Animate technique of objects [System of skills of further energy information development] Verishgin Dmitry Sergeevich

Defender of man

Defender of man

This type of defender is quite close in its properties to the previous one, but its task is somewhat simpler, because he does not need to protect the space - it is enough to protect only his owner, to remove any energy aggression aimed at him. He actively removes the part of their consciousness among the aggressors, in which aggressive intentions and thoughts live, he suggests the way out of a dangerous situation, he eats aggression, he gives emotional support to his owner. He returns damage and the evil eye where they came from, and returns them with many times multiplied by force, introducing them in the one who spawned them, very deeply. He eats negative programs when trying to introduce them into you, he sucks vampiric suckers in the opposite direction.

Fig. 5. The defender of a person thousandthly pays for the aggressor and removes aggressive intentions from his consciousness

Survection of the subject

The clearance of the subject is carried out as usual, because no special requirements for the defender of a person are not presented. It is clear that the subject you need to take the one that you will wear with you - ring, necklace, key chain, chain, and so on.

Creation of defender of man

When creating a defender, it is necessary to take into account only one thing: in the defender you need to tighten as much energy as possible, because it needs a very big potential to quickly develop.

As a figure that serves as the basis for creating a defender, you can again use the contour of a person, but an open figure should be located inside it - just a line, a cross or something similar.

Programming a defender of man

We need the following from the defender: so that he would absorb energy aggression, would eliminate its source, deleted someone else's negative programming, again, eliminating the source, would support us emotionally and energetically, paralyzing would be egregional attacks, especially such as an attack through the "Internal Computer" Or "Vladyk Karma," - in a word, in every way would eliminate possible dangers, guarding the site of space that we occupy. Therefore, for programming a person's defender, we will have to use "help" at least one real source of aggression. We need to show the defender for the reason for the negative impact so that he will continue not to work with influences, but with their cause, that is, not with the consequences, but with a source of aggression. Therefore, try searching for such a real source of aggression in the outside world. I am sure that you don't have to look for a long time: the world is filled with aggressive, embittered people. Who at no further as last week envied you, in every way wishing evil? Neighbor in the country or along the staircase? Work colleagues or travelers in the bus? Who tried to inspire some kind of program - for example, the feeling of guilt and their own inferiority? And these too in your environment you will find a lot. As you can see, our defenders will not remain hungry and unemployment also does not threaten. Around the complete full sources of aggression, which do not even suspect that when you meet with you, they automatically turn into kamikaze. Well, well, let them be tight. Let's see if it will be able to succeed.

So, we find a real aggressor. Then we carry out an union with the defender using the technicians of the third or fourth stage of Deiir. Being combined with the essence, manage its intentions and model the conditions with which entities will have to fight, but at first for this they themselves model the streams of energy and send their essence from their own body and its energy structure. Then you clearly work out with an energy informational entity first blocking, and then absorption of this simulated energy aggression. Remember that aggression is predominantly the energy of the ascending flow, and therefore it is necessary to block the upstream. Then block and absorb the programming effect, remembering that the programs carry the energy of the downward flow, and it means that the downward flow must be blocked. And after that, "show" the essence of the real source of aggression - for this mentally transferred at the time of time when such aggression took place in reality, or establish contact with momentary aggression. Further, controlling and directing the actions of the essence, completely block the attack (here each to his own way can only be limited to the absorption of energy, you can even "break down" into the virtual space of the aggressor). Now, still driving the action of the defender, reset the energy excess to its own body, accompanying this gift with light and warm emotions.

And one more thing: you have to allow a defender to your own virtual space to allow him to fight the negatives accumulating in your mind and eliminate attempts to influence you through the so-called biocomputer and other egregional bicomputes.

Here you go! You did it, and now it remains to ask the defender of the power supply.

