The most reliable way to cope with the consequences of festive fences, which are colossal stress for the digestive system, is to prevent overeating. Easy to say, but hard to do! How to be if you already feel that we have moved? The Cosmopolitan magazine after consultations with gastroenterologists offers the following plan for rescue operations to mitigate the fate of the affected organism.

5 minutes later

When it seems that nothing more will get nothing, but you eat another piece, and you feel that this piece can jump back, then I must say "stop" to yourself, postpone cutlery and exit from the table.

You have already inflicted your body a crushing blow, all the "charms" of which you still have to experience. In the meantime, if there is an opportunity, you should weaken the belt or change clothes into more loose clothes.

The more you are constrained in the movements, the more uncomfortable and intense you will feel that aggravate the torment of the digestive system.

At this time, you should not drink a lot of water - from this you will feel even greater overcrowding of the body. But the slow drinking of warm tea with mint will help to relax the gastrointestinal tract, including a cardiac sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus, the normal operation of which will lead to an exhaust from the stomach of unnecessary air, swallowed with food. After getting rid of excess air, you will feel no longer so "swollen". (And remember that, whenever the air or gases at the entrance or outlet of the gastrointestinal comes from the gastrointestinal tract, the location is released in it that it helps me to move along the path intended for it).

If you prefer coffee, then the cup of coffee will also help the operation of the digestive system, and you will feel less "polished" festive disasses.

15 minutes later

At this time, I really want to lie down, but it is not worth it - in a horizontal position on the stomach, it turns out more pressure, and gastric juice can get into the esophagus and cause heartburn.

In the abdominal pain, it is recommended to take a non-receptible remedy for increased gas formation (type of espuming), antacid (type of Almagel) to reduce the production of gastric juice, which is performed in excessive amounts, or ranitidine, which will calm the stomach and soften the irritation of the digestive system from eating abuse and Drinks (including alcohol). If you feel that they are just smoking, but do not have painful sensations, then there is no need to take any drugs.

30 minutes later

Although, most likely, you still feel madly embarrassed, it's time to go for a short walk. Walking stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract. When you sit and do not move, then the work of your gastrointestinal tract is also not high.

1-2 hours later

Still no time to sleep, but also you can not expose the body to serious physical exertion. Easy stretching or exercises from yoga are recommended, which will help release excess gases from the body. But it is important to avoid provisions in which the head is below the abdomen or pressure is pressure, because This can cause acid reflux.

2-3 hours later

At this time, almost all the food, if not all, moved from the stomach down the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces the risk of acid reflux, and now you can take a horizontal position.


The most important task the next day after overeating is to return to the usual, "most discerning" loads on the digestive system. Instead of taking in the morning for an unstound cake, it is better to take a healthy breakfast of solid ingredients containing healthy fats, protein, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Even if you feel that "after yesterday's" your clothes have become slightly scrupted, you should not dramatically limit yourself in calories and skip regular meals, but it is better to give a preference to light food. A sharp restriction in food will cause a strong appetite and can push you into a new abyss of overeating.

The next day it is useful to give the body some physical activity, at least minimal - for example, go on a shopping shopping for holidays. Positive emotions will help you survive the day "after yesterday". And at the end of the day, listen to your body and feel - he begs you not to overeat during the next holiday!

Complete assembly and description: Prayer facilitating suffering for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Prayer for delivering from the torment dying to fulfill the last request of the dying of Orthodoxy

Sometimes a person is sick for a long time, and if he is surrounded by love, care - to die easily, and still scary. Very bad when a person is surrounded by people who are just waiting for him to die: while he is sick, we are the prisoners of his illness, we cannot move away from his bed, we cannot return to your life, we cannot rejoice in our joys; his illness, like a dark cloud, hangs over us; He would have died as soon as possible. And dying it feels. It can last for months. Natives come and asked cold: "Well, how are you? nothing? Do you need something? do not need anything? okay; You know, I have my own business, I'll get back to you. " And even if the voice does not sound cruelly, a person knows that he was visited only because it was necessary to visit, but that his death is waiting with impatience.

But what should truth Christian attitude towards the dying? How, having shifting Christian love and wisdom, facilitate the suffering of a loved one? And if he is on the verge of death, but he does not feel it himself, - is it worth talking about it or try to do so that he only at the last moment I realize that there is no way back?

There is one tendency among Christians that they borrow from unbelievers of the world: this is the desire to hide from the dying severity of their position and the proximity of death. The Lord sends long-term death diseases as the last tool serving to save the soul. He wants a man at this time to think about life, looked into his senses, realized his impurity and unsuitability for eternal bliss, horrified his unfortunately, recalled God and with repentance and hopefully rushed his heart to him. This good fishing of God often interferes with close heavily sick. Optina elders believed that the doctor was obliged to warn the patient about the approach of death. And, obviously, it is not necessary to hide the danger from a sick of Christian.

There are cases from the life of the righteous when they predicted an ambulance to anyone of loved ones, and these predictions were not justified. But those who were predicted were subsequently grateful to them. This prediction forced them in time to repent, change the way of life and in enhanced spiritual exploits to prepare themselves to the transition to another world.

In cases where they want to stop or alleviate the death sufferings of the patient, it is necessary to resort to enhanced prayer about him. Rev. Afanasiy Afonov In those cases, when I learned that any patient inching his monastery had no will of God to heal, I made a vigil vigil and asked God to restore him, to save him from the torment, and others from the severity of long-term care of the patient. And by morning, when prayers finished their prayers, he broke up with life and patient. However, they should be praying for his request as the Lord ended his prayer in the Garden Garden: "Let Will will be" (MF. 26, 42).

Prayer Panteleon-Healer treats disease, eliminates suffering and pain. Who praying to recover.

Friends, let's pray for Jeanne -Frica, for her recovery and all those people who are seriously sick.

Orthodox prayer Pantelemon-Healer helps to recover from diseases and get rid of pain. The holy healer eliminates the suffering - both physical and moral, spiritual unbearable experiences.

Pantelemon remains the main patron and healer for Orthodox Christians for the third millennium. If a person is seriously serious ill or he is just very bad, then he diligently reading the prayer and sincerely repent of his previously deed sins, he most likely will get to get rid of his ailments in the sooner time.

I remember my grandmotherAfter retirement, he often suffered a strong toothpody, which was very tormented and worried. Then she suggested one friend that it was necessary to read the prayer to the Holy Panteleon-Healer, and the pain will take off her hand. So it happened - the toothaches grandmother left, and if he later reminded himself, then after prayer holy was held.

The meaning of diseases and prayers about healing

Praying to the holy healer of diseases, it is necessary to understand that he does not heal us himself, and that Panteleon is redirecting our prayer frustration to the Lord God and asks for the giving to us to the health.

Also, each Orthodox Christian needs to know and realize that the Lord God sends us the disease is not just like that, and in the punishment for our sins, so that we repented, confessed, they took and corrected, they became better.

Unfortunately, until many of the stricken hearts, it is impossible to reach even through diseases. And then the Lord begins to appeal to the sinner and his conscience, sending the ailments to his relatives and close people, most often they are the children or parents, a beloved spouse. And very often, when sinful understands the sent signal sent to him and turns to God, the kard retreats, as if they were not.

Do not waste For the Holy Trinity for those tests that God Father, God Son and God the Holy Spirit of Holy: Diseases are a reversible phenomenon, the death of your own or loved ones - here's a real punishment for serious sins that the Lord sends us that our fierce hearts softened and appealed to it.

Therefore, for your illness and diseases of loved ones, especially not very heavy, as it is not paradoxically, God must be thanked - after all, he could send us more strong, exhausting tests, but did not.

Therefore, if you are sick or your child, a native and close person, the first thing you need to be not in rush to doctors (the best of them always relieve the will of God), but to resort to hot, sincere prayer.

Who pray to recover

Holy Great Martyr and Pantelemon Healer is the main patron saint of all doctors and patients.

If any sore is tormented by any illness, just pray for this martyr, read him a prayer, buy the icon of St. Panteleimon, necessarily consecrated in the Orthodox Church, and put it at home for a prominent place.

He will definitely help a patient suffering from pain to man - if the disease does not fully cure, then at least reduce pain and torment, suffering.

This is the main prayer for the sick and ill, causing people and suffering from people's pain.

This prayer rehabilitation can be read not only for the sake of curing the disease, but also preventive purposes so that the dear adults and children do not hurt you. But from his experience (possibly erroneous, but still) I will not pull it on trifles just like that.

The life of St. Panteleimon was very hard - he healed people, and he was punished for it, and later they were executed at all. He is very sympathetic and helping everyone who needs his help, care and attention.

But even after his death, holy helps sick and tormenting pains, suffering, experiences of people, heal their diseases and returns the health of "hopeless" patients.

