TATIANA LEONIDOVNA PETUKHOVA (note: they are just namesakes with A.V. Petukhov) - a native Vologda, born on February 3, 1942.
Childhood coincided with the war and the post-war period. Of the three children in the family, Tanya was the youngest.
After the war, all worries fell on the shoulders of the mother. There was never enough prosperity in the house, but family holidays with gray steering wheels, with songs with a guitar will be remembered for a lifetime.
At school, Tanya studied well, she did not stand out in anything among her peers, except that she was more closed and silent.
After school I had to immediately go to work, as my mother was ill and there was not enough money. The girl chose a flax mill, but not because she wanted to devote herself to light industry, but out of necessity. She studied at the evening textile technical school - she decided so because of the chosen profession.
In 1963 she got married, a son Seryozha and a daughter Sveta appeared.
She continued her studies at the Sokolsk Pulp and Paper Technical School. The craving for the poetic word, which arose in his youth, made him take up the pen. Tatyana writes about children, and this adherence to the children's theme will subsequently radically change not only her profession, but also her life.
It is interesting that the poet devoted most of her working life to technical activities.
Severny Kommunar plant, Vologda TsSTI (Center for Scientific and Technical Information), machine-tool plant. In every place she worked with full dedication, actively participated in the life of enterprises, was repeatedly encouraged and awarded.
All the more unexpected for everyone was Tatiana Leonidovna's decision to go to work in kindergartens PZ-23. Here she truly found herself in creativity and in the joy of communicating with children. Of course, I had to study again, study pedagogy and psychology.
Now Tatyana Leonidovna has developed and is successfully implementing her own program in several kindergartens. It is aimed at developing the imagination, creativity, thinking of a child, starting at the age of four, and as a result, its goal is to foster kindness, the need for reflection and reflection. In the classroom, children get acquainted with the basics of rhetoric, study methods of versification acceptable for their age, and try to compose themselves. For example:
A blackbird sat on the bridge
And scratched his nose.
There was a fly on the nose
And scratched her belly.
All activities are game-based. Unusual learning of poetry (with gestures), funny exercises for training diction, writing poetry to music, drawings for the perception of a poem. Tatiana Leonidovna composes texts herself, she also uses poems of Russian and foreign poets. It turns out that the classics are quite accessible to kids. (Very interesting drawings were, for example, after reading the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "In the Wild North ...")
In general, the creative biography of the poetess began in 1959. The first poem was written at the age of 16 and was dedicated to difficult family relationships (with his father). Poems addressed to children will appear later. And the first published was the poem "Lakomka":
Here halva lies on a saucer,
One has only to reach out.
Mom and dad say:
- Her teeth hurt.
Very bad without teeth!
Ready to sit without halva!
I don't want her at all
We milk only with a saucer.
Observations of children, their relationships, games, fantasies provide many topics for creativity.
... For "pretend" someone locked the cat in the refrigerator. And then the children decided to wash the black cat - what if it brightens? On March 8, mom was presented with flowers ... a shaggy puppy (it is not known for whom the gift is?).
Mischievous, inventors, sometimes offending their peers ("Screamers"), but always interesting and unpredictable. Tatyana Leonidovna also studied a lot of work on the word - first in the literary association "Youth" under the editorial board of "Vologda Komsomolets", then (in 1972-76) - from Yu.M. Lednev in the "Rifma" association. Yuri Makarovich and became the first mentor of the young poetess.
In 1981, Tatyana Leonidovna's poems were published in the collection "Rodnichok" (fifth issue).
And the first book had been waiting for its release for ten years and was published only in 1982 - this is the book "The Sun". She received positive reviews from the Vologda poets S. Vikulov and S. Chukhin. The book "Shaggy Gift" (1987) was noticed by People's Artist Nikolai Litvinov (he hosted programs for children on the All-Union Radio). On his recommendation, the poems "Bully" and "Friendship" sounded in the radio broadcast of Comrade Moscow.
In 1990, Dobroe Slovo was published, and in 1991, Dreams of Different Growths. Repeatedly Tatyana Leonidovna's poems were published in the magazines "Murzilka", "Preschool Education", they were also published in other periodicals.
Recently, the poetess has been writing scripts for children's holidays, fairy tales. "Spring thaws" - a bright and at the same time sad holiday - graduation from kindergarten to school - was published by the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel in Vologda.
Fairy tales "White Prince Lord of the Snows", "Let's not frown!", "Spin, feather, spin!" (based on the fairy tale "Geese-Swans") and others are of interest to both children and adults.
Tatyana Leonidovna has a lot of poems about nature.
... Poplar is crying because someone broke his twig out of mischief:
Won't hear anymore
Nightingale songs.
Will not see the sun
My twig. ("Twig")
The sun is like a goldfish in water. It ... wiggles its rays like fins. ("The Sun and the River")
In another poem, spots of the sun, ... like chickens looking for dew grains in peas. ("Noon")
Tatyana Leonidovna (through the eyes of children) observes the world around her, in which there is still so much unknown:
What a rustle? What kind of fear?
Someone is busy in the bushes
Scary leaves rustling,
It makes a terrible noise with branches.
Our kitten at the same moment
Away from the bushes - sniff!
A kitten is trembling on the porch
And in the bushes a little mouse is trembling. ("Well well!")
Tatiana Petukhova's poems are rhythmic and fit well with the music. The song "Fingers" sounded in the Moscow TV program "At Cinderella's Ball". It was included in the collection of the Vologda composer V. Andreev.

