Crusades are among those events that they define the face of medieval Europe. Eight "license room" cross hiking in the Holy Land, however, today historians allocate 18 such events in medieval Europe. Some of them are so terrible and absurd that the modern man is amazed. So, in 1212, a "crusade of children" occurred.

So, the campaign of 1212 in Palestine was preceded by a widely famous 4th crusade, which ended with a real ideological collapse: the cherished dream of Christians did not come true, but Jerusalem, like several other cities, were looted. Hike showed many leaders all pretenses the very idea of \u200b\u200bcampaigns. The behavior of many knightly orders in the Holy Land played a not last role in the final split of the Western Catholic Church and East Byzantine. Nevertheless, the dream of the return of the Holy Sepulcher did not leave ordinary Christians. I barely managed the knights to break home, as rumors about the new campaign again went to Rome.

It all started in Germany, in the spring of 1212, presumably in May month. The German army was directed to Italy in order to plunge into court and go to Palestine. Veliko was the surprise of soldiers, when in Cologne, an indispensable riff of children and adolescents joined them, whose leaders said that they were crusaders and were also sent to the Holy Earth. With this phenomenon, the German army collided in France. About 30,000 French adolescent joined 25,000 children and adolescents from Germany. They all went under the leadership of the shepherd Stephen from the club. According to him, he himself appeared in a dream in the appearance of a monk and commanded to collect children and lead a crusade on Palestine without weapons and horses to take the city of Jerusalem and "free the coffin of the Lord with the name of the Lord on the lords." Knights and adults failed to free Jerusalem because they walked there with dirty thoughts. God retreated from them, the fallen sinners. We are children, and we are clean"I called Stephen.

Today it looks like at least strange. But it is worth considering that the crusade of children had very serious political support. The hike of children was approved not only by the warlord of the German army, but also the Order of Franciscans, who were widely known for their sermons about asceticism and humility. The Order had a weight in Rome, and therefore the hike was approved by the Pope Roman.

The number of crusaders' children constantly grew. By the time the approach to the Alps, the exact number was to calculate their exact number. Today, many researchers believe that most of the crusader children still amounted to teenagers and boys. Nevertheless, many medieval chronicles and chronicles mention older peasants, including women and old people. It was not rare to the procession joined criminals hiding from justice.

It is easy to guess that the children's campaign did not actually have any serious organization, despite all the spiritual and political support. Baby host was forced to endure many adversity and deprivation. Even in Germany, the participants of the campaign began to die from hunger and disease. A transition through the Alps became a particularly difficult period for the army. Several thousand children froze in the snow-covered mountains. However, despite all this, more than half it was possible to reach Italy. During the Alpine Transition, the army of children was divided into several parts. At the coming to Italy, the main groups were slowly formed from the scattered detachments. The first one consisted mainly of the German children, which remained very little. The second is from the French. Children from France soon headed to the south of Italy. The procession of troops was accompanied by daily mass prayers. That was. However, the sea never broke up before the righteous army. However, local merchants agreed to help the campaign, they provided the children of ships to Algeria.

Having reached the shores of Africa, the hiking ended, without stepping on the land of the kingdom of heaven. As it turned out, European merchants were plotted with Arabic workers. Thousands of children were sold in slavery. The fate of children from Germany was as unquestless, most of them were killed by robber or sold into slavery, just a small disparate detachments of crusaders children returned from the failed hike. Neither Rome nor one of the orders responded to this event. Many historians point out the testimony that the wallets of some merchants, knights and even churchmen during this "crusade" increased ten times.

Despite all the horrors of the crusade of children, Rome did not leave the ideas about the liberation of the kingdom of heaven. Five years later, in 1217 a new campaign will begin to the Holy Land, which will be called "the fifth". In the course of this "sluggish" and unsuccessful hike, there will be a thousand crusader's heads - both knights and ordinary soldiers. Unauthorized will give Christians such a welcome city, but this will not begin the beginning of the era of the world, but only a prologue to the new chapter of bloody events.

1212 was a meant to fame: the rain was not, the sun was paled, the whole harvest was dried on the root, the hunger was scored on the threshold, smelled by the apocalypse ... How to be found in Lyuhay Godina, a variety of prophets, foreshadowing the most misfortunes of sinful mankind ...

The church never expressed her attitude towards the children's crusade

Moreover, some holy fathers even deny the fact of its existence.

Milk and honey Pope Roman

"To all of their death, the sins will be released in the case of their death. Let them oppose the wrong into battle, which should give in abundance of trophies ... The land that flows honey and milk. Who is slamming here, it will become rich there. " Speech Pope Urbana II impressed the listeners. The first crusade - in the name of the liberation of Jerusalem from Muslims - took place in 1095. Then there were four more: the wrong surrender was not in a hurry, the captured Palestine had to keep with the help of weapons, and the coffin of the Lord in the hands of the Crusaders was not given. Why? In May 1212, French Shepherd Etienne found out the answer to this question. Jesus appeared to him and said: adults were mired into sins, they are greedy and depraved. The Lord loves innocent. Therefore, to clear Jerusalem from the wrong children can only children. And he - Etienne - will behave in a hike ...

Tired baby

Etienne with his vision would not have something different from dozens of others not to the measure of exalted personalities, if it were not for one thing: the boy was barely 12 years old. Therefore, it was revealed to his risks, after all, it is known: the mouth of the infant is the truth. In addition, the "baby" sincerely imagined himself to God's Messenger, as he told the holy fathers from the Saint-Denis Abbey in Paris.

It was located Etienne and quite a material evidence of his "God-in-love": a letter from Jesus in the name of King France. The message was all the same call to liberate the forces of children. Having fluttered with this letter, Etienne, accompanied by monks who joined him, peasants, artisans and all sorts drove around the cities and weights and called for children to go with him - and the children walked. The "crusader fever" covered the French poorly dwarf - 10-12-year-old boys and girls in simple canvas shirts with nassed crosses on them crowds rushed to "God's Messenger." Why didn't parents held them? These people, a poor, for the most part, not to hope, except for God's mercy. And let the movement of the Crusaders of the XII century faded themselves with robberies and military failures, faith in the fact that the Lord will be mercifully, if you manage to win the sacred city of Jerusalem, the people were still warm. In addition, priests poured into the fire in the fire.

The church did not want to lose her influence, no more rich Palestinian lands. But hunters fight for Jerusalem became less and less. Therefore, the "heavy artillery" went into the move - children. Innokenty III said: "These children serve to us, adults: While we sleep, they gladly advocate the holy land." It seems that everything is said: Dad hoped that after children, their parents will go to the crusade, but ... The King of France Philip II, who, by the way, did not receive the letters of Jesus, quickly figured out the situation and issued a decree prohibiting the organization Any hiking. To stop the children, the monarch was not under power: the movement has become a massive character, besides, it was dangerous to quarrel with dad ...

About 30 thousand children under the leadership of Etienne passed the tour, Lyon and other French cities, rummaged alms. And here is the port of Marseille. "God's messenger repeated them more than once a word allegedly said by Jesus:" At the order of God, the Mediterranean Sea will break in front of you, and you will pass on the dry bottom, like the biblical hero of Moses, and will take away the wrong "Holy Coffin". Children stopped by the sea, religious hymns were sang and diligently prayed to the Lord. But the miracle did not happen: the sea did not think to spread. After two weeks, during which, by the way, Etienne disappeared without a trace, fate smiled in young crusaders, ready to doubt her faith. Some merchants - Hugo Ferrius and William Pore-Cus - offered to children their services: they say, here are beautiful ships to you, for the sake of an awake, we are ready to provide them from free, that is, there are seven wonderful, big, strong ships! Is free! De і and rejoiced the miracle and fearlessly went to the decks. Not far from the shores of Sardinia, at the Island of St. Peter (as symbolic!), Courts fell into the storm. Two ships together with all passengers went to the bottom, and the rest of five stuck to the shores. Only not Palestine, but Egypt, where young crusaders are enterprising merchants hugo and William sold into slavery. Nobody returned home ... However, this is not the whole story.

