In the twenties of May 1918, the so-called "Belochheshsky Murge" broke out in the country, as a result of which on the huge spaces of the Volga region, Siberia and the Urals. Education There, anti-Soviet regimes made a war in almost inevitable, and also pushed the Bolsheviks on the sharp tightening of them, and so pretty tough, politicians.

But before that, the anti -olstevik formations were not some real strength. So, weakly armed and deprived of any normal supply, the volunteer army consisted of only 1 thousand officers and about 5-7 thousand soldiers and the Cossacks. To the "white" in the south of Russia, then everyone treated completely indifferent. General A. I. Denikin recalled the days: "Rostov struck me with his abnormal life. On the main street, a garden, fully flaking public, among which the mass of the cargo officers of all childbirth and the guard, in the parade forms and sabers, but ... without distinctive for volunteers of national chevrones on the sleeves! ... on us, volunteers, as a public, so And the "gentlemen officers" did not pay any attention, no matter how it was here! ". However, after the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps, the situation changed dramatically, the anti-Soviet forces received the necessary resource.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the spring of 1918, the Bolsheviks, despite all his left-hand bends, were ready for some compromise in the field of internal politics. If in 1917, Lenin performed as a "radical", in 1918 he had already half alarmed with the "left communists" (A. S. Bubnov, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, N. I. Bukharin, etc.). This fraction performed with Levatsky positions, demanding to accelerate the socialist reorganization of Russia in every way. So, they insisted on the complete elimination of banks and immediate cancellation of money. "Left" categorically objected to at least any use of "bourgeois" specialists. At the same time, they advocated the complete decentralization of economic life.

In March, Lenin was configured regarding "complacent", believing that the main difficulties were already overcome, and now the main thing is the rational organization of the economy. Strange, it will seem, but the Bolsheviks at that moment (and even later) were not at all supporters of the immediate "expropriation of expropriators". In March, Lenin begins to write his program article "The next tasks of the Soviet power", in which he called for the suspension of "attack on capital" and some compromise with capital: "... it was impossible to determine the task of this moment a simple formula: to continue the attack on the capital ... The interests of the success of further offensive should be "suspended" now an offensive. "

Lenin puts the following: "Decisive is the organization of strictest and national metering and controlling the production and distribution of products. Meanwhile, in those enterprises, in those sectors and the parties of the economy, which we took away from the bourgeoisie, accounting and control us have not yet been reached, and without it there can be no question of the second, as a significant, material condition for the introduction of socialism, it is: On raising, in a nationwide scale, labor productivity.

At the same time, he pays special attention to the use of "bourgeois specialists". This question, by the way, was sharp enough. The left communists opposed the involvement of bourgeois specialists. And it is very significant that on this issue at the same time with the esters and the Mensheviks, who seem to occupy more "moderate positions than the Bolsheviks. But no, moderate socialists for some reason were against the involvement of specialists, strengthening discipline at work and in the troops.

"Left" in every way criticized Lenin for "state capitalism". Vladimir Ilyich himself, at the same time, Ironized: "If, at about six months, we installed state capitalism, it would be enormous success." ("On the" left "guys and about petty-bourgeoases"). In general, in terms of relationship with the city bourgeoisie, many Bolsheviks expressed their readiness to go to a significant compromise. In the leadership, there were always currents offering to abandon immediate socialization and engage in private initiative. A typical representative of such currents was the Deputy Chairman of the ASNH V.P. Milyutin, who called on to build socialism in the Union with capitalist monopolies (the gradual socialization of the latter) was assumed. He advocated the incorporation of already nationalized enterprises, leaving 50% in the hands of the state, and the rest - to return to the capitalists. (At the end of 1918, the role of a peculiar opposition to the regime was played by the communist faction of the Soviets, which developed a project of full recovery of free trade.)

Lenin himself did not approve this plan, but at the same time he was not going to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200ban agreement with the bourgeoisie. Ilyich put forward his own version of the compromise. He believed that industrial enterprises should be under work control, and directly manage them to be carried out by the former owners and their specialists. (It is significant that the left communists immediately rose to the opposition and the left of the same esters, who spoke about the economic Brest Bolshevism.) In March-April, negotiations were held with a major capitalist Meshchersky, which was offered to create a large metallurgical trust with 300 thousand workers. But the industrialist Stakheev, who controlled 150 Ural enterprises, appealed to the state with a similar project, and its proposal was seriously considered.

As for the nationalization, which carried out in the first months of Soviet power, it did not have any ideological nature and was, by the benefit, "punitive". (A diverse manifestations were considered in detail the historian V. N. Galin in a two-volume study "Trends. Interventions and Civil War".) In most cases, it was about the conflict between the workers who wanted to establish production, and owners, whose plans included his suspension. And even turning - "until better times." In this regard, the nationalization of the "AMO" plant belonging to Ryabushinsky. Even before February, they received 11 million rubles from the government for the production of 1500 cars, but did not fulfill the order. After October, the manufacturers disappeared by ordering the Directorate to close the plant. Soviet government, however, decided to allocate 5 million to the plant so that it continues to function. However, the Directorate refused, and the plant was nationalized.

Nationalization was also carried out to contain the expansion of German capital, which tried to fully use a favorable environment, which pretended after the conclusion of the Brest world. They began a massive buying of shares of leading industrial enterprises in the country. The first All-Russian Congress of the Councils of the National Economy noted that the bourgeoisie "is trying to sell their shares to German citizens, trying to get the protection of German law through any crafts, all sorts of fictitious transactions."

Finally, in June 1918, an order of the Sovnarkom of the RSFSO on the "nationalization of the largest enterprises", according to which the state was supposed to give the enterprise with capital from 300 thousand rubles. However, in this resolution, it was indicated that nationalized enterprises are given to the gratuitous rented use of owners who continue to finance production and make a profit. That is, even then the realization of the state-capitalist program of Lenin continued, according to which the owners of enterprises and not so much "expropriated", how much are included in the system of the new economy.

Under these conditions, long-term technocratic projects began to be accumulated. So, on March 24, the Bat Laboratory was created by Professor Zhukovsky. She began to work together with the Test Bureau of the Higher Technical School (now MSTU named after Bauman). Other promising projects were conceived. The Bolsheviks began to position themselves as a party of technocrats, the "party of the case".

