Entering Berkeley,applicants can count on a bachelor's degree or academic degree of Associate "S Degree for a variety of specialties. Training on a bachelor can take only 3 years, and Associate" S degree is 18 months. There is the possibility of learning on a special shortened program, but to obtain an appropriate certificate for 9 months.

To the exclusive advantages of Berkeley It applies how we are customary to speak, production practice. The final 3 months of the Associate Degree program and 6 months of undergraduate students are working in companies in their specialty, and in the evenings attend classes. Students constantly advise both under the terms of the internship and the issues of the beginning of the career, the rules for compiling a summary, interviewing the potential employers.

As a rule, it gives its positive results.

Bachelor of Business Administration (VVA).

Campuses in New York:

  • Accounting
  • Marketing and Management in Fashion
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Information System Management Management
  • international Business

Business Bachelor of Business Administration (VVA).

Campuses in New Jersey:

  • Business administration
  • Accounting
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • international Business
  • Frame Management Marketing and Fashion Management

Training for 3 years.

Associate Degree Programs:

Training in this program lasts 18 months.

  • Accounting
  • Information System Management Management
  • Marketing
  • Management

Marketing and Management in the Fashion Industry - International Business - Preparation of Assistants of Lawyers - Criminal Procedure - Interior Design - Web Design - Network Management

At the university 5 campuses. All of them are located in the Large New York area. Students can choose where to learn: in the suburbs or in the center of the largest metropolis. All country campuses are 40 minutes from New York, so students are not divorced from the cultural, professional and educational potential of the metropolis.

The arriving in Berkeley usually provide a certificate of secondary education translated into English, confirmation of the English language in the TOEFL system or another certificate confirming the completion of accredited courses, as well as a document from the bank confirming the availability of the necessary funds - $ 27,000 at least.

The Additional Education Department of the prestigious University of Berkeley annually offers more than 2,000 courses in various directions, including remotely, as well as about 75 certification programs. In addition to the certificate of the famous and respected university, another plus of UC Berkeley Extension online courses are that the passage of many of them is counted as a university credit.

University:University of California in Berkeley (University of California Berkeley)

Year of creation: The postplomal education department exists in Berkeley from 1891, remote online courses are offered from the beginning of the 2000s and became particularly popular in recent years.

Topics of courses

UC Berkeley Extension offers a large selection of programs in a variety of destinations: art and design, health care and medicine, business, construction, ecology, education, languages \u200b\u200band humanities, mathematics, applied sciences, biotechnology, information technology, communications.

Most programs are focused on specialists with higher education and work experience and is intended to give knowledge necessary for career, but there are programs (especially in humanitarian sciences) that can be passed exclusively for interest and self-development.

Learning language:english


In addition to individual courses, there are certification programs that include several courses (as a rule, at least 6). Among possible specializations:

  • Accounting
  • Biotechnology
  • Business analytics
  • Financial planning
  • Editorial
  • Marketing
  • Paralegal Assistant
  • Information Systems
  • Project management

Form of study

Video track, reading materials, practical tasks, tests, communication on the forum with other listeners. In addition, there is a possibility to combine learning remotely with full-time classes on the campus of the University of Berkeley in California.

In order to get a university credit, at the end of the course you need to successfully pass the exam (for each course your requirements).


Separate courses lasting from 18 hours to 60 hours. A certificate program consisting of several courses is drawn up at least 180 hours.

UC Berkeley Extension offers two types of courses - with a fixed start and end date and courses, a record for which goes throughout the year.

The presence of a certificate:yes. When passing all the necessary courses on the program, a certificate is issued. For example, for obtaining a marketing certificate, you must pass four mandatory courses ("Introduction to Marketing", "Marketing Studies", "Marketing Strategies on Social Networks", "Marketing Strategy") and, at a minimum, two courses on the choice (for example, " Development of an advertising campaign "and" planning and organization of events ").

Conditions of receipt

Cut on UC Berkeley Extension online courses are very simple: it is enough to sign up and pay for training. No entrance exams do not need. All courses are held in English, but not required to confirm the level of proficiency. Nevertheless, the University advises the listeners a course to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat level (for example, in TOEFL points) they speak language.

For some courses it is desirable to have a higher education (at least a bachelor's degree). Also specific courses, especially as part of the certificate program, must be completed before entering the following.

