In Russian, it has great importance initial form the words. From this, many of its grammatical forms depend. Noun is no exception.

What is the initial form of a noun?

To find out from a noun initial form, you need to put it in a single number. Consider the rule on the example of words from the sentence:

In a number of characters, the block does not avoid purely allegorical images, symbols of long-frozen, metaphor already linguistic.

Thus, the initial form of nouns is determined. She will help us in spelling the case of the case.

Ending-and-and in 1 decline

The orthogram, named in the subtitle, is related to the need to determine the initial form. The fact is that it depends on it, in what cases the nouns are written by the end, and when the end is.

The initial shape of the nouns of the first declination ends on-, -I. Recall that you need to ask a question: "What?" We give examples:

  • wife;
  • land;
  • foliage;
  • apple tree;
  • purity;
  • white;
  • running

In these words, the end is written - and-andy. The choice is determined by such a scheme:

R.p. (Who? What?) - I.

D.p. (what? To?) - E.

Etc. P. (O Com? What about?) - E.

We give examples:

Practical task number 1

What letters would you put instead of points?

Answers: 1) -e, 2) -e, 3) -e, 4) -e, 5) -e, 6) -e, 7) -I.

End in the names of nouns 2 declines

The initial second decline in the middle way ends on -h / -e, and in male genus - for consonants. For example:

  • window;
  • village;
  • field;
  • the sun;
  • a business;
  • table;
  • pillar;
  • comrade;
  • pencil.

If you have such an initial form of a noun, then the word never has endings - and:

  • R.p. (Who? What?) - A.
  • D.p. (what? To?) - W.
  • Etc. P. (O Com? What about?) - E.

As you can see, this orfogram concerns only the form of the proposed case:

  • I told everything about my comradist, who has not come out of the house for a whole year.
  • And there are spots in the sun.

Practical task number 2

What finishes are written in words with passes?

  • In the contract ... there was detail the procedure for using public seats.
  • In an unfamiliar officer ... The old woman recognized her son.
  • Suddenly they remembered the Feldsher, who lived nearby, and sent him.
  • Selivanov told the chief about this engineer ... and his project ... and he agreed to meet him.
  • Everyone worked and did not even think about the director ..., and he still did not come.
  • On vacation ... everyone was well rested, now it's time to take up work with new forces.
  • For a skip ... There was someone else's photo.

Answer: In all words, the end is written.

Case endings of nouns 3 declines

If the name is the noun feminine in the initial form, that is, in I. p. h. ends it means that it is the third decline. Examples of such words:

  • notebook;
  • bed;
  • mother;
  • daughter;
  • bake;
  • false;
  • whim;
  • area.

If the initial form of nouns is precisely this, then these words never occupied - it:

  • R.p. (Who? What?) - I.
  • D.p. (what? To?) - I.
  • Etc. P. (O Com? What about?) - I.

Here are some examples:

  • On the windows brightly, Gerani flowers.
  • The towers of impregnable citadel were elevated.
  • Everything on the ship has already dreamed of earthly solid.
  • She mixed up the usual thread for strength.

Practical task number 3

We take such a task, with which every third grader should be able to cope with, since the "initial form of noun" 3 class meets as part of the school program.

Specify the proposals in which there are words with the end - and:

  1. In the class we read the poem Chukovsky about cockroach ....
  2. Yesterday we traveled to the grandfather ... and grandmother ...
  3. I read in books ... about space ...
  4. At the uncle ... there is a layout of the ship.
  5. Under the tree grew a big mushroom under a layer of HVO ...
  6. The bright image of the teacher remained for a long time ... His disciples.
  7. In June, the topol ... The seed boxes are formed, which are then bursting, and seeds together with the Pooh differ across the entire district ....
  8. In 1914, when the war began, Nastasya Vasilyevna taught the daughters ... All his inconspicuous wealth and went to the front of the sister of mercy.
  9. The girl in a light dress ... From Citz, surprisingly harmoniously fited into this picture of light, heat and greens.
  10. In a huge puddle .. The starry sky and curly crowns of trees, tipped down the tops, reflected the starry sky.

Words on -y, -iya, -I

There are still words, the initial form of which ends on -y, -i, - "

  • sanatorium;
  • maratility;
  • profilators;
  • lecture;
  • army;
  • section;
  • composition;
  • reduction;
  • ugliness.

