A short Burmese tale "The Sly Snail" teaches to be resourceful and quick-witted. Once a horse and a snail argued that the snail would not lag behind more than a hundred steps. The competition was scheduled for the next day. Not at a loss, the smart snail gathered all its relatives and hid them along the road. And when the horse stopped and turned back, a voice answered her and asked her to look down. And when the horse was completely exhausted and fell to the ground, a snail crawled up to it and said that you need to have a smart head, and not just fast legs.

Sly snail

A horse was running along the road, saw a snail and whinnied loudly:
- In a hundred years you will only crawl a hundred steps!
- I'm not in a hurry. But if we compete, I will not be more than a hundred steps behind you! - answered the snail.
- What a braggart! the horse whinnied. Then the snail said:
- Come tomorrow and we will start competing. If I am more than a hundred steps behind you, you can trample me!
The horse, of course, agreed. And the snail gathered relatives - she had exactly ten thousand of them - and ordered them to hide along the road at a distance of a hundred paces from each other.
The next day the competition began. The horse ran two hundred paces and, without looking back, shouted:
- Well, where are you going?
“Look around,” came a calm voice.
The horse looked around and saw that a snail was crawling a hundred paces from it. The astonished horse started to run again.
And every time she looked around, she saw a snail nearby. The horse was completely exhausted and fell exhausted in the middle of the road. The snail crawled up to her, laughed and said:
- The winner is not the one with fast legs, but the one with a smart head!

Goal:generalize and systematize the knowledge of students


  • Development of phonemic hearing, analysis and synthesis of words.
  • Development of speech: expansion of vocabulary, enrichment of the active vocabulary, the formation of correct sound pronunciation, sound culture of speech; the ability to compose the simplest, but interesting in semantic load and content stories.
  • Development of fine motor skills of hands using rhythmic and finger gymnastics.
  • Development of imagination and creativity.


I. Organizational moment

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet.
- Good morning!
- Good morning, sun and birds.
- Good morning, smiling faces!

- I really want everyone to have a good morning, good afternoon, and especially for my children, because they came to study, think, learn a lot.

II. Game "Mood"

(The teacher shows the cards, and the children answer what mood is depicted on them, draw their mood.)

- Today we have not an ordinary occupation, but an interesting game. And it is called "Journey to the Planet of Joy"... Interesting tasks and fun contests await you. You are ready? Then stand in a circle, join hands, we are flying.

Let's hug you
And we will rise above the ground.
Let's connect the warmth of hearts
And we will become one sun.

(Children raise their hands up and stand on tiptoes)

The teacher attaches the sun to the board.

Brace yourselves, brave ones, for a joyful
Way through the storm and the wind and the storm.
One or two! Guys, go ahead!
Three four! Guys, fly!

Task 1. "Ninth figure"(rocket)

Task 2. Counting direct and inverse.

Gaining speed of light
We fly across the universe
To a distant planet
We want to get there as soon as possible.
We sat down in a chair, gave gas,
And the rocket rushed!

- Fly! In the meantime, we are flying to the Planet of Joy, I suggest you complete the task.

Task 3.

- Look at this drawing and find two identical shapes. What is the difference?

Task 4.

  • Red - we direct to a point that is in a square, but behind a circle and a triangle.
  • Yellow- in a triangle and a square, but outside the circle.
  • Green - in a triangle, but not in a circle or in a square.
  • Blue - in a circle, triangle and square.

- So we arrived!

On the blackboard there are children's applications, drawings, origami “The flower of beauty that grows in the soul of my mother”, the name of the planet “Planet of Joy”, on one flower is a butterfly.

- This butterfly is magical. The flowers on which she sits begin to smell wonderfully and become unusually beautiful. While our butterfly flies from flower to flower, we will compose a sound model of the word "butterfly".

Composing a sound model of a word butterfly.

5. Physical minutes

6. Selecting sound [B]. Sound designation by letter

7. Construction of the letter B soft wire

Letter B with a large belly,
In a cap with a long visor.

Then invite the children to make other letters and answer the questions:

  1. B remove the top stick? (Soft sign)
  2. What letter will turn out if the letter B remove the small semicircle? (Letter D)
  3. What letter will turn out if the upper stick of the letter B turn in the opposite direction? (Solid sign)
  4. What letter will you get if you remove the top stick and turn it upside down? (Letter P)

- This is our mischievous letter.

8. Write the letter P on the board wet finger

Letter R it's easy to write:
Right to the stick carefully
We will draw a circle
And you get a checkbox.

9. Consideration of children's work. "Visiting the letter R"

- Letter R wants you to remember her well and growl angrily, smiling.

- How are these sounds different? (Hard, soft sound.)

- Our letter R loves to work, always does something, creates, helps. Name the professions of your mothers. (Children tell who their mothers work.)