Conditions for man defender

First, we will have to close the defender to use scattered in the external energy. Secondly, it is necessary to show him those sources that intended to hurt you and sent the flow of energy to your address. They are already shown in the programming process - and be sure, the defender has already realized that they can be food, and they have fun perfectly. And with malicious egregar influences, the defender will figure out himself - the truth is, a little time when he gains strength. As we have already said, do not worry about the defender, in any case the hungry will not remain hungry: why, and nutrition for defenders in our world is always enough and enough for a long time.

Setting the conditions of liquidation and control: Stop insurance

Stop insurance of a defender of a person is a very important thing. You never and under any circumstances you just have the right to forget her! And as this symbol, it is better to use what is best associated with your future features of the defender. These associations may be purely individual. Relax, tell me the word "defender" and mark the first image that came into consciousness. This will be the symbol of your defender.

I hope you do not need to remind that by using stop insurance, you can always continue the defender, adding a new function to it, "I just ask you to take into account that over time, the defender will accumulate a huge energy potential and therefore the contingered procedure itself will be not too pleasant. You will feel his strength, and maybe even resistance to yourself. Do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon. He will not cause serious harm to you under any circumstances.

And of course, with the help of stop insurance, you can always "move" a slightly rear-year defender so that he fulfill the task you need.

Using a defender of man

The use of the defender is obvious: it is indispensable for all sorts of attempts to guide you damage, evil eye, programming, installation of vampire suckers, egregional attacks, etc., and so on. The defender is always with you, and he will always reliably save you from any aggressor. Moreover, soon you will notice that the people who keep the stone for the sinus, and just unpleasant personalities for you will suddenly begin to avoid communicating with you. They will be a chute to be thought there, it is not necessary to cross, but it will be bad and very, very painful. The reasons for such sensations they understand, of course, will not be able, but you will be instinctively afraid and await. Well, thank God!

Immediately after the creation, the defender begins to absorb the mass of energy and stops doing it only when it is satisfied. You will not feel it right away. Therefore, after a few hours after his creation, the defender gains such an energy potential that it becomes much stronger than anyone, even a very trained person. And at the same time obeying only its owner!

On this occasion, I want to tell one story. Once, our employee, teacher of courses, began to experience a certain energy attack. In fact, any of our teachers, even slightly energy is almost impossible. But during the classes themselves - there is another thing: the teacher is revealed, working with a large audience. It happens that someone from the listeners begins to try their silenks and starts into the energy attack on the teacher, whose time, in general, there is no desire and the ability to distract the reflection of energy pressure. After all, if he distracts, the quality of his teaching will suffer, not to mention the fact that the unreasonable "brand" will suffer. So, one day our employee tried to attack a person quite competent during the class, and working through the magic subject - the ring. I had to create a defender specifically for the protection of the teacher during the training. When the defender was created, the aggressive impact on the side of the listener has intensified it directly during the classes. The teacher felt it - since the activation of the defender is accompanied by distinct sensations at its owner. Naturally, the defender immediately took up the source of aggression. About ten minutes everything was over. The fusion protector moved into an inactive form, and the pressure of the aggressor completely ceased. You ask what happened to the aggressor? Calm down, he stayed alive. But only his magic ring lost its strength forever. And the whole rest of the day the former aggressor puzzledly studied his ring, perplexed, why it stopped acting.

Well, how many cases, when the aggressor suddenly discovers that he has completely lost his strength or knowledge that allowed him to lead to an attack, or even the motives themselves for this attack and aggressive intentions ... they are not considered.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

No, in vain we decided

Rolling a cat in the car:

Cat rolling is not used to -

Tilted a truck.

A. Barto

What use does the technique carries humanity? Is there an appliance in the modern world of redundant luxury?

The purpose of the seminar: understand the place and role of equipment in life modern man.

Seminar Plan:

  1. Technique - Assistant man in labor.

  2. Technique guarding human health.

  3. Technique and household comfort.

  4. Technique is a reliable defender.

  5. Technique and human weaknesses.
Required sources of information:

  1. Children's encyclopedia.

  2. Media.
Since the origin of the equipment, the disputes of her supporters and opponents do not stop. Some argue that without technology can not do: it helps a person in solving pressing practices, improves and facilitates his life. Others say that the technique is an unjustified excess, the leading person to the "technical sugility".