Blog of Tatiana Leonidovna Petukhova

Books for children:
Petukhova T.L. White Prince - Lord of the Snows: Fairy Tale / Art. Shurakova N.A. - Vologda: TsBS, 1998 .-- 46 p .: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Let's not frown: Poems for children / Artist. T. Kornilova. - Vologda: Evstoly, 1998 .-- 48 p .: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Wonderful kingdom: poems for children / T.L. Petukhova; Irina Yablokova. - Vologda: IP Kiselev A.V., 2011 .-- 75 p. : col. silt
Petukhova T.L. A kind word: Poems for children: (For junior school age). - Yaroslavl: Upper-Volga. book publishing house, 1990 .-- 62 p .: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Shaggy gift: poems for children / T.L. Petukhova; artist Irina Yablokova. - Vologda: Polygraphist, 2007 .-- 79 p. : col. silt
Petukhova T.L. Shaggy gift: Poems: (For junior school age). - Arkhangelsk: North-West. book publishing house, 1987 .-- 15 p .: col. silt
Petukhova T.L. Little Serpent Gorynych and his friends: (Based on the play "Daddy's Tale") / Artist. Shurakova N.A. - Vologda, TsBS, 1997 .-- 94 p .: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Dreams of different height: [poems for children] / T.L. Petukhova; artist Irina Yablokova. - Vologda: Vologda Regional Youth Library. V.F. Tendryakova, 2008 .-- 95 p. : col. silt
Petukhova T.L. Dreams of different height: Poems: (For junior school age). - Vologda: North-West. book publishing house. Vologod. branch, B.g. (1991). - (18 p.): Col. silt
Petukhova T.L. Light of the soul: spiritual poetry for adults and children / T.L. Petukhova. - Vologda: Vologda Regional Youth Library. V.F. Tendryakova, 2006 .-- 42 p. : ill.
Petukhova T.L. Sunny Rain: Poems for Children / Art. N.V. Cherkasov. - Vologda: B.I., 2001 .-- 60 p .: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Sunny: Poems: (For preschool age). - Arkhangelsk: North-West. book publishing house, 1982 .-- 17 p .: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Ulyanushka and Brother Vanyatka: A Tale in Verse / Art. N. Cherkasova. - Vologda: B.I., 1998 .-- 48 p.: Ill.

Petukhova T.A. Grandma's Tales: Poems and Tales for Children / Tatiana Petukhova; silt ed. and her granddaughter Maria Glazova. - Vologda: [b.i], 2012. - 152 p. : col. silt


* * *
This will be a new disc! // Vologda news. - 2010 .-- Jan 27 - Feb 2 (No. 3). - S. 7.
Presentation of the disc about the work of the poetess.
Shilova N. On the way // Autograph. - 2002. - No. 17. - P. 22 - 23.
On the poems of the poetess.
Polyakova V. Children are the most precious in the world // Vologda News. - 2002 .-- January 31 - February 6. - S. 14.
On February 3, T.L. Petukhova - anniversary.
Children sing his songs // Meson. - 2001. - No. 11. - S. 18 - 19.
About the amateur Vologda composer V. Andreev. There are notes of the song "Fingers" to the words of T. Petukhova.
Butusova G. "In Byvalovo, all schoolchildren sing" // Russian North. Tuesday. - 1997 .-- February 11. - S. 16.
About the anniversary evening of T.L. Petukhova.

