I do not remember who exactly, in my opinion, someone from sports journalists called the World War II World Cups.

Of course, this is an obvious exaggeration, but the share of truth in these words, there is no doubt. Relations between countries cannot not be reflected in the football field, since soccer has long ceased to be just sports, but is a socially significant phenomenon that permeates all aspects of the life of modern society.

Unfortunately, examples are not going to go far - the recent qualifying match of the European Championship between and Albania showed how fine is the face separating sports rivalry on the field from hostile confrontation of nations. So the slogan "Football is out of politics", unfortunately, remains just a slogan.

Now I want to remind those football events that were painted in far from football colors.

1955 year. USSR - Germany: without a right to error

In 1955, August 21, Moscow took place, without exaggeration, the most significant friendly match in the history of football. Met nationalsUSSR and FRG - The main participants and the main opponents of the terrible war in the history of mankind that has taken tens of millions of human lives on both sides.

Between the countries at that time, diplomatic relations were not even established, moreover, in response to the entryFRG In the NATO block, it was in 1955 on the initiativeSoviet Union The organization of the Warsaw Treaty was created. On the importance of the game says the fact that the start of the next championshipFRG was moved two weeks ahead.

Honestly, it still remains a mystery to me, as the leadership of the USSR authorized the holding of this meeting. The fact is that the CPSU Central Committee perceived sports lesions very painfully - it is enough to recall the disbanded team of the CAU's backbone of the national team giving way to Yugoslavia in 1952.

Yes, and a year later, the question of sending the football team at the Olympics in Melbourne to the last moment was in the air, it was because of a number of failures in friendly meetings. And then ... The German national team is the current world champion and lose the Germans in Moscow in the year of the Decade of the Great Victory - such managers of our state could not dream and in the very nightmare.

Anyway, the match took place. He ended with the victory of the Soviet national team, the victory of Volve - Soviet football players, losing 1: 2, in the second half, they managed to score two goals into the gates of the current world champions and won 3: 2. Otherwise, it could not be, because the winners were sitting on the stands.

War for the island: continuation on the football field

The year 1982 was marked by one of the largest military conflicts since the Second World War. This conflict occurred between England and Argentina due to a small and unauthorized bar of the sushi - Falkland Islands, which are nevertheless important as a transit point between the quiet and Atlantic Oceans. Although the war was not officially announced, the conflict was large-scale, with the destruction of aircraft and combat vessels.

It happened so that for four years later, at the World Championships in Mexico, the prefabricated these countries were among themselves in the 1/4 finals. The main topic that glowing the situation before the game was the theme of the war.

She also poured oil into the fire, sprawling in that spirit that, they say, this game will be revenge for the dead Argentine guys. Maradona will also become the main character of this meeting, and the hero of both positive and negative.

Argentina won 2: 1 and both goals Maradoni became forever in the history of football - the first he scored his hand, saying later that it was the "Hand of God" and the second - running the half of the ball and beat half the opponents team. By the way, June 22 - the day, when this meeting took place, the parishioners of the "Churches of Maradonian" - and Argentina has this - celebrate Easter.

In 1998, the team re-crossed at the World Championships, this time at stage 1/8 finals. The theme of the war was then also worried, although not so actively, as 12 years ago, but the "Hand of God" was not forgotten by the British. It was one of the brightest fights of the Mundial, and again it was marked up as a masterpiece - the nude of Michael Owen, and the scandal - the provocative actions of Diego Simeon, entailed the exile from the field of David Beckham.

The main and additionally time was then ended with a draw 2: 2, the Argentines were stronger from the penalty.

Only four years later, the British managed to take revenge. They defeated the Argentines in the group stage match, thanks to the only ball scored Beckham from the penalty spot. Argentina then did not come out of the group.

War is real

Now, now about the real tragedy - the sadly famous "football war". In the qualifying games of the 1970 World Championship, Salvador and Honduras met. The first game ended with the minimum victory of Honduras 1: 0, in a response game at home Salvador won 3: 0.

And it was after the response game, held on June 15, 1969 in San Salvador there were tragic events that led to the military conflict - the football players and fans of Honduras beat, in response, the wave of violence acts against Salvadoreans took place in Honduras. All this soon passed into a real war with the use of tanks and aviation, thousands of victims.

In fairness it should be noted that football appeared only by the detonator of the conflict, his actual reasons are much deeper - this is the territorial claims of both countries, not the best migration relations, land issues.

