Literature lesson in grade 5

N.V. Gogol "The Enchanted Place". Real and fantastic in the story.

During the classes

Now I have read “Evenings on

A farm near Dikanka. " They

amazed me. Here is the real

gaiety, skill,

ease, without

impertinence, without stiffness. A

in places what poetry!

A.S. Pushkin

    Organizing time.

    Motivation, goal setting.

The teacher turns to the epigraph and announces the purpose of the lesson.

    Formulation of the topic of the lesson by students.

Writing in notebooks: N.V. Gogol "The Enchanted Place".

    Checking d / z

A student prepared in advance tells briefly about the main biographical data of N.V. Gogol (multimedia presentation), the others make notes in their notebooks.

    Teacher's word

1831 - part 1

1832 - part 2

Open the table of contents for collections. In what part is the story that you read at home?

Let's take a closer look at the collection. At the beginning there is a preface, and from which we learn about who the narrator (Rudy Panko) is, what characters will be discussed, etc. And further compiled by the writer himselfdictionary. When you read the story, most likely not all the words were clear, so today we will turn to this dictionary for an explanation.

6. Preparation for the perception of the story

Did you see the plot of the story "Enchanted Place"

unusual? In what?

(It resembles legends, traditions, fairy tales.)

Listen to one of the legends with a similar storyline and answer


The teacher tells a folk legend about the Golden Kurushka treasure.

What is this legend about? (about the charmed treasure)

What legends about treasures do you know?

(possible answers of children -Attachment 1 )

    Study of the story

Writing in notebooks: “N.V. Gogol "The Enchanted Place".

- Was it easy to understand what you read? Were all the words clear?

You have cards on your tables (put each one before the lesson) with words. Do you know their meaning? Let's find their interpretation in the DICTIONARY at the beginning of the collection. (Chain work)

Conclusion. -What is one of the features of the language of this story? (many Urkain words, expressions characteristic of the Ukrainian people)

- What do you think for what? (in order to more plausibly, reliably show the heroes, convey the national flavor, N.V. Gogol is close to this culture, since he himself was born in Ukraine, as reported at the beginning of the lesson).

8. Working with illustrations.

And now, based on questions and illustrations, we will restore the content of the work. We will draw up a picture plan using the illustrations proposed for this work, and attach them to the board.

    What was your grandfather's favorite pastime? (Listen to different stories from passers-by.)

    How did the grandfather of the Chumaks decide to entertain? (dancing grandchildren)

    And what unexpectedly happened to the grandfather himself during the grandchildren's dance? (legs suddenly twitched, they themselves started dancing )

    What unusual happened to your grandfather during his dance?(In one place the hands and feet refused to obey, and then I found myself with a smooth field)

    Where did the candle burn?(In the cemetery, this is a sure sign that a treasure is hidden)

    What is grandfather planning to do next morning? (go back and dig up the treasure, but did not find this place in the field)

    How did grandfather get to the right place the second time?(I struck in my hearts at the "enchanted place" where they did not dance)

    What treasure did your grandfather unearth? (Waste boiler)

What grew in the enchanted place? (Nothing good grew there: "A watermelon is not a watermelon, a pumpkin is not a pumpkin, the devil knows what it is!")

    Work with text.

Expressive student reading a fragmentstories "The third night of the search for the treasure" (from the words "I began to dig - the earth is soft ..." to the words "... then I just caught my breath")

Reading analysis:

    Why did grandfather Maxim decide that there is a treasure in the enchanted place?

    When did he go in search?(late in the evening, I was in place at night)

    What do you think a person feels in the dark, alone in an unfamiliar place? How can you explain your grandfather's fears?

    Find lines that would help us voice this picture?

    What could it really be? Have you ever heard the echo of your own voice in the woods, in a large room?(Echo)

    What did he see (see and hear)?

    What did he end up dug up? (The boiler is heavy)

    How do you see your grandfather? Is it funny to watch him or scary? Read the examples?

    What quality failed him?(greed)

    Was it funny or scary to read this fragment?

    Who is Gogol laughing at? Why?

    Statement of the problematic question of the lesson. “What is real and what is fantastic in the story?

Working with the concepts of "reality" and "fantasy" (in your own words with the teacher's correction).

Reality - that which really does not exist in the imagination.

Fantasy - something that is based on imagination, fiction, something magical, incredible.

