The characteristics of Mikula Selyaninovich are studied in the framework of the literature program in the seventh grade. It was during this period that the guys got acquainted with the epic genre. We will learn more about this hero further.


Epics in their content are very reminiscent of a fairy tale. In them we find events fictional by the author, but it cannot be argued that the main character himself never existed. If you think about the etymology of this word, then we will find a common root with the word "true". This means that this character once really amazed his contemporaries with his strength and power. Mikula was such.

But the inception in the epic tells us not at all about him: the first person the reader meets is Prince Volga. He is strong, wise, has a huge army. Uncle Vladimir puts three cities at his disposal. Now the prince is going with his retinue to check his new possessions. On the way, they meet a plowman. Volga really wants to get to know him, but for three days and three nights they cannot get to him. This one is so huge that it is visible from afar, but rather difficult to reach. The characterization of Mikula Selyaninovich should include this point. The people exaggerate their hero, deliberately distinguishing him from ordinary people.

First meeting

Finally, the prince with his army drives up to this hero. There is no limit to his surprise: oratai (as the plowman was called in Russia) cultivates the land. But he has extraordinary strength: he easily uproots tree stumps, and throws huge stones into the furrow. The reader immediately understands that this is not an ordinary person, but a hero. This is given to him with ease, he whistles under his breath, not feeling tired.

Mikula's tool of work cannot but surprise. He does not have an ordinary fry used to plow the land. It is adorned with expensive metals: yellow and red gold. The straps on it are made of damask steel, a strong and reliable metal. A filly who helps a plowman to carry out earthwork, with silk tugs, which at that time was a very expensive fabric.

External characteristics of Mikula Selyaninovich from the epic "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich"

Undoubtedly, the prince was struck by the attire of the hero. The most ordinary plowman looks rich. He has gorgeous curls that people compare to pearls. The hero's eyes are like a falcon's. As you know, the falcon is a bird that has excellent eyesight and strength. Mikula's eyebrows are black, like sable. The reader immediately imagines a serious and strong husband.

The clothes are sewn from expensive fabrics. For example, the caftan is made of expensive and luxurious material - black velvet. Not every rich man could afford it. But the hero cannot be dressed otherwise. He had boots with heels, which was considered very fashionable and prestigious at the time. The material from which they are made is morocco. This is a very high quality and expensive item. The external characteristic of Mikula Selyaninovich from the epic is very important in describing the image of this hero. It is not for nothing that he is so beautiful and gorgeous: the people represent the hero as ideal in all plans.

The feat of the hero

Volga spoke to oratay, told where he was going. In response, Mikula tells him about his exploits, warns him of danger. However, we do not observe any boasting. The characterization of Mikula Selyaninovich from the epic "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich" necessarily contains information that the hero does not notice his strength, considering his exploits to be a common thing.

Oratai told the prince the story of how he went to the city for shopping. He bought three bags of one hundred poods of salt. A simple calculation will show us that the aggregate mass of his goods is more than five tons! Of course, the technique of the so-called hyperbolization is used here. The author deliberately exaggerates his abilities in order to reflect the heroic power.

When Mikula is going home, robbers come up to him and demand money. But the plowman does not enter into a squabble with them, he gives them "pennies". However, the men do not give up, they ask for more and more. Mikula has to deal with them with fists. It turns out that the hero killed more than a thousand bandits. This story impressed Volga. He wants to see such a strong husband among his squad.

Strength and might

The analysis of Mikula's heroic capabilities continues the characterization of Mikula Selyaninovich. A brief summary of this hero gives us an idea of \u200b\u200ball the simple peasants of that time. It was on them that the Russian land was held.

The plowman agrees to go with the prince "for pay." However, he feels sorry for his bipod.

The characterization of Mikula Selyaninovich with quotations reflects his speech: he leaves his tool of labor “not for a passer-by”, but for an ordinary “peasant-country bumpkin”. These words reflect the attitude of the hero to his fellow peasants.

In order to hide the bipod "behind the bush", Volga sends five of his most powerful warriors. But these strong guys cannot cope with this task, they cannot "lift the bipod out of the ground." Then, according to the trinity principle, Volga sent her children twice more, but even a myriad of them could not do what the Russian peasant was capable of.

Mikula "took the bipod with one hand" and pulled it out without difficulty.

