It is nevertheless pleasant to read the fairy tale "The Old Man and the Fox (Evenskaya Tale)" even to adults, childhood is immediately remembered, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. All images are simple, everyday and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we are faced with them every day in our everyday life. "Good always triumphs over evil" - on this foundation will be built, similar to this one, and this creation, from an early age laying the foundation of our understanding of the world. Having become acquainted with the inner world and the qualities of the protagonist, the young reader involuntarily feels a sense of nobility, responsibility and a high degree of morality. The text written in the past millennium is surprisingly easy and natural to combine with our present, its relevance has not diminished in the least. Simple and accessible, about nothing and about everything, instructive and edifying - everything is included in the basis and plot of this creation. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels incredible love with which images of the environment are described. The fairy tale "The Old Man and the Fox (Evenskaya Tale)" must be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners details and words that they do not understand and are new to them.

When the fish appeared in the spring, the old man decided to send deer to the mountains. The old man says to his old woman:
- Old woman, will you fish if I go with the deer?
The wife says:
- I can't fish. I am weak, I cannot fish.
While the old man was thinking, the fox came. The fox asks: - Grandfather, what are you thinking?
- Chanterelle, I'm thinking of sending my deer to the mountains.
The fox says:
- Grandfather, you teach me to graze, then I will take your deer to the mountains.
The old man says:
- You take the deer up the Eche river. You will bring me back in the fall. In the summer, kill our calves for meat, eat them.
Fox says:
- Grandfather, don't worry. Why do I have calves? I will live in evrazhki.
Waving its tail, the fox left, saying, "Goodbye." The old man and the old woman stayed.
When autumn came, the fox came. The old man was delighted, asks:
- Chanterelle, well, how are you grazing? Fox says:
- Good grazing, our fat steel reindeer. The old man was delighted, ran to the deer,
close to them, he whistled. All the deer are lying. He whistled again, still lying. Not a single deer moves. Coming close to one deer, he whistled again. He kicked one deer. His deer rolled head over heels like a hairy ball, turned over. Dragged the deer. It turns out that it is full of moss. I examined all the deer: all the deer are stuffed with moss.
The old man ran home. Coming close to the house, he shouted:
- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail! The old woman says to the fox:
- Chanterelle, what is grandfather shouting? Fox says:
- Old woman, feed the fox milk for making our deer fat.
The old man shouts again:
- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail, the fox has killed all our deer!
The old woman heard. I caught the fox by the root of the tail.
Fox says:
- Grandma, don't hold it like that, otherwise the sun will hide.
The old woman took her hand away, holding the end of her tail. The fox jerked forward violently. The old woman tore off the end of her tail and released the fox.
The old man came:
- Old woman, where is the fox?
- No fox, ran away.
The old man and the old woman began to argue. Left without food.
Then the old man says to his wife:
- Old woman, let's go to the fishing place.
They went. Suddenly - a fox came towards them.
- Grandpa, where are you going?
- Get out! Don't lie, you killed all my deer.
- Grandpa, you were wrong, it was a red fox, and I am a black fox.
To prevent the old man from recognizing her, the fox went to the smoke and stained her fur. The old man believed. The fox began to help him again.
- Grandpa, I know a fishy place, let's go there. The fox drags a sled on a belt. The old man with the old woman behind the sled are walking.
Suddenly the fox screamed:
- Oh oh oh! The old man says:
- Chanterelle, what's wrong with you?
- Grandpa, I broke my leg.
The old man put the fox on his sled. The fox lay down.
We arrived at one big river. The old man asks:

- This river is called "Initial".
Just at this time, the fox began to steal the fat that the old men carried on the sled.
Let's move on. They came to another river again. The old man asks again:
- What is the name of this river? Fox says:
- This river is called "Half".
She had already eaten half of the fat at this time. We went on again. They came to another river again.
The old man asks:
- Chanterelle, what is the name of this river? Fox says:
- This river is called "End". She finished eating fat.
The old man glanced at the sled. The fox, it turns out, is not. We examined the sled - nothing, all their fat was finished off by the fox. r
This is the end.

When the fish appeared in the spring, the old man decided to send the deer to the mountains. The old man says to his old woman:

- Old woman, will you fish if I go with the deer?

The wife says:

- I can't fish. I am weak, I cannot fish.

While the old man was thinking, the fox came. The fox asks: - Grandfather, what are you thinking?

- Chanterelle, I'm thinking of sending my deer to the mountains.

The fox says:

- Grandfather, you teach me to graze, then I will take your deer to the mountains.

The old man says:

- You take the deer up the Eche river. You will bring me back in the fall. In the summer, kill our calves for meat, eat them.

