Vladimir Lenin is not in vain by the famous publicist, which allowed him to start a political career in the Bolshevik party. The native of Simbirsk was distinguished by the readiness and rich tongue. This allowed him to use a variety of winged phrases in his public speeches, which thanks to the Soviet propaganda went into the people. Lenin quotes are often used in everyday speech, and sometimes people do not even realize that some phrases belong to the leader of the proletariat.

"There is such a party!"

One of the most famous phrases of Lenin is considered exclamation "there is such a party!". In the summer of 1917, the All-Russian Congress of Soviets took place in Petrograd. Representatives of various parties, including the Bolsheviks, came to him.

The chairman of Irakli Tsereteli asked those who gathered in the hall, whether there is a party that is ready to take power into the country heavy for the country and be responsible for all its decisions in such a difficult situation. The question was aspass, because for several months, for several months, a variety of sections of Russian society were unhappy with the temporary government and its decisions. But no one saw an obvious alternative to the existing power.

In response to the question of the Tsereteli, Lenin rose, who also attended the congress. He stated: "There is such a party!", Having in mind your own bolshevik batch. The hall reacted with applause and laughter. No one could imagine that the Bolsheviks will come to power, and Lenin's quotes will be in life.

"Who does not work shall not eat"

Many quotes of Lenin turned out to be in his critical articles. Most of the journalistic activities of Ulyanov fell on the years of emigration, however, during the existence of the USSR, he continued to be printed, this time by millipin chairaces.

For example, its phrase has become widespread "Who does not work, he does not eat." By this passage, Lenin criticized Tuneev, who did not help the young Soviet economy to develop against the background of the consequences of the Civil War. Interestingly, such a phrase is found in the Bible, but in a few other form. Lenin himself considered the call to work by the main commandment of socialism, on which the ideology of the Soviet state should be based. The widespread distribution of the phrase was in May 1918, when it appeared in a letter of revolutionary Petrograd workers. A little later the slogan "Who does not work, he does not eat" was directly used in the first constitution of the RSFSR.

"Learn, learn, learn!"

Call "Learn, learn, learn!" Also used by Soviet propaganda for the motivation of the masses. Most likely, Lenin used this phrase in one of his articles, reading Chekhov. In the story "My Life", the classic of literature was noted a similar appeal.

Ilyich did not like the education system at the royal government. This explains what Lenin said about Russians. The quotes of the leader on education were often used in the interiors of schools and universities of the Soviet Union.

"We will go different"

One of the most mythicized phrases of Lenin is rightfully considered the replica "We will go to another". According to the point of view of the official Soviet ideology, the young Volodya uttered her after he learned about the death of the elder brother was executed for the intention to deal with Emperor Alexander III. Lenin also meant her phrase that his future struggle with the royal regime would be based on individual terror, but on propaganda among the masses. In the Soviet and Russian life, this phrase is already used without reference to the revolutionary events of the 20th century, and refers directly to the topic of conversation.

Recently, one colleague decided to "pin" me with one text, which is called "14 quotes of Lenin from which blood is fastened."
This creation is unchanged scattered on hundreds of blogs, forums and other areas of the Russian part of the world cobweb. Hundreds of links. The exposure of fakes about Lenin, Stalin and other figures of the Soviet state - there is in the same Internet. Their factual weight is much larger than the fakes themselves. There is not enough prevalence, the opportunity to find a refutation of it for each fek.

The Internet literally rushed links to the "cannibal" speeches of the leaders of the USSR. It is necessary that he dislike the exposure of these. I proceed for my part to replenish this space. Search for already existing exposure - and distribute. And I urge everyone. Let's start.

True and myths about Leninsky statements

It is well known that all quotes and wages of a particular historical activity should be considered not only in the context of the whole speech, articles or books, but applied to a specific historical situation. In other words, before anything quote, it is necessary to know where, when, in what kind of shelters, these words were pronounced (written). Then their true meaning will be understood. But often it happens that the man in a deftitrine does not fall into deftituctors of the network history and the object of manipulation itself by the objective of the network.

