Yaroslavna's cry - an integral part of "" - works of literature of the 12th century.

"Yaroslavna's lament" is sometimes used as an expression for intense grief.

Lament of Yaroslavna (Zabolotsky)

Yaroslavna's cry (part 3, I) in translation (1938 - 1946) by Zabolotsky Nikolai Alekseevich (1903 - 1958):

Over the wide bank of the Danube
Over the great Galician land
Cries, flying from Putivl,
Yaroslavna's young voice:

“I, poor, will turn into a cuckoo,
I will fly along the Danube River
And a beaver-edged sleeve
Bending over, I will wet in Kajala.

The fogs will fly away,
Prince Igor will open his eyes,
And in the morning I bloody wounds,
Leaning over a mighty body. "

Far away in Putivl, on the visor,
Only the dawn breaks in the morning
Yaroslavna, full of sorrow,
Like a cuckoo, he calls to the Jura:

“What are you, Wind, howling evilly,
That you swirl the mists by the river
You raise the Polovtsian arrows,
Are you marking them on the Russian regiments?

Than you do not like in the open
Fly high under the cloud
Ships cherish in the blue sea,
Wave behind the stern?

You, sowing arrows of the enemy,
You only blow death from a height.
Oh why, why my fun
Have you scattered in the feather grass forever? "

At dawn wailing in Putivl,
Like a cuckoo in early spring
Yaroslavna calls the young
On the wall, the weeping city:

“My glorious Dnieper! Stone mountains
In the lands of the Polovtsian you struck,
Svyatoslav into the distant expanses
He wore the Kobyakovs up to the regiments.

Take care of the prince, lord,
Save on the far side
So that I forget tears from now on,
To make him come back to me alive! "

Far away in Putivl, on the visor,
Only the dawn breaks in the morning
Yaroslavna, full of sorrow,
Like a cuckoo, he calls to the Jura:

“The sun is three times bright! With you
Everyone is welcome and warm.
Why are you the army of the prince
Did you burn with hot rays?

And why are you waterless in the desert
Under the blow of the formidable Polovtsi
Thirst pulled the marching bow,
Grief filled the quiver? "

Lament of Yaroslavna (Zhukovsky)

Yaroslavna's cry in the translation (1817 - 1819) of the Russian poet (1783 - 1852):

In the morning Yaroslavna cries in Putivl on the wall, saying:
“Oh wind, you wind!
Why are you so strong?
On what do you put arrows of the khan
With your lightweight wings
On my warriors?
Are there little mountains like clouds with your wind?
Are there few ships on the blue sea to your cherish?
Why, like feather grass, have you scattered my joy? "

Yaroslavna cries in the morning in Putivl on the wall, humming along:
“Oh you, Dnepr, you, Dnepr, you, glory-river!
You broke through the mountains of stone
Through the Polovtsian land;
You, cherishing, carried the court of Svyatoslavov to the host of Kobyakova:
Attach my harmony to me,
So that I do not send to him in the morning, at dawn I cry on the sea! "

Yaroslavna cries in the morning in Putivl on the city wall, chirping:
“You, bright, you, bright sun!
You are warm for everyone, you are red for everyone!
Why did you spread your hot ray on the warriors of my harmony,
That in the waterless steppe the bows they squeezed with thirst
And have the Tula imprisoned their sorrow? "

The sea gushed out at midnight;
Mists are coming in mist;
To Igor-Prince God shows the way
From the Polovtsian land to the Russian land,
To my father's golden throne.