However, the excess urbanism of consciousness seriously prevented this "case." The agrarian policy of the Bolsheviks repelled the wide masses of the peasantry from the Soviet power. The Bolsheviks took a course on the establishment of a food dictatorship based on the forced seizure of bread from the peasants. Moreover, this course existed an opposition led by Rykov. Moreover, against the dictatorship, a number of regional councils - Saratov, Samara, Simbirsky, Astrakhan, Vyatsky, Kazan, who canceled solid bread prices and established free trade were made to the dictatorship. However, the VTCIs and the Wighs across the head of the Soviets rearranged the local food bodies of the Nitripline.

Of course, some elements of food dictatorship in those difficult conditions were necessary. Yes, they, in fact, existed - the seizure of bread, one way or another, was practiced and the royal, and temporary government. The policy had to be somewhat tightened, but the Bolsheviks were pretty here, they were pretty well, which was confined against themselves very many. In fact, Leninists underestimated the strength of the "peasant element", the ability to sat down to self-organization and resistance. In the agrarian, peasant country, mass discontent with the Bolsheviks, which was imposed on the dissatisfaction of the "bourgeoisie and landowners".

And so, in this setting there is an uprising of the Czechoslovak corps, which made civil war inevitable. The speech itself has become possible only thanks to the position of the Antena, which was hoping to use Czechoslovak parts in the struggle and with the Germans, and with the Bolsheviks. Back in December 1917, I am aassah (Romania), military representatives of the Allies discussed the opportunity to use Czechoslovak parts against the Bolsheviks. England leanned precisely to this option, while France still considered it necessary to limit the evacuation of the corps through the Far East. Disputes between the French and the British lasted until April 8, 1918, when the Allies in Paris approved the document in which the Czechoslovak Corps was considered as an integral part of the forces of the Interventory in Russia. And on May 2, in Versailles, L. George, J. Clemanceo, V. E. Orlando, General T. Blisse and Count Mitsuoka adopted Note number 25, prescribing Cezham to stay in Russia and create an eastern front against the Germans. And soon it was decided to use the case to combat the Bolsheviks. Thus, the Entente frankly took a course on the sabotage of the evacuation of Czechs.

Western democracies were interested in permanent civil war. It was necessary that the red were white as long as possible, and white - red. Of course, it constantly could not continue: sooner or later some side would take the top. Therefore, Anntan decided to promote a truce between the Bolsheviks and White Governments. So, in January 1919, she made a proposal to all authority structures located on the territory of the former Russian Empire, start peaceful negotiations. It is clear that the possible truce would be temporary, and in the near future it would be violated. At the same time, it would only stabilize the state of the split of Russia into a number of parts, primarily on the Red RSFSR, Kolchakov East and Denikinian South. It is possible that the first truce would follow the second, and so would continue for a long time. By the way, this provision of permanent war was developed in the 20-30s. In China, which was divided in the territory controlled by Nationalists Chan Kaisi, Communists Mao Zedong and various regional clics of militarists. It is clear that this split played hand only to the external forces, in particular, the Japanese.

England never abandoned the plans to "reconcile" whites with red. So, in the spring, she proposed to start negotiations with Communists and P. Wrangel - during the Arbitration of Britain. Wrangel himself strongly rejected by British ultimatum, as a result of which in May 1920, London declared the cessation of help white. True, France has not yet abandoned this help and even strengthened it, but it was associated with the circumstances of the Polish-Soviet war. The fact is that the French made the main rate on Polyakov Y. Pilshudsky, the help of which was much surpassed by the help of white. But in 1920, the threat of the defeat of Poland and nomination of the Red Army in Western Europe arose. It was then that the French was needed by Wrangel's support, whose resistance forced red to abandon the transfer of many selected parts to the Polish Front. But after the threat to Pilsudsky passed, the French stopped helping white.

The uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps in May 1918 occupies a period in the history of Russia, which in the overall catastrophe of the brotherhood seems insignificant and unobistant. Nevertheless, a civil war began with it. The beginning of the creation of the body was patriotic, and the end of his stay in Russia is painted in the black tones of punitive operations against civilians, murders, open robbery, ladders.

Position of Chekhov and Slovaks in 1914

At the time of the beginning of the First World War, Czechoslovaki did not have their own state, his original territory was part of Austria-Hungary, where they were extremely unfair to the local population. In Russia, a large number of Czechoslovakov lived, wished to fight for the independence of the native country with the beginning of the war.

After the start of hostilities, Czechoslovak patriots sought to engage in the fight against Austria-Hungary, who, together with Germany, was part of the three-way union. The Czechs living in Russia formed the Czech National Committee.

He turned to the Emperor Nicholas II with a request to assist in the formation of a Czech squad, which fighting as part of the Russian army will fight for the freedom of their homeland. Appeal received approval for the creation of a military unit. It was this event that later entailed the creation of a Czechoslovak corps and his uprising in Russia.

Creating a Czech squad in the Russian army

On the last day of July 1914, the Council of the Russian Empire decided to create a Czech squad. Already in two months, the banner was consecrated. In October 1914, she went to the front as part of the 3 armies, under the command of Bulgarian by origin, General Radko Dmitriev. The squad took part in the battles for Galicia, where he established himself from the best side.

Czechs and Slovaks participating in the war on the side of Austria-Hungary, massively surrendered to countries participating in the war from the Entente. A huge number of prisoners of war accumulated in Russia. Most of them expressed the desire to join the Czech squad.

According to numerous requests, the Grand Duke Nikolai, Uncle Emperor, being at that time the Supreme Commander, in May 1915, issues a decree in which the formation of military units in the Russian army from among the prisoners of Czechs, Slovaks and Poles.

At the end of 1915, the Czechoslovak Regiment was formed, the name of Jan Gus, who turned into a brigade by the beginning of 1916. It included three regiments, the total number of 3.5 thousand servicemen. The brigade, as before, was part of the Russian army and the commander in it were Russian officers. Finding a large number of foreign military in Russia, subsequent events in the country led to the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps in May 1918.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Czechoslovak state was voiced not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The liberal intelligentsia, settled in Paris, created the emergence of the heads of which were E. Benesh, T. Mosarik, M. Styfan. His goal was the revival of the independent state of Czechoslovakia. They made efforts to achieve an anthtage permit to create a national army, which would help them to deal with Austria-Hungary.

The fact that such Czechoslovak military compounds acted on the Western Front, and on the East. ChSNS has achieved official recognition by them and became the official center, which was subordinate to all military compounds in the territory of the countries of the Entente, including Russia.
link to the uprising of the Czechoslovak case. In turn, the Bolshevik government perceived Czechoslovakov as an intervention.

