Speaking about the needs of a person implies various types of needswhich are both resentful and unconscious.

It is they who are the source of the benefits of feelings, emotions, desires, aspirations and a catalyst of activity in order to satisfy them.

What it is?

What does the concept of "need" mean? Human survival depends on the availability of appropriate conditions and means.

If at a certain point they are missing - this causes a state of need.

Ultimately, the human body begins to respond to irritant factors and show activity, since it is programmed to preserve life and further survival.

State of needs leading to the activity of the subject and is called the need.

Not a single living creature on the planet there are no so many needs as in humans. In order to realize them, a person is forced to actively act, as a result of which it develops in many ways and knows the world around.

Satisfaction of the need is accompanied by positive emotions, otherwise negative.

Regardless of gender, nationality or position in society, each person has needs. Some of their species appear at birth, Others in the course of further life.

With age, the list of needs changes. The primary needs in the air, water, food, sex. Secondary needs are directly related to psychology. These are needed in respect, success, recognition.


The question associated with human needs was studied by many scientists at different times. In this regard, there are many theories and interpretations, which in different ways describe the relationship between the needs, the need and the process of their satisfaction.

Main types of needs:

By Simonov

In the scientific work of the psychologist P. V. Simonov, the following classification of human needs is given:

  • for others;
  • for yourself.

Ideal needs consisting in the desire to know the truth, such a division does not contain.

Since the true meaning of things and processes implies them Single shape.

When studying human needs in our time, an integrated approach and a complete arsenal of scientific methods are used.

Not knowing reliable reasons for the origin and formation of needs and the degree of their impact on the activity of the brain, it is impossible to effectively solve the following tasks:

  • prevention and treatment of mental disorders;
  • preventing asocial and inadequate behavior;
  • proper education.

The concept of the hierarchy

Hierarchy needs brought a psychologist Abraham Masuel. Numerous needs and desires of people, he arranged in the form that visually demonstrated his scientific view of this problem. In the pyramid, the butter placed the needs as they increase.

The scientist was confident that so far an individual is in dire need of primitive things, it does not think about the needs of a higher level. Maslow led examples in the proof of their theory.

The individual begins to search for the social group, whose belonging to which could satisfy his desires and get rid of loneliness.

The fourth level is associated with prestigious needsof people. These are the needs satisfied by the person as a result of their activities. These include:

Each member of the Society needs to recognize its abilities and talents from those surrounding. Human seeks self-esteemand begins to believe in its own strength when it reaches certain results in the life.

Are at the fifth level. Here are:

  • self-identification;
  • self-expression;
  • self-realization;
  • self-affirmation;
  • self-development.

Maslow is convinced that the need for self-expression manifests itself in a person only after all substrators are completely satisfied.

In accordance with the theory of scientist, the individual acts in strict accordance with the hierarchy shown in the pyramid. Most of the people come in this way.

However, there are exceptions. There is a narrow group of individuals that put their ideals above household problems.

This includes people of science and art seeking self-realization and development, despite the deprivation and hunger. Usually such individuals exist Personal hierarchy needsaccording to which they live.

Differences between the lower and higher

What do higher and lower needs different? Lower needs are related to natural body needs.

The need for basic conditions for survival - food, air, water is determined by nature itself.

What do the highest needs express themselves? Higher needs go far beyond the scopenecessary for the physical survival and support of the functioning of the body.

The need of an individual in the development, care for other people and love, self-realization is no longer just a number of important needs, but a list of values \u200b\u200bthat do not have a direct relationship to the needs of the body.

Objects and Means of satisfaction

For physical survival and comfortable existence, a person needs to meet the needs. To achieve this goal people collect various means And they are trained in different ways to achieve the desired.

Objects and means of satisfying human needs are benefits. These are things or means that are intended to meet certain human needs.

This capacity is:

  • spiritual;
  • intellectual
  • educational and informational.

Versions of detection

What ways can we identify the needs of people? Natural needs are most fully described by the oil.

They are characteristic of the overwhelming number of people. An effective way to identify needs is a thorough analysis of the characteristics and actions of a particular person:

  • motive;
  • dominant;
  • customs;
  • skills;
  • tastes.

Natural needs are an integral part of human existence. It does not matter at what level it is at the moment and what is needed.

In case of difficulties with the satisfaction of basic needs, an individual go down to the step below. And there will be there until it will satisfy this need to fully.