Pray for health and recovery, not forgetting that at the same time you should also ask the Lord about the forgiveness of your sins and correct your behavior. And really try to become a Lushcha, sin less, make more kind things, help others - and it will definitely "work."

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and healer Panteleonon about the patients, about curing the disease, about health

Oh, the great waters, the passionerpiece and the doctor a multi-facing pantheliamanone!

We need to be soaked by me, sinful slave, hear the wedding and cry of my, the dyingness of the celestial, the Verkhovnago doctor of the souls and the televisions of our, Christ of our God, may healing from the ailment, the opposite.

We accept unworthy praying of the sins of all people. Visit my fellow visiting.

Do not rush to my sinful ulcers, melting them with a bare mercy and healing me; Yes, life of my heart and body, the rest of my days, the grateful of God, to spend in repentance and the departing of God and would fit the perception of the good end of my life.

To her, waters of God! The mind of Christ's Christ, and your victim gives the health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Read more prayers to Jesus Christ about the health of a sick person, to recover:

The fast in the intercession is one, Christ, soon more than show your visit to your suffering slave, and get rid of illness and bitter diseases; And erect in Yezhin Pettea and Slavith ineffective, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating.

On the odds of the disease Lying and death, I wondered the vulnerable, I sometimes erected the ESI, SPACE, Petrov's mother-in-law and ramlablang on Odra Navigaro; Sita and now, merciful, walked and healed: you are one of the unland and illness of the genus of our suffered and all MOGO, YAO of a multi-cell.

Vladyko, Almighty, the Holy King, are punishing and not killed, saying the lowered and removed, the bodies of the sorrow correct, pray, our God, the slave of yours (name) is a prosperity to visit, forgive him, forgive him all sinning free and unwitting.

She, Lord, your medical power with heaven lowered, Touch the Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Ukroti passion and all sorts of melting melting, Budi Doctor's slave (name), erend him from Odra sickness and from the bodies of the County Oblocity and Most And your willow will be creative.

Your Bo is, hedgehog is pretty and savage, God, and you are asked to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Holy Panteleon helps even in hopeless situations - it is only necessary to believe in God very much and sincerely pray for help, about recovery of a sick Jesus Christ, the Virgin of Virgin Mary and other saint.

Council of beginners: to treat some diseases one must pray one saint to the cure of others - to others. The book, which martyr need to pray in what cases can be bought in the church.

Go to church and put a candle there and order a prayer for the health of the sore, order a daily prayer for 40 days in the church - Sorokoust about health, buy the icon of St. Panteleimon-Healer and hang it in a visible place in the patient's ward and at home, sprinkle saint Water is your home or apartment (this can be done by taking water in the church or consecrating it there for a holiday, but you can call the father), as well as the patient's chamber and its own.

The Lord God often creates miracles even in ordinary life - and it is so if you believe in it.

And the Holy Panthenelon helps any person - regardless of the social status and the number of his sins.

Read regularly prayer to holy Pantelemon-Healer about the health of relatives and loved ones - and be healthy, and happy!

In the most severe diseases and with very strong pains, read akathist Panteleononu-Healer (this is a very long prayer, but very effective).

Believe, hope, love - and you will be rewarded by your faith, the hope and strength of love.

Be healthy you and all your close and dear hearts, loved people!

Prayers in mourn and mental patterns

Do not take me on me, Lord, temptation, temptation or sorrow or disease over my strength, but get rid of them or give me a fortress to transfer them with thanksgiving.

You, the Holy Martyrs of the Vero, Nadezhda and Luba, Slavim, Major and please, I am in acknowledged with wise Matter Sophieu, they are pointing out, Jaco, the image of the goggling care. Beggar, Holy Vero, Creator Visible and Invisible, Yes, Faith Street, Unlassennna and Unhushima will give us. Approach, holy hope, before the Lord Jesus for our sinners, and hope for the benefit does not remove from us, and from every sort of grief and the need to get rid of us. Chatting, Holy Luba, the Spirit of Truth, Comforter, Naskasy and Sorrow, and that over the sweetness of the heavenly low seller to our souls. Close the troubles in our troubles, the holy of the martyr, and I am buying a wise mother with your Sofie, the pray for the king of the kings and the Lord dominating, and it will save (names) under the cover of yours, and I will be purchased and with all the holy holys and welcome the Most Holy and Grand Father's name and Son and Holy Spirit, boring the Vladyka and Good Protetel, now and are also confident and forever.

Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on keeping me from God from the heavens given! I diligently pray to you: you will enlighten you, and from any evil, it is saved to the good act to nasty, and on the path of salvation to send. Amen.

Oh, the Most Holy Mother of God of God, the Savior of Our Savior, the Mother of Christ, the Savior, the Signless Picking and Intercession, Widoves and Syrah Patrone, Mothers Sadness and Surprise, Babies, Impregnated, and True, always ready! You, about the global, giving all the grace of all overgrown and delight from sorrows and diseases, the muddy sorrow itself and the disease has undergone Esi, look at the free suffering of your Son of Your Beloved and Togo on the Cross of Purgents, Ever Weapon, Simeon Protsed, Heart Your Passion: Towjo, about Mati is different, the wings of our praying, the comfort of us in the grief of the destroy, and the faithful of the joy of the Guodeatian. The commencement of the preclosion of the Holy Trinity, the sole of your son, the God of our God, Mozheyshi, wheezing, they are useful, the sake of the heart and love to you, Yako, Tsaritsa and Vladychitsa: I hear your dear, and you hear Miliation of our and save us from the circumference of the troubles and sorrow: you bozoste all true, the world and consolation are served. CE STICH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, we were consolation of our hearts to our heart, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, handing us the tears of repentance to purify our sins and thickening the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, conscience and Hopefully incommunically resorted to your petition and intercession. We accept, globify our Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a zealous prayer of our brought, and do not recreak us unworthy from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of sorrow and illness, protect us from all the hits of the entry and slander of man, wake up your assistant , Yako, so under your mother's intercourse, always be the goal and keep your interpreting and prayers to your son and God to our Savior, Jesh, he appreciates any glory, honor and worship, with his original father and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God "Soothe my sorrows"

Hope to all the end of the Earth, the prechile devo, Mrs. Virgin, consolation of our! Do not be rush to the sinful, we hope for your Bo mercy: a fuss burning in us in our sinful and repentance of our Hearts Outcomes; Clean the mind of our since sinful thoughts, we accept plea, from the soul and hearts with frosting to you. Budy about us, Guodatais to your son and God and turn anger to his mother's prayers. The shower and bodies of the ulcers were healed, Mrs. Vladychitsa, the soul of souls and telecisions, sculpting the evil attacks of the enemy, the burden of our sins, and would not leave us until the end, and the sadness of the crushed hearts are our consolation, and we are glad to the end of our ease.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God "Pokrov of the Most Holy Virgin"

About the Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord Highlights, Heaven and Land Tsarice, Hoody and Countries Our Monslat Intercession! We receive a labore-thank-thank you, who is unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with faith and loved by your who gives your own miraculous image. Major Boy worthy of him is pardoned to life, it's not so good to die about us, Vladychitsa, Yako, all of you are possible from him. Something for you to resort to you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of ours: hear us, the autumn of us with a survive cover of yours and succeed at God's Son of Your Shepherd, our jealousy and vor Mind and Smithnantry, Spouse Love and Consent, Chad obedience, inhabitable patience, having a fear of God, grieving grace, rejoice in abstinence: All the spirit of mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Ms. Presidaya, soothing to the weak people; Racely collect, bothering on the way right to nasty, the old age is supported, Yuniya Ocelomomeri, infants raise and win on all of us the charity of Milostivago your intercession; Erend us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of our eyes to the sight of salvation; Milostiv We are Budi Zede and Tamo, in the country of Economhods an alignment and on the Scary Court of your son; Pretty the same in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting life from Angels and with all the Holy Life. You are Boh, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, you are at the bose our hope and the intercession of all those who run towards you with faith. We will pray to you and you, Ioko almighty assistant, our ourselves and our whole stomach, they betrayed, now and are confused, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Suffering reveals genuine in man

"Suppose a person already understands what the meaning of the disease, but the suffering from time to time rolling, and I want these temporary suffering to somehow weaken. What do you think most of all torments a person with illness, the disease itself, pain or what thoughts, feelings, emotions?

Very differently everything happens. In some diseases, physical pain is so painful that I don't even well imagine what thoughts can accompany the person at this moment. It sometimes reaches the most terrible thoughts that it is better to die than to endure. A person sometimes is just a consciousness. Therefore, it is quite difficult for this consciousness to send a person to the fight against suffering.

- What can a person make in this situation?

First, pray, of course. Pray, as it turns out, maybe in your own words.