Two ways to return home

After the October Revolution, the position of the Czechoslovak Corps was unenviable. Legionnaires sincerely wanted to leave Russia, as they had their own goals. It could do it in two ways: through Murmansk and Arkhangelsk or the Far East. The first option is the most short, they immediately rejected, justifying it by the domination of German submarines in the Baltic and North seas.

The second option, the longest, arranged both sides. The Bolsheviks did not want to have a large combat-ready alien military unit on their territory, and went to any conditions. In addition, the situation in the country was heating every day. On Don, who did not recognize the Bolsheviks, their government was created and the formation of a white movement was complete. France demanded from Russia to forward legionnaires to their homeland. Therefore, the port of Vladivostok and Transsib was chosen.

Agreement on sending home

The primary dislocation of the Czechoslovak hull was under Zhytomyr. Events in Ukraine, the signing of the Rada Peace Treaty with Germany and Austria-Hungary, demanded urgent movement of Czechs in the country. The place of their new deployment was Poltava. Under the batch of Czechs, together with the Russians kept the German offensive.

In Penza, 03/26/1918, an agreement was signed between the SNK RSFSR, representatives of the CHSNS in Russia and the Czechoslovak corps. The agreement stipulated that sending would pass from Penza to Vladivostok. Movement through the country will be carried out not as a military unit, but as a trip of free citizens. The Bolsheviks went on concessions and agreed that a small amount of weapons with the purpose of self-defense should remain with the legionnaires.

The number of weapons was negotiated in the contract, one company should remain on each echelon, consisting of 168 people with rifles and cartridges to each in the amount of 300 pieces, one machine gun with 1200 cartridges. It was decided that the evacuation would take place in 63 compositions of 40 cars in each. The first composition was sent on 03/26/1918. And a month later, Vladivostok was safely achieved. Formulations with czechoslovakov stretched along the entire length of the Transsib from Penza to Vladivostok. In total, it was necessary to translate about 60 thousand people.

Causes of the beginning of the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps

The reasons are considered to be a household conflict between Hungarian prisoners of war and legionnaires. He was that a piece of wine was thrown out from the car passing by the wagon, which was injured by a legionnaire. After that, stopping the train, the Czechs have accomplished self-seeing over the culprit. The redarmeys intervened, who tried to disarm the Chekhov and sort out the causes of the incident. But the Czechs perceived this as the desire to disarm them and transfer Austria-Hungary for reprisals.

At the same time, the situation in the Far East sharply aggravated. The Bolshevik government learned about the secret negotiations of the allies about the beginning of the Japanese intervention. The double game of countries, members of the Entente, was obvious. The Japanese, taking advantage of the established situation in the country, landed the landing in Vladivostok.

In these harder conditions, the rebellion of the Czechoslovak corps turned out to be a well-planned promotion. In Chelyabinsk, a congress of Czechoslovak legionnaires was held, at which the weapon was decided not to pass. Representatives of the emergency were arrested in Moscow, which issued an order for the hand of arms, but it was already late. The uprising embraced the practical entire territory at which Transsiber was held. The rebels captured entire cities, Bolshevik councils did not have sufficient forces to resist Czechoslovakov.

Who was beneficial to the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps

At the time of the uprising, the creation of a white army was intensively. The Red Army was at the formation stage. In Russia, there was no large organized force capable of rendering the resistance to Czechoslovaks at that time. Relationships with the Bolsheviks, they became simply hostile, for them they were the interventionists.

The command was carried out by the corps of the French general. Members of the Entente could not forgive the Bolsheviks for the exit from the war. Czech control Transsiba performed the role of the impact lever on the Bolsheviks, which allowed to manipulate and control the position. Anntante put forward an ultimatum in which he stated that the disarmament of the body would consider as an unfriendly act in relation to the allies.

It is extremely not interested in the evacuation of the Czechoslovak Corps of the German side, which demanded from Bolsheviks to return them and give them as traitors. The Bolsheviks were in a difficult position. Czechoslovaki eliminated advice in major cities located along the Transsib.

They began to form hostile bolsheviks of the government with their armies. In Samara, 06/08/1918, the Government was formed - the Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (Commuche), 06/23/1918, a temporary Siberian government was created in Omsk. The guide of the body publishes the order in which they take the side of the white armies and undertake to build anti-German front in Russia. In other words, they declared war to the Bolsheviks and took the side of the White Governments.

Position on Transsib

Beloe were busy city: Syzran, Samara, Stavropol (Tolyatti), Kazan, Kuznetsk, Bugulma, Simbirsk, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Omsk, Chita, Irkutsk. The position for the Bolsheviks became threatening. The rebellion of the soldier of the Czechoslovak Corps is assumed to be the beginning of the civil war in Russia, the intensive life of millions of its citizens. The newly formed was thrown on the fight against the white armies and detachments of Belochov.

In September, Kazan, Syzran, Simbirsk and Samara were repulsed. Belochov did not suit fighting in the Urals and in the Volga region. They began to go to the east, trying not to take part in the battles with the Red Army and fulfilling the role of railway protection, as well as participating in punitive operations conducted by Kolchak's detachments.

The education of independent Czechoslovakia 10/28/1918 caused a desire to return home as soon as possible. At the beginning of 1919, they focused directly throughout the railway, blocking any movement on it. This played a dick joke with the retreating army of Admiral Kolchak, wagons whose fuel was selected for the transport of numerous good, drunk during punitive operations. Wagons and fuel were taken away from the civilian population, forcing him to go snowy and frosty in winter in 1919-1920, along with the retreating army of Kolchak along the railway, leaving frozen corpses and thousands of graves.

East flight

Demoralization and decomposition are the results of the rebellion of the Czechoslovak corps. Four thousand Czechoslovakov found their rest in Russia. In the 90s, when we were talking about the construction of monuments to the dead legion meters in Siberian cities, the population was opposed to, having murdered for atrocities and robbery by Czechoslovak and especially Polish legion meters, as well as Kchachakov's punitive detachments.

Admiral Kolchak, who was allocated by one car, together with the gold reserve of Russia turned out to be a hostage from Belochov. His fate was predetermined and at a convenient case he passed to the Bolsheviks in exchange for the passage along the round-baikal railway tunnels.

From December 1919 to December 1920 72,600 people were evacuated from the port of Vladivostok. The command of the Czechoslovak Corps, being in a difficult political situation in the territory of a foreign country, failed to navigate and resist foreign influence.

