the forehead. In many traditions, the "third eye", located on the forehead, means connecting to the subconscious or invisible world. Isolate this part of your body, saying: "My forehead is cold."
      5. Try consciousness for strength. If you want to start seeing the results and get some idea how strong your connection has become with an invisible world, spend an experiment: Select a specific time when you want to wake up, and drink the seeds of this time in your mind at the end of your trance meditation. After cooling your third eye, focus on the selected time, saying: "I wake up tomorrow at 6:00." Do not set the alarm clock and try to sleep as usual.

        Practice to visualize. After long training for immersion in the transcendent, you must start feeling more comfortable at the entrance and exit from it. If you have become strong enough, it's time to start spending more time exploring it. This is the beginning of this Channeling. Before you find a guide or source for your move, spend some time working on visualization and a search for a deep more exciting level of consciousness.

        • Visualize objects and colors. After you have cooled your third eye, let your subconscious offer color. Tell me: "I see blue," and repeat it until the color is set in your mind, and you really won't see blue. At first, you can see mixed colors, but continue to do, until you can decide and "see" what the mind tells you.
        • It can be useful to give color object like a handle or car. See the blue handle. Look at her. Feel your weight in your hand and try to use it. Spend some time visualizing a lot of colors and objects before moving on.
      6. Visualize your drop down. Different mediums or chennels use a variety of exercises for getting deeper and allow the subconscious to take it on themselves. This is an important way to connect more with an invisible world, and can be very exciting when you re-leave the transcendent.

      Part 3.

      Search guide or source with visualization
      1. Stop control of your visualization. In the process of progress in your trance meditation, you may find that you are more difficult and more difficult to "monitor" visualization, and that they occur without your ability to stop them. Let it happen. This is a sign that you have advanced far enough to find a guide for your research. This is Chenneling.

        • Various traditions argue about this state of being in different ways: if you want to call it "Achieving Christ Consciousness" or "Enlightenment" or "Visit the World of Spirits", you are right on all points. You do not need to call it, but do freely so if you want.
      2. Visualize the location. After you fell with a ladder or otherwise descended deeper in your consciousness through trance meditation, send yourself to a comfortable place. Spend time exploring it. Consider as many tactile items in this dream trip. Focus your inhabitants in this place and the present "existence" there.

        • In some traditions of the new era, the feeling of your position with all sorts of esoteric crystals and golden pillows is assumed, while other traditions may assume that you can imagine a mossy forest directly from Tolkien. Go to it. There is no right place.
      3. Let people visit this place. Imagine a person you know, and watch his behavior when he comes to your place. Let him exist and watch him and his behavior. If your subconsciousness offers people you don't know, or do not know, especially aware of them and remember their faces and movements. Know that you knock on the Channeling door when you can start communicating with people who do not know.

        • Pay special attention to movements that people make, things that they can say, or other images. When you leave your trance, you will immediately write down these details. Things that may not "make sense" are at the moment, will likely have it and require further analysis and thinking. This is Chenneling.
        • Again, if you want to think about these figures, as about "one-dimensional archetypes" or "angels" or "echoes of your DNA", this is normal. Pick up a symbolic idea that makes sense for you, and listen to what the images will tell for yourself. There is no concepts correctly or wrong when you deal with subconscious and invisible.
      4. Find the image that is ready to talk to you. Increasingly, you can notice the silhouettes moving towards you during Channeling. This can happen immediately or take a lot of time. Let them get closer to you and interact with them. Talk to them.

        • Clearly formulate your intentions. Tell the image why you are here and you are looking for. Ask the silhouette, or he is interested in you and is not ready to accompany you in your research. If he can't, ask the way to leave you and continue your practice.
        • Install mutual consent. Ask him the question or the main essence of your meditation, or let me show you what he wants. Together decide how you will communicate. Allow the guide to do your job: send you. Do not do anything that you are uncomfortable, but let the image take responsibility to show you what you want to know.
      5. Look for symbols and archetypes for interpretation. You could already answer your questions, and this is your job, pay attention to what you are shown. The more time you spend, exploring the overall symbols of the occult, and learning all possible about the archetypal representation, the more significant will be your subconscious observations and communications. To a large extent, they may be visual.