Special features

The description of Mikula Selyaninovich will be incomplete if you do not talk about his horse. Like any hero, the horse is the first helper in work. As we learn at the very beginning, our hero's filly is "nightingale". This epithet denotes its light color. She is as strong as her master. The author deliberately compares the horses of Volga and Mikula. The hero's horse is already walking with a "quick step", but the prince can barely keep pace with it. The first one has already dispersed and "chest" went, the second is lagging behind. Volga never ceases to be surprised here. He estimates Mikula's horse at five hundred rubles, only on the condition that it was not a mare, but a horse. To which the simple-minded peasant replies that he himself fed and raised her, and therefore she has no price.

The characterization of Mikula Selyaninovich reflects this hero as a very good-natured, simple and sympathetic person. He never boasts of his exploits, as if not noticing them.

He promises to treat all the peasants with his own rye beer, which speaks of his generosity.

In conclusion, Volga was so imbued with the boldness and simplicity of this man that he decides to make him governor in the cities donated by his uncle. The robbers, beaten by him three days ago, were ashamed and came to the hero with an apology.


We presented a complete description of Mikula Selyaninovich. The 7th grade, who is studying this work according to the school curriculum, will be able to use our advice and describe their own impression that this epic hero made.

And Mikula Selyaninovich - one of the three senior heroes of Russian epics. Some believe that the name Volga comes from the name of the historical prince Oleg. It is possible that the brilliant victories of Oleg seemed to the people miraculous, supernatural, and from the image of this prince, who was reputed to be a "prophetic", that is, a sorcerer during his lifetime, a fabulous heroic image grew.

Volga of wonderful origin - the son of the princess and the Serpent Gorynych. Volga is the prince himself, who has a squad, and at the same time a werewolf wizard. His "cunning-wisdom" consists in the ability to "turn around" in different animals (in a fierce beast, gray wolf, clear falcon, bay tur, pike).

He is an unusually strong hero. When Volga was born,

The mother of cheese-earth gave birth,
The blue sea shook.

From early childhood, Volga learned various "tricks-wisdom". He learned to understand the language of animals and birds, he learned to turn around (transform) himself into animals, birds and fish;

To walk like a pike-fish in the deep seas,
Fly like a falcon under the clouds,
Prowling like a gray wolf in open fields.

Thanks to this ability to turn around and, when necessary, turn around his squad, Volga wins wonderful victories. One epic tells how Volga Svyatoslavich planned to "fight the Turkish kingdom." Turning into a "little bird", he flew over the "Okyan-sea", flew to the court of the Turkish Sultan and, sitting on the window, overheard the Sultan's conversation with his wife that the Sultan was going to "fight the Russian land." But the Sultan's wife felt that the "little bird" sitting on the windowsill was none other than Prince Volga Svyatoslavich himself, and she told her husband about it.

Then the bird-Volga flew up and immediately turned into an ermine, which made its way into those chambers where all the weapons of the Turkish army were kept. And here Volga the ermine began to bite all the strings of the Turkish bows. He did not gnaw through them, but only bit imperceptibly, so that when the Turks pulled the bowstrings with an arrow, preparing to shoot, all their "silk bowstrings would burst at once."

Volga and Sultan's wife. Cartoon

Having flown then safely as a bird "Okyan-sea", Volga gathered his "good-looking druzhinushka", turned it all into pikes and thus swam with the "Okyan-sea" squad. The squad, already in human form, approached the Turkish hail, but it turned out that the hail was surrounded by a strong indestructible wall, and the "patterned" gates were firmly locked.

Then Volga again resorted to magic. He turned his entire squad into "muraschiks" (ants), who crawled through the patterns and crevices of the strong city gates and, already beyond the wall, turned again into a strong squad and rushed to the enemies. The Turks seized their bows and arrows, pulled on "silk bowstrings" —all the bowstrings broke at once — and Volga conquered the entire Turkish kingdom.

In one epic Volga, also,

26 September 2016

The characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich from the epic of the same name is usually compiled by students in a Russian literature lesson in the seventh grade. This hero has many positive qualities, and therefore it will not be difficult to describe him. Let's try to do this in more detail.

First appearance

Volga Svyatoslavovich's characterization begins from the moment he first appears before the reader. From childhood, this prince showed himself as a very educated and adventurous person. He is ready to learn how to swim under water like a fish, fly high like a bird, run through dark forests like a predatory wolf. This speaks of his activity and curiosity.

When the boy grew up and became an adult youth, he decided to gather himself a large squad. Together with her, he goes on a hike. Uncle Vladimir gave him an expensive gift: now Volga is the owner of three cities. The young man wanted to look at them, to visit that area.

Volga Svyatoslavovich planted a bold squad on brown stallions. The characterization of the hero continues with an analysis of his actions. The prince respects his warriors, does not spare the best equipment and horses for them. However, his path is interrupted by a sudden acquaintance.


