Food zagratryady

Back in December 1918, the Narcarrod made a proposal to eliminate all the progressants, in addition to the units of the Narkomskaya and the provincial Protections. But a clear ban on all authorities, except for the Narkomskaya, to put up pricing and proper food, was adopted by SNK only on June 29, 1920.

Porers are liquidated in the second half of 1921 after the introduction of NEP.

Barrified detachments Trotsky

The initiative to create barrier detachments at the fronts of the civil war belongs to Trotsky. In the book "Around October", he remembers:

Sharp shelves and detachments, mainly from the decomposed soldiers of the old army, as is known, very poorly crumbled at the first collision with Czechoslovaki.

To overcome this disastrous instability, we need strong barrage troops from the Communists and in general militants, "I said to Lenin before leaving east .-- We must make it fight. If you wait until the man falls like, perhaps will be late.

Of course, it is right, "he answered," I only fear that barrier troops do not show proper hardness. Good Russian man, the decisive measures of the revolutionary terror is missing him. But you need to try.

The news of the attempt on Lenin and about the murder of Uritsky covered me in Sviyazsk. In these tragic days, the revolution experienced an internal fracture. Her "kindness" was separated from her. Party Bulat received his final challenge. The determination increased, and where it is necessary - and mercilessness. On the front political departments hand in hand with barrier detachments and tribunals, the backbone in the loose body of a young army was played. Change did not slow down to affect. We returned Kazan and Simbirsk 7. In Kazan, I received a telegram from the regulatory after the attempted Lenin about the first victories on the Volga.

Trotsky ld Around October. 1924.

During the Great Patriotic War

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

On June 27, 1941, the third department of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR issues Directive No. 35523 on the work of its bodies in wartime. And on October 29, 1944, the order of the People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin Zagratryadiy was disbanded due to a change in the situation at the front. Personal composition replenished rifle units. In it, in particular, was provided:

The organization of mobile control and barrier detachments on the roads, railway nodes, for cleaning forests, etc., allocated by the command with the inclusion of operational employees of the third-government bodies with the tasks:
a) detention of deserters;
b) the detention of the entire suspicious element that penetrated the front line;
c) the preliminary investigation produced by the operational employees of the NGOs of the NGO (1-2 day) bodies with the subsequent transfer of the material together with the detainees.

Order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 00941 dated July 19, 1941, with special divisions and corps, individual riflers were formed, with special army departments - separate small rifle companies, with special front-line sections - separate rifle battalions, equipped with the personnel of the NKVD troops.

Instructions for special departments of the NKVD of the North-Western Front to combat deserters, shorts and panicoers ... § 4
Special division departments, corps, army in the fight against deserters, shorts and panicorates carry out the following activities:
a) organize the barrier service by sending ambushes, posts and doses on military roads, roads of refugees and other ways of movement in order to exclude the possibility of any seepage of military personnel who have left combat positions;
b) carefully check each detainees and redarmeys in order to identify deserters, panties and panicoers who fled from the battlefield;
c) all installed deserters are immediately arrested and conducted a consequence to legend their court of the military tribunal. Corollary to finish within a 12-hour period;
d) all those who retained from the part of the servicemen are organized due (sometimes) and under the command of the proven commanders, accompanied by a representative of the Special Department, are sent to the headquarters of the relevant division;
e) In particularly exceptional cases, when the situation requires decisive measures to immediately restore order at the front, the head of a special department is the right to execute deserters in place. About every such case, the head of the special department is coming to the special department of the army and the front;
e) lead in execution of the sentence of the military tribunal in place, and in the necessary cases before the system;
g) leads quantitative accounting of all detainees and directed and personal accounting of all arrested and convicted;
h) daily coming to the special department of the army and the special department of the front on the number of detainees, arrested, convicted, as well as about the number of commanders transmitted to the commanders, the Red Army and the material part.

From the Directive of the Special Departments of the NKVD of the USSR No. 39212 dated July 28, 1941, on the strengthening of the work of barrier detachments to identify and expose the enemy agent, transferred through the front line:

... One of the serious means to identify the agents of the German intelligence sent to us are organized barrier detachments, which must carefully check all the servicemen without exception, are inorganized into the front-line strip, as well as military personnel, groups, or alone in other parts.
However, the materials are suggested that the work of barrier detachments is not yet sufficiently organized, the test of detainees is carried out superficially, often not by the operational composition, but by military personnel.
In order to identify and merciless destroying the enemy agent in parts of the Red Army, I propose:
1. Strengthen the work of barrier detachments, for which to allocate in the detachments of experienced operational workers. Set, as a rule, that the survey of all without exception is delayed should be made only by the operators.
2. All those who returned from the German captivity, both detained by barrier detachments and identified by agents and other way, arrest and carefully interrogate the circumstances of the captivity and escape or liberation from captivity.
If the investigation will not be released on their involvement in the organs of German intelligence, such persons from custody will be released and sent to the front to other parts by establishing continuous monitoring of them from the parties to the parties and the part of the Commissioner.

Directive of the TGK rate No. 001919 Commander of the Troops of Fronts, Army, Division Commanders, Commander-in-Chief Forces of the South-Western Direction on the creation of barrier detachments in small-scale divisions.
September 12, 1941.
The experience of combating German fascism has shown that in our rifle divisions there are many panic and straight hostile elements, which, at the first Nazi, from the enemy, throw weapons, begin to shout: "We were surrounded!" And fond of other fighters behind them. As a result of such actions of these elements, the division turns into flight, throws the material part and then alone begins to leave the forest. Similar phenomena take place on all fronts. If the commanders and commissars of such divisions were at the height of their task, the panicoirs and hostile elements could not take the top in the division. But the trouble is that we are not so much solid and sustainable commanders and commissars.
In order to prevent the above undesirable phenomena at the front, the bid of the Supreme Command Registration orders:
1. In each rifle division, have a barrage squad from reliable fighters, no more than a battalion (calculated 1 company on the rifle regiment), subordinate to the division commander and having in its disposal other than the usual weapons of movement in the form of trucks and several tanks or armored vehicles.
2. The tasks of the barrier detachment to consider direct assistance to the commendent in maintaining and establishing a solid discipline in the division, suspended the flight of obsessed panic soldiers, without stopping before applying weapons, eliminating the initiators of panic and flight, support for honest and combat elements of division, not subject to panic, but are involved in common flight
3. To oblige special departments and politics of divisions to provide all kinds of assistance to distribution teams and barrier units in strengthening the procedure and discipline of the Division.
4. Creating barrier detachments to finish within five days from the date of receipt of this order.
5. On receipt and execution by the commander of the troops of the fronts and armies to convey.
The rate of the Supreme Command
I. Stalin
B. Shaposhnikov

Stalingrad battle

2. Military Councils of Army and primarily by the commander of the armies:

b) to form within an army 3-5 well-armed barrier detachments (200 people in each), put them in the immediate rear of unstable divisions and oblige them in the case of panic and messy waste of the division parts to shoot at the site of panicoers and panties and those help honest soldiers Divisions to fulfill your duty to the homeland.

As of October 15, 1942, 193 barrier detachments were formed in the Red Army. Of these, the special departments of the Stalingrad Front subordinate to 16, and the Don Front - 25. Zagratryads from August 1 to October 1, 1942

140,755 servicemen who escaped from the advanced front line were detained. From among the detainees:

  • 3,980 people were arrested;
  • 1,189 people are shot;
  • directed to penalty numbers 2,776 people;
  • directed to the penalty battalions of 185 people;
  • returned to their parts and for shipments 131,094 people.

By Don Front 36 109 people detained:

  • 736 people were arrested;
  • 433 people are shot;
  • directed to the penalty numbers 1,056 people;
  • directed to the penalty battalions of 33 people;
  • returned to its parts and for forwarding paragraphs 32 933 people.

By Stalingrad Front 15 649 people detained:

  • 244 people were arrested;
  • 278 people are shot;
  • directed to penalty numbers 218 people;
  • directed to penal battalions of 42 people;
  • returned to its parts and for reinforcements 14,833 people.

Certificate OO NKVD STF in the UEO of the NKVD of the USSR on the activities of Barrifying detachments of the Stalingrad and Don Fronts not earlier than 15 October 1942

Practice and use results

Army General Hero of the Soviet Union P. N. Leschenko:

Yes, there were barrier detachments. But I do not know that any of them shoot in your own, at least on our front site. Already now I requested archival documents on this score, there were no such documents. Zagratryadiy were in removal from the advanced, covered the troops from the rear from the saboteurs and the enemy landing, detained deserters, who, unfortunately, were; They put order on the crossing, directed the soldiers who beat off from their divisions to the national teams. I will say more, the front received replenishment, naturally, nonstunted, as they say, gunpowder did not snuff, and barrier detachments, which consisted exclusively from soldiers already fired, the most persistent and courageous, were like a reliable and strong senior shoulder. It happened often and so that the progroms turned out to be an eye on the eyes with the same German tanks, chains of German car gunners and in battles carried large losses. This is a fact irrefutable.

