The purpose of the lesson: formation of ideas about good and evil.

Planned subject results:

  • to promote the correct representation of students about good and evil;
  • reveal the Christian understanding of the main categories of "good" and "evil";
  • improve the general culture of the individual;
  • improve the skill of expressive commented reading;
  • consolidate knowledge of the fable, allegory, personification.

Planned metasubject results.

  • Cognitive oud:
    • independently formulate a cognitive goal;
    • build messages;
    • carry out semantic reading;
    • search and highlight the necessary information.
  • Regulatory wud:
    • use speech appropriately;
    • compare the method of action and its result with the standard;
    • highlight and formulate;
    • concentrate the will to overcome intellectual difficulties.
  • Communicative wud:
    • ask questions, ask for help;
    • offer help and cooperation;
    • agree on the distribution of roles in joint activities;
    • build a monologue;
    • to have a dialog;
    • exercise mutual control.

Planned personal results:

  • develop a sense of tolerance;
  • to instill good human qualities: sympathy, mercy;
  • develop readiness for moral self-improvement;
  • understand the meaning of faith in human life;
  • to instill awareness of human responsibility for the general well-being;
  • take responsibility for your actions;
    promote spiritual and moral self-education, as a necessity to resist evil.

Equipment: computer, screen, projector; movie; church music; handout: parable, commandments, texts of fables; sayings of the holy fathers; illustrations.

“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:5).
Darkness does not love light (or: does not tolerate), and evil - good . Rus.

Whoever digs a hole will fall into it; and whoever rolls a stone up, to him it returns. Bible.
Good dog is better evil person. Rus.
To believe in goodness, one must begin to do it. . L.N. Tolstoy.

1. Organizing moment. Teacher's welcome speech

2. Updating knowledge

How do you understand the meaning of these epigraphs?
The teacher reads a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov. Russian church music sounds (Traditional and new Chants of the Russian Orthodox Church, the choir "Blagovest": "Our Father" or "Lord, hear my prayer" performed by the choir "Orthodox Singers").(http: //


At the gates of the holy monastery
Begging for alms stood
The poor man is withered, a little alive
From hunger, thirst and suffering.
He only asked for a piece of bread,
And the gaze showed living torment,
And someone laid a stone
Into his outstretched hand.

M. Yu. Lermontov


– How can you call the act of another person who gave a stone instead of alms? What evil quality did he display?
Name the positive quality opposite to it and the action that a Christian should have performed.
What do you think the lesson will be about today? (About good and evil)
- The theme of our lesson is "Good and Evil"
In everything you want people to do to you, do the same to them. (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7, verse 12)
Listen to an audio recording or watch an animated film. The parable "THE MERCY SAMARITAN" ( or

Answer the questions. Conversation

- Find in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov's lines based on the words of the Gospel. The Gospel speaks of a son, that is, a native, close (neighbor) person. But is a beggar the same for all people? Who do Christians call their neighbor?

One day a man asked Jesus Christ: “Who is my neighbor?” In answer to the question, Christ told a parable.
A man was walking from Jerusalem to another city and fell into the hands of robbers. They took his clothes, wounded him and left him barely alive on the road. At that time, a man was walking along the same road. He looked at the unfortunate man and passed by. The second passer-by did the same. But a certain Samaritan, seeing a wounded man on the road, took pity on him. He bandaged his wounds, put him on his donkey and brought him to an inn. The next day, as he was leaving, he gave the innkeeper money and said, "Take care of this man."
After finishing the parable, Jesus asked, “Which of these three was a neighbor to a man who fell into the hands of thieves?” The listener replied: “The one who showed mercy to him.” Jesus told him, "Go and do the same."