        • If your location suddenly is filled with running lobsters and unreasonable lions with rolled heads, you can get out of the trance and think "Wau, Hallucination!" But do not leave it just like that. The lobsters appear on the Lunar map of Tarot, symbolizing the lunar energy and subconscious, while the lion appears on the map in force. Symbolic? You decide.

      Part 4.

      Selecting a medium for communication
      1. Use the spiritual board. If you found a guide to the spiritual world or to the center of your own consciousness after deep meditation and practice, you may want to find more direct and simple methods for communicating with this world, without meditation within a few hours and their search. Spiritic board allows you to quickly establish contact and transfer information. It is also a great way to attract other participants to your research, introducing them with your guide and allowing you to establish mutual discourse.

        • Meditate on a specific occasion or question, loud formulating your intentions and allowing your contact with your contact. All participants must put their hands on the tablet in the center of the board, and then allow it to move and pronounce the answers to your questions.
      2. Experiment with scringe, szyomantia and other methods of divination. Over the centuries, experienced mediums experimented with a large number of different methods of communication with their spiritual mentors, manipulating objects, including using crystals, stones, smoke, and even bones. There are hundreds of various methods, and your spiritual guide may even offer a preferred communication method.

        • Kapnantia Refers to consultation patterns of smoke moving for interpretation of messages from the world of perfume. Burn a bit sage or jasmine, laurel leaves or sacred formiam, depending on your traditions and interests, and watch the smoke, as part of your meditation. Allow the symbols will manifest.
        • STICOMANTIE It is learning shadows and shades for symbols. Defended shadows, as a rule, are interpreted as ominous, although terrible ghosts should not push you away from this method of communication. Make candles part of your meditation, and watch the shadows in the room on the walls to appear characters or messages.
        • Scraining - This is a technical term for monitoring a crystal ball and a search for prophecies or symbols. However, you do not need an expensive crystal ball for scraping: the generally accepted is considered to peering into a bowl of water, a mirror or other reflective transparent surfaces.

    In every person there is something unusual and witchcraft. And if we are talking about representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, their nature itself has endowed insight and various supernatural capabilities. This is due to men, they are either tremendous potential and have a huge force, or deny the otherworldly forces. However, anyone from time to time thinks about its capabilities. And the question of how to become a medium is becoming more and more common.

    For many people to be a medium - it means to talk to the deceased. However, this is not limited to the possibilities of this person. The one who possesses such superpowers, in fact, can communicate with the other world, with those who are not already with us.

    And besides this, being a medium - it means also to have a gift of healing, foresee the future, move objects and much more.

    Signs that a person is a medium:

    If people have already been gifted in this area, then the possibility is the possibility that you are endowed with a gift. Often abilities are transmitted through generation.

    Miscellaneous color eyes or specks on a rainbow sheath.
    When a person's eyes have a different color - this is one of the most obvious signs of superpowers. However, even those who have the eyes of one color, but with specks, can simply and quickly become an excellent medium.

    Developed intuition.
    If a person considers himself sensitive and always relies on intuition, then this is a great start on the way to the development of extrasensory possibilities.

    It is believed that the medium is most born or becoming women. Among the generally accepted specialists of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are six times more than men. In addition, it is much more difficult to not become an excellent medium, but to stay them, because the abilities can take place for a while, then returning or not returning. Many of these people lost the gift in connection with serious shocks, problems or experiences.

    If you decide to become one of these specialists, then individual exercises can be performed at home. The theory and practice in the complex will help achieve results in the shortest possible time.

    Useful literature

    • Rose Aindrene "So you want to become ... a medium";
    • Alan Cardek "Book of Mediums";

    In these two books you will find effective answers and get detailed information that you will certainly come in handy. Reading books are recommended at home so that the best to assimilate information.