Cost:from $ 565 to 800 dollars per separate course. The certificate program will cost, on average, 5 thousand dollars.

American TV series about adolescent people will make thinking that in the universities famous for the whole world - Oxford, Harvard and Berkeley. - Life as in a fairy tale: Around the elite, the best teachers and campuses sparkle. But in reality, everything is completely different. Here, for example, our heroine Kristina Zagoruna experienced all the charm Berkeley.. After studying, she became a PR director of the company "Appetizing Marketing"which is supported by 50 restaurants (including Arkady Novikova, Alexander Rappoport, Ginza), but Kristina Perfectly remembers all the "charms" of university years. So how to get into Berkeley., is it available for such an education for a simple mortal?

From 6 years I dreamed of becoming a journalist, I was already printed in urban media. With glitter finished the faculty of journalism in Russia, without thinking about learning abroad. And after receiving a diploma, when business trainings were received, my manager advised to try to enroll in the top foreign university, which I am immensely grateful, because I myself would not come to this idea. And then an important question arose: what to do, what documents to collect and what to do?

Now I can easily tell any apprentice with complete confidence that there is nothing difficult in receipt. And although then I won doubts: "Will I be able to? Is it worth it such efforts? "And the preparation of all the necessary documents seemed absolutely inappropriate cargo and delivered a lot of headaches - now I understand that it was not in vain.

Before flying to BostonI appealed to the Academic Agency, which is engaged in the preparation of Russian students to enter foreign curriculum. But, alas, they did everything according to the template and did not delve into my wishes. Therefore, I decided to do everything myself.

The first in the queue was to receive an international certificate in English TOEFL. But starting training in MoscowI realized that I need more - to immerse yourself on Wednesday, and therefore the whole learning process was transferred to USA. First I learned in Boston Language Schoolmaking homework in Harvard Yard. Under shadow of centuries-old trees. And then chose the master's program Business Administration in Berkeley. and went to the other side of the continent - in California.

Language (in this case, English, of course), the exam is an important point when entering any foreign university of the American educational system - the more prestigious establishment, the higher TOEFL they demand. I needed 100 points with a maximum of 120. Before the exam, it seemed absolutely impossible. But in fact, if you are stubbornly prepared and understand the structure of the exam, then he is not so difficult to pass it on a high score. But if you did not pass the exam or passed on the estimate below the passage, the probability of admission to the top foreign university is striving for zero. Somewhere take with the result in 80 points, in other universities - 100, somewhere only with the highest point - 120. The exam consists of 4 parts: Reading (reading), Speaking (speaking), listening (listening), Writing ).

But besides the international certificate, you will also need recommendation letters (one academic, other professional) and a motivational letter (which, note, is not written in early in 10 minutes, and it is almost 70 percent of success), where it tells about the purpose of admission. Cherry on the cake - an interview in the embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich is also part of the procedure for admission. Very much paper Volokhate - I had to collect a large number of references, including from banks - the required amount on the map at the rate of 100 dollars on stay in the country. And also provide data on the selected place of residence, a paid account for training and a number of data about yourself, without which you will not pass across the border.

Evaluating the budget before the trip, it must be borne in mind that housing in USA In general, it is worth from 700 to 2500 dollars a month Depending on the location of the apartment itself. And everything for rent in general without furniture - so save money on your account for furniture. The food is enough and $ 500 per month, but the more friends you have, the more you see with them in the cafe, and the cost of food increases.

By passing all the difficulties of entering, receiving a visa and accumulate sufficient funds on a bank account, you will be taken to a completely unfamiliar Wednesday for you. And I'm certainly sure that in the first few days you will experience how it is called - Sulture Shock. For example, for me it was a great discovery that Korean was often reminded of a Russian adolescent for 30 years in behavior. In everyday life for them, much that we do once or two, causes problems, torment and storm of emotions. And the guys out South America At all, they do not hurt anywhere - late for lunch for forty minutes - the norm. At the same time, almost everyone loves such entertainment, to which I lost interest aged 20-25 years: clubs, Roof Top Party, draws, adventures. Or is it so boring?