We give here a few quotation tied to the Citat VI. Lenin, who have already made the object of attacks of anti-communists of all the masters and subjected to their historical analysis.

"Any cook is able to control the state."

The phrase "Any cooking is able to control the state", attributed by V. I. Le Nina, is often used when criticizing social-lizma and Soviet power, as well as its va-riant "Any cooking should manage the state."
But the fact is that ascribed by V. I. Lenin (and sometimes L. Trektsky) quotes "Liu-Baia cooking can manage the state" does not belong to him!
In the article "Will the Bolsheviks will keep the GOS-DURAY Power" (A complete collection of co-chine, t. 34, p. 315) Lenin wrote:
"We are not utopians. We know that any black and worker and any cooking is not capable of this time to join the management of the state ... But we ... We demand an immediate break with that prejudice, as if to manage the state, carry everyday, daily management of management in a state Only rich or from god families taken officials. We require it to teach the case of a public administration to be conscious, working and soldiers and that it was started immediately, that is, to the training of this, they immediately started the attraction of all workers, all the poor ".

Feel the difference!

"In fact, it is not a brain, and shit" (about intelligentsia)

The famous phrase of Lenin on Intel-Luge: "In fact, it is not a brain, and shit" Intellectuals-anti-sakes every time you move as an indicator of the relationship of the Soviet leader to this layer of general and its-de low intellectual level. Let's see how it really was.

Lenin in a letter of A. M. Gorky, sent on September 15, 1919 to Petrograd, spoke rather sharply about the intelligentsia (in particular, about V. G. Korolenko), irremry-Mo speaking against "fair", under Lenin, civil war , but not sufficiently condemning what happened in the First World War; On the inadmissibility of mixing the "intellectual forces" of the people ... with the "strength" of bourgeois intellectuals, "refusing to conduct constructive cooperation with the new government and participating in various conspiracies and subversive actions. In a letter, Lenin also recognizes the facts of erroneous argents of the intelligentsia, the facts of the help of the "Intel-lectural forces", who wish to bear the science of the people (and not to make capital) ", and the MINATE-mines about the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on September 11, 1919, Where the question of the arrests of bourgeois intellectuals was discussed (in LitBuro, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, N. I. Bukharin and L. B. Kamenev, suggested in the affairs of the deeds arrested).
It is difficult to disagree with Ilyich.

"Political prostitute"

Not a single document is preserved, where Lenin directly uses this term. But there are a lot of evidence that he used the word "prostitute" on a relative to his political opponents. In particular, Lenin's letter was preserved for the RSDLP Central Committee of September 7, 1905, where he wrote: "Does it be possible with these prostitutes without confocols to rod?"
Oh, Lenin would live to the present day ... I would look at these representatives of the Treats of the profession that fell in state offices.

"We will go different ways."

And here is indeed a legend. But positive. After the execution of the older brother Alexander in 1887, as a member of the Naro-Satisfied conspiracy in order to attempt to the Life of Emperor Alexander III, Vladi Mir Ulyanov allegedly said to phrase: "We will understand the other way", which meant him from the CAZ from the individual terror methods.
In fact, this phrase is taken and paraphrasiro-Wan from the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" Vla-Dimira Mayakovsky.

And then said
Ilyich seventeenth anniversary -
this word is stronger than oaths
soldier raised hand:
- Brother, we are ready to change you here,
we will win, but we will go through others.

According to the memoirs of the older sister, Anna Ilinichna, Vladimir Ulyanov expressed another phrase: "No, we will not go wrong. Not this way to go. "

Well, in the end, Alexander Nevsky pronounces his famous words "Who will come to us with me, from the sword and perish" only in the film Eisenstein. But after all, these words, he only confirms the activities of the historical Nevsky who defeated the enemy who came with a sword. And even Le Ning Moreover, it went to others, before that, by anyone, not covered by. Maybe he did not say, but did it!