Phenomenon of the Cross

In the same May 1212, the German tag of Nicolas was also a vision: he was a cross in the sky and heard the divine order - collect children and move in Jerusalem. The order is an order, besides above the "image", Nicholas greatly worked the holy fathers. It is not a remarkable accommodation - except that too dreaming - a 10-year-old boy suddenly gained the ability of the healer to him with blind, deaf and lepers - and all of them Nicholas, if you believe the medieval chroniclers, it was impossible not to get under his charm. As a result, thousands of children rushed after him - in Jerusalem.

The initial point of movement of the German children's crusade became Cologne - one of the main religious centers of then Germany, German barons performed sharply against this venture, but the country then the rules of the young king is the 17-year-old Friedrich II Gajenstauffen. obligated to his throne Roman dad. Formally, he forbade the hike, but after his ban, the movement began to acquire a massive character. Even 5-6-year-old children went to fight for the coffin! These babies had to be harder than their French associates: they were at least in their territory, on the roads of France. On the way of German children stood the Alps. Of course, they can be turned on, but it will take some time. And it is impossible to slow! The Merrator's Coffin in danger - this idea was inspired by the children of the holy fathers who accompanied them (read - who led them) in the campaign. And thousands of children went to the mountains - under the sounds of fanfare and pipes, chatting religious hymns written specifically for them. Very soon hunger became their constant companion, and then the killer. The dead were not buried - left to lie on the ground, without reading even prayers: it was not forces. Of the 40 thousand children who began the transition through the Alps, only every fourth came to Italy ...

On August 25, 1212, the exhausted German children were at the Genoese coast - they were waiting for the sea. They were promised, but - alas - did not come true. And then there is some strange coincidence! - Nicholas disappeared. The uncontrollable crowd ruler Genoi hurried to drive out of his city - only these German hunger orders were missing!

Children scattered throughout Italy. Only a few of them reached the city of Brindisi. The kind of torn and hungry children turned out to be so pitiful that the local authorities led by the bishop opposed the continuation of the campaign. I had to go home to children. The reverse way destroyed almost the rest of this children's troops. The corpses of children were lying along the roads for a long time - no one thought to betray their land ...

Part of the boys - apparently, the most stubborn - they headed from Brindisi to Rome: ask for a dad to free them from the Cross Woblet. And Innokenty III walked: gave a delay to adulthood ...

Both French and German crusades of children are clearly tailored one scenario. Who is the author of this "customized production"? Of course, nobody calls for names and surnames now, but it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bit is clear that everything happened with the silent consent of the Pope. All crosses were made at the pointer of the head of the Roman Catholic Church, concerned that Catholicism spread as widely as possible. It did not exception and this - children's. It is clear that the gullibility of naive boys and girls elementary took advantage. Even their leaders - and Etienne, and Nicholas were most likely, there were only bright puppets in skillful hands. It seems that they themselves sincerely believed their chosenness. They believed that all the tests that have fallen into the share of young crusaders are not in vain. They went to liberate the Holy City and were ready for suffering: since Jesus suffered, then why didn't they drink a bowl of chase to the bottom? After all, then - in the kingdom of God - they will release all sins and finally the happiness will come ...

For the first time at the very beginning of the XI century. He called on Western Europe to the Crosses of the Roman Pope Urban II. This happened late in the fall of 1095, shortly after the city of Clermon (in France) ended the collection (Congress) of the Church. Dad appealed to the crowds of knights, peasants, citizens. Monks gathered on the plain near the city, with a call to start a sacred war against Muslims. Tens of thousands of knights and rustic poor people from France responded to Pope's call, they all went to Palestine to fight against the Saluing Turks, who immediately seized the city of Jerusalem, who considered Christians sacred.

The liberation of this shrine and served as an excuse for crusades. Crusaders attached crosses from matter to their clothes as a sign that they go to war with a religious goal - to expel Inoverts (Muslims) from Jerusalem and other sacred places for Christians in the palette. In fact, the goal of the crusaders were not only religious. By the XI century Earth in Western Europe was divided between the secular and church feudals. Inherit the land of Señora, according to custom, only his eldest son could. As a result, a numerous layer of feudalists who did not have land were formed.

They were eager to get it in any way. The Catholic Church feared without reason, no matter how these knights began to atocle her extensive possessions. In addition, the clergymen headed by the Pope sought to extend their influence on new territories and get used to their account. Rumors about the wealth of the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, which distributed travelers-Bogomolets (Piligrims), who were in Palestine, excited the greed of the knights. This was used by the Roman dad, throwing the cry "to the East!".

L.Gumilev also believes that at this time in Western Europe there was a passionate impetus and this overheated society was necessary to compose with the help of expansion.

In the XII century Knights had to cut out many times on the war under the sign of the Cross to keep the captured territories. However, all these crusades suffered failure. At the beginning of the XIII century in the cities and villages of France, and then in other countries, the idea was to spread that if adults for "their sins" were not given to release Jerusalem from "wrong", they will be able to make "innocent" children .

Pope Innokenty III, the instigator of many bloody wars undertaken under a religious banner did nothing to stop this insane campaign. On the contrary, he said: "These children serve to us, adults: While we sleep, they gladly advocate the holy land." The crusade was also supported by the Order of Franciscans.

Children's crusade began with the fact that in June 1212 in one village near Vandoma was a shepherd boy, named Stefan (Etienne), who announced that he was a messenger of God and was called upon to become the leader and conquer the promised land again: the sea should have been dry before the army of spiritual Israel.

In one of the warm May days of 1212, Stefan was met with a monk-pilgrim, coming from Palestine and asked for ate.

The monk took the filled piece of bread and began to talk about overseas wonders and exploits. Stefan listened involved. Suddenly, the monk interrupted his story, and then he surprised him suddenly that he was Jesus Christ.

All the further was like in a dream (or a boy's boy was this meeting). The monk-Christ told the boy to be at the head of the unprecedented crusade - children's, for "the power of the babies comes to the enemy." And then the monk disappeared, melted

Stefan passed throughout the country and everywhere caused a rapid inspiration with his speeches, as well as the wonders that he made thousands of eyewitnesses in front of the eyes. Soon, in many localities, boys appeared as cross preachers, collected whole crowds of like-minded people and led them, with banners and crosses and with solemn songs, to Stephana's wonderful boy. If anyone asked young madmen, where they go, he gained, that they go for the sea to God.

Stephen, this kind, worshiped the Wonderworker. In July, they went to Marseille with the singing of Psalms and Khorugovy, to sailing to the holy land, but no one thought about the ships in advance. The militant was often joined by criminals; Playing the role of participants, they were allowed at the expense of the alms of pious Catholics.