"... to form one or two regiments, or depending on the number of volunteers, the battalion of at least two mouths. Eating is not combat, but due to political considerations and with the orientation for the future uprising in the Czech Republic. The constant and solid organization is not attached, for in the future will act separate parties. Forming without machine-gun commands and connections ... " - Personal order of the Military Minister of the Russian Empire V. A. Sukhomlinov dated August 8, 1914. It was about creating from among the citizens of the Russian crown of Chekhov and Slovaks of the Battalion named after Yana Gus, better known as the "Czech squad". Sukhomlinov could not know that the evil irony of the fate of his words will be prophetic.

By the beginning of the Great War, the Russian Empire lived about 100 thousand Czechs and about 2 thousand slovaks. They were in the overwhelming mass of their own in Russian citizenship and had no relation to the military case. However, on the eve of the war in their environment there was a surge of volunteering. At the end of July 1914, in a number of cities, such as Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Odessa, Kharkov, demonstrations were organized devoted to the permission of the creation of Czech military units. This coin was supported by military leadership, the consequence of which was the order and the formation of a squad.

Solemn oath and sanctification of the banner of the Czech squad. 1914

Her soldiers issued a Russian uniform and weapons. A month later, four companies were formed. September 28 (October 11), 1914, a solemn adoption of the oath of Czech squad took place. All servicemen gave oath to the loyalty to the Russian state and complied with the Russian military charter. The Russian government was suspicious to increasing the divisions from Czechs and Slovaks. Meanwhile, prominent figures of Czech emigration were seen in the vanguard national-liberation struggle created by the volunteer parts. Their ideological leader T. Masik was expressed to this account extremely categorically: "Without having an army, we will not achieve anything from allies, nor from enemies".

Charismatic leader of Czech emigration, subsequently President of the Czechoslovak Republic Tomasas Masarik

At the front "Czech squad" demonstrated high combat capability. She passed through "Hell on San" in November 1914, distributed and advocated to switch to the Russian side of the 3rd and 36th shelves from the 4th graduate and 43rd Landwork divisions of the Austro-Hungarian army, respectively. At the same time, the Czechs were not replaced by a pincelly idea, which were driven, the Russophilic - the same Masarik did not expect much from tsarist Russia in moral, nor in a war.

On February 22 (March 7), 1915 in Moscow held the first congress of representatives of Czech and Slovak societies in Russia. The main result was the decision to create an independent state. The entire subsequent spring of Czechoslovak warriors on the advanced battle on the Beskid Range, as part of the troops of the South-Western Front. Success continued to accompanied the opponent's troops: even personnel parts passed on the side of Russia. As a result, the Austro-Hungarian General Staff even forbade the part of the number from the regiment in the Russian front, and above, fully equipped with Czechs and Slovaks.

The most distinguished Czech soldier - Karel Washatko. He became a kind of record holder in the number of Georgievsky awards

In the summer, in the midst of a serious "great retreat" of the Russian Imperial Army, the idea of \u200b\u200breplenishing Czechoslovak parts did not appear not only by volunteers, but also prisoners of war. Spyware in society and military top prevented this, but the situation on the front forced the command to be agreed. As a result, by the end of 1915, the number of "Czech squad" increased to 2090 people, and she herself was deployed in the 1st Czechoslovak named Jan Gus regiment of a two-bed mill. Both units were divided into fronts and continued participation in hostilities. Performance spoke for itself: more than a thousand combat awards of officers and the lower ranks of the regiment for 14 months in front of the front.

  • On January 27, 1916, the registered decree of Nicholas II were given the same rights and privileges with Russian servicemen;
  • in April 1916, a Czechoslovak Rifle Brigade was created as part of two regiments (named Jan Gus and Yana All Bugs);
  • October 24, 1916 - the brigade replenished the 3rd regiment named after King Jiri Podbrady;
  • By the end of 1916, the number of brigade reached about 5 thousand people.

In the summer of the same year, Masarik sent a Memorandum to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, defending the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Czechoslovak Legion in Russia. Blooming the need "Prevent internecine revolutionary war"He knew for sure - such a military connection will be required to protect national independence. Domestic diplomacy did not show hot support to this intention. On the other hand, charismatic Czech leaders did not build illusions about the strength of the regime. No wonder that they welcomed and supported the February Revolution.

Czech soldiers in a trench under zbor. 1917 year

Return to the state of the four-dollar rifle division, the brigade participated in the last Russian army in the first world war on June 1917 on the south-western front. She acted successfully most of the other parts - and occupying three lines of enemy trenches under zbor, and covering the retreat. Soon, two artillery divisions were granted by the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the General of Cavalry A. A. Brousilov Brigade. Prime Minister A. F. Kerensky - allowed to form the 2nd Czechoslovatsky Division, the next time in the time of Glavovchovers, General from infanteria L. G. Kornilov proved this idea to life. Finally, in September 1917, the formation of the Czechoslovak Corps was launched, which went in Poltava region and Volyn. Masarik and the head of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander General N. N. Dukhonin entered into an agreement on non-interference of the Czech troops in the peripetics of the internal policy of Russia. However, the realities of it were such that such an armed grouping was not obviously able to stay aside.

Kerensky orders Czechoslovak legionnaires. 1917 year

Parts of the housing participated in the suppressions of unrest in the front-line strip. Two days after the capture of power by the Bolsheviks, the Deputy Commissioner of the South-West Front Grigoriev called on the command of the 1st Czechoslovak Division to help combat Bolsheviks in Kiev. There was already a civil war - as historic L. G. Praisman writes: "... There were fights with the participation of the troops of the Kiev Military District, on the one hand, the Bolshevik Military Revolutionary Committee - on the other, and the Ukrainian Central Rada - with the third". In fact, during November 11-13, Cezham had to fight against Ukrainians acting together with the Bolsheviks, and for them!

They were not yet called "whitewies". The goals are the formation of an independent chalosak state and the creation of a regular army - remained the same. On March 26, 1918, the Council of Armenia of the RSFSR provided the opportunity to return home Czechoslovak Corps, bypassing Vladivostok. To do this, it was necessary to first hand over weapons in Penza, leaving it in an amount sufficient to carry a guard service.

Infantry reconnaissance of the 8th rifle regiment of the Czechoslovak hull. 1918

However, on April 5, 1918, in Vladivostok, two Japanese servants of a commercial enterprise were killed in Russian uniforms of the bandites. The Japanese did not fail to take advantage of the reason to enroll over the subjects of Mikado - Japanese intervention in the Far East began with landing of two mouths. The head of Soviet Russia V. I. Lenin decided to suspend the following Czechoslovakov. On April 10, their sending home was to resume. But for the war and the paths of legionnaires, such a stop in the way, was not a trifle for all the impending.