Fundamental needs of a person and their satisfaction:

The needs or need is the strongest factor that determines the focus of activity of any subject, since the personal needs of a person are the main motivation that moves the force that encourages the individual to specific actions in order to satisfy them.

You can also say that human needs is a specific personality state manifested by dependence on the possibility under certain conditions or events.

The activity of a person finds its manifestation precisely to the satisfaction of the emerging needs, which are formed under the influence of the conditions of education and various cultural, spiritual values.

A purely biological point of view considers such a concept as "necessary" as a specific state of the body, expressing an objective desire in any material or spiritual good. Based on such a definition, we can say that the needs are completely dependent on the life image of a particular individual. As well as from its habitat and the conditions they ask him.

In the modern world there are many different opportunities, which leads to the presence of a large range of needs of each individual. It should not also forget that the formation of desires affect the peculiarities of education, a cultural level, a mass of various social conditions. Create a unified system that would allow you to as accurately classify all types of personal needs practically unrealistic.

Now there is already a mass of classifications that distribute groups of groups on a particular basis. The simplest of them subdivides individual needs for material and spiritual. Material needs are also called biological, implying the fact that they are implemented as an exclusively natural need for a person as an existing species.

Biological needs include, for example, the need for food, rest and sleep, the need for warmth and clothing, the availability of the house, personal space, sexual needs. The other type of needs to be called spiritual or ideal includes such aspirations as a need for social recognition, friendship, relations, communication, knowledge of the world as a whole.

Also popular is the concept put forward by A.H. Oil. According to it, the hierarchical structure of needs is a certain direction of the individual activity, depending on which "level" of the needs hierarchy is satisfied, and which is not. The oil itself depicted it in the form of a pyramid, where each subsequent segment entered into a certain need that regulates the behavior of the subject depending on the degree of satisfaction of the previous segments.

It should be noted that constant fact that each individual has its own degree of severity of any needs, since this feature is purely unique. Nevertheless, no one can fully exist, say, without the surrounding society, because its presence makes it possible to satisfy the need to actualize its "I".

Leading personal needs

In psychology, a dedicated number of need is increasingly used, which are so-called leading personal needs or basic needs. The presence of this number of needs does not depend on the age or floor of the individual, while they can retire not only in its content, but also in terms of their severity in the surrounding society.

It is implied by the primary relationship of one need for other, which causes some priority. This fact also emphasized the creator of the hierarchical structure of the needs of Maslow. At the same time, he called the needs caused by the absence of a good "deficit".

In the case of "deficient", the need for an individual in every way concentrates its actions to replenish this deficit, while other needs become "secondary". For example, if a person is experiencing a pronounced feeling of thirst or hunger, he is already a little concerned about the opinion of a neighbor or close people about his appearance or some act.

Allocate six general groups of leading needs:

  • Physical needs and needs. They include such natural and physiological needs as the presence of air, food, drinking, resting opportunities and sleep. Also, this group includes social needs for communicating and intimate relations.
  • Emotional needs are allocated separate levels. It may be a need for unauthorized trust, recognition, friendship and love feelings.
  • Public need - the need to possess a certain "niche" in any society, a friendly team, organization.
  • Intellectual needs are the need to find answers to emerging issues, need to satisfy curiosity.
  • Also allocate a number of spiritual needs. They are needed by faith in a deity, a higher existence, a certain attribute. Such things help keep the inner harmony and tolerate emerging difficulties.
  • The creative need for the need for self-expression by any of the available ways, creative implementation.

It must be emphasized that the satisfaction of the personal needs of a person is an integral part of his well-being. Implementation of all major needs is the key to the positive attitude and emotional human harmony.

Personal needs and motivation

The motivational process of a person is characteristic of the fact that it represents a combination of various focus of the individual activity. It can be imprisoned as in the desire to achieve a certain goal, and in trying in any way to avoid it, to be expressed in solving the question of whether a certain action should be implemented or not.

It is characteristic that these complex processes in consciousness are accompanied by a certain emotional splash, which can find its manifestation in excitation, excitement, joy or fear. Also, motivational processes are often accompanied by a subjective feeling of sudden growth or decline.

It can be argued that personal needs and motivation are related to each other, since it determines the focus of the individual actions, being a driving mechanism in decision-making, collens, overcoming emerging obstacles and difficulties. The fact is that under motivation implies not only a combination of specific motives that pushing the goals.

Motivation is a set of psycho-physiological processes affecting the focus of actions and the level of internal energy, which is necessary to fulfill these the most actions.