Lament of Yaroslavna (Balmont)

Yaroslavna's cry in translation (1929 - 1930) by the poet Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich (1867 - 1942)

Is it a whistle of spears or a song? What song is over the Danube?
Yaroslavnin's voice is heard. Like an unknown cuckoo
Calls early: "I will fly, they say, I am a cuckoo on the Danube,
I will wet my beaver sleeve in the fast Kajala river,
I will wounds in the morning on the prince, blood in the morning on a strong body. "
Yaroslavna cries early on the city wall in Putivl,
Calls to the wind: “Wind, sail, why are you blowing forcibly?
Why are you, oh lord, on your easy wings
You throw the khan's arrows at the soldiers, where is he, my Lado?
Little was it in the heights to blow and fly under the clouds,
Arriving, swing, cherish ships on the blue sea?
Why did you dispel everything with feather grass? "

“Glorious Dnieper, you broke through the mountains through the lands of that Polovtsian,
You cherished Svyatoslav's courts, to the camp of Kobyakov's rush,
Take care of my lord, you Lada,
So that in the morning I don't send tears to him at sea early. "
Yaroslavna cries early on the Gradskaya wall in Putivl:
“The sun is bright, the light is the sun, you are warm and red for everyone,
Why, sir, do you aim your hot beam
To the troops, where is he, my Lado? Why in a waterless field
Do you dry onions with longing for them and close your quivers? "


Yaroslavna in Putivl, Vladimir Serov, 1957-1962

Researchers about Yaroslavna's Lament

Likhachev Dmitry Sergeevich (1906 - 1999):

"The Word About Igor's Regiment and the Culture of His Time":

"In" The Lay of Igor's Host "inserted (inlaid) another work -" Lament of Yaroslavna "- very reminiscent of Western European songs about separation. Like songs about separation (chansons de toile), the lament of Yaroslavna, the wife of Prince Igor, mourns separation from her husband The author of the Lay mentions laments at least five times: the lament of Yaroslavna, the lament of the wives of Russian soldiers who fell in Igor's campaign, the lament of Rostislav's mother; the groans of Kiev and Chernigov and the entire Russian land after Igor's campaign. Twice the author of the Lay quotes the cry itself: the cry of Yaroslavna and the cry of Russian wives ... "

Ainalov Dmitry Vlasyevich (1862 - 1939):

"Notes to the text" Words about Igor's regiment "":

"... Yaroslavna, daughter of Yaroslav Galitsky, in her tears recalls her native river Danube and mentally flies over this river as a cuckoo crying<...> she mentally strives for her native Danube river in her paternal area<...> These data can explain the introduction of the Danube river into the lament of Yaroslavna, and not at all by imitation of the chanting of the Danube ... "

Adrianova-Peretz Varvara Pavlovna (1888 - 1972):

"The Word About Igor's Regiment and Oral Folk Poetry":

"... Yaroslavna's lament, in which researchers have long noted the combination of two traditions - folk lamentations, on the one hand, and incantatory formulas, on the other ..."

Sapunov Boris Viktorovich (1922 - 2013):

"Yaroslavna and Old Russian Paganism":

"You can easily establish that by its nature, Yaroslavna's" cry "in its main part (three paragraphs out of four) is a typical pagan conspiracy. The structure of" crying "repeats the usual four-part conspiracy form that has survived until the XX century - an appeal to higher powers, glorification of their power, a specific request and conclusion. A large number of conspiracies recorded in the 19th century still preserved references to the sun, moon, stars, dawn, winds, fire, lightning and other forces of nature "

(1799 - 1837):

"Song of Igor's Regiment":

"... The authenticity of the song itself is proved by the spirit of antiquity, under which it is impossible to fake. Who of our writers in the 18th century could have had enough talent for that? Karamzin? But Karamzin is not a poet. Derzhavin? But Derzhavin did not know the Russian language, not only language "Songs about the floor of Igor." Others did not have all together as much poetry as it is in Yaroslavna's lament, in the description of battle and flight ... "


1) Galician land - one of the five lands of the Russian Voivodeship as part of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, the Commonwealth from 1434 to 1772, until the First partition of the Rzeczpospolita, when these lands passed to Austria. Galich was the main city of the land.

2) Putivl is an ancient city, which was first mentioned under 1146 as an important fortress. Now Putivl is located in the Sumy region of Ukraine.

3) Edge - fur lining along the edges.

4) Kayala - near the Kayala River, according to the "Lay of Igor's Regiment", the battle of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsy took place in 1185. The location of this river is not known exactly.

5) Visor - the old Russian name for the fortress drop lattice.