The official letter addressed in October 1941 by the People's Commissar of the USSR L. P. Beria Deputy Head of Special Departments of the NKVD of the USSR, State Security Commissioner 3 rank Solomon Milstein:

From the beginning of the war to the 10th of October, this year (1941) Special Departments of the NKVD and the Barrigation Troops of the NKVD troops on the protection of the rear were detained 65,7364 military personnel, who were detained from their parts and fled from the front. 25878 people were arrested from among the detainees, the remaining 632486 people are formed in the part and are re-directed to the front.

Among the arrested:

  • spies - 1505;
  • saboteurs - 308;
  • traitors - 2621;
  • panties and panickers - 2643;
  • promuls of provocative rumors - 3987;
  • others - 4371.
  • Total - 25,878.
According to the decisions of special departments, 10,201 people are shot by the sentences of military tribunals. Of these, they are shot in front of the building - 3321 people

For a thorough check of the soldiers of the Red Army, who were in captivity or surrounded by the enemy, the decision of GKO No. 1069rs dated December 27, 1941, army team-forwarding points were created in each army and specially organized NKVD. In 1941-1942, 27 specialists were created, but in connection with the verification and sending proven military personnel to the front, they were gradually eliminated (by the beginning of 1943, only 7 specialists operated). According to official data, in 1942, 177,081 former prisoners of war and surripes were received in Svetallager. After checking the special departments of the NKVD, 150,521 people were transferred to the Red Army.

Barrified detachments were abolished in the fall of 1944.

Estimates and opinions

Of course, not all went to the attack, although most. One hidden in the pocket, shook in the ground. There was a political officer in the main role: Tyach Nagan in the faces, he drove timid forward ... There were deserters. These were caught and immediately shot before the ranking, so that others were no strong ... The punitive organs worked with us perfectly. And this is also in our best traditions. Skuratov from Malutes to Beria in their ranks there were always professionals, and there were always many wishing to devote themselves to this noble and necessary every state. In peacetime, this profession is easier and more interesting than the breadthup or work at the machine. And the lady more, and the power over others is complete. And in the war it is not necessary to substitute your head under the bullets, just watch that others do it properly.

The troops walked into the attack movable by horror. There was a terrible meeting with the Germans, with their machine guns and tanks, fiery grinding bombing and artillery shelling. No less horror caused an inexorable threat to the execution. To keep in obedience an amorphous mass of poorly trained soldiers, executions were held before the fight. They have grabbed any slander or those who bother something, or random deserters, which have always been enough. Divided the letter "P" and without conversations were counted unfortunate. This prophylactic politicality had a consequence of fear of the NKVD and the commissars - more than before the Germans. And in the offensive, if you turn back, you will get a bullet from the progress. The fear forced the soldiers to go to death. Our wise party, head and organizer of our victories counted on it. Shot, of course, after unsuccessful battle. And it happened and so that the plotters mowed from machine guns receding without the order shelves. Hence the combat capability of our valiant troops.

Member of war Levin Mikhail Borisovich:

The order is extremely cruel, terrible inherently, but to be honest - in my opinion, he was needed ...

Many of these orders "sled", made his senses to come back ...

And about the plotters - then I just once ranked at the front with their "activities". In one of the battles in the Kuban, we trembled and ran the right flank, so the fireman opened the fire, where he was in time, where it was right on the running ... After that, I never seen the advanced prickly mining. If a critical situation arose in the battle, then in the rifle of the regiment, the function of the procrathots - stop the drapes in a panic - performed a backup rifle company or the shelf company car guns.

- Book of memory. - Infantrymen. Levin Mikhail Borisovich. Hero of the Second World War. I remember the project

Member of war A. Dergayev:

Now they talk a lot about the progroms. We stood in the near rear. Directly for infantry, but I have not seen them. That is, they probably somewhere were, perhaps even further for us. But we did not come across. A few years ago, we invited us to the Rosenbaum concert in the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. He sings a song in which such words: "... We dug the trench in full growth. The German hits us right in the forehead, and behind the plugger ... ". I sat on the balcony and did not hold down and shouting: "Shame! A shame!" And the whole of the public swallowed. I say in the break: "They mock you, and you are silent." He and now these songs sings. In general, both women we at the front have not seen and the NKVD.

One of the most terrible myths of World War II is associated with the existence in the Red Army of Podgotranschanges. Often in modern TV series about war you can see the scenes with gloomy personalities in the blue caps of the NKVD troops, shot from the machine guns of wounded fighters coming out of battle. Showing it, the authors take a great sin on the soul. No one from researchers managed to find a single fact in the archives in confirmation of this.

What was?

Barrifying detachments appeared in the Red Army from the first days of the war. Such formations were created by military counterintelligence in the face first of the 3rd departments of the NGO of the USSR, and from July 17, 1941 - the management of special departments of the NKVD of the USSR and subordinate bodies in the troops.

As the main tasks of special departments for the period of the war by the decision of the State Defense Committee, the "decisive struggle with espionage and betrayal in the structures of the Red Army and the elimination of desertion in directly the front-line band was determined. They received the right arrest of deserters, and in the necessary cases and executed them in place.

To ensure operational activities in special departments in accordance with the order of the People's Commissar of the Interior L.P. Beria by July 25, 1941 were formed: in divisions and corps - separate small rifle plates, in the armies - separate small rifle companies, in fronts - separate rifle battalions. Using them, special departments organized a barrier service, exposing ambushes, posts and doses on the roads, ways of refugees and other communications. Each detainees commander, red-Armenian, the redflower was checked. If he was recognized by the battle on the battlefield, he was subject to immediate arrest, and it began to be operational (no more than 12-hour) consequence for legend to the court of the military tribunal as a deserter. Special departments were charged with the obligation to enforce the sentences of military tribunals, including in order. In "Especially exceptional cases, when the situation requires decisive measures to immediately restore order at the front," the head of the special department had the right to shoot deserters on the spot, which was supposed to be immediately conveyed to the special department of the army and the front (fleet). Terms of servicemen who have retired from the part on an objective reason are organized, accompanied by a representative of a special department sent to the headquarters of the nearest division.

The stream of military personnel, who retired from their parts in a kaleidoscope of battles, when leaving numerous environments, and even deliberately deserted, was huge. Only from the beginning of the war and on October 10, 1941, operational departments of special departments and barrier detachments of the NKVD troops detained more than 650 thousand fighters and commanders. In total, the German agent was easily dissolved. So, in the winter-spring-in-spring, 1942, a group of the Lazutchikov had a task to physically eliminate the command of Western and Kalinin fronts, including the commander of the generals of G. K. Zhukov and I.S. Konev.

Special departments with difficulty coped with this amount of affairs. The situation demanded the creation of special parts that would be directly involved in the prevention of unauthorized waste of troops from the positions occupied, the return of the sentenced servicemen in their parts and divisions and deserted deserters.

The first initiative of this kind showed a military command. After turning the commander of the Bryansk Front of Lieutenant General A.I. Eremenko to Stalin On September 5, 1941, he was allowed to create barrier detachments in the "unstable" divisions, where there were cases of leaving combat positions without an order. A week later, this practice was spreading on the Rifle Divisions of the Red Army.

These barrier troops (numerical to the battalion) had no attitude towards the NKVD troops, they acted as part of the RKKA rifle divisions, were completed at the expense of their personnel and submitted to their commanders. At the same time, along with them there were magnitude, formed by either by the military special departments, or the territorial bodies of the NKVD. A characteristic example is a barrier detachments formed in October 1941 of the NKVD of the USSR, which, according to the GKO decree, took a special protection area adjacent to Moscow, from the west and south of Kalinin - Rzhev - Mozhaisk - Tula - Kolomna - Kashira. The first results have shown how necessary these measures were. Only in two weeks from October 15 to October 28, 1941, more than 75 thousand soldiers were detained in the Moscow zone.

From the very beginning, barrier formations, regardless of their departmental subordination, were not focused on the leadership of the Claims and arrests. Meanwhile, today in the press you have to deal with similar accusations; Zagradotardovs are sometimes called punishers. But here are the numbers. Of the more than 650 thousand military personnel detained by October 10, 1941, about 26 thousand people were arrested after the inspection, among which special departments were numerical: spies - 1505, diversans - 308, traitors - 2621, panties and panickers - 2643, Deserters - 8772, provisions of provocative rumors - 3987, Self-Wershits - 1671, others - 4371 people. 10201 people were shot, including in front of the building - 3321 people. The overwhelming number is more than 632 thousand people, i.e. More than 96%, were returned to the front.

As the front line stabilized, the activities of the barrier formations turned out to be collapsed. The new impetus was given to her order No. 227.

