L. isa with a caravel made friends.
Well, the fox did treat the caravel, went to visit him to visit:
- Come, Kumanyuk, come, dear! I'm treated!
I went crane on a sought feast. And Fox headed the manna porridge and smeared around the plate. Served and sweats:
"Attempt, dove kumanyuk," the man herself.
Crane knock-knock on a plate, knocked, pounded - nothing falls!
And the fox licks himself and licks porridge, so everything herself.
Kashov ate and says:
- Do not blame, Kumanyuk! Nothing more dumb.
Crane answers her:
- Thank you, Kuma, and on it! Come to visit me.
Another day comes a fox to the craving, and he cooked around, he turned into a jug with a narrow neck, put on the table and says:
- Koshai, Kumushka! Right, more than nothing to sweat.
Lisa began to spin around the jug. And so he will come, and EDAK, and lies, and sniffs, - can not get it: he can't get his head in a jug.
And the crane begins to himself, it beeps until I did not eat everything.
- Well, do not blame, Kuma! More treat nothing more!
Took the fox of the annoyance. I thought I would like for a whole week, and I went home - not Solono Bread. As it was awesome, I responded!
Since then, friendship in foxes with a caravel apart.

Directly educational activities


Lyapina Marina Anatolyevna

Tutor of the highest category

MBDOU D / C No. 1 "Sunny"

Kholmsk, 2016

Communication (speech development), artistic creativity (drawing)

Retelling fairy tales "Fox and Zhuravl"

Objectives: Educational.

Connected speech. Teach children expressively, connected, consistently retell a fairy tale using epithets, fashionable expressions From text:

- Come, dove-kumanek! I wake up myself!

- Sorry, a naughty, more with nothing more!

- Since then, the friendship in the fox with Zhuravlem apart!

- Not Solono Baby!

Teach to understand the meaning of the proverb: "As it will appear, it will respond."

Dictionary and grammar. To intensify in the speech of children, the use of verbs from the text:made friends, headed, invited, prepared, smeared, poured, waved; Top up the dictionary of children by words:string, okroshka, apart, lots, dinner, kum, kuma.

ZKR. Develop the emotional expressive side of speech.

Developing. Develop dialogic and monologue; Develop independence in drawing up patterns based on Dymkovsky painting.

Educational. Educate interest in the artistic word, the ability to carefully listen to their comrades; The desire to travel to friendship, be a good friend.

Equipment. Illustrations for a fairy tale, foxes and crane hats, pictures of foxes and cranes; Plate, jug, chest; Audio recording "Voice of birds"; Paper silhouettes of plates and jug, gouache, brushes.

Planned results. Children will learn freely, to retell a fairy tale to cure, will be able to explain the meaning of the proverbs "how it will happen and will respond."

Organized activities:

1. Organizational moment: (sounds audio recording "Voices of Birds")

Guys, I invite you to a fabulous clearing, but in order to get there, you need to remember and call Russian folk tales that you know?

What do you think they are called Russian folk tales?(Answers of children: these fairy tales came up with the Russian people)

That's right, these fairy tales composed the Russian people, the fairy tales were transmitted from one person to another.

Here we are on the fabulous clearing. ( I draw the attention of children to the magic chest - there are a plate and jug in it)

2. Work enrichment work: clarifies the meaning of words: called feast, okroshka (cold eats of kvass with meat and vegetables), cut (cook), sweep, cum, cougar, apart (separately).

And you know that the Russian people are very hospitable.

When someone is waiting for a visit, they prepare a sought lunch or a feast.He was called upon him, so they said - called a feast. How do you understand what it meanssittered feast? (Answers of children - someone called to visit; invite you to visit; he was called, so they said - a sought feast)

For a feather, they prepared - they cut down food. The hostess is engaged in shabby - shestreet (Show pictures). Repeat what she does? How to say differently, what does it mean?(Answers - cook food)

And when guests came, the hostess treated - the guests sat down. Repeat -sweep. How do you understand - sweep?(the answers of children - to swee, it means to treat something; asked to drink and eat)

In Russia, loved to cook around. Who knows what Okroshka is?(Answers - Food, Cold Kvass Soup with Meat and Vegetables)

Loved ones, good acquaintances with whom they were friends with families, baptized children -came Kum and Kuma - the godfather (mother)

Let's then listen to the riddles to find out who today came to visit us. If you guess the mystery correctly, our guest will appear.

    Redhead rut

Tricky yes deft

Fluffy tail

Golden fur

In the forest lives,

In the village of chickens steal.(A fox)

    He loves frogs,

Pumpbush cakes.

Lives on the swamp, always ready to hunt.(Crane)

(show illustration Foxes, Crane)

Want to know what a story happened to them?(Then sit comfortably, the legs on the floor, the back straight) - I invite children to take the chairs.

3. Reading a fairy tale (1)

The fairy tale is called "Fox and Crane"


    What is the name of the fairy tale I told?