Outrage grew. Almost a third of the number of corps gathered in Vladivostok - about 14 thousand, in the Novosibirsk area - 4 thousand, 8 thousand in Chelyabinsk and as much in the Penza district. "Man with a gun" was accustomed to bloodshed. The madness and merciless of the rebellion could hardly seem worse than the guise of the war. And, as more than once it happened in history, the only victim could give rise to the uprising, as a fire flashes from one match.

On May 14, 1918, Echelon with Austro Hungarian prisoners sent to home in accordance with the provisions of the Brest world was drilled from the station in Chelyabinsk. There was also a lot of warriors of the Czechoslovak Corps. Suddenly one, named Frantishek Dukhachek, fell unconscious. It is believed that he received a blow on the head of the Iron Koch, who traveled from the departure train. Duhachek did not die - from a more serious injury to his hat. However, this turned out to be enough for the soldiers of the Czechoslovak Corps to come out of themselves and went to repair Samadud. As a result, one of the alleged guilty of the Czech attack was killed.

The excitements grew up, on May 17, 10 Czechoslovakov were arrested, those responsible in the Zavarushka described above. Their associates were removed to deal with what was happening "injustice." Even then there was an opportunity to prevent the escalation of the conflict. The intercepted telegram of the People's Commissar of Military Affairs of L. D. Trotsky was added to the fire on the disbandment of the corps and turning it into labor: "... immediately take urgent measures to delay, disarmament and disbanding all parts of the Czechoslovak Corps as the remainder of the old regular army" .

After the Czechs decided to go to Vladivostok themselves, Trotsky published a new order: "... in any ways to stop Czechoslovak echelons, and every person caught with weapons in their hands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe highway, immediately shoot".

On May 27, at the station Penza III of all Belokeekhov, the Chairman of the Council of the provincial commissioners V. V. Kuraev was collected. Its speech came down to a certain one goal - to inspire the soldiers that they would not be sent home, but will be convicted of Africa. Legionnaires refused to hand over weapons. During the negotiations on the direct wire with the Penza Provincial Council of Deputies, Trotsky again, not the almondsalone: "Military orders are not given to the discussion, but for execution. I will give the military court of all representatives of the Military Commissariat, which will be cowardly shy away from the execution of disarmament of Czechoslovakov ".

However, in fact, the Czechi was taken by Penza on May 28, and on May 31, they received news about the capture of Chelyabinsk by their associates under the command of S. N. Voytsekhovsky. His residents remembered: "At night, several dozen Czechs with rifles approached the barracks; Guardians from guns, the barracks slept serenely - the night was warm. Czechs woke up the guard: "Sharpen, comrades! Your time has moved. " They were safely retraced, the Czechs entered the barracks. No one heard shots ".

Penza, Syzran, Bezenchuk - cities that Czechs took without the slightest resistance. And therefore, the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps cannot be compared with the desperate insurgency of Russian legionnaires in the French la-Kurtin camp. Czechs would fit to arrange if there were not their main goal - to connect the forces and establish control over the trans-gone, the spine of the East of Russia. And on June 4, Anntan declared the Czechoslovak corps part of his armed forces.

Fighters of the 5th regiment of the Czechoslovak Corps at the station in Penza. May 1918

In an important point on the way to this, Samara, several anti-Bolshevik organizations focused. Those willingly went to cooperation with the rebels. Their commander, Lieutenant S. Chechek, acted decisively and skillfully. The weak troops of the Red Guard retreated, their significant number simply drowned in the Volga. July 9, the city was taken. It began the formation of anti-Bolshevik governments.

Through three days before the Penza grouping of the troops connected with Chelyabinsk: "Today at 19.30, the heads of our Samara and Chelyabinsk groups on Art. Minyar. Red ripped in all directions. We got rich military prey. "

The next goal, Ekaterinburg, was important for Czechoslovaks as a transport hub. During the occurrence of him, on July 17, 1918, the royal family was killed. This tragedy was badly affected by the reputation of the rebels, who were perceived by many of the Bolsheviks perceived as liberators. Yekaterinburg was taken on July 25. However, the rates of promotion of Czechoslovakov decreased.

The building of Czechoslovak counterintelligence in Samara. 1918

Their forces in Vladivostok were divorced from the rest, and therefore opposed the Bolsheviks noticeably later. On the last day of summer, on August 31, the Czechoslovak Corps finally reunited. One goal was achieved. It was also taken control over the Trans-Siberian Railway.

From the fall of 1918, legionnaires began to be discharged into the rear and participated in combat actions less and less. They controlled the railway, and, in addition, were involved in against the partisan forces of red on site from Novonikolaevsk to Irkutsk. Most of the soldiers were engaged in economic work: repair of locomotives and paths. The Czechoslovak Corps, in fact, came to the fact that it became one of the reasons for his uprising, - became an employment army, however, with the function of punishers.

Czechoslovak troops in Irkutsk. 1918

Meanwhile, the news came from Europe to obtaining independence Czechoslovakia. The desire to return home prevailed in the ranks of the body with a new force. In the spring of 1919, the White Guard Command still built plans for the return of Czechs to the front. Perhaps the case would be waiting for re-formation. Anyway, the "Supreme Ruler of Russia" Admiral A. V. Kolchak needed this reserve due to the crash of the front in the east of Russia.

However, in the fall of the same year, a memorandum was compiled, in many respects he sounded a funeral ringing for Kolchaka and his regime: "At the moment, the stay of our troops on the highway and its protection becomes impossible simply because of the aimlessness, as well as due to the most elementary requirements of justice and humanity. We are guarding the railway and supporting the country in the country, our army is forced to maintain the building of full arbitrariness and lawlessness, which has reigned here. Under the protection of Czechoslovak bayonies, local Russian military bodies allow themselves to be actions that the entire civilized world will be terrified. Burning villages, beating peaceful Russian citizens whole hundreds ".

Further is too known at least from pop historic cinema ... Kolchak car was triggered to one of the Czech echelons, the admiral itself is later issued red. Czechs also took the gold reserve of Russia under armed guard, and his fate is one of the sensational mysteries of the history of the twentieth century.

Radola Gaida, commander of Czechoslovak troops, with his guard

Finally, in November 1919, the first steamer with Czechoslovak Legioneers was departed from the shores of the nursed Russia. Their return home ended only a year later, when the main civil war events in Russia had already saved.