Created in accordance with it plotteries of up to 200 people consisted of fighters and commanders of the Red Army, nor the form nor weapons differ from the rest of the RKKE servicemen. Each of them had the status of a separate military unit and submitted not to the command of the division, for whose combat orders was located, and the command of the army through the NKVD. Leaded a squad of the state security officer.

In total by October 15, 1942, 193 barrier detachments were functioning in parts of the army. First of all, the Stalin's order was carried out, of course, on the southern flank of the Soviet-German front. Almost every fifth detachment - 41 units - were formed in the Stalingrad direction.

Initially, in accordance with the requirements of the Commissar of Defense on Barrifying Tits, it was obliged to prevent the unauthorized waste of linear parts. However, in practice, the circle of combat affairs, which they did, turned out to be wider.

"Barrifying detachments," said the army general P. N. Leschenko, who was on the publication of the order No. 227, the deputy chief of the headquarters of the 60th Army, was to remove from the advanced, covered troops from the rear from the saboteurs and the enemy landing, detained deserters, which Unfortunately, were; They guided order on crossings, directed by the soldiers who were fighting off their units. "

As many participants in the war are evidenced, the progroms existed not everywhere. According to Marshal of the Soviet Union, D. T. Jazova, they were generally absent on a number of fronts operating in the North and North-West directions.

The critics and versions are not maintained, as if plotters "Karaulili" penalty parts. The company commander of the 8th separate penalty battalion of the 1st Belorussian front Colonel in resignation A. V. Pultsyn, who fought from 1943 to the victory itself, claims: "For our battalion, under no circumstances there were no progressants, and others were not applied. Easy measures. It just never had such a need for it. "

Famous Writer Hero of the Soviet Union V.V. Karpov, who fought in the 45th separate penalty number at the Kalininsky front, also denies the presence of plunders for combat orders of their part.

Really, the appendices of the army progress train were located at a distance of 1.5-2 km from the advanced, intercepting communications in the nearest rear. They did not specialize in the flocks, but checked and detained everyone, whose stay outside the military unit caused suspicion.

Did the boiling orders apply the weapons to prevent unauthorized waste of linear parts from occupied positions? This aspect of their combat activities is sometimes highlighted extremely speculatively.

According to the documents, it can be seen how the combat practice of barrier detachments was seen in one of the most stressful periods of the war, in the summer - in the summer of 1942. From August 1 (moment of formation) on October 15, 140755 soldiers were detained, "escaped from the advanced front." Of these: arrested - 3980, shot - 1189, directed to the penalty numbers - 2776, in the penalty battalions - 185, returned to their parts and for forwarding points the overwhelming number of detainees is 13,1094. The above statistics show that to fight further without any defeat in the rights of the opportunity, the ability of the absolute majority of military personnel, before this reason for various reasons left the best - more than 91%.

As for the criminals, they used the most severe measures. It concerned deserters, reinstaters, imaginary patients, self-awakers. Began - and shot before the rank. But the decision to enforce this extreme measure was taken not by the progress of the progress draw, but the military tribunal of divisions (not lower) or, in certain, pre-agreed cases, the head of the special department of the army.

In exceptional situations, the fighters of barrier detachments could open fire over the heads of retreating. We admit that individual cases of shooting in people in the fear of the battle could take place: fighters and commanders of plotters in a complex setting could have changed exposure. But to argue that there was such a daily practice, there is no reason. Panties and panickers shot in an individual order. Karaly, as a rule, only the initiators of panic and escape.

We give several characteristic examples from the battle history on the Volga. On September 14, 1942, the enemy made an offensive against the parts of the 399th rifle division of the 62nd Army. When the fighters and commanders of the 396th and 472th rifle regiments began to move in panic, the head of the progress of the Junior Lieutenant of the State Security of Elaman ordered his detachment to open fire over the heads of retreating. This forced the personnel to stop, and after two hours the shelves took the old line of defense.

On October 15, in the region of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, the enemy managed to go to the Volga and cut off from the main forces of the 62nd army the remains of the 112nd Rifle Division, as well as three (115, 124 and 149th) of individual shooting brigades. Managing a panic, a number of servicemen, including commanders of various degrees, tried to throw their parts and to cross the eastern coast of the Volga under different pretexts. To prevent this, the operational group under the guidance of the Senior Opera Compact Lieutenant of the State Security Ignatenko, created by the Special Department of the 62nd Army, put the barrier. For 15 days, it was detained and returned to the battlefield to 800 people of ordinary and team composition, 15 panickers, panties and deserters were shot before the system. Similarly, progroms and later acted.

Here to sign the flutters, the divisions and parts, which begged backwards, to intervene in the course of the battle in order to make a fracture in it, progrom, as evidenced by the documents, had to repeatedly. The replenishment arriving at the front was naturally unintelligent, and in this situation, barrier detachments formed from persistent, fired, with a strong front handing of commanders and fighters, substituted with linear parts reliable shoulder.

Thus, during the defense of Stalingrad on August 29, 1942, the headquarters of the 29th rifle division of the 64th Army were surrounded by the enemy tanks. The progress rather was not only stopped by the troops of the servicemen and returned them to previously occupyed defense, but he himself entered into battle. The enemy was discarded.

September 13, when the 112nd Rifle Division under the pressure of the enemy moved from the bope occupied, the defense took the progress of the 62nd Army under the command of the Lieutenant State Security of the whip. For a few days, the fighters and the commander of the detachment reflected attacks of enemy machine gunners, until the sieved parts were stood in the defense. So it was on other sites of the Soviet-German front.

With a fracture in a situation that came after the victory near Stalingrad, the participation of barrier formations in battles was increasingly turned out to be not only spontaneous, dictated by a dynamically changing situation, but also the result of a predetermined command decision. Commandarms tried to use the detachments left without the "work" with the maximum benefit of cases that are not related to the barrier service.

The facts of this kind in mid-October 1942 reported to Moscow Major State Security V.M. Kazakevich. For example, on the Voronezh front by order of the Military Council of the 6th Army, the 174th rifle division were granted two barrier detachments and entered into battle. As a result, they lost up to 70% of the personnel, the remaining fighters were transferred to the replenishment of the named division, and the detachments had to be disbanded. As the linear part used the magnitude of the 29th Army of the Western Front Commander of the 246th Rifle Division, in whose operational submission was a detachment. Taking part in one of the attacks, a detachment of 118 personnel has lost 109 people killed and wounded, and therefore he had to form a new one.

The causes of objections from special departments are understandable. But, it seems, it is not by chance that from the very beginning, barrier detachments were subordinated to the army command, and not the bodies of military counterintelligence. The defense drug definition, it certainly meant that barrier formations will and should be used not only as a barrier for retreating parts, but also as the most important reserve for directing hostilities.

As the position is changed at the fronts, with the transition to the Red Army of the Strategic Initiative and the beginning of the mass expulsion of the occupiers from the territory of the USSR, the need for prickly stages began to decline dramatically. Order "Neither step back!" Finally lost its former value. On October 29, 1944, Stalin issued an order in which it was recognized that "in connection with the change in the overall situation on the fronts, the need for further maintenance of barrier detachments was disappeared." By November 15, 1944, they were disbanded, and the personnel of the detachments was aimed at replenishing rifle divisions.

Thus, the barrier troops not only performed as an asshole, which pretended to penetrate the rear of deserters, panickers, the German agents, not only returned to the advanced sentences from their parts of military personnel, but also the direct battle against the enemy themselves, making a contribution to the achievement of victory over Fascist Germany.

Soviet partisans are an integral part of the anti-fascist movement of the Soviet people who fought the methods of the partisan war with Germany and its allies at the temporary occupied territories of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

The Communist Party from the first days of the war gave the partisan movement targeted and organized. In the SCA Directive of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of June 29, 1941, it was necessary: \u200b\u200b"in the enemy areas to create partisan detachments and sabotage groups to combat the union of the enemy army, to incite the partisan war everywhere and everywhere, for the explosion of bridges, roads, damage telephone and telegraph communications, arson of warehouses, etc. ". The main purpose of the partisan war was to underminate the front in the German rear - a violation of communication and communications, the work of his automotive and railway communication set out in

Decree of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) of July 18, 1941 "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops."

Considering the deployment of the partisan movement by one of the most important conditions for the defeat of the fascist invaders, the Central Committee of the CSP (b) obliging the Central Committee of the Communities, the regional and regional party committees to lead the organization of the partisan struggle. For leadership, partisan masses in captured areas were offered to allocate experienced, combat, to the end of the devotees and tested in the case of comrades. The struggle of Soviet patriots was headed by 565 secretaries of the Commands, the towns and regional parties, the Chairman of the regional, urban and district executive committees of the working people, 104 Regional Commander Secretary, the City Mountain and Ryakoma Komsomol, as well as hundreds of other managers. Already in 1941, the struggle of Soviet people in the rear of the enemy was led by 18 underground committees, more than 260 surroundings, sites, district schools and other underground organizations and groups in which 65,500 communists were numbered.