You see, what's the matter, the disease is, it is also terrible, which takes the strength to pray. Sometimes, while you yourself do not get sick, it seems that the disease makes it possible to pray more. Time seems to be fully, nothing distracts, lying and pray at least all day. And this is not. When seriously, it fell ill - everything suffers. Not only the body suffers and the soul, and the Spirit. The disease amazes everything, including the will of man. Nevertheless, from the last strength you need to try to pray. Prayer wins pain and strengthens our forces.

Second ... I remind you of the famous thought of the father of John Kronstadt that when you feel bad, finding why it is worse than you, help him, and God will help you. And indeed it is. Verified by experience.

I remember one book, she was written back in Soviet times. I read a long time and I do not remember the names. The documentary book about a surprising man who was very sick, the disabled person on the wheelchair, experienced heavy attacks of his illness, but at the same time managed to help a heap of people around. He talked on the phone with sick, he had familiar doctors, pharmacists. He said: "I live because I helped others, I have no time to suffer because of my illness, because I see so many people around, which I can help!". He was convinced that he lives only because he needs to serve people. "As soon as I leave this concern about others and quenching on myself, immediately die."

It is clear that this is a man of an extraordinary strength of the Spirit, and not everyone can, but if there is at least some possibility, even being in illness, to help someone who is worse than you, then it is very cool when a person uses this opportunity. However, it is not necessary to whom worse. Maybe not worse, but a person needs help. Because one thing, to say - "I do not up to you to all, I myself is so sissing and bad, do not touch me, decide your questions and problems yourself." It is easier for us from this will not.

In short, this position is possible: "I am not up to you .... I need to help yourself. " And the opposite: "I am not to myself ... there is someone worse." The first is the path to the deepening of the disease and to the despondency, the second - to recovery and joy. And if not to recovery, then significant relief.

- Many saints also act. The same Matronushka, she lay paralyzed and helped people

Yes. And Amvrosy Optina! Being a very young monk, he seriously fell ill and was almost chained to bed. The monastery authorities recognized him completely disabled, and he was credited to live on the dependence of brethren. And how many people this "disabled" could help! Led up to deep old age.

There is an amazing story in the book "Paradise Flowers from the Russian Earth" about a person who fell ill, being young, in the heyday, was immobile. At first, very strongly rebanged against it, then, in the end, something he opened, she came up, began to pray, people began to come to him, and even though he continued to hurt, but he managed to help a prayer, advice, goodwalf.

I remember one of the "unadigital stories" Veresaev. I read it for a long time, I do not remember the details. He with admiration tells about one woman, from his acquaintances, who was very sick of severe and painful illness, and she was always joyful, and other joy gave, although at times it was seen to her face, what painful pain she worried. At that moment, when she had attacks, she could not emit any joy, but as soon as the pain left her, as soon as the attack took place, she was very cheerful again. Such joy, like her, not to see healthy! But the days of this woman were considered. And she knew about it.

Once this woman asked: "How do you manage it?" - "I live exclusively in the present. At that moment, when there is no pain, I enjoy all that good, kind, that I see around myself and absolutely not thinking about what I just shy. I learned myself to live at a moment. At that moment, when there are no pain, I see the beauty of nature and good people, and I gave it entirely and completely. I forbid myself to think about what has just been pain and the fact that pain will come back. When he returns, then he will return, but now, when there is no pain, I will rejoice. "

This is the ability to live entirely in the present moment and see in it kind, good - one of the most important spiritual qualities. The person is very often unhappy, because he either continues to worry what has already passed or upset because he thinks may come.

It turns out that many patients are not only more tormented, but even more rejoices than ordinary healthy people.

Probably. The disease aggravates all experiences. Bitter and joyful.

There are two points of view on suffering. One claims that suffering towers and purify a person, and the other that suffering and pain, including the disease, angry it. Who is right? And those and others. It all depends on the person. Suffering reveals in a genuine man. Someone cleans and raises upwards, and someone anniversary, and in the same disease, one person becomes just an embossed scoundrel, which hates the whole world for all healthy, and the other, on the contrary, acquires some such experience, that all the best in it is manifested.

If a person is not indifferent to the question of who he is, during the illness, it's time to remind himself that it turns out that now it turns out what I really stand that I am actually per person. Now it will become clear and to me and others who I am - nothingness or not. If a person is least interested in learning himself, then of course, he can only curse the disease and sometimes those who are healthy. Any envy is disgusting, but the envy of the patient to healthy especially.

The first thing that comes to me on the mind is "Prayer Canon of the Mother of God." This canon in prayerfulness is usually preceded by this inscription: "This canon is coming in every soul mate, and the circumstances." The power of this prayerfulness is verified by centuries. I think the thoughtful reading of this canon is the most suitable prayer doing during the disease.

I really want to say about reading the Gospel. The disease captures a man by surprise and a person can be simply not ready for prayer in the form in which church offers it. After all, most of our prayers are in church-Slavic language. Let him read the sick gospel in Russian, and, after reading the chapter or "heard,", or just a small passage to postpone the book and will turn to the wrong words, about whom he just read, to Jesus Christ. In the gospel, many stories about healing. And the one who performed these healings then can do it now. He is invisible next to each reading.

People who in the church are not one year old, can say: I do not know anything better and more beautiful than Psalti. Better King David nobody addressed God. To read the psaltry and in the disease, and in joy, and in the sorrow, and in the "fames" insert some personal prayer petitions. But this is for those who have some reading experience in Slavic.

There are now acapers for sick. Akathists What are good? They are absolutely understandable, they are written by a language close to the modern Russian language. And of course, we all know the saints to which it is customary to treat during the disease, for example, the Great Martyr of the Healer of Panteleimon.

- Well, we assume that a person has no such book, and not in any way there is an opportunity to read on the book. As pain, she hammering you like a drop and prayer - it should be so fast answer to every drop of pain. As in martial arts - you beat you, you should reflect the blow at this moment. When you read prayers that inaccurately reflect this blow, you skip this blow. Can you recommend brief prayers suitable for situations?

I think the prayer prayer is "our own". It is truly universal, no wonder the Lord himself gave it. A multiple thoughtful repetition of this prayer introduces us to the "right" state of the spirit and attracts abundant grace.

Much written about Jesus prayer. And on pain, on suffering, this prayer lies very well. "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinful."

Indeed, you need to see which blow to us is sent. If the pain causes in us a pity and ropot against God (and these thoughts and feelings are sure to increase pain), then the weapon directed right against pain - the prayer "Thank God for everything!". Or: "Thank God for everything! Decent of my affairs accept. "

It helps a lot when we at the time of the pain remember some kind of sin and how we go to meet pain, we accept it voluntarily as the redemption of this sin. When we go so towards pain, the pain retreats. There is still such a prayer: "I wiper it for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ!" This is certainly for Christians, for people relating to their life quite consciously.

We all talk about the martyrs who confirmed their loyalty to Christ's decent patience. If a person in illness finds the strength, let him not thank God, because it is already higher, but at least worthy without Ropota, and it doesn't get angry before Ropot against God and others, then to some extent this is also part of a martyer. A person tolerates for Christ. Well, if the soul is raised to thanks, it is truly such a person to the kingdom of God.

- How do you need to treat these suffering? We just talked about the fact that suffering on the one hand can angry, on the other hand, clean the person. How from this point of view, how to treat suffering? Suppose it is obvious that it will be harder to transfer suffering whether it will be harder than if you recognize some of your responsibility for your suffering

Any sin, he destroys something in man always. The worst thing is not the fact that I broke some laws, but the fact that I broke something in myself, I distorted something in myself that he was in myself. Each sin, something in me urgent. But further, if something in me is broken, it means that you need to restore it. How to restore it?

And here you want to bring some kind of analogy. We know that if we scratched, you can not pay attention to such damage, well, but I anointed it with a green button - and that's it. More serious injury must be tied up, on the fracture - to impose a bus. A completely serious injury requires a long operation, without this. Similarly, in the soul, - if a small sin, it is enough to pray and say: "Lord, forgive!" And all, this sore in the soul is already touched. If there is more sin - you need to read the rule, to confess. You are not talking about all my sins for confession, they are also forgotten, especially small, but this is necessary to carry it through the "shame" of confession. For some sin, if little confession herself, the priest imposes a member, because, it happens that without the Epitias. And there are the heaviest sins that can not forgive without suffering. Only suffering can heal it

In this respect, I always bring an example from the Sinai Catema. There was a robber, robbed, killed, the terrible things did. In the end, he repented, came to the monastery to Igumen and says - "So I am the same robber. I'm looking for, if you find, then terrible flour waiting for me. I repent, is there any salvation for me? ". Igumen changed him in a row, said: "Here in this cave you will live, pray, you will be given superstars, water ..."

The robber settled in this cave. Naturally, no one can find it, because no one comes to mind that he has monks. It takes several years. Igumen is interested in how there is a robber. He is told that he is well done, already the Lord, probably, he forgiven him, because he prays, crying, reads Psalms, in general, everything is as expected.

