Infantrymen of the "Great Germany" division. THE USSR. 1943 year. Photo Bundesarchiv

In Germany, the book "Soldiers" ("Soldaten") was published - a documentary study dedicated to the Wehrmacht servicemen. A unique feature of the book is that it is built on revelations German soldiers which they shared with each other in POW camps, unaware that their allies were listening and recording conversations on tape. In a word, the book includes all the ins and outs, everything that the Nazis avoided writing in letters from the front and mentioning in their memoirs.

As noted by Spiegel magazine, "Soldiers" finally buried the myth of the unsullied Wehrmacht ("We carried out the order. Burned the SS - we fought.") Hence the subtitle: "About how we fought, killed and died" ("Protokollen vom Kaempfen, Toeten und Sterben"). It turned out that senseless killings, torture, rape, bullying were not the prerogative of the Sonderkommands, but were routine for the German army. Prisoners of war of the Wehrmacht recalled the crimes committed as something self-evident, moreover, many flaunting military "exploits", and no one particularly suffered from remorse and remorse.

Cover of the book "Soldiers".

As often happens, the book appeared thanks to a sensational find: the German historian Soenke Neitzel, working in the British and American archives on a study on the Battle of the Atlantic, came across in 2001 wiretap transcript, in which a captured German submariner officer spoke with unusual frankness about his military everyday life. In the course of further research, a total of 150 thousand pages similar transcripts, which Neitzel processed with the sociopsychologist Harald Welzer.

During the war, about a million Wehrmacht and SS troops were captured in British and American captivity. Of these, 13 thousand were placed under special surveillance in specially equipped places: first in the Trent Park camp (Trent Park) north of London and at Latimer House in Buckinghamshire, and since the summer of 1942 also in the United States at Fort Hunt, state Virginia The cameras were crammed with bugs, in addition, among the prisoners of war there were spies who, if necessary, directed the conversation in the right direction. The Allies were thus trying to find out military secrets.

If the British listened to officers and senior command personnel, then in the United States they paid close attention to the privates. Half of the prisoners of war at Fort Hunt were lower ranks, even non-commissioned officers were no more than a third, and officers - one-sixth. The British formed 17500 files, moreover, almost each of them has more than 20 sheets. Several thousand more dossiers were filed by the Americans. The transcripts contain frank testimonies from representatives of all branches of the military. Most of the prisoners of war were captured in North Africa and on the Western Front, but many of them managed to visit the east, on the territory of the USSR, where the war was significantly different.

" Thing». Eastern front... Photo Bundesarchiv

If during the war the allies were interested in military secrets, then the modern researcher and reader will rather be interested in the opportunity to see the war from the inside, through the eyes of an ordinary German soldier. One of the main questions: how quickly normal person turns into a killing machine, Neitzel and Welzer's study gives, as Spiegel notes, a disappointing answer: extremely fast. The possibility of undisguised violence is a disturbing experiment, and one is much more susceptible to this temptation than one might think. For many German soldiers, the "adaptation period" lasted only a few days.

The book contains a transcript of a conversation between a Luftwaffe pilot and a scout. The pilot notes that on the second day of the Polish campaign, he had to strike at the station. He missed: 8 out of 16 bombs fell in a residential area. “I was not happy about that. But on the third day I didn't care, and on the fourth I even felt pleasure. We had entertainment: before breakfast, fly out to hunt lone enemy soldiers and shoot them with a couple of shots, ”the pilot recalled. However, according to him, civilians were also hunted: they entered the refugee column in a chain, firing from all types of weapons: “The horses were scattered to pieces. I felt sorry for them. There are no people. And it was a pity for the horses until the last day. "

As the researchers note, the conversations between the prisoners of war were not heart-to-heart conversations. Nobody talked about the existential: life, death, fear. It was a kind of secular chatter, with banter and boasting. The word “kill” was actually not used, they said “beat down”, “remove”, “shoot”. Since most men are interested in technology, conversations often boiled down to a discussion of weapons, aircraft, tanks, small arms, calibers, as well as how it all works in battle, what are the disadvantages, what are the advantages. The victims were perceived indirectly, simply as a target: a ship, a train, a cyclist, a woman with a child.

Wehrmacht soldiers take pictures of the execution of a partisan. THE USSR. 1941-42. Photo Bundesarchiv

Accordingly, there was no empathy for the victims. Moreover, many of the German soldiers whose conversations were overheard by the Allies made no distinction between military and civilian objectives. In principle, this is not surprising. At the first stage of the war, such a division was still observed at least on paper, and with the attack on Soviet Union even disappeared from the documents. At the same time, according to Neitzel and Welzer, it would be wrong to say that the Wehrmacht completely abandoned moral criteria. War does not abolish moral norms, but changes the scope of their application. As long as the soldier acts within the bounds deemed necessary, he considers his actions legitimate, even if they involve extreme cruelty.

According to this principle of "deferred morality", among the Wehrmacht servicemen it was considered, for example, unacceptable to shoot downed pilots descending by parachute, but the conversation with the crew of the damaged tank was short. Partisan shot on the spot, since the belief was widespread among the troops that the one who shoots their comrades in the back deserves no better. The murder of women and children was still considered cruelty in the Wehrmacht, which, however, it didn’t hurt soldiers to commit these atrocities. From a conversation between radio operator Eberhard Kerle and SS infantryman Franz Kneipp:

Kerle:“In the Caucasus, when the partisans were killing one of ours, the lieutenant did not even have to order: we grab our pistols, and women, children: to hell with everyone we saw.”