In the deployment of the partisan movement, the 4th Office of the NKVD of the USSR under the guidance of P. Sudplatov was played with an important role. He was subject to a separate motorized rifle team of special purpose of the NKVD of the USSR from the composition of which the intelligence and sabotage detachments were formed, thrown into the enemy rear. As a rule, they turned into large partisan detachments into large partisan detachments. By the end of 1941, more than 2,000 partisan detachments and sabotage groups operated on the territory occupied by the enemy, the total number of over 90,000 partisans. In order to coordinate the combat activities of the partisans and the organization of their interaction with the troops of the Red Army, special bodies were created.

P.A. Sudopolov

The bright example of the actions of the Special Purpose Groups was the destruction of the headquarters of the 59th division of the Wehrmacht, together with the head of the garrison of Kharkov, Lieutenant General Georg von Brown. Mansion at ul. Dzerzhinsky D.N. 17 was mined by the Radio Fugas Group under the command of I.G. Starinov and blown over a radio signal in October 1941. Lieutenant Bainecker was also destroyed by Mina . IG Starins

Mines and unused Fugasy designs I.G. Starinov was widely used for sabotage operations during the Second World War.

Radio-controlled Mina I.G. Starinov

For the leadership of the partisan war, republican, regional and regional headquarters of the partisan movement were created. They were headed by the secretaries or members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union Republics, the Oritrikov and Commander: Ukrainian headquarters - so. Strance, Belorussky - P.Z. Kalinin, Lithuanian - A.Yu. SNCHKUS, LATVIY - A.K. Spranis, Estonian - N.T. Karotamm, Karelian - S.Ya. Verchinin, Leningradsky - M.N. Nikitin. ORLINSK OBDA WCP (b) headed - A.P. Matveyev, Smolensky - D.M. Popov, Krasnodar - P.I. Seleznev, Stavropolsky - M.A. Suslov, Crimean - V.S.Bulatov. A great contribution to the organization of the partisan war of VLKSM. The composition of its governing bodies in the occupied territory were M.V. Zimyinin, K.T. Mazurov, P.M. Mashers and others.

The GKO Resolution dated May 30, 1942 at the rate of VGC was organized by the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (CCPD, Head of Staff - Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) Belarusian PK Ponomarenko).

The events conducted to significantly improve the leadership of partisan detachments, the supply of their necessary material means, to ensure a clearer interaction of partisans with the Red Army.

On the partisan airfield.

Z. and the time of its existence of CCHTP sent 59960 rifles and carbins into partisan detachments, 34320 machines, 4210 hand-carrying machine guns, 2556 anti-tank guns, 2184 50-mm and 82 mm mortars, 539570 hand-made anti-personnel and anti-tank grenades, a large number of ammunition, explosives, medicines, Food and other necessary property. The central and republican schools of the partisan movement prepared and sent more than 22,000 different specialists in the opponent rear, they are 75% of demolitions, 9% of the organizers of the underground and partisan movement, 8% of radioists, 7% of the intelligence officers.

The main organizational and combat unit of the partisan forces was a detachment that usually consisted of departments, platforms and a mouth, numbering several dozen people, and later - up to 200 and more fighters. During the war, many detachments were combined into partisan brigades and partisan divisions with a number of up to several thousand fighters. In service with light weapons (as a Soviet and trophy), but many detachments and compounds have a mortar, and some artillery. All persons who join partisan formations took partisan oath, in detachments as a rule, a strict military discipline was established. The detachments created party and Komsomol organizations. The actions of the partisans were combined with other forms of the nationwide struggle in the rear of the enemy - the actions of the underground workers in the cities and settlements, sabotage at enterprises and transport, disruption of political and military activities carried out by the enemy.

In the headquarters of the partisan brigade

Parisan group

Partizan with automatic

Physico-geographical conditions influenced the forms of the organization of the partisan forces and methods of their actions. Extensive forests, swamps, mountains were the main areas of the Basery of the partisan forces. Here were partisan edges and zones where various ways of struggle could be widely applied, including open battles with the enemy. In the steppe areas, large compounds successfully acted only during the raids. Constantly small detachments and groups were usually avoided open clashes with the enemy and caused damage to him mainly by sabotage.

The following elements can be distinguished in the tactics of partisan actions:

Sabotage activities, destruction of the infrastructure of the enemy in any form (rail war, the destruction of communication lines, high-voltage lines, the destruction of bridges, water supply pipes, etc.);

Intelligence activities, including agents;

Political activities and Bolshevik propaganda;

The destruction of the live strength and technology of fascists;

Elimination of collaborators and heads of the Nazi administration;

Restoration and preservation of elements of Soviet power in the occupied territory;

Mobilization of the combat-ready population remaining in the occupied territories, and the union of the victorious military units.

V.Z. Korzh

On June 28, 1941, the first battle of the partisan squad under the command of V.Z. Korzh. For the protection of the city of Pinsk from the northern side, Pinsk - Logoshin put the partisan group. At the ambush by the partisan detachment, which was commanded by the korzh, 2 German tanks with motorcyclists appeared. It was the intelligence of the 293rd infantry division of the Wehrmacht. The partisans opened fire and destroyed one tank. During the battle, the guerrillas captured two Nazis. It was the first partisan battle of the first partisan detachment in the history of the Great Patriotic War!

On July 4, 1941, Korzh met in 4 km from Pinsk with a cavalry squadron of Germans. The partisans closely submitted the Germans and opened the exact fire. Dozens of fascist cavalurists have fallen on the battlefield. In total by June 1944, the Pin partisan compound under the command of V.Z Korzh in the battles defeated 60 German garrisons in the battles, put up 478 railway echelons, blew 62 J.D. The bridge, destroyed 86 tanks, 29 guns, failed 519 km of communication lines. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 15, 1944, for the exemplary execution of the tasks of the command in the fight against the German-fascist invaders in the rear of the enemy and the courage and heroism of Vasily Zakharovich, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union with a sentence of Star "for № 4448.

In August 1941, 231 partisan detachments operated on the territory of Belarus. Heads of the Belarusian Partisan Detachment

"Red October" - Commander Fedor Pavlovsky and Commissioner Tikhon Papers - On August 6, 1941, the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded the first of the partisans.

In the Bryansk region, the Soviet partisans controlled extensive territories in the German rear. In the summer of 1942, they actually carried out the control of the territory of 14,000 square kilometers. The Bryansk Partisan Republic was formed.

Parisan ambushes

In the second period of the Second World War (autumn 1942 - the end of 1943) expanded the partisan movement in the deep rear of the enemy. Transferring basing from the Bryansk forests to the West, the partisan compounds were forced the River River, Coolant, Dnieper, Pripyat and began to strike on the most important communications of the enemy in his rear. The guerrilla strikes were huge help of the Red Army, distracting large forces of the fascists. In the midst of the Stalingrad battle of 1942-1943, the action of partisan detachments and compounds were largely torn off to the front of enemy reserves and military equipment. The actions of the partisans were so effective that the German fascist command threw against them in the summer and in the fall of 1942 144 police battalions, 27 police regiments, 8 infantry regiments, 10 security police and punitive distributions of the SS, 2 security corps, 72 special parts, up to 15 infantry German and 5 infantry divisions of their satellites, weakening their strength at the front. Despite this, the partisans managed to organize more than 3000 recesses of enemy echelons during this period, 3,500 railway and highway bridges blew up, destroyed 15,000 cars, about 900 databases and warehouses with ammunition and weapons, up to 1,200 tanks, 467 aircraft, 378 guns.

Punliars and policemen

Partizansky Krai.

partisans in campaign

By the end of the summer of 1942, the partisan movement was a significant force, the organizational work was completed. The total number of partisans amounted to 200,000 people. In August 1942, the most famous of the partisan commanders were caused to Moscow to participate in the general meeting.

Commanders of partisan compounds: M.I. Duka, M.P. Voloshin, D.V. Eleutin, S.A. Kovpak, A.N. Saburov

(from left to right)

Thanks to the efforts of the Soviet leadership, the partisan movement turned into a carefully organized, well-managed military and united military and political force. Head of the Central Staff of the Partisan Movement at the rate of Lieutenant General P.K. Ponomarenko became a member of the General StaffRed Army.

PC. Ponomarenko

CSTP - Left PK Ponomarenko

The partisan detachments operating in the front-line strip were enrolled in direct submission of the command of the relevant army, which occupied this section of the front. The detachments operating in the deep rear of the German troops subordinate to the headquarters in Moscow. The officer and ordinary composition of the regular army went to the partisan parts as instructors for the training of specialists.

guerrilla Control Structure

In August - September 1943, according to the TSSPD 541 plan, the squad of Russians, Ukrainian and Belarusian partisans simultaneously took part in the first operation to destroy the enemy railway communications in"Rail war."