Writing in notebooks:

Drawing up a table "Fantastic and real in the story" and filling it with examples during the conversation.

    Where does the story take place? In some kingdom? The scene is real or fantastic?(Ukraine)

    ABOUT what time do events take place? In time immemorial? Confirm this with quotes from the text. (in the childhood of the narrator, spring)

    In whose name is the story told? Who is the narrator of the story? Name the other actors. Are they real or fantastic?

    Are the household items that surround them real or not? Give an example from your homework?

    What about the clothes of the heroes? See our plate?

    What events are described?

    What place does the deacon tell about in this story?

Drawing up a table

Divide the illustrations into 2 parts: description of real and fantastic events.

Conclusions: what is more in the story? What does N.V. Gogol pay more attention to? Why? Pay attention to the subheading- "true".

(The story "The Enchanted Place" has a subtitle true. All events are depicted realistically and truthfully. Descriptions of clothing, everyday life and people's lives are given in detail.)

So why did the writer need to combine reality and fairy tale in one work? Let's think about it.

Finish Pushkin's words: "A fairy tale is a lie ..."(Perhaps Gogol wants to teach us something important, to warn us about something)


What lesson does Gogol teach us?


"The Enchanted Place" is a story where the author speaks with readers about the illusion of the obtained wealth through an unclean way. Gogol exposes the thirst for enrichment, the destructive passion for money, which ultimately leads to disaster.

    Reflection, announcement of grades

How will you remember today's lesson?

Complete the sentences:

Today in the lesson I realized ...It was difficult for me ...I like it…- I'm satisfied

Whose work in class would you like to praise?

My mood is like (choose a card): the sun, the sun with a cloud, a cloud

    Homework: prepare a retelling of the memorable episode.

Attachment 1

Golden chicken

Well, an old woman was walking, one of the bains, and a chicken was running in front of her, and all such a lot of gold. She followed this chicken - and wanted to catch her, and she away from her - and she followed. Such a golden chicken runs - and into the bird cherry. She looked: she was lost in the bird cherry. I searched and searched, then went in, went to opeet again to look, could not find. Kurushka is so lost.
Then, which people know, they say: here the treasure came through Cheryomushki. And so they could not find.<...>
Yes, so I myself went to look, got along to find ... I would have received gold, but I could not find anything.

To wear - not to stand

<...> He served in the army. And here one of the passing people says:
- In such and such a place in the Olonets province of the Kargopol district there is a stone-maker. There is a treasure there: to carry - not to carry and to carry - not to take out. And the place: there is a stone in this stone, and there is a fontanel in the stone. And there is a treasure in this place.
So no one knows what kind of treasure there is: to carry - not to carry and to carry - not to take out. The police could be sent there, maybe they would find it.

It turns, but it is not given in the hands

There is such a treasure: the pot spins, but it is not given in the hands. It was in the Great Court, in Almozero.
Digging - it is already close. He would only be taken - and he will thunder again - and down. They dig deeper - again it is down.
After all, one must not rush, but know the words, and approach the icon ...

Lamb from under the floor

One family lived calmly, quietly. The family was big. Parents go to the fields, children are left at home.
One fine time parents come home, children complain that the lamb is playing with them.
- What lamb? - they ask.
- Yes, from under the floor, - the children answer.
Children ask to get a lamb. But who will believe?
And the legend went through the village. The village began to live under fear. The children were swollen and did not play. And the lamb climbed out and played with the children. I climbed out the golden ball ... either as a golden man or as a lamb again pretended to be.
So the years passed. Witches began to emerge from the baths. In empty houses, music played, devils danced. Young people sat at home in the evenings.
And this news reached the village chieftain. He took good Cossacks and came to the village to check how true this was. They came to this family and began to excavate. And they found at a depth of three meters a saber of Damascus steel and a basket of gold. And it turned out that the one who laid the treasure made a spell and that the treasure should thus be revealed. And so in this house the owner became a rich merchant. All this was bequeathed by ancestors to posterity.