Domenico Fetti

What question was asked of Christ? How did Christ respond? Who was walking along the road, where and from where? What happened to him? Who else was on the same road? What did each of them do? Who was the neighbor of the injured person? Why did the artist depict this particular moment?
Why do Christians call every person who needs help their neighbor? What is the manifestation of Christian mercy?
Archimandrite John Krestyankin considers this Parable “an edification about the merciful Samaritan, whose law of love was written in his heart, for whom the neighbor turned out to be not the neighbor in spirit, not the neighbor in blood, but the one who happened to meet on his life path, who exactly in that minute needed his help and love. Material from Wikipedia.
“The good quality of the human soul is mercy. A merciful person is a kind person who pities everyone, sympathizes, forgives. He treats everyone as if he were his own, his neighbor. The Gospel taught Christians such an attitude towards people,” writes Deacon Andrey Kuraev.

3. Opening new.

So what is good and what is evil?

Statements are heard, their discussion takes place in groups, followed by a brief retelling and voicing of the main idea.

Saint Basil the Great: Evil not a living and animated entity, but state of mind opposite to virtue which occurs in the heedless as a result of falling away from good. Therefore, do not look for evil outside, do not imagine that there is some kind of original evil nature, but let each one recognize himself as the culprit of his own malevolence.
Saint Gregory the Theologian: Evil by nature depends on ourselves: injustice, ignorance, laziness, envy, murder, poison, deceit, and similar vices that defile the soul. created in the image of the One who created it, their beauty is darkened.

Here is how one of the last righteous men of the Russian land, Father John of Kronstadt, says about this: “Evil, of course, has no positive basis and justification, and it could not be and should not be, but since it exists, God always wants to turn it for the good and for this purpose temporarily allows it (for the purpose of pedagogy). You will not experience the actions of evil ... spirit ... evil, ... and you will not recognize and honor as you should the blessings bestowed on you by the good Spirit, you will not recognize the spirit that kills - you will not recognize (sometimes) the life-giving Spirit.

“Good creates, evil destroys. Good loves, evil hates. Good helps, evil drowns. Good conquers with good, evil with force. Good is joyful, evil is frowning. Good is beautiful, evil is ugly. Good is peaceful, evil is hostile. Good is calm, evil is irritated. Good is peaceful, evil is bullying. Good forgives, evil is vindictive.
From this it becomes clear that there really is a creative force in the world - good, and a destructive force - evil. Good begets good, and evil destroys everything and, in the end, itself. And it is fact of life and the truth, in which each person can be convinced for himself.

The Christian faith poses as one of the foundations of its teachings. that it is necessary to live according to goodness and according to Christian love. On this foundation you need to build your whole life, all your deeds, all your words and all your thoughts. For all this, you need to know what is good and what is evil, and be able to distinguish between them, ”says the rector of the church of Sts. indefinitely Cosmas and Damian in Shubin Archpriest

A. Borisov.

"Evil has no essence and comes from the lack of good."

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov.

4. Fixing

A. Based on the statements, complete the table.

Model check. Grading.

Spiritual leaflet "Road home" e. pages:

B. Work with the textbook.

- Remember and independently give a definition of a fable, personification, allegory. Match it with the textbook definition. Rate the student's answer.

Fable - a small work of a narrative kind in verse or prose with a moralizing, satirical or ironic content. Traits of human character, actions and relations of people are depicted allegorically: the relations of people are replaced by the relations of animals or things.
The fable often ends with a brief conclusion - a moral, in which the main instructive idea is explained.

Allegory - one of the types of tropes - an allegorical image of an abstract concept or phenomenon of reality with the help of a specific image. Allegory is often used in fables and fairy tales, where cunning is allegorically depicted in the form of a fox, greed in the form of a wolf, etc.

personification - one of the methods of artistic representation, which consists in the fact that animals, objects, natural phenomena are endowed with human abilities and properties.

C. Using the example of fables, let's consider which of the heroes personifies good, and which - evil.

Expressive reading of Pinaev's fable A. K. "Soulless".(


An ordinary Dog lived in the yard, -
Guarded the master's good.
And day and night, in the heat, frost
He kept everything as his own.
For many years he has grown old,
Weakened quickly vigilance, hearing, -
And he was out of work.
The owner was rude and dry with him.
He once said on a winter day:
- Soulless dog! It is high time
To teach you a lesson for laziness!
And drove the dog out of the yard.