    The beginning of the way

    Deciding to develop extrasensory abilities in itself, you need to follow the basic rules that will help not lose the gift, but only to increase it:

    As much as possible and as much as possible trust your sixth feeling - your intuition. Cut out simple exercises for its development - for example, try to guess the next composition on the radio or what will be waiting for you for lunch.

    Five senses.
    Do not forget about other five feelings. Ideally, it is recommended to make the perception of the world as much as possible, which will not only help become a person with superpowers, but also to succeed in life.

    No stress and excitement.
    Try to worry as small as possible on trifles, get upset. In this case, an emotional equilibrium and stability is important.

    Various books telling about how to become a medium are considered effective for those people who want to develop their extrasensory abilities. Theory and practice in the complex will help achieve excellent results. And it is very necessary to look for specific video with exercises, you can use books.

    In Latin, there is a word media, which means "environment." And it is this word that is derived to all the famous word "medium". The medium to magic has nothing to do, it is not a magician, this is a mediator between "us" and "they", between the two worlds - the world of the living and the world of the dead. Please note how accurate is this definition. The ability of some people to conscious, but more often an unconscious commitment of certain actions, where the presence of the otherworldly consciousness and establishing relationships with this is not clearly traced to this uncharacteristic consciousness for our world are called medium.

    To this definition, another characterizing the ability of mediums should be added. Medium quality. This, in fact, the gift and the ability to provide a steady connection with the essence of the subtle world, at the moment reporting with a mediator medium. In most cases, media is the only type of paranormal abilities of a certain person.

    As a "gift over", contact is spontaneously, but with a certain training, the development of senses, information on the other side can go constantly. But it should be borne in mind that sensitivity can suddenly cut off, or stop for a while, and suddenly manifest itself again in the ability to feel, hear and know about the past, present and future. The dar of the medium does not open from any person. It appears only at hypersensitive people, with a subtle mental organization, or frankly weak mentally, possibly patients; Or in the moments of strong mental stress, when an individual seems to break the veil, separating one world from another when his thin bodies, as if under pressure throws into the mental sphere.

    This phenomenon causes increased interest, fear, a sense of disgust and hostility from religious fanatics. The Christian Church, of course, does not remain aside, and its adepts with considerable pleasure poured oils into the fire (Christians obsessed with Pyromania, this confirms the entire history of the Middle Ages; and the theology does not do without fire). So, from the point of view of individual representatives of Christianity, they manifest themselves in people obsessed with demons. At the same time, a contradiction arises, since in various religious sources and cultures of different nations, it is often mentioned about communication of characters with the dead representatives of the family, long-lasting ancestors, angels or demons.

    Those who visit spiritual sessions are waiting for very unexpected surprises. During the session, the medium transmits only what he was given to hear or see. The medium is not able to broadcast, i.e. To predict what he does not know, did not see or did not hear during the spiritual session. When Nostradamus was asked to predict someone's fate, he invariably answered: "I am just a vessel that is filled with information." And, besides this, "Life is a series of elections," he said. Each of you have to make a choice, and sometimes more often than I would like. And on whether you will go left or right; There, where the sun rises from the ocean, either in a wonderful place, where the sun in the ocean is sinking; Choose you light or darkness - your life will be dependent on all this.

    It is known that in those moments when materialization occurs, the medium distinguishes a special substance, a certain environment, the so-called Etoplasma (here the Latin word Media is very appropriate). The medium provides contact and at the same time is a kind of tool and habitat for materializing and communicating with live people of the Spirit. But a good medium will not necessarily be a clairvoyant or healer. And for this reason, the absence of these paranormal abilities should not be considered as an indisputable proof of the absence of medium dating from a particular medium in general. I will not deny the obvious: very many people have extrasensory abilities to one degree or another. Almost everything. However, it is a real medium, that is, to be able to come into contact with those who went to another world, is given only to units. This is a special gift, the nature of which is not fully studied.