The story told by the deacon of the *** church

By God, already tired of telling! What do you think? Really, it's boring: tell, and tell, and you can't get rid of it! Well, if you please, I will tell, only, she-she, for the last time. Yes, you said that a person can cope, as they say, with an unclean spirit. It is of course, that is, if you think about it, there are all sorts of cases in the world ... But don't say that. The devilish force wants to faint, then it faints; By God, he'll faint! If you please see, our father had four of us. I was still a fool then. I was only eleven years old; but no, not eleven: I remember how now, when I ran on all fours and began barking like a dog, my father shouted at me, shaking his head: “Hey, Thomas, Thomas! It's time to marry you, and you are fooling like a young mule! " Grandfather was still alive and on his feet - let him easily hiccup in the next world - quite strong. Sometimes he would think about it ... But why tell commercials? One of them rakes coal from the stove for his pipe for an hour, the other for some reason ran for the clod. What, in fact! .. It would be good against one's will, otherwise they themselves asked for it. Listen so listen! Batko took tobacco to the Crimea for sale at the beginning of spring. I don’t remember only if he equipped two or three carts. Tobacco was then valuable. He took his three-year-old brother with him - to teach him to chumak in advance. We were left: grandfather, mother, me, brother, and even brother. My grandfather sowed a bastan on the road itself and went to live in a kuren; he took us with him to chase the sparrows and the magpie. We couldn't say that it was bad. You used to eat so many cucumbers, melons, turnips, qibuli, peas a day that, by God, it’s like roosters are crowing in your stomach. Well, it's also profitable. Passers-by are pushed along the road, everyone will want to feast on a watermelon or melon. Yes, from the surrounding farms, it used to be applied for the exchange of chickens, eggs, turkeys. The life was good. But the grandfather liked most of all that the Chumaks would drive fifty wagons every day. The people, you know, are seasoned: if they go to talk - just hang your ears! And grandfather is like a hungry dumpling. Sometimes, it happened, there would be a meeting with old acquaintances - everyone already knew my grandfather - you can judge for yourself what happens when old stuff comes together: container, container, then and then, then, and such and such. .. well, and spill! remember God knows when. Once - well, really, as if it had happened now - the sun had already begun to set; my grandfather walked around the bashtana and removed the leaves from the kavuns, which he covered them during the day, so as not to bother in the sun. - Look, Ostap! - I say to my brother, - there the Chumaks are going! - Where are the Chumaks? - said the grandfather, putting the badge on a large melon so that the lads would not eat it in case. There were like six wagons along the road. A chumak walked ahead with a gray mustache. Not having reached the pace - how shall I say - ten, he stopped. - Great, Maxim! Here God has brought where to meet! Grandfather narrowed his eyes: - A! great, great! where does God bring? And the Sore is here? great, great, brother! What a devil! Yes, that's all: and Krutotryshchenko! and Pecherytsya and Kovelek! and Stetsko! great! Ah, ha, ha! th, th! .. - And they went to kiss. The oxen were unhitched and allowed to graze on the grass. The carts were left on the road; while they all sat in a circle in front of the kuren and lit the cradles. But where is it to the cradles? for tales and for raskabarov hardly and one got. After lunch, the grandfather began to regale the guests with melons. Here each, taking a melon, cleaned it cleanly with a knife (the rolls were all grated, they made a lot, they already knew how to eat in the world; perhaps they were ready to sit down at the table even now), her jelly, began to cut into pieces and put in his mouth. - What are you, lads, - said the grandfather, - have your mouths open? dance, dog children! Where, Ostap, is your sopilka? Well, goat! Foma, get on your hips! Well! like this! gay, gop! I was then a little mobile. Damned old age! now I won't go like that; instead of all the twists and turns, the legs just stumble. The grandfather looked at us for a long time, sitting with the Chumaks. I notice that his legs do not stand still: as if they were being tugged. “Look, Thomas,” said Ostap, “if the old horse-radish doesn't go dancing! What do you think? Before he could say, the old man could not stand it! I wanted, you know, to brag to the Chumaks. - See, damn children! do they dance like that? That's how they dance! - He said, getting to his feet, stretching out his arms and hitting his heels. Well, there is nothing to say, he danced like that, even with the hetman'shey. We stepped aside, and went to twist the horseradish with our feet all over the smooth place, which was near the garden with cucumbers. I had just reached, however, halfway and wanted to take a walk and throw some of my own thing with my feet on the whirlwind - my legs would not rise, and that was all! What an abyss! Has dispersed again, has reached the middle - does not take! whatever you want to do: does not take, and does not take! feet like wooden steel! “See, a devilish place! See, satanic obsession! Herod, the enemy of the human race, will be entangled! " Well, how can one make a stranglehold before the Chumaks? He started up again and began to scratch fractionally, finely, for pleasure to look; until the middle - no! not danced, and full! - Ah, the rogue Satan! so that you choke