Topic for discussion 1. You know that the ability to work has become one of the decisive factors of the evolution of man. Is it possible to work as modern man without technology? In what cases would make sense to abandon the use of technology? Discussing answers to the questions set, do not forget that training activities - This is also a work!

The topic for discussion 2. Health is one of the most important universal values. What is the role of equipment in solving medical, social and personal problems of protecting and strengthening human health? Is the opinion about the fact that the technique violates the natural law of survival of the strongest?

Theme for discussion 3. A significant part of the time a person spends at home. The house is a place of rest, leisure, communicating with close people and friends, and for someone it is the place of conducting an individual economy. Does the technique need a person in building his home focus? In which "household" situations of the technique - a bad assistant to a person?

Theme for discussion 4. At home, at work and the street, in the world as a whole, each person wants to feel safe. In ensuring this safety, significant human resources are involved: employees of special services; servicemen, etc. Can they guarantee us reliable protection without technology? From using what technology mankind would be worth abandoning forever?

Theme for discussion 5. One of the weaknesses of a person can be considered an addiction to gambling. What else would you take to human weaknesses? Is the technique able to provoke the manifestation of human weaknesses and which consequences can it lead to?

Having learned to make guns, the man began to invent them. Although it was also random in the invention: trying and mistaken, the most ancient man found the right solution The technical problem has arisen before him. Most likely, the decision itself "opened" to him.

The plant's emergence inherent in the following characteristics:

  1. it was almost all adult members of the community could produce and apply;
The causes of this are: scarcity arsenal of technical means and simplicity of operations for their manufacture and use; "occupation" Technique has not yet been allocated in a separate type of activity; separation Technical activities occurred on the basis of natural differences in the functions of a man and a woman.

  1. a person does not realize himself by the Creator of Technology; She is perceived as part of nature, and therefore the human relationship with nature is distinguished by harmony;

  2. extremely low rates of evolution of technology due to leading role case In its development.
For this reason, the phase of the origin of the technique turned out to be the longest. It covered the entire prehistoric period of the existence of mankind until the appearance of ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China. It was there that the conditions for the beginning of the next stage in the development of equipment were developed.

At the stage of the origin of the technique, its development was random, although a person had done the way from the use of subright funds to the spontaneous, but still the invention of labor instruments.

Craftsman technique. At the stage of the formation of handicraft equipment, artificial devices become more numerous and diverse, and their manufacturing technology is quite complicated. Therefore, not every person could have been, as before, to independently make the necessary to fulfill the operation.

The complication of the technique led to the fact that even the use of some instruments of labor required special training. In even greater preparation and subsequent long-term training, a person engaged in the manufacture of guns began to be needed.

Thus, technical progress was on the path of differentiation of equipment ( her divisions for appointment). This contributed to the separation of technical activities in a separate occupation and the emergence of people specially involved - craftsmen. At the same time, artisans combined in themselves and the creator of the technical project (inventor), and the worker, which turns this project into a material object.

The following features are considered features of handicraft technology:

  1. the man continues to be a "driving force" of the entire technical process (the instrument of labor in the hands of the artisan continues to be a person's supplement);

  2. the craft is based not on the verified theoretical calculation, but on experienced knowledge and skills transmitted from generation to generation;

  3. still low, although somewhat accelerated, the pace of development of technology.
These features determined the empirical path of mastering the craft in the authority of the established traditions. This limited the inventive activity of a person: Technical discoveries at the stage of handicraft equipment were rare and, as before, wearing a random unintentional character. Therefore, the development of the technique went slowly. The entire second stage of the evolution of the technique took the millennium and ended in the era of the late Renaissance, or rather, at the beginning of the era of the new time in Europe.

From the ancient civilizations to the era of the new time, the evolution of technology is conjugate with the development of crafts. Craftsmen, albeit unconsciously, performed the main driving force of technical progress.

Machine equipment. At the transition from the Renaissance to the era of the New Time, the handicraft technique gave way to the engineering machine.