Football Peacefulness

In order not to end in a sad note, I will give a remarkable example of the unity of the fans of rival on the team field.

So, the summer of 2004, Portugal, the final part of the European Championship. The unique situation has developed in the group "C" to the last round. The Sweden and Denmark team was sufficient to play with each other, starting from the account 2: 2, and they would both go further.

The fact is that with the equality of the glasses, it was not taken into account not the difference between the scored and missed balls, but the results of personal meetings. Swedes and Dane beat Bulgarians, and with Italy played 1: 1 and 0: 0, respectively. Thus, in the case of a draw between them 2: 2, in Italy, with a zero difference between the balls in meetings between the three these national teams would be the worst figure in the number of heads scored in these games.

The match ended with a score of 2: 2, and the disc was compared to the Swedes on the penultimate minute. It can be said that it was a conspiracy, and it can be said that the teams achieved the result they needed - I don't judge about it.

But I perfectly remember the vividly dressed Danes and the Swedes, sitting on the stands in the podium, with a beer in hand and with posters of Arrividerchi, Italy and Sweden-Denmark - 2: 2. Such are the pacifists.

Football War

Opponents : Salvador, Honduras

The forces of the parties:
Salvador: 2500 soldiers; 30 aircraft; 4 ships.
Honduras: 8000 soldiers; 25 aircraft; 4 ships.
Military losses:
Salvador 700 dead.
Honduras 1200 dead.

On the eve of the war

The immediate cause of the war was a long-time dispute between the two countries regarding the exact location of some sections of the overall border. Honduras was also very annoyed by the essential trade advantages of a more developed Salvador economy.

Salvador, being the smallest in the area and the most populous of all Central American states, possessed a more developed economy, but experienced an acute lack of lacquer for land processing. Most of the land in Salvador was controlled by large landowners, which led to the "land hunger" and the migration of landless peasants to the neighboring Honduras.
Honduras on the territory of much more neighbor, not so thick inhabited and is weaker economically developed. By 1969, more than 300 thousand Salvadoreans moved to Honduras in search of free lands and earnings. For Honduras, land in itself did not have much importance; However, the prospect of the Zasil and the dominance of Salvadorers in the economy caused strong irritation in society.


The reason for the military conflict was the qualifying matches for the world championship between Football teams of El Salvador and Honduras.
Qualifying matches consisted of two matches on the field of each opponent. With the victory of each of the parties to identify the winner, an additional match was appointed, excluding the difference between the balls in the first two games.
The first match, passed in the capital of Honduras Tegucigalpa on June 8 and ended with the score 1:0 in favor of the owners. After the match, local fans stated the police about numerous attacks from the fans of the guests team.
The retaliatory match took place in the capital of Salvador on June 15. On the night before the match, Honduras players practically remained in the street because of the fire in their hotel. Not sleeping offended guests with a crash lost to the owners 3:0.

After the game on the streets of the capital, riots began: hundreds of cars were set on fire, some empties were left from the shop windows, local hospitals set the attendance record. Hondurassic fans were beaten, Hondurassic flags burned. According to Honduras, a response wave of attacks on Salvador residents rolled, including two vice consuls. The unidentified number of Salvadorians died or was injured as a result of attacks, tens of thousands fled from the country.

The third match took place at a neutral field in the capital Mexico - Mexico City. The victory at the extra time celebrated the Salvador team with the score 3:2. Immediately after the match on the streets of the Mexican capital, bloody clashes between the fans of both teams began.

Military actions

After defeat in the third match, Honduras ripped diplomatic relations with Salvador. At the territory of Honduras began attacks on Salvadorians. The Salvador's government announced a state of emergency and the beginning of the mobilization of reservists.

On July 14, Salvador began the fighting, in which he at the first stage was accompanied by success - the army of this country was more numerous and better prepared. However, soon the offensive was slow down, which contributed to the actions of the Honduras Air Force, in turn, exceeding Salvador.

The main contribution to the war was the destruction of oil storage facilities, who had deprived the Army of Salvador of the fuel required for further offensive, as well as the transfer of Hondurassic troops to the front with the help of transport aviation.
On July 15, the organization of American states called for the cessation of fire and the conclusion of Salvador troops from Honduras. At first, Salvador ignored these appeals, demanding that Honduras agreed to pay reparations for attacks on Salvador citizens and guaranteed the security of Salvadorers remaining in Honduras. On July 18, an agreement was reached on the cease-fire, but completely combat operations ceased only on July 20.


