Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) - world famous Danish writing, author of popular fairy tales for children and adults.

G.Kh. Andersen is the author of numerous fairy tales, novels, essays, plays, poems, but he gained popularity thanks to fairy tales and stories for children and adults. Without exaggeration, he is called the founder of the fairy tale as a literary genre. An unusually talented author knew how to light fire in small eyes with some special magic. Everything is wonderful for the author - from an occasional bottle shard to an ugly duckling that has turned into a beautiful swan. Therefore, reading Andersen's fairy tales means becoming an accomplice in a unique, multifaceted action.

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The fairy tales of Christian Andersen are a window into the whole world of human feelings. In them, mercy and kindness are inseparable from each other as strongly as pity cannot be imagined without compassion. In them, different moods never get bored, because they are painted in real life tones - sadness and joy, laughter and sadness, meetings and disappointments. This is such a different, but such a pure taste of real life.

Read Andersen's tales to gain faith in justice, harmony and the eternal victory of good.

On the roof of the outermost house in a small town, a stork's nest is nesting. In it sat a mother with four chicks, which were sticking out their little black beaks from the nest - they had not yet had time to blush. Not far from the nest, on the very ridge of the roof, stood, stretched out to a string and tucked under one leg, the father himself; he tucked his leg so as not to stand idle on the clock. One might think that he was carved from wood, before that he was motionless.

“This is important, so important! he thought. - There is a sentry at my wife's nest! Who knows that I am her husband? They might think that I am on guard here. That's important! " And he continued to stand on one leg.

Children were playing in the street; seeing a stork, the most mischievous of the boys began, as he could and remembered, an old song about storks; all the others followed him:

Stork, white stork,

That you stand the whole day

Like a sentry

On one leg?

Or do you want kids

Save your own?

You bother in vain -

We will catch them!

We'll hang one

We'll throw another into the pond,

We'll kill the third

The younger one is alive

We will throw on the fire

And we won't ask you!

Listen to what the boys are singing! - said the chicks. - They say that we will be hanged and drowned!

No need to pay attention to them! - said their mother. - Just don't listen, nothing will happen!

But the little boys did not stop, sang and teased the storks; only one of the boys, named Peter, did not want to pester his comrades, saying that it was a sin to tease animals. And the mother consoled the chicks.

Never mind! she said. - Look how calmly your father stands, and this is on one leg!

And we are scared! - said the chicks and deeply buried their heads in the nest.

The next day the children again poured out into the street, saw the storks and sang again:

We'll hang one,

We'll throw another into the pond ...

So we will be hanged and drowned? the chicks asked again.

No, no! - answered the mother. - But soon we will begin training! You need to learn to fly! When you learn, we will go with you to the meadow to visit the frogs. They will squat in front of us in the water and sing: "kva-kva-kva!" And we will eat them - that will be fun!

And then? the chicks asked.

Then all of us, storks, will gather for the autumn maneuvers. Then you have to be able to fly properly! It is very important! The general will pierce the one who will fly badly with his sharp beak! So, try your best when the learning begins!

So they will kill us all the same, as the boys said! Listen, they are singing again!

Listen to me, not them! - said the mother. - After the maneuvers, we will fly away from here far, far, beyond the high mountains, beyond the dark forests, to the warm lands, to Egypt! There are triangular stone houses; their tops rest against the very clouds, and they call them pyramids. They were built a long time ago, so long ago that no stork can even imagine! There is also a river that overflows, and then the entire bank is covered with silt! You walk in the silt and eat frogs!

ABOUT! - said the chicks.

Yes! That's lovely! There, day after day, you just do what you eat. But while we will feel so good there, not a single leaf will remain on the trees here, it will be so cold that the clouds will freeze in pieces and fall to the ground with white crumbs!

She wanted to tell them about the snow, but she didn't know how to explain it well.

Will these bad boys also freeze in pieces? the chicks asked.

No, they will not freeze in pieces, but they will have to freeze. They will sit and get bored in a dark room and will not dare to stick their nose out into the street! And you will be flying in foreign lands, where flowers bloom and the warm sun shines brightly.

A little time passed, the chicks grew up, they could already get up in the nest and look around. Every day the stork dad brought them nice frogs, little snakes, and all kinds of other delicacies he could get his hands on. And how he amused the chicks with various funny things! He pulled out his tail with his head, snapped his beak, as if there was a rattle in his throat, and told them various swamp stories.

Well, now it's time to start learning! - said their mother one fine day, and all four chicks had to climb out of the nest onto the roof. My priests, how they staggered, balanced with their wings, and yet they almost fell off!