Kneipp:“Our partisans attacked the convoy with the wounded and killed everyone. Half an hour later they were captured. It was near Novgorod. They threw them into a large pit, our people stood on the edges from all sides and finished them with machine guns and pistols. "

Kerle :."They shot in vain, they had to die slowly."

German soldiers in Italy on vacation with local women. 1944 year. Photo Bundesarchiv

Determining the boundaries of the application of moral principles, as the authors of the book "Soldiers" note, depends not so much on individual beliefs as on discipline, in other words, on whether the military leadership considers certain actions to be crimes or not. In the case of the aggression against the USSR, the Wehrmacht command definitely decided that acts of violence against the Soviet civilian population will not be prosecuted or punished, which, of course, led to an increase in bitterness on both sides on the Eastern Front. It is noted that in comparison with the Wehrmacht and the Red Army, the Western Allies acted more humanely, although during the first phase of the operation in Normandy they did not take prisoners either.

The lion's share in the conversations of the Wehrmacht prisoners of war were "talk about women." In this regard, Senke Neitzel and Harald Welzer note that the war was the first opportunity for the vast majority of German soldiers to travel abroad and see the world. By the time Hitler came to power only 4% of the German population had foreign passports. For many, the war became a kind of exotic journey, where isolation from home, wife and children was closely associated with a feeling of complete sexual freedom. Many of the prisoners of war recalled their adventures with a sigh of regret.

Müller:“What wonderful cinemas and coastal cafes and restaurants in Taganrog! I have visited many places by car. And there are only women around who were herded into forced labor. "

Faust:"Oh, you, damn it!"

Müller:“They were paving the streets. Stunning girls. Passing by in a truck, we grabbed them, dragged them into the back, processed them and threw them away. Boy, you should have heard how they were fighting! "

German infantrymen. Eastern front. Photo Bundesarchiv

However, as is clear from the transcripts, stories about mass rapes evoked condemnation, although not too harsh. There were certain boundaries beyond which the captured Wehrmacht soldiers, even in confidential conversations with their comrades, tried not to cross. Stories about sexual torture and bullying, the victims of which were spies caught in the occupied Soviet territories were transmitted from a third person: “In the previous officer's camp, where I was sitting, there was one stupid Frankfurt man, a young insolent lieutenant. So he said that they ... ”And then followed a shuddering description. “And imagine, eight German officers were sitting at the table, and some were smiling at this story,” the narrator concluded.

The awareness of the Wehrmacht soldiers about the Holocaust was, in all likelihood, greater than is commonly believed. In general, talk about the extermination of Jews does not take up much of the total volume of transcripts - about 300 pages. One explanation for this may be that not many military personnel were aware of the efforts to deliberately address the "Jewish question." However, as Spiegel points out, another, more plausible explanation is that the extermination of the Jews was quite common practice and was not seen as something specifically worth discussing. When it came to the Holocaust, it was mainly about the technical aspects associated with the destruction of many people.

At the same time, none of the participants in the conversation was not amazed at what he heard, and no one questioned the veracity of such stories. “The destruction of the Jews, as can be concluded with all convincingness, was an integral part of the ideological ideas of the Wehrmacht soldiers, and to a much greater extent than was previously thought,” the researchers conclude. Of course, there were people in the Wehrmacht who opposed what was happening. On the other hand, as the authors of "Soldier" note, one must not forget that the army was a cast of the then German society, which tacitly accepted the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship, racial laws, repression, and concentration camps. It would be illogical to expect that the Wehrmacht could be better than the rest of Germany.

The Third Reich (German "empire", "state" and even "kingdom") is the German Empire, which existed from 1933 to 1945. After the National Socialist Party came to power under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the Weimar Republic fell and was replaced by the Third Reich. Secrets, riddles and secrets of its rulers excite the minds of mankind to this day. Let's consider some of the features of this empire in the article.

Third Reich

The First Reich was called the state in Europe - the Holy Roman Empire, which included many of the European countries. Germany was considered the basis of the empire. This state existed from 962 to 1806.

From 1871 to 1918, a period began which is called the Second Reich. Its decline came after the surrender of Germany, the economic crisis and the subsequent abdication of the Kaiser from the throne.

Hitler planned that the empire of the Third Reich would stretch from the Urals to the Atlantic Ocean. The Reich, which was prophesied for a thousand years, fell thirteen later.

The Fuhrer dreamed of the greatness of Germany and its rebirth as a world power. However, the Nazi Party became a product of bitterness and chaos.

From the very beginning, all of Hitler's speeches were filled with a spirit of violence and hatred. Strength was the only authority he recognized. For the Germans new order meant primarily the return of national dignity, lost in 1918. Hitler managed to combine humiliation and desire to exalt, giving these feelings a new monstrous meaning.

The birth of Nazi ideology. Aryan race

For outsiders, one of the secrets of the Third Reich was the phenomenon of National Socialism. Hundreds of rituals came out of nowhere and mesmerized millions of Germans.

