The instructive story about an arrogant princess, which was married to the beggar.

The princess was very beautiful, it came to her a lot of grooms, asking her hands, but she insulted them in every way. And in one day a wonderful prince came to her, but she called him a drozdovsky king and said: "I'd rather marry a beggar than I will go for the King of Drozdovik."

And the old king, the father of the princess, terribly angry at his heartless daughter and swore that he would give her marriage for the first oncoming, who would knock on the city gate.

The next day, a tramp came to the goal of the castle, and the king gave her married this beggar, as promised.

The girl will pass a lot of humiliation and tests before turning from arrogant princess into a good and responsive queen. She will know all the poor, learn how to work with his hands and asked for forgiveness for his arrogance.

Works on topics:

  1. December 24, House Advisor Medicine Stalbaum. Everyone is preparing for Christmas, and children - Fritz and Marie - build guesses that ...
  2. XI century, Britain. The mighty king of LIR, the presentation of the end of his century, decides to divide his property between the daughters, whose name is Horing, Roagan ...
  3. My favorite film is called "king-frosting". This is a modern German cinema, but it is removed on the old fairy tale of the Grimm brothers. In general, this is ...
  4. "King". The poem is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, memories of it: But one day, when Messerschmitts, like crows, broke out at dawn silence, our ...
  5. Was in the world such a city Serenendipp. And passed by him once the Great Magician Doundaryt. He went to the city to give ...
  6. On the winter evening, six people gathered from an old university comrade. People apparently emitting and with education. The speech came among the other ...
  7. The poem "Seruogrozzy King", relating to the early work of Akhmatova, was written in 1910. This is perhaps one of the most piercing and lyrical ...

Brothers Grimm Tale "King Drozdobodorod"

Genre: Literary Tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "King of Drozdolodorod" and their characteristics

  1. Kingana. Young and very beautiful, but selfish and arrogant. Above everyone laughed and mocked. However, having visited the role of the musician's wife, became kind and compassionate.
  2. King frosturbation. Young and beautiful. Very loved the queen and decided to correct her character. Sly and decisive, smart and persistent.
  3. King, Father Kingana. Old, tired of his daughter's whims.
Plan of Recover Tale "King Drozdobodorod"
  1. Capricious royal.
  2. LOOKS Grooms
  3. Mock killed
  4. King Drozdobod
  5. Promise King
  6. Beggar musician
  7. On the road with a musician
  8. In a domical musician
  9. Coming trade
  10. Drunk hussar
  11. Dishwasher
  12. Dance with king
  13. Exposing
  14. Wedding.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "King Drozdobodorod" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. There lived a very arrogant queen, which did not want to marry and in every groom found flaws
  2. Offended King gave her for the first oncoming beggar musician
  3. The musician led the king with himself and settled in the poor house
  4. The queen traded the clay dishes and drunk hussar broke all her pots
  5. The Kingana began to work the dishwasher in the palace and all laughed when the pots were sprinkled out of the dress.
  6. The king of the frosorod is recognized that it is he and there is a beggar musician and marries the queen.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "King of Drozdobodorod"
It is impossible to consider itself better than other people, because every person is good in its own way.

What teachs the fairy tale "King Drozdobodorod"
This tale teaches to respect other people, teaches me to show empathy and compassion. Teaches not to be arrogant, selfish, capricious. He teaches his fate with honor and not to give up before difficulties. It teaches the fact that good will be rewarded anyway.

Feet on the fairy tale "King Drozdobodorod"
The fairy tale "King Drozdoborod" I really liked. She tells about the re-education of the capricious royal, who used to consider itself better than others. She had to find out on his own experience, as ordinary people live and what to laugh at others - sin. And the queen realized that every person is worthy of respect. And that the main thing is not his title or wealth, but its moral qualities. I also liked the king himself, a frost beard, which turned out to be persistent and cunning, he managed to re-educate the capricious queen.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "King Drozdobodorod"
Not all that is gold that glitters.
Highly took off, and sat down in the chicken coop.
Quality to make mistakes, mind and recover.