6) Jurassic - 1) In an open, elevated place; 2) In plain sight.

15) Putivl is an ancient city, which was first mentioned under 1146 as an important fortress. Now Putivl is located in the Sumy region of Ukraine.

"Yaroslavna cries early ..."

(The heroine "Words about Igor's regiment" in a circle of contemporaries)

In the fate of "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" - the great Old Russian poem, it is surprising that over time, disputes about it flare up more and more hotly and fiercely. The mountains of books and articles about the poem exceeded its volume by hundreds of times. Her central female image is the figure of Yaroslavna, the wife of Prince Igor. In the poem we follow the interweaving of the destinies of various princes - contemporary to the author or who are history for him - but it is Yaroslavna on the city “fence of the wall,” conjuring the sun, winds and the Dnieper to help her beloved husband escape from captivity, where he ended up after an unsuccessful battle with the Polovtsians, is, perhaps, the most lively and vivid face of the Lay of Igor's Host. Indeed, at the mention of this heroic epic, every second person involuntarily remembers: “Why. how, Yaroslavna flies zegzice to the Danube ... "

Who just admired this creation of the nameless singer! Pushkin wrote about the wealth of "poetry ... in Yaroslavna's lamentation." The famous Austrian poet Rilke, in love with Russian literature and who created the best translation of the poem into German, noted: “The most delightful place is Yaroslavna's cry, as well as the beginning, where a proud unrivaled comparison is given with 10 falcons launched on swans ... I do not know".

If we consider "The Lay of Igor's Host" as a kind of "War and Peace" of the 12th century, then the scenes of the world in the poem are, first of all, Yaroslavna's lament.

How can we imagine her - the wife of Prince Igor? What can we say about her? After all, even her name has not been preserved, and Yaroslavna is a patronymic. The heroine of the poem bears the name of her father - Yaroslav Galitsky Osmomysl, which is natural for the time when a woman called herself by her father, husband and even father-in-law. At the end of restoration work in the main cathedral of Kievan Rus - Sophia of Kiev, a graffiti inscription (a special technique of wall writing) of the 12th century was found on the plaster: "Behold, the much-saddened daughter-in-law of St. Andrew, Oleg's sister and Igor and Vsevolod was in Sofia." This inscription was made by the sister of the heroes of the poem - Prince Igor, "the bui-tour of Vsevolod" and the earlier unfortunate campaign of Oleg. The unfortunate widow (named “Volodymyrya” in the annals by her husband) identified herself by belonging to the prince's house, as a sister and daughter-in-law, but did not dare to capture her name.

In the complex and difficult fate of studying the Lay, the first to suggest that Yaroslavna be considered the daughter of Yaroslav Galitsky was Empress Catherine II. A lover of Russian history and genealogy, she worked a lot on her "Notes on Russian history", which she brought to the end of the 13th century. The same Catherine named the first publisher of the Lay, Count AI Musin-Pushkin, the name of Prince Igor's wife: her name was supposedly Efrosinya. The evidence for this was strong: the chronicles mentioned the misadventures of Yaroslav's son, Vladimir, who in 1184 found refuge with his brother-in-law (that is, his wife's brother) Prince of Novgorod-Seversky Igor. Hence the well-established assumption was born that Yaroslavna had married Igor only a year before the campaign, was a stepmother to his sons, the second wife of the prince, a young princess.

The name Euphrosinia is indeed found in the Lyubech Synodikon, the memorial book of all Chernigov princes and their spouses, but there is no exact indication that under the name Euphrosinia is meant the wife of Prince Igor, and such connoisseurs of Chernigov antiquities, like Filaret, and directly expressed in this doubt. And although almost two hundred years of tradition counts Yaroslavna as Euphrosyne, there is too little genuine historical data to assert this decisively and reconstruct the historical image of the heroine of the Lay. However, we can recall something about it, at least by a system of reflections from other mirrors. Looking more closely into the faces and destinies of Yaroslavna's contemporaries - women of the XII century, we, perhaps, will more reliably highlight the poetic figure of the heroine of the ancient poem hiding in the darkness of time.