Darwin's theory has led people into confusion. The centuries-old faith in God has been undermined. Occult sects and circles arose throughout the country. Secret societies were created that tried to revive ancient Germanic mythology.

They drew their knowledge from the works of Guido von List, the Austrian esotericist, who claimed that the ancient knowledge of the German people was revealed to him.

WITH late XIX centuries, crowds of seekers of truth flock to ancient and mysterious Tibet. Many do not want to believe that man descended from a monkey, and come here to search for perfection and learn the secrets of the world.

One of their travelers was Helena Petrovna Blavatskaya, who created the work "The Secret Doctrine". In this book, she writes about how in one of the Tibetan monasteries she was shown an ancient manuscript telling about the secrets of the world and revealing the secrets of the past. In the books of Blavatsky, much is said about the seven root races, one of which, the Aryan, must save the world.

The Liszt Society, together with German mythology, skillfully combines the works of Blavatsky. In its charter, it prescribes the laws of the future Aryan people.

Along with List's theory, the science of eugenics emerged, based on Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest. She suggests weeding out the weak and sick, giving evolution a chance to create a healthy generation. It is increasingly believed that the key to a nation's well-being is heredity. From Britain, eugenics travels to Germany, where it is called "the purity of the race" and deeply affects the German occultists.

After the death of List, Jörg Lanz took his place and, combining occultism and eugenics, created theozoology - the occult religion of the race.

The history of the creation of the Third Reich is closely connected with the name of Lanz. When Hitler is in power, he, being an ardent admirer of him, by the first law divides the inhabitants of Germany into two parts - pure Aryans and those who will be their subjects.

Secret societies

In his visions of the ancient tribes, Guido von List saw the secret order of the priest-rulers, the keepers of all the secret knowledge of the German people, and named it "Armenschaft". List argued that Christianity forced the keepers to go into the shadows, and their knowledge was protected by such societies as the Freemasons, Templars and Rosicrucians. In 1912, the order is founded, which many leaders of the National Socialists join. They call themselves the Armanist Assembly.

The renunciation of power by the Kaiser was a terrible blow for the heads of secret societies, since it was believed that the aristocracy had the purest blood and the most powerful supernatural abilities.

Among the many groups organizing counterrevolutionary nationalist opposition is the Thule Society, an anti-Semitic lodge that preaches Liszt's teachings. This secret society was popular among the high society and strictly observed the purity of the Aryan blood. The hair of the true heirs of the race of the gods had to be blond or dark blond, the eyes were light, and the skin was pale. Even the jaw and head size were measured at the Berlin branch. In 1919, under the auspices of Tulle, the German Workers' Party was founded, and Hitler became a member and later its leader. Later "Tulle" is transformed into "Ahnenerbe", another of the secrets of the Third Reich. The swastika became the symbol of the party, the exact shape of which was chosen by Hitler himself.

The mystery of the swastika

The Nazi Party adopted the swastika as its emblem in 1920. It spread everywhere - on buckles, sabers, orders, banners, being a symbol of the occult and esotericism.

Hitler personally designed the flag of the Third Reich. Red is a social thought in motion, white represents nationalism, and the swastika is a symbol of the Aryan struggle and their victory, which will always be anti-Semitic.

The swastika was a symbol of the main Nazi dogma, which argued that absolute will triumph over the forces of darkness and chaos. In the world of social-nationalism, the Aryan race was the bearer and distributor of order. Before the swastika became a symbol of the Nazi party, Austrians and Germans began to use it in the form of amulets. This was during the First World War and took its roots in the teachings of Blavatsky and Guido von List.

Elena Petrovna showed seven symbols, the most powerful of which was the swastika. In Tibetan mythology, the swastika is a solar symbol meaning the sun, as well as the fire god Agni. The swastika was a manifestation of light, order and fortitude.

Guido von Liszt, while traveling to the past, discovers the secret meaning of the runes. Ancient signs, according to Liszt, were a powerful energy weapon.

The Nazis used runes everywhere. For example, the rune "Sig" - "victory" was the emblem of the Hitler Youth, the double "Sig" was the trademark of the SS, and the rune of death "Man" ousted crosses from the monuments.

Photos of the flag of the Third Reich in the hands of Nazi soldiers still inspire fear in thousands of people.

Among all the strange symbols, Liszt, like Madame Blavatsky, put the swastika above all. He told the legend of how God created the world with a fiery broom, a swastika, which symbolized the act of creation.

A lot of documentaries have been filmed about the swastika and other secrets of the Third Reich. They provide facts and evidence about the secret symbols that Nazism was filled with.

Black sun of the Third Reich

One of the secrets of the Third Reich was the elite SS units, keeping many mysteries and secrets. Even the members of the Nazi party did not know what was going on inside this organization.

Initially, they were the bodyguards of the Fuhrer, and then, led by Hitler's personal guard - Henry Himmler, they became the mystical elite. It was from their ranks that a new super race was to emerge.

People were seen as ideal samples of the purest Aryan blood. It was not so easy to get there. Even one seal blocked the way to this elite detachment of the Third Reich. True Aryans had to prove the presence of German ancestors since 1750 and study the racial biology and esoteric destiny of the Aryans.

The SS evolved into a secret occult empire-building order. The Aryans had to subjugate all peoples. According to Nazi mythology, it was believed that in Solar system there are two suns - visible and black, that which can be seen only by knowing the truth. It was the symbol of this sun that the SS detachments were supposed to become, the secret decoding of which was translated as "Black Sun" (German: Schwarze Sonne).