- Do you help your mothers? (Answers of children.)

10. Physical minutes(with musical accompaniment)

We help mom together,
We rinse the clothes ourselves
1, 2, 3, 4 –
Stretched out, bent over
We did a good job!

- Imagine that you have a long tassel on your nose. Write the word - MOM.

- How beautiful you did it! I think the moms really liked it.

- And now they will try to write a letter on your back, and you guess.

11. Poems-dramatization (homework)

Everything is fine

Mom comes home from work
Mom takes off her bots
Mom goes into the house
Mom looks around.
- Was there a raid on the apartment?
- No!
- Did a hippo come to see us?
- No!
- Maybe not ours?
- Our!
- Maybe not our floor?
- Our!
Seryozha just came
We played a little.
- So this is not a landslide?
- No!
- Did the elephant dance with us?
- No.
- I am very happy.
It turned out that I was worried in vain!

- You walked through the puddles again,
He kneaded the dirt with his boots ?!
Tell me how much I need
There is simply no strength with you
After all, she asked: take care!
- What are the boots for?

- Who littered the hallway?
Well, what is it like!
Planks, nails, hammer ...
What are you doing, son?
There is some kind of mess ...
- Garage for your boots!

12. Exhibition of drawings "Letters smile"

- When this butterfly sits on people, they acquire good qualities. (The teacher takes a butterfly and approaches each child. He names a letter, the child must name the good qualities of a person for this letter. He takes a letter from the table, attaches it to the board. ( B C T A U Z I)

The task:split all letters into two groups (vowels and consonants) B C T Z U A I

Articulation of sounds (Thread, mirror).

Telling the fairy tale “How a snail made friends with a twig (homework)

13. Exercise in pronunciation of soft and hard consonants

14. Riddle

Five brothers will be born together,
And they are different in height.

15. Physical minutes

Here are my helpers
Turn as you like.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
They don't sit there again.
Knocked, turned
And they wanted to work.

16. Finger dramatizations

The parrot says to the parrot:
- I'll parrot you, parrot.
I will parrot the parrot in response:
- Parrot, parrot, parrot!

- Where did you buy, senor,
This red tomato?
- That's an impolite question!
This is my own nose!

- Buttercup, Buttercup, what do you want?
- Why, you tickle me,
So you tickle the leaves
What you do not want - you will laugh!

In a quiet river at the pier
The fish met the fish:
- Hi!
- Hi!
- How are you?
- I went fishing.
I bit the fisherman
Uncle Fedya the eccentric.
- Where is your fisherman? Got you?
- No, he's gone, sly! Lost!

17. Riddle

Round, mature, tanned,
I got caught
I could not split everything.
And got under the hammer
Cracked once - and cracked the side. (Nut)

18. Gymnastics for fingers (with walnuts)

Not along the trail, but around
Rolling and groaning.
Oh ooh,
Oh okalo,
Not along the trail, but around.

19. Drawing a pattern.

Exercise "The fourth extra"

Children reading the poem "Do not be afraid, please, the doctor lion!"

Do not be afraid, please, of Doctor Leo!
He will look in the throat of the animal first
And he will write out an urgent prescription for the patient:
“Pills, potion and a warm word,
Compress, rinse and a good word,
Mustard plasters, banks and a tender word, -
Not a drop of cold, spicy, evil!
Without a kind word, without a kind word,
Without a tender word, they do not heal a sick person! "

- Give your mothers warm, kind, gentle words. Tell them more often to your family and friends.
And our journey is coming to an end. I really want our gymnasium to become a planet of Joy for you. See you soon!

    1 - About the baby bus who was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how the mother-bus taught her baby-bus not to be afraid of the dark ... About the baby-bus who was afraid of the dark to read Once upon a time there was a baby-bus. He was bright red and lived with his dad and mom in the garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    V.G. Suteev

    A small tale for the little ones about three fidgeting kittens and their funny adventures. Young children love short stories with pictures, which is why Suteev's tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    The tale of the Hedgehog, how he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog to read Thirty mosquitoes ran into the clearing and started playing ...

    4 - About a mouse from a book

    Gianni Rodari

    A small tale about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into the big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, and only knew a strange bookish language ... Read about a mouse from a book ...

    5 - Apple

    V.G. Suteev

    A tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not share the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to take it for themselves. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and each got a piece of delicacy ... Read the apple It was late ...

    6 - Black whirlpool

    Kozlov S.G.

    A tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he decided to drown himself in the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black maelstrom read Once upon a time there was a Hare ...

    7 - About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece of winter

    Stuart P. and Riddell K.

    The story is about how the Hedgehog, before hibernation, ask the Rabbit to save him a piece of winter until spring. The rabbit rolled up a large lump of snow, wrapped it in leaves and hid it in its hole. About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit Piece ...