From the book of Rurikovich. Gatherers of the Russian Land the author Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Yaroslavna Yaroslav Osmomysl married his daughter Efrosinya to the Novgorod-Seversky, and then to the Putivl Prince Igor. The daughter of Yaroslav Osmomysl is the same Yaroslavna who went down in history as an image of selfless female love. The wife who leads Prince Igor to the war,

the author Chuev Felix Ivanovich

Did you take Berlin early? From the television screen (the American film "Monster" about Stalin) I happened to hear the opinion that the Red Army should not have rushed to take Berlin in April-May 1945, because it could have been done later, and with less blood, but Stalin did not spare his

From the book of Molotov. Half-Power Overlord the author Chuev Felix Ivanovich

Is the revolution early? - Now, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, there is such a trend of thought among the intelligentsia, it must have existed before, that they were in a hurry with the revolution. - They think it’s early? -: What did it lead to? No good. Russia would go its own way: And to something

From the book of Epics. Historical songs. Ballads the author author unknown

The sentry is crying at the coffin of Ivan the Terrible At the porch, whether at the palace, yes, there was a sovereign, ah, a sovereign. was yes, And it was at the zlachyonov, oh, at the zlachyonov.

From the book Everyday Life of Russian Gendarmes the author Grigoriev Boris Nikolaevich

"Oh, the guards get up early!" Service in the tsarist guard at all times was not an easy task, especially for the lower ranks, and was much harder, more hectic and dangerous than the usual gendarme service. For example, the guard duty described above was carried out around the clock

From the book On Russian National Consciousness the author Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich

From the book From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of Russian history). book 1 (from the KGB of the USSR to the MB RF) the author Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

4.24. April laws (“oh, the guards get up early”) 4.24.1. As you know, spring does not end with March. It continues the following month. On April 28, 1993, two laws were passed. "On state protection of the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and their

From the book The Battle on the Ice and other "myths" of Russian history the author Bychkov Alexey Alexandrovich

Yaroslavna, who is she? On the Danube, Yaroslavna's voice is heard, it moans like an unrecognized seagull early in the morning. And who is Yaroslavna? Igor's wife? Igor reigned in Putivl until 1179, and then sat in Novgorod-Seversky. In the list of "Words about Igor's regiment" (BAN, 16.5.15) the following are given before the text

From the book Easter Island the author Nikolai Nepomniachtchi

the author

Anna Yaroslavna In the "Tale of Bygone Years" there is no mention of Yaroslav's daughter Anna, who became Queen of France in 1051. And there is not a word about France itself, which is difficult to explain at first glance. It is believed that it is through the Russian lands along the Dnieper and along the Volga

From the book of Rurikovich. Historical portraits the author Kurganov Valery Maksimovich

Elizaveta Yaroslavna Information about Yaroslav's daughters is absent in the "Tale of Bygone Years", and therefore the story about them has to be based on foreign sources. One of these documents is the Scandinavian sagas and, first of all, the world-famous collection

From the book Stalin against Trotsky the author Alexey Shcherbakov

“It's just that early in the morning there was a coup in the country.” There is no point in talking in detail about the October coup - I described these events in another book, it is not interesting to repeat myself. I will only mention the main events important for the theme of this work. The Bolsheviks set a course for

From the book Silent Guardians of Secrets (Easter Island Mysteries) the author Alexander Mikhailovich Kondratov

Woodpiles of Rano Roraku “Standing on the side of the mountain, they look with incomprehensible calmness at the sea and land, and then you immediately feel how their contours begin to entice you, despite their simplification. And the more you indulge in such contemplation, the stronger it becomes

From the book The Strength of the Weak - Women in Russian History (XI-XIX centuries) the author Kaydash-Lakshina Svetlana Nikolaevna

And Yaroslavna? Yaroslavna is not like any of these types. What is its mystery? S. Likhachev very subtly noted one amazing and, perhaps, the main feature of “Yaroslavna's crying”. He, according to him, resembles the inlay in the text of the poem: “The author of the Lay, as it were

