1 Young people are sometimes used in their everyday speech of expression and words, the meaning of which will slip away from them. Especially many terms were borrowed from the thieves of Argo, and not so many people know their meaning, and even more the origin. Our site website allows you to answer your questions, so add us to bookmarks so as not to miss anything interesting. Today we will talk about a fairly well-known and popular in the narrow circles. Zhigan.What you mean you can read a little lower.
However, before proceeding, I would like to advise you to familiarize yourself with another couple of intelligent news on the subject of prison slang. For example, what does Maruh mean, how to understand from the Sumy and do not register from prison; Who is called Sixer, what is a fucked vein, etc.
So, will continue what does zhigan mean? This term has several values, we will talk about the most popular of them.

Zhigan.- This is a desperate thief that does not stop before

Name a person "Zhigan" means to make this compliment, praise the courage and trick. In the 20s, all real gigans were exterminated, and only a few, who accepted the ideas of socialism remained alive.

Gigan- Analogue of words to hooligan, that is, aggressively behave, spit, nibble seeds, beat the lights

The origin of the word zhigan.

Version first. In the Tsarist Russia, this word was called people of evaints soot or even stamps. Usually, to such a category of citizens began to attribute anyone who was associated with fire.

Version Second. So in the camps called the most nasty sedles and the cortex. In addition, a free citizen in the fluff and dust of a lighter in the card could be called.

In our time, Zhigans call those people who try to live in the thieves rules (concepts).

Third version. The origin of this word is associated with correctional labor camps, which referred to the former whiteguards and political prisoners. Over time, it was formed a separate caste of the most desperate and lucky sidelles, which after a while began to call "Zhigans".

Unlike the criminal burdron, the White Guards were people military, well educated, and because it was not bad organized. Many B. sovdpaithey considered this group of prisoners a serious danger for the Soviet system, since they did not recognize the new power, and they tried to oppose her in every way. This closed society was headed by the leader, whom everyone called "Zhigan".

After the "advice" came to power, the concept of "Zhigan" has been enriched with another sense, so they began to call experienced and desperate people from the curve path. In addition, the words synonyms appeared, for example, "lighters", "hot", "zhigi", so called all those who possessed the ability to "burn out", that is, to inflict strong and sharp blows of the new government.

Some historians believe that the concept of "thief in the law" appeared after word formation " zhigan.". In about the 20s of the last century, the sedellers were not so remote in the places in the places, the new -" gigans ", and the old -" Urca ". It was Zhigans in prisons a whole set of rules were developed, which continued all "Thieves in law". Usually, after entering the camp, Zhigans tried to subjugate local thieves of the old school. However, such a situation could not continue for a long time, and this issue was engaged in the NKVD. According to some research, it was the Chekists who served the appearance of "thieves in law ", Which, with the support of the administration, engaged in an active extermination of all Zhiganov. After the Zhigans were finished, the NKVD began to straighten with the" thieves in law ".

Some citizens are interested what does zhigan lemon mean?

Zhigan Lemon.- This is an expression from the song of the Circle, indicates a beautiful, and well-dressed man who has a lot of money, what the word "lemon" says, which means a million

After reading this small article, you will now be aware of what does zhigan meanAnd no longer fall into a difficult position, if you suddenly find it a little word.

Chanson's performers in their songs often use words whose value is not clear. The word "Zhigan" is often often used in the works of this genre, as well as in the speech of representatives of certain segments of the population. In people who do not have imprisoned experience, it is associated mainly with the criminal world. Not knowing who the law-abiding citizens resort to the use of this word.

Today there are several versions of the origin of this term. In this article we will consider the meaning of this concept, the history of its origin, thereby responding to the question: "Who is the zhigan?"

Interpretation options

Regarding the meaning of this term, there are different opinions. Therefore, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question: "Who is the zhigan?" According to one of the versions, the so-called stagsaries or people, soot. This category includes all those whose activities were somehow connected with fire.

According to the second version, in the Tsarist Russia "Zhigans" were called the poorest religion and sidelles. This name was applied and to the free people losing to maps. Today, this word applies to those who seek to live "according to the concepts".

Who are gigans? The history of the appearance of a new caste

In post-revolutionary years, a new caste of convicts was formed from political prisoners and former White Guards in correctional labor camps, from which the most fortunate and desperate sedlites began to be called "gigans". Unlike the main mass of convicts for criminal offenses, the White Guards had their ideology, were literate, more organized and sought to occupy the leading position in the Criminal world. According to historians, this category for the new government represented a very serious danger, because he did not want to adopt the communist ideology. He headed this "suit" his leader, who was called "Zhigan". Thus, with the advent of Soviet power, the importance of the word "Zhigan" in the thyough world enriched with a new meaning: they began to call particularly desperate and experienced people who were on a criminal path. Synonyms appeared to him: "Zhigi", "hot", "lighters". Thus called all those who are able to "burn out", that is, to apply painful blows.

Some researchers involved in the history of Russian crime believe that the word "Thief in Law" appeared after the concept of "Zhigan". It was in the 20s that there was a division of prisoners on the old thieves formation (Urki) and new - Zhiganov.