But then everything will go to their guy, you "strengthen" into the student environment. Although at first notice that foreign students are a bit separated from the Americans, the separation is also between foreigners. This is quite normal when groups of foreigners from one country (for example, China) Talk in your native language after classes. I do not know how Russians would lead (I was the only one Russia), But for me it was strange. Despite all these features, students still become closely close friends, because there are simply no alternative options for fun time or support. With the Americans, it is also easy to make friends - very friendly, and if you are open to communication, you will be taken to any company. The culture of communication among Americans is special - you will not hear the discussion of existential issues, the guys in California prefer to argue on American football or Obama politics. In general, all very erudite. I am very impressed by what instead of gossip, you enter into a conversation about the greenhouse effect, the importance of corporate culture or achievements in the field of neurosurgery.

If we speak specifically about the educational process, then teachers in Berkeley. Pretty much different from the Russians. They do not share anyone in the category, they do not have any pets, they are deprived of subjectivism, they are creatively suitable for classes. I adored our management teacher - he spent some interesting interactive game. And although then I had to write for hours to write him written works on the theme of the games spent - it was still fascinating. Merry old man hippie the whole course instigated us an understanding that all people are different, everyone has talents, positive qualities, the main thing is to see and skillfully use it for the good goal. It made a strong effect on me. GinSo the name of the teacher, arranged parties at home, where we all were long-awaited guests. And so far, once a year, on the eve Christmas, He sends us philosophical letters that touch the soul depths!

I will add that homework teachers in Berkeley. Do not specify. It surprised me until I realized that the teacher implies that you already read the floor of the textbook. Well, and talks to you as if absolutely confident in your responsibility and self-organization, he addresses to you as a colleague.

During the stay in USA (almost two years - in Boston and San Francisco), I strongly plunged into the culture. Just once I flew home. I will never forget this day at the airport: I'm in a short woolen skirt in a cage and in a leather jacket, in ankle legs on a bare foot - so everyone goes to San Francisco. But I instantly frozen, and all the passers-by looked at me like a crazy. I then realized that my favorite relatives and friends did not change anything - a lot of small daily stories, affairs, and so - all the same. It seemed that time was stopped. I can not say, it's good or bad.

After graduation, perhaps the best is the realization that you now have so many friends from all over the world. This is an incredible feeling when you meet Soulmate on the other end of the Earth, and the whole city turns into your home.

After the issue, I immediately left home, I didn't have the thoughts to stay. This life is over, and at home my loved ones and friends have already been waiting for me. Thanks to learning, I received a lot of current knowledge that will be useful here and now. Although greater value, in my opinion, have new acquaintances, friendly contacts, scattered around the world: the heiress of the owners of the largest hotels in Thailand, a daughter of Venezuela politics, Son Samsung's Son... You expand your horizons, taking an important thought - we are different, and in this our advantage.

I am infinitely grateful America For what she did. She helped to perceive people as a community without making any racial, national and even mental division. Unity in diversity - this, which idea gave me Berkeley.

Berkeley is known to the world as a forge of qualified scientists, Nobel laureates and inventors. And this summer program takes place on the basis of the University of California, thanks to which the city has become so famous. UC Berkeley is located in an exclusively picturesque place - at the Bay of San Francisco. Thanks to this, students can enjoy the fresh sea air all year round, and complement the impressions of the warm climate of the state and the proximity of hot sandy beaches. At the same time, you can reach the city with stunning attractions at first minutes.

Advantages of learning

  • Training and accommodation in one of the most famous US universities - UC Berkeley.
  • The language course is complemented by cultural events, spoken master classes and recreation in the afternoon.
  • Saturated entertainment and excursion program.

Academic items are the cornerstone of the Summer Summer Programs. Here we are confident that training should be useful and fascinating, therefore, unlike ordinary courses in high school, programs are built in a special way for the most effective development of educational material. Participants will receive from learning exactly what they are most necessary: \u200b\u200bthey will be able to deepen the knowledge of certain discipline, improve basic academic abilities or discover new interesting facts.

Major lessons are held from Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 12:00, and classes for choosing - from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 18:30. UC Berkeley Programs Participants choose two additional subjects and one mini-course.

The main subjects are taught in the form of fascinating seminars, where the discussions are extremely encouraged, the exchange of ideas and thoughts. They are conducted by experienced university teachers. Mini-courses are held twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays in a fun and informal setting.

There is no "typical" routine of the day at the university. The daily program is based on your wishes and needs. Whatever the program you choose, you can be sure - learning will be intense, and relaxing is cheerful and fascinating.