In such words in the parent, dutiful, proposed case, the end is. For example:

  • The polar star is the brightest in his constellation.
  • Father of the family once studied in the seminary.
  • Mary Ivanovna had two sons and four daughters.
  • At Vitaly, the old sweater of coarse mating was put on.
  • Mother often recalled Artemia and waited for him.
  • Mother's heart was only then in harmony with the world, when all her children gathered in the house.
  • My brother serves in the army.

As can be seen from examples, in such cases at the end of the words we see a combination of letters. Only the last one is the end.


Write down under the dictation text, put nouns in the initial form.

How good is the autumn forest! The trees dressed up, accurately in the fairy tale ... Only spruce in her hoo ... frowning and throws cones from her top .... On birch ... Listers yellow, transparent, gear. Usinka ... Orange crawls, very beautiful. The most beautiful outfit on the Clay ...: Red, patterned, unusual. Because of it, you will not immediately see the bunches of Ryabink ...

At Polyank ... on the path ... Hare gatherings. Zaitsev also has a new job: on a gray fur coat ... White seems to appear. And protein ... not before the update, it is all in the work .... How much more on the thread ... cones! And mushrooms on Earth ...! And the berries on the bush ...! No, she will rest in winter in the warm ... Yes, a satue is ...

In the autumn, the whole forest stands in a specially fascinated ....

So, you learned what form of nouns is initial, learned how to use this knowledge when choosing an orthogram "E and in the end of the nouns." You see how easy it is easy. But the ability to determine the initial grammatical form is important not only when studying the topic "Noun": for example, it is also important for the study of grammar, but this is already the topic of another conversation.

It means that the names of the signs are changed. To determine the initial form of the word, determine the first, to which part of speech this word applies. Enter text from the picture. The initial form of the word flashes is the word to mess. For example, you are interested in the meaning of the word Initial form of adverbs, as it interprets a dictionary of linguistic terms. The pronouns of what are not changed by cases, it means that they have the initial form of the male genus of the only number. The initial form is among those parts of speech, which change, that is, the names of nouns, the impressive, impulse. For a schoolboy, it means to disassemble the word as part of speech

The word shape is loved by value. To do this, find out its value. WYKB0 who offended Sobolev? The initial form of the word fought rode. The initial form of the word can be found in the dictionary. So it is different words Or different forms of one word? For numeral initial form are. This is a service in which users free help each other with their studies exchange knowledge, experience and views. Grade of juicy apples elongated shape. The goals show that the names of the names of signs change by childbirth to explain how to determine the initial form of signs of signs to learn to compare different forms of the same word to form the ability to determine the initial form of signs of signs

What does it mean, continue to determine? New dictionary of Russian language. Morpheme analysis Words is the allocation of significant parts of the Morpham of the words from which it consists. Official site Stas Davydov Schoolboy, put on the ratings! What does it mean to put in the initial form. Determine the composition of the word means to figure out which morpheme it consists. The conclusion also means that the adjectives of the adjectives are changed by the numbers, by childbirth, and nouns have some kind of genus. Disassemble verbs as part of speech all words and with the initial shape! ! ! ! ! ! . The initial form of the word is such a form that acts in. The noun form of a nominal case multiple number Sani, cream

For example, the word went the initial form what to do? Question Please tell me what the initial form has learned but forgot. Answers to the question What is the initial form to the Word will you go? The initial form of the words of signs of signs consider the form of a male class of lesson in the Russian language on the topic. We continue to determine the initial form of words of the 2nd class of CMK promising in Russian, there are rows of words that. You are on the question page What does the word meaning mean. The initial form of the word assembled. What does donkey mean a coward? ? The objectives of the teacher to introduce the concept of the initial form of the word to acquaint with the structure of the vocabulary article to learn to compare the different forms of the same word to form the ability to determine the initial form of clarification of objects. What is the initial form of adjective? You can be infinitely right, but what's wrong if your woman is crying? This is usually a form of a nominative case, the only number. How the word is written correctly. Russian language Topic The initial form of the word goal to teach students to determine the initial form of the names of the signs of signs, change the names of the signs of signs by childbirth to teach to compare different forms of the same word

Such a word is usually derived. Pooh is searching for the necessary information to perform learning tasks using the textbook complement and expand the knowledge and idea of \u200b\u200bthe initial form of words. To walk in the footsteps, the teeth eaten, rubbing paper, pour tears, lick your fingers, stroke the wool, my cross, my finger will move, how to fall through the ground, keep the word. WHAT? This is the initial form of clarifying objects. To determine the initial form of the adjective, put the question as a question?, And also check whether the adjective needed non-permanent signs of units has the adjective need.