Summary, short retelling Tales "King Drozdobodorod"
Lived in the same kingdom king and queen. The queen was very beautiful, but just as arrogant. She denied all the grooms.
One day, the king collected all noble people and forced the king to choose his groom. The queen passed along the rows of grooms and found something bad in each. He is high, that low, that Rumyan, that is too pale. Especially went to the young beautiful king, whom she called a frost beard, for the similarity of his beard with a beak.
The king was offended and gave the word to give the queen for the first beggar.
Two days later, a stray musician came to the palace. The king invited him to enter and he sang all the songs that he knew. And then the king decided to reward the musician and issued his daughter for him.
Kingana cried, but it was too late. A poor musician led her from the castle.
They went for a long time on foot, and wherever they would not have stopped relaxing, it turned out that the forest, and the river, and the city, everything belongs to the king of the frogholdness. The Kingana sang, which was refused to young handsome, and the musician scolded her for the fact that she recalls the other.
He brought the musician to the King Room into his poor house, forced to do work around the house. And when the money ran out, I began to invent how to earn it.
But the queen could not weave the basket, could not spin, and only the pots to sell it turned out.
The young beautiful pots were bought with a bang, and soon the musician bought it still WHO clay dishes. Descended the Kingdom of his goods on the square near the road, but then a drunk hussar had happened and all the pots suppressed.
Her musician was heard, and sent the dishwasher to work in the palace. It works a queen of the dishwasher, the remains of food in the pot collects to take home in the evening.
Here and the wedding of the king of the thrush has happened. It became a Kingana from the curtain, looking at the guests, remembers how he considered himself the first of the best, and turned out to be the last one.
Suddenly the king of a frozdobrode entered and, seeing his beautiful, dragged her to dance. The queen dancing, and the pots from the dress flew out, the remnants of food on the hall scattered. Laughter rose.
The queen ran away in shame is great, but the drojdobrod catchhes it, and he takes it.
He says that he was a poor musician, he was a drunk hussar, and he did it all to understand the Kingana, which is how to be humiliated and unhappy. But now everything is behind and it's time for the wedding.
Dressed the queen on the road and married she was married for the king of the thrush.

Figures and illustrations for the fairy tale "King Drozdobodorod"

Literature lesson

Class 3 "D", "E"

Topic: Brothers Grimm"King Drozdobodorod".


Objective: to introduce students withfairy Tale Brothers Grimm "King Drozdobodorod".


1. Develop expressiveness from students when reading out loud, awareness when reading silently, to learn the main thing, to analyze the text, draw conclusions, continue to work on the development of reading speed.

2. Expand the horizon of students, develop thinking and speech.

3. Rail a positive attitude of students to the subject.

Type of lesson: learning a new material

Training Means: Tutorial,

During the classes

Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Checking homework

Actualization of students' knowledge

What is a fairy tale?

What types are dividedfairy tales?

What is the composition of the fairy tale?

Message Topics, Lesson Objectives

Studying a new material

Acquaintance with writers.

We will get acquainted with the fairy tale of the Grimm Brothers "King Drozdobodorod" and try to understand why both children and adults have been loved by 200 years and read their fairy tales.

Yakov and Wilhelm Grimm, or Brothers Grimm - German scientists who wrote many scientific papers. But more became famous as writers, authors of wonderful fairy tales: "Bremen Musicians", "Brave Tailor", "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs", and many others.


Get to nuts - get in punishment.

Ground is a small copper coin.

Gusar is a soldier from a passenger-made cavalry.

Primary reading a fairy tale teacher

Reading a tale in a chain

Checking perception:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Name the main characters?

What exactly did you like it? What moment the fairy tale attracted your attention?

Secondary reading

BUT) Reading the first part of the fairy tale.

Describe the king's daughter at the beginning of a fairy tale? How did the princess behave?

What did the king do to find her the groom?

What words did she call invited grooms?

Why did she call the "king of a frost rod"?

How did the old king react to the daughter's mockery? What did he decide?

B) reading the second part of the fairy tales.

How many days have passed after the king gathered into the groom's palace?

Who knocked into the gate of the palace? Describe a beggar.

What asked the beggar from the king?

How did the king of the beggar awarded?

How did the king's daughter responded?

C) reading the third part of the fairy tales.

Where did the princess going after the wedding with the beggar?

What did she see when they sat down to relax under the old oak?

What did Princess see the river?