It's easy to say "soulless dog".
But who is more soulless? - That's the question!


- What is shown in the illustration? What did the owner do with his aged dog, who had served him faithfully for many years? What is the name of his action? What evil qualities did the owner of the dog show? What should a Christian do? Who is the personification of evil?

Assignment to groups. Based on the table, give a description of the owner of the dog. Choose synonyms and antonyms for the word soulless.

How can evil be corrected? Can we say that he who does evil sins?

Expressive reading of the fable of Pinaev A.K. "Puppy and Donkey".(

Puppy and Donkey

Grew in the forest on an old farm
Cheerful Donkey and Puppy.
The puppy was a gentle, faithful friend,
And Donkey called him "Druzhok".
Two years have passed. The dog has grown up.
And the Donkey became the Donkey.
He became important and like mercy
Threw "Hello", waving his tail.
Another nine or ten years passed.
Our dog has aged noticeably,
But he was, as before, kind and cheerful
And he helped everyone as much as he could.
The donkey forgot, of course, a friend:
He is always busy, everything is business,
It's like a blizzard in his soul
All feelings swept to the bottom.
At the meeting, he is already from the threshold
Not just a little nod,
Looked at the Dog arrogantly, strictly
And strove to kick him.
In whom callousness, rudeness sprouted
There is no sensitivity to be found in that.

- What do the Donkey and Puppy depicted in the illustration look like? What are they thinking?

G. Working with dictionaries.

- Can you name conceited haughty, evil, arrogant, rude Donkey? (See the meaning of the word conceited in dictionaries).
Write down synonyms and antonyms for the word vanity.
- Is the Donkey the personification of evil? Sin is synonymous with evil. What sins possessed the Donkey? Prove it. Who became the complete opposite of the Donkey? What qualities do you need to cultivate in yourself in order to bring goodness into the world?

Material from Wikipedia

Vanity? Wie (from vain (vain) + glory) - the desire to look good in the eyes of others, the need to confirm one's superiority, sometimes accompanied by a desire to hear flattery from other people.
Related concepts are pride, arrogance, star fever, pride.
Dahl's Pride Dictionary
Proud - arrogant, arrogant, arrogant; inflated, conceited; who puts himself above others (Dal).
The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl defines vanity as a property of a person, expressed in the greedy search for worldly glory, the desire for honor, praise, the need for recognition by others of his imaginary virtues, and the tendency to do good deeds for the sake of praise.
Ushakov's explanatory dictionary defines vanity as "empty arrogance, arrogance, the desire to be the object of glory, reverence."
Vanity is considered one of the manifestations of pride, which is one of the main sins, called sinful passions in Orthodoxy.
A vain man is an idolater, although he is called a believer. He thinks he honors God; but actually pleases not God, but people.
Holy Scripture in many places condemns pride. For example, in the Old Testament, in the Book of Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach it is said:
The beginning of sin is pride (Sir. 10:15 rs).
Here the Holy Scripture teaches us that the beginning of all sins is pride. From this it follows that the opposite virtue of pride is humility.

D. Statements are projected. Commentary reading as directed by the teacher. How to recognize pride?

Holy Fathers about pride (pride). In the Creation of the saints of our father Ephraim the Syrian, there is chapter 3 called "In the laying down of pride." There is a beautiful description of nature. pride and the opposite virtue of humility.

St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, in his works, has the following reasoning about pride: “A vile sin is pride, but few are known from anyone, as if it is hidden deep in the heart.
Signs of pride.

1. Glory, honor and praise in every way to seek.
2. Things are beyond their strength to start.
3. Arbitrarily interfere in any business.
4. Raise yourself without shame.
5. Despise others.
6. Having lost honor, to be indignant, to grumble and complain.
7. Higher to be disobedient.
8. Kind to yourself, and not attributed to God.
9. To be careful in everything. (Effort - try (Dal).
10. Discuss other things.
11. Raise their errors, reduce their praise.
12. In word and deed, some kind of arrogance is shown.
13. Corrections and exhortations not to love, not to accept advice.
14. Do not tolerate being humiliated, and so on. (Creations like in the Holy Father of our Tikhon of Zadonsk, Flesh and Spirit, Book 1-2, p. 34).

The Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt in his diary “My Life in Christ” writes as follows: “He who is infected with pride is inclined to show contempt for everything, even for holy and divine objects: pride mentally destroys or defiles every good thought, word, deed, every creation of God. It is the dead breath of Satan." (Paris, 1984, p. 10).

Signs for recognizing pride in oneself (pride).

To the question: “How to recognize pride in yourself?” - James, Archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod, writes the following: “If, first of all, the thought of meekly correcting the mistake made by others is born in you, but displeasure and anger, then know that you are proud and deeply proud. If even the slightest failure in your affairs saddens you and makes you bored and burdensome, incl. and the thought of the Providence of God, participating in our affairs, does not amuse you, then know that you are proud and deeply proud. If you are hot to your own needs and cold to the needs of others, then know that you are proud and deeply proud. If at the sight of the troubles of others, even your enemies, you are happy, and at the sight of the unexpected happiness of your neighbors, you are sad, then know that you are proud and deeply proud. If modest remarks about your shortcomings are insulting to you, and praises about your unprecedented virtues are pleasant and delightful for you, then know that you are proud and deeply proud.

St. John of the Ladder writes about it this way: “The image of extreme pride is that a person for the sake of glory hypocritically shows virtues that he does not have.”
The proud in this stage is in a state of complete isolation. See how he talks, argues: he either does not hear what is said to him at all, or hears only what coincides with his views; if he is told something that does not agree with his opinions, he becomes angry, as if from a personal insult, scoffs and vehemently denies. In others, he sees only those properties that he himself imposed on them, incl. even in his praises he remains proud, self-contained, impenetrable to the objective.

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov:

“The search for the glory of man. Boasting. Desire and search for earthly honors. Love of beautiful clothes, carriages, servants and private things. Attention to the beauty of your face, the pleasantness of your voice and other qualities of the body. Disposition to the perishing sciences and arts of this age, the search to succeed in them in order to acquire temporary, earthly glory. Shame to confess your sins. Hiding them before people and the spiritual father. Craftiness. Justification. Contradiction. Compiling your mind. Hypocrisy. Lie. Flattery. Humanity. Envy. Humiliation of the neighbor. Change of temper. Pretense. Unscrupulousness."

Vanity is considered one of the manifestations of pride, which is one of major sins, called in Orthodoxy sinful passions.

E. creative work in a group 2-3 min.

Write a mini-composition "How can evil be corrected?" (according to the fables of Pinaev A.K.) Russian church music sounds. (Youth choir "O Glorious Miracle-Chant of the Optina Hermitage" or Orthodox chants of the children's choir "Lord, have mercy. Spiritual verse"). (http: //

A representative from the group reads the essay.

5. Conclusion

– Commandments of the Bible lead people along the path of Good Therefore, they are of great importance for all mankind.

Indeed, the commandments help people build relationships with each other and lead the right way of life.

The student retells the commandments (homework).


1. God is one for all.
2. Don't worship idols.
3. Do not use the name of God in vain.
4. Work for six days and rest on the seventh.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Don't kill.
7. Do not change - love true, faithfully.
8. Don't steal.
9. Do not inform and do not lie, do not slander, do not gossip, do not condemn, and also do not believe the slanderers.
10. Do not envy someone else's good, be content with what you have. Bad desires are born from envy, and evil deeds are born from bad desires.

“For a successful, fruitful and right life, it is very important to know and understand what is good and what is evil in order to follow the right path. Many people have tried to understand what is good and what is evil, but no one has so clearly, so deeply and so truly defined what is good and what is evil as Christianity.