Academic subjects

Courses of the first half of the day:

Preparation for the SAT exam (1,100 dollars)

Preparation for the SAT exam (Classes are devoted to the preparation for the exam in mathematics, reading and writing, as well as improving the key skills necessary for the successful examination) - is charged additionally.

Architecture (150 dollars)

Get acquainted with various styles of architectural design, form concept and place. Find out how social, technological and natural conditions affect the construction of architectural objects.


You will learn how to start and successfully manage your business, you will be able to develop leadership qualities, and also learn how to attract investors and implement our innovative ideas.

Introduction to the economy

The course considers microeconomics on the example of the business of individual firms and farms and macroeconomics, allowing schoolchildren to understand national and international economic policies.

Introduction to finance

You will learn about the essence of the work of financial markets and stock exchanges, as well as the causes of success and failures of the largest corporations on the world arena.

English as a foreign language

The course is designed specifically for foreign students, for whom English is not a native language; Through discussions, reading and writing an essay, you will improve your linguistic skills - a letter, reading, perception of rumor.

Psychology and social behavior

This course will introduce you to the psychology of the person, which is engaged in the study of the development of the personality and the formation of character traits. You will learn the classic concepts of this science, including the theories of character traits, psychoanalytic theories and behavioral theories, and amount to their own opinion on how the nature of the person is being formed.


This course will introduce you to the basics of engineering. You will learn the various aspects of mechanical, construction, civil and electrical engineering through practical projects. At the end of the course, students are developing their own project.

International law

At the very beginning of the course, students will get acquainted with the sources of international law, who creates them and as, as well as who is the subject of law. Next will be analyzed by subsections of public international law and personal international law. There will also be discussions on the topic of resolutions and other mechanisms of law.


Explore the science and technology behind robots, and find out how robots are used in everyday life. Students will have the opportunity to visit the UC Berkeley graduates laboratory, where they work on the latest technologies in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. Robotics will also teach students to use C ++ programming language in order to control the microcontroller when building a robot. Thus, robots will be able to perform tasks, and the guys will get acquainted with the Aza electronics. For the course you need a personal laptop.


The course will give participants knowledge about the work of various systems of the body - endocrine system, microorganisms, brain and immune system. The program is devoted to innovation in medicine and modern science issues.

Computer Sciences and Application Development

Have you ever wondered how mobile applications are created that we use every day? Students of this course will study the main language of programming and its basic principles, and will also learn to deal with the design and development of software products and will participate in discussion discussions. Students will develop their own unique concept of the application, present it to colleagues and together will discuss prospects.

Courses of the afternoon:

Preparation for the SAT exam - (900 dollars)

Classes are devoted to training for the exam in mathematics, reading and writing, as well as improved key skills necessary for the successful examination of the exam - the course is charged additionally.

International relationships

Man and Law - Actual problems (discussions on the topics: war and terrorism, human rights, healthcare, etc.)

City design and design

At this course, you will learn about the main techniques of urban design and will be able to develop their projects on urban improvement.

Digital Marketing

Analysis of consumer behavior in the market and the development of a winning strategy for advertising and sales of products.


The study of the main mental diseases, human pathological behavior, as well as various types of therapy and treatment of deviation data.

Writing an essay

Improving the skills of academic letters for successful study at school, College, University: Definition of the audience, allocation of the main topic, defending his own opinion, grammatical and stylistic correctness.

Skill of public speeches

Are you afraid of oral performances? Do you prefer to stay at home rather than participate in debates in the classroom? Oratoric art is necessary for everyone who wishes with enthusiasm to perform in front of the class or confidently undergo interviews in college. Learn to express your thoughts confidently and available by writing speeches and performing speeches before the audience. Touch your skills using the video and texts of famous speakers to be able to perform under any circumstances.

Gaming design

This course focuses on the basics of gamedizayne and the main skills necessary in order to convey their vision to others. Students will get acquainted with the basic design structures, learn their own ideas and present final work. The course includes lectures, daily exercises, invited guests and thematic excursions. All work will be aimed at developing a better understanding of video game design processes and the development of original thinking to solve problems.

Introduction Fashionable Clothing Design

Learn how to succeed in the modern fox industries. Learn the basics of design and marketing, merchandising and stylization, and at the same time find your own individual style. Participate in exciting seminars about design, technology, construction and trends, as well as a teacher to create fashionable sketches. Students will create their schobbook with a collection of six models.

