Deputy Head of the Department - Rubtsov Yuri Vasilievich

short biography

General Director of JSC "Central Design Bureau" Dayton ".

Graduated from the Military Engineering Radio Engineering Academy of Air Defense named after Marshal Soviet Union Govorova L.A., engineer-mathematician.

Standardization expert. He was trained at the Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification of Rosstandart and confirmed compliance with the requirements for qualifications with entry into the Register of Experts in accordance with protocol 144 of 03/13/2018, certificate СЭN0001607.

In 2015, he completed training at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Certification and confirmed the requirements for an expert (expert-auditor) to confirm the conformity of radio-electronic equipment and communications. (Certificate)

Member of the Bureau of the Interdepartmental Council of Chief Designers of Electronic Components, approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 370 dated February 8, 2018, Head of the Section for Coordination of Work on Quality Management, Certification and Technical Control in the Field of Electronic Components.

Member of the Working Group on the development of measures in the field of creating cases for products of micro- and nanoelectronics, semiconductor, power and microwave technology, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

Member of technical committees for standardization "Electronic Component Base, Materials and Equipment", "Electrostatics", "Research in Polar Regions".

Member of the Committee for Instrumentation, Control Systems, Electronic and Electrotechnical Industry, the Union of Machine Builders of Russia.

Member of the working group for the development and maintenance of the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic products" (TR EAEU 037/2016).

Member of the Coordination Council of developers and manufacturers of radio electronic equipment, electronic component base and mechanical engineering products.

Member of the Committee on Information and Communication Technologies under the Bureau of the Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises".

Gulidov Dmitry Nikolaevich

short biography

For over 40 years he has been teaching at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology.

In 1961 he graduated from the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, and in 1964 - from MISIS with a degree in semiconductor materials.

Since 1968 he has been working at the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, where in 1969 he defended his candidate's thesis, and in 1992 - his doctoral dissertation.

From 1998 to 2011 he worked as the head of the department of quality system environment at MIET.

For the last three years he has been a member of the editorial board of the Instrument Engineering Technologies magazine and the IEC Technical Committee “Information, Documentation and Graphic Symbols”.

Research interests: the use of methods and means of object-oriented design for the development of QMS.

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences - Danilin Nikolay Semenovich

short biography

Laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize (1987) for the development and introduction into production of a complex of equipment for diagnostic non-destructive quality control of radio electronic equipment components, academician of the Russian and International Engineering Academies, Academy of Cosmonautics named after V.I. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Academy of Quality Problems.

Awarded the titles of Honored Tester of Space Technology, Honored Engineer of Russia.

He was awarded the Order For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces, III degree and many medals, including those of the Russian Federal Space Agency. Laureate of the Academician V.F.Utkin Gold Medal.

Nikolay S. Danilin- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, renowned scientist in the field of theory and practice of non-destructive testing of electronic component base (EEE) for space applications of modern space objects and systems.

NS Danilin is a laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize (1987) for the development and introduction into production of a complex of equipment for diagnostic non-destructive quality control of radio-electronic equipment components, academician of the Russian and International Engineering Academies, Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Academy of Quality Problems.

NS Danilin is one of the founders of the theory and methods of non-destructive testing of electronic component base for the purposes of long-term active functioning of spacecraft and systems. NS Danilin was awarded the titles of Honored Tester of Space Technology, Honored Engineer of Russia. NS Danilin is a developer of operational support for flight design tests of the GLONASS global navigation satellite system, the Venera-Halley and Mars international stations, and others.

Nikolai Semenovich Danilin was born on November 20, 1937 in Kharkov, in 1955 from silver medal graduated high school and entered the Kharkov VAIVU at the radio engineering faculty. In 1965 he completed a full-time postgraduate course and defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 1971 - his doctoral dissertation on the problems of non-destructive quality control of electronic equipment.
From 1972 to 1982 NS Danilin works as the head of the department of reliability and operation of space electronic systems of the Kharkov VVKIU. Since 1982, he has been Deputy Director General of the Russian Research Institute of Space Instrumentation for scientific work(Moscow). In 1987, N.S. Danilin was awarded the rank of Major General.

1992 to 2007 NS Danilin works as the head of the Scientific Center for Certification of Elements and Equipment (SC SEO); at present he is the chief researcher of JSC Russian Space Systems; scientific consultant for space instrumentation systems, Cosmos Komplekt LLC.

NS Danilin was awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces", III degree, and many medals, including those of the Russian Federal Space Agency. Laureate of the Academician V.F.Utkin Gold Medal.