The madness that swept the French children also spread in Germany, especially in the Ninean regions. The boy Nikolai, who has not yet been and 10 years old from the genus, who led by his father, also he led by his father, was also a vile trader with slaves, who used a poor child for his goals, for which he later, "along with other deceivers and criminals, they are talking, as they say, Holes. Nicholas It appeared with the machine on which there was a cross in the form of a Latin "T", and it was announced that he would move the sea with dry legs and would approve in Jerusalem the Eternal kingdom of the world. Where he appeared, he inspirely attracted children to him. The crowd gathered in 20 thousand boys, girls, as well as messy face and moved to the south through the Alps. On the way, most of her died from hunger and robbers or returned home, frightened by the difficulties of the campaign: nevertheless, several thousands were still reached by Genoa on August 25. Here they are unfolded And they forced them to a rapid further campaign, because the Genoese was afraid of any danger for their city from the strange troops of Pilgrimov.

When the crowd of French children drew the mpkel, dried hymns, they joined the suburb and headed through the streets of the city straight to the sea. Residents of the city were shocked by the type of troops, looked at them with awe and blessed the great feat.

Children stopped on the seashore, which most of them saw for the first time. Many ships stood on the raid, and the sea went to the endless distance. The waves were on the shore, they were moved away, and nothing was changed. And the children were waiting for a miracle. They were sure that the sea should part before And they will go further. But the sea did not proceed and continued to splash from their feet.

Children began to pray hotly ... Time went, but the miracle was not all.

Then two TRAGs are snapped, caused a move in the look of these "hype" for the "Retreat of God". They sailed to Cempi kupables, two of them sweat down the contact of the CAN-Pietpos near the Cap Dingen, and on the total five merchants in Egypt and piligs - the Crusaders as Pabov. They hit them to two caliph duals and ducidively distinguish between there, with which they ypopped in a hypertian.
Both workfung fell later in the Pyanka of the Impened Fich II and were funded to the attempt execution through the hanging. The KPOM, this, this impertery, how to say, is the conclusion of the MPA in 1229, with Cylthan Alcalle, the Covan will be very significant to the considerable chance of these non-precious piluging children.

Children from Germany, under the leadership of Nikolai, expelled from Genoa, reached Brindisi, but here, thanks to the energy of the Bishop, they were prevented to take a sea trip to the east. Then they did not have anything else, how to return home. Part of the boys went to Rome to ask dad permission from the crusading vow. But Dad did not fulfill their requests, although, as they say, before that he ordered them to throw their crazy enterprise; Now he only gave them to the deferment of the crusade to their majority. The reverse way destroyed almost the rest of this children's troops. Hundreds of them fell from exhaustion in the sides and mildly died on large roads. The worst fate fell, of course, the share of girls, other than any other disasters, was still at all sorts of deceptions and violence. Severally managed to find a shelter in good families and make it necessary to earn me impregnation in Genoa; Some patrician labor even their origin from the German children remaining there; But the majority died in a pity and only a small balance of all the troops, the sick and exhausted, waste and crowded, saw his homeland again. The boy Nikolai remains as if to live and later, in 1219 he fought at Lamiet in Egypt.

Crusade children

The famous historian Medievist Jacques Le Hoff asked: "Were children in the medieval West?" If you look into the works of art - they are not discovered there. Later, the angels will often be depicted in the form of children and even in the form of playful boys - half-gels, semi-buiders. But in the Middle Ages, the angels of both sexes were depicted only by adults. "When the sculpture of the Virgin Mary has already acquired the features of soft femininity, clearly borrowed from a particular model," writes Le Hoff, "the infant Jesus remained a terrifying view of the ugly, who did not interest the artist, nor the customer, nor the public. Only in the end of the Middle Ages, the iconographic topic is distributed, reflecting a new interest in the child. In the conditions of the highest child mortality, this interest was embodied in a sense of anxiety: the topic of "beating babies" was reflected in the spread of the festival of innocent, under the "patronage" of which shelted shelters were. However, such shelters appeared not earlier than the XV century. The Middle Ages barely noticed the child, not having time to die, nor admire them. Coming out from the guardianship of a woman, the child immediately turned out to be thrown into the exhaustivity of rural labor or in learning a rated case - depending on the origin. And in that and in another case, the transition was carried out very quickly. The medieval epic works about the childhood of the legendary heroes - Side, Roland, etc. - draw the heroes with young people, and not boys. The child falls into the field of view only with the advent of a relatively small city family, education oriented more on the identity of the Burgers. According to a number of scientists, the city suppressed and fed the independence of the woman. She was enslaved by a homemade hearth, while the child was emancipated and filmed a house, school and the street.

Le Hoffu fought the famous Soviet researcher A. Gurevich. He writes that according to the representations of the people of Middle Ages, a person does not develop, but passes from one age to another. This is not gradually prepared by the evolution, leading to high-quality shifts, and the sequence of internal non-linked states. In the Middle Ages, they looked at the child as a small adult, and there was no problem of development and the formation of a human person. F. Aryes, who studied the problem to the child in Europe in the Middle Ages and in the initial period of the new time, writes about ignorance by the medieval category of childhood as a special qualitative condition of a person. "Medieval civilization," he says, is an adult civilization. Until the XII-XIII centuries, the visual art sees adults in children of a reduced size, dressed in the same way as adults, and folded like them. Education is not consistent with age, and together teach adults and adolescents. Games before becoming children's, were Knight's games. The child was considered a natural adult companion.

After leaving the age classes of primitiveness with their rites of initiation and forget the principles of education of antiquity, medieval society has been ignored for a long time and the transition from it to an adult state. The problem of socialization was considered solved by the act of baptism. Singing love, the court poetry opposed its marital relations. Christian moralists, on the contrary, warned against excessive passionship in relations between spouses and saw in sexual love a dangerous phenomenon that need to be curled, since it is impossible to completely avoid it. Only with the transition to a new time, the family begins to consider not as an alliance between spouses, but as a cell that is entrusted with socially important functions to raise children. But it is primarily a bourgeois family.

According to Gurevich, in a specific attitude to childhood in the Middle Ages, a special understanding of the human personality is manifested. The person seems to be unable to realize himself as a single developing essence. His life is a series of states whose change is internally not motivated.

General analysis of attitudes towards children in the Middle Ages will help us understand such an episode as a children's crusade. It is now difficult to imagine their parents to let go from themselves their children, so that on foot it follows not in Rome, not in the Middle East. Maybe there was nothing extraordinary for a medieval person? Why not try to do something that can do big? After all, the small as the Son of the Lord, as big. On the other hand, is this not more than a fairy tale, who works already, when children began to write anything at all?

The legendary crusade of children gives an excellent idea of \u200b\u200bhow the mentality of the Middle Ages is distinguished from the worldview of our contemporaries. Reality and fiction in the man's head of the XIII century were closely intertwined. The people believed in miracles. Moreover, he saw them and worked. Now the idea of \u200b\u200ba children's campaign seems to us wildness, then thousands of people believed in the success of the enterprise. True, we still do not know whether it was or not.

Crusades themselves became a whole epoch. The most heroic and at the same time one of the most ambiguous pages in the history of the knighthood, the Catholic Church and the entire medieval Europe. The event conducted by "in order" the event was least in its methods not only by Christian ethics, but also by the usual moral standards.

The beginning of the crusades to the East was caused by several serious reasons. First, this is the plight of the peasantry. Depressed by taxes and insights, survived for several years (from the late 80s to the mid-90s of the XI century) a number of scary disasters in the form of epidemics of plague and hunger, the simple people were ready to go oldly, just to find a place where there are food.