on the rotten melon! so that he could even die a little, son of a dog! what a shame he has done in his old age! .. And indeed, someone laughed from behind. He looked around: no bashtana, no chumaks, nothing; back, in front, on the sides - a smooth field. - Eh! sss ... here you go! He began to squint his eyes - a place, it seemed, not entirely unfamiliar: a forest on the side, a pole sticking out from behind the forest and could be seen far away in the sky. What an abyss! Yes, this is the dovecote that the priest has in the garden! On the other hand, something is also turning gray; peered: the threshing floor of a volost clerk. This is where the evil spirits have dragged! Driving around, he came across a track. There was no month; a white spot flashed through the cloud instead of him. "There will be a big wind tomorrow!" - thought the grandfather. Lo and behold, a candle flashed to the side of the path on the grave. - See! - the grandfather stood and propped his hands on his hips, and looked: the candle went out; in the distance and a little further, another lit up. - Treasure! - shouted the grandfather. - I put God knows what, if not a treasure! - and was already spitting in his hands to dig, but he realized that he had neither a spade nor a shovel with him. - Oh, sorry! well, who knows, maybe you just have to lift the sod, and it lies there, my dear! There is nothing to do, to designate at least a place, so as not to forget after! So, pulling a broken, apparently a whirlwind, a decent branch of a tree, he piled it on the grave where the candle was burning, and walked along the path. The young oak forest began to thin out; the wattle flashed. "Well, like this! Didn't I say, - thought my grandfather, - that this is a priest's levada? Here is his fence! now there is not even a mile to the bashtan. " Late, however, he came home and did not want to eat dumplings. Having woken up brother Ostap, he only asked how long ago the Chumaks had left, and wrapped himself in a sheepskin coat. And when he began to ask: - And where are you, grandfather, the devils are going today? “Don't ask,” he said, wrapping himself even tighter, “don't ask, Ostap; otherwise you will turn gray! - And he began to snore so that the sparrows, which had climbed onto the head, raised themselves in fright into the air. But where did he sleep there! Needless to say, she was a cunning beast, God grant him the Kingdom of Heaven! - always knew how to get rid of. Sometimes he will sing such a song that you will bite your lips. The next day, as soon as it was getting dark in the field, my grandfather put on a scroll, girded himself, took a spade and a shovel under his arm, put a hat on his head, drank a kuhol sirovtsa, wiped his lips with his lips and went straight to the priest’s garden. Here passed the fence and the low oak forest. A path winds between the trees and goes out into the field. Seems to be the same. I went out to the field - the place is exactly the same as yesterday's: there is a dovecote sticking out; but the threshing floor is not visible. “No, this is not the place. That, therefore, is further; you must, apparently, turn to the threshing floor! " He turned back, began to walk the other way - the threshing floor was visible, but there was no dovecote! Again he turned closer to the dovecote - the threshing floor was hidden. In the field, as if on purpose, it began to drizzle. I ran again to the threshing floor - the dovecote was gone; to the dovecote - the threshing floor was gone. - And so that you, damned Satan, do not wait for your children to see! And the rain started, as if from a bucket. So, throwing off his new boots and wrapping them in a khustka, so as not to warp from the rain, he asked such a runner, as if he were a gentleman's pacer. He climbed into the kuren, soaked through, covered himself with a sheepskin coat and began to grumble something through his teeth and lick the devil in words that I had never heard of before. I confess that I would probably blush if it happened in the middle of the day. The next day I woke up, I saw: my grandfather was already walking around the tower as if nothing had happened and covering the watermelons with a burdock. At dinner the old man again got into a conversation, began to frighten his younger brother that he would exchange him for chickens instead of a watermelon; and after dinner, he made a squeak of wood himself and began to play on it; and let us have fun with a melon, curled into three deaths, like a snake, which he called Turkish. Now I have never seen such melons anywhere. True, he got the seeds from afar. In the evening, already having sung, the grandfather went with a spade to dig a new bed for the late pumpkins. He began to walk past that enchanted place, could not bear it so as not to grumble through his teeth: "Damned place!" - ascended to the middle, where it was not danced the day before yesterday, and struck in the hearts with a spade. Look, around him again the same field: a dovecote sticks out on one side, and a threshing floor on the other. “Well, it's good that I thought of taking a spade with me. Get out and track! there is a grave! there and the branch is piled up! there is a candle burning! As soon as not to be mistaken. " Slowly he ran, raising his spade up, as if he wanted to give them a treat to a wild boar that was clinging to the head, and stopped in front of the grave. The candle went out; there was a stone overgrown with grass on the grave. "This stone needs to be lifted!" - thought the grandfather and began to dig it from all sides. The cursed stone is great! here, however, resting his feet firmly on the ground, he shoved him from the