From the book Great History of Ukraine the author Golubets Nikolay

Anna Yaroslavna Yak is a clear proof of the living links of Ukraine with far France, you can serve as a friend of the French king Henry and Yaroslav's daughter Anna. In 1048 p. King Henry Povdov and Vislav Embassy with Bishop Gotin Saveiro at Choli in Kiev, ask for the hand of a daughter

From the book And time and place [Historical and philological collection for the sixtieth birthday of Alexander Lvovich Ospovat] the author The team of authors

Old Russian text:

On the Danube Yaroslavny he hears a voice,
zegzitseu don't know early to play:
"I will fly - speech - zegzice along Dunaevi,
I will wet the bebryan sleeve in the Kajala river,
in the morning the prince bloody his wounds

on the hardness of his body. "
Yaroslavna cries early
in Putivl on the visor, arkuchi:
"About the wind, sail!
What, sir, are you forcibly weaving?
Why are the little hands of the Khinovska arrows

on my easy kriltsi

howl in my way?

You never know what grief is blowing under the clouds,

cherished ships on the blue sea?

What, sir, my joy

scattering the feather grass? "
Yaroslavna cry early

I'm driving the city on the fence, arkuchi:

"About Dnepr Slovutitsyu!
You have broken through the stone mountains

through the Polovtsian land.

You cherished Svyatoslavli noses on you

to plku Kobyakov.

Get excited, lord, my harmony to me,
but bykh did not send tears to him

early at sea. "
Yaroslavna cries early

in Putivl on the visor, arkuchi:

"Bright and light sweet!
Thou art warm and red to everyone:
what, lord, spread your hot ray

on the fret voi?

In a waterless field, I thirst for rays of yarn,

tight im tuli zacche? "

In modern Russian (mine)

"I will fly, - kukuet, - I Danube in the distance,
there I will wash a silk sleeve in Kajala,
In the morning the prince will bleed, I will wash the evil wounds
on his aching body after the abuse. "

Votes in Putivl Yaroslavna
on the visor in the early gray haze:
"0 sail, light-winged wind!
Why are you blowing with all your might?
Why are you rushing Khin's arrows
on my brave Lada warriors?
It is not enough for you to blow clouds in the mountains,
in the blue sea to cherish ships?
Why, mighty, do you need
ruining my joy in the feather grass?

In the city of Putivl, they are dawning,
Yaroslavna cries on the visor:
"0 Slavutich-Dnieper, the river is like the sea!
You made your way to the Polovtsians through the mountains,
carried, cherished, Svyatoslav's attachments
trample Kobyak horde to glory.
Throw my Lada to me, wash away the grief,
I won't send him tears to the sea at dawn. "

Crying, twisting, Yaroslavna
on the Putivl wall early in the morning:
"The sun is bright, bright light!
You gave everyone warmth with red.
Now that only the Polovtsians caressed,
and on the military Lada the heat of the rays let out?
in a waterless field thirst bent their bows,
Are their quivers drawn to grief by the heat? "

In Little Russian T. Shevchenko:

In Putivlі-gradі vrantsі-early
Spivak, crying Yaroslavna,
Yak that zozulenka kuє,
I feel sorry for the words.
"I will fly, - it seems, - zigzit,
Tina seagull-widow,
That ponad Don will fly,
Beaver sleeve wet
In rіtsі Kayali. І on tili,
On the prince bilim, pomarnilim,
Omiyu roof dry, cut off
Glibokii, grave wounds ... "

I quit, crying Yaroslavna
In Putivl, early on the shaft:
"Vіtrilo-vіtre my іdiny,
Lightweight, krylaty gentleman!
Why on arc krill
For all my love,
On the prince, lo, I'm dearer,
Ty khanov metaєsh strili?
Not a little sky, and earth,
I of the blue sea. On the sea
Go ship the ships.
And you, preludes ... Woe! Woe!
Having stolen my fun,
In the steppe on tirsi rozibgav. "