The purpose of the operation was to disorganize the operation of railway to the mass and simultaneous destruction of rails. Transport, than to disrupt the supply of German troops, evacuation and regrouping and thus assist the Red Army at the end of the defeat of the enemy in the Kursk battle of 1943 and deploying a common offensive on the Soviet-German front. The leadership of the "Rail War" carried out CCTP at the rate of VGK. The plan envisaged to destroy 200,000 rails in the rear districts of the Army Groups and North. To perform the operation, 167 partisan detachments of Belarus, Leningrad, Kalininskaya, Smolensk, Oryol regions of up to 100,000 people were attracted.

Operations preceded careful preparation. Students of the railway were scheduled to destroy the partisan compounds and detachments. Only from June 15 to July 1, 1943, the aircraft on the partisan bases was abandoned by 150 tales of rolling checkers of a special profile, 156,000 m Bikfordov cord, 28000 and hemp wick, 595,000 kapsules detonators, 35,000 fuses, a lot of weapons, ammunition and medicines. Instructors - Minorians were sent to the partisan detachments.

meniating J.D. Loves

The "Rail War" began on the night of August 3, just at that time, the enemy's code was forced to intensively maneuver with his reserves in connection with the discovered counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops and the overlooking it in the overall attack throughout the front. For one night, more than 42,000 rails were blocked in the depth of the huge territory in 1000 km on the front and from the front line to Western borders of the USSR. Simultaneously with the holding of a "rail war", active actions on the communications of the enemy were launched by partisans of Ukraine, which, according to the plan for the spring-summer period, 1943 was the task of paralyzing the work of the 26 largest railway. knots in the rear of the Army Group "South", including Shepetovsky, Kovel, Zdolbunovsky, Korostensky, Sarnensky.

attack on the railway station

In the following days, the partisans in the operation were even more activated. By September 15, 215,000 rails were destroyed, which was 1342 km of a single-mounted railway. Ways. On some j.d. The road movement was detained by 3-15 days, and Magistral Mogilev-Krichev, Polotsk - Dvinsk, Mogilev-Gulobin did not work during August 1943. Only Belarusian partisans during the operation undermined 836 military echelons, including 3 armored tickets, 690Parovozov, 6343 wagons and platforms, 18 villages, destroyed 184 railways. The bridge and 556 bridges on the ground and highway roads, destroyed 119 tanks and 1429 cars, defeated 44 German garrisons. The experience of the "Rail War" was used by the headquarters of the partisan movement in the autumn-winter period of 1943/1944 in the operations "Concert" and in the summer of 1944 upon the occurrence of the Red Army in Belarus.

exploded zh.d. structure

The operation "Concert" was conducted by Soviet partisans from September 19 to the end of October 1943. The goal of the operation - the massive conclusion of large areas of railways to make it difficult for the operational transport of the German fascist troops; was a continuation of the operation "Rail War"; It was conducted according to the TSSPD plan at the rate of VGK and was closely related to the upcoming onset of Soviet troops at the Smolensk and Gomel directions and the battle for the Dnieper. 293 partisan compounds and detachments of Belarus, Baltic States, Karelia, Crimea, Leningrad and Kalinin oblasts were attracted to the operation; only over 120,000 partisans; It was envisaged to undermine more than 2,72000 rails. In Belarus, 90,000 partisans were attracted to the operation; They had to undermine 140,000 rails. CCHPA assumed to abandon the partisans of Belarus 120 tons and other goods, Kalininsky and Leningrad partisans - at 20 tons. In view of sharply deteriorated meteors, only 50% of the planned partisans were transferred to the beginning of the operation, and therefore, mass sabotage was decided to start on September 25. However, part of the partisan detachments that have come to the former orders to the original frontiers, could no longer take into account changes in the periods of operation and began to implement it on September 19. On the night of September 25, widespread operations were produced"Concert", covering at the front of 900 km and in a depth of 400 km. The partisans of Belarus on the night of September 19 beat the 19903 rail and on the night of September 25 another 15809 rail. As a result, 148557 rails were undermined. The operation "Concert" has intensified the struggle of the Soviet people against the German-fascist invaders in the occupied territories. In the course of it intensified the influx of the local population in the partisan detachments.

Operation Partizansky "Concert"

An important form of guerrilla actions was the raids of partisan formations on the rear of the fascist invaders. The main goal of these raids was the increase in the scope and activity of the popular resistance to the occupiers in new areas, as well as strikes on a large railway. Nodes and important military-industrial facilities of the enemy, intelligence, the provision of fraternal assistance to the peoples of neighboring countries in their liberation struggle against fascism. Only on the instructions of the headquarters of the partisan movement were made more than 40 raids, in which over 100 major partisan formations participated. In 1944, 7 compounds and 26 separate large detachments of Soviet partisans were operating in the occupied territory of Poland, 20 compounds and detachments in Czechoslovakia. The raid of partisan formations under the command of V.A. was greatly influenced on the swap of partisan struggle and increasing its effectiveness. Andreeva, I.N. Banova, p.p. Verchigory, A.V. Hermann, S.V. Grishina, F.F. Cabbage, V.A. Carasev, S.A. Kovpaka, V.I. Kozlova, V.Z. Korzh, M.I. Naumova, N.A. Prokopuyuk, V.V. Razumova, A.N. Saburov, V.P. Samson, A.F. Fedorova, A.K. Phlegontova, V.P. Chepiga, M.I. Shukayev, etc.

Putivl partisan detachment (commander S.A. Kovpovk, Commissioner S.V. Rudnev, Head of Staff G.Ya. Bazima), operating in the occupied territory of several regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus in 1941-1944, was created on October 18, 1941 In the Spawska Forest of the Sumy region. The first weeks of the occupation of the troops of the Kovpak and Rudnev with a number of two or three dozen people acted independently and did not have the connection between themselves. By the beginning of the fall, Rudnev on the first diversions of the Kovpak came out on his footprint, met him and offered to merge both squads. Already on October 19-20, 1941, the detachment reflected the offensive of the battalion of punishers with 5 tanks, November 18-19 - the second attack of punishers, and on December 1, he broke through the ring of the blockade around the decaded forest and made the first raid to the Hinelian forests. By this time, the combined detachment rose up to 500 people.

Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak

Semen Vasilyevich Rudnev

In February 1942, a detachment S.A. The Kovpak, transformed into a Sumy partisan compound (the combination of partisan detachments of the Sumy region), returned to the Spoonish forest and made a number of raids, as a result of which in the northern regions of the Sumy region and on the adjacent territory of the RSFSR and the BSSR, an extensive partisan region was created. On its territory, by the summer of 1942, 24 detachments and 127 groups were operating (about 18,000 partisans).

square on the partisan base

Interior apparel

In the Sumy partisan compound included four detachments: Putivlysky, Glukhovsky, Shelygin and Krolevetsky (by the names of the regions of the Sumy region, where they were organized). For conspiracy, the connection was called the military unit 00117, and the squads are battalions. Historically, the detachments had an unequal number. As of January 1943, during the basing in Polesie, the first battalion(Putivly detachment) has up to 800 partisans, the remaining three is 250-300 partisans. The first battalion consisted of ten mouth, the rest - 3-4 companies. The company did not arise immediately, but were formed gradually as partisan groups, and often occurred by territorial sign. Gradually, with departure from native places, the groups grew into the company and acquired a new character. During the raid, the company was distributed no longer on the territorial sign, but by military expediency. So in the first battalion there were several rifle mouths, two companies of car guns, two types of heavy weapons (with 45-mm anti-tank guns, machine guns, battalion mortars), scatching, mineros company, platoon of sapins, communication node, and main input.

Partisan Tachanka

In 1941-1942, the conjunction of the Kovpak was carried out raids in the rear of the enemy in Sumy, Kursk, Oryol and Bryansk regions, in 1942-1943 - a raid from the Bryansk forests to the Right-Bank Ukraine in the Gomel, Pinskaya, Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kiev regions. Sumy partisan connection under the command of the Kovpak passed with battles on the reasons of the German fascist troops more than 10,000 km, defeated the enemy garrisons in 39 settlements. Raid S.A. The Kovpak played a big role in the deployment of the partisan movement against the German invaders.

partisan raid

"Parisan Bears"

June 12, 1943 Partisan Union S.A. The Kovpaka performed in a combat move in Carpathia. To the exit to the Carpathian raid, the compound numbered 2,000 partisans. It was in service there were 130 machine guns, 380 automata, 9 guns, 30 mortars, 30 anti-tank guns. During the raid, the partisans with battles were held 2,000 km, destroyed 3,800 Nazis, blew up 19 military echelons, 52 bridges, 51 warehouses with property and weapons, detached power plants and oilfields near Bitkov and Yablonov. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from4.01.1944 For the successful implementation of the Carpathian raid, Major General Kovpak Sidor Artemyevich was awarded the second medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union.

Partisans participated in the liberation of Vileyka cities, Yelsk, Znamenka, Luninets, Pavlograd, Rechitsa, Rostov-on-Don, Simferopol, Stavropol, Cherkasy, Yalta and many others.