1. Independent parts of speech:

  • nouns (see Morphological Norms of Sum.);
  • verbs:
    • communion;
    • verbalia;
  • adjectives;
  • numeral;
  • pronouns;
  • adveria;

2. Speech parties:

  • prepositions;
  • unions;
  • particles;

3. Interdomitia.

None of the classifications (by the morphological system) of the Russian language do not fall:

  • there are no words and no, in case they act as an independent offer.
  • introductory words: So, by the way, in the same way, as a separate offer, as well as a number of other words.

Morphological analysis of the existence

  • the initial form in the nominative case, the only number (with the exception of nouns used only in the plural: scissors, etc.);
  • own or nominal;
  • animated or inanimate;
  • genus (m, w, cf.);
  • number (units, mn.);
  • declination;
  • case;
  • syntactic role in the proposal.

Morphological Sewing Plan

"Kid drinks milk."

Kid (answering the question of who?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - kid;
  • permanent morphological signs: animated, nominal, concrete, male genus, I -HO decline;
  • non-permanent morphological signs: nominative case, single;
  • in syntaxially, the sentence performs the role of the subject.

Morphological analysis of the words "milk" (answers the question of whom? What?).

  • initial form - milk;
  • constant morphological Characteristic of the word: medium kind, inanimate, real, nominal, II decline;
  • changeable signs Morphological: accusative case, the only number;
  • in the proposal direct addition.

Give another sample how to make morphological analysis Noun, based on literary source:

"Two ladies ran up to a nuddle and helped him stand up. He began to shoot down the dust from the coat. (Example from:" Protection of Luzin ", Vladimir Nabokov)."

Ladies (who?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - lady;
  • permanent morphological signs: a nominal, animated, concrete, female kind, I decline;
  • non-permanent morphological Single characteristics: single, genitive case;
  • syntactic role: part of the subject.

Nuzhin (to whom?) - Nouns name;

  • initial form - LUZN;
  • loyal morphological Characteristic of the word: name your own, animated, concrete, male genus, mixed decline;
  • non-permanent morphological signs of a noun: the only number, a dutiful case;

Palm (what?) - the name of the noun;

  • initial form - palm;
  • permanent morphological signs: female genus, inanimate, nominal, concrete, I decline;
  • non-permanent morpho. Signs: The only number, the Certificate case;
  • syntactic role in context: addition.

Dust (what?) - noun name;

  • initial form - dust;
  • major morphological signs: a nominal, real, feminine kind, the only number, an animated is not characterized, III decline (noun with zero ending);
  • non-permanent morphological Characteristic of the word: accusative case;
  • syntactic role: addition.

(c) coat (where?) - noun;

  • initial shape - coat;
  • permanent correct morphological Characteristic of the word: inanimate, nominal, concrete, medium kind, unclear;
  • morphological signs are non-permanent: the number by the context cannot be determined, the genitive case;
  • syntactic role as a member of the sentence: Supplement.

Morphological analysis of adjective

The adjective name is a significant part of speech. Answers questions what? What? What? What kind? and characterizes signs or quality of the subject. Table of morphological signs of the adjective name:

  • initial shape in the nominative case, the only number, male race;
  • permanent morphological signs of adjectives:
    • discharge, according to the value:
      • - high-quality (warm, silent);
      • - relative (yesterday, readable);
      • - Pretty (Hare, Mine);
    • the degree of comparison (for high-quality, which have a constant sign);
    • full / brief form (for high-quality, in which this feature is permanent);
  • non-permanent morphological signs of adjective:
    • qualitative adjectives change according to the degree of comparison (in comparative degrees Simple shape, in excellent - complicated): Beautiful-beautiful is the most beautiful;
    • full or short shape (only high-quality adjectives);
    • sign of kind (only in the singular);
    • number (consistent with nouns);
    • case (consistent with nouns);
  • syntax role in the proposal: The adjective name is the definition or part of the composite name of the facility.