Sumuє, quill, cry early
In Putivlі-gradі Yaroslavna.
I like: "Old and old,
Wide Dnipre, not maliy!
Breaking through the temples of the rocks,
Flowing into the land of the Polovtsian,
Wearing єsi on kayaks
On Polovtsy, on Kobyak
Svyatoslavl's squad! ..
O my glorious Slovutyts!
Bring me my hand,
I’m happy and happy
I did not shed tears by the sea, -
Do not add slots of the sea. "

I cry, cry Yaroslavna
In Putivl on the shaft on the bram,
Holy son has gone down.
I like: "Holy Son
Joy brought to earth
For people, for earth, for people
Tugi-nudgi did not grow.
Holy ones, fiery master!
Burning єsi meadows, steppes,
Having slept і the prince, і the squad,
We slept on my own!
For it is not grey and not sweets.
Tucking my palm ... I'll bend it! "

June 4, SP6

Yaroslavna cries early
“O wind, sail!
Why, sir, are you blowing towards?
Why are you rushing Khin's arrows
On your light porches
On the warriors of my dear?
Wasn't it enough for you to blow under the clouds,
Cherishing ships on the blue sea?
Why, sir, is my fun
Did you scatter the feather grass? "

Yaroslavna cries early
In Putivl-city on the visor, saying:
“Oh Dnepr Slovutych!
You broke through the stone mountains
Through the Polovtsian land.
You cherished the Svyatoslav's attachments on yourself
To the Kobyakov camp.
Attach, master, my dear to me,
So that I do not send tears to him at sea early. "

Yaroslavna cries early
In Putivl on the visor, saying:
“Bright and three times bright sun!
You are all warm and beautiful:
Why, Vladyka, did you spread your hot rays
On my warriors?
In a waterless field with thirst, they twisted their bows,
Grief they shut up the quivers? "

Translation by Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky

Yaroslavnin's voice is heard, at dawn he calls in a lonely tap.
"I will fly, he says, a cuckoo on the Danube,
Wet my beaver sleeve in the Kajala River
I will clean the prince's bloody wounds on his hardened body. "
In the morning Yaroslavna cries in Putivl on the wall, saying:
"O wind, you are the wind!
Why are you so strong?
On what do you put arrows of the khan
With your lightweight wings
On my warriors?
Are there little mountains like clouds with your wind?
Are there few ships on the blue sea to your cherish?
Why, like feather grass-grass, you dispelled my joy? "
Yaroslavna cries in the morning in Putivl on the wall, humming along:
"Oh you, Dnepr, you, Dnepr, you, glory-river!
You broke through the mountains of stone
Through the Polovtsian land;
You, cherishing, carried the court of Svyatoslavov to the host of Kobyakova:
Attach my harmony to me,
So that I do not send to him in the morning on the dawn of tears at sea! "
Yaroslavna cries in the morning in Putivl on the city wall, chirping:
"You are bright, you are bright sun!
You are warm for everyone, you are red for everyone!
Why did you spread your hot ray on the warriors of my harmony,
That in the waterless steppe the bows they squeezed with thirst
And have the Tula imprisoned their sorrow? "

The arrangement was written in 1817-1819.

Translation by Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont (1867-1942)

Is it a whistle of spears or a song? What song is over the Danube?
Yaroslavnin's voice is heard. Like an unknown cuckoo
Calls early: "I will fly, they say, I am a cuckoo on the Danube,
I will wet my beaver sleeve in the fast Kajala river,
I will wounds in the morning on the prince, blood in the morning on a strong body. "
Yaroslavna cries early on the city wall in Putivl,
Calls to the wind: “Wind, sail, why are you blowing forcibly?
Why are you, oh lord, on your easy wings
You throw the khan's arrows at the soldiers, where is he, my Lado?
Little was it in the heights to blow and fly under the clouds,
Arriving, swing, cherish ships on the blue sea?
Why did you dispel everything with feather grass? "
“Glorious Dnieper, you broke through the mountains through the lands of that Polovtsian,
You cherished Svyatoslav's courts, to the camp of Kobyakov's rush,
Take care of my lord, you Lada,
So that in the morning I don't send tears to him at sea early. "
Yaroslavna cries early on the Gradskaya wall in Putivl:
“The sun is bright, the light is the sun, you are warm and red for everyone,
Why, sir, do you aim your hot beam
To the troops, where is he, my Lado? Why in a waterless field
Do you dry onions with longing for them and close your quivers? "