Czechoslovak corps was a noticeable phenomenon even against the background of the grandiose events and the consequences of the First World War. The generation of his time, he significantly accelerated the crystallization of the national identity of Czechoslovaks. The tired of the war is not less than other peoples, they gratened to a foreign land. They had no opportunity to stay away from the turn of shocks, and were in their right to strive home. However, the rebellion, which became a military adventure, brought the East of Russia significant disasters, ruin and shed blood rivers. That's the way, but not otherwise the shake of the Chelyabinsk railway station turned around, caused by the unfortunately abandoned from the wagon of the Kochergoy ...

Interview with St. Petersburg historian about the ambiguous role of the Czechoslovak Corps in the history of Russia and the Czech Republic

2017 For Russia, the anniversary: \u200b\u200b100 years ago there was a revolution. Together with the consequent civil war, she turned over the course of world history. The Czechoslovak Corps played an important role in these events. "Real Time" continues to conversation with the Russian historian, Associate Professor of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University Ilya Ratkovsky. In today's interview with the correspondent of our online newspaper, the expert told about how the movement of the Belokeekhov, what they relate to white and what they did in the territory of the current Tatarstan. In addition, he told about the cult of Czechoslovak fighters in Prague and its attitude to the work of Yaroslav Gashek.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"bottom", supported by top

- Ilya Sergeevich, tell us for a start, how did the Czechoslovak corps arose? How was such an idea born?

Partly the idea of \u200b\u200bthe formation of the volunteer military units from the number of Chekhov and Slovaks living in Russia appeared spontaneously, from the bottom, on the three thousandths of the rally on August 9, 1914 (new style) in Kiev, shortly after the announcement of the war. At the same time, Kiev is not a random city, so it was here that the largest urban diaspora of the Chekhov of the Russian Empire was located (about 100 thousand lived in Russia). There were quite a lot of secured and initiative people. Among others, you can specify Kiev Czech industrialists and politicians: Jindrich Yindrhishki (Chairman of the Society named after Ya.a. Komensky, the owner of a gramophone factory, chairman of the above rally), Otakar Chervena (owner of the wind instruments factory owner, supplier of his imperial Majesty's courtyard, ) And others. Therefore, it was in this city that it was decided to form a Czech squad. Such rallies in other cities of Russia, for example, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, although they have passed earlier, had less importance.

On August 12, the Russian Council of Ministers supported the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a squad. Immediately in the hotel "Prague" began a record of volunteers. A lot has been recorded: only about 500 people. At the same time, the Russian army went sometimes by families. Known, for example, the case of service in the Russian army (including in the Czech squad) of decades and cousins \u200b\u200band their uncle: representatives of the Family of Klinkov from the village of Semiduba Volyn province. Obviously, it was a gusting of his new homeland. There was another. The idea of \u200b\u200ban explosion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from the inside, with the help of fraternal Slavic peoples, was characteristic of the ideas of pancalavinism and was taken into account by representatives of Czech national circles, and in the top of the Russian Empire. On August 20, the Moscow Czech delegation was adopted in the Kremlin. On September 4, the emperor adopted a more representative "all-Russian" Czech delegation led by worm. Soon the first Czech military formation received its banner. It was the first stage of the history of the Czechoslovak Corps: Czech battalion.

Record to Czech detachment. 1914.

- What attitude did they have to the Russian army? Who submitted?

Lieutenant Colonel of the Russian army Ludwik Lototsky was appointed the first commander of the military unit (earlier commander of the disciplinary battalion of Dubno). The staff of the squad was originally 34 officers, 8 of them are Chekhov, the last (ensigns and pursuers) had a lower status of the militia officers. The battalion was formed from Kiev volunteers, Petrograd, Moscow and other territories. By the middle of autumn, the battalion has reached 1000 people, and he was sent to the front led by the new commander by Lieutenkite I.V. Copuan. Together with the new commander from Moscow, the commander of the Czechoslovak Corps of Stanislav Chechek arrived from Moscow. The part was aimed at the Lviv recently liberated by the Russian army, and then to Yaroslavl at the disposal of the Commander of the 3rd Army of General from Infanteria Radko Dmitrievich Dmitriev (South-West Front).

- Did the fighters of the corps participated in the battles of the First World War?

They participated in hostilities from the very moment of arrival at the front. Initially, the warriors were used as intelligence officers. At the same time, the number of Czechoslovak part grew. In January 1915, the squad received the first replenishment of 259 people from among the prisoners. Initially, they were provided with Russian citizenship, and then credited in a squad. By the same period also applies to the change of manual. Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Platonovich Trojanov became the third commander of the Czech squad. The gradually increased influx of prisoners of war led in January 1916 to re-form a battalion to the Czech Rifle Regiment, a number of 1,700 people. Soon the formation of the Second Czech Regiment and both divisions were included in the Czech Division. In March 1917, the third regiment was included in its composition.

After the February Revolution, already during the period of the Provisional Government, the idea of \u200b\u200ba further increase in Czechoslovak divisions found support in the most tops. It is no coincidence, since the Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov was a personal friend of the Czech national leader Tomas Masarik. For Milyukova, as well as for the Military Minister Alexander Ivanovich Guccov, it was also characteristic of the ideas of pancalavism. Therefore, both of them not only supported, but also promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a larger Czechoslovak military unit. The April crisis of 1917, which led to the resignation of both ministers, slowed down this process. However, Czechoslovak parts showed themselves well during the June 1917 onset, and the idea found support in the top. In the fall of 1917, the formation of a Czechoslovak case was completed. Major General Vladimir Nikolaevich Sochekov (August 1918), and the headquarters of Major, Mikhail Konstantinovich, Headquarters, became the new commander. The number of the hull reached 60 thousand people. It is characteristic that the idea of \u200b\u200ba large Czechoslovak formation found support not only among the Russian military authorities, but also from the allies. In the fall of 1917, this is clearly visible: it is introduced, for example, the French military disciplinary charter.

In the fall of 1917, the formation of a Czechoslovak case was completed. Head of Staff General Major Mikhail Konstantinovich Dietershs

- Is there any data as well they are armed?

They were armed with the norms of ensuring military units of the Russian army. The only difference: the larger structure of military orchestras. Already for the Kiev period, it became a kind of business card of Czechoslovakov. Subsequently, it was only evolving, and the orchestras of Czechoslovakov will be remembered by their parades. Another thing is that against the background of volunteer red and white parts, Czechoslovak units were allocated not only by the orchestra, but they remain in a significant number of small arms. Superiority in machine guns was especially impressive.

White and white motion

- How did the rebellion of the Barochov? How did it happen that they captured almost the half?

