The graduate is not easy today. He is waiting for many tests and exam tasks. The exam in native speech is obligatory, it is necessary to prepare for both at school and at home. There is no time for the tutor - the GDZ will be helped with the Russian language grade 11. Important information is accumulated here, deployed answers with explanations and prompts are given. To benefit from homework, use Reshebnik as verification and auxiliary material. With him, the State Exam is not so terrible.

Themes that the eleventh grader studies have already passed earlier, but exercises in the graduation year are characterized by a special complexity. GDZ in the Russian language of the 11th grade will allow you to "pull up" precisely those sections that the student knows worse than the rest, as well as:

  • systematize passed material
  • refresh in memory complex spells,
  • to write off the main theses and rules for further work.

Search for the right places in the reshebnik is simple - it is well structured, the answers are equipped with graphic diagrams and color marking. In GDZ it is convenient to watch punctuation rules, the main techniques of execution creative tasks. Reshebnik in Russian for grade 11 is a free assistant who provides all tools for work. "To do" with him you can as much as you need, and find useful information - Will not work.

    Tasks in Russian for grade 11.

    Exercise 1.

    Overall Slavonic Word millet, literally meaning "pushed", formed from Pishati - "Mortuary, shove." How is this method of word formation called in modern Russian? Give examples of words from the modern Russian language with similar historical alternation of root consonants. Name the nouns that are included in the thematic group "The name of the evokes", which are formed in the same way. Restore the entire word-forming path of one of them.


    This method of formation of words is called substantive, or by the transition from the class of communals (adjectives) to the classroom class.
    Spirit - soul, dry - sushi (dry), deaf - stun, bad - stranger, etc.
    Cold, hot, sweet, flour, roast, bay, chop, cupcake, ice cream, soda, and first, second, third, etc.

    The defined noun is lowered by transferring its value to the determinant (adjective, communion). Or: ellipsis of the noun and concentration of semantics of the registered turnover in general in adjective (communion).

    Task 2.

    Determining each of the two types of the nature of the Russian person ("Russian Luda"), the author of the poem below consumes the word twice devoted. Determine its value in each of the use and explain that allowed you to make exactly such a conclusion. Give the grammatical characteristic of this word.

    Devotion is always in the nature of Russian people.

    Who is not devoted now? You can't find one.

    Everyone who is stupid or stupid is probably devoted to the throne.

    Everyone who is honest, the smart is devoted, probably a court.


    In a sentence Everyone who is stupid or stupid, probably devoted to the throneit is dedicated - this is an adjective, it is used in the value "faithful". In a sentence Everyone who is honest, smart, is committed, probably It is devoted - this is a brief suffering communion used in the meaning "is given to the court, accused of persecuting." On such an interpretation indicates the context and its interpretation, based on background knowledge: stupid, limited people who are not able to analyze, critically comprehend reality, unconditionally believe power and obey her. Honest and thinking often are in opposition to power, criticizing her actions, struggling for justice, for which they are being pursued by it, are punished. However, the poet does not approve it categorically, but only expresses the assumption that the introductory word indicates probably (probably).

    Task 3.

    Read the following text. How would you determine this type of speech? Give stylistic litters to words that call Peter's clothes. Do you know the meaning of these words? Give them an interpretation. Submire related words to more good. How do you explain the use as homogeneous members of the sentences with antonymic roots (see Offer Tsarevich considered ...)?

    Outside the window, littered, Peter was sitting in an old leather chair with a high spindy in a hot fled furnace. Peter was a blue polinated and adjusted to the bathrobe, which Tsarevich remembered even to the Poltava battle, with the very vivid color on the spot, a burned tube; woolen red fucker with white bone buttons; from one of them broken, only half remains; He learned her and he counted, how for some reason he always did during the long-crumpled speeches of the Father, - she was sixth below; It is more good with a rough blue stated dress; Gray bugs stockings, old, stopped shoes. Tsarevich considered these little things, such familiar, relatives, others. From the window, behind which Belals a snowballs of the Neva, the oblique beam of the yellow winter sun fell between them, thin, long and sharp, as a sword.

    (In Merezhkovsky)


    1. Type of speech - description.

    2. Bathrobe (without litter or neutre.) - Clothing, usually homely, stabbing from behind or in front.

    Puffyka (without a litter or neutron) - warm knitted shirt.

    It's more likely a dress (spacious.) - The bottom, which is under something else; Linen.