grave. "Gu!" - went down the valley. “There you go! Now things will go faster. " Then the grandfather stopped, took out a horn, poured tobacco on his fist and was about to bring it to his nose, when suddenly over his head "sneezes!" - Something sneezed so that the trees swayed and my grandfather splashed all over his face. - At least turned aside when you want to sneeze! - said the grandfather, rubbing his eyes. I looked around - no one was there. - No, he doesn’t like, apparently, the devil with tobacco! He continued, putting the horn in his bosom and taking up the spade. “He’s a fool, and neither grandfather nor father had ever sniffed such tobacco! I started digging - the ground is soft, the spade just goes away. Here is something. Throwing out the earth, he saw a cauldron. - Ah, my dear, that's where you are! - cried the grandfather, slipping a spade under him. - Ah, my dear, that's where you are! - squeaked the bird's nose, pecking the cauldron. Grandfather stepped aside and released a spade. - Ah, my dear, that's where you are! - a ram head bleated from the top of a tree. - Ah, my dear, that's where you are! The bear roared, sticking its snout out from behind a tree. A shiver went through my grandfather. - It's scary to say a word here! He grumbled to himself. - It's scary to say a word! - the bird's nose squeaked. - It's a terrible word to say! - the ram's head bleated. - Say the word! - the bear roared. - Hm ... - said the grandfather and he was frightened. - Hm! - squeaked his nose. - Hm! - the ram bleated. - Hum! - the bear roared. With fear he turned: My God, what a night! no stars, no month; gaps around; underfoot steep without a bottom; a mountain hung over my head and just about, it seems, and wants to break off at him! And it seems to the grandfather that some mug is blinking because of her: y! y! the nose is like fur in a smithy; nostrils - at least pour a bucket of water into each! lips, by God, like two decks! red eyes rolled up, and also stuck out her tongue and teases! - To hell with you! - said the grandfather, throwing the cauldron. - On you and your treasure! What an ugly face! - and already started to run, but looked around and began, seeing that everything was as before. - It only scares evil spirits! He took up the boiler again - no, it's heavy! What to do? Do not leave immediately! So, mustering all his strength, he grabbed hold of it with his hands. - Well, at once, at once! more more! - and pulled it out! - Wow! Now sniff the tobacco! He took out a horn; before, however, before he began to pour, he looked around carefully to see if there was anyone: it seems that there is not; but now it seems to him that the tree stump is puffing and pouting, ears are showing, red eyes are filling; nostrils flared, nose wrinkled and just like that, and is going to sneeze. "No, I won't sniff tobacco," thought the grandfather, hiding his horn, "Satan will spit his eyes again." I quickly grabbed the cauldron and let’s run as much as the spirit needed; only he hears that behind something and scratches with rods on the legs ... "Ay! ah, ah! " - only the grandfather shouted, striking as hard as he could; and when he reached the priest’s garden, then he only took a breath. "Where did grandfather go?" - we thought, waiting for three hours. Already from the farm, my mother came long ago and brought a pot of hot dumplings. No yes and no grandfather! They began to sup again ourselves. After supper, mother washed the pot and looked with her eyes for where to pour the slops, because there were all ridges around; as he sees, the kuchva is walking straight towards her. It was still dark in the sky. Surely, one of the lads, a shalya, hid behind and pushes her. - By the way, pour the slops here! - said and poured hot slops. - Ay! - shouted in a bass. Lo and behold - a grandfather. Well, who knows! Honestly, they thought the barrel would fit. I confess, although it is a little sinful, it really seemed ridiculous when the gray-haired head of my grandfather was all wrapped in slops and hung with crusts from watermelons and melons. - See, you damn woman! - said the grandfather, wiping his head with the floor, - how steamed! like a pig before Christmas! Well, lads, there will be some bagels for you now! Will you, dog children, walk in golden zhupans! Look, look here, what I brought you! - said the grandfather and opened the boiler. Well, you thought it was there? well, at least after thinking it over, eh? gold? This is something that is not gold: rubbish, squabble ... it's a shame to say what it is. The grandfather spat, threw the cauldron and washed his hands after that. And from that time on, grandfather cursed us to ever believe the devil. - And don't think! - he often said to us, - whatever the enemy of the Lord Christ says, he will lie, son of a dog! He has no truth for a penny! And it used to be, as soon as the old man hears that it is restless in another place: - Come on, guys, let's baptize! - will shout to us. - So him! so his! good! - and starts laying crosses. And that damned place, where it could not be danced, he fenced off with a wattle, ordered to throw everything that was obscene, all the weeds and rubbish that he raked out of the boom. So this is how the evil spirits of a person fool! I know this land well: after that, the neighboring Cossacks rented it from the daddy under the head. Glorious land! and the Harvest has always been wonderful; but there was never anything good in the enchanted place. They will sow it properly, but it will sprout such that it is impossible to disassemble: a watermelon is not a watermelon, a pumpkin is not a pumpkin, a cucumber is not a cucumber ... God knows what it is!