Another protagonist of the epic appears before us. The prince is very surprised at his new acquaintance. He is so strong and courageous that he plows a huge field alone. The characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich from the epic should include a description of Mikula. This brave guy does not at all look like an ordinary plowman: he wears expensive clothes, which are not at all characteristic of a peasant-plowman. True, before meeting, the main characters could not get to each other for three days. By this the author wants to show how vast the vast expanses of our Motherland are.

Volga decided to talk to Oratay, telling about where he was going. In response, Mikula told him about himself. It turns out that not so long ago he also visited the city where the prince was going. He bought salt for himself. The author uses the technique of hyperbolization and, through Mikula's mouth, says that he is so strong that he had to carry three bags on himself, each of which contains one and a half tons of salt. Undoubtedly, Volga and his squad are very surprised at such a hero's strength.

However, not everything went well on that trip: robbers attacked Mikula, they began to demand money. The hero shared with them, but that turned out to be not enough, they began to beat the shouting. Then Mikula Selyaninovich had to answer them. In the end, more than a thousand men were affected by a single plowman!

Undoubtedly, this story impressed Volga. Since childhood, he dreamed of possessing an unusual gift or strength, but, unfortunately, this is not always in our power.

Then the prince decided to call the hero with him on the campaign.

Characteristics of Volga Svyatoslavovich and his squad

Mikula is not averse to accompanying a new acquaintance on the road. But our farmer cannot just give up the tool of his labor. His bipod, made of strong damask steel, is decorated with gold and silver. It is unlikely that we would have met an ordinary peasant with such a rich plow. But Mikula is the personification of all men in Russia. For this reason, the author “dresses” him in an expensive robe, smart morocco boots, and in his hands he has a tool of labor that only a hero can have.

The characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich and Mikula Selyaninovich continues with an analysis of the episode with the prince's retinue. The hero asks Volga to send five warriors to help him and carry the plow behind the rakita bush. He wants to preserve it not for a poor man or a rich man, but for a simple Russian peasant.

The prince orders the children to fulfill the oratai's request. But, unfortunately, it turned out to be beyond their power.

Then Volga sent ten soldiers, but they could not cope with it.

Seeing that the squad cannot fulfill his request in any way, Mikula decides to remove the bipod himself. This is very easy for him: with one hand he lifts it up and tosses it in front of the surprised Volga.


Volga Svyatoslavovich's characterization from the epic includes information on how he got to the desired city. The prince noticed that Mikula's horse was much faster and stronger than his own. He is a little dejected by this. Volga makes fun of the hero that if his mare was a stallion, he would offer him as much as five hundred rubles for her. But Mikula does not want to part with his faithful friend for anything and answers the prince that he has nothing more dear than this horse. He himself left her from a very young age, now he does not need anyone else.

Upon arrival in the city, the prince was surprised that the peasants who had offended Mikula three days ago went to him to ask for forgiveness. Volga understands that oratay is a good, kind and strong-willed person. He does not want to part with him, so he invites him to become the governor in his lands. This suggests that the prince is a grateful and kind person.


Of course, the characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich is not as bright as that of the hero Mikula. Any, even the most powerful warrior fades against its background. However, we managed to find out that this person is friendly and helpful. He does not envy Mikula, but, on the contrary, wanted to be friends with him.

The characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich from the epic of the same name is usually compiled by students in a Russian literature lesson in the seventh grade. This hero has many positive qualities, and therefore it will not be difficult to describe him. Let's try to do this in more detail.

First appearance

Volga Svyatoslavovich's characterization begins from the moment he first appears before the reader. From childhood, this prince showed himself as a very educated and adventurous person. He is ready to learn how to swim underwater as high as in dark forests, like a predatory wolf. This speaks of his activity and curiosity.

When the boy grew up and became an adult youth, he decided to gather himself a large squad. Together with her, he goes on a hike. Uncle Vladimir gave him an expensive gift: now Volga is the owner of three cities. The young man wanted to look at them, to visit that area.

Volga Svyatoslavovich planted a bold squad on brown stallions. The characterization of the hero continues with an analysis of his actions. The prince respects his warriors, does not spare the best equipment and horses for them. However, his path is interrupted by a sudden acquaintance.


Another protagonist of the epic appears before us. The prince is very surprised at his new acquaintance. He is so strong and courageous that he plows a huge field alone. The characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich from the epic should include a description of Mikula. This brave guy does not at all look like an ordinary plowman: he wears expensive clothes, which are not at all characteristic of a peasant-plowman. True, before meeting, the main characters could not get to each other for three days. By this the author wants to show how vast the vast expanses of our Motherland are.

