The transfer of USE points is made after the initial result is calculated, on the basis of the approved scale, it is converted into test points.

They are playing important role upon admission to the university and are recorded in the certificate of passing the exam.

Those who graduate from the 11th grade and are preparing to enter the university are especially interested in learning how the USE score is translated.

Hundreds of thousands of students undergo this procedure every year. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to pass only two subjects - mathematics and Russian.

The rest of the subjects - and there are a total of 14 - are surrendered on a voluntary basis, depending on the chosen university.

In order for the results to be displayed in the certificate, the graduate needs to score more than the established minimum.

How are the results of the exam

The exam results are evaluated by a commission and transferred to a 100-point system.

There is an algorithm for converting these amounts into more familiar estimates. This method has not been officially applied since 2009.

But if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with the scale of translation of USE grades.

The results are assessed in two stages:

  • by the number of tasks completed, the student is given primary score... It consists of the sum for all tasks completed correctly;
  • further, the primary USE scores are converted into test ones. This figure is recorded in the USE certificate and plays an important role for admission to a university. Below is a translation table for the mathematics exam.

Important: the scale is designed taking into account the complexity of the tasks.

You can always get up-to-date information on the Unified State Exam on the portal

What is the minimum score

To obtain the USE certificate, a student needs to score more than the established minimum limit in Russian language and mathematics.

It is determined annually for each individual subject. Basically, the minimum score is the equivalent of a three.

This result reflects that the student has mastered the curriculum satisfactorily.

Minimum score:

  1. Determines the issuance of a certificate of passing the exam.
  2. It is established for each subject annually after passing the exam and before the results are published.

At the end of 2016, in order to obtain a certificate, it was necessary to obtain at least 36 test points in the Russian language.

In mathematics, this border is 3, and in the profile level - 27.

Difference between primary scores and test scores

When evaluating the results of passing the exam, the initial amount is set first. Then, these USE 2017 points are converted into test ones.

They are determined on a 100-point scale. This mark will be in the USE certificate if it is higher than the minimum.

When calculating points, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. For each correctly completed task, one or more points are awarded.
  2. At the end, the amount for the entire work is calculated.
  3. The primary USE scores are being transferred.

With regard to test scores, they are calculated on a 100-point system. But the sum of the primary may differ for different items.

For example, in mathematics, you can get 30 primary points, and for foreign languages this border is 80.

The assessment of the assignment depends on its complexity. For the tasks of part B, one primary point is awarded for the correct answer.

For part C, there are several options: for tasks 1 and 2, 2 primary points are awarded, the correct answer to question 3 and 4 gives 3 at once, and tasks 5 and 6 will add 4 points to the student's result.

USE scores and grades

Although there is an approximate scale for converting USE scores into marks familiar to all students, since 2009 this system has not been applied.

The refusal to transfer to grades is due to the fact that the amount of points does not affect the indicator in the certificate. It is recorded in a separate certificate.

In the event that a student scored less than the minimum in one of the compulsory subjects, he will not be issued a certificate or a certificate.

If this is a subject of those that are surrendered on a voluntary basis, the result will simply not be counted anywhere.

If, according to the results of passing the exam, an unsatisfactory mark was obtained, what should be done? It all depends on what subject.

  1. If the number of points scored is below the minimum in mathematics or in Russian, you can retake the exam in the same year on one of the reserve days.
  2. When an unsatisfactory mark is obtained in both subjects at once, retaking is possible only next year.
  3. If you did not manage to score enough points in an optional subject, you can retake the exam only next year. An unsatisfactory result will not be reflected in any document. In fact, everything will look as if the graduate did not pass this exam at all.

Depending on the subject, retake is possible either in the same year on reserve days, or in the next.

Thus, if a student does not pass mathematics at the basic level, he can take advantage of reserve days.

And if the low score is based on the results profile level, retake will be possible only in a year.

What to do if the graduate does not agree with the assessment

If a graduate is confident that his work deserves a higher mark, he has the right to appeal.

In such a situation, the work will be re-examined by the conflict commission.

There are two possible outcomes. When the grade appears to be undervalued, the student can either add points or remove them.

Important: according to the results of the exam in 2010, of all appeals filed, the third part was satisfied.

The first two parts of the exam are tested without human intervention. The possibility of errors cannot be ruled out.