Project type: Cognitive research, artistic creative. Project participants: children, educators, parents. Relevance: Transport plays an important role in our life. It represents all types of communication routes of vehicles that move people and goods for various purposes from one place to another ...

Consultation for parents: “New Year's Holidays and the Traditions of the Nativity of Christ” Folk holidays and traditions should take a great place in introducing children to folk culture. It is here that the finest observations of the characteristic features of the seasons, weather changes, the behavior of birds, insects are formed ...

Outdoor games for children 3 - 4 years old on the street "Bear" Children count and choose who will be the bear. On two opposite sides of the site, lines are drawn: behind one line is the bear's den, after the other is the children's house. The middle of the site is the edge ...

Purpose: To activate parents' interest in the cognitive process in the educational area "Music", to cause a joyful mood from joint leisure. Objectives: 1. Expand knowledge of children's, folk, modern songs and melodies. 2. To form a feeling of love for music, to show interest. 3. Develop musical ...

Grandma's Tales, Wonderful Kingdom
decoration - internet resources

My dad is a reliable friend!
If I suddenly fail,
He doesn't shout at me
Brow frowns and is silent!
Very upset, you can immediately see
He is ashamed of my act!
I cheated dad again.
-Forgive me! I give my word
I promise as a man
You won't blush for your son!
Dad and I are friends again
You can't break the word!

My dad is strong and big
He is so dear to me.
Good laughs in the eyes
He carries me on his shoulders!
Dad and I are very interested
He teaches to act honestly
Everywhere in everything, always, always,
So as not to be ashamed EVER!
Will answer any question
But only without capricious tears.
Together with dad we read
We saw and planed boards.
Dad will say: "Well, son,
Well you helped me! "
I try my best
So that dad praised again.

And if I'm afraid of something,
I'm running to him, I'll press against him,
To protect me he could
But he can be very strict
If I'm suddenly rude
I'm proud of my dad and love!

-Hello? Dad, it's me!
Hello? Can you hear me?
Eh, dad! Well why a long time ago
We haven't been to the cinema together?
Eh, dad, you have no time again
Play football with me.
You know, dad, you know, let
Work will delay you again
I will definitely wait
I want to be with you like that!

Daddy listen to me
This will be a proposal
Let's go to the field, by the fire
Let's celebrate mom's birthday.
Let the whole family get together.
And you can rest there.
You have a tired voice
And for some reason I'm worried.
You say I'm coming now?
Eh, dad, how I'm waiting for you !!

Where is dad? Very strange?!
Not in the kitchen. Empty bath.
It's time to go to kindergarten,
Braids need to be braided.
My strands are disheveled
Or maybe dad decided to hide and seek
Now play with me?
I'll go look for him.
I'll look for him everywhere.
Hey ?! Dad, where are you, where?
I open the doors to the bedroom
And I can't believe my eyes !!
Dad learns pigtails
Weave on a doll Masha,
I will not interfere with him,
Everyone has their own secrets.
I'll wait for him here.
-Daughter, where are you? I'm going.
Let's braid the braids.
Happened! I am glad,
Isn't it time for kindergarten?
You yourself, you know, there is a regime
Together with dad we run
I love dad very much
If I have to, I'll be patient.
Believe me, no one,
I will not give my father's secret!

Dad was proud today!
He baked a huge cake
The cake is beautiful and flaky.
But he was so salty
Surprisingly tasteless.
Dad walks sad, sad.
He explained to everyone later,
How he confused salt with sand.
He said he was stupid.
Sorry for dad! New
The Japanese recipe was like this
Sprinkle each layer with salt!
Oh, how my mother was surprised.
I was surprised, smiled
And then she said:
The most difficult thing is always the beginning!
Let's forget the failure
We will not bake in Japanese.
Let's bake big now
Delicious cake for the whole family!
The family will be very happy
Congratulate dad on soldier day!


Beloved mom!
There are many bright stars
burn in the dark sky
But the stars are paler
than your clear gaze.

Cold stars
shine from a height
And in my mother's eyes-
light of kindness!
Beloved mom!
Beautiful flowers
there are many in the world,
Everyone has their own flavor
They caress with beauty
our view,
Every flower
unearthly beauty,
And for me the most tender of all is you!

Beloved mom!
There are many bright words
I need to tell you
beloved mother!
Mother's light illuminates us on the way,
He protects, saves from trouble.
You understand everything,
dear, without words.
Mom thanks
for your love!