    To be able to communicate with representatives of the world of the dead, at least two conditions are necessary: \u200b\u200bthe special structure of consciousness and the specific organization of the medium's energy field. During the spiritual session, the essence is the inhabitant of the subtle world, acquires partial or complete control over the body of psychics. It is this phenomenon of Christians called "obsession." In religious practice, these phenomena does not represent some rarity, it confirms extensive statistics. Mediums with high gifted during communication with the Spirit fall into the unique state of the trance, resembling lethargy or a somnambulic state, while the contacting spirit receives almost absolute control over the human body. &&&

    There are many articles on the network on this topic, but most of them are empty, as they are written by people no relation to real spiritualism.

    The main misconception is to consider absolutely all psychics mediums. This is not so. Not always hypersensitive people can contact with the world of shadows. This is an additional ability available not to all and the development of which takes time. Let's deal with who is such a medium and how to become.

    The medium is a mediator, the postman between the subtle world with its inhabitants and the world of living. Mediums can hear voices, see the images broadcast by shadows or automatically write their messages. And for this, it is not necessary to use spiritual boards and other magic attributes.

    The main condition of contact is a medium stay in a state of detachment or indifference (trance similarity), indifference to everything that is happening, including bodily sensations. Peculiar« disconnection» From myself and your body. From personality, with her problems, thoughts and desires. It is not so easy. But this prerequisiteBecause the inhabitants of the subtle world do not have their own body and voices. And to feel them, hear or see, the medium is important to provide them with their body, for a while« disabled» From Him and its Ya. During contact with the spirit or shadow, the medium itself becomes only an indifferent observer, impartially fixing sensations and incoming images.

    The more easier the medium enters and the longer remains in a state of indifference, the higher the probability of contact with the subtle peace and its inhabitants. As the states are developed, contacts become deeper, sounds from shadows, smells, are clearly becoming images. And the better the medium is disconnected from the body, the easier the shadow can enter for example in his hand to write her his message.

    Where are such contacts most of all? Of course in cemeteries. It is there that the thin world is closest to our reality. There, the shadows of the dead can pass through the medium a message about themselves for their relatives, tell the circumstances that delay them here.

    In the same place in cemeteries, being in a state of detention (important!) The medium absorbs the special type of energy, the so-called« dark» Energy. Clarification - term« dark» Very conditional and does not say at all that this energy is harmful in itself. She is simple other , as it differs from the usual live energy of man.

    Accuming its small amount, the medium is capable touch Shadows. It may be tapping in the palm (invitation to contact), the feeling that someone took you for a finger or by hand or strokes on the back of the back. This can be regarded that the shadow invites the medium somewhere behind it to show something.

    Is it worth afraid of such contacts? If you feel respectful to the cemetery and its inhabitants, then you absolutely have nothing to be afraid. In the thin world of mediums as postmen, through which the shadows have the opportunity to transfer the message to relatives. And because the attitude towards mediums is very good and respectful.

    Of course, not all people can take control of their fears. From my own experience I can say that the main source of most fears is our violent imagination that does not have no relevant. Due to the lack of accurate data, the brain draws something - there is indeed, warning us in such a way that we went to the unfamiliar territory.

    In this material I tried to show the present The state of affairs that many fears associated with the cemetery and its inhabitants are illusory. In fact, it is no more than the raging imagination. If you are going to become a medium - now you know the truth about the fine world, which means most of the fears should disappear.

    Let's go back to the main issue - how to become a medium? The main emphasis should be done at the time of the state of indifference-indifference. And better do this practice in the cemetery.

    An excellent analogue of this necessary Each medium practice is meditation. Because meditation is observation and outlet of the mind and body, sorting out with your Ya. The practice of meditation contributes to the operation of the disconnection skill from the individual and the long-lasting retention state of the removal.

    To become a medium and contact with a subtle world,
    Develop the ability
    « disable» from his personality.
    In his workshop you will greatly help meditation.