Practically, both sides lost war. From 60 to 130 thousand Salvadoreans were expelled or fled from Honduras, which led to a economic collapse in some areas. In conflict, about 2,000 people died, mostly civilians. Bilateral trade fully ceased, and the border was closed, which caused damage to both economies.

This war, which did not reveal the winner, became the "fatal" for the rich Salvador. Frozen for ten years, trading relationships with a neighbor, as well as the unpleasut of thousands of people who returned from Honduras, led to the economic crisis and civil war in the 1980s.

Did you know. what…

So it is quite officially called a short (fortunately) military conflict between neighboring countries of Central America - Salvador and Honduras. The war was only six days (from July 14 to July 20, 1969) and a direct reason for it was the loss of the team of Honduras to the Salvador team in the matchs of the qualifying stage of the World Cup. Despite the guilty, the war turned out to be quite a bloody (up to 5,000 dead, taking into account the civilians), and the most important thing - "buried" the integration project of the Central American Common Market and for a long time and for a long time all the countries of the region for the period of instability. The peace treaty between Salvador and Honduras was signed only 10 years after the end of the war and then in the conditions of the communist rebels already taking power in one of the countries of Central America (Nicaragua) and seriously threatened to repeat the script in El Salvador, and then, perhaps in Honduras .

The pretext of the principle) for the "football war" between Salvador and Honduras became qualifying matches of the World Cup 1970. According to the results of the three games, Salvadorians won.

Photo from blog, 1969

True reasons were deeper - economic problems and "distracting therapy" of the heads of these countries. The victims of the six-day war (July 14-20, 1969) between these "banana republics" were from 2 to 6 thousand people. The peace treaty between the countries was signed only in 1979.

In fact, both sides lost war. From 60 to 130 thousand Salvadoreans were expelled or fled from Honduras.

The "Football War" also became the last military conflict, in which screw aircraft with piston engines fought against each other. Both sides used American aircraft of the Second World War. The state of the Salvador's Air Force was so much smoother that the bombs had to be reset.


Surely, all people, one way or another fond of football, are aware of its importance and influence on the mood of a person, and in general, on all areas of his life. However, few people know that in world history, such matches happened, which were later the reason for the most real hostilities between the whole countries! As, for example, it happened in 1969 ...

Private, at first glance, a football match between the two Latin American teams laid the beginning of the so-called "football war", during which several thousand people died. July 14, 1969 is the official date of the beginning of a military conflict, which has launched 6 days. The reason for the military conflict was the qualifying matches for the world championship between Football teams of El Salvador and Honduras.

Qualifying matches consisted of two matches on the field of each opponent. With the victory of each of the parties to identify the winner, an additional match was appointed, excluding the difference between the balls in the first two games. The first match, passed in the capital of Honduras Tegusigalpa on June 8 and ended with a score of 1: 0 in favor of the owners.

The leaders were attended by the heads of both states, so the teams were laid out for full force. The rivals were essentially equal, in the match the dominant role of one of the teams was very difficult. But, despite this, Roberto Cardon's attacker Roberto Cardon managed to score the ball in recent minutes. Behind this match also observed the fan of the Salvador team, the eighteen-year-old Emilia Balanos, in the city of San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. At the end of the match, Emilia got a father's pistol and fired himself in his heart. The next morning in Salvador, the next issue of the newspaper El Naconal with the title "She did not stand the shame of his country" (thereby filling the oil into the fire). After the match, local fans stated the police about numerous attacks from the fans of the guests team.

"Will not allow different Honduras there to offend their own!" Protests in Salvador, photos from blog, 1969

The retaliatory match took place in the capital of Salvador on June 15. On the night before the match, Honduras players practically remained in the street because of the fire in their hotel. The guests did not sleep with a crash lost to the owners 3: 0. After the game on the streets of the capital, riots began: hundreds of cars were set on fire, some empties were left from the shop windows, local hospitals set the attendance record. Hondurassic fans were beaten, Hondurassic flags burned.

According to Honduras, a response wave of attacks on Salvador residents rolled, including two vice consuls. The unidentified number of Salvadorians died or was injured as a result of attacks, tens of thousands fled from the country. The third match took place at a neutral field in the capital Mexico - Mexico City. The victory at extra time celebrated the Salvador team with a score of 3: 2. Immediately after the match on the streets of the Mexican capital, bloody clashes between the fans of both teams began.