In 1935, the historical society "Ahnenerbe" - "the heritage of the ancestors" was created. Its official task was to study the historical roots of the German people and the spread of the Aryan race throughout the world. This is the only organization that officially dealt with magic and mysticism with the support of the state. By 1937 it became the research department of the SS.

Scientists "Ahnenerbe" had to study history and rewrite it so that the Aryans, the blue-eyed and fair-haired Nordic race, bringing light to the rest of humanity, would become the progenitors of all mankind. All the discoveries were made by the Germans, and it was they who created the entire civilization. The Nazis recruited philologists and folklorists, archaeologists and engineers. Special Sonderkommando were sent to the occupied territories to search for ancient treasures.

Experts gathered around the world were engaged in astronomy, mathematics, genetics, medicine, as well as psychotropic weapons and methods of influencing the human brain. They studied magic rituals, occult sciences, paranormal abilities of people and put experiments on them. The goal was to contact the higher minds of ancient civilizations and alien races to gain new knowledge, including about high technologies.

But first of all, the scientists of "Ahnenerbe" were interested in Tibet.

SS expeditions to Tibet

In the thirties of the XX century, Tibet was practically unexplored and inaccessible, and therefore full of mysteries. The legend was passed from mouth to mouth that the mythical Shambhala was hidden in the Himalayas - the country of goodness and truth. There, in deep caves, the guardians of our world lived, who knew great secrets.

Interested in the secrets of Tibet and the Third Reich. The Nazis tried several times to get into the country.

In 1938, the Austrian biologist Ernst Schaeffer went to Lhasa under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe.

In addition to the mythical Shambhala, Schaeffer had to establish ties with the Dalai Lama and the prince-regent. Germany promised to help Tibet in the fight against the British. Schaeffer intended to transport weapons to the Tibetans with the aim of attacking British posts on the border with Nepal.

After Schaeffer, the Nazis made many expeditions, taking out ancient texts written in Sanskrit from there. There is a version according to which "Anenerbe" got to Shambhala and came into contact with powerful spirits. The wise men agreed to help Hitler and provided magical support for a long time.

It is said that the gas chambers in the concentration camps and the people who were burned in them were sacrifices to the Nazi gods.

However, they did not hear the pleas of the fascists for world domination, and the light turned away, not recognizing the violence and bloody sacrifices.

Underground cities of the Third Reich

The SS underground cities and military factories keep the secrets of the Third Reich. Some of these objects are still classified by the special services.

The underground factories of the Third Reich have become one of the most ambitious projects of mankind. When the Allied aviation began to strike at military factories, the Minister of Armaments in 1943 proposed to move them underground.

Thousands of prisoners were herded to concentration camps, who were forced to work in inhuman conditions.

In the town of Nordhausen in the rock there are underground tunnels, where one of the secret developments of the Luftwaffe, the FAU-2 rocket, was made. From here on the underground railroad the missiles were delivered to the launch points.

On the territory of Falkenhagen, in a dense forest, the object "Zeyverg" is hidden, which is still partially classified. The Nazis planned to produce a terrible weapon there - the Zarin nerve gas. Death from him occurred within six minutes. Fortunately, the plant was never completed. He continues to keep the secrets of the Third Reich. SS underground cities are located not only in Germany but also in Poland.

Not far from Salzburg, an underground plant was built with secret branches of tunnels, code-named "Cement". They were going to make intercontinental ballistic missiles, but the project did not have time to launch.

One of the greatest secrets of the Third Reich is hidden under Fürstenstein Castle near Waldenburg. It is an underground complex in which a complex system of shelters was created for Hitler and the top of the Wehrmacht. In case of danger, the elevator lowered the Fuhrer to a depth of 50 meters. There was a mine with a ceiling height of up to 30 meters. The structure was given the code name "Rize" - "Giant".

Treasures of the Third Reich

After Germany begins to lose, Hitler gives the order to hide the gold that the Nazis confiscated in the conquered territories. The wagons laden with treasures head to the untouched lands of Bavaria and Thuringia.

In May 1945, the Allies captured a fascist train with untold riches, and boxes full of silver and gold coins were found in the Merkers mine. After that, rumors spread about a new secret of the Third Reich. Where are Hitler's treasures, many adventurers wanted to know.

In total, the Nazis confiscated more than 8 billion gold from the occupied countries, but, as it turned out, this was not enough for them.

In concentration camps, Sonderkommando collected gold from the crowns of murdered prisoners, as well as rings, earrings, chains and other jewelry confiscated during searches. According to some reports, about 17 tons of gold had been collected by the end of the war. The crowns were melted at a factory in Frankfurt, making ingots from them, and then taken to a special account of "Melmer" in the Reichsbank. When Germany lost the war, gold was still in deposits, but when the Russians entered Berlin, it was not there.

From the underground residence of the Fuhrer - "Riese", only a part of the drawings remained, so there were rumors that not all of the tunnels had been found. It is said that somewhere underground there is a freight train filled with gold. The dimensions of the structures indicate that they are built, including for transport.