The emergence of machinery is associated with the development of engineering activities as a new turn in the development of technical activities. At the same time, engineering activities are already based on the traditions (as handicraft), but on science, above all, natural science.

This means that the machine technique historically could not appear earlier than natural science began to develop. At the same time, the formation of the natural science and based on its success engineering activities was determined by the needs of the developing industry.

Neither natural science, nor engineering activities could appear in an empty place. The foundation for their formation was the whole path of development, which includes both truly bold judgments and engineering solutions. Thus, the ancient Greek philosophers Levkipp (500-440 BC), democritus (460-370 BC) and epicuris (342-270 BC) spoke about the existence of atoms. The famous mathematician Archimedes (approx. 287-212. BC) proposed a number of ingenious technical solutions and inventions that allowed the precipitated Romans with sicracuses to have decent resistance to the enemy. Nevertheless, these and similar accomplices were episodic in the background of the dominant activity dominant in those times.

Gradually, the Union of Science and Technology led to the formation new scientific and technical knowledge, based on the understanding of the dual nature of any technical object. On the one hand, it is subject to natural natural laws, and on the other hand, artificially created by a person to meet his practical needs.

The further evolution of production and the development of natural science led to the appearance at the end of the XVIII century. technical Sciences. Following this, an important event was followed: at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. James Watt (1736-1819) invented steam machine (steam engine). It has become an important milestone in the development of machinery and the formation of machine production.

Among characteristic features Stage of machinery should be called:

  1. support for science, on theoretical and applied natural science;

  2. replacement of the muscular power of man by nature by nature, and therefore the "engine" of the technical process was the power of nature, converted into the car;

  3. the gradual separation of technical activities performed by engineers from the manufacturing and operation of equipment carried out by workers.
The appearance of machinery led to the exit of production to a qualitatively new level of development. The "Industrial Revolution" was accomplished, the essence of which in the transfer of the production functions of the hand to machines and machines. Important role In this accomplishment, natural science was playing.

Information technology. High-quality round in the development of the equipment occurred in the second half of the XX century. During this period, the root restructuring of the entire technological base began modern civilization. It is based on the emergence and development of information technology leading in perspective to the full automation of the entire production cycle.

Information technology gave the key to solving many urgent problems: processing, storage and transfer of huge information arrays; Creation of new communication systems (satellite, cable, fiber optic) and information networks, etc. In the Union with information technology, laser technologies, robotics, nuclear power, aerospace and other industries are intensively developing. In addition, the information technology has opened new horizons in the development of humanity (creating artificial intelligence, etc.).

The emergence of information technology contributed to the further rapprochement of science and technology, their interpenetration, as well as intellectualization of all spheres of social life.

Let's call the most important features of the development of equipment at the present stage.

  1. The technique is increasingly becoming the "human brain authority".

  2. Accelerating the pace and expanding the possibilities of technical progress seems almost limitless.

  3. The increasing involvement of science and technology in the economy, their commercialization.

  4. Deep differentiation of engineering activities.

  5. Minimizing the role of a person in the whole technological process.

  6. Exacerbation of problems of interaction of technology with nature, man, society.
IN modern world "Rule" information technology, which a person has ever more transmitted "brain production functions".

Technological revolutions in human history. As we found out, the development of the technique is inextricably linked with the evolution of humanity itself. At the same time, the process of technical progress has always been leapped. This means that the gradual accumulation of technical knowledge and experience of engineering activities sooner or later led a person to the exit to a qualitatively new level of technical development, that is, technological revolution.

The history of mankind has three technological revolutions: an agricultural, industrial and modern, called the scientific and technical revolution.

  1. What stages in the evolution of technology can be allocated?

  2. How did the origin of the equipment happened?

  3. What is the difference of handicraft equipment from the technique of primitive?

  4. What social risks brought humanity to the emergence of cars? Are they characteristic of the modern stage of development of technology?

  5. How was the appearance of information technology affected the life of a modern person? Give an argumental answer.

  6. As chronologically correlated stages of the development of technology and technological revolutions, accomplished in the history of mankind.