After defeat in the third match, Honduras ripped diplomatic relations with Salvador. At the territory of Honduras began attacks on Salvadorians. The Salvador's government announced a state of emergency and the beginning of the mobilization of reservists. On July 14, Salvador began the fighting, in which he at the first stage was accompanied by success - the army of this country was more numerous and better prepared. However, soon the offensive was slow down, which contributed to the actions of the Honduras Air Force, in turn, exceeding Salvador. The main contribution to the war was the destruction of oil storage facilities, who had deprived the Army of Salvador of the fuel required for further offensive, as well as the transfer of Hondurassic troops to the front with the help of transport aviation.

On July 15, the organization of American states called for the cessation of fire and the conclusion of Salvador troops from Honduras. At first, Salvador ignored these appeals, demanding that Honduras agreed to pay reparations for attacks on Salvador citizens and guaranteed the security of Salvadorers remaining in Honduras. On July 18, an agreement was reached on the cease-fire, but completely combat operations ceased only on July 20.

Practically, both sides lost war. From 60 to 130 thousand Salvadoreans were expelled or fled from Honduras, which led to a economic collapse in some areas. In conflict, about 2,000 people were killed, mostly civilians ( There are estimates - and up to 5000, - approx.). Bilateral trade fully ceased, and the border was closed, which caused damage to both economies.

The war, which did not reveal the winner, became the "fatal" for the rich Salvador. Frozen for ten years, trading relationships with a neighbor, as well as the unpleasut of thousands of people who returned from Honduras, led to the economic crisis and civil war in the 1980s. Curious fact - the Salvador team, who first hit the world championship, did not achieve success, losing all the matches "in the dry", and took the last place in the tournament.

Military conflict that happened between Salvador and Honduras in 1969, it was customary to call "Football War", as the international media believes the reason for the conflict, the team of Honduras Salvador team in the playoff match of the qualifying stage of the World Cup, but is actually a little more difficult.
Both countries at that time were headed by the military who came to power by coup.
We had each other territorial claims regarding borders.
These countries have a common border, Salvador is less than a neighbor, but more economically developed compared to Honduras.Gonduras was less economically developed, but had a lot of free land, it led to the fact that by 1969 about 100,000 ( call the figure and 300t) Salvadaran peasants illegally immigrated to the territory of Honduras, captured empty lands and began to process them, such unauthorized settlers had no rights to Earth, with the exception of their physical presence on it. But as you know a person settled on earth and for a long time, its processing considers it to be her.
This kind of relocation did not remain unnoticed in Honduras and caused discontent among the Hondurass Nationalists ( at that time, "Party of Power"), who believed that the separation of part of the border territories could follow the territorial expansion.
And since since 1967, civil exclisions were observed in Honduras, strikes, the government had to find extreme and blame him in all economic troubles of Honduras.

In January 1969, the Government of Honduras refused to extend the bilateral immigration agreement from 1967, designed to regulate the flow of persons crossing the overall boundary. In April 1969, the Government of Honduras announced its intention to start expulsion of all persons who acquired property without fulfilling legal requirements. The media also contributed to the injection of hysteria in society accusing Salvador's work immigrants that because of them fell wages and increased the unemployment rate in Honduras (in fact it is for Salvaders 100-300T, this is a big amount, for the economy of Honduras it was a drop in sea). By the end of May 1969, dozens of Salvadorians were cruelly killed and tens of thousands began to flow back to the border.
In June 1969, about 60,000 thousand Salvadoran settlers were expelled back, it led to the tension of the situation on the border, where even to shootouts.
In response to this, the Salvador government threatened to release maps where the land captured by immigrants were included in the borders of Salvador, thereby increasing the country size by 1.5 times. Salvador media also connected and began to publish reports on the expelled and condemned Salvadorians as refugees from their lands.