Here you can select multiple stages. First, after the October Revolution, the corps declared its neutrality and subordinate to the French command. Although Czechoslovaki and participated in the autumn battles in Kiev against the Bolsheviks. In the tragic January Kiev events of 1918, the Corps was no longer involved. He also did not become the basis for reflecting German promotion after the Brest world. The body as a whole peacefully and organizedly moved to the Volga region. Naturally, his status became the subject of negotiations between the Soviet government and the command of the Czechoslovak Corps, at this moment already practically Czech. The result of these negotiations was the agreement of March 26, 1918, according to which parts of the corps were evacuated through Vladivostok.

The second stage is the holding of "said evacuation". It was accompanied not only by numerous clashes of local authorities and Czech soldiers evacuated echelons, but also a clash between the latest and moving in the opposite side of Austro-Hungarian prisoners. The instruction of Trotsky turned out unsuccessful under these conditions to disarmament of the Czechoslovak Corps. For this there was no necessary forces and means, and it only glowed the situation. The leadership of the corps made a reason for the performance against Soviet power. Obviously, the spontaneous dissatisfaction of the legionnaires by their position, the difficulties of evacuation were used by them. The speech of the Czechoslovak Corps was not accidental, in fact, its preparation was carried out for several months, it was supposed subsequently. In the summer of 1918, simultaneous performances of the corps, underground organizations of the Volga region and Moscow were supposed to be. All this together with the simultaneous strengthening of the intervention in the north of Russia. But there was a performance at an earlier term. Nevertheless, it led to success, albeit temporary.

First of all, it was associated with the vacuum of power in the field. Almost here, in the Volga region and Siberia, there was no armed forces, which could seriously resist the performance. Individual, low-minded and small divisions. In the seven provinces of the Volga region, there were only 23,484 Red Army soldiers, there were 12,443 people, they were armed with a military case 2,405, and there were 2 243 ready for the performance, that is, approximately every tenth. Not the best was the situation in Siberia. On May 26, 1918, Czechoslovaki occupied Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk), May 27 - Chelyabinsk, May 29 - Penza and Syzran. On June 7, Omsk fell, and on June 8, Samara, who became the political center of the anti-Bolshevik movement in the summer-autumn of 1918.

Lebedev's telegram from Samara in Sovnarkom about the fulfillment of the order of the drug addict L. D. Trotsky on disarming of Czechoslovakov. May 31, 1918

- By the way, why are they called whitewash?

It was the performance of the Czechoslovak Corps against the Soviet Republic and determined this name. It was the difference from Czech red units, which was a bit, but they were. The same Yaroslav Gasheki accepted the revolution and was a red czech. Therefore, the name. Although it should be noted that the leadership of the Czechoslovak Corps was not a supporter of return to the monarchy and built his political line, pushing out from the position of the Entente, primarily France. In 1918, it was such a "democratic line", concluded in an attempt to overthrow the Soviet power to the efforts of the "democratic" counter-revolution: Czechoslovaki, Savinkovtsy, etc. It is clear that in this process it was also involved and white underground. But everything was going on under the flag of the protection of the constituent assembly and democratic freedoms. Although freedom was little.

- It is possible in more detail how they were integrated into a white movement? And how did their relationship with Kolchak?

Initially, as I said, the Czechoslovak Corps "put order" in the framework of the "democratic" counterrevolution. However, soon I exhale the Czech offensive. There were many reasons for this: the overall fatigue, incomprehensible goals of the struggle, strange allies for Czechs: from Dutovts to Cappels, losses, ambiguous attitude of the local population and all the distinguished perspective of sending to Europe. Already early autumn will reveal a dormant. The continued defeat of Germany in general, many slogans will make meaningless: what kind of war against the "proorman" of the Soviet government, when the Germans are defeated? What are the democratic goals when in the rear of the Kolchakov coup? First followed separate autumn failures to go to the offensive, and then even defense became impossible. All that later was called the decomposition of the Czechoslovak Corps. All this was in the fall of 1918. The red offensive in the fall of 1918 in the east of the country and its successes also did not have to optimism.

The Kolchakovsky coup himself on the night of November 17-16, 1918 in the corps was perceived negatively. All the time, soldiers and officers talked about the protection of democracy - and here is a coup. Obviously non-democratic. But the position of the allies was more important to leadership the corps. And those were not only aware of the coup and not only after it was supported. Therefore, a kind of compromise was adopted. The troops of the Czechoslovak Corps brought finally from the combat zone and put to the protection of railways. The result was more comfortable conditions for staying and supplying, which many were satisfied. As they would say, "planted on the oil needle," and then to the railway. Kolchak did not really like it, because there was no control over the cargo flow, but again it was a compromise solution, besides the allies.

Mutual rejection will remain, even intensify. White will consider Czechoslovakov to whips and marauders, give them offensive nicknames, rename them in conversations in "Czechups". This was partly due to the advantage of supplying and rear arrangement, in part - in the crash of hopes for their military assistance. Hope were big, but did not work out. In turn, legionnaires not only saw this attitude of white, but more and more rejection by the White Local Population. In the rear, they were near the partisan republics, they even took part in stripping from partisans, since the latter were threatened by railways. All this they put in the reproach of Kolchak and White as a whole, even their own shootings of partisans. Therefore, it was so easy to continue to "pass" Kolchak.

The troops of the Czechoslovak Corps brought completely from the combat zone and attached to the protection of railways

- What is their role in the civil war?

At least ambiguous. It was the armed performance of the Czechoslovak Corps that became the impetus to the consolidation of anti-Bolshevik forces in the summer of 1918 in the east of Russia. From the very beginning of the armed speech, the seizure of cities and settlements was accompanied by mass repression, terror. The troops of the Czechoslovak Corps or directly participated in them, or did not prevent these actions to their allies on the anti-Bolshevik statement. I recently came out two already publications book "Chronicle of White Terror in Russia. Repressions and mobs (1917-1920) "(Moscow, algorithm, 2017), there are many examples of such actions. I tried earlier in a separate scientific article, and later in the specified book to summarize the available data on the number of challenges in 1918 by Czechoslovakov: no less than 5 thousand people come out. This is not counting joint executions with Cossacks or white formations. True, it is worth noting that the legionnaires did not always issue prisoners to massacre their allies. The exception is the Red Czechs, Magyars, they were shot themselves. During the battle, they were usually not taken, and they were often shot after interrogation, according to the expression of Chekhov themselves, "sent to the Land Committee."

Capture Kazan and Kolchka Gold

- Tell me how they could capture Kazan? How did the local population meet them?