Secondly, heavy times experienced a knightly estate. By the end of the XI century, there were almost no free lands in Europe. Feudals ceased to crush their possessions between the sons, going to the Majorate system - inheritance is only the eldest son. A large number of poor knights appeared, which in their origin did not consider it possible to do something except for the war. They were aggressive, rushed to any adventure, turned out to be mercenaries during numerous civil workers, just engaged in a discrepancy. In the end, they had to be removed from Europe, it became necessary to consolidate the knighthood and send it to the warlike energy somewhere "outside", to solve external problems, since further efficient management of European territories from kings, large feudal and churches became very problematic.

The third factor is ambitions and material claims of the Catholic Church and, first of all, papacy. The union of believers some idea objectively led to strengthening the power of Rome, since the idea came exactly from there. A trip to the east promised "interception" of the Pope of Religious Initiative in Eastern Europe in Constantinople, strengthening the positions of Catholicism.

Also, such a military event was thrown and the churches and feudalists, and even poor wealth. Moreover, the church is not only due to, actually, military production, but also at the expense of rich donations and the European lands of the Crusaders who went to war.

The most convenient and, it seems, an obvious pretext was a campaign under the banner of war with "incorrect" - that is, with Muslims. The immediate reason for the beginning of the campaign was the appeal of the Byzantine emperor Alexei Komnin for help to Pope Urban II (1088-1099) (his name before the adoption of Papal San - Oddon de Lazhri). The Byzantine Empire suffered from the united strike on it, the Turks-Seljuk and Pechenegs. Vasilev addressed "Latinians" as brothers in faith. And without it, since the 70s of the XI century, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to liberate the coffin of the Lord, who was in the captured by the Turks Jerusalem was Vitala. Thus, believers, who since Augustine appealed to Jerusalem Heaven, that is, the kingdom of God, they turned to Jerusalem earthly. The dream of the future of the paradise of bliss after death was boldly intertwined in the consciousness of Christians with concrete, terrestrial awards for the works of righteous. These moods and used the organizers of crusades.

Pope removed Alexei Ostudiation from the Byzantine Emperor, until then lying on it as on schismatics. In March 1095, Pontiff was once again heard Alexey's ambassadors at the cathedral in Piacenz, and in the summer of 1095, Urban II went to France. For some time, he led negotiations with South Francesus monasteries belonging to the most influential Klyonia Congregation, large feudalities and authoritative priests. Finally, on November 18, a church cathedral began in the city of Clermont-Ferran in Ovens. As it often happened, in the city where such an important forum happened, there was a lot of arrival people. Total - about 20 thousand people: knights, peasants, vagrants, etc. Cathedral discussed, in general, exclusively church problems. But at the end of November 26, Urban II near the city on the open-air plain spoke to the people with a speech, which made the Clermont Cathedral so famous.

Dad urged Catholics to take up the weapon for the war against the "Persian tribe of the Turks ... that they got to the Mediterranean Sea ... They were killed and climbed into full of many Christians." A separate task was announced the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher. Dad tried to imagine a light walk, drowned rich prey. Jerusalem, according to him, was a place where milk and honey flows, in the east, everyone will receive new lands, which are not enough in close Europe. Pontiff called to abandon the sake of a common cause from internal strife. Urban II was extremely concrete and straight line. To everyone who went hike, sins were allowed (including the future - perfect during the beagon war). Crusaders could count on entering paradise. Pope's speech was constantly interrupted by an enthusiastic crowd, screaming: "God wants so much!" Many immediately gave vows to go hiking and attached crosses from red cloth on the shoulder.

The church assumed the protection of land (and, of course, conducting business) of the departed crusaders, their debts in front of creditors were declared invalid. Feedals that did not want to go hiking should have been bored with rich gifts in favor of a clearing.

The news of the beginning of the campaign quickly spread throughout Europe. Probably, dad himself did not expect such an effect from his speech. In the spring of 1096, thousands of poor people from the Priesna lands went on the road. Then the knights stretched to the east. So the first crusade began.

In total, connected in six large groups, tens of thousands of people spoke to this campaign. First, some detachments were put on the path, in many ways composed of the poor led by Peter Dressman and Knights Walter Golat. The first of their "godly" cases were Jewish pogroms in German cities:

Trier, Cologne, Mainz. In Hungary, they also had a lot of trouble. The Balkan Peninsula was looted by "Christ warriors."

Then the crusaders arrived in Constantinople. The most numerous squad, moving from southern France, headed Ramunda Toulouse. Bohamund Tartan went with his army to the east through the Mediterranean Sea. The same sea reached Bosphorus Robert Flandine. The number of crusaders gathered in different ways in Constantinople came out, probably up to 300 thousand. Emperor Byzantium Alexey I was horrified by the prospect of the prospect of unrestrained looting in the capital. Yes, and it is special to expect that Latinians will be engaged only by the return of land selected by Muslims, did not have to. Bribers and flattery Emperor achieved a vassal oath from most knights and tried to send them to a further path as soon as possible. In April 1097, the Crusaders crossed through the Bosphorus.

The first detachment of Walter Golyak was already smashed in Asia Minor. But the troops appeared here in the spring of 1097 easily defeated the army of the Nicene Sultan. In the summer, the Crusaders were divided: most of them moved towards the Syrian city of Antioch. In early July 1098 after the seven-month siege, the city surrendered. Meanwhile, some French crusaders have established themselves in Edessa (now Urf, Turkey). Baldwin Boulogne founded her own state, Storing on both sides of the Euphrates. It was the first state of the Crusaders in the East.

In Antioch, the Crusaders, in turn, were besieged by Emir Mosul Kerbuga. He began hunger. By exposing great danger, they came out of the city and were able to break the Kerbugu. After a prolonged strain from Ramun-House, the Antioch took possession of Bohamund, who was still able to force it to force the rest of the crusader leaders to transmit this important city to him. Soon in Malaya Asia, the war of the Crusaders began with the Greeks of seaside cities, which expected to get rid of not only from Muslim dictates, but also from new Western owners.

From the Antioch Crusaders, without much obstacles, they advanced along the coast south and on the way, seized several port cities. The path to Jerusalem opened before the knights, but they did not immediately move to the desired city. The epidemic broke out - far from the last during the crusades. "The Militory" lost every day without any battles many people. The leaders were divided, and their detachments were dissipated in the nearby territories. Finally, the departure from Antioch was appointed for March 1099.

Gottfried Boulevard and Count Flande performed in Lodica. The whole army connected under the walls of Arhas, the siege of which was already started with Ramund. At this time, the ambassadors of the Cairo Caliph, who recently became the Lord of Jerusalem, arrived at the Crusaders. They stated that the gate of the sacred city will open only before unarmed pilgrims. It did not affect Europeans's plans. Taking Arhas, they continued to move towards the main goal. At that time, in Christian army there were up to 50 thousand people. These were warriors already hardened in battles, and not a chaw the first stage of crusades. But on Jerusalem, who opened their gaze, they looked with the same children's delight and a reverent trepidation, like anyone of that era. Riders went away from their horses and went bare; screams, prayers and a thousandthly repeated exclamation "Jerusalem!" He announced the county.

Crusaders are located three detachments: Gottfried, Robert Norman and Robert Flande - northeast of the city, Tancred - to the northwest, Ramunda - south. Jerusalem defended the Egyptian garrison of 40 thousand people. The city was thoroughly prepared for siege: food was harvested, wells were covered throughout the neighboring area and the Kedron River River. Knights collided with big problems. They suffered from thirst and from the heat, there was a pendant space around, had to send expeditions to remote areas behind the forest, from which huge siege cars, stairs and taran were built. The logs were used, of which rural houses and churches of the district were made. But from Genoa merchants sent a timely ships with food and qualified carpenters and engineers.