Translated by N. Zabolotsky

Over the wide bank of the Danube
Over the great Galician land
Cries, flying from Putivl.
Yaroslavna's voice is young;
"I, poor, will turn into a cuckoo,
I will fly along the Danube River
And a beaver-edged sleeve
Bending over, I will wet in Kajala.
The fogs will fly away,
Prince Igor will open his eyes,
And in the morning I bloody wounds,
Leaning over a mighty body. "
Only the dawn breaks in the morning
Yaroslavna, full of sorrow,
Like a cuckoo, he calls to the Jura:
"What are you, Wind, howling evilly,
That you swirl the mists by the river
You raise the Polovtsian arrows,
Are you marking them on the Russian regiments?
Than you do not like in the open
Fly high under the cloud
Ships cherish in the blue sea,
Wave behind the stern?
You, sowing arrows of the enemy,
You only blow death from a height.
Oh why, why my fun
Have you scattered in the feather grass forever? "
At dawn wailing in Putivl,
Like a cuckoo in early spring
Yaroslavna calls the young
On the wall, the weeping city:
"My glorious Dnieper! Stone mountains
In the lands of the Polovtsian you struck,
Svyatoslav into the distant expanses
He wore the Kobyakovs up to the regiments.
Take care of the prince, lord,
Save on the far side
So that I forget tears from now on,
That he returned to me alive! "
Far away in Putivl, on the visor,
Only the dawn breaks in the morning
Yaroslavna, full of sorrow,
Like a cuckoo, he calls to the Jura:
"The sun is three times bright! With you
Everyone is welcome and warm.
Why are you the army of the prince daring
Did you burn it with hot rays?
And why are you waterless in the desert
Under the blow of the formidable Polovtsi
Thirst pulled the marching bow,
Grief filled the quiver? "


Victor Sosnora

Over Putivl, the Sun-joy

but it shines weakly.

the fence of the city,

until dawn in chintz color:

I will fly along the Danube

homeless zegzitsa.

Early, early

i will wet my beaver sleeve,

i light up my wounds to the prince,

Cold wind over Putivl

wears the smell of stifling slash.

Fret is crying:

O Sail,

Why are you blowing hostile?

about Wind-Sail,

good-natured and vast,

you sweep on air wings

to the Russian squad?

You never know


the clouds kick in the south,

little student at sea

to lull ships with a wave?

It is not enough to pull out crops,

poke fur

forest beast?

Why is my fun

on feather grass

Over Putivl, the Sun-joy

but it shines weakly.

the fence of the city,

lada Yaroslavna is crying,

fret is crying

groans with a groan,

The weak sun threatens:

I will fly to you, the Sun,

homeless zegzitsa.

Why in a waterless field,

throwing to the ground

soaked in sweaty salt

are you the squad of the husband-prince?

Why are tight bows

you them, the Sun,


jarred them t at goy

reed quivers?

Clouds are red over Putivl,

lada Yaroslavna is crying:

O mighty Dnieper Slavutich!

You split the mountains-stones,

Svyatoslavov onuchi

with Kobyakov's boots

you pushed ...

About lord!

Give me a husband tomorrow.

covered in mud



Evgeny Evtushenko

Yaroslavna is crying in Putivl
one on the fortress wall
about everyone who fell long ago, recently,
and about you and about me.

Calls like a widow, gags like a seagull:
"I will fly as a Danube daughter,
beaver-trimmed sleeve
in the river Kajala I will wash.

I will not fall to the ground in flight
going down to her husband,
and on the prince's beloved body
I will gently squeeze the blood with my wings. "

Yaroslavna is crying in Putivl
mourning, as in a dream,
with the glory of the fallen and inglorious,
but in one war for all.

"Oh, lord sail, wind,
why are you whining against?
You better dry my tears
and do not hit with arrows at close range.