The legend about the "golden train" says that in April 1945 the train left for the city of Wroclaw and disappeared. Scientists argue that this is impossible, since the city by that time was surrounded Soviet troops, and there was no way he could get there. However, this does not prevent treasure seekers from continuing their search, and some claim to have seen carriages standing in the dungeons.

It is known that most of the gold was hidden in the Merkers mine. V last days During the Third Reich, the Nazis transported the rest of the treasures throughout Germany. They lowered gold into mines, drowned them in rivers and lakes, buried them at battle sites, and even hid them in death camps. The secret of the Third Reich, where Hitler's treasure is located, has not yet been solved. Perhaps he is lying and waiting for his master.

Nazi bases in Antarctica

In the summer of 1945, two German submarines from the Fuhrer's personal convoy moored to the shores of Argentina. When the captains were interrogated, it turned out that both boats had repeatedly been to the South Pole. So it turned out that it hides many secrets of the Third Reich and Antarctica.

After the discovery of the mainland in 1820 by Bellingshausen and Lazarev, they forgot about it for a century. However, Germany began to show an active interest in Antarctica. In the late thirties, Luftwaffe pilots flew there and staked out the territory, calling it New Swabia. Submarines and the research vessel "Swabia" with equipment and engineers began to sail regularly to the shores of Antarctica. Perhaps, during the war, they began to transport important people and secret production. Judging by the documents found, the Nazis created a military base in Antarctica, which had the code name "Base-211". She was needed to search for uranium, control the countries of America and so that in case of defeat in the war, the ruling elite could hide there.

After the war, when the Americans began to recruit scientists working for the Wehrmacht, they found that most of them had disappeared. More than a hundred submarines also disappeared. It also remains a secret of the Third Reich.

The fleet, sent by the Americans to Antarctica to destroy the Nazi base, returned with nothing, and the admiral spoke about incomprehensible flying objects, similar to saucers, which jumped right out of the water and attacked ships.

Later, drawings were found in the archives of Germany, which indicated that scientists were indeed developing aircrafts disc-shaped.

To better understand the events in which Germany took part from 1939 to 1945, the documentary "The Third Reich in Color" will help. It contains unique shots from life ordinary people, ordinary soldiers and the Nazi elite, the public life of the country in the form of parades, rallies and military campaigns, as well as its "dark side" - concentration camps with a monstrous number of victims.

We are used to watching all the horrors, secrets, secrets and mysteries of the Third Reich from TV screens and pages of books. Let these stories about Nazism remain in people's memory and, remaining in the past, will never be repeated.

"Undoubtedly, every National Socialist must sooner or later come to terms with the so-called 'occult' facts." The Reichswart newspaper, August 30, 1937. The worst thing about fighting an enemy like Nazism is not answering questions. The worst thing is when they pretend that there are no questions at all.

When you start reading about the Nazi space project Aldebaran, it’s hard to get rid of the thought that this is all fantastic. But as soon as you come across information about the same project in the name of Wernher von Braun, it becomes a little uncomfortable. For the SS Standartenfuehrer Wernher von Braun, many years after the Second World War, was not just anyone, but one of the key figures in the American project of a flight to the moon. The moon is, of course, much closer than the planet Aldebaran. But the flight to the moon, as you know, took place.

So there are questions, and there are many of them. It's all about who will answer them and how.

Here are just a few.

What was the SS expedition, held under the auspices of the occult and mystical organization "Anenerbe", looking for in distant Tibet in 1938? And why were the SS men forced to go where the Europeans had been ordered?

What goals was pursued by another SS expedition - not just somewhere, but to Antarctica?

Why in last years wars, the Fuhrer throws the main finances of the Reich not on tanks and planes, but on the mysterious and rather ghostly projects of the same "Anenerbe"? Does this mean that the projects were already on the verge of implementation?

Why was the interrogation of SS Standartenfuehrer Wolfram Sievers, the secretary general of Anenerbe, interrupted so abruptly at the Nuremberg Trials, as soon as he began to name names? And why was a simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals of the "Third Reich"?

Why was it Dr. Cameron, who was present in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of Anenerbe, then headed the Blue Bird project of the CIA, within the framework of which developments in psychoprogramming and psychotronics were carried out?

Why does the US military intelligence report dated 45th year say in the preamble that all the activities of Anenerbe were of a pseudoscientific nature, while the report itself recorded, for example, such a "pseudoscientific" achievement as a successful fight against a cancer cell?

What is this strange story with the discovery of the corpses of Tibetan monks in SS uniforms in Hitler's bunker at the end of the war?

Why did "Anenerbe" urgently seize the documentation of scientific laboratories and any secret societies, along with the archives of special services in each of the countries just captured by the Wehrmacht?

The beginning of the nineteenth century. The daughter of a Russified German, Helena Blavatsky, between Europe and America. On the way, she stops by either Egypt or Tibet. Blavatsky is a great adventurer, she knows that the key to her success is constant movement... Where she lingers for at least a few months, a train of scandals and revelations is immediately created behind her, like a comet, including the disclosure of the very earthly mechanisms of her "clairvoyance" and "summoning spirits." Blavatsky quickly became fashionable. Europe was waiting for something like that, and it appeared.

To begin with, Madame Blavatsky told the world that she had seen flying Buddhist monks in Tibet. In the same place, in Tibet, it was as if some secret knowledge was revealed to her. Madame Blavatsky tried to present them in the book "The Secret Doctrine", combining in it all possible information about Eastern occultism and Hinduism with latest news Sciences. It turned out to be unusual and attractive for contemporaries who are expecting either the end of the world or the second coming.