The incident provoked the open military actions and the name giving war, took place in San Salvador in June 1969. During the month, football teams of the two countries should have been held two matches for entering the final part of the 1970 World Cup ( in case, if each team won on one match, the third was appointed). The riots arose and during the first match in Tegucigalpe ( capital of Honduras), and after him, and during the second match ( salvador's response victory), in San Salvador, they have achieved threatening scale. Hondurassic football players and fans were beaten in El Salvador, Hondurassic flags were burned; According to Honduras, a response wave of attacks on Salvador residents rolled, including two vice consuls. The unidentified number of Salvadorians died or was injured as a result of attacks, tens of thousands fled from the country. Emotions were glowed to the limit, in the press of both countries, a real hysterium rose.
June 24 Salvador announced mobilization
June 26, the Government of El Salvador declared an emergency
In response to this on June 27, 1969, immediately after defeat in the third match
(1 match Honduras - Salvador 1: 0,
2 Match Salvador - Honduras 3: 0
3 Match Salvador - Honduras 3: 2
Honduras ripped diplomatic relations with Salvador.
On July 3, the first military incident happened, the crew of the Transport worker C-47 of the Honduran Air Force reported on the attack on them produced from an unknown aircraft, two T-28 "Troyan" were raised to the air, after a while near the border with Salvador, they noticed Piper PA-28 "Cherokee" which left toward Salvador, haunt him not. In the following days of the Honduras Air Force, also noted the violations of airspace, realizing that this exploration of the territory
Honduras Air Force conducts mobilization and starts the operation "Nueva base":
On July 12, Honduras began to concentrate aviation in San Pedro Sula and created a grouping "Northern Command", which coordinated all military operations during the conflict.
In the meantime, most Salvador army launched along the border in the area of \u200b\u200bFonsek Bay and Northern Salvador, preparing the ground for the attack on Honduras.

The forces of the parties were such:
The Salvador's army consisted of three infantry battalions, one cavalry squadron and one artillery battalion, with a total of 4500 people.
Territorial defense forces (National Guard) could provide 30000 people in case of mobilization.
The Salvador Air Force consisted mainly of the old piston machines of American production of the Second World War.
The Commander of the Air Force Major Enrikees still in the spring of 1969 sent agents to the United States in order to receive ( some individuals took advantage of the opportunity to get rid of their "Mustangs") Several P-51 Mustangs and despite the embaring embargo on the export of weapons with complex ways through Haiti, Dominican Republic and individual Caribbean Islands arrived aircraft ( already by the end of the war).
The total forces of Salvador Air Force consisted of 1000 people ( pilots and service personnel) and included 12 fighters "Corsair" (FG-1D), 7 fighters "Mustang", 2 T-6G training fighters "Texan", four Douglas C-47 Skytreine and one Douglas C-54, five aircraft " Sessna "U-17as and two" cessna "180.

The Army of Honduras was about the same in the number of that and Salvadoran, but trained and equipped worse. The successful doctrine of Honduras first of all, all hopes pinned at the Air Force and in this regard, it was also in quantity and quality of aircraft better than Salvador Air Force, pilots trained experienced Instructors from the USA. The total forces of Honduras Air Force consisted of 1200 people and included 17 fighters "Corsair" (9pcs-F4U-5N 8pcs.-F4U-4) 2 SNJ-4 training fighters, three T-6G training fighters "Texan" , 5 light attack aircraft T-28 Troyan, 6 Douglas C-47 SkyTherine and three helicopters.
Honduras had two air bases ( base "Tonkontin" not far from Tegucigalpa and "La Mesa" near San Pedro-Sula) While Salvador is only one.

Salvador General Gerardo Barrios was developed a plan according to which the Honduras Air Force should have been bombing the Tonkontin airfield to destroy the Honduras Air Force forces on Earth. Additional air strikes should have been applied to a number of other Honduras cities. At the same time, five infantry battalions and nine mouth of the National Guard will be deployed in four directions along the border so that it is desirable to quickly capture the main cities of Honduras along the border, preferably before the organization of American states (OAS) can respond to sanctions.