Greater damage to the enemy applied the activities of word speaking combat groups in cities and settlements. Underground groups and organizations of Minsk, Kiev, Mogileva, Odessa, Vitebsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Smolensk, Kaunas, Krasnodar, Krasnodon, Pskov, Gomel, Orsha, as well as other cities and settlements showed samples of selfless anti-fascist invaders. Sabotage, a hidden struggle for the disruption of political, economic and military events of the enemy was chosen by the most common forms of mass resistance to the occupiers of millions of Soviet people.

Soviet intelligence and underground workers committed hundreds of sabotage, the purpose of which was representatives of the German occupying bodies. Only with the direct participation of special detachments of the NKVD, 87 shares of retaliation over the Hitler's executions responsible for conducting fighter policies in the East were carried out. On February 17, 1943, Chekists killed the regional gebitstical examiner Friedrich Fenz. In July of the same year, scouts were eliminated by the Gebitskyissar of Ludwig Erenlanter. The most well-known and significant of them is rightfully considered to be the elimination of the General Commissioner of Belarus of Wilhelm Cuba. In July 1941, Cuba was appointed General Commissioner of Belarus. Gaulyuter Cuba was distinguished by a special cruelty. In direct guidelines, Gaulier was created by Jewish ghetto in Minsk and the concentration camp in the village of Trostenec, where 20,6500 people destroyed. For the first time he was tried to destroy the fighters of the Sabero-intelligence group NKGB Cyril Orlovsky. Having received the information that Cuba is going to hunt on February 17, 1943 in Mashukovsky forests, Orlovsky organized an ambush. In the hot and speed battle, the scouts destroyed the gebitssist of the phenz, 10 officers and 30 soldiers of the SS troops. But among the killed Cuba did not turn out (at the last moment he did not go hunting). And yet on September 22, 1943 at 4.00 am, the bomb explosion underground workers managed to destroy the General Commissioner of Belarus of Wilhelm Cuba (the bomb was installed under the bed of Cuba by the Soviet Underfooter Elena Grigorievna Mazanik).

E.G. Mazanik

The legendary personnel intelligence officer Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov (pseudonym - Grachev) with the beginning of the Second World War for a personal request was enlisted in the special NKVD group. In August 1942, N.I. Kuznetsov was sent to the enemy's rear to the partisan detachment "Winners" (commander D.M. Medvedev), which acted on the territory of Ukraine. Appearing in the occupied G. Rivne under the guise of the German officer - Ober-Lieutenanttv Powl Siebert, Kuznetsov managed to quickly make the necessary acquaintances.

N.I. Kuznetsov N.I. Kuznetsov - Paul Sibert

Using the confidence of fascist officers, he recognized the locations of the dislocation of enemy parts, directions of their movement. He managed to get information about the German missiles "FAu-1" and "Fau-2", rachkrew the location of the bet A. Hitler "Vervolph" ("Werewolf") under the city of Vinnitsa, to warn the Soviet command about the upcoming offensive of the Hitler's troops in the Kursk region (operation "Citadel"), about the preparing attempt on the heads of the Government of the USSR, the USA and the UK (I.V. Stalin, D. Roosevelt, W. Churchill) in Tehran. In the fight against the German fascist invaders of N.I. Kuznetsov showed extraordinary courage and ingenuity. He performed as a folk avenger. They commit acts of retaliation over many fascist generals and senior officers entrusted to the great powers of the Third Reich. They were destroyed - the chief judge of Ukraine, the imperial adviser to the Reichskisariat of Ukraine Gall and his secretary Winter, the vice-governor of Galicia Bauer, the generals of Knut and Dargel, kidnapped and taken to the partisan detachment commander of the punitive troops in Ukraine, General Ilgen. March 9, 1944 N.I. Kuznetsov died when he was surrounded by Ukrainian nationalists-Bendery in the village of Borkyatin Brodovsey district of the Lviv region. The kinds of what he should not break through by the last grenade blew himself and surrounding his Bendera. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 5, 1944 for exceptional courage and courage, when performing the tasks of the command, Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

monument N.I. Kuznetsov

mogila N.I. Kuznetsov

Forestly will remain in the memory of the Soviet people underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard", operating during the Second World War in the temporarily occupied German-fascist troops of the Krasnodon of the Voroshilovgrad region of Ukraine (no need to sneeze it with modern "wellms" from "M.G.", which Do not have anything in common with the dead heroes). "Young Guard" was created under the leadership of the party underground led by F.P. Lutikov. After the Occupation of Krasnodon (July 20, 1942) in the city and its surroundings there were several anti-fascist groups, which were headed by Komsomoletsy I.V. Turkevich (commander), I.A. Earthov, O.V. Koshevaya (commissioner), V.I. Levashov, S.G. Tyulev, A.Z. Eliseenko, V.A. Zhdanov, N.S. Sumy, U.M. Gromova, L.G. Shevtsova, A.V. Popov, M.K. Petulanova.

young Guard

In total, more than 100 underground workers were united in the underground organization, 20 of which are 20 communists. Despite the rigid terror "Young Guard" created an extensive network of combat groups and cells throughout the Krasnodon district. Young Guards released 5,000 anti-fascist leaflets 30 names; about 100 prisoners of war were released in the concentration camp; burned the labor exchange where the lists of people scheduled for exporting to Germany were kept, as a result of which 2000 Krasnodonians were saved from the hijacking to fascist slavery, destroyed cars with soldiers, ammunition, flammable and food, prepared an uprising in order to defeat the German garrison and advancing advancing parts of the Red Army. But the betrayal of the provocateur of the city of Pozentsov interrupted this training. In early January 1943, arrests of the members of the "Young Guard" began. They mascked all torture in fascist shy. During the 15.16,31 January, the Nazis dropped the Hitler's alive and killed 71 people into the coal mine of the coal mine No. 5 depth 53 m. February 9, 1943 O.V. Koshevoy, L.G. Shevtsova, S.M. Ostapenko, D.U. Cucumbers, V.F. Subbotin after brutal torture was shot in the rattling forest near G. Rovenki. From the persecution of gendarmerie managed to escape only 11 underground workers. Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Sun of September 13, 1943, U.M. Thunder, MA Zamnovov, O.V. Koshevoy, s, g. Taleng and L.G. Shevtsova posthumously awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union.

monument to the young guards

The list of heroes of the partisan struggle and partisan underground is infinite, so on the night of June 30, 1943, the Komsomolets-underground f. Krylovich blew up at Osipovichi station ZH.D. Echelon with flammable. As a result of the explosion and the emerged of the fire, four military echelons were destroyed, including the composition with tanks "Tiger". The invaders lost to the night at Art. Osipovichi 30 "Tigers".

Monument to undergrounders in Melitopol

Selfless and dedicated guerrilla and underground activities received popular recognition, high assessment of the CPSU and the Soviet government. More than 127,000 partisans were awarded a medal"Parisan of the Patriotic War" 1st and 2nd degree. Over 184,000 partisans and underground workers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union, and 248 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Medal "Parisan of the Patriotic War"

Barrification of RKKKA has become one of the most gloomy symbols of the Great Patriotic. Songs in the Spirit "In the 43rd of this company shot a progressant", films depicting bloody security officers who drive soldiers in the attack, and the like cultural artifacts easily recall many fellow citizens. Meanwhile, the real story of plunders is more dramatic ...

The first progroms were created not by the sinister drug addict of the internal affairs, but by army figures in the summer of 1941 in Belarus. Then the Soviet troops broken at the border rolled back to the east of Minsk.
On the roads were confused soldiers and officers, often devoid of leadership and lost weapons. It is in order to collect them and restore control, and the first progroms were created. From randomly retreating soldiers and commanders, combat groups were laid and went to the front.
The experience of the first plotters was considered successful. In July 1941, such detachments began to be narrowed already centrally. The broken Army of the Red Army was pursued by those troubles that they fell on defeated at all times: panic, psychological layer and disorganization. Detention of deserters, collecting ranked parts - dirty work, but it certainly was required to do.

It is indicative, for example, a report on the work of the progress of the 310th Rifle Division in the fall of 1941 near Leningrad:
"A barrage detachment of the 310th rifle division for this period was detained by 740 people of fighters and younger commanders who left the battlefield following the rear: Of these, 14 people are aimed at special division departments, the rest are organized in their parts ... Barrifying detachments are replenished with random people. 310 SD. Fighters detained in the rear of the division by the same detachment were sent to the replenishment of the detachment. "
Through the Zagratryads during 1941, more than 600 thousand people passed, and it is easy to guess that they were usually not shot. From the number of detainees, soldiers more than 96% simply went back to their parts. The remaining sent to the arrest, betrayed the court, and about a third of them really went to the execution.
However, one should not think that the dead sentenced to severe punishments just like that. Desertion bloomed with a lush color, and the fizz with the advanced easily turned into robbers. Documents describe, for example, the case that occurred in the rear of the Leningrad Front is already during the blockade.
When attacking the food store, armed deserter was seized. When detention, he was actively shot. At the Volkhov Front in February 1942, a deserter was caught, left with an entrusted machine and a rifle. In the forest, he arranged a dugout and produced the alarms of cattle, and with the arrest killed a man.