  7. Using additional literature, expand the essence of agricultural, industrial and scientific and technical revolutions.

In the middle of the XX century An scientific and technical revolution occurred, which changed the appearance of modern culture and comparable along the scale with the scientific revolutions of the XVII and the beginning of the XX century. It has become the result of a close connection and interaction of science and technology. The word "technique" comes from the Greek "TechNe" - art, skill. Technique, on the one hand, is understood as a way and the ability to achieve anything, on the other, as a combination of human activities used to deliberately change validity in accordance with the needs and desires of a person.

There are three stages of development of technology: the domination of workers, the domination of cars, the dominance of automata. At the first stage, which lasts from prehistoric times until the XIX century, the technique is represented by workers. The main productive force is a person, and the tools of labor act as additional amplifiers of its natural physical abilities. At this stage, the technique is in a primitive, undeveloped state and therefore as a cultural phenomenon is practically not noticed.

The second stage of the development of technology is associated with the emergence of machine production in the XIX century. During this period, the process of rapprochement of science and technology begins, as well as the rapid development of the latter. Now the main force of production is the car, and the person turns into her appendage. It is during this period that a technical or technotronic civilization is formed, the technique becomes an essential element of culture, and in philosophy, the problem of understanding this phenomenon is formulated.

Approximately from the second half of the XX century. The third stage of the development of techniques associated with the use of automata begins. The person is gradually being outlined outside the production process and acts as the organizer and the head of this process. The car is now not just an instrument, a remedy, a person in a certain sense comes into communication with it. For example, a computer can be considered as a primitive analogue of human mental activity. Of course, the computer is a means by which a person solves many tasks. But, interacting with the computer, a person is influenced by a virtual environment appearing along with computer equipment. Like any communication, human communication and machine are built according to certain rules. A person, on the one hand, asks these rules, and on the other hand, it is forced to obey them. Given that the process of computerization becomes total, the problem of the interaction of a person and the car from the private scientific transition goes into the discharge of the general systemation.

German philosopher K. Yaspers highlights the following features of modern technology. The technique is the use of the power of nature against it itself, it is characterized by the ability to dominate, and not to build. The technique acts as a link between man and nature and is part of the general process of rationalization of modern society. The creation and application of technology is based on the use of scientific knowledge, and, therefore, the technique is directly related to science.

Modern technique is a practical continuation of science. Opening of the laws of mechanics in the XVII century. allowed to create machine technology; The laws of the electromagnetic field in the XIX century. - electrical engineering (2.3); Creating the theory of the atomic nucleus in the XX century. It became the basis of nuclear technologies (3.3, 3.4), decoding the DNA molecule in the XX century. - the beginning of genetic engineering (5.6). All modern technical innovations are based on scientific knowledge, and the development of technology and technology, in turn, puts new tasks before science. In the XX century A new cultural phenomenon emerged, based on the inseparable unity of science and technology, is a scientific and technical revolution and its consequence - scientific and technological progress.

In the philosophy of the XX century. Along with the concepts of "biosphere" and "Noosphere" a concept appears "Technosphere". Technosphere is a combination of all technical systems together with human technical activities. Modern researchers even speak of the creation of technocenes that are similar to biogeocenoses, which make up the biosphere (5.4, 5.7, 5.8). In the structure of the technosphere, the tech (the totality of all technical devices and systems) is distinguished, the biovision, which is in close interaction with the equipment, the upper part of the earth's crust, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the near-earth, the space mastered by man. It is clear that the technosphere closely interacts with the biosphere and significantly changes the CE.