"Violence needs and useful"

Opponents of Lenin love to pull out this quotation from the context with a distortion of meaning. And they do this because in the context she looks completely different.
"There are conditions under which violence and is necessary, and useful, and there are conditions under which violence cannot give any results". PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 38, p.43, "The successes and difficulties of Soviet power", 1919.

"Let 90% of the Russian people die, if only 10% have been survived to the Mi-Roy Revolution."

Lying, which, unfortunately, widespread with the easy hand writer Co-Loukina. Let's see how this lie is refuted by the Russian historian and philosopher Vadim skin-new in his two-volume "Russia. Century XX ":

"Vladimir Soloohin argues that in 1918, Lenin" threw a wingred phrase: Let 90% of the Russian people perish, just 10% of the world revolutionary. Then, in the deputyator of the Dzerzhinsky Latzis (in fact, before. CC of the 5th Army. - V.K.) ... Posted in the newspaper "Red Terror" on November 1, 1918, a kind of instruction with all its under-grained: ". .. We destroy the bourgeoisie as a class ... Do not look for the consequence of the material and evidence that the accused action-shaft is a case or a word against the Soviet Poisie "... But, firstly, this" winged phrase "belongs not to Lenin , but G.E. Zinoviev, who also spoke to the same about death 10, not 90%, and secondly, having read the magazine (rather than a newspaper) "Red Terror", Lenin is immediately not without sharpness: "... Not necessarily to negotiate such absurdities that he wrote in his Kazan magazine "Red Terror" Thr. Lazis ... on page 2 in N 1: "Do not look for (!!?) In case of indictment, whether he risked against the board with a weapon or word ..." (Lenin V.I. full. Cons. Op., Vol. 37, p. 310).

Agree, if you turn to a worth-true primary source, then the picture of the history and acquaintance is quite different, rather than impose all sorts of Intel-lectual non-attacks. However, isn't Lenin wrote about them in his letter bitter?

And in conclusion, we give several Le Ningian quotes that do not cause such fierce disputes and do not lose relevance to this day.

The word comrade Lenin
"Universal Vera in the revolution is already the beginning of the revolution." - "Falling Port Artwork" (14 (1) January 1905). - PSS, 5th ed, t. 9, p. 159.
"One reception of the bourgeois printing is ever and in all countries it turns out to be the highest and" unmistakable "effect. Licks, Shumi, shouthes, repeat the lie - "Something will remain." PSS, 5th ed, t. 31, p. 217, "Union of Lie", 13 (26) APRE-LA 1917.
"Honesty in politics There is a sum of the power, - hypocrisy - the result of the Slahnoye." PSS, 5th ed, t. 20, p. 210, "Grace-High Notes", March 1911
"Russian language we are porter. Foreign words use without need. We use them incorrectly. What go-to do "defects" when you can say shortcomings, or disadvantages, or samples? .. Is it not time for us to declare war on the use of foreign words without need? " - "On the cleaning of the Russian language" (on-pisano in 1919 or 1920; for the first time published on December 3, 1924). - PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 40, p. 49.
"People have always been and always will always be a silly victims of deception and self-propelled man in politics, until they learn for any moral, religious, political, social phrases, statements, promises to search for the interests of certain classes." - "Three sources and three components of Marxism" (March 1913). - PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 23, p. 47.
"If I know, I know a little, I am before-fighting to know more, but if a person will say that he is a communist and that he does not need to know anything strong, then nothing like the communist will not be released." - "The tasks of the youth unions." Speech on the III All-Russian Congress of the Russian Communist Union of Youth on October 2, 1920. - PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 41, ss. 305-306.
"The indifference is silent under-holding the one who is strong, who goes-inguing." - "Socialist par-Tiya and non-partisan revolutionism", II (December 2, 1905). - PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 12, p. 137.
"Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings enshrined by the centuries and millennia of separate Otsya." - valuable recognition of Pitirim Co-Rockin (November 20, 1918). - PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 37, p. 190.
"... Only then we will learn to win, when we will not be afraid to recognize our defeats and disadvantages, Kog-yes we will be the truth, at least the rest of the rest, look straight in the face." - Otzet VTCIK and SNK on December 23, 1921 "On the inside-triples and foreign policy of the republic" at the IX All-Russian Congress of Councils. - PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 44, p. 309.
"Smaller political Trescot. Smaller intelligent raise. Closer to life. " - "On the character-re-owned newspapers" (September 20, 1918). - PSS, 5th ed., Vol. 37, p. 91.