It was Blavatsky who dictated the dangerous fashion - to link practical science, Eastern occultism and traditional European mysticism. If her ideas did not go beyond the European secular salons, trouble, perhaps, would not have happened. But the recipe for the explosive mixture ended up in Germany.

Historians are absolutely right when in school textbooks they explain the prerequisites for Hitler's coming to power by the most difficult socio-economic conditions in Germany at that time, the geopolitical consequences of defeat in the First World War, disappointment and resentment of the army, and revanchist sentiments in society. But the main thing that all this united was national humiliation.

The nervous young man who wanted to become an artist stood for hours in front of the "magic spear" exhibited in a Vienna museum. It was believed that whoever wields this spear can rule the world. And this former soldier I really wanted to rule the world, because he lived in poverty, and his artistic talents were not recognized as talents. Who could be more dangerous than such a young man? And into whose head can the darkest magical formulas and mystical ideas be so easily implanted?

In any case, when the informant of the army counterintelligence Adolf Schicklgruber attended meetings of the secret society "Germanenorden", his psyche was already sensitive to unusual spells and ritual rituals. In turn, the key figures of secret societies very quickly noticed a suitable candidate for the post of the future leader of the nation. The network of these secret societies actually developed the mechanism of the fascist regime.

As you know, "Mein Kampf" Hitler wrote in a Munich prison after the failed Nazi putsch. He was in prison with Rudolf Hess. And Professor Haushofer, one of the most influential people in the Thule society, visited them there. Professor Hitler liked it, after which the leadership of "Thule" moved his political career out of place. And even in prison, Dr. Haushofer began to give the future leaders some mysterious lectures, which prompted Hitler to take up literary work.

And here one more question arises in addition to the above list - extremely important in order to understand what still happened in the "Third Reich". Was the belief of the highest SS hierarchs in everything mystical and otherworldly sincere?

It seems like yes and no. On the one hand, the leaders of National Socialism understood very well what a powerful effect, from the point of view of managing people, all these medieval visions with the Grail, flaming torches and so on can give. And here they exploited typical German romanticism with typical German pragmatism.

On the other hand, the daily performance of occult rituals and complete immersion in mysticism could hardly pass without a trace for their own psyche.

And finally, the third. Throughout their years in power, the Nazis experienced an unaccountable fear of future retribution. Was not this fascination with mysticism the drug that helped to drown out this fear even for a moment?

The world of mystical hobbies of the future Fuhrer, most likely, was wretched and painful. But the very structure of his psyche fully corresponded to the requirements that the people who put forward it had. So is the warehouse of Himmler's psyche. With all the doubts that the SS chief was able to master the rather complicated and difficult statements of Madame Blavatsky, he could hear about her ideas at least from his party comrades. But there is no doubt that the Reichsfuehrer appreciated them. Moreover, this provincial school teacher sincerely considered himself the Prussian king Heinrich in a new reincarnation (he was captured at the end of World War II, when Himmler made his way to the grave of his ancient namesake). According to the testimony of some of his associates, including the commander of the Belgian SS division, de Grelle, there was no other leader in the Reich who so sincerely and passionately wanted to eradicate Christianity in the world.

The Fuhrer sincerely believed in the occult, or not, but in any case, these people, apparently, were eager to engage in practical black magic in the state, and then preferably in the world.

Researchers who are trying to grasp some system in the mystical ideas of the hierarchs of the "Third Reich" and explain a huge number of strange mysteries - the history of secret orders and societies like "Germanenorden" and "Thule", the development of nuclear and psychotronic weapons, hard-to-explain expeditions under the auspices of the SS, say, to Tibet - these researchers make one serious mistake. Analyzing the events, comparing them, they proceed from the fact that the leaders of the Reich were people who knew a certain secret, initiated into something serious, mastered - at least partially - the Tibetan secret knowledge. But the Fuhrer was not like that! And this applies first of all to Hitler himself, who solely on the basis of his "clairvoyance" forbade the further development of the FAU project at the very moment when success was already looming on the horizon. Yes, the generals of the Wehrmacht and scientists were close to suicide when they heard about this "epiphany" and the order of the leader!

Finding out which of the researchers is right - those who are looking for a secret meaning or who insist on a purely materialistic explanation of what happened - is a thankless task, because the truth belongs to neither one nor the other. The future leaders of the "Third Reich" simply faced things and matters, neither of which they could understand, much less manage, due to their lack of any serious educational base. Namely, it serves as a kind of protective barrier for any person interested in the otherworldly and mystical. With people who are illiterate and insufficiently educated, the "other world" is capable of playing too evil jokes, completely subjugating their consciousness and paralyzing their will.

It seems that something similar happened with the not very literate leaders of the Reich. They became blind captives of their own hallucinoid ideas about the world of the mystical and unknown. And on their example, the so-called subtle world has very clearly demonstrated that it is not worth experimenting on it without special training.

What happened in the Reich is very reminiscent of one of the Strugatskys' novels, where on a distant planet, a society in its early stages of development suddenly collides with modern technology. And the slaves there are busy sitting in cars and turning all the handles in a row until the correct lever is found blindly.