This may be due to illegible handwriting and similar circumstances.

If it appears that the grade is low, students appeal.

What the exam consists of

The general text of the assignment consists of three parts.

  1. Part A is written as a test. The graduate needs to choose the correct one out of the four suggested answers.
  2. In part B, the following types of tasks are possible: writing a one-word answer, choosing several correct options, or establishing correspondences.
  3. Part C asks the student to give a detailed answer to the question.

Depending on the type of task, the check progress differs. The first two parts are checked automatically. The responses are scanned by the system and evaluated.

This process takes place without human intervention. Upon completion of the verification, the results are sent to the testing center located in Moscow.

Part C is assessed by two independent experts. If the results match, this total is set.

If a slight discrepancy is found after evaluation, the average result is displayed.

If there is a noticeable inconsistency, a third specialist is appointed.

After completing the verification, all data is sent to a single testing center. There they are processed and recorded in the database.

From there they are sent to the schools where the exam was taken.

How Unified State Exam Results Affect University Admission

In order to apply for admission to a university, graduates need to take the Unified State Exam.

In total, you can apply to 5 universities, in each of them no more than three specialties.

The application is prepared in writing and handed over personally, or sent by mail.

If the second option is selected, you will need to issue a certified letter with a description of the attachment, as well as a receipt confirmation.

To find out whether the application was satisfied, you need to go to the official website of the university.

When the acceptance of documents is completed, a list of those who apply for admission is posted there. Their results of passing the exam are also given there.

Enrollment takes place in two waves.

  1. When the first list is published, several days are allotted for applicants to be able to provide the originals of their documents (in most cases, they send copies).
  2. If the deadline for the submission of documents has ended, but there are still free places, a second list is prepared.

To enter the university, you will need the following package of documents:

  • application for admission;
  • certified copies of the passport and identity document;
  • a form with a list of points scored based on the USE results;
  • photographs (their size and number are established by the rules of the university).

Other documents may also be required from the applicant. For detailed information, you need to contact the university of interest.

The transfer of USE points in 2017 is carried out according to the same system as in previous years.

To pass the exam, you need to type at least minimal amount points, which is set for each subject annually.

To get a certificate and a certificate with the results of the exam, you need to exceed this limit in compulsory subjects.

How to translate primary scores into test exam 2015 in Russian

One of the elective subjects, which is indicated by the graduate in the application submitted before February 1, is the USE in history 2018.

  1. Specification (job description, listed required documents, the structure of the exam in history is reflected, a plan of the KIM version is given).
  2. Codifier (a list of skills and topics that are tested on the exam in history. The codifier has an appendix that lists all the events in the history of foreign countries that will be checked in tasks No. 1 and No. 11).
  3. Demo version of the exam in history (one version of the exam in history), with which you need to start preparing for the state exam in history.

The structure of the KIM USE by history

Total 25 tasks

Part 1 Part 2

19 questions with a short answer 6 questions with a detailed answer

Part 1 presents the following tasks:

  • knowledge of chronology (you need to know in what year, in what century an important historical event occurred);
  • knowledge of historical concepts and terms;
  • knowledge of historical facts;
  • two tasks for the ability to work with historical sources;
  • knowledge of historical figures;
  • to test the ability to work with information given in the form of a table;
  • to work with a historical map;
  • knowledge of the facts of the history of culture;
  • to work with illustrative material.

Part 2 consists of 6 tasks that involve a detailed answer that must be written in your own words.

3 tasks (№20, №21, №22) - tasks for working with a historical source.

Task number 20 assumes the attribution of the historical source (attribution is the determination of authorship, the determination of the time of creation of the historical source, the determination of the events referred to in this historical text).
Task number 21 is a task to search for information in a source.
Task number 22 - checking contextual knowledge.
Task number 23 - a historical task or analysis of a historical situation.
Task number 24 on the test to argue historical points of view. This is the most difficult task in all the work.
Task number 25 - a historical essay.
The tasks of the first part can be considered as the tasks of the basic level, but the skills demonstrated by the students in the second part refer to the increased level of difficulty.

What skills should a graduate demonstrate?

Examiners expect the following skills from a graduate who takes the exam in history:

In the first part:

  • the ability to work with historical sources, texts;
  • work with a historical map;
  • ability to work with illustrative material.