I paint a portrait, paint with words
I am drawing a portrait of my sweet mother:
Light brown hair, very thick.
The eyes are blue, dear-dear.
They look calmly from under their eyebrows.
Mom always has an attentive look
Everything notices words and deeds
When it smiles, there is no kinder smile.
I want to sing. Jump around the apartment
I want to hug my mother gently!


Dear mom
always so kind
There is so much tenderness in her
so much warmth
It happens that tears
we are pouring hail
Mom then
definitely near!
She will smile sweetly, sweetly
And you will immediately forget
about what it was!
We trust her with any of our secrets,
He will explain everything, give us advice,
Mom, like the sun warms everyone,
Wise love
always enough for everyone!
Great happiness
What's next
Our mommy
dear mom!

Look, somewhere by
For the third time Dima rushed
With wet eyes, with bitter tears.
But doesn't cry in the yard ?!
Dima, what does this mean?
Because to be honest
Only at home is interesting
Cry out loud to mom!
Check it out for yourself
Is it possible, who can,
Better to feel sorry for mom?
Every day from morning to night
We asked very, very:
- Give us a puppy!
But in vain, and for now
There was one answer for us:
- Don't ask! No and no!
... Outside the window, March-prankster,
Mom's holiday is coming.
Congratulations on this day,
We solemnly carry
Our mom has three flowers
And a shaggy ... puppy !!

Vanyushka's today
From heels to crown
Black blackies!
And even curls
They stick out black!
Dirty, very dirty
My brother came from a walk.
Mom is upset
She doesn't smile.
Ivan in an instant
Ruined the mood.
She will have to again
Wash all day!

Today at Tanya's
From heels to crown
Greenfinches are everywhere!
And even curls
They stick out green.
The whole sister is in paint,
It's time to wash!
And mom doesn't swear
Mom smiles!
Tanya has daughters
Happy flowers
Butterflies, bumblebees
The album blossomed
To everyone's surprise
Birthday for Mom!

I miss
I'm all like a dad! And Seryozha
So much like daddy too
And the little sister is all in him
But to mom - no one!
Pinned a brooch to my shirt
And he looked like my mother!
Mommy is gone again
She has a job. She's got things to do.
I miss her a little.
Let the brooch remind of her!

Mom will go far
It's not easy without a mom
Suddenly the phone will ring
And he will drive away boredom.
Through the noises, through the din
I hear my mother's voice

-Daughter, how are you without me?
Well, be patient for two more days.
Are you crying, honey? -
-No! No!
- I shout back to mommy,
Mom, mom! - I shout into the phone,
Talk one more minute
I will not be bored. I will endure
Mom I love you!


Why did I burst out again
An evil, cruel, daring word?
How hard it is for me to come up now
How difficult it is to say, "Mom, I'm sorry!"

I offended you, dear, with words.
“But don't cry,” I beg my mother.
Well, scold me, punish me severely.
But just I'm sorry
don't be angry, for God's sake!
And my mother smiled suddenly sweetly
And quietly she said: "I have forgiven for a long time."
I will never forget my mother's tears
And I won't be rude to anyone anymore!


Telegram urgent
reported exactly:
Urgently reported:
"Wait for the general,
End of business trip,
there will be new things for everyone! "

Dust off the cabinet
dad wipes,
Fighting pots
now they are clean.
The floors are washed all around
the house sparkles with cleanliness!
The call rang out suddenly
and heart: knock-knock-knock!
The desired moment has come -
the general has arrived!
He came, again with us, we run towards ... to my mother!

Favorite general
bored away from us.
Without those pretty eyes
we were bored more than once.
Without a mother general
we did not have enough warmth,
Today there will be a ball - GENERAL has arrived !!

My dear mother,
There is sadness in your eyes.
Hug me mom
I will snuggle up to you.
Parting with you
For only four days
Don't worry so mama
Pray for me!
My dear mother. I'll be back soon!-
Mom hugged me
And the sadness melted!

TV and radio programs
Advertise to us:
Here is advertising, there is advertising.
-Explain quickly, mom,
Loud, entertaining
The word is incomprehensible. -
- How to explain advertising?
This means praise!
For example, I made soup
I’m for you today from cereals.
Eat straight!
Here's his ad:
How delicious he is
Look at what broth -
Its color is pleasant,
The smell is fragrant!
And how are the potatoes cut ?!
Should I put you a little?
-Soup, of course, by the way,
I don't love so much
But with such advertising
You will not refuse mom!