On the evening of July 14, 1969, the Salvador's army began invasion.
Ground troops with two columns of 6 thousand each advanced in the direction of the three Honduran cities of Nueva Ocotepeque, Gracias A Dios and Santa Rosa de Copan. At the same time, the Honduras Airfield was in full force, the attack of the airfield, the identified troops of the Honduradians and Islands in the Fonsek Bay.
At about 18:10, Salvador's C-47 appeared above the take-off airfield of Tonkontin airfield, the crew of the aircraft by hand through the cargo door rolled out 45 kg of bombs and dropped them on the airfield. Other C-47 confused the goal and at that time were bombed around the city of Catacamas. Tonkontin airfield bombings were not accurate and most of the Honduran aircraft were on the basis of "La Mesa" on which the raid was not produced at all. The four Hondura "Corsaard" rose from the airfield tried to intercept the S-47, but they could not do anything because of the dark darkness.
By the end of the day, all aircraft of the Salvador Air Force, except for one returned to the base, the TF-51D aircraft under the command of Captain Benjamin Trabano made an emergency landing on the territory of Guatemala where he remained until the end of the war.
This evening, the command of the Honduras Air Force entered a dispute with the leadership of the country about where to inflict a retaliatory strike, the military leadership of the country was mainly immigrants from infantry, so they insisted in air strikes on the nominated Salvador troops, the Guide for the Air Force insisted that the territory will be most effectively inflicted. Salvador, on industrial facilities and army rear. The infantry command was very disturbed by the fact that Salvador's forces were very successfully attacked by the city of Nueva Ocotepeque, which defended this site, the battalion defended this area of \u200b\u200bmore than 8 km deep by Honduras. After long disputes it was decided to strike on facilities in El Salvador.
Already at 4.18 in the morning, July 15, Douglas S-47 Honduras Air Force, under the command of Captain, Rodolfo Figiloa, dropped 18 bombs for the purpose he considered Salvador Ilopango Airport, however, no falls of bombs near the airfield Salvadoreans did not see. At 4.22, three F4U-5N and one F4U-4, headed by Major Oscar Quiddress, also flew to the Ilopango airfield and caused a rocket blow as a result partially destroyed WFP and completely destroyed one hangar with Mustang. After a few minutes, "Corsairs" make a plaque to the Cutuco port and apply a rocket blow to the warehouse of oil storage, as a result, everything explodes.
Also, the other four "Corsaars" of the Honduras Air Force take place on oil reserves in ACAJUTLA.
Salvador lost up to 20% of their strategic reserves of fuel for this raid.
All this time, nobody interferes with them, all Salvador Air Force attack positions on the border, there are few radars, the anti-air defense is weak. Only one F4U-5n pilot was damaged, the pilot made a forced landing in Guatemala and returned home only after the end of the war.
After the start of hostilities, representatives of the organization of American states (OAS) held a meeting at which they called for the immediate cessation of fire and the conclusion of Salvador's troops from Honduras. Salvador refused and demanded that Honduras brought apologies to pay compensation for attacks on Salvador citizens, and also provided security to Salvador migrants in Honduras.
While Honduras Air Force was entertained on strategic facilities of El Salvador, one "Mustang" and one "Corsair"
Salvador Air Force attacked the useless aerodrome Tonkontin Nim on the interception rose one T-28A,
at first he attacked Mustang, but unsuccessfully as the machine gun jammed, then he switched to "Corsair" and several times hit him as a result of which the plane leaving the smoky trail went towards the border.
In the meantime, despite the success of the raid ( subsequently, the Salvador army began problems with fuel and they were forced to stop the offensive) In Salvador, President of Honduras banned in the future to repeat similar and limited the Air Force with protection and support on its territory.
In the afternoon of July 15, the Douglas of the Air Force Salvador bombed the roads near Nueva Ocotepeque, one FC-1D processed the position of the Honduran troops near Alianza and two FG-1D in the Aramecina region.
Another air battle occurred between the two F4U of the Honduras Air Force and C-47 near Citala as a result of Douglas with a damaged engine flew to the Ilopango airfield and stood there until the end of the war.
A little later, they also chased the Salvador "Mustang", but he ran away from the battle and went towards the border.
At the end of the day for the Honduras Air Force, a successful raid, for the army of Salvador, the capture of the intact runway near the San Marcos Ocotepeque.
On the morning of July 16, Salvador troops were cleared of the Nueva Ocotepeque from the soldiers of Honduras and continued their offensive along the highway to the city of Santa Rosa de Copan with the support of C-47 and two "Mustangs". Two more "Mustang" should have come to support, but they faced at the time of take-off from the Ilopang airfield. For two days of fighting, four Salvador Air Force aircraft were disabled.