The new artificially created environment, on the one hand, allows a person to satisfy the various needs - from physiological (food, shelter, etc.) to ideal (self-development and self-realization), but on the other - enslaves it. The influence of technology on the development of culture is extremely diverse, and in the future it is even difficult to consume. Indeed, the technique creates new effective means for human self-realization, but at the same time he imposes serious restrictions on him. The growth of human needs only speeds up this dual process. The development of technology contributes to increasingly and adequately satisfying the needs, relief and reduce everyday physical effort. But the increase in the technosphere gives rise to a number of humanitarian problems: predatory use of natural raw materials, pollution ambient, one-sided specialization of labor, reducing the value of a separate personality, the appearance of a mass destruction of unknown formerly, and the like. That is why the attitude to the technique of a modern person is dual. A number of philosophers consider equipment and technical progress as undoubted evil, the consequence of which is the impulse of spirituality, leading humanity to self-destruction. Proponents of technical progress, on the contrary, indicate that the technique frees a person from routine labor, saves his time and allows us to focus on more complex tasks.

And supporters, and opponents of technical progress capture the objective moments associated with the state of modern technotronic civilization, but at the same time make extreme and therefore often incorrect conclusions. A neutral position, demonstrated by K. Yaspers, is more suspended and adequate. The German philosopher argued that in itself the technique is neither good nor evil. The technique makes sense only as a means to achieve a person of certain purposes and therefore itself cannot be the goal. Various humanitarian problems arise in connection with the use of technology, i.e. In connection with human activity, but not with the technique itself. Science and technique are dismissed from modern civilization, so a person will have to find a reasonable solution to emerging problems, with the means of permission of these problems, science and technology can be.

Technique, be, then household appliances designed to relieve everyday life, so much familiar and ordinary, that someone from people and imagine can not be, how we lived without all this.

We woke up - you need to warm up the meal in the microwave, a pair of clicks and it is already warming with the desired temperature and the right time. Make tea or coffee, turning on either a coffee maker, or an electric kettle we feel the aroma of your favorite drink in the next room. And leaving the house, we are already confident that in our lack of a conscientious robot vacuum cleaner will work without fatigue.

Good household appliances give the most important - comfort and free time, which can be spent on your favorite occupation or not a robotic matter.

Robots vacuum cleaners

Wireless vacuum cleaners began to move from the category of "novelties" in the category of ordinary technology and the latter began to pass their position under pressure of the robots-vacuum cleaners Only the name causes unstable interest and fantasy about the fact that this technological novelty represents.

This device, thanks to side brushes, allows you to make cleaning at low cost and quickly and quickly. Such a vacuum cleaner is equipped with technology thanks to which it scans the situation in detail in the room thereby does not allow to skip the so-called "blind zones". The vacuum cleaner itself moves throughout the perimeter of the room, overcoming (bypassing) obstacles. Due to the fact that the vacuum cleaner can be controlled using the remote control, you can clean, without getting up with a soft sofa.

Perfect washing machine

Probably everyone has already forgotten that earlier people were erased by their hands and did not complain that the "machine" there is no press function. After the emergence of a washing machine, the machine is practically in every home, the hostess began to demand more and more additional features from them. And manufacturers have to adapt to the needs and wishes of the consumer.

In our life began to appear "smart" things and firms for the production of washing machines had to master smart technologies. So in washing machines, the functionality was not familiar to them: ironing, independent analysis of the degree of pollution, weighing and even perception of spoken speech.

So the ideal washing machine from Siemens appeared. This miracle of modern technology can independently analyze the degree of pollution of linen, even knows how to separate the stains from certain products, the following is programmed by one of the fourteen features provided and without human intervention, and starts the washing process. Thanks to this, the washing process takes only fifteen minutes. The amount of time spent on washing is minimized that not to be displayed on quality during washing. This fact contributes to a significant reduction in electricity consumption costs.

Examples of "smart" technicians today are a lot: lamps, kitchen combines, cameras, etc. For this technique the future ...

Technique - Assistant Man in Labor

The evolution of a person was accompanied by the evolution of workers, which helped a person to survive, get food, and then improve production. Let's follow the path of the development of equipment as a person's unchanged satellite in the work of everyday life.

1. The origin.

If the evolution of technology is to submit, as a long path of historical development, folding from individual stages, then the first of these stages can be considered number of technology.