Now let's remember concentration camps Nazis with pseudo-medical experiments on people incomprehensible either in their meaning or in cruelty. Meanwhile, everything is not very difficult: these are theorists from "Anenerbe" - one of the most mysterious mystical organizations, whether it existed under the control of the SS, or even controlled by the SS itself, - they tried to squeeze out of the secret knowledge of Eastern occultism and European mystics some practically applicable theories. For example, they were very interested in the so-called "blood magic". And in concentration camps, subordinates of the SS - and, therefore, to all the crazy ideas that were born in the bowels of this organization - doctors have already tried to translate the same blood magic into practice.

More often than not, nothing worked. But on the other hand, they had a mass of human material, which could be experimented with without any restrictions. And as is often the case in experimental sciences, it is not possible to achieve the originally set goal, but instead a conveyor of endless experiments leads to other - unexpected - side results.

Perhaps alchemists in black SS uniforms (and all employees of the same "Anenerbe" were part of the SS and had the appropriate ranks) worked blindly, and therefore any practical results they achieved can be considered accidental. But the question is not whether it was an accident or not. The question is that, according to many indications, there were results. We just hardly know what ...

Aggressive materialists simply try to ignore the obvious riddles. You can believe in mysticism, you can not believe. And if it were about the fruitless seances of exalted aunts, it is unlikely that the Soviet and American intelligence would spend enormous efforts and risk their agents to find out what is happening in these seances. But according to the memoirs of Soviet military intelligence veterans, its leadership was very interested in any approaches to Anenerba.

Meanwhile, getting close to Anenerba was an extremely difficult operational task: after all, all the people of this organization and their contacts with the outside world were under the constant control of the security service - SD, which in itself testifies to a lot. So it is not possible today to get an answer to the question whether we or the Americans had their own Stirlitz inside Anenerbe. But if you ask why, then you run into another strange mystery. Despite the fact that the vast majority of reconnaissance operations during the Second World War are now declassified (with the exception of those that subsequently led to the work of active agents already in post-war years), everything related to the development of "Anenerbe" is still shrouded in mystery.

But there is, for example, evidence of the already mentioned Miguel Serrano - one of the theorists of national mysticism, a member of the secret society "Thule", to whose meetings Hitler attended. In one of his books, he claims that the information received by Anenerbe in Tibet significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in the Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some prototypes of a military atomic charge, and the allies discovered them at the end of the war. The source of information - Miguel Serrano - is interesting at least because for several years he represented his homeland, Chile, in one of the UN commissions on nuclear energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA, having seized a significant part of the secret archives of the Third Reich, make practically parallel breakthroughs in the field of rocketry, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, and space research. And they are starting to actively develop qualitatively new types of weapons. Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers are particularly active in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

So the comments that claim that by definition nothing serious could have been contained in the Anenerbe archives do not stand up to scrutiny. And in order to understand this, you don't even need to study them. It is enough to get acquainted with what was charged with the responsibility of the organization "Ahnenerbe" by its president Heinrich Himmler. And this, by the way, is a total search for all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably all over the world. A special expedition "Anenerbe" was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Sometimes they did not even expect an occupation. In special cases, the tasks assigned to this organization were carried out by the SS special forces. And it turns out that the Anenerbe archive is not at all theoretical studies of German mystics, but a multilingual collection of a variety of documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

Part of this archive was discovered in Moscow several years ago. This is the so-called Lower Silesian Archives "Anenerbe", taken by Soviet troops during the storming of Altan Castle. But it is not most of all archives of "Anenerbe". Some military historians believe that much fell into American hands. This is probably the case: if you look at the location of the departments of Anenerbe, most of them were located in the western part of Germany.

Our part has not yet been seriously studied by anyone, there is not even a detailed description of the documentation. The very word "Anenerbe" is not widely known today. But the evil genie, who was released from the bottle by the black magicians SS and "Anenerbe", did not die along with the Third Reich, but remained on our planet.

edited news olqa.weles - 25-02-2012, 08:06

For many years, scientists from all over the world studied one of the most mysterious objects of the Nazis. And now the researchers are sure that they have come closer than ever to unraveling the main secrets of these mysterious buildings.

Report by Dmitry Soshin.

Not just a bunker, a large underground fortress. Eastern borders Hitler wanted to seal the Third Reich with a reinforced concrete lock. "Lair earthworm"- the largest defense system in Europe - it took almost 10 years to build.

Silvia Banek, an enthusiastic historian: "The narrow-gauge rails run here. During the war, electric trains ran here, they carried soldiers and equipment."

The underground life was so intense that the tunnels gradually became squares and train stations, albeit without aprons and waiting rooms. The track switches near the "North Station" still work like new.

Silvia Banek, a student from Poznan, has been studying The Lair of the Earthworm for a long time. She is one of the few who are allowed to bring curious historians and journalists here. 5 years ago, the authorities set up a guard near the entrance to the bunker: they are worried not only by teenagers painting "graffiti". People began to disappear into the underground - 30 kilometers of tunnels have not been fully explored.

Silvia Banek, historian-enthusiast: "This is a rather dangerous place. There is no complete scheme of all firing points and all tunnels. We have to fence off all unexplored places."

Bats are the only guardians of the dungeon. There are so many of them that the old ventilation shafts local authorities declared a nature reserve.