It should be noted that motivation is a peculiar consequence of the needs arising from the individual. In fact, it represents a kind of "mediator" between the emerging need and real physical acts, expressing in the form of a mental "motion to movement." This also explains the fact that for seemingly the same actions of different individuals, there is a completely different motivation and the reason.

The needs of the person necessary for him for vital activity is water, air, food and protection against environmental hazards. These needs are called basic, as they are necessary for the body.

The main needs are different from other fact that their deficit causes an explicit unfavorable outcome - dysfunction or death. In other words, this is what is necessary for safe and healthy life (for example, food, water, shelter).

In contact with

In addition to this, people have social needs: Communication in the family or a group. Needs can be psychological and subjective, for example, the need for self-esteem and respect.

Needs are the need experienced and a person. When this need is supported by purchasing power, it can be an economic requirement.

Types and descriptions of needs

As written in the textbook on social science grade 6, the needs are divided into biological necessary to live, and spiritual, which are needed to know the surrounding world, receiving knowledge and skills, achieve harmony and beauty.

For most psychologists, the need is a psychological function that encourages action by giving a goal and direction to behavior. This is a experienced and conscious need or necessity.

The main needs and development of human potential (conditioned by the state of a person) are small, are finite and classified as different from the generally accepted concept of ordinary economic "desires", which are endless and insatiable.

They are also constant in all cultures of people, and during historical periods of time they can be understood as a system, that is, they are interrelated and interactive. There is no need hierarchy in this system (in addition to the main need for existence or survival), since simultaneity, complementarity and compromises are the features of the satisfaction process.

The needs and desires are the subject of interest and form a general substrate for sections:

  • philosophy;
  • biology;
  • psychology;
  • social sciences;
  • economy;
  • marketing and politics.

The famous academic model of necessities was proposed by a psychologist Abraham Masuel In 1943. His theory suggests that people have a hierarchy of psychological desires, which vary from major physiological or lower needs, from such as food, water and safety to higher, for example, self-realization. People tend to spend most of their resources (time, energy and finance), trying to satisfy the basic needs before the desires of higher order.

The oil approach is a generalized model for understanding motivation in a variety of contexts, but can be adapted for specific contexts. One of the difficulties with his theory is that the concepts of "necessities" can vary radically among different cultures or between different parts of the same society.

The second idea of \u200b\u200bthe need is presented in the work of a political economy professor. Yana Gouwho published information about human needs in the context of social assistance provided by the state of universal well-being. Together with Professor of Medical Ethics, Lena Doyle also published the "theory of human needs."

Their view goes beyond the scope of the accent on psychology, it can be said that the needs of the individual represent the "costs" in society. Anyone who cannot meet his needs will be poorly functioning in society.

According to GOU and DoylaEveryone has an objective interest in preventing serious harm, which prevents him from striving to achieve his vision of what is good. This desire requires the ability to participate in the social setting.

In particular, each individual must have physical health and personal autonomy. The latter includes the ability to make a conscious choice of what should be done and how to implement it. This requires mental health, cognitive skills and opportunities to participate in the activities of the Company and the adoption of collective decisions.

Questions meeting needs

Researchers allocate twelve wide categories of "intermediate necessities", which determine how the needs in physical health and personal autonomy are satisfied:

  • adequate food and water;
  • adequate dwelling;
  • safe working environment;
  • clothes;
  • safe physical environment;
  • appropriate medical care;
  • safety in childhood;
  • meaningful primary relations with others;
  • physical safety;
  • economic security;
  • safe fertility control and childbearing;
  • appropriate basic and intercultural education.

How to define satisfaction details

Psychologists point to rational identification of need, using modern scientific knowledge, consideration of the actual experience of people in their daily life and democratic decision making. The satisfaction of human needs cannot be imposed on top.

Persons with large internal assets (for example, education, mental health, physical strength, etc.) have more opportunities to meet their desires and needs.

Other species

In their works Karl Marx Detected people as "needy creatures" who have experienced suffering in the learning process and work to meet their needs, which were both physical and moral, emotional and intellectual needs.

According to Marx, the development of people is characterized by the process of satisfying their needs, they develop new desires, implying that to some extent they create and rewind their own nature. If the need for nutrition, people are satisfying thanks to crop and animal husbandry, then a higher level of social self-knowledge is required to meet spiritual thirst.

People differ from other animals, because their livelihoods, work is dictated by the satisfaction of necessities. They are universal natural creatures that can turn the entire nature in the subject of their needs and their activities.