In the camps of Zhigans quickly adapted to the customs of the criminal world. Since the new wave consisted mainly from the military, rigid hierarchical gradation was built in their interpersonal relationship. On freedom, they led bands from Bosia and Street, studying robbery and theft. Testing hatred of the Soviet power, which deprived them of their former benefits, they did not stop even before murder. Unlike a lesson, representatives of the new formation carefully planned their crimes and acted very boldly. High level of organization, harsh discipline and special cruelty became characteristic features of the criminal activity of the zigans.

Rules of behavior

In places of imprisonment, the following rules were developed, which later followed the thieves in law:

  • Do not work on the state and do not participate in public events.
  • Do not start a family.
  • Do not use weapons issued by the state to protect the country.
  • Do not cooperate with state structures either as a witness or as a victim.
  • Regularly make money into a common treasury.
  • Live "according to the concepts."


According to researchers, hitting the places of detention, Zhigans sought to subjugate the thieves of the old formation. In turn, the NKVD solved the hands of criminal prisoners to cope with the White Guards. According to some historians, the Chekists contributed to the appearance of thieves in law. In bloody battles, the latter with the support of camp administrations won the victory over the gigans. In the future, when the problem with the White Guard officers was finally solved, similar to the NKVD methods began to straighten with the thieves in law. Who are those gigans, now forgotten. However, the set of rules and laws created by them and today.

The meaning of the word "zhigan"

It has several interpretations. So called:

  • Desperate thief that does not stop before. According to the established thieves, to take away the life from another person "the legitimate" is entitled, only protecting its own. In the expression "in front of" some lovers of prison romance invest a special meaning, consisting in readiness and ability to overcome serious difficulties and obstacles. Call someone Zhigan - it means to praise for agility and courage. A vivid example of such a dexter is the famous Peter Gangster Lenka Panteleev.

  • Lucky thief, preferably acting alone and denying all the concepts. A similar interpretation, some researchers of the history of Russian crime explain the fact that as the "suit" of Zhigans were exterminated, and only those who took the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism remained alive.
  • Sly and boastful tricks or hooligan, which leads a broken lifestyle. In accordance with this definition, a new concept appeared - "burn", that is, to hooligan, beat the bulbs, click the seeds, spit and aggressively behave.
  • A person honest with people, but a presisive state and his laws. This type is capable of any hooligan act.
  • Lucky fraudster, mischievous and pass. In this case, the words "Fartovik" or "Freety" were still applied. The etymology of these concepts dates back to the term "Fart", which means successful, lucky.
  • A young man living "according to the concepts" and aspiring in the future to become a thief in law.
  • Joint and very daring man.

One of the well-known examples of the use of the word "Zhigan" is the famous song of Mikhail Krug "Zhigan-Lemon", the hero of which is a clever, cunning and very successful representative of the criminal world.

What were the former White Guards, to destroy the Soviet power

The first thieves in law in our country appeared in the twenties-thirtieth years of the 20th century. Then the former white officers often became often becoming. Reincarnated in criminal authorities, they brought a rigid hierarchy in the thieves. It was them once called Zhigans.

Thieves there, but no words

These are now those who honor a certain thieves code and lives "according to the concepts", refer to the thieves in law. In the time of the NEP, such phrases have not yet existed, so that the former personnel officers of the royal army who put on the path of crime began to call Zhigans.

It is difficult to say why "white shorts" began to call exactly this word; Before the revolution, the gigans were called or the most poor of the cortished or the most "awesome" from the thieves. However, after the civil war, criminal leaders who introduced military discipline to those who were led by the criminal organizations were known exactly as zigans.

There is among the researchers of the history of Russian crime and another version of the appearance of gigans as future thieves in law: they say, their emergence initiated the People's Commissariat of the Interior (NKVD), in order to continuously control the focus sitting in prisons.

However, this version of criticism does not withstand - it contradicts it, in particular, such items of the Qagiv Code in law, as "not working for the state", not cooperate with the authorities. " But former white officers could well come up with such items of the Code - they who did not accept the new power, of course, wanted not to cooperate with her, but to harm her. Well, in fact, it is essentially an amazing way similar to the code of officer honor.

Gigans against Urcaganov

Of course, Zhigans were not the only leaders of the gang; At the same time, the innovers and bosias were collected in criminal groups and experienced Urcagans with a long-standing gangster past. However, between gangs headed by experienced criminals, and gangs, at the head of which were gigans, there was a big difference.

First, the gigans were installed in the strict hierarchy and iron discipline subject to the thieves' groups. Secondly, the urms and gigans moved different motives: the first crossed through the law solely for the sake of profit, the second slept and saw how the foundations of the new government were undermined, the one that turned their social situation into nothing. And thirdly, law enforcement agencies were very different to urganas and gigans.

