Proper registration of homework by english language Playing important role When evaluated. Every student of the university, a private or public school should be able to do it right. The rules for writing homework teachers are taught with junior classes. But many do not give it much importance, therefore they forget and begin to seek the transfer on the Internet or allow ridiculous errors.

Instructions for writing

  1. The number needs to be written in the middle of the string.
  2. If the page is clean, start writing on the upper line.
  3. If there are already recordings on the notebook page in English, step up 2 lines or 4 cells, depending on the type of notebook.
  4. Date indicate as follows: day of the week, number, month

Example: Friday, The 13th of September, where 10th is a reduced form from Tenth.

Translation: Friday, 13 (thirteenth) of September.

Sometimes writing the dates simplify and write like this: The 13th of September.

Translation: 13 (thirteenth) September.

  1. After the date, written designate the type of work:

CLASSWORK. Classwork.

HOMEWORK. Homework.

In our case, this is the second option. The word is written below the date, also in the middle of the line.

Everything is simple and easy.

In the end it should be noted that the phrase " homework"In English is indicated by one word" homework ". The word consists of two roots "Home" - house and "work" - work. Often, the word is written separately - "Home" and "Work", while allowing a serious mistake. Therefore, remember: the word "homework" is always written in a punk!

7th grade

English textbook for 7 classes. Student "s Book., V.P. Kuzovlev

8th grade

English. Happy English 2, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. Happy English 2. Reading book, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. HAPPY English 2. Workbook 1, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. HAPPY English 2. Workbook 2, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English 8 class. NEW MILLENNIUM ENGLISH. Dotank N.N.
English textbook for 8 classes. Student "s Book., V.P. Kuzovlev
English 8 Class Stokers

Grade 9.

English. Happy English 2, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. Happy English 2. Reading book, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. HAPPY English 2. Workbook 1, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. HAPPY English 2. Workbook 2, 7-9 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English textbook for 9 classes. Student "s Book., V.P. Kuzovlev

Grade 10

Grade 11

English. HAPPY English 3. Workbook 1, 10-11 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. HAPPY English 3. Workbook 2, 10-11 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.
English. HAPPY English 3. Workbook 3, 10-11 class, TB Clement, J.A. Shannon.

Homework in English for any schoolchildren is not a simple occupation. English itself is considered one of the most lungs. foreign languages For study, it is much easier if you compare it, for example, with Russian. After all, it is not by chance that he speaks almost half of the globe. But still, when learning English at school, many difficulties arise.

GDZ in English This is the chopstick, which may be in a difficult moment. For the preparation for English there are many textbooks. These are the authors as Kuzovlev V.P., Lap, Reudova E.Sh., Clementieva T.B., J.A. Shannon. Any of these textbooks will help learn to communicate in English. Will help find solutions for any task and perform homework in English.

Many often ask: "How much time needs to learn English?". There can be no definite answer. In some schools, language learning starts from grade 2, in others from grade 5. In the 11th grade, training also does not end. It continues and after graduation - at the University, Institute. One thing can be said for sure if you use GDZ in English, the time to perform homework will be required much less. But it is necessary to resort to the help of GDZ when the schoolboy really experiences difficulty, and not every time when the home was asked homework.

Modern training benefits are not only from textbooks. There are also reading books, and workbooks, such as Clementeva with a HAPPY English series for different classes. If you can listen to the radio, or use the Internet to plunge on Wednesday, to better master the language or use GDZ in English.

In our base GDZ in English there is ready tasks For schoolchildren from grade 5 to grade 11. There is also a mobile version of the site created specifically for access from phones and smartphones. Access to the GDZ catalog in English is absolutely free and without SMS.

Welcome to our site, friends!

Images of textbooks are given on the pages of this site exclusively as an illustrative material (Art. 1274 p. 1 of the part of the fourth Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Workers notebooks

Effective learning English with GDZ

  • English learning is one of those tasks that will be mandatory will be decided by students within high School And after it. Especially relevant and ill-one after the introduction of FGOS, establishing a mandatory study of two foreign ones within school program. In this regard, English as the main or additional is studied in all of the country's schools without exception. Cope with this task, solve it as much as possible will help quality tutorials And reshebniks to them.
  • Pick up the desired kit and start classes GDZ You can in any class of school. IN primary school Solve this task to students can help teachers-subjects, parents, tutors and managers language courses and circles. Subsequently, students of the Central and Elder School will be able to cope with such a task on their own. In any case, organizing such preparations for collectors of finished homework should be focused on:
    - His tasks and goals - "pull up" knowledge and get a higher current and final score in English, prepare and participate, win in language competitions and contests held on out-of-school and school venues, pass OGE / EGE on discipline in graduation classes;
    - the basic level of knowledge, the ability to attract additional assistance and its necessity, responsibility, interest in the subject, purposefulness;
    - The amount of time that may be spent on carrying out effective and efficient training.
  • Basic principles of working with compilations are:
    - systematic;
    - complexity;
    - drawing up a qualitative set of educational literature;
    - regular work;
    - Conduct self-test, self-control of results, adjusting plans, identifying problems, tracking the dynamics of results.
  • Among the useful literature, in addition to basic textbooks as part of the program applied, CMD in English is called:
    - Workbooks on discipline;
    - notebooks-simulators for the subject;
    - kim in English;
    - Other practical collections.
    Among the authors who are most popular among schoolchildren and their teachers - Duli, Biboletova, Butler, Afanasyev, Baranova, Paw, Kuzovlev, Kaufman and others.
  • Some of the presented collections are universal, suitable for any UMK in English, others come complete with workshops for a better and more complete, deep development of the course material.