Biology: Introduction to Genetics

From the peas of Mendel to the cloned lamb Dolly - genetics experienced a very strong development over the past 100 years. Students will get acquainted with such basic concepts as inheritance character traits and discovery in the study of genetic research. Social and political aspects of genetics will also be discussed, and more topics such as genetic testing, the genetic basis of the disease, the project "man's genome" and the use of genetics in forensics.

Business in Fashion Industry

Explore themes from design and marketing to merchandising and style. Discussions will focus on design, manufacturing and identifying trends, as well as on creating their own branded taste. Students will create a collection of six parts by the end of the course.

Business in the sports industry

This course reveals the internal work of global sports business worth 100 billion dollars. Explore marketing and commercial strategies: from the sale of tickets, consumer loyalty, corporate sponsorship, brand management to management and franchise models. We focus on American sports.


Yoga / Pilates.
Discover a new way to relax and strengthen the muscles by performing special exercises and unique technique of proper breathing.

Foreign movies and food
The study of cultures of various countries by analyzing their cinema and eating preferences.

You will have the opportunity to develop and improve your basketball skills through participation in basketball competitions.

Preparation for admission to university
Worried about the process of receipt of college? Have questions to which I would like to get answers from experienced, dismantled in the subject of professional? Join the seminar on preparation for admission to the university.

Social activities (volunteering)
Print your passion to help a new level and create your own social project with the team of interested peers. Develop key leader skills, take the initiative to your hands, motivate and work together for a single goal - to help the local Berkeley community.

Hip Hop Dancing
Do you need to spend money from the state budget to study the cells? Is it fair to apply the death penalty for grave crimes? Examine everything for and against and decide which side you hold. Become an expert in ethics and jurisprudence, defending your point of view.

Individual fitness classes
In fitness classes, you will pass a specialized instruction on proper nutrition, cardionargo, etc. (need membership in RSF)

The photo
Spend the afternoon, studying the art of photos with friends. Open Berkeley through the prism of street portraits, selfie, live paintings and much more. Take a chamber and thirst for discovery. The course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students.

Berkley's hiking
Explore the beautiful geography of the bay by joining these daily campaigns. Together we will open the Siblar Volcanic Regional Reserve, Strawberry Canyon and a magnificent natural variety of Berkeley, Auckland and San Francisco. Hiking will be suitable for everyone.



  • Yoga / Pilates.
  • Foreign movies and food
  • Basketball
  • Preparation for admission to university
  • Social activities (volunteering)
  • Hip Hop Dancing
  • Club Debatov
  • Individual fitness classes
  • The photo
  • Berkley's hiking


  • Fitness
  • Gym
  • Tai Chi.
  • Aerobics
  • Water sports
  • Dancing
  • Frisbee
  • Beach volleyball
  • Tennis
  • Football
  • Kickball
  • Basketball
  • American football
  • "Capture the Flag"
  • Golf
  • Hiking

Evening events

  • Beach volleyball
  • Sparkling clothes
  • Picnic
  • "Ice Cream Evening"
  • Cooking and pastries
  • Dinner in Chinatown.
  • Pizza
  • Frisbee
  • "Weak link", bingo, bouncers and other games
  • Concerts, Dinner Parties, Karaoke, Disco
  • Visiting cafes, cinemas.
  • Evening breakfast
  • Poker tournaments
  • Mafia
  • Hypnotic show
  • Night Casino
  • Hike in a coffee shop


San Francisco - the first trip
Visit to the city center, where there are many shops, in which everyone will find the right thing at an affordable price; A trip to Chinatown is a neighborhood in which the Chinese live from 1850. Here you can buy traditional Chinese herbs, cookies with prediction inside and much more.

Baseball Match
A trip to the SF Giants team match, passing on the unmatched stadium with the same name, from where the charming view of the bay offers.

San Francisco - Second Trip
Walk through the famous Golden Gate Bridge and a beautiful green park. A visit to Nob Hill and other attractions of San Francisco.

Wildlife Park Six Flags Marine World
A visiting aquarium, theme park and wildlife park.

Palo Alto / University of Stanford
Excursion to the University, including the Art Museum and Roden Park

Santa Cruz and his university
At the end of the inspection of the campus of the University, you will go on the beach or in the amusement park.


Accommodation in student residence in rooms for two or three. Food is a full board.