During 1985 - 2012. NS Danilin directed and continues his activities on behalf of the Federal Space Agency on the joint Russian-Western European project Tacis - Electronic Component Base - the creation of harmonized algorithms for testing a highly reliable electronic component base when managing the quality of space radio electronic equipment in a global open economy.

N.S. Danilin established a scientific school on modern methods ensuring the quality of electronic components and the reliability of domestic space objects and systems with long periods of active existence, 35 candidates of technical sciences and 10 doctors of technical sciences were trained. N.S. Danilin Member of the Attestation Board for the award academic degrees JSC Russian Space Systems.

NS Danilin's activities in organizing work on the problems of managing the electronic component base, quality and reliability in the technology of modern space systems with long periods of existence are widely known in Russia and abroad.

NS Danilin - Deputy Chairman of the MNTORES named after A.S. Popova, President of the Annual All-Russian and international conference"Element base of space systems", head of section MNTORES them. AS Popova "Space electronic components and their certification", honorary member of the board of RSNTTD.

Professor NS Danilin is the head of the Competence Center for the development of a fundamentally new innovative direction in the evolution of EEE for space applications - systems in a housing (monograph by NS Danilin, DM Dimitrov, I. Kh. Sabirov "Innovative space macrosystems in a housing" entered the Skolkovo program, register entry 10 No. 0000512 dated June 19, 2012, the Competence Center of Cosmos-Komplekt LLC).

Recognizing the great scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities in the development of new promising technologies in the space industry and specifically in the innovative development of radiation-resistant electronic components for advanced space objects and systems, as well as the international activity of N.S. Danilin on quality management of electronic components for space radio-electronic equipment in in the conditions of the global open economy, active leadership on projects to harmonize the requirements for EEE between the European Space Agency and the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation, prof. N.S. Danilin was nominated by the President of the RSNTTD, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Klyuev, a candidate for the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011, 2013, 2017).

On behalf of the Russian Society for Nondestructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics, the editorial staff of the NDT Territory magazine, as well as colleagues and friends, we sincerely congratulate Nikolai Semenovich on his anniversary, wish him indestructible health, well-being and new creative achievements!

The opening ceremony of the exposition was attended by the heads of the Roscosmos State Corporation, representatives of Russian space instrument-making enterprises, prominent figures and veterans of cosmonautics.

Among the exhibits, visitors are presented with test samples of photo cameras that were the first to photograph the surface of the Moon, Venus and Mars, images of the Earth from space obtained in the 1980s, the latest instruments and models of the GLONASS-M navigation satellite and the Earth remote sensing spacecraft " Meteor-M ”, as well as radio beacons of the COSPAS-SARSAT search and rescue system.

The exposition is located on the ground floor of the museum on an area of ​​about 200 m2 and will be open to the public until the end of February 2017. All exhibits are unique and extremely interesting.

Mars-1 is an automatic interplanetary station of the second generation of the Mars program. One of three AMS M-62 series. The spacecraft was intended to conduct scientific research Mars from a flyby trajectory, transmission of information about interplanetary space and about space around Mars.

Resurs-DK1 is a Russian spacecraft for Earth remote sensing. The device is designed to ensure the economic activities of state structures, structures in the field Agriculture and soil science, geology, oceanology, land use.

"Meteor-3M "(Automatic spacecraft) - a satellite for hydrometeorological support. It was intended for prompt acquisition of cloudiness and underlying surface images in the optical and near-infrared ranges of the spectrum, data on air temperature and humidity, sea surface temperature and clouds, accumulating them in an on-board storage device and transmitting them to the ground. Carried out monitoring of the ozonosphere.

Museum guests can take advantage of multimedia and interactive media- "Virtual world of GLONASS" and "Ground and orbital space constellation", which will tell you about the use of the results of space exploration in a fascinating and accessible form.

“Employees of the RKS and the Museum of Cosmonautics have worked together to create a unique exhibition space that will allow visitors of any age not only to immerse themselves in the 70-year history of our company and trace the evolution of space systems, but also to look into the future of astronautics,” said the head of the expert and analytical center JSC "Russian Space Systems" (RCS) Arnold Selivanov.

Danilin Nikolai Semenovich and Arnold Sergeevich Selivanov (from left to right).

It should be noted that in 2016 RKS celebrates its 70th anniversary. Research Institute 885 (NII-885, today - RKS) was established by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1017-419 of May 13, 1946. Over the years, the Institute has made a significant contribution to all the key achievements of the USSR and Russia in space exploration and exploration. Today the integrated structure of the RCS unites the leading companies of the Russian space instrument making - JSC NII TP, JSC NPO IT, JSC NIIFI, JSC OKB MEI and JSC NPO Orion.