The conditions for people as social beings are given by difficulty, but not only work, since it is impossible to live without relationships with others. Work is social activities, because people work with each other. People are also free entities capable of achieving objective opportunities generated by social evolution during their lives, based on their conscious decisions.

Freedom should be understood as in negative (freedom to solve and establish relations) and in a positive sense (domination over the natural forces and the development of human creativity of the main human forces).

Summing up, it should be noted that the main interrelated features of people are as follows:

  • people are conscious creatures;
  • people are social creatures.

People are prone to universality, which manifests itself in the three previous features and makes them natural and historical, universal conscious entities.

Model of need Rosenberg

Model Marshall Rosenberg. "Sympathizing Communication", known as "hated communication", determines the difference between universal needs (which supports and motivates human life) and specific strategies used to meet their needs. Feelings are perceived as good, nor bad nor correct, nor incorrect, but as indicators of whether human needs are satisfied or not. Especially highlighted vital needs.

People also talk about the needs of the community or organization. They may include demand for a specific type of business, to a certain government program or organization or people with special skills. This example represents the logical problem of excuse.

Human needs as a source of its activity


Snezhana Ivanova

The needs of a person are the basis for the formation of a motive, which in psychology is considered as an "engine" of the person ...

A person, like any living being, is programmed by nature for survival, and for this it requires certain conditions and means. If at some point there are no funds and funds, there is a state of needs, which causes the emergence of the selectivity of the response of the human body. This selectivity ensures the occurrence of a response to stimuli (or factors), which are currently the most important for normal livelihoods, the preservation of life and further development. The experience of the subject of such a state of needs in psychology is called need.

So, the manifestation of human activity, and accordingly, its livelihoods and targeted activities, directly depends on the availability of a certain need (or needs), which requires satisfaction. But only a certain system of human needs will determine the focus of its activities, as well as contribute to the development of his personality. The human needs themselves are the basis of the formation of a motive, which in psychology is considered as a peculiar "engine" of the personality. And the human activity directly depends on organic and cultural needs, and they, in turn, generate, which directs the attention of the personality and its activity to various objects and objects of the surrounding world with the aim of their knowledge and subsequent mastering.

Human needs: Definition and Features

Under the needs that are the main source of personality activity, understand the special internal (subjective) sense of human needs, determining its dependence on certain conditions and means of existence. The very same activity aimed at meeting the needs of a person and regulated conscious purposes is called activities. Sources of personality activity as an inner prompting force aimed at meeting various needs are:

  • organic and material Needs (food, clothing, protection, etc.);
  • spiritual and cultural (Cognitive, aesthetic, social).

The needs of a person are reflected in the most persistent and vital dependencies of the body and environment, and the system of human needs is formed under the influence of the following factors: the social conditions of people's living conditions, the level of development of production and scientific and technological progress. In psychology, needs are studied in three aspects: as an object, as a state and as a property (more details, the description of these values \u200b\u200bis presented in the table).

The value of psychology needs

In psychology, the problem of needs was considered by many scientists, so today there are quite many different theories, which under the needs understood and need, and the state and the process of satisfaction. For example, K. K. Platonov I saw in needs primarily need (more precisely the mental phenomenon of the reflection of the needs of the body or personality), and D. A. Leontiev Considered the needs through the prism of the activity in which it finds its implementation (satisfaction). Famous psychologist last century Kurt Levin. I understood the needs of the dynamic state, which arises from a person at the time of the exercise of some action or intention.

An analysis of various approaches and theories in the study of this problem allows us to say that in psychology the need was considered in the following aspects:

  • as a need (L.I. Bozovich, V.I. Kovalev, S.L. Rubinstein);
  • as a subject to satisfy the needs (A.N. Leontyev);
  • as a necessity (B.I. Dodonov, V.A. Vasilenko);
  • as a lack of good (V.S. Magun);
  • as attitude (D.A. Leontiev, M.S. Kagan);
  • as a violation of stability (D.A. Mak-Klelaland, V.L. Osovsky);
  • as a state (K. Levin);
  • as a systemic response personality (E.P. Ilyin).

The needs of a person in psychology are understood as dynamically active states of personality, which form the basis of its motivational sphere. And since in the process of human activity, there is not only the development of the personality, but also changes in the environment, the need play the role of the motor force of its development and its subject matter is of particular importance, namely the volume of material and spiritual culture of mankind, which affects the formation of needs Human and their satisfaction.