Saracines were defended, leaked on the head of enemies with boiling resin, threw them with stones, hit arrells. Crusaders resorted to a variety of techniques. Once they even made a congestion around the impregnable fortress. The decisive assault began on July 14, 1099. At night, Gottfried's warriors were hidden moved their camp to the eastern part of Jerusalem, which was worse protected by Sarcins. At dawn on the signal, all three parts of the army came into motion. From three sides, a colossal rolling towers moved to the walls of Jerusalem. But after the twelve-hour battle, Muslims managed to repel the enemy. Only the next day from the Tower of Gottfried finally shouted the bridge on the wall, according to which his soldiers broke into the city. Knights managed to set fire to the defensive devices of Saracin. Soon and Ramunda, and Tancred were in Jerusalem. It happened at three in the afternoon, on Friday, that day of the week and at the time when the Savior died on the cross.

The city began a terrible massacre and no less terrible robbery. For the week, "pious" conquerors destroyed about 70 thousand people. And they are with prayers and sobs, with bare feet and naked heads poured sins in the temple of the Resurrection before the coffin of Christ.

Soon in the battle with the Big Egyptian army with Askalon, the United Crusading Army defended its main conquest. Crusaders captured most of the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Four states were created on the captured territory, four states were created: the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Tripoli County, Antioch and Edessian County. The main among the rulers was the king of Jerusalem Gottfried, but the rest behaved quite independently. The dominion of Latinan, however, turned out to be short-lived.

From the very beginning, crusades were an adventure. Huge heterogeneous troops under the leadership of the often warring ambitious kings, graphs and dukes with constantly decreasing religious zeal in thousands of kilometers from their homeland had to experience irresistible difficulties. And if during the first campaign, the Europeans managed to stun Muslims with their pressure, then create a solid system of government, and then they could not protect their conquests.

In 1137, the Byzantine Emperor John II attacked Antioch and captured her. In the 1144th, Emir Mosuli Imad-Ad-Dean Zengi took the county of Edessa - the outpost of the Christian world in the East. Complex times have come for other knightly states. From all sides, they were attacked by Syrians, Seljuk and Egyptians. Jerusalem King lost control over his own vassal princes.

Naturally, the fall of Edeses should have become a heavy blow for Christians. Especially great resonance this event caused in France. The king of Louis VII young was romantic enough and at the same time militantly set up. He was covered by the feasures of which he was heard from childhood. This gust supported and Pope Evgeny III, and one of the most authoritative artists of Europe - Abbot Clervo Bernard, a supporter of strict morals, teacher and Eugene, and Abbot Sugarya - an influential adviser to Louis. In the city of Vessel in Burgundy Bernard convened the Cathedral, where in the presence of the king on March 31, 1146, a fiery speech said, calling all Christians to rise to the struggle against the wrong. "The grief of those whose sword will not be bored with blood," said a preacher. Immediately, many, and, first of all, Louis, laid the crosses as a sign of readiness to go to a new campaign. Soon Bernard arrived in Germany, where after some struggle managed to persuade King Conrad III to support a new undertaking.

The Germans and the French from the very beginning of the campaign (spring 1147) poorly coordinated their actions, pursuing each of their goals. So, the French wanted to move to the east by sea, using the help of the Norman king of Sicily Roegra, the Germans agreed with the Byzantine emperor Manuil and were going to move along land through Hungary and Balkans. The point of view of Conrad won, and an angry Roger, and without that he had been confused with Byzantia because of Southern Italy, concluded a union with African Muslims and made a number of devastating raids on the Greek coast and island.

In September 1147, Konstantinople, the Germans found themselves in September 1147, as the last time, having time to inspire horror on the way with their looting. Manuel, like Alexey Komnin, did everything possible so that Latinians quickly were in Asia Minor. On October 26, the Germans suffered a crushing defeat from the Iconian Sultan under Dorilem in Anatolia. Returning to Nikey, many thousands of Germans died from hunger. But the soldiers of Louis, who arrived in the Byzantine capital, a little later, Manuel told about the stunning success of the conrad, causing them envy. Soon the French were in Asia Minor. In the niche of the troops of the kings met and continued the way together. Trying to get around the places of the recent Dvorile tragedy, the monarchs led the troops by a complex bypass through Pergami and Smyrna. The Turkish cavalry constantly disturbed the columns, the crusaders were lack of forage and food. The case was complicated and slowed down the fact that Louis VII took a completely inappropriate in a serious campaign in a heavy campaign, a magnificent courtyard led by a beautiful wife - Eleonor Akvitan. The assistance of the Byzantine army was insufficient - apparently, the emperor Manuel in the depths of the soul wanted the defeat of the Crusaders. On July 3, 1147, the village of Hittin, west of the Genisaret Lake, a cruel battle was broken. Muslim army numerically exceeded the forces of Christians. As a result, the Crusaders suffered a crushing defeat. Countlessly marked them in battle, and the survivors were captured. In the hands of Christians there are only a few powerful fortresses in the north: Krak de Chevalier, Blanc and Margat.

In early 1148, a strongly deep crusaded army arrived in Ephesus. Hence Louis with great difficulty, withstanding a number of battles, cold and heavy rains, got in March 1148 to Antioch. The last part of his army was done on Byzantine ships. In Antioch, the French waited for a warm welcome, festivities and celebrations. Eleanor tied the intrigue with the local ruler. Louis VII lost all inspiration, and his army is the necessary combat mood.

Meanwhile, Conrad has not been thinking about joint actions with its ally. With the Jerusalem King of Baldwin III, he agreed to speak at all against Emir Mosulu - the powerful offender of Edessa, for which it seemed, and the whole campaign was treated - and against Damascus. The French monarch was forced to join them. The 50,000-thousand Christian army held a lot of time under the walls of the Syrian capital. His leaders quickly overviewed each other, suspecting each other in treason and in the desire to seize most of the potential prey. The attack on Damascus pushed his ruler to the conclusion of the Union with another Muslim feudal - Prince Aleppo. The combined forces of Muslims forced the Crusaders to retreat from Damascus.

In the fall of 1148, the Germans left for Constantinople on Byzantine ships, and from there went to Germany. Louis also did not decide to continue military actions. At the beginning of 1149, the French in the Norman ships crossed the South Italy, and in the fall of the same year were already in their homeland.

The second crusade turned out to be a completely useless event. In addition to numerous losses, he did not bring anything to his managers and initiators - nor glory, no wealth, no land. Abbot Clervosky, for whom the defeat of the campaign was a personal tragedy, even wrote a "acquittal word", in which he attributed the disaster of the war crimes Christians.

During the second crusade, similar local events arranged some feudals and in Europe. Thus, the Saxons fell into the Slavic tribes between the Elbe and Oder, and a number of French, Norman and English knights intervened in Spanish affairs, fought against Mavrov and captured Lisbon, who became the capital of Christian Portugal.

If you can imagine the "match of all stars" in the Middle Ages, then it is quite possible to call the third crusade. Almost all bright characters of the time, all the most powerful rulers of Europe and the Middle East took direct part in it. Richard Lion Heart, Philip II August, Friedrich Barbarossa, Saladin. Everyone is a person, each - the epoch, each - the hero of his time.

After the second crusade of the case, Christians in the East went even worse. The leader and hope of the Muslim world became an outstanding statesman and a talented commander Sultan Saladin. Initially, he came to power in Egypt, then subjugated to Syria and other territories in the east. In 1187, Saladin took Jerusalem. The news about this was the signal to the beginning of the next crusade. Roman legats managed to convince the east of the powerful sovereigns of France, England and Germany - Philip, Richard and Friedrich.