N.V. Gogol "Enchanted Place"

Retelling plan

1. Rudy Panko recalls a story from his childhood.
2. Grandfather goes to the bashtan (melon) with his grandchildren to drive sparrows and magpies.
3. The arrival of the Chumaks (peasants who were engaged in the salt and fish trade).
4. The guys and the old grandfather are dancing.
5. The hero finds himself in an enchanted place where he thinks the treasure is.
6. Search for an enchanted place the next day.
7. Meeting an old man with evil spirits.
8. The treasure turned out to be a hoax.
9. Grandfather decided never to believe the devil again.

The main character, Rudy Panko, a well-known storyteller of tales, begins his next story, confirming the belief: if “the devil's power wants to faint, it will faint; by golly, faint. " He recalls a long story that happened to his grandfather.

One day, my grandfather took them and his brother, then boys, to chase sparrows and magpies on the bastan. Familiar Chumaks passed by. The grandfather began to treat them with melons, and the Cossack asked the grandchildren to dance. Yes, he did not sit still and began to dance. And some devilry happened here. Only the grandfather wanted to "take a walk and throw some of his own thing with his feet on the whirlwind - the legs do not rise, and that's all." He set off again, but did not dance, looked around, saw nothing familiar, but only a smooth field. Began to look closely, came across a path in the dark. A candle flashed to the side of the path on the grave. He decided that it was a treasure, but there was nothing to dig. In order not to lose this place, he knocked down a large branch of a tree.

The next day, when it was just getting dark in the field, my grandfather took a spade and a shovel and went to look for the treasure. But he never found it, only the rain soaked him. Grandfather scolded Satan and returned with nothing. The next day, grandfather, as if nothing had happened, went to the basttan to dig a bed for late pumpkins. And when he passed that enchanted place, he walked into the middle of it and struck with a spade in the hearts. And suddenly he again found himself in the same field. He found a hiding place, pushed aside the stone, but decided to sniff the tobacco. Suddenly someone sneezed from behind. Looked around - nobody. I started digging and saw a boiler. Then the evil spirits began to frighten him: alternately a bird's nose, a ram's head and a bear appeared in front of him. It was so scary that the grandfather wanted to give up everything, but it was a pity to part with the treasure. He grabbed the cauldron somehow and “let's run, as much as the spirit could get; only he hears that behind something and scratches with rods on the legs ... "

A long time ago, my mother had come from the farm with a pot of hot dumplings, everyone had an evening meal, my mother washed the dishes, but still my grandfather was gone. She washed the pot and went into the kitchen, and there my grandfather was. He boasted, opened the cauldron, and there: “Well, you thought it was there? well, at least after thinking hard, eh? gold? This is something that is not gold: rubbish, squabble ... it's a shame to say what it is. "

From that time on, my grandfather and grandchildren told them not to believe the devil: “And it happened, when he hears that in another place it is restless, he himself crosses himself and forces us. And he blocked the place enchanted with a wattle fence and threw all the weeds and rubbish that he scooped out of the boom. So nothing good has ever grown in this place. "

The story "Enchanted Place" ( fourth), the second part of "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" ends. It was first published in 1832 in the second book "Evenings". The absence of a manuscript makes it impossible to determine the exact date of the writing of the story. It is assumed that it belongs to the early works of N.V. Gogol and refers to the period 1829 - 1830.