In order to understand the essence of the needs of how the motor force, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points allocated E.P. Ilyina. They are as follows:

  • the needs of the human body must be separated from the needs of the person (at the same time, the need, that is, the body's need, can be unconscious or conscious, but the identity needs are always aware);
  • the need is always associated with the needs, under which it is necessary to understand not a deficiency in something, but icyness or need;
  • from personal needs, it is impossible to eliminate the state of the need, which is a signal to select the need to meet the needs;
  • the emergence of the need is a mechanism that includes human activity aimed at finding a goal and its achievement as the need to meet the emergence.

Needs are distinguished by a passive-active character, that is, on the one hand, they are due to the human biological nature and a shortage of certain conditions, as well as the means of its existence, and on the other - they determine the activity of the subject to overcome the deficit arising. The essential aspect of human needs is their social and personal character that finds its manifestation in motivations, motivation and, accordingly, in the entire direction of personality. Regardless of the type of need and its directivity, they all have the following features:

  • have their own subject and are awareness of the need;
  • the content of the needs depends primarily on the conditions and methods of their satisfaction;
  • they are able to play.

In the needs that form the behavior and human activity, as well as in their motives, interests, aspirations, desires, desires and value orientations, the basis of personality behavior is the basis.

Types of human needs

Any human need originally represents the organic of interlacing biological, physiological and psychological processes, which necessitates the presence of many types of needs, which are characterized by the strength, frequency of occurrence and methods of their satisfaction.

Most often in psychology allocate the following types of human needs:

  • depending on the origin allocate natural (or organic) and cultural needs;
  • in directivity differences material needs and spiritual;
  • depending on which area they relate to (areas of activity), allocate the needs for communicating, in labor, in vacation and in knowledge (or educational needs);
  • object needs may be biological, material and spiritual (also allocate also social human needs);
  • in terms of its origin, the need may be endogenic (arise the water with the influence of internal factors) and exogenous (caused by external stimuli).

In psychological literature, basic, fundamental (or primary) and secondary needs are also found.

The most attention in psychology is given to the three main types of needs - material, spiritual and social (or public needs), which are described below in the table.

Main types of human needs

Material needs The person is primary, as they are the basis of his life. Indeed, in order for a person to live he need food, clothing and housing and these needs were formed in the process of phylogenesis. Spiritual needs (or ideal) are purely human, as they reflect first of all the level of personality development. These include aesthetic, ethical and need for knowledge.

It should be noted that both organic needs and spiritual are characterized by dynamicity and interact with each other, therefore, to form and develop spiritual needs, it is necessary to satisfy material (for example, if a person does not satisfy the need for food, he will experience fatigue, lethargy, apathy and drowsiness, What can not contribute to the emergence of cognitive needs).

Separately consider public needs (or social), which are formed and develop under the influence of society and are a reflection of human social nature. Satisfying this need is necessary to absolutely every person as a social being and, accordingly, as a person.

Classification needs

From the moment the psychology has become a separate branch of knowledge, many scientists have taken a large number of attempts to classify needs. All these classifications are very diverse and mainly reflect only one side of the problem. That is why today a unified system of human needs, which would meet all the requirements and interests of researchers of various psychological schools and trends, has not yet been represented by the scientific community.

  • the natural desires of the person and the necessary (without them it is impossible to live);
  • natural desire, but not necessary (if there is no possibility of their satisfaction, it will not lead to the inevitable death of a person);
  • the desires are not necessary or natural (for example, the desire for glory).

The author of information P.V. Simonov The needs shared on biological, social and ideal, which in turn may be the needs of the needs (or preservation) and growth (or development). The social needs of a person and ideal at P. Simonov are divided into the needs of "for themselves" and "for others."

Quite interesting classification of needs proposed Erich Frochom. Famous psychoanalyst allocated the following specific social needs of a person:

  • the need of a person in relationships (belonging to the group);
  • the need for self-affirmation (sense of importance);
  • the need for attachment (need for warm and retaliatory feelings);
  • the need for self-consciousness (own personality);
  • the need for orientation system and objects of worship (belonging to culture, nation, class, religion, etc.).

But the most popular among all existing classifications was obtained a unique system of human needs of the American psychologist Abraham Masu (better known as the hierarchy of needs or pyramid needs). The basis of its classification, a representative of the humanistic direction in psychology put the principle of grouping needs for similarities in a hierarchical sequence - from the lower need for higher education. The hierarchy of the needs of A. Maslow for the convenience of perception is presented in the form of a table.