Look at me! - said the mother. - Head like this, legs like this! One or two! One or two! Here's what will help you pave your way in life! - and she made several flaps of her wings. The chicks jumped awkwardly and - bam! - all stretched out! They were still heavy to climb.

I do not want to study! - said one chick and scrambled back into the nest. “I don’t want to fly to warm lands at all!

So you wanna freeze here in winter? Do you want the boys to come and hang, drown or burn you? Wait, I'll call them now!

Ay, no, no! - said the chick and again jumped onto the roof.

On the third day, they already somehow flew and imagined that they could also stay in the air on spread wings. “There is no need to wave them all the time,” they said. - You can rest. They did so, but ... they immediately flopped onto the roof. I had to work with wings again.

At this time, boys gathered in the street and sang:

Stork, white stork!

And what, let's fly off and peck out their eyes? the chicks asked.

No, don't! - said the mother. - Listen better than me, this is much more important! One two Three! Now let's fly to the right; one two Three! Now to the left, around the pipe! Fine! The last flap was so wonderful that I will allow you to go with me to the swamp tomorrow. Many other lovely families with children will gather there - so show yourself! I want you to be the cutest of all. Keep your heads up, so much prettier and more impressive!

But are we really not going to take revenge on these bad boys? the chicks asked.

Let them shout to themselves what they want! You will fly to the clouds, see the land of the pyramids, and they will freeze here in winter, they will not see a single green leaf, not a sweet apple!

We will take revenge all the same! - the chicks whispered to each other and continued learning.

The smallest of all the kids was the smallest, the one who was the first to start a song about storks. He was no more than six years old, although the chicks thought he was a hundred years old - he was much bigger than their father and mother, and what did the chicks know about the years of children and adults! And so all the revenge of the chicks was to fall on this boy, who was the instigator and the most restless of the scoffers. The chicks were terribly angry with him and the more they grew up, the less they wanted to take offense from him. In the end, the mother had to promise them some way to take revenge on the little boy, but not earlier than just before their departure to warm lands.

Let's see first how you will behave on big maneuvers! If things go wrong and the general pierces your chest with his beak, the boys will be right. We'll see!

You will see! - said the chicks and diligently set about the exercises. Every day things went better, and finally they began to fly so easily and beautifully that they just love it!

Autumn has come; the storks began to prepare to fly to warmer regions for the winter. That's how the maneuvers started! Storks flew back and forth over the forests and lakes: they had to test themselves - there was a huge journey ahead! Our chicks distinguished themselves and received on the test not zero with a tail, but twelve with a Frog and a snake! It couldn't have been better than this score for them: frogs and snakes could have been eaten, which they did.

Hans Christian Andersen - is one of the most famous storytellers of our planet, who for more than one hundred and fifty years has been inspiring, fascinating and captivating us with fairy tales that not only children but also adults love to read. And this is not surprising because the famous Dane wrote his fairy tales not only for children, but also for adults, on which he stressed more than once during his lifetime. The whole life of this extraordinary man is akin to the adventures of his heroes: Hans Christian Andersen was born into a poor family to the father of a shoemaker and the mother of a laundress, and it would seem what fate awaits him, but from an early age his father instilled in him a love of books and theater, and this love He carried through his whole life. His path was difficult and thorny, in an effort to give his life to the theater, he never became a famous actor, but, nevertheless, having received his later education, he managed to develop his talent as a playwright and writer.

Name of the tale A source Rating
Snowman Andersen H.K. 148640
the little Mermaid Andersen H.K. 515420
Thumbelina Andersen H.K. 231661
The Snow Queen Andersen H.K. 274774
Skorokhody Andersen H.K. 33550
Princess on the Pea Andersen H.K. 124349
ugly duck Andersen H.K. 143571
Wild Swans Andersen H.K. 64457
Flint Andersen H.K. 81269
Ole Lukkoye Andersen H.K. 140598
The Steadfast Tin Soldier Andersen H.K. 52259

The whole life of this extraordinary man is akin to the adventures of his heroes: Hans Christian Andersen was born into a poor family to the father of a shoemaker and the mother of a laundress, and it would seem what fate awaits him, but from an early age his father instilled in him a love of books and theater, and this love he carried it through his whole life.

His path was difficult and thorny, in an effort to give his life to the theater, he never became a famous actor, but, nevertheless, having received his later education, he managed to develop his talent as a playwright and writer. Read the tales of Hans Christian Andersen you can on this page online.