In the storyline, two main motives are intertwined: the search for the treasure and the ugliness created by the devils in enchanted places. The story itself originates in folklore stories, in which the main leitmotif is the idea that wealth obtained from evil spirits does not bring happiness. In some ways it has something in common with "The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala". The author denounces the thirst for enrichment, an irrepressible passion for money, which definitely leads to disastrous consequences, and turns the acquired money into trash. The story is based on popular beliefs and legends about enchanted "deceitful places".

Analysis of the work

The plot of the work

Based on folklore, with which Nikolai Vasilievich was perfectly familiar from childhood. Legends and beliefs about "enchanted places" and treasures exist among most of the peoples of the world. The Slavs had a belief that treasures can be found in the cemetery. A candle flashed over the grave with the treasure. It is traditional and popular belief that unjustly obtained wealth turns into garbage.

The story is rich in juicy, bright, distinctive folk Ukrainian language, which is sprinkled with Ukrainian words: "bashtan", "kuren", "chumaki". The folk way of life is reflected as accurately as possible, Gogol's humor creates a unique atmosphere. The story is structured in such a way that there is a feeling of personal presence, as if you yourself are among the listeners of the sexton. This is achieved through accurate commentary by the narrator.

The plot is based on the story of the sexton of the local church Foma Grigorievich, familiar to many readers from the story "The Missing Letter", about an incident in the life of his grandfather. His story, vivid and memorable, is full of humor. It was not by chance that the author gave the story the name “Enchanted Place”. Two worlds are intertwined in it: reality and fantasy. The real world is represented by people's everyday life, the fantastic is a grave, treasure and devilry. The sexton's memories take him back to his childhood. The father and the eldest son left to sell tobacco. A mother with three children and a grandfather remained at home. Once, having gone on a spree with visiting merchants, the grandfather began to dance in the garden until he reached one place in the garden and stopped, rooted to the spot, near the garden with cucumbers. He looked around and did not recognize the place, but realized that he was behind the clerk's threshing floor. Somehow I found a path and saw a candle flare up on a nearby grave. I noticed another grave. On it, too, a candle flashed, followed by another.

According to popular legend, this happens where the treasure is buried. The grandfather was delighted, but he had nothing with him. Marking the place with a large branch, I went home. The next day he tried to find this place, but did not find anything, only accidentally hitting the cucumber patch with a spade, he again found himself in the same place, near the grave on which the stone lay.

And then the real devilry began. Before the grandfather had time to get the tobacco to sniff, someone sneezed behind his ear. I started digging and dug up the pot. "Ah, my dear, that's where you are!" And after him the same words were repeated by a bird, a ram's head from the top of a tree and a bear. The grandfather got scared, grabbed the cauldron and rushed to run. At this time, his mother and children began to look for him. After dinner, the mother went out to pour out the hot slop and saw that a barrel was crawling on her. Deciding that these were naughty children, the woman poured the slops on her. But it turned out that it was my grandfather.

We decided to see what kind of treasure my grandfather had brought, opened the pot, and there was rubbish "and it's a shame to say what it is." Since then, the grandfather began to believe only in Christ, and fenced off the enchanted place with a fence.

main characters

Grandfather Maxim

The hero of the story is grandfather Maxim. Judging by the words of the deacon, his grandfather was a cheerful and interesting person. In the author's ironic description, this is a cheerful, lively old man who loves to have fun, to joke, to boast somewhere. A great lover of listening to the stories of the Chumaks. He refers to his grandchildren as "dog children", but it is clear that they are all his favorites. Grandchildren respond to him with the same love.

Enchanted place

The enchanted place itself can be called the hero of the story. According to modern concepts, it can be called an anomalous place. Grandfather Maxim discovers this place by accident while dancing. Inside the zone, space and time change their properties, which the old man attributes to evil spirits. The anomalous zone itself also has its own character. It does not show much love for strangers, but it does not harm clearly, only frightening. There is no great harm from the presence of this place in the real world, except that nothing grows here. Moreover, it is ready to play with the old man. It hides from him, then it opens easily. In addition, he has a lot of intimidation tools at his disposal: the weather, the disappearing moon, talking ram heads and monsters.