So, in 1926, the article of the Criminal Code No. 59 entered into force: "Dangerous crimes against the management procedure are particularly for the USSR. Under the "particularly dangerous for order" were understood by the crimes organized. Thus, the criminal, who climbed into someone else's apartment, could be robbed by the year of the camps, and for the organized robbery "sewed" banditry and put on the wall. As a rule, the zigans tried to shake the order of management.

By the end of the 20s, the struggle for the championship in the criminal world swallowed in part in place of imprisonment.

Finally unfair

The camp and imprisonment in the conflict of Urcagans with Zhigans was always on the side of the "Class of Close" lesson. Those criminal authorities, which set themselves the goal of undermining the states of the state by all available ways, should have been defeated; In places of detention, they obviously turned out to be in the worst conditions than the idle gangsters.

Take the position of the zigans, however, were not going. It is known, for example, that, falling into the notorious elephant - the Solovetsky camp of a special purpose, they, holding each other, tried to take the most "warm" places, and refer to representatives of the "thievesk mobile", to put it mildly, unfriendly, and even with cruelty .

Nevertheless, the struggle for the championship in the criminal world, broken down in the late 20s - early 30s, was won by Urcagans. In many ways, because the state considered it necessary to accept the side of the lesson.

Author Beautifulmonster. asked a question in the section Society, Politics, Media

And who is such a zhigan? And got the best answer

Answer from Valerius Agatiev [Guru]
Desperate thief, "Sori-Head". Lyanka Panteleyev to the bright example. This is usually thieves that do not stop before. In this case, it means difficulties, not the concept ...
Name someone Zhigan - praise for the valor and courage. But it is for old concepts. Now, this is no longer surprised. And not always Zhigan became a legitimate. Since this is a single in its essence, and denied all laws. No wonder most of them were exterminated in 30-40-50x. Survived quarreled ....
And the concept of "thieves in law" appeared after 37-50s, thanks to the efforts of Chekists. In the same time, "boring war" began. Well, this is another story ....

Answer from Tobi.[guru]

Answer from Јburchevik[guru]
And the gangster is.

Answer from Evil Lelik[guru]
So the "thieves in law" were pronounced before the revolution.

Answer from Yotas[guru]
as I do not know now - but before it was a Pachan, a thief in law or an Africarity in Turma

Answer from Alexander Antonov[guru]
Zhigan - a man in conceiving the qualities of a trigger, bragging, aggressor. It is usually used in relation to predetermined braks and hitch types, which bear the features of this psychotype even in facial expression.
Accordingly, it is possible on the same principle to form a verb - to burn, which will mean the actions of the corresponding image of Zhigan (spit, drink beer, cheating seeds, fading light bulbs, beat on sockets, etc.)
Synonyms: Chitryga, Fraer

Answer from Saddukei.[guru]
According to the dictionary of Ushakova, this is: a fraudster, a star, a walk .... And in life it is a young man living in "thievesky laws", striving in the future to become a "thief in law", in fact, the acting sentences in relation to others. In Stalin's times. Now all this has a completely different meaning.

Answer from Reader.[newcomer]
In youngsters, the gygan of Stas Hans.

Answer from Daniel Bessonov))[active]
Rapper such.

Podons, Khitrun, Lovkach, Chestens of Russian Synonyms. Zhigan Sushch., Number of synonyms: 13 Thief (115) Lovkach ... Synonym dictionary

Zhigan. - Zhigan, Zhigan Zhigan, husband. (region). Naughty, fraudster, passage. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

lucky - [giant] (simple) ... Dictionary of use letters E

Zhigan. - river vessel (Cherdy County Perm Province), 6,61/2 Long Sedes, 3 5 Arshin width and 6,71 quarters of Arshin, with sediment 4 5 quarters of ARSHIN; Raises 1000 2500 pounds ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

zhigan. - 1. Zhigan, Zhigans, Zhigan, Zhiganov, Zhigan, Zhiganam, Zhigan, Zhiganov, Zhigan, Zhigans, Zhigans, Zigans, Zhigan, Zhigans, Zhigan, Zhiganov, Zhigan, Zhiganam, Zhigan, Zhiganov, Zhigan, Zhigans, Zhigans Zhigans (Source: "Full accentuated ... ... Word forms

zhigan. - Zhig An, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

zhigan. - Thief recidivist, desperate thief ... Vorovskaya jargon

zhigan. - Nahg ... Summary Anagramm

zhigan. - The thief recidivist, a desperate thief, a bold "hot" criminal. Criminal jargon ... Slovar of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

Zhigan Lemon. - Studio album Mikhail Circle Release Date 1994 recorded "Union", 1993 Genre Chanson Duration 45 min 31 ... Wikipedia


  • Zhigan, Sukhov E .. The events of 1917 broke the fate of many officers of the royal army. Someone died, someone went abroad. Headquarters, Rothmist Ivan Glenchev-Kutuzov managed to get a job in a new life. Changed ... buy for 136 rubles
  • Zhigan, Sukhov Eugene. The events of 1917 broke the fate of many officers of the royal army. Someone died, someone went abroad. Headquarters, Rothmist Ivan Glenchev-Kutuzov managed to get a job in a new life. Changed ...