    8 - About the Hippo, who was afraid of vaccinations

    V.G. Suteev

    The tale of a cowardly hippopotamus who escaped from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he fell ill with jaundice. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital and cured. And the hippopotamus became very ashamed of its behavior ... About the Hippo, who was afraid ...

The readers really like it, first of all, because of the main character and the magic doll, who helped her in everything. They are especially attracted by Vasilisa's journey to Baba Yaga and the description of her possessions.

Vasilisa is seen as a Russian beauty with a long blond braid, blue eyes, ruddy and friendly. She is wearing a green sundress decorated with intricate embroidery, a cherished doll in her pocket, and some kind of needlework in her hands. But the girl is good not only in face: she is hardworking, patient, respects elders. In addition, she is a needlewoman: she has woven such a thin canvas that it can be threaded into a needle, and no one except her can sew shirts from this canvas ... So, not only for her beauty was she called that.
The stepmother and her daughters disliked Vasilisa. She is more beautiful than them and grooms are constantly wooing her, and no one pays attention to her stepmother's daughters. Vasilisa easily copes with any work, and it only benefits her. She humbly accepts everything that is entrusted to her, does not reread in anything. This is what infuriates envious women.
According to the text: "... the stepmother and sisters envied her beauty, tortured her with all kinds of work, so that she lost weight from work, and turned black from the wind and sun - there was no life at all!"

Analysis of the tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo"

Artist Mitya Ryzhikov
It is customary to start the analysis of a fairy tale with a traditional conversation on the reader's perception: what did you like and remember, what is the fairy tale about?

Let us recall the main characters of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo": Ivan, brothers, the Miracle Yudo.

Why do you think, if there are three brothers, only one is mentioned in the title, only he has a name?

Only one of the brothers fought with Miracle Yud, which is why he is named in the title.

And his name is not by chance. In ancient times, the name had to be earned by some act, and the children did not have names until a certain time, only after reaching the age of 11-12 years, tests were arranged for them, in which everyone could prove themselves. That's when they got their names. We probably find a reflection of this ancient custom in the tale. The older brothers did not show themselves in any way, therefore they remain nameless ...

The hero of the tale, in addition to his name, also has a nickname - a peasant son. And this nickname sounds almost like a middle name. After all, they used to imagine themselves like that: Ivan, Petrov's son, or Andrei, Sergeev's son, etc. From here, by the way, the names later appeared. Ivan is called a peasant's son, which means that it is important that he is one of the peasants.

Tradition is an oral story about the past. The events they are told about are reliable or are presented as reliable. The legends obviously arose from the accounts of witnesses or participants in the events. Their stories, passed from mouth to mouth many times, gradually turned into legends, were freed from personal assessments, preferences, and became more objective. But it is natural that in the process of their existence, legends often departed from reliability and included a certain amount of fiction, which had neither a fantastic character, as in a fairy tale, nor a religious one, as in a legend. This genre in the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bhas the following names: in Russian and Bulgarian - legend, in Serbian - predana, in Polish -podania.

In the legends, two main thematic groups can be distinguished: historical and toponymic legends. The first tells about the events and persons that left a mark in the memory of the people, and the second - about the founding of cities, the origin of the names of settlements, places, rivers.

Fairy tale "Moth"

The moth decided to marry. Naturally, he wanted to take a pretty flower for himself.

He looked around: the flowers sat on their stalks quietly, as befits a young lady who has not yet been wedded. But it was terribly difficult to choose, so many of them grew here.

The moth got tired of thinking, and he fluttered to the field daisy. The French call her Margarita and assure that she knows how to bewitch, and she really knows how to bewitch. Lovers take it and cut off petal by petal, saying: "Loves? Doesn't love?" - or something like that. Everyone asks in their native language. So the moth also turned to the chamomile, but did not pick off the petals, but kissed them, believing that it is always better to take it with a weasel.

Here, listen!

Outside the city, by the road, there was a dacha. Have you seen her? In front of her is still a small garden, surrounded by a painted wooden lattice.

Not far from the dacha, at the very ditch, a chamomile grew in the soft green grass. The sun's rays warmed and caressed her along with the luxurious flowers that bloomed in the flower beds in front of the dacha, and our chamomile grew by leaps and bounds. One fine morning she blossomed completely - yellow, round like the sun, her heart was surrounded by the radiance of dazzling white small rays-petals. Chamomile did not care at all that she was such a poor, unpretentious flower, which no one sees or notices in the dense grass; no, she was happy with everything, eagerly reached for the sun, admired it and listened to a lark singing somewhere high, high in the sky.

Chamomile was so cheerful and happy, as if today was Sunday, but in fact it was only Monday; while all the children were quietly sitting on the school benches and learning from their mentors, our chamomile also quietly sat on its stalk and learned from the clear sun and from the whole surrounding nature, learned to know the goodness of God.