The image of an employee of the NKVD, chasing soldiers in the attack by a gun, a born, but actually incorrect. This stereotype is not devoid of a real base: often the core of the Zagratryadda was the surviving, but the remaining border guards. Pierbowska was treated for the troops of the NKVD, and so the stereotype of security officers with Nagan was born.
In reality, the Zagratryads most often submitted not to the NKVD, but by the Army Command. The peppermart of the internal affairs had its progroms that protected the communications, but never reached - nor in numbers or the level of army levels.
It should be noted that this measure is not unique for the Soviet Union. Back in 1915, during the great retreat of the Russian army in the First World War, he saw the light of the order of General Brusylov, who said:
"... Behind you need to have particularly reliable people and machine guns, so that, if you need, make me go ahead and weak." An order of a similar nature published in his army General of the old army Danilov: "The debt of all the soldiers of the soldier who comes to an attempt to the brother, immediately shoot on traitors."

In the summer of 1942, the country closely approached the total military catastrophe. One of the measures to attach the order in the military rear was the conclusion of plunders to a new level of the organization. Thus, the famous order No. 227 appeared, in everyday life known as "neither step back."
Zagratryady, as we see, have already existed and acted, and the notorious order ordered and widerly distributed the past practice. Their functions remained the same: deserters, return to the advanced leaving in the rear and termination of uncontrolled retreats.
Did it happen that the progroms opened fire on their own? Yes, in the documents and memories there are several cases, when the flight of parts from the battlefield was proceeded by fire, and someone really got into this fire.
The Hero of the Soviet Union, General Peter Latishchenko, has already tried to clarify the question of shooting progress in its troops. As a result of such cases, it was not expected to be found, although the meticulous military leader requested documents from the closed archives.

Much more often, the progress could be found on the front line.
Despite the formally privileged status, during the campaigns of 1941 and 1942, Zagratryads often had to enter into battle. By itself, the structure of progroms - mobile, well-equipped with automatic weapons and transport parts, has provoked to use as a moving reserve. Let's say the commander of the legendary 316th division of Panfilov used his progress in 150 people precisely as its own reserve.
In general, in practice, the Commanders of the compounds often considered the progress as an excessive opportunity to strengthen parts on the front. This was considered undesirable, but the practice necessary in the absence of reserves.
For example, it is the progress of the 62nd Army in Stalingrad. Two days, two days were fighting for the station at the critical moment of the first storming of the city on September 15-16. During the battle to the north of Stalingrad, two magnesiums had to be disbanded due to losses that had reached 60-70% of the composition.

In the second half of the war, the progroms lost its former importance. Restoing the rear of the crushed parts was required more and less. In addition, the activities of the plunder duplicated by other formations like parts of the protection of the rear.
In 1944, the activity of progroms lost its meaning. Their tasks were duplicated by other formations - including troops on the protection of the rear, belonging to the NKVD, the curfews. In the summer of 1944, the head of political management of the 3rd Baltic Front, ranking with his arms, came to the command:
"Proprotroys do not fulfill their direct functions established by the order of the defense addict. Most of the personnel of the contractors are used to protect the headquarters of the armies, the protection of communication lines, roads, other forests and so on.
The states of the headquarters extremely swelled in a number of progressants. The armies headquarters do not control the activities of the progressants, provided them with themselves, brought the role of progressants to the situation of ordinary curfews. Meanwhile, the personal composition of the progroms is selected from the best, proven fighters and sergeants, participants in many battles awarded by the orders and medals of the Soviet Union. "

The only really useful feature of the plunders at this stage was stripping the rear from the remains of German surripens, the capture of trying to legalize or hide the former policemen and officials of the occupying administration.
Of course, this situation was not satisfied with the highest command. Thousands of experienced well-armed fighters much more appropriate looked at the front line. On October 29, 1944, RKKKa lags were disbanded.
But the activities of the German Field Gendarmeria increased dramatically. In the spring of 1945, in Germany, it was possible to see hung with signs on the chest: "I wish here, because I didn't believe the Führer" or "All traitors die like me."
The most important terrible mystery of barrier detachments was that there was no terrible secrecy. Zagratryaddye - this is no more than the well-known military police, their functions throughout the war were exactly such.
Ultimately, the soldiers of barrier detachments are ordinary soldiers of the most terrible war in the world of war that fulfilled their combat missions. Idealize them meaninglessly, but the demonization of these formations, especially does not bring any benefit and ultimately leads us to the real idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great Patriotic.

When they talk about the plotters of this time, the confusion is constantly taking place in terminology. The fact is that in different periods this term was called completely different structures. Before the war, this term was used in relation to individual parts included in the Offices of the NKVD troops. And used mainly in border troops. At this consonance and play "historians" like Suvorov, stating that "... In 1939, a barrier service of the NKVD was created ... In July 1939, barrier detachments were secretly revived." . "Upi" from the attention that this context is just about the border service.

After the start of hostilities, it began to call part of the protection of the rear of the current army. Very often, although it is not necessary, such parts were created from outgoing border guards. Here is an example as it happened: "Border Councils - 92nd, 93rd, 94th - after leaving the border in July 1941, Zhytomyr - Kazatin - Mikhailovsky Khutor were published and were combined into one consolidated barrage detachment. ... The consolidated squad as the concentration was advanced: on the protection of the rear of the 5th Army - the 92nd frontier and the 16th motorized rifle regiment of the NKVD and on the protection of the rear of the 26th Army - the 94th frontier and the 6th motorized rifle regiment of the NKVD. Thus, in the area of \u200b\u200bKazatin - Fastov, the above parts were put forward to carry a barrier service. The 93rd border detachment, which I continued to command simultaneously, remained in Skvir and made a reserve of the consolidated detachment commander. " Pieces of the rear of the rear did exactly the same thing that the military police are engaged in in any army of the world.

The tasks of the progressants included checks on the roads, railway nodes, in the forests, deserted deserters, detention of the entire suspicious element that penetrated the front line, etc. Most of the detainees were directed back to the front. But not all, the part was transferred at the disposal of special departments or sent to the Tribunal.

"OV. Secret
Nar. Commissioner VD of the USSR.
General Commissioner of State Security
Tov. Beria.

From the beginning of the war to the 10th of October, this year Special departments of the NKVD and Z.O. The Troops of the NKVD for the protection of the rear was detained 657.364 military personnel, who retired from their parts and fled from the front.
Of these, 249,969 people were detained by operational departments of special departments and Zo. NKVD troops on rear protection - 407.395 servicemen.
From among the detainees, 25.878 people were arrested by special departments, the remaining 632.486 people are formed in the part and are re-directed to the front.
Among the arrested by special departments:
Spies - 1.505
Diversants - 308.
Trains - 2.621
Panties and panicoers - 2.643
Deserters - 8.772.
Promuls of provocative rumors - 3.987
Self-Wershits - 1.671
Others - 4.371
Total - 25.878.
According to the decisions of special departments and by sentencing of military tribunals, 10.201 years old, one of them is shot before the construction - 3.321 people.
Deputy. Nach Management of OO NKVD USSR Commissioner State. Security 3 rank S. Milstein (October 1941) "

But not only the protection of the rear did these detachments. "The fact that at the same time the NKVD fighters did not hide for other people's spins, testify the losses incurred by the progress during the battle for Tallinn - over 60% of the personnel, including almost all commanders.

Some confusion in the description of the events contributes that at the same time sometimes swearing completely different structures, for example, a highlighted shock detachment that fulfilled the role of the reserve. "Major General Panfilov ... Create and hold a strong reserve in your hand, a barrier detachment, so that in any moment throw it on a dangerous area."

Since the fall of 1941, army progroms begin to create. Gradually, the initiative of individual commanders. Unlike the NKVD plunders focused on the detention of deserters and the protection of the rear, the army magazine raised the task - to carry the barrier service directly behind the combat order of parts, not allowing panic and mass flight of military personnel from the battlefield. These detachments were formed not from the NKVD military personnel, ordinary redarmeys and were much larger (before the battalion). From September 12, this measure is concluded by the High Command and applies to all fronts:

The directive of the TGK rate No. 001919 commander of the troops of the fronts, armies, teams of divisions, the commander-in-chief forces of the south-western direction on the creation of barrier detachments in Rifle divisions on September 12, 1941

"The experience of combating German fascism has shown that in our rifle divisions there are many panic and straight hostile elements, which, at the first Nazi, the opponent throw weapons, begin to shout:" We were surrounded! " And fond of other fighters behind them. As a result of such actions of these elements, the division turns into flight, throws the material part and then alone begins to leave the forest. Similar phenomena take place on all fronts. If the commanders and commissars of such divisions were at the height of their task, the panicoirs and hostile elements could not take the top in the division. But the trouble is that we are not so much solid and sustainable commanders and commissars.