    Why did Lisa invite the crane to visit? (Lisa invited the crane to visit, because they became friends)

    How did Lisa invited the crane?(Express Intonation: "Come Kumank, come, dear ...")

    What did Fox prepared and how caravly treated?(Fox headed manna porridge; waved his porridge on a plate and drifts)

    Why caravl could not eat porridge and who got more? (Crane knocked on a plate, nothing in the beak fell; the fox got more)

    How did Lisa sentenced when the crane treated?(Eat duchka, threw it off)

    What words thanked the fox crane?

    What did the crane coat for lunch?

    Why couldn't there be a okroshka?(Fox could not eat around, because the jug was with a narrow neck)

    How did you apologize to the characters fairy tale in front of each other?

    Why did Lisse take annoyance?(I thought fox would notice for a whole week; not Solono Bread)


Children fit the board and determine the order of illustrations for a fairy tale, come up with names to each picture. .

    Fox invites Crane.

    Visiting Fox.

    the crane invites the fox.

    Visiting the crane.

    Friendship apart.

Dynamic pause "Zhuravl"

Zhura-Zhura-Zhuravel -children make hands ("fly")

She flew off one hundred lands.

On their long legs -children step, far from each other put legs.

He went through all the paths.

On a swamp he sticks,

Kuts tails waving -show what a short tail at the crane.

4. Repeated a fairy tale with showing illustrations

And now I will tell you a fairy tale again, and you listen carefully and remember.

Joint retelling

And now let's tell a fairy tale. I will be a storytellor, and you will be the heroes of the fairy tale.

Treating on the roles of children.

(Children's Research Analysis)

What ended the friendship of fox and crane?(Fox and crane quarreled) They are talking about such heroes "how it was awesome, and responded." How do you understand this proverb?(as you yourself feel about people, so they will treat you; what do you give, then you get; what we have, then you will get enough)

The fox with the crane did not work in friendship. And so that they do not get upset, I suggest you to give them a plate or a jar that you cook. - Children paint the finished paper forms of a plate or a jug with elements of the Dimkovsky painting and "give" a fox and craving.(An exhibition of children's work is organized - "Jug I will give fox", etc.)

5. Reflection.

What did this fairy tale taught you?

What did you like today?

Fox and Zhuravil really liked you, you did a good fairy tale and presented wonderful gifts!

L Isa with Zhurasl made friends.

So he decided to treat the crane once a fox, went to call him to visit him:
- Come, Kumanyuk, come, dear! Just as I treat you!

There is a crane on a sought feast, and Fox headed the manna porridge and smeared it on a plate. Served and drifts:
- Attempt, my dove kumanes! She wishes.

Crane clap-clapped nose, knocked-pounded, nothing falls. And the fox at this time licks himself and licks porridge - so all the very well. Porridge is eaten; Fox and says:
- Do not explore, kind kum! More to laugh nothing!
- Thank you, Kuma, and on it! Come to visit me.

Fox comes the next day, and the crane prepared the okroshka, poured into a jug with a small neck, put on the table and says:
- Koshai, Kumushka! Do not get a ballow.

The fox began to spin around the jug, and so it also goes well, and lienets it and sniffs; There is no sense as not! Does not climb the head in the jug. And the crane between the same pecks himself, it pecks until everything.
- Well, do not blame, Kuma! More treat nothing more.

I took the Fox DosaDa: I thought that I would like for a whole week, and I went home as the unsolon bread.

As it was awesome, it responded. Since then, friendship in foxes with crane apart.

Invited Lisa Zhuravl to visit, headed the manna porridge and smeared on a flat plate. Zhuravl Kleval-Kleval, but so he did nothing in his mouth. Gone hungry.

The next day, Fox came to visit Zhuravly. He welded the okroshka and poured into the jugs with a narrow throat. Lisa nor tried, but I could not eat anything.

Since then, they are not friends.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Fox and Zhuravl"

The fairy tale teaches to be a hospitable host, if you invited guests, it is impossible to offend them. You need to do with others as you want to come with you. Probably, Lisa forgot about this rule, and the crane remembered.