Fox says:

- Grandfather, don't worry. Why do I have calves? I will live in evrazhki.

Waving its tail, the fox left, saying, "Goodbye." The old man and the old woman stayed.

When autumn came, the fox came. The old man was delighted, asks:

- Chanterelle, well, how are you grazing? Fox says:

- Good grazing, our fat steel reindeer. The old man was delighted, ran to the deer,

close to them, he whistled. All the deer are lying. He whistled again, still lying. Not a single deer moves. Coming close to one deer, he whistled again. He kicked one deer. His deer rolled head over heels like a hairy ball, turned over. Dragged the deer. It turns out that it is full of moss. I examined all the deer: all the deer are stuffed with moss.

The old man ran home. Coming close to the house, he shouted:

- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail! The old woman says to the fox:

- Chanterelle, what is grandfather shouting? Fox says:

- Old woman, feed the fox milk for making our deer fat.

The old man shouts again:

- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail, the fox has killed all our deer!

The old woman heard. I caught the fox by the root of the tail.

Fox says:

- Grandma, don't hold it like that, otherwise the sun will hide.

The old man came:

- Old woman, where is the fox?

- No fox, ran away.

The old man and the old woman began to argue. Left without food.

Then the old man says to his wife:

- Old woman, let's go to the fishing place.

They went. Suddenly - a fox came towards them.

- Grandpa, where are you going?

- Get out! Don't lie, you killed all my deer.

- Grandpa, you were wrong, it was a red fox, and I am a black fox.

To prevent the old man from recognizing her, the fox went to the smoke and stained her fur. The old man believed. The fox began to help him again.

- Grandpa, I know a fishy place, let's go there. The fox drags a sled on a belt. The old man with the old woman behind the sled are walking.

Suddenly the fox screamed:

- Oh oh oh! The old man says:

- Chanterelle, what's wrong with you?

- Grandpa, I broke my leg.

The old man put the fox on his sled. The fox lay down.

We arrived at one big river. The old man asks:

- This river is called "Initial".

Just at this time, the fox began to steal the fat that the old men carried on the sled.

- What is the name of this river? Fox says:

- This river is called "Half".

She had already eaten half of the fat at this time. We went on again. They came to another river again.

The old man asks:

- Chanterelle, what is the name of this river? Fox says:

- This river is called "End". She finished eating fat.

The old man glanced at the sled. The fox, it turns out, is not. We examined the sled - nothing, all their fat was finished off by the fox.

There lived a grandfather and a woman. The grandfather says to the woman: - You, woman, bake pies, and I'll harness the sleigh, I'll go for the fish.

Grandfather caught a full load of fish. He goes home and sees: the chanterelle is curled up, lying on the road.

The grandfather climbed down from the cart, approached, but the chanterelle does not stir, lies as if dead. - Here is a glorious find! My old woman will have a collar for a fur coat.

Grandfather took the fox and put it on the cart, while he went ahead. And the fox took the time and began to throw everything out of the cart, little by little, for a fish and a fish, all for a fish and a fish.

I threw out all the fish and slowly left. Grandfather came home and called the woman: - Well, old woman, a noble collar brought you on a fur coat!

A woman came up to the cart: there was no collar or fish on the cart. And she began to scold the old man: - Oh, you old horse-radish, such and such, you still decided to deceive me!

Then the grandfather realized that the chanterelle was not dead. Burned, burned, but what will you do! Meanwhile, the fox gathered all the fish in a pile on the road, sat down and eats. A wolf comes to her: - Hello, gossip, bread and salt ... - I eat - mine, and you stay away. - Give me fish. - Fill it yourself, and eat. - I don’t know how.

- Eka! After all, I caught it. You, kumanek, go to the river, put your tail in the ice-hole, sit and say: "Catch, fish, both small and large, catch, fish, both small and large!" So the fish will grab you by the tail. As you sit longer, you will learn more. The wolf went to the river, lowered its tail into the hole, sits and says: - Catch, fish, both small and large, Catch, fish, both small and large! And the fox walks around the wolf and says: - Clear, clear the stars in the sky, Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail! The wolf asks the fox: - What are you, godfather, all say? - And I'm helping you, catching the fish on the tail. And she herself again: - Clear, clear the stars in the sky,

Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail! The wolf sat all night by the ice-hole. His tail froze. In the morning I wanted to get up - it wasn’t there. He thinks: "Eka, how many fish have fallen - and you can't get it out!" At this time a woman goes with buckets for water. I saw a wolf and shouted: - Wolf, wolf! Hit him!

The wolf is back and forth, cannot pull its tail. Baba threw the buckets and let's beat him with the yoke. Beat, beat, the wolf was torn, torn, tore off its tail and took off. "Well, he thinks, I will (*) repay you, godfather!"