Hans Christian Andersen's talent:

We know Andersen as a storyteller, but first of all he was a writer and before writing his famous fairy tales, he published several novels, wrote plays, poems and stories. But it was fairy tales that not only brought him fame, but also confirmed his talent as a writer. During his life, and the writer lived seventy years, more than one hundred and fifty fairy tales came out from under his pen. They were published in different years and changed, like the author himself.

The world of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales is a delightful combination of fairy tale, fiction and real life as it really is. Although he received no little criticism, the great storyteller has many very entertaining tales, and they are a counterbalance to a deep philosophical, and sometimes too close to the cruel reality. Andersen's fairy tales have a very deep feature, if at least once you read, see or hear at least one of them, you will carry the memory of them throughout your life. For example, who among us does not remember the content of fairy tales after hearing "The King's New Dress", "The Little Mermaid" or "The Snow Queen". Opening the world of these fairy tales to your child, you can be sure that, as an adult, he will remember the lessons he learned from them.

The variety of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen makes it possible to choose fairy tales for any age, from the smallest to those who have retained a love of fairy tales in their hearts. Do not be limited to the popular ones, plunge into this boundless world and, perhaps, by looking for stories for your children, you will rediscover the world, the door to which has remained closed for you. Welcome to a reality that not only teaches, entertains, but also shows the versatility of not only the world that surrounds us, but also the people next to whom we live!

Information sheet:

The most popular Andersen's tales are known all over the world. Sometimes his characters are sad or unhappy, but always kind and fair. You will find out which of them the child will like best by reading the entire collection.

How to read Andersen's fairy tales?

To understand what the writer's works teach, you need to read them more carefully, trying to discern the writer's thought behind the fairy tale plot and try to explain the meaning of the fairy tale to a child of any age. The peculiarity of Andersen's books for children is that surprisingly deep ideas can be hidden behind a simple narrative.

What fairy tales to read, the older child will decide for himself. For the younger, parents should choose small pieces with a positive ending to the plot, where good triumphs over evil. Otherwise, an impressionable child can get very upset. Choose the best for bedtime reading to ensure your baby has a restful sleep.

Feature of the storyteller's creativity

The writer was from a very poor Danish family, and for a long time tried to become famous. He began his literary experiments early, but fame came to thirty years, when the first collection for children came out and rave reviews went.

How many troubles he had to endure in his life is unknown. Apparently, therefore, Andersen writes a lot about the simplest objects, decorating them with a fabulous essence, which was so lacking in life. The description of what is happening is not always joyful and positive, but the description of everyday events from a fabulous angle and the author's imagination is simply amazing.

We offer a complete collection of Andersen's fairy tales, the list of which is quite large. Among them, probably the most famous "The Snow Queen" and many others. Free reading and printing options. Well-structured text, easy to read. Short and long stories without cuts.

H. K. Andersen (years of life - 1805-1875) was born in the city of Odense, located on the island of Fionia in Denmark. Since childhood, the future writer loved to compose and dream, often organized home performances. When the boy was 11 years old, his father died, and the child had to work for food. Hans Andersen went to Copenhagen at the age of 14. Here he was an actor at the Royal Theater, and then, under the patronage of Frederick VI, the Danish king, entered the Slagelse school, from where he was then transferred to another, located in Elsinore.

Andersen's work

In 1829, his first science fiction story was published, which brought fame to the writer. And six years later, Andersen's Tales appeared, a list of the best of which is presented in this article. It was they who glorified their creator. The second edition of fairy tales was made in 1838, and in 1845 the third was published. The storyteller Andersen was already known in Europe by that time. In subsequent years, he also published plays and novels, making unsuccessful attempts to become famous as a novelist and playwright, but in parallel he continued to create fairy tales. In 1872, on Christmas Day, the last one was written.

We present you Andersen's tales. The list was compiled by us from the most famous of his works, but, of course, this is not all.

"The Snow Queen"

Hans Christian began writing this fairy tale when he traveled around Europe - in the city of Maxen, located in Germany, not far from Dresden, and finished the work already at home in Denmark. He dedicated it to Jenny Lind, a Swedish singer, his beloved, who never reciprocated the writer, and this tale was first published in a collection that appeared in 1844, on the eve of Christmas.

This work has a deep meaning, which is revealed gradually, as each of the seven chapters is read. It tells about good and evil, the struggle between the devil and God, life and death, but the main theme is the theme of true love, which is not afraid of any trials and obstacles.

"The little Mermaid"

We continue to describe Andersen's tales. The list will be supplemented by the following work. This tale was first published in 1837, together with another tale, The King's New Dress, in Andersen's collection. The author initially wrote a short introduction to it, and then said that this work touched him even during its creation, it is worthy to be written again.