Trump probably does not share ideas that promoted the leader of the Bolsheviks. However, some statements of politicians are very similar - try in the next quote to replace the "bourgeois print" to "liberal media": "One reception of the bourgeois printing is always and in all countries it turns out to be the most walking and" unmistakable "real. Licks, Shumi, shouti, Repeat false - "Something will remain."

The leader of the Bolsheviks looked at the art of the Bolsheviks, what his two quotes are talking about:

"I have the courage to declare myself" Varvar ". I can not consider the works of expressionism, futurism, cubism and other" Izmov "by the highest manifestation of artistic genius. I do not understand them. I do not feel any joy from them."

"You must firmly remember that from all the arts for us the most important movie."

Lenin's last phrase said in a conversation with Lunacharsky, speaking of the need to create a "communist cinema" as a powerful tool for propaganda.

Lenin very well understood the power of the word, as evidenced by the volume of its writings. It is possible that that is why he treated the native language so tremendously: "We will use the Russian language. We use foreign words without necessary. We use them wrong. What to say" defects "when you can say shortcomings, or shortcomings, or gaps? .. Not time Do we declare war on the use of foreign words without need? "

"We are not utopians. We know that any bathhouse and any cooking is not able to immediately enter the state management.. In this we agree with the Cadets, and with Breschkovskaya, and from the Treper. But we differ from these citizens in that we demand an immediate break with the prejudice, as if to manage the state, carry the everyday, daily management of the management in a state of only rich or rich families taken officials. We demand that the teaching of the government was conducted by conscious workers and soldiers and that it began immediately, that is, to teach this immediately began to attract all workers, all the poor.

We know that the cadets also agree to learn the people to democratism. Cadet ladies agree to read, according to the best English and French sources, lectures for servants about women's equality. As well as at the nearest meeting concert, in front of thousands of people, kissing will be arranged on the stage: the cadet lady lecturer will kiss Breschkovskaya, the Breschkovskaya of the former Minister of Tsereteli, and the graceful people will be trained in this way clearly, what is republican equality, freedom and fraternity ... "

Lenin V.I. Whether the Bolsheviks will keep the state power, V.I. Lenin, the full collection of works, the publication Fifth Publishing House of Political Literature, 1978 t. 34, p. 315.

This is what this topic said S.G. Kara-Murza in "Soviet civilization " : " A rare democratic politician or journalist did not remember Lenin, who, allegedly, said that a simple cook should rule the state. There was even a familiar metaphor of "Lenin cochetic".

In fact, V.I. Lenin speaks absolutely the opposite to the fact that he was attributed literally the whole democratic press - when leying almost the entire intelligentsia. Moreover, he specifically sharpens the problem to show how primitively thinking of the democrats of the "February" litter. It seems obvious to him that any cook is not capable [while in the cook state] to manage the state ("believe in it would be utopia). There is a speech and that the kitchen must manage the state.

It is worth thinking to the reader: how to name the behavior of many respectable intellectuals that continued to drive the myth to people about the "Leninist cook" - despite the fact that they repeatedly tried to point out their mistake. And personally, and through the print. Then, in 1988-1990, we could not even understand: how can you be? You push him a book with the exact text, and he blinks and after half an hour about Lenin and the kitchen."

Russia has about 1800 monuments to Lenin and up to 20 thousand busts. Over 5 thousand streets are the name of the revolutionary number 1. In many cities, Vladimir Ilyich's sculpture are towering on central squares. Although, if we knew about the great lead the whole truth, these monuments would have long been on the landfill.