The underground city had everything: train stations, hospital, barracks. And in the wing was a large weapons room. Towards the end of the war, workers were brought here and machines were installed. The cable had to be re-laid for the underground factory.

Engines for warplanes were assembled in a Polish underground. The shop worked until February 1945: by this time, the Red Army had taken the Mezeretsky district into a ring.

Every year on Victory Day, military-historical clubs "play out" the storming of the underground citadel. In fact, the "Lair of the Earthworm" was unsealed in 2 days. The surviving defenders of bunker # 712, the only firing point that held the defenses, were sent home by the Red Army.

Robert Jurga, an enthusiastic historian: "There were almost no officers among the Germans, the soldiers, almost boys, lived in concrete bags. It seems that the command has simply forgotten about them."

If earlier cavers and thrill-seekers from Holland and Germany strove here, then recently Poles living in the neighborhood want underground.

Silvia Banek, an enthusiastic historian: "They come here several times, and not to look at the rusty rails! They ask many questions. They are not indifferent to how their homeland was liberated."

Historians from Warsaw dream of dismantling the brickwork and getting to the side, "reserve" tunnels. By order of Stalin, they were walled up immediately after the war. And, perhaps, then the "Lair of the earthworm" will reveal all its secrets.

Although the history of Hitlerite Germany is one of the most studied topics, it still holds many secrets. So much that we can only tell you about a few, in our opinion, especially curious.

Miracle weapons and dungeons

Hitler's attempts to create a "miracle weapon" (Wunderwaffe), which was supposed to save the Reich from defeat, did not stop until the very capitulation of Germany in 1945. The Germans managed to make some achievements in rocketry, nuclear physics and the creation of jet weapons. The mystery is what exactly they didn't have time for. After the war, it seemed to many Germans that the Nazis' promises in 1945 to start using the salutary "miracle weapon" were just a propaganda deception in order to force the population and the army to continue resisting the Allies. But maybe this is not the case. For the sake of propaganda alone, the Nazis would not have built many kilometers of underground tunnels with bunkers in Austria (there are about 150 such objects). One of these dungeon complexes, called "Mountain Crystal", has an area of ​​as much as 300,000 square meters.

Presumably, in such places, in addition to working on the V-1 and V-2 missiles, the Germans were working on the creation of nuclear weapons. There is still an increased background radiation in the adits. Unfortunately, much of the documents that could have given a clear answer were lost or hidden at the end of the war by both the Germans and the Allies. Another part of the labyrinths, by order of the Austrian authorities, was walled up with concrete after the war. The Austrian government prohibits for the time being to carry out research and excavations there under the pretext of high levels of radiation.

Vanished gold

The chaos of war and the collapse of such large states as the Third Reich are often accompanied by the loss of large values. For example, "Rommel's Treasures". During the actions of this general's corps in North Africa, the Germans plundered local settlements. Gold, currency, paintings - everything flowed into the hands of the SS. When the Germans began to suffer defeats from the British here, they managed to transport only part of the loot to Germany. The remains were allegedly flooded somewhere off the coast of Corsica. These values ​​are still considered not found. Something similar happened with the loot in the Crimea (the treasures allegedly sank during the retreat of the Kriegsmarine in the Black Sea) and in other places. Only Ernst Kaltenbrunner's cache and the gold reserve of the Reichsbank were found. Much has not yet been discovered, perhaps because high-ranking SS men, initiated into these secrets and escaped, took them after the war, and then used them to conceal their identities and legalize them in Europe and America.


Hitler's belief in the occult is widely known. In fact, perhaps, he had such a hobby, but did it come to the point of fanaticism? His artistic aesthetic predilections for the ancient pagan faith of the Germans can be explained by his love for Wagner (which he had for the composer from his youth), animal nationalistic madness and hostility to Christianity. There are suggestions that mysticism was not alien to Hitler, that part of it that was engaged in the interpretation of the Scandinavian runes and predictions based on them.

It is known that Hitler later drew attention to the political prophecies of various kinds of oracles. The mystery is which of them and why he believed or did not believe. For example, at the end of 1928, the Hamburg seer Wilhelm Wulf made a prophecy about the fall of Hitler, even predicted the date of his death (May 1945). Having learned this, the Nazis made every effort to prevent Wolfe's "Jewish lies" from getting into print. Who made the predictions to which Hitler listened, and whether there were such people at all, is unknown.

The mystery of Hitler's death

According to the official version, Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 in Berlin. But there is also speculation that he and his wife Eva Braun managed to escape and go on a submarine to Argentina, where many Nazi criminals hid after the war, including the organizer of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann and Joseph Mengele, the monstrous doctor-killer of Auschwitz. In the chaos of the storming of the city, the columns of equipment and individual people broke through who on what for the front line.

The SS men created an organization in Madrid in 1946 that transported the Nazis to South America and helped them settle there. More than 30 thousand Nazi criminals settled in Argentina alone. Probably, even before the surrender, some of their treasures went there. Journalists collecting information about them now and then came across witnesses who claimed that they had seen Hitler in Argentina. In 1988, the FBI declassified materials related to the search for Hitler after the war: the Allied intelligence services were considering a version according to which the Fuehrer's double was killed in Berlin. However, there is still no solid evidence for all these assumptions.