In the second part:

  • the ability to argue in a historical essay;
  • solve historical problems.

History is the science of facts

History is a subject that requires knowledge. You can do a lot, but it is almost impossible to pass history well without knowing the facts. You need to know:

  1. dates, years of certain events;
  2. facts, events, processes and phenomena;
  3. historical figures;
  4. facts of the history of culture;
  5. it is necessary to navigate in causal relationships.

More about tasks with a detailed answer

It is clear that eleventh graders still have little life experience; it is difficult for them to analyze or compare some things. But in the tasks with a detailed answer, knowledge of the facts that are studied in the course of the school subject is checked. The age of the students, of course, affects the understanding of these facts. Also, the guys do not always have a desire to delve into historical sources, to understand the cause and effect relationships of events.

In 2017, there were no changes in the structure of work. There is only one change in task # 25 (this is a historical essay). Requirements have been specified and the assessment criteria have changed slightly.

In a historical essay, it is required to write a sequential coherent text, that is, a mini-essay about one of the periods of history (to choose from three).

There are certain requirements for the essay:

  • must be represented in the work of at least two processes, phenomena within the period chosen by the student;
  • two persons should be indicated, their roles in these events, processes, phenomena should be characterized;
  • at least two causal relationships must be indicated;
  • historical terminology must be used;
  • no factual mistakes can be made.

Time to complete the work - 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

The maximum primary point that can be gained for completing all the work is 55 points. These 55 points are transferred to test points on a special scale.

What difficulties do those taking the exam in history face?

As a rule, the following tasks in the first part represent the difficulty:

  • dedicated to the history of the Great Patriotic War (№8);
  • knowledge of historical personalities, historical personalities (No. 9);
  • knowledge of the facts of the history of culture (No. 17);
  • for the analysis of illustrative material (No. 18 and No. 19).

In the second part, with a detailed answer, there is also an assignment that turns out to be difficult for grade 11 students. This is an argumentation task (No. 24), where a certain debatable point of view that exists in historical science is presented, and graduates need to give 2 arguments from the point of view of supporters of this position and 2 arguments from the point of view of opponents.

The USE model in history is flexible; it has been improving over the course of several years. This is due to the response of public opinion - with the opinion of applicants, teachers, educators, the expert community. Particular attention is paid to changes in the exam and in politics, since the life of society is constantly changing, which should be reflected in the tasks of the state exam in history.

date holding the exam by history will be known in January 2018.

ABOUT uSE results history in 2018 can be found in your educational organization or on the official website of the exam.

Tips for preparing for the exam in history can be found here:

Each graduate understands perfectly well that in order to successfully enter the specialty of interest, it is necessary to prepare well for the Unified State Exam 2018 and score the maximum possible points. What does it mean "to pass the exam well" and how many points will be enough to compete for a budget place in a particular university? This will be discussed in this article.

We will touch on such important issues:

First of all, it is important to understand what exists:

  • minimum scoregiving the right to obtain a certificate;
  • minimum score that allows you to submit documents to the university;
  • the minimum score sufficient for real admission to the budget for a specific specialty at a certain university in Russia.

Naturally, these figures differ significantly.

Minimum certification score

The minimum attestation points for the USE are set for compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics of the basic level and in 2018 are:

Having overcome this threshold, but not reaching the minimum test score, the examinee will receive a certificate, but will not be able to apply to the university.

Minimum test score

The test minimum is a threshold value that gives the right to enter the university. In other words, persons who have passed the test threshold theoretically have the right to join the fight for budget places. Although, in practice, it is almost unrealistic to enter highly ranked universities with minimal indicators.

In 2018 in all subjects, except for the Russian language and basic mathematics test minimum USE scores coincide with certification and are:


Minimum test score

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social Studies


Foreign language




The principle of calculating the success of the delivery of a single state examination assumes that the subject must demonstrate a high, medium or sufficient level of knowledge corresponding to the marks "5", "4" and "3" on the school scale.

In case of an unsatisfactory result, as well as when passing for a point that the examinee himself considers insufficient for himself, the graduates are given the right to retake the exam.

Minimum score for admission to the budget

Most universities announce the threshold score required for applicants for a budget place. This allows each applicant to realistically assess the prospects for admission and choose universities and specialties, taking into account the points scored on the exam.