Anatoly Latyshev is a famous historian-Leninovad. Throughout life is engaged in the biography of Ilyich. He managed to get documents from the Secret Foundation of Lenin and the closed Archives of the KGB.

- Anatoly Grigorievich, how did you manage to penetrate the secret funds?

It happened after the August 1991 events. I was given a special project to familiarize yourself with secret documents about Lenin. The authorities thought to find the cause of the coup in the past. From morning to evening I was sitting in the archives, and my hair got up with end. After all, I always believed in Lenin, but after the first thirty-read documents was simply shocked.

- What exactly?

Lenin from Switzerland In 1905, he called on young people in St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg, pouring boiling water from the upper floors to the soldiers, to use nails to whip the horses, throw the streets with "manual bombs". As the head of the Soviet government, Lenin selected its own on the country. Paper of the following content came to Nizhny Novgorod: "Cut the mass terror, shoot and export hundreds of prostitutes, soldering soldiers, former officers, etc. not a minute of delay." And how do you like Leninsky Agava in Saratov: "Shooting conspirators and fluctuating, not asking anyone and not allowing idiotic music"?

- They say Vladimir Ilyich generally disliked the Russian people?

Lenin's Russophobia today has little studied. All this goes from childhood. He did not have a drop of Russian blood. His mother was a German with an admixture of Swedish and Jewish blood. Father - half Kalmyk, half of Chuvash. Lenin brought up in the spirit of German accuracy and discipline. Mother constantly told him "Russian Oblomovshchyna, learn from the Germans", "Russian Durak", "Russian idiots". By the way, in his messages, Lenin spoke about the Russian people only in a derogatory form. Once the leadership of the Soviet representative in Switzerland, the leader ordered: "In Russian fools, distribute the work: send clippings here, and not random numbers (as these idiots have so far)."

- There are letters in which Lenin wrote about the extermination of the Russian people?

Among those terrible Lenin documents, there were precisely tight orders to destroy compatriots. For example, "burn Baku completely", take the hostages in the rear, put them in front of the advancing parts of the Red Army, shoot them in the back, send red thugs to areas where "green", "hang under the guise of" green "(" we are later on them And counted ") officials, rich, popov, fists, landlords. Pay to the killers of 100 thousand rubles ..." By the way, the money for "secretly rummed" (the first "Leninsky Prizes") turned out to be the only premium in the country. And in the Caucasus, Lenin periodically sent the telegrams of the following content: "Maintain everyone." Remember how Trotsky and Sverdlov destroyed the Russian Cossacks? Lenin then remained aside. Now found the official telegram of the leader to Frunze about the "magnitude extermination of the Cossacks". Is this the famous letter of the Dzerzhinsky leader of December 19, 1919 on the concurrent about a million Cossacks? Lenin then imposed a resolution on him: "Shoot everyone to one."

- Lenin could so easily give orders about the execution of people?

Here are what Lenin's notes I managed to get: "I suggest to designate a consequence and shoot guilty in the Rotosaism"; "Rakovsky requires a submarine. We must give two, appointing a responsible person, the sailor, putting on it and saying: shoot, if you do not deliver soon";

"Melnichansky give (behind my signature) a telegram that the shame was fluent and not to shoot for a non-appearance." But one of the letters of Lenin to Stalin: "Threaten the shooting of this span, who, heading the connection, does not know how to give you a good amplifier and achieve a complete serviceability of the telephone with me." Lenin insisted on executions for the "negligence" and "non-historical". For example, on August 11, 1918, Lenin sent an indication of the Bolsheviks in Penza: "To hang (be sure to hang) so that the people see", at least 100 prosperous peasants. For execution of execution, pick up the "people hardly". At the end of 1917, when Lenin was headed by the government, he suggested shooting every tenth tunewader. And this is during the period of mass unemployment.

- He also had a negative attitude to Orthodoxy?