Well, it comes once this robber to this igumen and says: "Father, I came to you, I will give me a robbing clothes to you, and I return to you in the night." The monk was upset, says: "Did you decide to come back to the old?" The robber replies: "No, I'll go to the city." The monk is perplexed - "Why? Do not you understand that you will grab you and lie to death? ". And the robber responds: "I want to go and take exactly this death." "Well, why, you already die for so many years, I forgave, probably, you already have the Lord." - "One boy does not give me a rest, whom I stabbed without any desired reason. I began to come to me this boy and he asks all the time - why did you kill me. And wherever I go, and when I pray alone, and when in the meal, and when I am in worship, I am again and again this boy and again asks this question again. And I feel that I will not be peaceful to me, I will not forgive me this sin, until I go there and do not die for this boy. "

There was nothing to object the monk. The robber took his clothes, and really grabbed him, tried, sentenced to painful execution, executed. But the monks now know that he is saved.

And here is a question arises. Who needed these suffering? Is the boy that such a vengeful was, did it really need to be the robber to suffer? I think not. God needed his flour? Also no. But there is some kind of mystery, some law, in which the inner injury, which we inflicted cannot be counted in any way except suffering. After all, the Lord himself restored the human nature destroyed by sin. Through the godflowers.

And so, I think that if we consider in this context and those sufferings that are experiencing in the disease may be aware that we need it that we need this pain. And we will pray: "Lord, remove this pain, there is no longer to endure her. But if you know that I need it, leave ... "

- Professor, Archbishop Luke War-Yarnetsky has a book "I loved suffering. Based on the above, it turns out that ideally, if we don't have to love suffering, at least you do not need to hate him and consider it with your own enemy. It turns out, after all, for us a healing medicine, albeit bitter.

I think yes. I think that if we can see a high meaning in our sufferings, everything will completely change. Strange, probably, to me, the Orthodox priest, quote such a person as Friedrich Nietzsche, but I really like his statement: "A person will lead any" how ", if you know," why "." Can this world, "Yudol cry", be without suffering. It is impossible to go through this life without sorry and diseases, and the dignity of a person is just to carry them as it should, so that these suffers do not break us. Someone said that Christ did not come rid of us from suffering, and so that our suffering became like him.

The most detailed description: Prayer to facilitate suffering - for our readers and subscribers.

"Suppose a person already understands what the meaning of the disease, but the suffering from time to time rolling, and I want these temporary suffering to somehow weaken. What do you think most of all torments a person with illness, the disease itself, pain or what thoughts, feelings, emotions?

Very differently everything happens. In some diseases, physical pain is so painful that I don't even well imagine what thoughts can accompany the person at this moment. It sometimes reaches the most terrible thoughts that it is better to die than to endure. A person sometimes is just a consciousness. Therefore, it is quite difficult for this consciousness to send a person to the fight against suffering.

- What can a person make in this situation?

First, pray, of course. Pray, as it turns out, maybe in your own words.

You see, what's the matter, the disease is, it is also terrible, which takes the strength to pray. Sometimes, while you yourself do not get sick, it seems that the disease makes it possible to pray more. Time seems to be fully, nothing distracts, lying and pray at least all day. And this is not. When seriously, it fell ill - everything suffers. Not only the body suffers and the soul, and the Spirit. The disease amazes everything, including the will of man. Nevertheless, from the last strength you need to try to pray. Prayer wins pain and strengthens our forces.

Second ... I remind you of the famous thought of the father of John Kronstadt that when you feel bad, finding why it is worse than you, help him, and God will help you. And indeed it is. Verified by experience.

I remember one book, she was written back in Soviet times. I read a long time and I do not remember the names. The documentary book about a surprising man who was very sick, the disabled person on the wheelchair, experienced heavy attacks of his illness, but at the same time managed to help a heap of people around. He talked on the phone with sick, he had familiar doctors, pharmacists. He said: "I live because I helped others, I have no time to suffer because of my illness, because I see so many people around, which I can help!". He was convinced that he lives only because he needs to serve people. "As soon as I leave this concern about others and quenching on myself, immediately die."

It is clear that this is a man of an extraordinary strength of the Spirit, and not everyone can, but if there is at least some possibility, even being in illness, to help someone who is worse than you, then it is very cool when a person uses this opportunity. However, it is not necessary to whom worse. Maybe not worse, but a person needs help. Because one thing, to say - "I do not up to you to all, I myself is so sissing and bad, do not touch me, decide your questions and problems yourself." It is easier for us from this will not.

In short, this position is possible: "I am not up to you .... I need to help yourself. " And the opposite: "I am not to myself ... there is someone worse." The first is the path to the deepening of the disease and to the despondency, the second - to recovery and joy. And if not to recovery, then significant relief.

- Many saints also act. The same Matronushka, she lay paralyzed and helped people

Yes. And Amvrosy Optina! Being a very young monk, he seriously fell ill and was almost chained to bed. The monastery authorities recognized him completely disabled, and he was credited to live on the dependence of brethren. And how many people this "disabled" could help! Led up to deep old age.

There is an amazing story in the book "Paradise Flowers from the Russian Earth" about a person who fell ill, being young, in the heyday, was immobile. At first, very strongly rebanged against it, then, in the end, something he opened, she came up, began to pray, people began to come to him, and even though he continued to hurt, but he managed to help a prayer, advice, goodwalf.

I remember one of the "unadigital stories" Veresaev. I read it for a long time, I do not remember the details. He with admiration tells about one woman, from his acquaintances, who was very sick of severe and painful illness, and she was always joyful, and other joy gave, although at times it was seen to her face, what painful pain she worried. At that moment, when she had attacks, she could not emit any joy, but as soon as the pain left her, as soon as the attack took place, she was very cheerful again. Such joy, like her, not to see healthy! But the days of this woman were considered. And she knew about it.

Once this woman asked: "How do you manage it?" - "I live exclusively in the present. At that moment, when there is no pain, I enjoy all that good, kind, that I see around myself and absolutely not thinking about what I just shy. I learned myself to live at a moment. At that moment, when there are no pain, I see the beauty of nature and good people, and I gave it entirely and completely. I forbid myself to think about what has just been pain and the fact that pain will come back. When he returns, then he will return, but now, when there is no pain, I will rejoice. "

This is the ability to live entirely in the present moment and see in it kind, good - one of the most important spiritual qualities. The person is very often unhappy, because he either continues to worry what has already passed or upset because he thinks may come.

It turns out that many patients are not only more tormented, but even more rejoices than ordinary healthy people.

Probably. The disease aggravates all experiences. Bitter and joyful.

There are two points of view on suffering. One claims that suffering towers and purify a person, and the other that suffering and pain, including the disease, angry it. Who is right? And those and others. It all depends on the person. Suffering reveals in a genuine man. Someone cleans and raises upwards, and someone anniversary, and in the same disease, one person becomes just an embossed scoundrel, which hates the whole world for all healthy, and the other, on the contrary, acquires some such experience, that all the best in it is manifested.

If a person is not indifferent to the question of who he is, during the illness, it's time to remind himself that it turns out that now it turns out what I really stand that I am actually per person. Now it will become clear and to me and others who I am - nothingness or not. If a person is least interested in learning himself, then of course, he can only curse the disease and sometimes those who are healthy. Any envy is disgusting, but the envy of the patient to healthy especially.

The first thing that comes to me on the mind is "Prayer Canon of the Mother of God." This canon in prayerfulness is usually preceded by this inscription: "This canon is coming in every soul mate, and the circumstances." The power of this prayerfulness is verified by centuries. I think the thoughtful reading of this canon is the most suitable prayer doing during the disease.

I really want to say about reading the Gospel. The disease captures a man by surprise and a person can be simply not ready for prayer in the form in which church offers it. After all, most of our prayers are in church-Slavic language. Let him read the sick gospel in Russian, and, after reading the chapter or "heard,", or just a small passage to postpone the book and will turn to the wrong words, about whom he just read, to Jesus Christ. In the gospel, many stories about healing. And the one who performed these healings then can do it now. He is invisible next to each reading.

People who in the church are not one year old, can say: I do not know anything better and more beautiful than Psalti. Better King David nobody addressed God. To read the psaltry and in the disease, and in joy, and in the sorrow, and in the "fames" insert some personal prayer petitions. But this is for those who have some reading experience in Slavic.

There are now acapers for sick. Akathists What are good? They are absolutely understandable, they are written by a language close to the modern Russian language. And of course, we all know the saints to which it is customary to treat during the disease, for example, the Great Martyr of the Healer of Panteleimon.

- Well, we assume that a person has no such book, and not in any way there is an opportunity to read on the book. As pain, she hammering you like a drop and prayer - it should be so fast answer to every drop of pain. As in martial arts - you beat you, you should reflect the blow at this moment. When you read prayers that inaccurately reflect this blow, you skip this blow. Can you recommend brief prayers suitable for situations?