The demonstration of all these miracles frightens the old man for a while and he abandons his find, but the thirst for the treasure turns out to be stronger than fear. For this, the grandfather receives the punishment. The cauldron, which he obtained with such difficulty, turned out to be full of garbage. Science went for him. Grandfather became very devout, swore to contact evil spirits and punished all his loved ones.


With this story, Gogol shows that only that wealth that is acquired in an honest way is used for the future, and that that is acquired in a dishonest way is illusory. Using the example of the story with his grandfather, he gives us the opportunity to believe in good and bright. The writer's contemporaries, including Belinsky, Pushkin Herzen, received the story with rave reviews. For more than 150 years, this story has made the reader smile, immersing him in the amazing Gogolian world of wit, fiction, folk poetry, in which the very soul of the people comes to life.

"Enchanted place" is uniquely skillful use of folklore and folk legends. Even the evil spirits introduced into the story have nothing to do with mysticism. Folk fiction is attractive to us for its everyday simplicity, naive and spontaneous. Therefore, all of Gogol's heroes are saturated with bright colors of life, full of enthusiasm and folk humor.

Our "Enchanted Place" summary can be used for a reader's diary. An even shorter retelling of the work is in Gogol's article "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka." On our site you can read the full text of this story, as well as the full text of the collection "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", which includes it

"The Enchanted Place" is the fourth and final story of the second part of Gogol's Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka. It is told again by the deacon of the local church, Foma Grigorievich. The main character of the story is his grandfather, already familiar to readers from the story "The Lost Letter".

One summer, when Foma Grigorievich was still a small child, his grandfather sowed a vegetable garden with melons and watermelons on the road and sold the fruits from it to traders who passed by. Once, about six carts stopped by the garden, in which old friends of my grandfather were traveling. The grandfather, overjoyed at the meeting, treated his old friends well, and then, to celebrate, started dancing. Making, despite his old age, various intricate knees, he came to one place near the garden with cucumbers - and there his grandfather's legs suddenly became like wooden ones and ceased to serve him. Stepping back, he accelerated again, but in the same place he again became, as if bewitched. Cursing Satan, the grandfather suddenly heard someone laughing behind him. He looked around and saw that he was not at all where he had stood a moment before, but on the other side of his village. And in the yard it was no longer day, but night.

At some distance, the grandfather noticed the grave. A candle suddenly flashed on it, followed by another. According to popular legend, such things happened in the places where treasures were buried. The grandfather was very happy, but he had neither a spade nor a shovel with him. Noticing a place with a treasure of a large branch, the grandfather returned home.

The next day, he went to dig the treasure with a spade. It turned out, however, that the place he saw did not look quite the same as the day before. The view of the surroundings was different, and the grandfather could not find the branch left yesterday. Turning back, he walked through the garden to an enchanted place where he could not dance, in his hearts he hit the ground with a spade - and again found himself on the same outskirts of the village, where he had the day before. Now she looked like she did then. The grandfather immediately saw there both the grave and the branch left on it.

My grandfather began to dig in search of a treasure and soon stumbled upon a boiler in the ground. "Ah, darling, that's where you are!" - cried the grandfather, and these words of his were suddenly repeated in human voices by a bird that had flown in from nowhere, a ram's head hanging from a tree and a growling bear. A terrible mug appeared from the stump of a nearby tree, a deep sinkhole suddenly seemed to my grandfather, and a huge mountain behind. Somehow overcoming his fear, he pulled the cauldron of treasure out of the ground, grabbed it and ran as best he could. Behind, someone was whipping his legs with rods ...

Gogol "The Enchanted Place". Illustration

Meanwhile, in the garden, Thomas, his brothers and mother who came to feed them with dinner wondered: where did the grandfather go again? Having collected the slops in a bucket after supper, the mother was looking for where to pour them, and suddenly she saw: a tub was moving towards her as if by itself. The mother thought that the guys were joking and threw the slop into the tub, but then there was a shout, and instead of the tub she saw a drenched grandfather in front of her with a large cauldron in his hands. However, instead of gold, which the old man hoped to find, there was litter and squabble in the cauldron ...

And how many then they did not sow, writes Gogol, that enchanted place in the middle of the garden, nothing worthwhile has never grown there. There was something that sprang up at this place that it was impossible to make out: a watermelon is not a watermelon, a pumpkin is not a pumpkin, a cucumber is not a cucumber ... God knows what it is!