6. Summary of the lesson

- On what and on whom does the presence of evil in life depend?
- What do you think is the meaning of human life: in the creation of the beautiful, good or ugly, evil?
What should a person strive for in their life?
- Can we change the world?
- What can we really do in our power so that we can say about ourselves and our loved ones - yes, we are walking the path of good?

7. Reflection

What did this lesson make you think about?
- It was difficult…
-I understand that…

8. Homework (optional)

- Draw a picture on the theme "The road of goodness."
- Write an essay - a reasoning on the topic "Good and Evil."
- Find stories of writers about the good deeds of people, prepare a short retelling.
- Help someone.
- Find proverbs, sayings about kindness and explain their meaning.


I decided to eradicate "evil",
But my friends, I'm out of luck...
I thought: I will tear out the root of "evil"
From underground, and all the cases!
The "evil" insidious trace will disappear,
And Light will reign in the world!

I started sticking my nose everywhere
To solve a simple question:
Where is this "root of evil" to be found?
Where does "evil" grow from?
In what region, in what country
Find the source of "evil" rather?!

I took a shovel and a shovel,
But I could not dig out the "root":
Not that he was deep
(I could do it easily) -
End "evil" forever
Good interfered, as luck would have it!

Everywhere you look -
Good and evil in one pattern
Tangled into a tight ball
knotted -
Do not unravel, do not break!
And "evil" dreams of becoming good!

What for someone was "evil",
Others are good!
And in turn good
Sometimes he fraternizes with "evil"!
They are in the chain, like two links!
Like wind and waves in the sea!

I "evil" wanted to take the fly,
But "evil" said: do not shoot!
I have hidden goodness -
As in copper alloy silver:
It just needs to be recognized
It's time to know about it!

I raised my spear on him,
But the "evil" on my zeal
In response, flashed silver:
I am an inseparable fusion with goodness!
Drive us away one by one
You can't ... it's time to understand!

I took a sharp knife from the kitchen
But "evil" with good cannot be spilled
And an ocean of clear waters!
And everyone knows in advance
What is "evil" with good, like light and "darkness",
Squeeze the world into one "fist"!

And in the evening, knocking down,
I summed it up like this:
Good and evil are inseparable
Never in your unity!
And we are everything, and we keep everything,
But we always have a choice:
Give in to fear, separate
From God, Heaven and Earth,
Or accept yourself, open up
Towards Light and Love!


In a village under a mountain
There lived grandfather Illarion;
Once in spring sometimes
He dug in the garden...

To keep the garden looking neat
He cut the bushes
And nearby lived a neighbor - David:
The houses were lined up!

Illarion lowered his gaze
And, remembering the old dispute,
He threw a bundle of branches
Neighbor's fence...

Here the roosters crowed
David enters the garden
- These twigs are dry
Such a sad look...

He carefully collected the branches,
Put in a bowl of water
And sent every morning
Greetings to them kind!

Branches covered with leaves
The buds are innumerable!
That's what magic
God sent David!

David shines with a smile
And in the morning, a little light,
Illarion knocks on the door:
- Accept my gift, neighbor!

Neighbors, rejoicing in flowers,
Embraced, and since then
They (in response to their dreams)
Forgot the old argument!


One day a young man on his way
A well-known sage met:
- Tell me, where can I find happiness? -
I was the loser...

Ah, it's not like that in my affairs!
I see no point in this life!
And, overcoming your former fear,
I went to travel the world!

Tell me, Teacher, where is the Soul
Finding peace and happiness?
In what country, in what region
Soul sings, melts with happiness?

Do you believe in God?
- Yes, Father! I pray to him every day!
- Excellent, friend! Well done!
Make friends with inspirational prayer!

Understand: the answer to your question
In yours lies a strong Faith -
You can, like silver,
Measure Happiness in full measure!

Happy World is inside You!
Try to find your way to it!
Hear the angels trumpet
In your Soul and glorify God!

You can change with Vera
Around you the space of the world,
And create in abundance
A dream from a thought... from the "ether"!