You should come, wind, into the mind,
filling the sail of the ship.
Why my love and joy
did you scatter over the feather grass? "

Yaroslavna is crying in Putivl
one on the fortress wall:
"You, Dnepr Slovutich wayward,
made his way in the mountain steepness.

You cherished seagulls on yourself
and Svyatoslavov boats.
Save your beloved by shaking
his under the sail of love. "

Yaroslavna is crying in Putivl
one on the fortress wall:
"Oh, sun, you are not equal to anyone.
Warm everyone in the world, who is alone.

Different all the time, all four times.

Three times "Yaroslavna cries early" and once she "kicks early".

First, about how Yaroslavna "cries early".
She cries three times early.

"Yaroslavna cries early

"About the wind, sail!
What, sir, are you forcibly weaving?
Why are the little hands of the Khinovska arrows
on my easy kriltsi
howl in my way?

Yaroslavna begins to cry during the battle that has begun.
Early here it is - PREMATURE, before Igor's wounds and before the end of the battle, when neither Yaroslavna nor no one knows how the battle will end.

Then what does the Author mean early by this?
And the Author wants to say that Yaroslavna knows that the battle has begun!
She could find out about this through pigeon mail.
The distance in a straight line from Putivl to the battle site is less than 70 km, so in just an hour Yaroslavna can find out that the battle has begun, and the battle began early, that is, at dawn, so this early also contains the second meaning of this early-AT DAWN.
This crying-crying Yaroslavna on the first day of the battle, after the start of the battle.

Yaroslavna cry early
I'm driving the city on the fence, arkuchi:
"About Dnepr Slovutytsu!
You have broken through the stone mountains
through the Polovtsian land.
You cherished Svyatoslavli noses on you
to plku Kobyakov.
Get excited, lord, my harmony to me,
but bykh did not send tears to him
early at sea. "

It is strange that Yaroslavna asks Dnipro about this, but this is exactly what will happen!

Now she is crying because she already knows how the fight ended.
She knows the army is dead.
She does not cry for her son Vladimir, because she already knows that he was saved.
She does not know what happened to Igor, but her heart will tell her that he is alive.
Now it's early - this morning the day after Igor's capture.
And this is the day of the Resurrection of Christ-Great Week 22 Eylet 6693 Summer.

Yaroslavna cries early
in Putivl on the visor, arkuchi:
"Bright and light sweet!
Thou art warm and red to everyone:
what, lord, spread your hot ray
on the fret voi?
In a waterless field I thirst for rays of a yarn,
tight im tuli zacche? "

Here Yaroslavna turns to the Sun so that it pity the army of Christ in the deserts of the Anatolian plateau, which moves from the capital of Christ, Tmutorokani (Istanbul) to the port of Izmir.
This route was described by God the Word in His Revelation, a month after His Crucifixion.
As you can see, this is also in the Word!
How many days have passed since the Resurrection of Christ - you can only say approximately.
2-5 days.

How does Yaroslavna know about the movement of Christ's army?
Pigeon mail, she couldn't know from anywhere else.

And it's early here also because after that the Savior) immediately flies out on horseback to save Igor.
I hear, do not cry, said Christ (was) to his niece this early.

On the Danube Yaroslavny he hears the voice,
zegzitseu don't know early to play:
"I will fly - speech - zegzice along Dunaevi,
I will wet the bebryan sleeve in the Kayala river,
in the morning the prince bloody his wounds
on the hardness of his body. "

In the text of the Word, this is the early first.
And here Yaroslavna "kichet", not crying.
Let's try to figure out what is here?

First of all, it must be said that there is no Danube river here, neither in the first nor in the second case.

Who hears the voice of Yaroslavna nadunai?
Well, let's say in the wind, in the wind.
Savior, no one else.
I think that Yaroslavna managed to send a dove to Christ, and He managed to receive news before the Crucifixion about Igor's campaign and Yaroslavna's feelings about this.
Therefore, she is not crying, nothing has happened yet, but "clucks" -ah, ah, they hurt Igor and I will go to wash his wounds.

Let's zashlomyane!