I think the prayer prayer is "our own". It is truly universal, no wonder the Lord himself gave it. A multiple thoughtful repetition of this prayer introduces us to the "right" state of the spirit and attracts abundant grace.

Much written about Jesus prayer. And on pain, on suffering, this prayer lies very well. "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinful."

Indeed, you need to see which blow to us is sent. If the pain causes in us a pity and ropot against God (and these thoughts and feelings are sure to increase pain), then the weapon directed right against pain - the prayer "Thank God for everything!". Or: "Thank God for everything! Decent of my affairs accept. "

It helps a lot when we at the time of the pain remember some kind of sin and how we go to meet pain, we accept it voluntarily as the redemption of this sin. When we go so towards pain, the pain retreats. There is still such a prayer: "I wiper it for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ!" This is certainly for Christians, for people relating to their life quite consciously.

We all talk about the martyrs who confirmed their loyalty to Christ's decent patience. If a person in illness finds the strength, let him not thank God, because it is already higher, but at least worthy without Ropota, and it doesn't get angry before Ropot against God and others, then to some extent this is also part of a martyer. A person tolerates for Christ. Well, if the soul is raised to thanks, it is truly such a person to the kingdom of God.

- How do you need to treat these suffering? We just talked about the fact that suffering on the one hand can angry, on the other hand, clean the person. How from this point of view, how to treat suffering? Suppose it is obvious that it will be harder to transfer suffering whether it will be harder than if you recognize some of your responsibility for your suffering

Any sin, he destroys something in man always. The worst thing is not the fact that I broke some laws, but the fact that I broke something in myself, I distorted something in myself that he was in myself. Each sin, something in me urgent. But further, if something in me is broken, it means that you need to restore it. How to restore it?

And here you want to bring some kind of analogy. We know that if we scratched, you can not pay attention to such damage, well, but I anointed it with a green button - and that's it. More serious injury must be tied up, on the fracture - to impose a bus. A completely serious injury requires a long operation, without this. Similarly, in the soul, - if a small sin, it is enough to pray and say: "Lord, forgive!" And all, this sore in the soul is already touched. If there is more sin - you need to read the rule, to confess. You are not talking about all my sins for confession, they are also forgotten, especially small, but this is necessary to carry it through the "shame" of confession. For some sin, if little confession herself, the priest imposes a member, because, it happens that without the Epitias. And there are the heaviest sins that can not forgive without suffering. Only suffering can heal it

In this respect, I always bring an example from the Sinai Catema. There was a robber, robbed, killed, the terrible things did. In the end, he repented, came to the monastery to Igumen and says - "So I am the same robber. I'm looking for, if you find, then terrible flour waiting for me. I repent, is there any salvation for me? ". Igumen changed him in a row, said: "Here in this cave you will live, pray, you will be given superstars, water ..."

The robber settled in this cave. Naturally, no one can find it, because no one comes to mind that he has monks. It takes several years. Igumen is interested in how there is a robber. He is told that he is well done, already the Lord, probably, he forgiven him, because he prays, crying, reads Psalms, in general, everything is as expected.

Well, it comes once this robber to this igumen and says: "Father, I came to you, I will give me a robbing clothes to you, and I return to you in the night." The monk was upset, says: "Did you decide to come back to the old?" The robber replies: "No, I'll go to the city." The monk is perplexed - "Why? Do not you understand that you will grab you and lie to death? ". And the robber responds: "I want to go and take exactly this death." "Well, why, you already die for so many years, I forgave, probably, you already have the Lord." - "One boy does not give me a rest, whom I stabbed without any desired reason. I began to come to me this boy and he asks all the time - why did you kill me. And wherever I go, and when I pray alone, and when in the meal, and when I am in worship, I am again and again this boy and again asks this question again. And I feel that I will not be peaceful to me, I will not forgive me this sin, until I go there and do not die for this boy. "

There was nothing to object the monk. The robber took his clothes, and really grabbed him, tried, sentenced to painful execution, executed. But the monks now know that he is saved.

And here is a question arises. Who needed these suffering? Is the boy that such a vengeful was, did it really need to be the robber to suffer? I think not. God needed his flour? Also no. But there is some kind of mystery, some law, in which the inner injury, which we inflicted cannot be counted in any way except suffering. After all, the Lord himself restored the human nature destroyed by sin. Through the godflowers.

And so, I think that if we consider in this context and those sufferings that are experiencing in the disease may be aware that we need it that we need this pain. And we will pray: "Lord, remove this pain, there is no longer to endure her. But if you know that I need it, leave ... "

- Professor, Archbishop Luke War-Yarnetsky has a book "I loved suffering. Based on the above, it turns out that ideally, if we don't have to love suffering, at least you do not need to hate him and consider it with your own enemy. It turns out, after all, for us a healing medicine, albeit bitter.

I think yes. I think that if we can see a high meaning in our sufferings, everything will completely change. Strange, probably, to me, the Orthodox priest, quote such a person as Friedrich Nietzsche, but I really like his statement: "A person will lead any" how ", if you know," why "." Can this world, "Yudol cry", be without suffering. It is impossible to go through this life without sorry and diseases, and the dignity of a person is just to carry them as it should, so that these suffers do not break us. Someone said that Christ did not come rid of us from suffering, and so that our suffering became like him.

Prayer Panteleon-Healer treats disease, eliminates suffering and pain. Who praying to recover.

Friends, let's pray for Jeanne -Frica, for her recovery and all those people who are seriously sick.

Orthodox prayer Pantelemon-Healer helps to recover from diseases and get rid of pain. The holy healer eliminates the suffering - both physical and moral, spiritual unbearable experiences.

Pantelemon remains the main patron and healer for Orthodox Christians for the third millennium. If a person is seriously serious ill or he is just very bad, then he diligently reading the prayer and sincerely repent of his previously deed sins, he most likely will get to get rid of his ailments in the sooner time.

I remember my grandmotherAfter retirement, he often suffered a strong toothpody, which was very tormented and worried. Then she suggested one friend that it was necessary to read the prayer to the Holy Panteleon-Healer, and the pain will take off her hand. So it happened - the toothaches grandmother left, and if he later reminded himself, then after prayer holy was held.

The meaning of diseases and prayers about healing

Praying to the holy healer of diseases, it is necessary to understand that he does not heal us himself, and that Panteleon is redirecting our prayer frustration to the Lord God and asks for the giving to us to the health.

Also, each Orthodox Christian needs to know and realize that the Lord God sends us the disease is not just like that, and in the punishment for our sins, so that we repented, confessed, they took and corrected, they became better.

Unfortunately, until many of the stricken hearts, it is impossible to reach even through diseases. And then the Lord begins to appeal to the sinner and his conscience, sending the ailments to his relatives and close people, most often they are the children or parents, a beloved spouse. And very often, when sinful understands the sent signal sent to him and turns to God, the kard retreats, as if they were not.

Do not waste For the Holy Trinity for those tests that God Father, God Son and God the Holy Spirit of Holy: Diseases are a reversible phenomenon, the death of your own or loved ones - here's a real punishment for serious sins that the Lord sends us that our fierce hearts softened and appealed to it.

Therefore, for your illness and diseases of loved ones, especially not very heavy, as it is not paradoxically, God must be thanked - after all, he could send us more strong, exhausting tests, but did not.

Therefore, if you are sick or your child, a native and close person, the first thing you need to be not in rush to doctors (the best of them always relieve the will of God), but to resort to hot, sincere prayer.

Who pray to recover

Holy Great Martyr and Pantelemon Healer is the main patron saint of all doctors and patients.

If any sore is tormented by any illness, just pray for this martyr, read him a prayer, buy the icon of St. Panteleimon, necessarily consecrated in the Orthodox Church, and put it at home for a prominent place.

He will definitely help a patient suffering from pain to man - if the disease does not fully cure, then at least reduce pain and torment, suffering.

This is the main prayer for the sick and ill, causing people and suffering from people's pain.

This prayer rehabilitation can be read not only for the sake of curing the disease, but also preventive purposes so that the dear adults and children do not hurt you. But from his experience (possibly erroneous, but still) I will not pull it on trifles just like that.

The life of St. Panteleimon was very hard - he healed people, and he was punished for it, and later they were executed at all. He is very sympathetic and helping everyone who needs his help, care and attention.

But even after his death, holy helps sick and tormenting pains, suffering, experiences of people, heal their diseases and returns the health of "hopeless" patients.

Pray for health and recovery, not forgetting that at the same time you should also ask the Lord about the forgiveness of your sins and correct your behavior. And really try to become a Lushcha, sin less, make more kind things, help others - and it will definitely "work."

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and healer Panteleonon about the patients, about curing the disease, about health

Oh, the great waters, the passionerpiece and the doctor a multi-facing pantheliamanone!

We need to be soaked by me, sinful slave, hear the wedding and cry of my, the dyingness of the celestial, the Verkhovnago doctor of the souls and the televisions of our, Christ of our God, may healing from the ailment, the opposite.