Connect with Yourself
In the Unity of Sunlight,
And you will be your own destiny
Rule winter and summer!

You say you lost
And leave the battlefield...
You are the Commander, General!
You are a god! And you don't know it!

There is a big secret in your hands -
From the "darkness" to the Light is a reliable path:
Connected with Self
Everything "impossible" is possible!


I decided to eradicate "evil",
But my friends, I'm out of luck...
I thought: I will tear out the root of "evil"
From underground, and all the cases!
The "evil" insidious trace will disappear,
And Light will reign in the world!

I started sticking my nose everywhere
To solve a simple question:
Where is this "root of evil" to be found?
Where does "evil" grow from?
In what region, in what country
Find the source of "evil" rather?!

I took a shovel and a shovel,
But I could not dig out the "root":
Not that he was deep
(I could do it easily) -
End "evil" forever
Good interfered, as luck would have it!

Everywhere you look -
Good and evil in one pattern
Tangled into a tight ball
knotted -
Do not unravel, do not break!
And "evil" dreams of becoming good!

What for someone was "evil",
Others are good!
And in turn good
Sometimes he fraternizes with "evil"!
They are in the chain, like two links!
Like wind and waves in the sea!

I "evil" wanted to take the fly,
But "evil" said: do not shoot!
I have hidden goodness -
As in copper alloy silver:
It just needs to be recognized
It's time to know about it!

I raised my spear on him,
But the "evil" on my zeal
In response, flashed silver:
I am an inseparable fusion with goodness!
Drive us away one by one
You can't ... it's time to understand!

I took a sharp knife from the kitchen
But "evil" with good cannot be spilled
And an ocean of clear waters!
And everyone knows in advance
What is "evil" with good, like light and "darkness",
Squeeze the world into one "fist"!

And in the evening, knocking down,
I summed it up like this:
Good and evil are inseparable
Never in your unity!
And we are everything, and we keep everything,
But we always have a choice:
Give in to fear, separate
From God, Heaven and Earth,
Or accept yourself, open up
Towards Light and Love!


In a village under a mountain
There lived grandfather Illarion;
Once in spring sometimes
He dug in the garden...

To keep the garden looking neat
He cut the bushes
And nearby lived a neighbor - David:
The houses were lined up!

Illarion lowered his gaze
And, remembering the old dispute,
He threw a bundle of branches
Neighbor's fence...

Here the roosters crowed
David enters the garden
- These twigs are dry
Such a sad look...

He carefully collected the branches,
Put in a bowl of water
And sent every morning
Greetings to them kind!

Branches covered with leaves
The buds are innumerable!
That's what magic
God sent David!

David shines with a smile
And in the morning, a little light,
Illarion knocks on the door:
- Accept my gift, neighbor!

Neighbors, rejoicing in flowers,
Embraced, and since then
They (in response to their dreams)
Forgot the old argument!


One day a young man on his way
A well-known sage met:
- Tell me, where can I find happiness? -
I was the loser...

Ah, it's not like that in my affairs!
I see no point in this life!
And, overcoming your former fear,
I went to travel the world!

Tell me, Teacher, where is the Soul
Finding peace and happiness?
In what country, in what region
Soul sings, melts with happiness?

Do you believe in God?
- Yes, Father! I pray to him every day!
- Excellent, friend! Well done!
Make friends with inspirational prayer!

Understand: the answer to your question
In yours lies a strong Faith -
You can, like silver,
Measure Happiness in full measure!

Happy World is inside You!
Try to find your way to it!
Hear the angels trumpet
In your Soul and glorify God!

You can change with Vera
Around you the space of the world,
And create in abundance
A dream from a thought... from the "ether"!

Connect with Yourself
In the Unity of Sunlight,
And you will be your own destiny
Rule winter and summer!

You say you lost
And leave the battlefield...
You are the Commander, General!
You are a god! And you don't know it!

There is a big secret in your hands -
From the "darkness" to the Light is a reliable path:
Connected with Self
Everything "impossible" is possible!