The Army of Honduras did not sit back and on July 16, she began to transfer the soldiers from the capital to Santa Rose Decan, through the C-47 under the cover of "Corsaars" and the T-28 was transferred 1000 soldiers with all equipment. Five "Corsaars", two T-6 "Texan", three T-28 and one C-47 were used to attack Salvador troops in the El Amatillo area, continuous air attacks during the day forced Salvadorers to stop the offensive and dig the trenches.
By morning, July 17, 1969, the Army of El Salvador and Honduras stood opposite each other between the cities of Nueva Ocotepeque and Santa Rosa de Copan, air support provided only the Hondura side.
Heavy battles walked at the El Amatillo Front. From Tonkontin Airport, three "Corsaard" was departed at the district, under the command of Major Fernando Soto Enriches, Edgardo Acto, and Francesco Passs to suppress the artillery positions of Salvadorers. On the register of the Pass found that he had jammed a weapon, decided to return to the airfield for correction, there were two Salvadan "Mustang" on the way back and tried to knock, he maneuvered until enriches and fighters in the next short battle returned to Him Enriches knocked one "Mustang" ( pilot Captain Douglas Varela died) Another seeing that the alignment is not in his favor at low height went towards the bay of the Fondon. Later on the position of artillery bombed the C-47.
The death of an experienced pilot was very painful on the Salvador Air Force, their experienced military pilots were very small, and the reservoir or civil pilot was tantamount to the reservoir or civil pilot, it was equivalent to the write-off of the aircraft. It was decided to bring to the piloting of mercenaries, as a result, 5 foreign pilots of them were recruited only by two names of two America Jerry Fred Delarm ( from the beginning of 50s, he worked in Yua by a hired pilot, collaborated with the CIA) And "Red" Gray in the picles, they received not the most flattering feedback from Salvador's pilots.
In the afternoon of July 17, two FG-1D were raised from Ilopango to help Salvadores in the area
El Amatillo, barely appeared in the area, as they immediately encountered two "corsars" again, led by Major Annriches, who were engaged in the assault. In the flexible air combat, the Enrikes plane received several hits in the fuselage and wings, but the Major himself shot down one FG-1D who exploded in the air.
On the same day, another Salvador FG-1D and another experienced pilot, captain Mario Echeverria, was shot down this time as a result of the "friendly fire" above the Bay of Fonzeca.
At the end of the day, Honduranians won another little victory. In the town of San Rafael de Matres, the column of the National Guard Salvador fell into a combined ambush, first there were terrestrial forces, and then two "Corsairs" were treated.
The next day, on July 18, Honduras Air Force inflicted a nalimal blow to Salvador's troops in the town of San Marcos Ocotepeque and Llano Largo.
Representatives of the OAS finally intervened in the conflict, ordered both parties to stop the fire from 22:00 on July 18, 1969, as well as to withdraw Salvador troops from the occupied territories of Honduras. Honduras's authorities were ready to stop the fire and at 21.30 they did it, but the Salvador government refused to fulfill the requirements of the OAS, they were inspired by the success of the first days and prevented the chances to reach Tegusigalp. The battered Air Force, they planned to replenish the family of Mustangs previously ordered in the United States who had to arrive on July 19 in the morning.
Observing the order on the cease-fire of the Honduras Air Force held on July 19 at the airfields.
Salvador Air Force took advantage of situations and unhindered delivered ammunition at the S-47 ammunition at the runway near San Marcos de Ocotepeque. The techniques on Earth feverly re-re-re-equipped the "Mustangs" arrived ( since all of them were "from citizen", then on them immediately began work on the installation of machine guns, sights, bombers and installation of the bombs discharge electrical system). Until the end of the month of active hostilities, it was not conducted, realizing that sooner or later it would have to negotiate ( especially since the OAS declared Salvador aggressor) The Government of Salvador decided not to leave previously seized territories that would be something to bargain in the negotiations.
In response to this, on July 27, the Army of Honduras unexpectedly attacked the five border cities of El Salvador, the battles continued until July 29, when the OAH introduced sanctions against Salvador.
Only in the first half of August, Salvador began to gradually withdraw his troops from the territory of Honduras, the process was completely completed only after 5 months.
The actual acute phase of hostilities lasted only 100 hours, but the state of the war existed between the two countries over the next ten years until a peaceful settlement of the conflict was reached in 1979.
The total losses of the parties amounted to about 2,000 people of civil and military, the economies of both countries were greatly injured, trade was violated and the total boundary of the closed. Most of 60,000 and 130,000 thousand Salvadoreans were expelled or forced to flee from the border areas of Honduras.
This war has another unofficial name "100 hours war."