On July 22, 1918, Vladimir Oscarovich Kapplem together with Czechs was captured by Simbirsk. At that time, several options for the offensive were considered. Actually, the leadership of Kuchuk, who formally obeyed Kappel, insisted on a priority attack on Saratov. It was believed that the occupation of this city and the province of the same name would increase the base of the Observation regime. The attack on Kazan under these conditions sharply lowered the chances of simultaneous success in the Saratov direction (which happened). Taking Kazan also potentially stretched the front and picked up a symbirsk. However, the goals of kappel and Czechoslovakov initially coincided. It was, on the one hand, about the gold reserve, which was in the city, as well as the prospects for further Volzhsky offensive. Therefore, almost the last joint operation of the Czechoslovak Corps and the divisions of the People's Army of Komuk followed.

The key point was the organization by white landing landing at the village of Upper Halone with the capture of dominant height. Obviously, white maneuverability was higher than that of red, it played their role. Soon, on August 6-7, 1918, Kazan was captured by the departments of the first Czechoslovakian regiment under the command of Lieutenant Joseph Sweden together with Cappel detachment.

Capture Kazan meant changes in the city. On the one hand, it was accompanied by massive sprapers and executions - up to 1000 people in the first days. Soviet workers, internationalist soldiers, working activists were shot. It is unlikely that such mass executions mean the adoption by all the citizens of Legionnaires and Kappelev residents as liberators. Although there was a different attitude towards the former ruler of the city, the locals participated in the rules, mainly from the corrosive circles. As where legionnaires appeared everywhere, there were celebrations on the seizure of the city with the participation of the Legionary Orchestra. There was blood, there were bread-salt, there were balls, worked and counterintelligence. About a month. Then the Red Army returned.

- How did they leave Russia? How many have returned to their homeland?

Departure from Russia, ultimately, occurred, as conceived in 1918: through Vladivostok. Only circumstances have changed. Now it went as a result of a red offensive. The red fell in such a tempo so that Legionnaires had the opportunity to move to the Far East. Well, legionnaires tried not to linger, leaving them one after another railway station in Siberia. It was thorough thoroughly, with all purchased in Russia, in parallel, preventing the evacuation of whites on the railway. Such a tight parity agreement arranged all but white. And then, already in Vladivostok, in calm conditions, not in a hurry, legionnaires were loaded with steamers and sailed to Europe. Traveled almost everything, along with trough and often families.

- Have they really captured a fraction of Kolchak's gold and built the Czechoslovak Republic for this money?

All did not capture unequivocally. Since Much turned out to be at Ataman Semenov, and then in Japan. Something remained from other white officers, and then precisely white emigrant officers and, in general, Siberian emigrants accused Chekhov in the compassion of Kazan gold. In my opinion, the gold in Chekhov was there, but clearly a smaller part. The property of legionnaires exported by landlords was more significant. The latter was not aware of homeland.

About the cult of hull and soldier Schwek

- You have already mentioned red Czechs. Was there many of them?

They were not so much: from the number of legionnaires several hundred. But the Red Legioners joined even more prisoners of war, which did not earlier in the legion. Therefore, several thousand were. Among the famous: Writer Yaroslav Hashek, Josip hurried and others. The detachments were somewhat, number of several dozen or hundreds of people. In Omsk was a detachment of 150 Chekhov. In Penza, a little greater detachment led by the Czech Slavoyar Pester. There were Czechs in the detachments of Kivija, Chapaev and other red commanders.

How do the Czech Republic and Slovakia relate to civil war events in Russia? Who for them is the whiteness - victims, heroes, traitors?

In the Czech Republic, there is a certain cult of the Czechoslovak Corps, for them this is an example of serving the Motherland, the execution of military debt. Thus, an ambitious construction program in Russia has long been implemented a series of monuments throughout the route of the Czech legionnaires. At the same time, these monuments are put at train stations, in other historical places. This program causes an ambiguous reaction in Russia. Thus, the installation sites of the monuments often do not take into account historical moments, while the monuments themselves give an unambiguous interpretation of the events of our civil war. Sometimes the place of installation of monuments looks, to put it mildly, strange, as in Samara. Here the monument is trying to install on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, next to the monument to the dead fighters of the Red Army. And the events in Samara, where in the autumn, as in Kazan, also died also at least 1000 people (including with the participation of legionnaires), do not contribute to such perpetuating this tragedy. No in the program and monuments to the dead red Cehm. Monuments fix only one side.

Yaroslav Gashakov took the revolution and was a red czech

However, not everything is so unequivocal. You can talk about a gradual return to the Czech history after the velvet revolution, and the red figures, the same Yaroslav Gashek, Ludvik Freedom (fought as part of the legionnaires, but later he headed the Czechoslovatsky military unit in the USSR, became a communist, even by the President of Czech Republic). Thus, in Prague in 2005, a monument to the Gaskeu appeared, and in Rivne (with Czech financing), the Czech parts of the general of freedom who died during the Second World War.

- Many people love Roman Yaroslav Gashek about Soldier Schwek. Your attitude to this work of the writer?

This is one of my favorite works. Since it is connected much to me. My childhood partly passed in Prague, where my parents worked for 3 years by teachers. Mom, in particular, taught the literature and the Russian language known to the writer and theologian Andrei Kuraev. Father taught history. There, in the distant 1974, I went to the first class of the school at the USSR Embassy in Prague. Schweik, various toys, then were very popular. There were such "souvenirs" and in our family. A little later, already in Leningrad, at 12 years old I read Roman Gashek for the first time with pleasure. True, I fully understood it, only he served two years in the Soviet army. He served, it turned out, in Yugv and TsGV (the central group of troops was just based in Czechoslovakia). Nearby were Sewing places. Then he read the novel already as a historian. Every time I reread and reread the novel in a new way, but always with pleasure. However, I am not one at the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University, we have a novel of Yaroslav Gashek, very many historians love and appreciate.

Timur Rakhmatullin, photo


Ilya SergeevichRatkovsky- Associate Professor of the Institute of History SPbSU, K.I.N.

  • In 1992 he graduated with honors from the Historical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.
  • From 1993 to the present, it works at the History Faculty of SPRGSU (now the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University).
  • In 2004, for a great contribution to personnel training, the development of education and science and in connection with the 280th anniversary of the St. Petersburg State University was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
  • The scope of interest is the history of state institutions of Russia, the history of revolution and civil war in Russia, the history of the NKVD of the USSR, the history of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Author of more than 150 scientific and scientific and methodological works, including several monographs.
  • In 2017, his monograph "Chronicle of White Terror in Russia (1917-1920)" M., Algorithm, 2017.