The process of the origin of the equipment was random in nature: the first tools were not invented deliberately, but were randomly. This means that at first a person did not design and did not produce the guns, but only used successfully endowed items for their own purposes. It is no coincidence that the first guns of man were sticks, bones, etc.

To protect against predators and mining, they used stones and bones of animals.

Gradually, the use of random items found was the usual, firmly rooted occupation. Only then the most ancient people were able to go to their manufacture (by analogy or by imitation). The man began to invent the first tools of labor.
Although it was also random in the invention: trying and mistaken, the most ancient man found the desired solution to the technical problem that arose before him. Most likely, the decision itself "opened" to him.

The phase of the origin of the technique turned out to be the longest. It covered the entire prehistoric period of the existence of mankind until the appearance of ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China. It was there that the conditions for the beginning of the next stage in the development of equipment were developed.

At the stage of the origin of the technique, its development was random, although a person had done the way from the use of subright funds to the spontaneous, but still the invention of labor instruments.

2. Craftsman technique.

At the stage of the formation of handicraft equipment, artificial devices become more numerous and diverse, and their manufacturing technology is quite complicated. Therefore, not every person could have been, as before, to independently make the necessary to fulfill the operation.

The complication of the technique led to the fact that even the use of some instruments of labor required special training. In even greater preparation and subsequent long-term training, a person engaged in the manufacture of guns began to be needed.

Thus, technical progress was on the path of differentiation of equipment ( her divisions for appointment). This contributed to the separation of technical activities in a separate occupation and the emergence of people specially involved - craftsmen. At the same time, artisans combined in themselves and the creator of the technical project (inventor), and the worker, which turns this project into a material object.

From the ancient civilizations to the era of the new time, the evolution of technology is conjugate with the development of crafts. Craftsmen, albeit unconsciously, performed the main driving force of technical progress, and their invention, in turn, improved production technology.

3. Machine equipment.

At the transition from the Renaissance to the era of the New Time, the handicraft technique gave way to the engineering machine.

The emergence of machinery is associated with the development of engineering activities as a new turn in the development of technical activities. At the same time, engineering activities are already based on the traditions (as handicraft), but on science, above all, natural science.

Gradually, the Union of Science and Technology led to the formation new scientific and technical knowledge, based on the understanding of the dual nature of any technical object. On the one hand, it is subject to natural natural laws, and on the other hand, artificially created by a person to meet his practical needs.

The appearance of machinery led to the exit of production to a qualitatively new level of development. The "Industrial Revolution" was accomplished, the essence of which in the transfer of the production functions of the hand to machines and machines. An important role in this accomplishment played the violation of natural science.

-Excorce technique

Pre-sowing processing of soil, sowing and landing, sowing, watering and irrigation, fertilizer making, cultivation of certain crops, etc. Cutting, feeding, animal care. Technique for reclamation work. Construction and content of irrigation canals, construction and content of drainage systems.

-Creaty technique

All kinds of construction works, including assembly, lifting, loading, drilling and other types of work.

- Industrial technique

Equipment and machines for various types of industries - food, sewing, textile, etc.

Thus, production is increasingly automated, which makes it possible to increase the product manufacturing pace and largely facilitate human labor.


High-quality round in the development of the equipment occurred in the second half of the XX century. During this period, the root restructuring of the entire technological base of modern civilization began. It is based on the emergence and development of information technology leading in perspective to the full automation of the entire production cycle.

Information technology gave the key to solving many urgent problems: processing, storage and transfer of huge information arrays; Creation of new communication systems (satellite, cable, fiber optic) and information networks, etc. In the Union with information technology, laser technologies, robotics, nuclear power, aerospace and other industries are intensively developing. In addition, the information technology has opened new horizons in the development of humanity (creating artificial intelligence, etc.).

The emergence of information technology contributed to the further rapprochement of science and technology, their interpenetration, as well as intellectualization of all spheres of social life.

The technique becomes more and more "by the human brain body", there is a minimization of the role of a person in the entire technological process.

In the modern world, the "rules" information technology, which a person more and more transmits "brain production functions".