In order to prevent the above undesirable phenomena at the front, the bid of the Supreme Command Registration orders:

1. In each rifle division, have a barrage squad from reliable fighters, no more than a battalion (calculated 1 company on the rifle regiment), subordinate to the division commander and having in its disposal other than the usual weapons of movement in the form of trucks and several tanks or armored vehicles.

2. The tasks of the barrier detachment to consider direct assistance to the commendent in maintaining and establishing a solid discipline in the division, suspended the flight of obsessed panic soldiers, without stopping before applying weapons, eliminating the initiators of panic and flight, support for honest and combat elements of division, not subject to panic, but are involved in common flight

3. To oblige special departments and politics of divisions to provide all kinds of assistance to distribution teams and barrier units in strengthening the procedure and discipline of the Division.

4. Creating barrier detachments to finish within five days from the date of receipt of this order.

5. On receipt and execution by the commander of the troops of the fronts and armies to convey.

The rate of the Supreme Command
B.Shaposhnikov "

By improving the situation, by the end of the 1941, the need for army progress, they disappear and they are disbanded. NKVD progroms remain and continue to perform the protection of the rear.

The new stage in the history of prostrates began with the order No. 227 of July 28, 1942. It is these, newly created progroms, and remained in memory, they refer to modern myth-making. So how did these pricks show themselves what they did? The answer to this gives the following documents. Report postpost 00 HCVD DF in UOO HKVD USSR "On the work of individuals to combat shorts and panickers in parts of the Don Front for the period from October 1, 1942 to February 1, 1943" of February 17, 1943

"Total for the period from October 1, 1942 to February 1, 1943, according to incomplete these partitions of the front, the fronts were arrested by cowards and panickers who fled from the battlefield - 203 people, of which:
a) Sentenced to VMH and shot before building - 49 hours.
b) Considered to various deadlines and sent to the penalty numbers and the B-us 139 hours. "

This is a common picture. We will select the following examples of the activities of progroms.

"On October 2, 1942, during the offensive of our troops, individual parts of 138 pages of divisions, met with powerful artillery and mortar fire of the enemy, drove and fled in a panic back through the battalion of 1 battalion 706 SP, 204 SD, which were in the second echelon.

The situation has been recovered by the Command and Zagratbatalon of the Division. 7 panties and panickers were shot in front of the system, and the rest were returned to the front line of the front.

October 16, 1942, during the opponent counterattack, the group of Red Army teams 781 and 124 pages. Divisions in the amount of 30 people showed cowardice and in a panic began to run from the battlefield, fascinating other servicemen.

Army progress of the 21st Army, which was located on this site, liquidated a panic and restored the former position.

On November 19, 1942, during the occurrence of 293 pages. Divisions in the counterattack of the enemy, two mortar platforms 1306 SPs together with commander of platforms - ml. Lieutenant Bogatyrev and Egorov - without the order of command, they left engaged in the line and in a panic, throwing weapons, began to run from the battlefield.

The platoon of machine gunners of the army progress, who was located on this site, stopped the running and, shooting two panickers in front of the building, returned the rest on the old frontiers, after which they successfully moved forward.

November 20, 1942, but the opponent's counterattack time is one of the mouth 38 pp. Divisions, which was at the height, without having resistance to the enemy, without the order of command, began to move randomly from a busy site.

83 Propritant 64 Army, carrying a barrier service directly for combat orders of parts 38 SD, stopped the running company in a panic and returned it to the previously occupied height section, after which the company's personal composition showed exceptional endurance and perseverance in battles with the opponent. "

Brutally? Sternly? May be. But do not forget that at that time any commander could, to curb the retreat and panic, shoot at the place of the panicker. And the like was normal for the functioning of any army of the world. War is beautiful only in milking. But this is not the main thing. Interestingly Other - So where are the paintings of mass executions from machine guns of retreating parts, and even just parts that did not fulfill the combat task? But it is precisely such a picture that some publicists are trying to draw. No.

"As for the barrier detachments, due to the lack of reliable information, there was a lot of any speculations and non-pieces due to the lack of reliable information (as well as penalties) (drove troops under the junction of machine guns in the offensive, the retreating parts were shot, etc.), then no one From the researchers, it has not yet been possible to find a single fact in the archives, which would confirm that barrier detachments shot in their troops. There are such cases and in the memoirs of front-line "

It is probably worth noting the inconsistency of the allegation that the soldier "chased in progroms in the attack". Yes, individual commanders, it happened, endured such proposals. But the understanding of the command did not meet.

"The memorandum of the USSR OO NKVD DF in the USSR WMOO on the offensive operations of the 66th Army" October 30, 1942 "Commander of the Front Rokossovsky under the impression that the cause of failures are the bad actions of the fighters-infantrymen, tried to use prograthrees to expose to infantry. Rokossovsky insisted on the fact that the plotters walked after the infantry parts and the power of the weapons were forced to lift the fighters into the attack.

However, the opinion of the command of the front and the army that the cause of failures is the unpreparedness of fighters of infantry parts, does not have a solid soil. "

Performed plotters and other functions. Very often, they simply plugged all the holes on the front, as the last line of defense. "Help 00 NKVD STF in UOO HKVD USSR on the activities of barrier detachments of Stalingrad and Don Fronts" not earlier than 15 October 1942

"At critical moments, when support was required to hold the frontiers of the frontiers, barrier detachments took directly into battle with the enemy, successfully restrained his onslaught and caused him losses.

On September 13 of this year, 112 pp. Division under the pressure of the enemy moved from the bope occupied. The progress of the 62th Army under the leadership of the chief of the detachment (Lieutenant of the Gossectic Specialist) took defense on the approaches to an important height. For 4 days, the fighters and commander of the detachment reflected the attacks of the enemy car gunners and caused them great losses. Zagradotka held the frontier to the approach of military units.

September 15-16 S.G. The progress of 62 army for 2 days successfully a fight with the superior enemy forces in the area of \u200b\u200bZH.D. Station of Stalingrad. Despite his littleness, the plunder not only hit the attack of the enemy, but also attacked him, causing him a significant loss of alive. The detachment left his ardition only when parts of the 10th division came to shift.

September 19, this year Command 240 pp. divisions of the Voronezh front of one of the mouth of the 38th army gave a combat task to clear the grove from the group of German automatic gunners. In the fights for the grove, this company lost 31 people, 18 people were killed.

The barrier detachment of the 29th Army of the Western Front, being in operational submission from the commander 246 p. Division, was used as a system part. Taking part in one of the attacks, the detachment of 118 personnel has lost 109 people killed and wounded, and therefore re-formed.

According to the 6th Army of the Voronezh Front, according to the order of the Military Council of the Army, 2 barrier detachment on September 4th of this year. 174 pages of divisions were dodged and entered into battle. As a result of the plunder in battle, up to 70% of the personnel were lost, the remaining fighters of these progroms were transferred to the named division and thus disbanded. 3rd detachment of the same army on September 10, this year was put in defense.

In the 1st Guards Army of the Don Front, by order of the Commander of the Army, Chistyakov and a member of the Arab of the Abramov, 2 barrier detachments were repeatedly directed into battle as ordinary units. As a result, the detachments lost more than 65% of personnel and subsequently disbanded. "

This practice existed, despite the reproaches that "barrier detachments by individual compound commanders were incorrectly; A significant number of progroms was sent to battle on a par with linear units that carried losses, as a result of which they were re-re-formation, and the barrier service was not carried out. " This practice existed the entire critical period in 1942-43. Distracted by the tasks of the barrier These detachments and later, but no longer in such active forms.

From Memoirov Gorbatov it can be seen that Zagratryadyi was often used to occupy inactive sections of the front in order to remove part from there to enhance the offensive group.

"- And who will keep the defense at this time on the seventieth farmer front? - asked the commander.

A fortified district and two armored trains will be left against the enemy bridgehead, and north of the village of Shapchintsy will put a spare army regiment, progress, poultry and chemicals ... "," ... By noon, I finally made sure how to keep the 40th rifle body of the three-dimensional composition and still With a powerful reinforcement for the defense of the northern direction between the rivers of the Dnieper and Drug. ... I had to do this: today to bring out of defense and focus from the village of Lithuanic 129th Rifle Division, replacing it with progroms; Tomorrow, from the defense of the 169th Rifle Division, along with the control of the 40th building, replacing it with a spare regiment. "

Gradually, the need for progroms disappeared. And in accordance with the order of the NKO USSR No. 0349 of October 29, 1944, by November 20, 1944 are disbanded.

The total number of progroms in different times has changed. "In accordance with Order No. 227 in parts operating in the Red Army as of October 15 p. G. 193 barrier detachments were formed. Of these, in parts of the Stalingrad Front, - 16 and Donskoy - 25 "are formed. In the future, the number only fell.