We accept unworthy praying of the sins of all people. Visit my fellow visiting.

Do not rush to my sinful ulcers, melting them with a bare mercy and healing me; Yes, life of my heart and body, the rest of my days, the grateful of God, to spend in repentance and the departing of God and would fit the perception of the good end of my life.

To her, waters of God! The mind of Christ's Christ, and your victim gives the health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Read more prayers to Jesus Christ about the health of a sick person, to recover:

The fast in the intercession is one, Christ, soon more than show your visit to your suffering slave, and get rid of illness and bitter diseases; And erect in Yezhin Pettea and Slavith ineffective, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating.

On the odds of the disease Lying and death, I wondered the vulnerable, I sometimes erected the ESI, SPACE, Petrov's mother-in-law and ramlablang on Odra Navigaro; Sita and now, merciful, walked and healed: you are one of the unland and illness of the genus of our suffered and all MOGO, YAO of a multi-cell.

Vladyko, Almighty, the Holy King, are punishing and not killed, saying the lowered and removed, the bodies of the sorrow correct, pray, our God, the slave of yours (name) is a prosperity to visit, forgive him, forgive him all sinning free and unwitting.

She, Lord, your medical power with heaven lowered, Touch the Telesce, Ugashi Fire feeder, Ukroti passion and all sorts of melting melting, Budi Doctor's slave (name), erend him from Odra sickness and from the bodies of the County Oblocity and Most And your willow will be creative.

Your Bo is, hedgehog is pretty and savage, God, and you are asked to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Holy Panteleon helps even in hopeless situations - it is only necessary to believe in God very much and sincerely pray for help, about recovery of a sick Jesus Christ, the Virgin of Virgin Mary and other saint.

Council of beginners: to treat some diseases one must pray one saint to the cure of others - to others. The book, which martyr need to pray in what cases can be bought in the church.

Go to church and put a candle there and order a prayer for the health of the sore, order a daily prayer for 40 days in the church - Sorokoust about health, buy the icon of St. Panteleimon-Healer and hang it in a visible place in the patient's ward and at home, sprinkle saint Water is your home or apartment (this can be done by taking water in the church or consecrating it there for a holiday, but you can call the father), as well as the patient's chamber and its own.

The Lord God often creates miracles even in ordinary life - and it is so if you believe in it.

And the Holy Panthenelon helps any person - regardless of the social status and the number of his sins.

Read regularly prayer to holy Pantelemon-Healer about the health of relatives and loved ones - and be healthy, and happy!

In the most severe diseases and with very strong pains, read akathist Panteleononu-Healer (this is a very long prayer, but very effective).

Believe, hope, love - and you will be rewarded by your faith, the hope and strength of love.

Be healthy you and all your close and dear hearts, loved people!


The first thing I want to do is forget everything and run away. But the way "buy a ticket to the sea or a ticket to the village to grandmother" is far from the best. He will give only a momentum result. And then you still need to return home to the real world. And then the pain will only sharper. Everything in the usual life will be reminded of pain - the memory was muffled for a short time. And on the return, she will again steal the heart.

To get rid of pain, you need to call her reason. Clearly speak it out loud. Or write. The main thing is to realize. Maybe there will be a source for this - it may be the best friend or psychologist. If the pain is caused by the loss of a loved one, you need to figure it out, what is wounded in the care of the most? It may be fear or feeling of guilt before. If you threw a loved one, you need to understand what happened as a result of his care: Lost confidence in tomorrow or vulnerable pride.

Now you can begin to get rid of what reminds you of the reason for sincere pain. Remove on time or throw photos and things of a person who is a source of pain. Or remember to communicate with him if it is still present in life. If the source of spiritual pain is a loss of work, then not to read articles on professional topics, avoid communicating with former colleagues.

When the reason is called and is realized, there is nothing that can remind her, and the emptiness in life is filled with a favorite activity, you can say: "I start a new life in which there is no mental pain." And start rejoice in every day. Search for this approach. It may be a favorite song, heard on the radio, a conversation with a close man, eaten a chocolate on the night, walk in the rain barefoot and without an umbrella, buying a new dress or tie. There are a lot of reasons for joy. They are much more than reasons for sadness! And every new day is a powerful pill against mental pain.

Helpful advice

Do not wait for instant results, and do not take the first relief for recovery.

Unhappy love ... If you can find a person with whom it did not happen, this person will, without exaggeration, the uniqueness. Everyone comes such a moment in life when it seems that the world has gone from under the feet. Want - do not want, and old love will have to somehow forget. If you do not know how you can be, how to live further and drive out the image of your loved one from your memory, then maybe the advice of this article will be useful for you. The main thing is that you decide to forget - this is the key to success.


Try to seek help to a psychologist. No, no one considers you crazy, does not offer to contact the psychiatrist. Only to a psychologist who will help you understand yourself and in your own emotions, which hears and help find a solution. The psychologist will definitely be able to enter your position and assess the situation. You will find an excellent interlocutor who always listens to you and comfortable, and it will comforted very competently. Only if you have talked for help from a specialist, be with it as frank as possible, do not hide anything, do not try to put yourself in the best or in the worst light. Speak everything as it is, how you yourself feel. Only in this case can you competently help.

Start more with friends. Try to distract yourself from constant thoughts about. Staying alone with himself, the person begins to dig more and more in himself, even if he forget, he still unwittingly returns to these unnecessary thoughts.

Get rid of all that can remind you of this person. Remove gifts, things, photos somewhere. Do not necessarily throw them away and burn. Just remove there, from where they are difficult and laziness will get it all time so that they do not loosen constantly before your eyes.

Stop constantly remembering only good. After all, it was bad, otherwise you would not get into the situation that you have to forget the person. Recall that the bad made you this person. Just do not try to take revenge on it bad, because surely you also committed mistakes. Just understand that this situation is a pattern, and not a ridiculous accident. And in general, try to think about it as much as possible.

Find a lesson in which you can leave with your head - work, study, hobby ... See, over time you will simply stop thinking about your former love.

And the best way out in a similar situation is, oddly enough ... fall in love. Yes, the sooner you find a person, the feelings to which you can displace the old one, the sooner you will get to forget the previous love.
So take yourself in your hands and just be happy!

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If there are no men in your environment now, with whom it would be curious to talk, you can always search for interesting characters in clubs, bars, cafes, at exhibitions, in any other habitats of the opposite sex. The most efficient way to forget the former guy will love in a new young man.

Helpful advice

How to forget your beloved man, boyfriend. So weird. Yesterday you wandered around the evening city or dinner together, and your eyes glowed with happiness, and today he suddenly said that he had. But after better to collect the will in a fist, folded all his things in the bag and solemnly give him. Or send with a courier (relative, friend). The main thing, do not leave anything that could serve as a reason for his arrival.

The mental pain is so strong that for sake of getting rid of her, a person can consciously cause himself physical pain and not to experience it. The painkillers do not help from it, it does not pass in an hour or two. The only way to cope with spiritual pain is to distract from it.


Whatever the source of pain: a gap with a beloved is a real reason for a banal and simple. You are unpleasant that it happened to you: you took away, you were betrayed, you did not help. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Life goes on. Rejoice, remembering the pleasant moments of the ending relationship, and do not cry, replaying the day of the gap. Renewing the dead, but do not dwell on the traw.

Do not seek to blame for example, among friends, in no way. Attempts to scroll through the situation re-showing "what would happen if ..." will not lead to anything. You decided to say and did. Even if someone made a mistake, now it is impossible to fix it, which means it is necessary to change the attitude towards it and its results.

Distract. Take care that you have long been postponed: take your vacation, go to the sea, make a repair, put a vegetable garden in the country. Continue to act, do not stop on your grief. Use any means to distract from strong negative feelings.

Do not avoid friends and loved ones. More often go to visit them and invite them to yourself. They know how hard you now, even if you do not apply. Take them warm and love, give your heat. At least a couple of times you can swim in the vest of the closest friend.

After the time expires, you will become clearer and the causes of errors, and the motives of each of the participants in the conflict, which led you to the state of depression. You will be able to understand and forgive everyone, including yourself, but to deal with the problem of hot tracks, and more accurately, do not hurry.

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When the relationship does not add up, the thought occurs to all throw and leave. But it is easy to say, and how difficult it is to do. The physical change of residence is capable of changing the home environment and view from the window, but we still remember the incident to the break and suffer from it. How to go and forget how to overcome sad thoughts? Consider some tips.


It is necessary to clearly understand that this life does not end, and moreover, the fate itself tells you that these relationships have exhausted themselves, and it would be time to plunge into new ones. As soon as the realization that this person is not the hero of yours, then the time of change will come in life. Nobody canceled the strength of thought, and its materialization properties have long been proven by scientists.