Morphological parsing plan

Example sentences:

Full moon rose over the city.

Full (what?) - The adjective name;

  • the initial form is complete;
  • permanent morphological signs of the adjective name: high-quality, full form;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic: in a positive (zero) comparison degree, female family (consistent with nouns), nominal case;
  • according to syntactic analysis, a minor member of the sentence, performs the role of determination.

Here is another literary excerpt and morphological analysis of the adjective name, in the examples:

The girl was beautiful: slim, thin, blue eyes, like two amazing sapphire, and looked into your soul.

Beautiful (what?) - The name adjective;

  • the initial form is beautiful (in this meaning);
  • permanent morphological norms: high-quality, short;
  • non-permanent signs: a positive degree of comparison, the only number, female;

Slender (what?) - the adjective name;

  • the initial form is slim;
  • permanent morphological signs: high-quality, complete;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the word: full, positive degree of comparison, the only number, female genus, nominative case;
  • syntactic role in the sentence: part of the fant.

Thin (what?) - The name is adjective;

  • the initial form is thin;
  • morphological Permanent Signs: Qualitative, Full;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristics of the adjective: positive degree of comparison, the only number, female family, the nominative case;
  • syntactic role: part of the fad.

Blue (what?) - the adjective name;

  • initial form - blue;
  • table of permanent morphological signs of the adjective: qualitative;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristics: complete, positive comparison degree, multiple, nominative case;
  • syntactic role: definition.

Amazing (what?) Is the adjective name;

  • the initial form is amazing;
  • permanent signs of morphology: relative, expressive;
  • non-permanent morphological attributes: multiple, genitive case;
  • syntactic role in the sentence: part of the circumstance.

Morphological signs of verb

According to the morphology of the Russian language, the verb is independent part speech. It can designate an action (walk), property (chromium), attitude (equal), condition (rejoice), sign (whiten, rolling) object. The verbs answer the question of what to do? what to do? what is he doing? what have you been doing? Or what will happen? Different groups of verbal flowform are inherent inhomogeneous morphological characteristics and grammatical signs.

Morphological forms of verbs:

  • the initial form of verb is an infinitive. It is also called an indefinite or immutable form of verb. Non-permanent morphological signs are absent;
  • hidden (personal and impersonal) forms;
  • unqualified forms: involved and ready.

Morphological analysis of verb

  • initial form - infinitive;
  • permanent morphological signs of verb:
    • transitivity:
      • transitional (used with noun a vinitive case without an excuse);
      • non-optical (not used with nouns in vinual case without an excuse);
    • return:
      • returns (IS IS IT, I);
      • non-refundable (no, oh, he);
      • imperfect (what to do?);
      • perfect (what to do?);
    • conjugation:
      • I Hiding (Cause-Eat, Causes, Causes, Causes / UT);
      • II Hiding (STO-IS, STO-IT, STO-im, Stro-Ite, ST-YAT / AT);
      • different surgery verbs (want, run);
  • non-permanent morphological signs of verb:
    • mood:
      • reference: What did you do? What did you do? what is he doing? What will make?;
      • conditional: what would you do? What would you do?;
      • mandatory: Do!;
    • time (in the zealing ignition: the past / present / future);
    • face (in the present / future time, expressive and imperative challenge: 1 person: I / we, 2 PERSON: you / you, 3 face: he / they);
    • rod (last time, the only number, expressive and conditional inclination);
    • number;
  • syntactic role in the proposal. Infinitive can be any member of the sentence:
    • to be sure to be today a holiday;
    • subject to: to study will always be useful;
    • supplement: All guests asked for it to dance;
    • determination: he had an insurmountable desire to eat;
    • circumstance: I went out to go.

Morphological leasing verb example

To understand the scheme, we will conduct a written writing of the verb morphology on the sentence example:

Raine somehow God sent a piece of cheese ... (Basnya, I. Krylov)

Sent (what did it?) - part of the speech verb;

  • initial form - send;
  • permanent morphological signs: perfect view, transitional, 1st lining;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: the expressive inclination, the last time, the male genus, the only number;

The next online sample of the morphological examination of the verb in the sentence:

What silence, listen.

Listen to (what do you do?) - verb;

  • the initial form is to listen;
  • morphological Permanent Signs: Perfect View, Earthless, Return, 1st Hiding;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the word: imperative inclination, multiple number, 2nd face;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

The Morphological Plan of the verb online is free, based on an example of an entire paragraph:

It must be warmed.