In 2018, one can focus on the fact that last season the average passing scores in all USE subjects among applicants who entered MGIMO and other highly regarded universities in the capital fluctuated between the threshold value of 80-90. But, for most of the regional universities of the Russian Federation, a competitive result can already be considered 65-75 points.

Converting the primary score to the resulting

By completing the tasks offered in the exam ticket, the examinee gains the so-called primary points, the maximum value of which varies depending on the subject. When assessing the level of knowledge, such primary points are converted into resulting ones, which are entered in the certificate and are basic upon admission.

Via online calculator, you will be able to compare primary and test scores for subjects of interest.

Just like last year, in 2018, the USE scores affect the score of the certificate and, although the table of comparison of the test score and traditional grades is not officially accepted, you can roughly compare your scores right now using a universal calculator.

Passing points of the top 10 universities in Russia


Moscow state University them. M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Saint Petersburg State University
Moscow state institute international relations
National research university "High School of Economics"
Moscow State technical University named after N.E. Bauman
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Novosibirsk National Research State University
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Please note that the average passing scores for different specialties at the same university may vary significantly. This figure reflects the minimum score of applicants admitted to the budget, and tends to change every year. The results of 2017 can only serve as a kind of benchmark for applicants in 2018, motivating them to achieve the highest possible results.

The minimum passing score is influenced by many factors, including:

  1. the total number of graduates who submitted applications and the points indicated on their certificates;
  2. the number of applicants who submitted original documents;
  3. the number of beneficiaries.

So, having seen your surname at the 20th place in the list of specialty, which provides for 40 budget places, you can confidently consider yourself a student. But, even if you find yourself on this list of 45, there is no reason to be upset if among those standing in front of you there are 5-10 people who have provided copies of documents, because most likely these people are tuned in to another university and applied for this specialty as a fallback ...

The USE in history in 2017 will be taken by tens of thousands of high school students and applicants across the country. Future lawyers, economists, architects and designers will need history. So it comes as no surprise that government testing in this subject is so relevant. However, the exam is constantly changing. This year was no exception. Therefore, as part of our review, we will analyze what innovations were invented by restless officials from the Ministry of Education and Science, how the assessment system has changed and when the first stage of state exams in history will take place.

the date of the

The exact dates have not yet been approved by the Ministry of Education. Meanwhile preliminary schedule looks like that:

  • March 16 2017 - early round;
  • May 31 - the main stage;
  • April 3 and June 19 - reserve days.

In addition, those who were not lucky enough to solve the test work on time will be given the opportunity to re-examine in September 2017.

The structure and changes of the exam in history in 2017

KIM in this subject has not undergone significant changes... All the same 235 minutes, during which the subjects are waiting for 25 tasks, divided into two parts: 19 relatively simple questions and 6 tasks of increased complexity. Only two points can be attributed to innovations: an increase in the maximum result for questions No. 3 and 8 to two points and a modified wording of task No. 25. The rest is unchanged.

The first part is designed to test basic knowledge. To solve it, the examinee must be well versed in historical dates and events. The most common type of questions will be matching tasks. How they will look test tasks the first part can be seen in the demo version of the USE in history 2017.

For example, question # 2 in the demo requires establishing correspondences between dates and historical events... The names of the events are given on the left:

  • A. The first mention of Moscow in the annals.
  • B. Caribbean Crisis.
  • V. Borodino battle.
  • G. Copper riot.

And on the right side of the question are the dates:

  • 1147.
  • 1662.
  • 1812.
  • 1939.
  • 1962.

The subject, on the other hand, has to select the correct position from the right column for each position of the left column. The second part of the control and measuring material, and these are questions 20 - 25, will require detailed answers. But the last task can be called the most difficult. For it will require writing a historical essay in the framework of the exam 2017! The test taker will be given the task: having chosen one of the presented historical periods, write an essay on its topic. At the same time, in a mini-essay, the examinee should focus on the following points:

  1. indicate at least two events / processes / phenomena that relate to the selected period;
  2. name at least two historical personalities related to the specified processes and events, and also describe their activities;
  3. name the causal relationships that caused these events;
  4. independently assess the impact of the designated historical period on the further development of the country.