There is a holiday in the house, liveliness.
Birthday for our mom!
There is no better mother!
There is a radiant light in her eyes.
Will regret, will take a deep breath,
We'll get sick, it will be near
There is no kinder than our mother.
She keeps us from harm!
Sometimes my mom and I argue.
We argue very hotly!

Well, and if someone offends,
Then we sob into her shoulder.
Happy birthday to our mom
Let's say with gentle words
That she is no more dear
Let's give her a big bouquet!

May there be PEACE on the whole planet,
No shocks and troubles!
Under the sun of love, let
well children-
Hope of Russia and light!


Friends 3
The best! 4-5
Eh, dad! 6-7
Daddy's Secret 8-9
Family cake 10-11
Mom's light 12-14
Mom's smile 15
Our mommy 16-17
Check it out for yourself 18
Shaggy Gift 19
Surprises. I miss 20-22 -23
It's not easy without a mom! 24-25
Mom's tears 26-27

Family General 28-29
Hug me mom! 30-31
Advertisement for soup 32-33
Mom's birthday! 34-35

Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova is a native Vologda, born on February 3, 1942.

Education - secondary technical, worked as a curator in the Vologda region at the Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Propaganda. For 15 years she headed the Bureau of Rationalization, Patent Science and Technical Information at the Vologda Machine-Tool Plant.

She began writing poetry back in her school years. Author of 15 books for children.

The first book "The Sun" (Petukhova T.L. Solnyshko: Poems: for preschool age / T.L. Petukhova. - Arkhangelsk: Sev.-Zap. Book publishing house, 1982. - 17 p.: Ill. - Circulation 10,000 copies) Poet S. Vikulov said about the book "The Sun" that "indeed it emanates as much light and warmth as from the sun."

T. Petukhova's book "Shaggy Gift" was awarded the Special Prize of the Russian State Library (Diploma) in the category "Children's Literature". The script for the play in verse "The fate of the family - the fate of Russia" by Tatyana Petukhova was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Tatiana Leonidovna's poems were included in the collection on literary local history.

From the annotation to the book "Kind Word": "Poems of the Vologda poetess Tatyana Petukhova - about children and for children. Kind, mischievous, funny, they teach kindness, hard work, open doors for children to the world of complex and endlessly interesting human relationships. "

More details can be found on the site "Vologda Poetess Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova" Dreams of different height "petuchova.blogspot.ru

  1. A gift for everyone
  2. Caring for grandma

At the end of last year, I received a letter in the mail that changed my opinion about modern children's literature. This letter was written by a Vologda poetess Tatiana Leonidovna Petukhova .

Having got acquainted with the work of Tatyana Leonidovna, I was fascinated by her poems and fairy tales. Their rhythm, melodiousness, kindness radiating in every line won my daughters too.

Petukhova Tatiana Leonidovna

Tatyana Leonidovna had to go through a lot, the worst thing was the loss of her son. But Tatyana Leonidovna managed to keep the warmth of her soul thanks to her grandchildren, she has 7 of them!

Today Tatyana Leonidovna celebrates her 71st birthday.

Tatiana Leonidovna, We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

for Tatiana Leonidovna Petukhova

A little about the work of Tatiana Leonidovna Petukhova.

Tatyana Petukhova wrote her first poems at school, Tatyana Leonidovna continued to write poetry and working at the plant.

But, for real, Tatyana Petukhova began to open up in children's poems, which she began to write for her beloved children: her son and daughter. The poems turned out to be so interesting that they began to be published in magazines ("Murzilka", "Education of Preschoolers").

Tatyana Leonidovna's poems are very kind, funny, sparkling. there is funny poems, family poems, poems about friendship, poems about summer... Tatyana Petukhova's poems are very different, but they all teach children about love, friendship, and hard work.

Tatyana Leonidovna also has fairy tales. Especially good fairy tale "Ulyanushka and brother Vanyatka"... The author has been writing this tale for 5 years!

Many of Tatyana Petukhova's fairy tales have been staged. One of the favorite fairy tales - the performances of the author “ Little Serpent Gorynych and his friends«.

The creative motto of Tatiana Leonidovna “Let's give the children joy, light. Let us remember that CHILDREN are the most precious thing in the world ”.