The leader hated and robbed only the Russian Orthodox Church. So, on the day of Nicholas the Wonderworker, when it was impossible to work, Lenin issued an order of December 25, 1919: "To put up with" Nicholas "is stupid, it is necessary to put on the feet of all the check to shoot the wrong" Nicola "(t ., I missed the Saturday when loading firewood into cars on the day of Nicholas Wonderworker on December 19). " At the same time, Lenin was very loyal to Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, and even to sectarians. In early 1918, he intended to ban Orthodoxy, replacing him with Catholicism.

- How did he fought with Orthodoxy?

For example, in the letter of Lenin Molotov for members of the Politburo of March 19, 1922, Vladimir Ilyich insisted on the need to use mass hunger in the country in order to respect Orthodox churches, while shooting as much as possible "reactionary clergymen." Few people know about the Leninist document of May 1, 1919 No. 13666/2, addressed to Dzerzhinsky. Here is its content: "... It is necessary to end as possible with Popam and religion as soon as possible. Popov should be arrested as counter-revolutionaries and sabotues, shoot merciless and everywhere. And as much as possible. The churches are subject to closure. The places of the temples are sealing and turning into warehouses.

- Anatoly Grigorievich, is confirmed that Lenin has mental deviations observed?

His behavior was more than strange. For example, Lenin often fell into depression, which could last weeks. He could do nothing about anything, and then he mastered the stormy activities. About this period, Krupskaya wrote: "Volodya fell into the rage ..." And he was absolutely deprived of the sense of humor.
- The syllable of Lenin was rather rude?

Berdyaev called him a swear speech. Here are a few lines from Lenin Stalin and Kamenev from February 4, 1922: "We always have time to take shit in experts." It is impossible to "pull up a swive and a bastard who do not want to submit reports ...". "Teach these shit seriously answer ...". On the fields of articles of rose Luxembourg, the leader did the mark "Idiot", "fool".

- They say Stalin satisfied the grand boys in the Kremlin while Lenin's life?

And repeatedly. In this connection, Lenin often caused and reported it. But most often Ilyich Rugal Ordzhonikidze. He wrote to him notes: "Who did you drink and walked with? Where did you get your behavior from? Moreover, Trotsky complains about you all the time. Ordzhonikidze was still Holen! Stalin treated women more indifferent. Lenin reported Joseph Vissarionovich for drinking a lot, to which Stalin answered: "I can't do Georgian and without wine."

- By the way, Ilyich loved banquets?

In feature films often show how the leader drinks carrot tea without sugar with a piece of black bread. But recently discovered documents testifying to the abundant and luxurious fears of the leader, what a huge number of black and red caviar, delicious fish and other packers were regularly supplied by the Kremlin nomenclature of all the years of the reign of Lenin. In the village of Domalovo by order of Ilyich, elegant personal villas were built in the conditions of severe hunger in the country!

- Lenin himself loved to drink?

Before the revolution Ilyich drank a lot. In the years of emigration without beer, he did not sit at the table. Since 1921, he threw due to illness. Since then, the spirits did not touch.

- True, Vladimir Ilyich loved animals?

Unlikely. Krupskaya in his notes wrote: "... there was a dilapidated dog. This is Volodya, returning home, always teased the neighbor PSA ...".

- What do you think Lenin loved Krupskaya?

Lenin did not like Krupskaya, he appreciated her as an indispensable associate. When Vladimir Ilyich fell ill, he forbade the hope of Konstantinovna to himself. She rode half and hysterically sobbed. These facts were described in the memoirs of the sisters of Lenin. Many Leninovists argue that Krupskaya to Lenin was a virgin. It is not true. Before marriage with Vladimir Ilyich, she was already married.

- Today, probably, nothing is unknown about Lenin left?

There is still a lot of unprotected, as Russian archives still hide some data. So, in 2000, the collection "V.I. Lenin. Unknown Documents". In some these documents, bills were made. Before the release of this collection, our archives were sold abroad for falsified documents. One American Sovietologist told that by purchasing Leninskie works from the leadership of Russian archives for his book, he then paid the publishers a fine of four thousand dollars, because Russian archives seized some lines from Lenin documents.