What did she ask the beggar when they approached the gate of a big city?

How did the capricious princess react to that, all that she saw belonged to the king of the frogdom?

What did she want?

What did the beggar in response to her?

D) reading the fourth part of the fairy tale.

What kind of house saw the king's daughter?

What dinner did the queen prepared?

What occupation did she find a beggar?

Will the queen managed to fulfill all the tasks that the husband gave her? Why?

What kind of work agreed by the queen?

Tell us how she traded pots.

What happened on Market Square?

What did her husband tell her?

What new work was waiting for her?

What event should have happened in the castle?

Describe the king. What was he dressed?

What did the king of the frost bearer, when did a young woman saw behind the door?

What happened when they danced?

How did you react to this guests?

How did the queen feel? What did she do?

Who turned out to be a king of a frosturbation?

What is the lesson presented the king of the king of the queen?

What ended this fairy tale?

* Drawing oral illustration.

    Consolidation of knowledge and ways of action.

    Why "King Drozdobodorod" - literary fairy tale?

    What fairy tales of the Grimm brothers did you read, do you know?

    Do you know the fairy tales of other authors, similar to the fairy tale "King Drozdobodorod"?


    I learned a lot about the literary fairy tale, about the authors.

Tell me, what does this fairy tale teach us? What lesson can we extract?

Homework: Expressive read, draw a drawing to this fairy tale.

The difference between the literary and folk fairy tale is as follows:

    Literary fairy talecopyright the work, unlike a folk fairy tale, which arose as a small epic genre as a resultcollective creativity of the ethnos.

    Literary fairy tale - Genrefiction while the folk fairy tale is one offolk genre , whose feature is oral retelling.

    The literary fairy tale may have a free plot invented by the author. IN folk fairy tale The storyline is strictly subordinate to a specific scheme that the narrator should stick to keep the canvas of the narration.

    System images In a literary fairy tale arbitrary , in folk - due to traditions and ideasabout good and evil forces.

    The folk tale in artistic form reflects the deep layer of collective consciousness and belongs to the ancient type of oral folk creativity. The literary fairy tale can continue national traditions, but is the fruit of the author's imagination and in the genre plan is close to modern types of adventure and fantastic literature.

    as a subset of results associated with unity of the topic;

The fairy tale tells how the princess-princess was rejected on the bride glands of the grooms, he rejected one of them, mocking on their imaginary and valid disadvantages. Especially went to the young king, who held in a row of the grooms almost the most honorable place. With any girl, he would like to taste, but the princess considered that his beard was much more glad than he should and too issued forward, reminding the beak of Drozda, so she called His "King Drozdogene". As a result, all noble grooms left with anything, and the hunched old king swore to give the girl over the first beggar who came to the palace. After some time, a wandering musician granted the castle, dressed in a dirty rubble, and the king, holding the word, gave him his daughter. The princess begging over the meadows, forests and mountains. When she asked her husband, who belongs to all these lands, he invariably answered that they are all - the property of the king of the thrush. So they in a few days and arrived in big citywho also turned out to hold the king of the thrush. The princess tried to get used to the heavy life of the simpleness, living in a small hube belonging to her husband-thorough; She tried to spin and knit baskets from the Yves vine - but the hands who are not familiar to heavy work did not cope with the work. Then the husband sent her to trade in the pots to the market. The first day was successful, and the girl earned a little money, but the next day a drunk hussar flew to her goods on horseback and broke all the pots. In the end, the husband through acquaintances arranged his wife in the Royal Castle dishwasher. A few days later, during the Pir, on which the princess was serving for food, she suddenly saw a king of the king of the throat in the housing and rising in the precious clothing. He came to the girl and led to dancing, but here from the floors of her dresses and pockets suddenly sprinkled apricious that the princess had selected behind the tables and who were going to take home. The courtiers immediately broke out a loud laugh, and the girl, beside himself from shame, rushed away from the castle. Suddenly, the king himself caught up with her and opened her: he was the poor musician, for whom her father betrayed her married. It was he who broke her pots on the square and forced to knit baskets and pour to humble her pride and teach for the arrogance that prompted his princess to ridiculously. The princess misses asked her husband for forgiveness for the insults and the royal couple, reconciled, guided a luxurious wedding in the palace.