The German emperor chose to move the already famous path through Hungary and the Balkan Peninsula. His crusaders led by a ruffled experience and practical 67-year-old Barbarossey were the first to go on a hike in the spring of 1189. Naturally, the relations of the Germans with the Byzantines have grown traditionally, as soon as Latinians were in the territory of Byzantium. The clashes began, the diplomatic scandal broke out. Friedrich seriously thought about the siege of Constantinople, but in the end, more and more or less, the German army crossed himself into small Asia. She slowly, but confidently moved to the south when it happened irreparable. When crossing the Salph, the emperor drowned. This event produced a depressing impression on pilgrims. Many of them returned home. The remaining moved to Antioch.

The French and the British agreed to perform together. The tricky and subtle diplomat of Philip since the time of war against Heinrich II of the Plantagenet was in the most friendly relations with the young British king Richard I. The latter was the full opposite. Public affairs were interested in him because. Much more of him occupied war, feats, fame. The first knight of his time, physically strong, brave richard The lion's heart was a short-sighted politician and a bad diplomat. But while, before going around, the friendship of monarchs seemed unshakable. For some time they have left for training, in which the special tax on all segments of the population was established in their countries - the so-called Saladinova Tith. Richard was especially dyed, collecting money. They said that the king and London would have sold if the buyer was found on him. As a result, under his command gathered a significant army.

Philip Augustus and Richard appeared in the spring of 1190. Their path lay through Sicily. Already here, all the fragility of their union was revealed. Richard presented claims to this island. He began military actions against Sicilians (more precisely - the Normanov, whichow by the kingdom), because of which quarreled with a more peaceful Philip. Finally, the British and the French went on. Philip's troops safely reached the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and the British inscribed the storm, who brought them to the shores of Cyprus. Richard took the island from the Usurper Isaac Comnin and announced his possession. Soon he laid him in the Templars. Only in June 1191, the English forces arrived to acre.

This seaside Syrian city has unfolded major events. Actually, the fortress should not be represented for a great strategic value for Christians. Inappropriate for her (back in 1189), the Christian ruler of Jerusalem Guido Lusignan was involved in the fight for it. Gradually, they were joined by all the detachments from Europe who came to him. Muslims alone and grind them. The siege was delayed, near the acres grew, in fact, the Christian knightly city. The acre was perfectly protected, by sea from Egypt and on land from Mesopotamia there were food and reinforcement. Saladine was outside the city and constantly committed raid on the precipitated. Crusading troops suffered from diseases and heat. The arrival of new forces, and especially Richard, inspired the Crusaders to more energetic combat operations. Side rushed, siege towers were built ... Finally, in July 1191, the fortress was taken.

Develop success in the east Crusaders prevented the usual dressing. A dispute arose due to the candidacy of the new Jerusalem king. Philip supported the hero of the defense of the Tire of Conrad Montiferttsky, Richard performed for Guido Lusignan. There were problems with loyalty. Evidence of fierce contradictions was an episode with Leopold Austrian. He wooked over one of the acra towers his stale, and Richard ordered him to rip it. Then miraculously managed to avoid the bloody collision of Christians among themselves. Philip, displeased and annoyed by Richard, and simply considered his mission performed, departed to France. The English king remained the sole leader of the crusader. He did not receive complete trust and approval. His relationship with Saladin was inconsistent. Sultan was distinguished by big political tact and many truly knightly qualities that even Europeans appreciated it. He willingly walked to negotiations, but when Richard was kind with an opponent, he was suspected of treason. When he took sharper steps, Christians also had all the grounds for discontent. So, after taking acres, the knights were presented to Saladin overly heavy conditions for it to redeem the Muslim hostages: the return of all captured territories, money, the tree of the cross ... Saladin Medlil. Then the angry Richard ordered to kill two thousand Muslims - an action that terrified their uninterests. In response, Sultan ordered to kill Christian prisoners.

From Acra, Richard moved not to Jerusalem, but on Jaffa. This path was very difficult. Saladine was constantly disturbed by knightly columns. The big battle occurred at Arzufe. Here Richard showed himself as an amazing brave warrior and a good commander. The knights of the head broke numerically superior to the enemy. But the results of this victory could not use the king. In 1192, the English monarch and Sultan entered into a world that did not respond to the goals. Jerusalem remained in the hands of Muslims, although he was opened for peaceful Christians - pilgrims. In the hands of the crusaders, only a narrow coastal strip remained, which started the north of the Tira and reaching Jaffa. Richard, returning home, in Austria, he captured to the Honor Leopold at him and spent two years in the dungeon.

The fourth crusade clearly showed what a crusader military is actually pursued and what his Christian piety is. No wonder Pope John Paul II had to relatively recently apologize to the Konstantinople Patriarch for the actions of the knights in the distant XIII century.

The initiator of the next hike was the active papa Roman Innocent III. In 1198, he began to agitate Western sovereigns and feudalists again to go to liberate the coffin of the Lord. The powerful monarchs of England and France today ignored the offer of Innocent, but several feudalists still decided to take part in the campaign. These were Tibo Champagne, Marcgraf Monferatt Bonifami, Simon de Montfort, Boduen Flanders and others.

Crusaders agreed with the Pope in the fact that the army should first head to Syria and Palestine, but in Egypt, from where the Muslim world and screaming their strength. Since the knights did not have a large fleet, they turned to the leading sea power of that time - the Venice Republic. The rich merchant cities of Italy from the very beginning of the crusades took an active part in their organization. Genoes, Pisans and Venetians transported supplies and people, being interested not only in a concrete remuneration for these services, but also in strengthening their influence in the Eastern Mediterranean to the detriment of the interests of competitors: Arabs and Byzantium. In 1201, the elderly (he was more than 90 years old!) Doge Venice Enrico Dandolo promised to transport 25 thousand Crusaders to Egypt and bring them supplies for 85 thousand stamps and half of future mining. In May of the same year, the leader of the Crusader was the Bonifacea Monferatt - a person practical and cynical. Soon he and Dandolo pushed the Dad Innocent from the leadership of the campaign and focused on their own interests other than the initial goals of the campaign.

Crusaders gathered in the camp on Lido Island, a few kilometers from Venice. It was very quickly discovered that the Crusaders had a sufficient amount of funds to pay for food. Then he agreed with Bonifacim that the warriors of Christ would pay Venice to the service - capture the rich city of Zadar in the Dalmatian coast, which then belonged to Hungary. Only units knew about the agreement. In the fall of 1202, all the Crusaders were planted on the ships and in the month did not land from Egypt, and in the task that the irritated knights were easily taken.

Alexey Angel, Alexey Angel arrived at Knights. His father Isaac, who was in the Union with the German Emperor, was shortly before it overthrown and blinded Alexei III Comnin. Tsarevich managed to run, and now he asked for help from the Crusaders. And for it promised a rich remuneration, promoting the campaign to the Holy Land and, finally, the restoration of the unity of the Greek and Roman Christian church. So it appeared a reason to go to Constantinople. This idea was actively supported by Bonifami and Dandolo. Venetians have long had a tooth on the Byzantines. In the trade and maritime attitude, they were stronger and in Constantinople had great privileges in Constantinople, but there were still misunderstandings between the Venetian merchants and the emperor, which cost the Italians of large damages.

On June 23, 1203, the Crusaders arrived at the Bosphorus and landed at the Asian coast, Halcidon. Then they crossed in Galat and became a fortified camp here. The Venetian ships, breaking through the famous chain, which broored the entrance, broke into the Golden Horn bay. By this time, the Knight's army consisted of about 40 thousand people, but due to diseases, desertion and military losses in the final debris, only about 15 thousand participated in the final debris.