Do not, let him know another time how to violate the rules.

What rules?

Wait, then I will say. Has entered! ("Golden Trank", I. Ilf)

Warning (what to do?) - verb;

  • initial form - warning;
  • morphological signs of verb permanent: perfect species, transitional, non-returnable, 1st lining;
  • non-permanent morphology part of speech: infinitive;
  • the syntax function in the sentence: an integral part of the tag.

Let him know (what does it do?) - part of the speech verb;

  • initial form - know;
  • non-permanent verb morphology: imperative inclination, singular number, 3rd face;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

Violate (what to do?) - word verb;

  • initial form - violate;
  • permanent morphological features: imperfect, non-returnable, transitional, 1 loss;
  • non-permanent signs of verb: infinitives (initial form);
  • syntactic role in the context: part of the fad.

Wait (what do you do?) - part of speech verb;

  • initial form - wait;
  • permanent morphological features: perfect species, non-returnable, transitional, 1 lingness;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: imperative inclination, multiple number, 2nd person;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

Entered (what did it go?) - verb;

  • initial form - enter;
  • permanent morphological signs: perfect species, non-returnable, non-repease, 1 loss;
  • non-permanent morphological characteristic of the verb: past time, expressing inclination, the only number, male race;
  • the syntactic role in the sentence: the failed.

The form of the word is engaged in morphology. Forms are from changing words. One of the forms is called initial. The initial is the form in which the word is given in the dictionaries.

For nouns The initial form is the form of units, I.P., for example: school, class, night .

For adjectives - units, m. r., for example: blue, winter, fox .

For numeral The initial form are:
For quantitative - I.P., for example: ten, hundred ,
For ordinal - units, M.R., I.P., for example: second, hundredth .


For verbs* The initial form is an uncertain form of verb (\u003d infinitive), for example: smile, think, play .


For communities, the initial form of the verb is determined in different ways.

It depends on the interpretation of the nature of the communion.

If the communities are defined as a special form of verb, the initial form will be an indefinite form of verb, for example: smile, build.
If the communities are defined as an independent part of speech, then the initial form is the form of units, M.R., I.P., for example: smiling, built. Read more about the nature of the communion see

I think the initial form of the word children of a child. The purpose of the formation of the ability to determine the initial form of the names of the actions of the subject. If necessary, the teacher asks children. But today she will be unusual times we study the initial shape of the verb on request The initial form of the word sleeps. This is a service in which users free help each other with their studies exchange knowledge, experience and views. For nouns, the initial form is a form of units. Initial form to the word Belchonok. Lesson in Russian language on the topic Learn to determine the initial form of the word. To determine the initial form of the word, determine the first, to which part of speech this word applies. Mother's heart was only then in harmony with the world, when all E children gathered in the house. Brillpice verb initial form of word word flames

We will make a complete morphological analysis of the words children define a part of speech, initial shape, morphological signs and shape words. Drink the words highlighted by bold font by putting them in the initial form. Home tasks help better remember lesson and teach children to work individually able to focus. What is the initial form of the word. Children have long chased forest paths on bicycles. On the board is written homework And the children check if they correctly performed it. B is frightened as a child who stayed at home alone during a thunderstorm hare, who saw a wolf. Learn to determine the initial form of clarifies of actions and words. Please note the search for words in the dictionaries is carried out in the initial form of a nominative case, the only number. Priority goal of learning literary reading in primary school. Russian language theme initial form word goal to teach students to determine the initial form of words

If necessary, the teacher asks children who are all clear, give. WHAT? This is the initial form of clarifying objects. Official site Stas Davydov Schoolboy, put on the ratings! Specify the initial shape of the words Children are better than me less than me. E. Staging task Teacher Let's try to determine the topic of our lesson Children The initial form of clarifies of actions teacher What will we learn? Conclusion How to find the initial form of names of titles, actions? The initial form of the words of the names of objects, signs and. In the elementary school, children get acquainted with the main. The purpose of this exercise of science of children to allocate the verb suffix I and disassemble the verbs of the software. The initial form of words of signs of signs consider the form. The abstract of the lesson of the Russian language in 2, 4 classes on the themes of the initial form of the word and continue.