    Stamad (statute) - Woolen fabric with threads directed by oblique.

    Gubus (stockings) - from a garus, soft twisted wool yarn.

    Shoes (without a litter or neutron) - the way of shoes covering the leg no above the ankle.

    3. From under, under (preposition), permissible also hem, cheat, under, subside and etc.

    4. The text we are talking about Tsar Peter 1 and his son Tsarevich Alexei, who was accused of state treason and arrested. His by order Peter was tortured and sentenced to death. Without withstanding spiritual and bodily torture, Tsarevich died in the dungeons of the Petropavlovsk fortress. Connection in a number of homogeneous antonomic adjectives native, strangers Just like those in the semantic opposition, the words describing the home, warm decor, and the lexical filling of the last sentence ( bells Snowball Tablecloth Neva, oblique beam of the winter sun, thin, long, sharp, like a sword) Stresses the tragedy of the confrontation and struggle of relatives by blood, but foreign (alien) in the spirit of people - the Emperor's Father and the Son-Tsarevich, who will be deprived of the throne and life.

    Task 4.

    In some Russian sayings are mentioned vintage measures Weight or length. Name these sayings. What is the meaning of each of them?


    1. As Arshin swallowed; see on three arshri in the ground; from pot two tops; seven miles to heaven; Kolomna versta; oblique soap; seven spans in the forehead; Pone salt to eat, etc.

    2. As Arshin swallowed - to keep unnaturally straight.

    To see three ARSHIN to the ground - differ big insight.

    From the pot two tops - very low, small (about man).

    Seven miles to heaven - very much (to promise, speak, etc.)

    Kolomna vests - a very high height man, Verned

    Oblique sage (shoulders) - in the shoulders - very broad; Very broadly widespread, mighty addition.

    Seven spans in the forehead - very smart, wise, outstanding.

    Pud salt to eat - live for a long time together, often communicate.

    Task 5.

    Why in the pre-revolutionary reference book "All Petrograd" last name Fedorov,

    belonging to different people , were placed in two different places?


    This surname belonging to different people could begin both with the letter F ("Fita") and the letter F. ("FRIT").

    Task 6.

    How to change the punctuation of the passage to become clear that the author of the letter does not mean so much cattle belonging to the governor, how much governor himself, whom the author is not averse to wielding cattle?

    I-de livestock of the governor never ordered in his floors to his floors, and I never wish my livestock near me and I do not want my four-legged; But I'm afraid, if the governor's cattle did not drive, in stupidity, my burmart from the village of Pognets. (Leskov).


    I-de livestock of the governor never ordered in his floors to his floors, and I never wish my livestock near me and I do not want my four-legged; But I'm afraid, if the governor's livestock did not drive, for stupidity, my burmart from the village of Pognets

    Task 7.

    Invite the option (s) disclosure of brackets when writing a word (C, SS) y (g, lzh) e (n, nn). Justify your answer.


    The choice of writing depends on the value - the origin and grammatical signs of the word, namely:

    narrow Persistent communion is written as narrowed;

    Educated from the verb of the perfect species to prevent Praeling communion is written as joined;

    The noun, formed by the transition of the exclusive adjective nouns, in turn, formed from the verb of an imperfect judge, written as betrothed.

    Task 8.

    "Domostroy" is one of the most famous Old Russian monuments of writing of the middle of the Hi-century. In its full name, the key words of the whole work is "the teaching and punishment of all Christian." What value is the word in it punishment? Does this value coincide with the meaning of this word in modern Russian? What words are he relatives? That in ancient Russian meaning the word Domostroy?


    Punishment In this case, means "instruction".

    Punishmentin modern Russian means "Kara".

    Word punishment In the meaning of "instruction" are related by all words, ascending to Kazaki (\u003d say, instructing, ordering, charging), - order, order, sayand etc.

    Meaning of the word Domostroyderived from meaningful words house, Stroy. The first included presentation not only about the building, dwelling, but also about the economy, family, households; Under the second, "Construction", "Device", "Management", "Good", "Benefits".

    Task 9.

    What is common in the origin of words nursery, husli, oil, paddle?


    All these words are formed from verbs (YASTI cf. poison, food, buzz, smear, lead).

    In all these words, there is a common word formation element - suffix -sl - (- l-).

    Task 10.