And the chanterelle climbed into the hut where this woman lived, ate from the dough dough, smeared her head with dough, ran out onto the road, fell down and lay - groaning. A wolf to meet her:

- So this is how you teach, godfather, to fish! Look, they beat me all over ... The fox says to him:

- Eh, kumanek! You don’t have a tail, but your head is intact, but they broke my head: look - the brain has come out, dragging along forcibly.

“And that's true,” the wolf tells her. - Where do you go, godfather, sit on me, I'll take you.

The fox sat on the wolf's back. He took her. Here the fox rides on a wolf and sings slowly: - The beaten unbeaten is lucky, the beaten unbeaten is lucky! - What are you, godfather, all you say? .. - I, kumanek, speak your pain. And she herself again: - Broken unbeaten lucky, Broken unbeaten lucky!

(*) Already - soon, on the same day.

There lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather says to the woman:

- You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh, go for the fish.

Grandfather caught a full load of fish. He goes home and sees: the chanterelle is curled up in a ball, lying on the road. The grandfather got off the cart, came up, but the chanterelle does not move, lies as if dead.

- Here is a glorious find! My old woman will have a collar for a fur coat.

Grandfather took the fox and put it on the cart, while he went ahead. And the fox took the time and began to throw out of the cart lightly everything for a fish and a fish, everything for a fish and a fish. She threw out all the fish and slowly left herself. Grandfather came home and called the woman:

- Well, old woman, a noble collar brought you on a fur coat!
A woman came up to the cart: there was no collar or fish on the cart. And she began to scold the old man:

- Oh, you old horse-radish, such and such, even decided to deceive me!
Then the grandfather realized that the chanterelle was not dead. Burned, burned, but what will you do! Meanwhile, the fox gathered all the fish in a pile on the road, sat down and eats. The wolf comes to her:

- Hello, gossip, bread and salt ...

- Give me fish.

- Fill it yourself, and eat.

- I don’t know how.
- Eka! After all, I caught it. You, kumanek, go to the river, put your tail in the ice-hole, sit and say: "Catch, fish, both small and large, catch, fish, both small and large!" So the fish will grab you by the tail. As you sit longer, you will learn more.

The Fox and the Wolf Tale is a funny story about a cunning, dexterous fox and a stupid trusting wolf. A fairy tale in which the wolf should be pitied will arouse the interest of children. Be sure to read the story online and discuss it with your child.

Fairy tale Fox and Wolf read

Who is the author of the tale

This fairy tale about animals belongs to oral folk art.

Sly Chanterelle saw an old man who was returning from the river with a good catch. The cheat figured out how to feast on fish. The fox pretended to be dead. And the grandfather was delighted, he thinks: I will bring fish to the woman and even a collar for a fur coat. He put the find in the sleigh and goes home happy. The chanterelle slowly threw the fish onto the road, jumped out of the sleigh, gathered the catch in a heap, sits, feasts on the fish. The curious and hungry Wolf began to ask the gossip where the fish came from. Chanterelle taught the Wolf how to catch fish in an ice hole with his tail. The wolf believed the gossip, went to the hole, did as the godfather advised. The tail is frozen - the Wolf will not budge. The women of the Seroman saw him, beat him with a yoke, until the Wolf ran away, leaving his tail in the hole. And the chanterelle in the village decided to profit and hit the dough with her head. Runs, and the dough flows over the head. She met a beaten Wolf and let’s lament and complain: they beat her so that her brains began to flow. The Good Wolf took pity on the cheat, put it on its back and took it to the forest, not even suspecting that the insidious Fox deceived him twice. You can read the tale online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Fox and the Wolf

There are no positive characters in the fairy tale. Grandfather personifies simplicity and imprudence, Wolf - stupidity and limitation. Lisa's resourcefulness and ingenuity amazes, but does not make her a positive character. The image of the Fox is a warning to simple-minded and gullible people. The meaning of the fairy tale The Wolf and the Fox is that you need to learn to distinguish between truth and lies. You should be picky in your friends, you shouldn't trust the “sweet” speeches of people, especially strangers.

Moral of the fairy tale Fox and the Wolf

Before trusting other people, you need to analyze the situation, weigh what you have heard and seen. The moral of the Fox and the Wolf tale is instructive. Modern society is full of "chanterelles" who are not averse to profit from someone else's expense and "hunt" gullible and stupid people everywhere.

Proverbs, sayings and expressions of a fairy tale

  • Trust but verify.
  • The popularity of the fairy tale is evidenced by the expressions that have become winged, - "The beaten, unbeaten is lucky" and "Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!"