Back in 1982, poems for children by Tatyana Petukhova were published in a book called “ Sun". Everyone who knows her calls Tatyana Leonidovna the sun, because she herself radiates light and warmth.

Last year, on the occasion of the poet's anniversary, Tatyana Leonidovna's 14th book "Grandmother's Tales: Poems and Tales for Children" was published.

Books by Tatyana Petukhova

Tatyana Leonidovna has her own blog “ Of different height dreams"By the way, a very interesting literary quiz is taking place there now." We read ourselves - we read to mom«.

Tatyana Leonidovna is an extraordinary person - it is very interesting to communicate with her. I offer you a short interview with an amazing storyteller - the "legend" of modern children's poetry.

Lyudmila: Tatiana Leonidovna, please tell us about your childhood, about the main milestones in your life. What are the brightest memories for you?

Tatiana Leonidovna:


Tatiana's childhood

My childhood coincided with the difficult post-war years.

It so happened that all the material worries fell on the shoulders of our mom. She was strict, but she arranged parties for us - three children. The main treat at the holidays was gray bagels, but it was always fun. Friends came to us: they sang to the guitar, everyone danced and played forfeits.

In the family, everyone worked: each had their own responsibilities. We worked a lot in the garden - without it we would not have lived at that time. By the way, having matured, I loved to dig in the ground and it happened there myself wrote poems:

Cheerful verse


During my school years, I, among my peers, did not stand out in any way. She was good, but loved to read.

Highlights of life

The brightest and most unforgettable moments are birth of children.

But, before, there was an acquaintance with my husband. We met in May on the square - there were dances. And two years later we got married and this year we have a golden wedding in May. Family life is a long way, uphill and downhill. Anything can happen. But now, as the song says, “we have the last pass” and we can only overcome it with dignity together, supporting each other.

We got married at the request of our son. Faith in God helped and helps us to survive the most tragic moments in life and to endure.

Another bright moment of life is the release of the first booklet "Sun“- I remember everything in me was jubilant. I wanted to give the book to everyone!

I also had a dream to write such a poem. which many would know.,

Now I understand - this is a vanity that must always be avoided so as not to harm the soul.

And the dream has come true. The poem "Vologda" is now taught in our region in almost every school.

Dreams of today

Now the dreams are completely different: I want my grandchildren to avoid the influence of our time of Permissiveness and vulgarity. I want my grandchildren to learn to appreciate the laws of morality and respect for others.

A very happy milestone in my life was the time when I was invited to work in kindergartens to lead literary studios. At this time, many poems, fairy tales, scripts were written.

Developed its own method of reading poetry.

But the most important thing is that I bathed in children's love, drawing warmth and joy from the children.

In kindergarten

Now I receive such love from my youngest grandchildren. They help me live and write poetry.

They are my first listeners, they won't let me be fake.

I still experienced the joy of exultation when there was a threat to my life. There was a complicated operation, but thanks to the prayers of my husband and friends, everything, thank God, was all right. After that, I got baptized, and later, I began to write spiritual poetry - that is very responsible.

I went alone to Ganina Yama, alone went through the forest to bow to the royal family.

An indescribable impression remained after a trip to the Holy Land. There were only grateful tears - for the mercy shown by God.

After the trip, I wrote a script about the family, sent it to the competition and was unexpectedly awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Minister of Culture.

There is one more reward. For the book "Shaggy Gift" I was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Children's Literature".

This book is dear because both educators and parents raised money for its publication, in hospitals and in churches. When this book came out, I cried softly: how many good people there are among us.

Book "Shaggy Gift"

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, do you remember your first poem? How did you write it?

How did you start writing poetry and fairy tales for children? Can you write on request (order) or just by inspiration?

Tatiana Leonidovna:


The first poem was written in grade 10. It is very personal, therefore, like everything intimate, it should remain only with me.

I started writing for children later, when my own children were born.

Low bow to my teacher - the wonderful poet Yuri Makarovich Lednev. I learned a lot from him. The only thing I did not agree with was to adopt the manner of writing like him. I always wanted to keep my "Pethovo" style and rhythm so that the poem was always recognizable.

Poems and fairy tales were not written to order. The only poem when I fulfilled the request was the poem "Gemini".

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, your poems make wonderful songs, who noticed that your poems are great for music?

Tatiana Leonidovna:

The talented Vologda composer - Vladimir Andreev - was one of the first to write the wonderful song "Fingers" and it is still sung with pleasure in kindergartens. His songs - to my poems - sounded on the Morning Star "At Cinderella's Ball". They are very melodic and unique.