Opportunities to leave a person will contribute to the following targeted actions. First, it is necessary to clean the cell phone from SMS, MMS and photos of the forgotten destination. Secondly, to remove joint photos from the albums and from the desk. Thirdly, throw things out, souvenirs who presented this person or who brought memories about him.

It is necessary to actively carry out free time. Meet friends, dance to dawn on discos, learn a foreign language - all this and much more contributes to the healing of spiritual wounds. The main thing is to stop discussing with close people of unpleasant parting, forcing yourself to re-experience negative emotions.

In the case when emotions have accumulated and some of them will express, then you should contact the paper. Write a story on behalf of the main character. Come up with a happy finale in the story. Now set aside memoirs, go out into the street and breathe full of fresh air. Everything, the page of the new stage is open in life, and what will be recorded on it, it depends only on you.

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In a person's life, there are times when he is unbearably hard. About such situations say short and Emko: "Soul hurts!" The reasons can be the most different: the death of a loved one, a ridiculous quarrel with a friend, a break with his beloved, bulging adversity, failure. Even a strong, volitional man may be alleged from such trouble. Everything seems to him in black, everywhere only negative. There is long and to mental illness! This situation must be corrected. How to overcome mental pain?


Since ancient times, the old wise saying is known: "Time heals!" Indeed, even unbearably a strong loss pain is dulled over time. Sometimes it is necessary to squeeze my teeth, the first, the hardest, period, and mental pain will gradually begin to serve.

Although it is very difficult, call cold logic to help. Tell me: "What happened - already happened. From the fact that I will face my hair, go crazy, nothing will change. " This is true even if the irreparable person happened (for example, a close person died). The suggestion can help well: "After all, he loved me, he would be very distressed, seeing how I suffer and kill!"

If we are talking about a corrected situation - a quarrel, a breaking of relationships, personal troubles, etc. - Then, all the more resort to self-sustainment, stubbornly convincing yourself: "There is a mental pain, suffering, torment me only interfere with! I'll think better how to return my beloved (to make a different, solve problems at work, etc.) "

Try to understand that your sad situation is by no means unique! In life, completely and next to the light, there is also negative. And death, alas, an integral side of life. Remember: Many of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues lost loved ones, experienced serious problems. But after all, they found the strength not to fall in spirit, overcame their mental pain! And what are you worse?

Try as much as possible, anywhere, get positive emotions! This is absolutely necessary for you. See humorous TV shows, go to exhibitions, sporting events, theaters, friendly parties. Do not get closed in four walls, do not copy in the soul of the negative.

Confress yourself: life continues, and joy will be replaced. Find an interesting hobby, passion, if possible, change the situation, go to the passage tour.

Video on the topic

If you broke up with your beloved man and want to forget it soon, you need to get rid of everything that reminds you of it. You must also stop comparing every man with your former and start living my own life.


Regardless of the reasons for which you broke up, the inability to forget says that you are strongly tied to it. You must give yourself some time to survive parting. If you lower this step and do not give time to stay alone and understand what happened, you will be pursued by the memories of this man. However, it should not be immersed in such thoughts for a long period, it may end up depressions.

Stop remembering the happy days spent together. Whenever you do this, your memories of a man will only increase. In the future, when you decide the task set in front of yourself, you can remember the past with warmth in the shower, but without unnecessary emotions. However, now, when you are trying to forget about a man, these memories will only interfere.

If you want to forget your beloved man, remember the negative aspects of your relationship. Remember your quarrels why they happened, remember why you were partitioned, perhaps the reason for this was your incompatibility. More often tell yourself that your parting was a true solution. However, you do not need to be attached to such memories. Do this whenever notice that you start thinking about a man, as a loved one.

You may find it difficult to keep a positive attitude, especially if a little time has passed since the separation. However, having achieved this, you will be able to switch attention faster and enjoy your own life. Try to replace all negative thoughts, forcing you to remember your beloved man, positive concerning your friends, relatives, your plans, etc. We are more often in the company of people who can raise you mood.

The reason why you can not forget your beloved man can consist that you feel your guilt in front of him or for the circumstances that led to your parting. Even if it is so and you really committed something wrong, do not think about it. Admit that you can not change anything and you need to forget about everything. If you every time you think about how you could do and what could change, you will live past.

Look for support from friends and relatives. Your boyfriend stayed in the past, your loved ones remain with you. Spend your time to strengthen your relationship with them, more often spend time with them. It will help you to survive parting and quickly forget about your beloved man. Try to be more often in the atmosphere of fun with your friends, even if the memories of love do not leave you for a minute. The cardinal change of the setting will help you to distract and raise you the mood.

People sometimes make stupid actions, causing painful and loved ones. It is difficult to survive this pain, and you ourselves must decide for yourself whether it is worth the person or not.


If your favorite person has hurt you, you should not keep it in yourself. Collect all your strength in a fist and try to talk to him. Explain what exactly you are unhappy which his act delivered you similar negative emotions. Tell me that you love your offender, but do not want this to be repeated. You must convey to him how much your feelings are stuck. Most likely, your second half is aware of your mistake, it will experience a feeling of shame, bring you her apologies and will do everything in order for such situations no longer happen in your relationship.

After the finishing recognition and sincere repentance of your beloved and loved one, you have a choice: forgive or not forgive. Here everything depends only on what a person did, and whether you are ready to accept it after such a deed. If you value your relationship, most likely, you decide to restore peace and consent.

If you still decide to forgive the offender, try never to remind him of what happened, otherwise you will also constantly quarrel and cause each other pain. After you make up, make collaboration on errors. What would happen between you, only one person cannot be to blame. Most likely, there is a share and guilt in the incident.

Improve relationships to each other. Start respect your soul mate and take care of it. Learn to spend time together not only in the home environment, but also elsewhere. Have fun and relax in the company of your beloved person and your common friends. Rejoice in any pleasant trifles and go through life with a smile. If you do not pay attention to problems and difficulties, and you will overcome them together, it will challenge your relationship and make you inseparable pair. When harmony and happiness will reign between you, none of you will allow yourself to hurt your dear person.

The life path of man ends his death. To this you need to be ready, especially if the family has a lying patient. Signs before death every person will be different. However, the practice of observations indicates that it is still possible to distinguish a number of common symptoms that foreshadow the proximity of the death. What are these signs and what should be prepared for?

What does the dying person feel?

A lying sick before death, as a rule, experiencing mental torments. In sound consciousness there is an understanding of what to survive. The body undergo certain physical changes, it is impossible not to notice. On the other hand, the emotional background is changing: mood, mental and psychological equilibrium.

In some of the interest in life, others are completely closed in themselves, others can fall into a state of psychosis. Previously, or later the state worsens, a person feels that he loses his own dignity, it often thinks about the ambulance and easy death, asks for euthanasia. These changes are hard to observe, remaining indifferent. But this will have to come to terms either try to alleviate the situation with drugs.

With the conchion approach, the patient is increasingly sleeping, manifesting apathy to the world around. In the last moments, there may be a sharp improvement in the condition that reaches the fact that the patient's underlying for a long time rushes out of bed. This phase is replaced by subsequent relaxation of the body with an irreversible decrease in the activity of all organism systems and attenuation of its vital functions.

Lying Patient: Ten signs that death is close

In the completion of the life cycle, an elderly person or a lying sick is increasingly feels weakness and fatigue due to lack of energy. As a result, it is increasingly in a state of sleep. It can be deep or dunda, through which voices heard and is perceived by surrounding reality.

A dying person can see, hear, feel and perceive non-existent things, sounds. In order not to upset the patient, it should not deny it. It is also possible to loss of orientation and the patient is increasingly immersed in itself and loses interest in his surrounding reality.

Watering due to the failure of the kidney work darkens almost brown with a reddish tint. As a result, swelling appear. The patient has breathing, it becomes intermittent and unstable.

Under pale skin, dark "walking" venous spots that change the location of the blood appear as a result of blood circulation violation. First, they usually manifest themselves at the feet. In the last moments of limbs, a dying person is chosen due to the fact that the blood, casting from them, is redirected to more important parts of the body.

Failure of livelihood systems

There are primary signs that appear at the initial stage in the body of a dying person, and secondary, indicating the development of irreversible processes. Symptoms can have an external manifestation or hidden.

Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract

How does the underlying patient react to this? Signs before death associated with the loss of appetite and the change in the nature and volume of food used, manifest themselves to chalk. Most often, on the background of this develops constipation. The patient without a laxative or enema is increasingly harder to empty the intestines.

The last days of life patients spend, abandoning food and water in general. Do not worry much because of this. It is believed that when dehydration in the body increases the synthesis of endorphins and anesthetics, which to some extent improve overall well-being.

Functional disorders

How does the condition of patients change and how does the patient react to it? Signs before death associated with the weakening of the sphincters, in the last few hours of human life manifest itself incontinence of feces and urine. In such cases, it is necessary to be ready to provide him with hygienic conditions, applying adsorbing underwear, diaper or diapers.