    Find the "fourth unnecessary" : Neftegorsk, Belogorsk, Electrozorsk, Zelenogradsk. Comment on your choice.



    Zelenogradsk ¬ green + degrees (city) + -sk

    but). Toponyms, having in their composition -Grad, are formed by adding the foundations without the help of suffix -sk-: Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Petrograd, Stalingrad. b). Have the same as the basis of the underfix -sk-names formed with the help of this suffix and addition with the element producing the element - which may be associated with city,so I. the mountains. The model in which the name is formed Zelenogradsk , includes elements of both models a) and models b).

    Task 11.

    What is the origin of the word liliputin russian language? When did it appear?


    This word is invented by Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745), a famous English writer, the author of the famous novel "Journey Gullyer". He came up with a whole fabulous country and called her Liliputia, and the tiny little men who lived in her, - Liliputs.

    For the first time in Russian, this work was translated in 1772 - at the end of the XVIII century. - In the XVIII century.

    Olympiad in Russian language grade 11:

Russian language is one of the most important items in school Programwhich has a huge practical value. Many children, not wanting to learn, argued these words: "And this is not useful to this in life." In this case, all these excuses are inappropriate - a person who does not know how to write his thoughts correctly and connect his thoughts, will not be able to make careers or achieve significant success in life.

Therefore, the Russian language needs to be learned and it is advisable to do this not from "under the stick", but voluntarily. A good help in this business will be the GDZ in the Russian language 10-11 of the Grekov class, which enjoy considerable popularity among many schoolchildren and teachers. It should be remembered that this manual needs to be used not in order to diligently and thoughtlessly write off the task, and in order to check whether the new material is mastering correctly.

In which cases you need to use the reshebnik in the Russian language for the 10-11 class of Grekova

In high school classes, many schoolchildren appear motivation for learning. They understand that from the results of the EGE And the points in the certificate depends a lot. Someone wants to go to study in a prestigious university or just get the opportunity for free training at the budget department.

It should be noted that the Russian language is a mandatory subject surchase EGE, Therefore, it is necessary to study it particularly diligently.

  • Much attention is paid to teacher's explanations. If something is left not clear - ask you to pay time to this issue.
  • Responsibly belong to the performance of homework. Before starting the exercise or other work, explore the topic on the basis of which the task was set.
  • Use ready-made answers only after completing your homework.
  • If errors are detected, return to the previously learned material for its repeat.
  • Feel free to demonstrate your interest in learning the subject.

On our site you can find a reshebnik in the Russian language for the 10-11 class of the Greeks

We have collected on our site all the options for ready-made answers on various academic disciplineswhich are studied in Russian schools.

Among them, the Reshebnik Grekova in the Russian language for the 10-11th grade. It was created by the team of authors who have extensive experience in developing various teaching techniques at school of this subject.

All answers are available online. All site features are completely free for visitors. You can go to it at any time using a PC or smartphone. Now the opportunity to test your knowledge everywhere.

Images of textbooks are given on the pages of this site exclusively as an illustrative material (Art. 1274 p. 1 of the part of the fourth Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

  • Russian language. Manual for 10-11 classes of general education institutions Rosenthal D.E. M.: Drop, 2003
  • Russian language. 10-11 classes. A basic level of Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchekova L.M. M.: Enlightenment, 2002-2009
  • Handbook for Russian language in high school Greek V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Czechko L.A. M.: Enlightenment, 2003
  • Russian language 11 class Goltsova, Shamshin Russian word

Help in performing homework in the Russian language

  • Any schoolboy among all school items will definitely call several complex. The Russian language is usually difficult not to consider, although its particular importance is undoubtedly aware of everything - any good specialist requires the skills of competent speech and the correct presentation of thoughts. The deep knowledge of all rules and the ability of their proper use makes it possible to sign a literate person.
  • Graduation 11 Class represents the most important stage of all learning. The level of current estimates depends on the certificate, the possibility of receipt of the selected direction to the university is determined. Properly executed homework - This is primarily evidence of a deep understanding of the studied material, as well as the opportunity to improve its assessments.
  • Using a special reshebnik helps quickly perform the task. The order of information set out in the Reshebnik, fully corresponds to the order of chapters contained in the school textbook. The use of the reshebnik is not only the possibility of obtaining the correct answers, but also a systematic obtaining a lung in understanding the explanation of the rules envisaged to study educational program. Ready home assignments are an opportunity for excellent independent training and high-quality studies of the school program.