Other amateur composers also published their collections of my poems, but I like V. Andreev and V. Ermakov the most.

Here is an audio recording of one of my favorite songs "The Snow Princess" (lyrics by T. Petukhova, music by V. Ermakov).

I really liked it when my son and daughter-in-law sang songs to my poems.

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna what is your hobby?

Tatiana Leonidovna:

I love classical music and really love to play with my grandchildren.

I have a lot of meetings in kindergartens, schools, hospitals - with children.

Petukhova Tatiana Leonidovna

Lyudmila: Tatiana Leonidovna, and which of the children's authors do you like the most?

Tatiana Leonidovna:

Of the children's poets, I like Marshak most of all, and of modern ones - V. Berestov.

Anyone who writes for children has something useful to learn. But there are, in my opinion, too instructive, boring verses or play with rhyme for the sake of their narcissism. And children do not need this at all.

Writing for children is not only difficult, but also very responsible. How will our Word respond to a child's soul?

Lyudmila: Tatiana Leonidovna, you have 2 children and 7 grandchildren. Is it true they say that grandchildren are loved more than children?

Tatiana Leonidovna:

Who is loved more: children or grandchildren is difficult to say. Adult children, without unnecessary emotions, will support, give us the right advice so as not to drown in the stormy stream of everyday problems.

With adult grandchildren, you need to be a wise diplomat, not impose anything and at the same time make sure that your advice is perceived by them as their own and not lose their respect.

All behind what so dreamed of.

And ahead is decrepit old age,

How long is the heart left to beat?

Alas, just a little bit.

Again, sadness crept insidiously.

But there is a bright joy in my life!

When snuggling, they kiss my hands

My beloved lovely grandchildren!

The venerable age obliges to think, to be sad about what can no longer be corrected.

But also believe, even when you are over 70 and oppressed by bodily infirmities. With God's help, everything is overcome and then a bright hope always dwells in your heart. that the best is yet to come!

Cheerful laughter of the guys, smiles.

Their thoughts, feelings and actions

And all the high dreams

Gusts of light kindness

Let them always be with them.

And most importantly - LOVED!

Our children will be loved.

And life, believe me, will become more beautiful.

After all, they are the basis of life.

Above being earthly.

Let's give the children joy. shine.

Let the cup of troubles pass them

And keep the holy WORD!

Low bow to all - PETUKHOVA / Vologda

Tatiana Leonidovna, once again we congratulate you on your birthday! Live happily ever after - to the delight of loved ones and us - readers!


We are glad to introduce you, dear readers, to the work of the poetess Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova, the author of wonderful poems for children.

Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova is a native Vologda, born on February 3, 1942.

Education - secondary technical, worked as a curator in the Vologda region at the Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Propaganda. For 15 years she headed the Bureau of Rationalization, Patent Science and Technical Information at the Vologda Machine-Tool Plant.

She began to write poetry in her school years.

First book "Sun" (Petukhova T.L. Solnyshko: Poems: for preschool age / T.L. Petukhova. - Arkhangelsk: Sev.-Zap. Book publishing house, 1982. - 17 p.: Ill. - Circulation 10,000 copies. ) Poet S. Vikulov said about the book "The Sun" that "really from it comes as much light and warmth as from the sun."

Book by T. Petukhova "Shaggy gift"was noted

Special Prize of the Russian State Library (Diploma) in the category "Children's Literature".

The script of the play in verse "The fate of the family is the fate of Russia"Tatiana Petukhova was awarded Diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Poems of Tatyana Leonidovna were included in the collection of literary local history

From the book annotation "Kind word": “The poems of the Vologda poetess Tatyana Petukhova are about children and for children. Kind, mischievous, funny, they teach kindness, hard work, open doors for children to the world of complex and endlessly interesting human relationships. "

Read a selection of poems by Tatyana Leonidovna on our website pesochnizza.ru:

Poems for children "My family"

Poems for children "My home"

Gift to Santa Claus

Poems about spring "Spring Chime"

A tale in verse "How an ant found a baby elephant"

More details can be found on the website "Vologda Poetess Tatiana

Leonidovna Petukhova "Dreams of different height" petuchova.blogspot.ru

Read more: http://pesochnizza.ru/stihi-2/stihi-tat-yany-petuhovoj/tatyana-petuhova#ixzz3H9p5nHHc

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