Even if there is an appetite there are situations when the patient loses the ability to swallow food, and soon water and saliva. This can lead to aspiration.

With severe exhaustion, when the eyeballs are very much worse, the patient is not able to completely close the eyelids. This oppressively acts on others. If the eyes are constantly open, the conjunctival must be moistened with special ointments or saline.

and thermoregulation

What are the symptoms of these changes if the patient is a patient? Signs before death in a weakened person unconsciously manifested by terminal tachipne - against the background of frequent respiratory movements, death rates are heard. This is due to the movement of the mucous membrane of the secret in large bronchops, trachea and sip. Such a state is quite normal for a dying person and does not give him suffering. If it is possible to put the patient on the side, wheezing will be less pronounced.

The beginning of the fracture of the brain section responsible for thermoregulation is manifested by irregular body temperature of the patient in the critical range. It can feel sharp tides of heat and a sudden cold. The limbs are frozen, the covering of the Spryan skin changes the shade.

Road to death

Most patients die quietly: gradually losing consciousness, in a dream, falling into someone. Sometimes there are talks about such situations that the patient has passed from life by "ordinary road". It is believed that in this case irreversible neurological processes occur without significant deviations.

Another picture is observed with agonial delirium. The movement of the patient to death in this case will pass through the "difficult road". Symptoms before the death of a lying patient who took this path: psychoses with excessive excitement, anxiety, disorientation in space and time on the background of confusion of consciousness. If there is a clear inversion of waking cycles and sleep, then for the family and relatives of the patient, this state can be extremely difficult.

Delium with a setting is complicated by a feeling of anxiety, fear, often turning into the need to go somewhere, run. Sometimes it is a speech concern that manifests the unconscious flow of words. The patient in such a state can only perform simple actions, without understanding what he does, how and for what. The ability to logically argue for it is impossible. These phenomena are reversible if you reveal the reason for such changes in time and to stop it with medication intervention.


Before death, what symptoms and signs of a lying patient testify to physical suffering?

As a rule, uncontrollable pain in the last hours of life of a dying person is rarely strengthened. However, this is still possible. A patient who is unconscious, will not be able to know about it. Nevertheless, it is believed that pain and in such cases delivers painful suffering. The sign of this is usually the intense forehead and emerging deep wrinkles on it.

If, when examining a patient without consciousness, there are assumptions about the presence of developing pain syndrome, the doctor usually assigns opiates. It should be careful, as they can accumulate and exacerbate a difficult state in connection with the development of excessive overexcitation and seizures.

Giving help

A surplus patient before death may experience significant suffering. Cutting symptoms of physiological pain can be achieved by drug therapy. Peaceful suffering and psychological discomfort of the patient, as a rule, become the problem of relatives and close members of the family dying.

An experienced doctor at the stage of assessing the overall condition of the patient can recognize the initial symptoms of irreversible pathological changes in cognitive processes. This is primarily: scattered attention, perception and understanding of reality, adequacy of thinking when making decisions. You can notice violations of the affective function of consciousness: emotional and sensual perception, attitude to life, the relationship of the individual with society.

The choice of methods of facilitating suffering, the process of evaluating chances and possible outcomes in the presence of a patient in some cases by itself can serve as therapeutic agent. This approach gives a chance to the patient to really realize that he sympathize with him, but perceive as a capable person with the right to vote and choosing possible ways to solve the situation.

In some cases, a day or two before the alleged death, it makes sense to cancel the reception of some drugs: diuretics, antibiotics, vitamins, laxatives, hormones and hypertensive drugs. They will only exacerbate suffering, deliver inconvenience to the patient. Annexic, anticonvulsant and antiemetic drugs, tranquilizers should be left.

Communication with a dying person

How to behave my relatives, in the family of which is a patient?

Signs of approaching death can be explicit or conditional. If there are the slightest prerequisites for a negative forecast, you should prepare in advance for the worst. Listening, asking, trying to understand the non-verbal language of the patient, you can determine the moment when the changes in its emotional and physiological state will indicate the imminent approximation of death.

Will it be known about it dying - this is not so important. If aware and perceives, it facilitates the situation. Do not give false promises and in vain hopes about his recovery. It is necessary to make it clear that his last will will be executed.

The patient should not be isolated from active cases. Poor if the feeling that something is completely covered from it. If a person wants to talk about the last moments of his life, it is better to do it calmly than to silence the topic or banned on stupid thoughts. A dying person wants to understand that he will not be alone that he will take care that he will not touch him.

At the same time, relatives and friends need to be prepared to show patience and provide full assistance. It is also important to listen to, give to speak and say the words of consolation.

Medical assessment

Do you need to talk to the whole truth to relatives, in the family of which a lying sick before death? What are the signs of this state?

There are situations where the family is incurably a patient patient, being in ignorance about his condition, in the hope of changing the situation in the literal sense of the last savings. But even the impeccable and most optimistic treatment plan may not give results. It will happen that the patient will never stand on his feet, will not return to active life. All efforts will be in vain, spending will be useless.

Native and close patients to ensure care in the hope of rapidly recovery, challenge and lose the source of income. Trying to alleviate suffering, they introduce a family in a difficult financial situation. There are problems of relationships, unhappy conflicts on the basis of lack of funds, legal issues - all this only aggravates the situation.

Knowing symptoms inevitably approaching death, seeing irreversible signs of physiological changes, an experienced doctor is obliged to inform the patient's family. Removed, understanding the inevitability of the outcome, they will be able to focus on the provision of psychological and spiritual support.

Palliative care

Do you need help to relatives, in the family of which is a patient, before death? What are the symptoms and signs of the patient talking about how to contact her?

Palliative care is not aimed at the extension or reduction of his life. In its principles, approval of the concept of death as a natural and natural process of life cycle of any person. However, for patients with an incurable disease, especially in its progressive stage, when all the possibilities of treatment are exhausted, the issue of medical and social assistance is raised.

First of all, it is necessary to apply for it when the patient no longer has the ability to lead an active lifestyle or in the family there are no conditions for ensuring this. In this case, attention is paid to the relief of the suffering of the patient. At this stage, not only the medical component is important, but also social adaptation, psychological balance, peace of mind of the patient and his family.

The dying patient needs not only attention, care and normal household conditions. It is also important to psychological unloading, relief of experiences related, on the one hand, with the inability of independent service, and on the other hand, with a consciousness of the fact that the approaching quick death is inevitable. Prepared medical sisters and own the imprints of the art of facilitating such suffering and can provide substantial assistance to incurable people.

Predictors of death on scientists

What to wait for relatives who have a fallen patient in the family?

The symptoms of the approach of the death of a person "emitted" with a cancer tumor were documented by the Palliamental Help Hospital. According to observations, not all patients have obvious changes in physiological state. In a third of them, the symptoms were not manifested or their recognition was conditional.

But most of the deadly patients in three days before the death could be noted a noticeable reduction in the response to verbal irritation. They did not react to simple gestures and did not recognize the facial expressions of the person who communicated with them. The "Smile Line" in such patients was omitted, the unusual sound of the voice was observed (ligament ligaments).

In some patients, in addition, there was hyperextension of cervical muscles (increased relaxation and mobility of the vertebrae), unreactive pupils were observed, patients could not close the eyelids. From explicit functional disorders, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract (in the upper sections) were diagnosed.

According to scientists, the presence of half or more of these features can, with high probability, indicate an unfavorable forecast for the patient and its sustainable death.

Signs and folk beliefs

In the old days, our ancestors paid attention to the behavior of a dying person before death. Symptoms (signs) The patient could be predicted not only by the death, but also the future wealth of his family. So, if the dying requested in the last moments of food (milk, honey, oil) and relatives were given it, it could have affected the future of the family. There was a belief that the deceased can pick up wealth and good luck with him.

It was necessary to prepare for close death, if the patient did not shudder without explicit reasons. It was believed that he looked into his eyes. Also a sign of close care was a cold and pointed nose. It was believed that this death was holding a candidate in recent days before his death.

The ancestors were convinced that if a person with turns away from the light and most of the time lies face to the wall, he is on the threshold to the world of others. If he suddenly felt relief and asked him to shift him onto the left side, then this is a faithful sign of the ambulance. Such a person will die without flour, if you open the window and the door.

Lying patient: How to recognize signs of impending death?

Relatives of the patient's dying home must be aware of what they can face in the last days, the clock, the moment of his life. It is impossible to predict the moment of death and how everything will happen. Not all the symptoms described above and the cities before the death of a lying patient may be present.

Stages of dying, as well as the processes of the birth of life, individual. No matter how difficult it was to relatives, you need to remember that a dying person is even more difficult. Close people need to be patient and provide a dying person as possible conditions, moral support and attention and care. Death is the inevitable result of the life cycle, and it is impossible to change.