Actually, the siege as such and was not - all actions focused on a relatively small plot of urban fortifications. The walls seemed absolutely impregnable. Over the past seven centuries, they have repeatedly defended the city from the Gunnov, Bulgarians, Slavs, Arabs and Turks, whose armies significantly exceeded the forces with whom Dandolo and Bonifami's siege. But Constantinople did not have a sufficient number of defenders. In addition, in July, Alexey III fled from the capital. Isaac returned to the throne. He and his son were in no hurry to fulfill their obligations before Latinians. The same behaved more and more brazenly in relation to local residents, causing universal hatred. This ended that power in the capital in January 1204 seized an eagle enemy of the Crusaders Alexei Duka, Alexey Angel was thrown into prison and killed. To the question of Western feudal feudal, whether the new emperor is gathering to pay the amount promised by his predecessors, he answered with refusal. The Crusaders had another pretext to capture Constantinople.

In March, Monfeptrate and Dandolo and Dandolo compiled a detailed plan of action, from which they did not retreat. According to the contract, knights had to take Constantinople storming and establish Latin Board in it. The city should have to betray a plunder and all extraction to be shared between Venice and the French. Between them and the newly elected Latin emperor shared the territory of the country. The decisive assault began on April 9. Constantinople was taken on April 12, 1204. This date can be considered the true end of the Byzantine Empire, although it was formally restored after sixty years, after which there were two more centuries.

Crusaders staged a three-day bloody orgy in Constantinople. They killed, robbed, raped. Eyewitnesses, even from Latinan, described these three days with horror. The knights burned the libraries, destroyed the invaluable works of art, endured shrines from churches, did not spare neither the old people or children. And all this happened in the Christian city, as part of the fourth crusade, declared to combat "incorrect"! The Latin Empire was formed on the territory of Byzantium.

For all the time the fourth crusade, actually, only small detachments of those leaders, who at one time refused to join the Crusaders in Venice, arrived in the Holy Land from Europe. But these few hundred knights could not help their municipalities. Their army committed several minor punitive expeditions against Muslim Emir in the vicinity of Sidon, and the fleet ruled the Egyptian city of Fuva in the Nile Delta. As a result of these actions, in September 1204, a peace treaty was signed for a period of six years: Christians returned to Jaffu, taken away from them in 1197, half of the territory of Sidon, part of the city of Nazareth. In general, the fourth hike only weakened the Christian East. The emerging Latin Empire divided strength: Constantinople absorbed a part of the subsidies intended for the Holy Land, attracted the soldiers to him who could go to Syria.

In our opinion, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the story about the children's crusade was attributed to the time of the Pope of Innokentia III mentioned above. The person of him is extremely curious. Pope was distinguished by indomitable energy, ambulance, apparently, sincerely conviction that he makes the right thing, the dedication of the Catholic Church. During his stay on the Papence of Innocent III, III organized a lot of large-scale events. He intervened in the affairs of the sovereign throughout Europe, his hands got up to England, Baltic States, Galicia ... The main goal of Dad considered the assignment of the rule of Poppalis over Europe.

Innokenty III (his name before the adoption of Tiara Giovaan-Lotar Conti) was changed at the Papel throne of Cellina III on January 8, 1198. It is curious that before that he was not even a bishop, he was only 38 years old, but Cardinals had already considered him the best challenger on the holy throne.

Dad immediately began to solve problems with the enemies of the throne. To begin with, he figured out the Roman aristocrats, while using the full support for the simple urban population, among which he was extremely popular. Then Innocent appealed to Italian affairs, where the Germans traditionally fought with him for influence. German barons planted in different cities of the Apennine Peninsula Emperor Heinrich VI were forced to leave the papal region. Florentine cities have formed an independent union, but there were strong papal sympathies. Years and years, as the papal region, under the leadership of Innokentia III, has reached the largest limits for the entire previous history. After Italy, a turn of the rest of Europe came. As historic N. Osokin writes: "For Innocent, there was no man too poor, too insignificant and, on the contrary, the ruler too influential. That is why he boldly engaged in confrontation with the most powerful states, widely using the mood in Nizakh, exploiting their religiosity, and, sometimes, ignorance and militancy.

In fulfilling their plans in relation to the rulers of modern Europe, Innokenti met strong resistance. Influence in Germany, England, France, Leone (one of the Spanish kingdoms), Portugal, finally, the Merge Languedoc (area in the south of France) Pope has strengthened after the hard struggle with politicians and the spirit of national identity.

In Germany, there was a complete confusion: the struggle for the imperial throne was going. The hopes of the parties were connected with the actions of Innocent III, much depended on the one of which of the three applicants, he will support: Philip Gajenstaofen, Friedrich Gajenstaofena or Othona IV, Duke Brunshweagsky, leader of the Venels Party. Philip and Otton were elected to the throne of German princes almost simultaneously, every one of her party. A war began between rivals. In the direct heir, the son of the last emperor - Friedrich, the first time did not pay attention. Innocent after a long randomly spoke in favor of Oton, against which almost the entire average and South Germany protested. His opponents sent a pope rather hard protest. "Maybe Holy Kuria," the authors of this document wrote, "in their parental tenderness he considers us an addition to the Roman Empire. If so, then we cannot but declare the injustice of all this ... "But Kuria believed exactly that, so Innocent continued to defend his point of view. In addition, the Philip spoke his namesake - the king of French, just subjected to humiliation from Pontifica, which will be discussed below. The situation was allowed in favor of Ottone rather unexpectedly. On June 23, 1208, Philip Gogyenstaofen was killed by his personal enemy - one of the German feudalists. Otton, however, did not meet the hopes of Pope. In 1210, he tried to seize the Kingdom of both Sicily, who included a significant part of the Apennine Peninsula, and was excommunicated from the Church. This once again showed that the discrepancies between the Pontifitis and the Sacred Roman Empire are systemic. Whoever comes to power in the empire, he invariably came to a conflict with the dad because of the right to interfere in the Church's affairs in his country and claims to some controversial territories.

Much more rigidly Innocent III put in place of the recalcitrant English monarch, which was the most disastrous John Farmless - the king who did not want to share his power with anyone, even with the Catholic Church. In 1205, John tried to cancel the papal statement of the new Archbishop of Canterbury - Head of the English Church. As a result, Innokenti imposed an interdict in England. For a medieval person, the termination of all rituals and celebrations, the closure of temples was a disaster. Some time English king struggled: ordered to grab, cast out, hang and cut those spiritual persons who obeyed interdictic. He confiscated their estates, encouraged the robbery, but he achieved only the fact that the population of the country even more restored against himself. In 1212, Innokenti dewed to John from the throne and freed the English feudal from the vassal oath to his king. The wrath of the monarch was replaced by Roleppie. He refused England in favor of Rome and received him back at Dad with the obligation of the Great Annual Dani.

England and Germany Dad did not limit himself. It was at Innokentia that the conquests of the Teutonic Order began on the territory of the settlement of Prussians and the Order of the Middle Mares in the lands of Livov. And in Prussia, and in Livonia, crusades were accompanied by a merciless devastation of land. Fought dad and strengthening his influence in Spain.