The tale has a deep meaning, it touches upon the themes of self-sacrifice, love, and the acquisition of the immortality of the soul. Hans Christian, as a deeply religious person, considered it necessary to note in the commentary to the work that the fate of the soul after death depends only on each of us, our actions.

"Ugly duck"

We continue to describe the most famous fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Our list will be supplemented by "The Ugly Duckling", one of the most beloved not only among children, but also among adults. This is no coincidence, because the work contains a sacred meaning, the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming through suffering and obstacles: the birth of a beautiful swan, causing universal delight, from the humiliated, downtrodden ugly duckling.

The plot of the tale reveals the deep layers of social life. A duckling, having got to a beefy, philistine poultry yard, becomes an object of humiliation and bullying from all its inhabitants here. The verdict is passed by the Spanish fat duck, which even has a special aristocratic sign - a scarlet silk rag tied on the leg, which she found in the trash. The little duckling becomes an outcast in this company. He leaves in despair to a distant lake, where he lives and grows up all alone. After reading the tale, the tale leaves notes of triumph over anger, arrogance and pride. With the help of bird heroes, human relationships are shown.

"Princess on the Pea"

Our story continues about what kind of fairy tales exist by Hans Christian Andersen. Their list includes "The Princess and the Pea". This work is focused more on adolescents and older children. This tale is very short in comparison with other works of G. H. Andersen. Its meaning is the search for a "soul mate" by a man, shown through a romantic plot about how a young prince is looking for her. At the same time, the work makes a soft emphasis on the fact that no social prejudice can prevent a person from finding happiness.


Psychologists believe that all existing fairy tales can be divided into two types: for boys and for girls. There is some truth in this, although the works of this genre often contain deep meaning and are subconsciously intended for adult people. However, "Thumbelina" can undoubtedly be attributed to girls. The tales of Hans Christian Andersen, the list of which consists of the most famous, certainly include this work. The story of a little girl is full of difficult twists and turns, many described in the work. But the main character overcomes them with wonderful ease and patience, therefore she receives a great reward in the final - happiness and mutual love. At the same time, the sacred meaning of the tale lies in the fact that chance is very often the providence of God, leading a person along the path of his fate.


In addition to a fascinating plot, Andersen's tales always contain a deep meaning of being and human essence. "The Swineherd", which continues our list of Andersen's fairy tales for children, in addition to the story of a good, poor, proud prince who wished to marry the frivolous and eccentric daughter of the emperor, also tells that people sometimes cannot immediately recognize real human values \u200b\u200band therefore sometimes turn out to be "at a broken trough".

"Ole Lukkoye"

G. H. Andersen, the great storyteller, never dreamed of becoming a writer, much less creating fairy tales. He wanted to become an actor, recite prose and poetry from the stage, play roles, dance and sing songs. But when he realized that these dreams were not destined to come true, he began to write fairy tales that made him famous all over the world. One of them, "Ole Lukkoye", is among the most famous works of this author. It has two main characters: Ole Lukkoye, the lord of dreams, a wizard, and Hjalmar, a boy. As Andersen writes in the prologue to his work, every evening Ole Lukkoye sneaks into the children's bedrooms in order to tell them stories. He first sprinkles them with warm sweet milk and, bringing sleep, blows on the back of his head. After all, this is a kind wizard. He always has two umbrellas with him: with amazing pictures, bright, and faceless and boring, gray. To obedient, kind children who study well, he shows beautiful dreams, and bad ones do not see one for the whole night.

The tale is divided into seven chapters, according to the number of days of the week. Ole Lukkoye comes every evening from Monday to Sunday to Hjalmar and takes him to the world of amazing adventures and sweet dreams. On Sunday, the last day, he shows the boy his brother - another Ole Lukkoye. He rides on a horse in his cloak fluttering in the wind and gathers adults and children. The wizard places the good in front, and the bad ones behind. These two brothers symbolize Andersen's life and death - two interconnected things.


G. Andersen's fairy tales, the list of which we are compiling, also include "Flint". This tale is, perhaps, one of the most "grown up" of this author, although thanks to the bright characters, children also love it. The moral and meaning of the work is that you have to pay for everything in this life, but at the same time dignity and honor remain always the foundation of human existence. Popular wisdom is also sung in this tale. The brave soldier, the protagonist, buying from the benefits provided by the witch, thanks to his cunning and wisdom, emerges victorious from all vicissitudes and gets in addition the kingdom and the love of the princess.

The famous tales of Andersen, the list of which we have compiled, include other works. We have listed only the main ones. Each of them is interesting in its own way.