Hierarchy of needs for A. Maslow

Main groups Needs Description
Additional psychological needs in self-actualization (self-realization) maximum implementation of all human potentials, its abilities and identity development
aesthetic the need for harmony and beauty
cognitive the desire to recognize and know the surrounding reality
Major psychological needs in respect, self-esteem and evaluation the need for success, approval, recognition of authority, competence, etc.
in love and accessories the need to be in common, society, be accepted and recognized
in safety need for protection, stability and security
Physiological needs physiological or organic need for food, oxygen, drink, sleep, sexual deposit, etc.

By offering your classification of needs, A. Maslow Specified that a person cannot have higher needs (cognitive, aesthetic and self-development), if he has not satisfied the basic (organic) needs.

Formation of human needs

The development of human needs can be analyzed in the context of the socio-historical development of humanity and from the position of ontogenesis. But it should be noted that in the first, and in the second case, the initial needs will act material needs. This is due to the fact that it is they who are the main source of activity of any individual, pushing it to the maximum interaction with the environment (and natural, and social)

The spiritual needs of a person developed and transformed on the basis of material needs, such as the need for knowledge based on the satisfaction of food, clothing and housing. As for aesthetic needs, they were also formed due to the development and improvement of the production process and various means of life, which were necessary to ensure more comfortable conditions for human vital activity. Thus, the formation of human needs was due to a social and historical development, during which all human needs developed and differentiated.

As for the development of the needs during the life path of a person (that is, in ontogenesis), it also all starts with the satisfaction of natural (organic) needs, which ensure the establishment of relationships between the child and adults. In the process of satisfying basic needs, children are formed by the needs for communication and knowledge, on the basis of which other social needs appear. An important impact on the development and formation of needs in childhood has the process of education, thanks to which the correction and replacement of destructive needs are carried out.

Development and formation of human needs according to A.G. Kovaleva must obey the following rules:

  • needs arise and are strengthened due to the practice and systematic consumption (that is, the formation of the type of habit);
  • the development of needs is possible in the conditions of advanced reproduction in the presence of a variety of means and methods of its satisfaction (the emergence of needs in the process of activity);
  • the formation of needs happens more comfortable if the necessary activity will not extend the child (ease, simplicity and positive emotional mood);
  • on the development of needs, a significant impact of the transition from reproductive activities to creative;
  • the need will be strengthened if the child will see its importance, both in personality and public (assessment and encouragement).

In solving the issue of forming a person's needs, it is necessary to return to the hierarchy of the needs of A. Maslow, who argued that all the needs of a person are given to him in a hierarchical organization at certain levels. Thus, every person from the moment of his birth in the process of its mature and personality development will be sequentially manifested by seven classes (of course, it is ideal) needs, starting from the most primitive (physiological) needs and ending with the need for self-actualization (striving for maximum implementation The personality of all its potencies, the most complete life), and some aspects of this need begin to manifest itself not before the adolescence.

According to A. Maslow, a person's life at a higher level of needs provides him with the greatest biological efficiency and, accordingly, a longer life, tightly health, better sleep and appetite. In this way, the purpose of satisfaction needs Basic - the desire for the emergence of higher needs (in knowledge, in self-development and self-actualization).

Main ways and means of satisfying needs

Satisfying the needs of a person is an important condition not only for its comfortable existence, but also for its survival, because if not satisfying the organic needs, a person will perish in a biological sense, and if not satisfying spiritual needs - it dies with a person as a social education. People, satisfying different needs, are trained in various ways and assimilate a variety of means to achieve this goal. Therefore, depending on the environment, conditions and identity itself, the purpose of meeting the needs and ways to achieve it will be different.

In psychology, the most popular ways and means of satisfying needs are:

  • in the mechanism of formation of individual methods to meet their needs (in the process of learning, forming various links between stimuli and subsequent analogy);
  • in the process of individualization of methods and means of meeting basic needswho act as the mechanisms for the development and formation of new needs (the ways themselves are satisfying needs can turn into them themselves, that is, new needs appear);
  • specifizing methods and means of meeting the needs (the attachment of one method or more of several, with the help of which the human needs are satisfied);
  • in the process of mentalization of needs (awareness of the content or some aspects of the need);
  • in the socialization of methods and means of meeting the needs (It is subject to the values \u200b\u200bof the culture and norms of society).

So, the basis of any activity and human activity always lies any need that finds its manifestation in motifs and it is the need for a prompting force that pushes a person to movement and development.