The material is original, translated and compiled by me from various foreign sources exclusively for this community. Therefore, any reproduction is exclusively with reference to the community.

Ilya Kramnik, Military Observer RIA Novosti.

June 14, 2009 marks forty years from the date of the beginning of one of the most curious military conflicts of the 20th century - "Football War" between Salvador and Honduras, which lasted exactly a week - from July 14 to July 20, 1969. A direct reason for the outbreak of the conflict was the loss of the team of Honduras by the Salvador team in the playoff match the qualifying stage of the World Cup of 1970.

Despite the "non-silent" reason, the conflict had a rather deep reasons. Among them, the issues of demarcation of the state border - Salvador and Honduras challenged certain territories from each other, and trade advantages that had a more developed Salvador in the framework of the organization of the Central American Common Market. In addition, military junta, managed by both countries, saw in search of an external enemy way to distract the population from pressing internal problems.

The escalation of the conflict was due to the "question of settlers" - Salvador's peasants, from 30 to 100 thousand of which (according to different data) lived in the incomplete districts of Honduras. In April 1969, the Honduran government Osvald Aleren stated the intention of the property and send from the country to those who acquired land within the framework of agrarian reform without providing evidence of citizenship. In the media, a campaign was deployed, explaining the growth of unemployment and a decrease in wages by the influx of migrant workers from El Salvador.

At the end of May 1969, from Honduras, migrants laisted lands began to return to Salvador, which sharply increased social tensions in the country. Salvador's leadership began to prepare for the war against a neighbor, seeing the only means to regain the support of the population.

Three meetings of the Salvador and Honduras in Football were held by the catalyst for events in the framework of the qualifying round of the CM-70. The first game held in the capital of Honduras Tegucigalpe on June 8, 1969, won the field owners with a score of 1: 0. After the match, local fans stated the police about numerous attacks from the fans of the guests team.

June 15 at the Stadium in San Salvador, the owners took revenge, defeating the Honduras team 3: 0. According to the rules, to find out the winner, the third match was to take place, which was held in Mexico City. He was won by the Salvador team with a score of 3: 2, however, after the match on the streets of the Mexican capital, bloody clashes between the fans of both teams began.

After defeat in the third match, Honduras ripped diplomatic relations with Salvador. At the territory of Honduras began attacks on Salvadorians. The Government of El Salvador announced a state of emergency and the beginning of the mobilization of reservists, increasing the number of army from 11 to 60 thousand people. Not remained in debt and Honduras, also began to prepare for war. It should be noted that the armed forces of both countries were equipped mainly by outdated American weapons and trained by the American instructors.

On July 14, Salvador began the fighting, in which he at the first stage was accompanied by success - the army of this country was more numerous and better prepared. However, soon the offensive was slow down, which contributed to the actions of the Honduras Air Force, in turn, exceeding Salvador. The main contribution to the war was the destruction of oil storage facilities, who had deprived the Army of Salvador of the fuel required for further offensive, as well as the transfer of Hondurassic troops to the front with the help of transport aviation.

On July 15, the organization of American states called for the cessation of fire and the conclusion of Salvador troops from Honduras. At first, Salvador ignored these appeals, demanding that Honduras agreed to pay reparations for attacks on Salvador citizens and guaranteed the security of Salvadorers remaining in Honduras. On July 18, an agreement was reached on the cease-fire, but completely combat operations ceased only on July 20.

In early August, Salvador troops were removed from Honduras. On this step, Salvador went under the influence of "whip and gingerbread". The whip was the threat of economic sanctions, and the gingerbread is the OAS proposal to accommodate special representatives of Salvador's security controls in Honduras. A peace treaty between the two countries was only ten years later.

There were no special military innovations during the conflict, and could not be, however, a certain interest for Military History lovers "Football War" presents the fact that this is the last conflict time when both participants used the aircraft of World War II.

During the battles, American aircraft were used as P-51 Mustang, F4U4 "Corsair", converted to the bomber transport aircraft DC-3 "Dakota". The only reactive jet plane-T-33, the curriculum of the F-80 SHOOTING STAR of the 1944 sample, which belonged to the Honduras Air Force, did not have weapons, and was used only for intelligence purposes, as well as for the psychological impact on Salvador troops that could not His interception.

The consequences of war were sad for both sides. During the conflict, about 2000 civilians died. About 100,000 Salvador's citizens fled from Honduras. Trade between the countries has ceased, and the border was closed, which caused damage to both economies.

The Central American Common Market has become an organization that exists only on paper.

The Salvador team at the World Championships did not succeed, losing all the matches "in dry," and ranked last in the tournament.