One of the strongest opponents of Innokentia at one time was the outstanding French monarch Philip II August. Then the power of the power of royal power was occurred, the process of unification of French lands was. Philip II successfully fought the British for the Akvitan territory of the Aquitan territory in France who had departed with Eleonore, enjoyed the possession of the feudalists, which went into the Crusades to the East, established relations with the cities that took the boryts from under power. Much was made in the field of administrative, economic structure of the state. Such a king was naturally against Rome to have a big impact on French affairs. The reason for the collision between Philip and Innochentius was the marriage problems of the king. The latter did not like his spouse in Geborgu, the sister of the Danish king whip. When, at the request of Philippe about the divorce of Papa, Kesetin III responded with refusal, the king ordered the Ingeborgu to the monastery, and he himself married the daughter of one of the Tyrolean princes. Having come to power, Innokenty resolutely led the struggle for the performance of a papal order. In January 1200, the French clergy gathered to the Vienne Cathedral. The legat of Pope announced that France was dedicated to the excavation from the church for the sins of his king. Philip II August was forced to give up. In 1202, the excision was removed. They say the king with bitterness said: "As happy Saladin that he has no dad." Ingeborga was returned to the court. But the French monarch threw hatred for Rome and, undoubtedly, was not reliable subjects of curia.

Innocent III Putting certain hopes and to establish its influence in Byzantium. It was on the board of this base that a bloody fourth crusade was organized, during which the Crusaders defeated Constantinople. However, Dad was dissatisfied with their cruelty. Upon learning of the wild atrocities of the French and Venetians, he punished the perpetrators of the elusive Bullah. But Innokenty himself became the organizer of an at least bloody albigo campaign in the south of France, during which the Inquisition began to act with his permission. It is curious that the king of Philip did not personally participate in wars against heretics. The battles with albigoines at the first stage were carried out, in fact, Rome and the crusaded arms scored. It is unlikely that the French king was delighted with the fact that in the territory of his kingdom, a foreign army holds.

Thus, the crusade of children who happened alleged in 1212 may have the most direct attitude towards the history of Innocent's struggle with German and French rulers. We are again dealing with some designed church, organized and, probably armed groups that are gathering in Germany and France and marvel on the roads of naughty monarchs. Their goals in this case can be divided into formal and actual. Just as the participants of the fourth crusade went to Egypt, and sailed to Dalmatia, the participants of the "Children's" campaign went to the Holy Land, and reached Marseille. And maybe the French and Germans. The French even had a letter in the name of Philip II August. What was in this document, what did Legs want to achieve, secretly guided the campaign? Performances of the regular forces of the king in the Middle East? Their participation in the Albigo War? Complete subordination of the king dad? Or maybe the monarch was preparing another attempt to remove the church from the decision of the state problems of France, and the multi-volume procession served as a preventive measure that held it from this step? After all, since the pontiff can put under his banners the colossal masses of commoners (besides the main part of the "children's troops", the local formations marched on the roads of France), is it possible to deal with Rome?

"For the shore, Stupitsky leads the mind of the child ..." Children's campaign of children 1212 believe or not to believe in the biblical history about the seasons in front of Moses - the personal matter of everyone. But thousands of children who, dried hymns, went through the streets of Marseille straight to the sea, undoubtedly believed in it. They are

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The crusade of children is such a name, in historiography, received a 2312 people's movement.

Middle Ages

The legendary crusade of children gives an excellent idea of \u200b\u200bhow much the mentality of the Middle Ages was distinguished from the worldview of the present time. Reality with fiction in the man's head of the XIII century was closely intertwined. The people believed in a miracle. Nowadays, the idea of \u200b\u200ba children's crusade seems to us wildness, then thousands of people did not doubt the success of the enterprise. Although, we still do not know whether it really happened.

It will not be true to assume that the struggle for Jerusalem the clergy could pass only greedy to the accompanying and exploration of the knighthood and just as greedy Italian merchants. The crusader spirit was supported in the lower layers of society, where the charm of his myths was especially strong. The campaign of young peasants became the embodiment of this naive commitment to him.

How it all began

At the beginning of the XIII century, the conviction was strengthened in Europe that only sinless children will be able to free the holy land. The incendiary speeches of preachers who mourning the capture of the "incorrect" coffin of the Lord found a wide response among children and adolescents, as a rule from the peasant families of Northern France and Priesna Germany. Teenage religious dust warmed up by parents and parish priests. Dad and the highest clergy opposed the enterprise, but he could not stop it. The priests on the ground, as a rule, were just as ignorant, as well as their flock.

Idea inspirers

1212, June - A certain shepherd appeared in the village of Vandom in France in France, who declared himself a messenger of God, who was called to become the leader of Christians and again conquer the promised land; The sea should have dried before the army of spiritual Israel. Allegedly the boy came Christ himself and handed a letter to transfer the king. Shepherds passed throughout the country everywhere causing a rapid inspiration with his speeches, as well as the wonders committed by the eyes of thousands of eyewitnesses.

Soon, the preachers' boys appeared in many localities, they collected entire crowds of like-minded people around themselves and led them with banners and crosses, with solemn songs to Stephan. If someone asked young madmen, where they go, they answered that they were sent "for the sea, to God."

The king tried to stop this madness, ordered to return the children home, but it did not help. Part of them was obeyed by the order, but most did not pay attention to him, and adults were involved in the event. Not only the priests, artisans and peasants, but also thieves and criminals, "inserted on the path of True, were hung up to Stefan to Stephana, along the chariot of carpets and surrounded by bodyguards.

In the hands of slave trade

1212 - Two threads, young travelers went to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Several thousand French children (maybe up to 30 thousand people, if you consider both adult pilgrims), under the leadership of Stephen arrived in Marseille, where cynical slave trades were immersed by ships. Two ships sank during a storm with San Pietro Island near Sardinia, and the remaining 5 were able to reach Egypt, where shipowners sold children to slavery.

Many of the prisoners allegedly hit the court of Khalifa, who was defeated by perseverance in his faith of young crusaders. Some of the chronicists argued that later both slave owners who had transported children were in the hands of the enlightened emperor Friedrich II, who sentenced the criminals for hanging. At the conclusion of the contract in 1229 with the Sultan Alkomlom, maybe he was able to return part of the pilgrims to their homeland.

Transition through the Alps

At the same years, thousands of German children (maybe up to 20 thousand people), headed by a 10-year-old Nicholas from Cologne, went on foot to Italy. Nicholas's father was a slave owner, who also used his son for his own mercenary purposes. When moving through the Alps, two thirds of the detachment died from hunger and cold, the rest of the children were able to reach Rome, Genoa and Brindisi. The bishop of the latter of these cities resolutely resulted in continuation of the campaign by the sea and turned the crowd in the opposite direction.

He and Dad Innokenti III freed the crusaders from the vow and sent home. There are information that the Pontiff only gave them a deferment to fulfill their plans until the age of majority. But on the way home almost all of them died. According to the legend, Nicholas himself survived and in 1219 he even fought at Damiette in Egypt.

And it could be so ...

There is another version of these events. According to her, French children and adults were still amented to the persuasion of Philip Augustus and diverged home. The German children under the leadership of Nicolas reached Mainz, there some were able to persuade return, but the most persistent continued to go to Italy. Some of them arrived in Venice, others in Genoa, and the small group was able to reach Rome, some children appeared in Marseille. Be that as it may, most of the children disappeared without a trace.

Crusade children in history

These dark events were likely to form the basis of the legend of the rats-flutiste, which carried away all children from the city of Hameln (). Some Genoese Patrician Gifts even led their pedigree from the remaining German children.

The incredibility of this kind of event makes the historians consider that the "crusading of children" actually called the movement of the poor in the crusade of poor people (serfs, bars, rods), failed in Italy.