Criteria for assessing the exam in history 2017

The maximum number of primary points is now 55. This is slightly higher than last year. At the USE-2016, the “ceiling” did not exceed 53. This is how the primary points look in the five-point system:

  • anything below 13: "Two";
  • 13 – 27 : "Three";
  • 28 – 42 : "Four";
  • From 43: "Five".

Points are awarded for correctly completed tasks. In the demo version of the USE-2017 on the history of the FIPI, the following scoring algorithm was determined:

  • 1 point: tasks 1, 4, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19;
  • 2 points: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22;
  • 3 points: 11 and 23;
  • 4 points: 24;
  • up to 11 points: 25.

Naturally, these are the maximum possible points. In case of discrepancies or incorrect answers, these values \u200b\u200bcan be decreased or assessed as zero.


So, we have analyzed the main provisions of the state examination in history. Now you know the date of the test, the structure of the future test and measurement material, the minimum and maximum points that can be obtained, as well as the latest changes. This will help you to start independent preparation for the USE-2017 in history from scratch right now. For now you know what to expect from the state exam and what to strive for!

What is the exam in mathematics - points, tasks, percentage of completion ...

Everyone from the beginning of the 10th grade (right after the end of the OGE) is frightened by the upcoming final exams and gradually begin to give scattered tasks. By the 11th grade, the picture of tasks is formed into a single option, but what knowledge in which task do we need? How to prepare? We will talk about this.

Let's start with the statistics of assignments in 2017:

Only a few percent of the pupils coped with the 13th and subsequent tasks: 12.9% of those who passed, got 1 primary point, and 36.3% - 2 points. Likewise with other tasks from the second part.

The entire exam in mathematics is divided into 3 topics:

There is a primary score and a final score, the transfer schedule is shown below.

The primary score is the preliminary USE score, which is obtained by the usual summation of the number of correct answers. In the first part, for each of the 12 tasks, you can get 1 primary point. In the second part, the tasks are more expensive:

In total, for all the exam in mathematics, you can get 12 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 \u003d 32 primary points.

Final (test) score - this is the translation of the primary score into a hundred-point system. Moreover, the points are distributed unevenly.

The exam in profile mathematics is the only exam where you can get 100 final points, while losing 2 primary points.

As you can see from the graph from 0 to 13 primary points, one primary point is worth about 5 total. Further points are more difficult to obtain: each primary point brings only 2 final points.

There is no difference, if you solved the first 12 tasks correctly or 8 in the first part, 13th and 15th, you will still have 12 primary points and 62 final points.

The average mark for profile mathematics in 2017 was 47 points.

For the entire first part correctly performed, you can get 62 points, but, based on statistics, very few people succeed. Many teachers, especially from physics and mathematics lyceums, say that the first 12 tasks need to be solved in 45-50 minutes. This is true if you want to get 100 points and are good at solving all the problems. But if you are counting on solving tasks 13, 15, 17, then the first part should be spent 2 times more time in order to avoid stupid mistakes and check it as carefully as possible, every point counts. Per one wrong task in the first part, you lose from two to six final points.

p.s. In 2016, I passed the exam, due to inattention, I did 12 tasks incorrectly, a total of 94 points, instead of 96.

  • Be clear about the minimum score you need ("the more, the better" will not work).
  • Make a list of tasks that are easiest for you to solve in order to get the required minimum.
  • Bring this minmum so that it is stable 90% solved correctly (for many it is №1-13, №15 and №17).
  • Start solving the "reserve" puzzle. For example, # 14 or the first items # 19. Nobody knows which assignment this year will be unusual (difficult). In the early exam in 2017, it was task 17. Mostly it was 14. Perhaps the task you were preparing will be overwhelming.
  • Solve difficult tasks. Statistics show that those who solved more complex options performed better on the USE (at the same level). For example, Larin's or Chupro's options. This is explained by the fact that, of course, tasks that will be easier, you will solve with a large percentage correctly. Also, every year on the exam they give tasks that are not similar to previous years and have only distant analogues. Solving more difficult tasks, you will learn to think, which will significantly help you not to get stuck at the sight of an "unknown" task. Books "30 Variants" are usually easier than the real tasks on the exam. The site "Solve the Unified State Exam" is the most similar to the real exam.
  • Try to arrange an exam for yourself, solving the 4 hours version of the exam.
  • And of course it is correct.