Volga decided to talk to Oratay, telling about where he was going. In response, Mikula told him about himself. It turns out that not so long ago he also visited the city where the prince was going. He bought salt for himself. The author uses the technique of hyperbolization and, through Mikula's mouth, says that he is so strong that he had to carry three bags on himself, each of which contains one and a half tons of salt. Undoubtedly, Volga and his squad are very surprised at such a hero's strength.

However, not everything went well on that trip: robbers attacked Mikula, they began to demand money. The hero shared with them, but that turned out to be not enough, they began to beat the shouting. Then Mikula Selyaninovich had to answer them. In the end, more than a thousand men were affected by a single plowman!

Undoubtedly, this story impressed Volga. Since childhood, he dreamed of possessing an unusual gift or strength, but, unfortunately, this is not always in our power.

Then the prince decided to call the hero with him on the campaign.

Characteristics of Volga Svyatoslavovich and his squad

Mikula is not averse to accompanying a new acquaintance on the road. But our farmer cannot just give up the tool of his labor. His bipod, made of strong damask steel, is decorated with gold and silver. It is unlikely that we would have met an ordinary peasant with such a rich plow. But Mikula is the personification of all men in Russia. For this reason, the author “dresses” him in an expensive robe, smart morocco boots, and in his hands he has a tool of labor that only a hero can have.

The characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich and Mikula Selyaninovich continues with an analysis of the episode with the prince's retinue. The hero asks Volga to send five warriors to help him and carry the plow behind the rakita bush. He wants to preserve it not for a poor man or a rich man, but for a simple Russian peasant.

The prince orders the children to fulfill the oratai's request. But, unfortunately, it turned out to be beyond their power.

Then Volga sent ten soldiers, but they could not cope with it.

Seeing that the squad cannot fulfill his request in any way, Mikula decides to remove the bipod himself. This is very easy for him: with one hand he lifts it up and tosses it in front of the surprised Volga.


Volga Svyatoslavovich's characterization from the epic includes information on how he got to the desired city. The prince noticed that Mikula's horse was much faster and stronger than his own. He makes fun of the hero a little, Volga, that if his mare was a stallion, he would offer him as much as five hundred rubles for her. But Mikula does not want to part with his faithful friend for anything and answers the prince that he has nothing more dear than this horse. He himself left her from a very young age, now he does not need anyone else.

Upon arrival in the city, the prince was surprised that the peasants who had offended Mikula three days ago went to him to ask for forgiveness. Volga understands that oratay is a good, kind and strong-willed person. He does not want to part with him, so he invites him to become the governor in his lands. This suggests that the prince is a grateful and kind person.


Of course, the characterization of Volga Svyatoslavovich is not as bright as that of the hero Mikula. Any, even the most powerful warrior fades against its background. However, we managed to find out that this person is friendly and helpful. He does not envy Mikula, but, on the contrary, wanted to be friends with him.

Give a characterization to Mikula or Volga (your choice).


Volga Svyatoslavovich in the epic is a prince, nephew of Prince Vladimir of the capital of Kiev, granted to him by three cities "with the peasants." Volga goes "to the cities and for a payday" and runs into a field on a plowman, whom he cannot catch up for three days.

Volga's birth is mythological:

When the red sun shone On that little sky on a clear sky, Then young Volra was born, Young Volra Svyatoslavovich.

When Volga began to grow and grow, “Volga wanted a lot of wisdom,” but the fish left “in the blue of the sea,” the birds flew away “behind the shell,” the animals galloped away “into the dark forests”. Volga was not given wisdom, and he decided to become a warrior: he gathered a "good-looking druzhinushka" and went "to the cities and for a payday," that is, for a tribute.

The plot of the epic is an epic competition between a bogatyr-plowman and warriors. A whole squad, on the orders of Volga Svyatoslavovich, cannot pull the bipod out of the ground, and Mikula does it easily, surprisingly to Volga. Volga, on her good horse, cannot catch up with Mikula, who is riding a mare, which he himself bought as a foal and raised. In the competition between Volga and Mikula, the prince turns out to be "stupid" because he evaluates objects by their appearance, and not by their essence, regretting that the mare, who easily overtakes his good horse, is not a horse.

Then oratai-oratayushko said:

- Oh, you stupid, Volga Svyatoslavovich!

Only after the plowman's answer Volga finally realizes that he is not dealing with a simple peasant, and asks his name.