Block of short questions

1. Is the hostess hospitable was Lisa?

2. Did the crane arrived correctly, repaying the fox to the same coin?

3. Why did Lisa and the crane quarreled?

  • Russian folk fairy tales Russian folk tales The world of fairy tales is amazing. Is it possible to imagine our life without a fairy tale? The fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about extremely important in life, teaches to be kind and fair, protect the weak, to resist evil, despise the cunning and lects. The fairy tale learns to be devoted, honest, ridicules our vices: boasting, greed, hypocrisy, laziness. Over the past centuries, the fairy tales were transmitted to orally. One person came up with a fairy tale, told another, that man added something from himself, retold the third and so on. With each time the fairy tale was becoming better and more interesting. It turns out that the fairy tale came up with not one person, but many different people, the people, so it began to call it - "folk". There were fairy tales in ancient times. They were the stories of hunters, beasts and fishermen. In fairy tales - animals, trees and herbs are talking like people. And in the magic fairy tale, everything is possible. Want to become young - you sing the Molding Apple. It is necessary to revive the princess - the springs will first be dead, and then live water ... The tale teaches us to distinguish good from the bad, good from evil, smelting from nonsense. The tale teaches not to despair in difficult moments and always overcome difficulties. The fairy tale teaches how important everyone has friends. And the fact that if you do not quit a friend in trouble, then he will help you ...
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  • Tales Wilhelm Gaufa Wilhelm Gauf Gauf Wilhelm fairy tales (29.11.1802 - 18.11.1827) - German writer, most famous as the author of fairy tales for children. It is considered a representative of the artistic literary style Biedermeier. Wilhelm Gauf is not such a well-known popular world fairy tale, but Gauf's fairy tales must be read to children. In their works, the author, with the subtlety and unobtrusion of the present psychologist, invests a deep meaning who pushes on reflections. Gaouf wrote for children of Baron Hegel's Märchen - magic fairy tales, for the first time they were published in the Almana of the Tales of January 1826 for the sons and daughters of noble classes. " There were such works of Gauffa as a "Calif-Stork", "Little Muk", some others who immediately gained popularity in German-speaking countries. Focusing at first to East Folklore, later he begins to use European legends in fairy tales.
  • Tales of Vladimir Odoyevsky Vladimir Odoyevsky's fairy tales in the history of Russian culture Vladimir Odoyevsky entered the literary and musical critic, prose, museum and library worker. He did a lot for Russian children's literature. During his lifetime, he published several books for children reading: "Town in Tabakerque" (1834-1847), "Fairy tales and stories for children of grandfather Irinea" (1838-1840), "Collection of children's songs of Grandpa Irinea" (1847), "Children's book for Sunday Days" (1849). Creating fairy tales for children, V. F. Odoyevsky often applied to folklore plots. And not just Russian. Two fairy tales of V. F. Odoyevsky - "Moroz Ivanovich" and "Town in Tabakcoque" are most popular.
  • Tales of Vsevolod Garshin Tales of Vsevolod Garshin Garin V.M. - Russian writer, poet, critic. Fame acquired after the publication of its first work "4 days". The number of fairy tales written garbage is not quite large - only five. And almost all of them come in school Program. Fairy tales "Frog-traveler", "Fairy Tale and Rose", "What every child" knows what happened. " All Garshin's fairy tales are imbued with a deep meaning, the designation of the facts without unnecessary metaphor and all-consuming sadness, passing through every fairy tale, every story.
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  • Tales Mikhail Danzkovsky Fairy Tales Mikhail Danzkovsky Mikhail Spartakovich Plyazkovsky - Soviet poet songwriter, playwright. Still in the student years began to compose songs - both poems and melodies. The first professional song "Marsh of Cosmonauts" was written in 1961 with S. Zaslavsky. It is unlikely that such a person, who has never heard such lines, is unlikely: "Hands up a better man," "Friendship begins with a smile." Babe Raccoon from the Soviet cartoon and the song Leopold sing songs to the poems of the popular poet songwriter Mikhail Spartakovich Danzkovsky. The fairy tales of the dancer teach children the rules and norms of behavior, model familiar situations and introduce the world. Some stories are not just teaching kindness, but also ridicule bad character traits characteristic of children.
  • Fairy tales Samuel Marshaka Fairy tales Samuel Marshaka Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964) - Russian Soviet poet, translator, playwright, literary critic. Known as a tales of fairy tales for children, satirical works, as well as "adult", serious lyrics. Among the dramatic works of Marshak are especially popular with the play-tales "Twelve months", "smart things", "Koshkin House" poems and fairy tales Marshak read from the very first days in the gardens, then they put them on matinees, in junior grades, they are taught.
  • Tales Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferova Tales Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferova Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov - Soviet writer-storyteller, screenwriter, playwright. Gennady Mikhailovich brought the biggest success. During the cooperation with the studio "Soyuzmultfilm" in collaboration with Heinrich Sapgir, more than twenty-five cartoons were released, among which "the train from Romashkova", "My Green Crocodile", "how a frog was looking for dad", "Hosaric", "how to become big" . Cute and good stories of Tsyferov familiar to each of us. Heroes who live in the books of this wonderful children's writer will always come to help each other. His famous fairy tales: "I lived in the light of the elephant", "about chicken, sun and a bear", "about Chudaki Farming", "About the steam", "The story about a piglet" and others. Collections of fairy tales: "How a frog was looking for dad", " Multicolored giraffe "," Azer Romashkovo "," How to become big and other stories "," Bear Diary ".
  • Tales Sergey Mikhalkov Fairy Tales Sergey Mikhalkova Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich (1913 - 2009) - Writer, Writer, Poet, Basinist, Dramaturgome, Military Correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, author of the text of two hymns Soviet Union and Gymna Russian Federation. Poems Mikhalkov read in kindergarten, choosing "Uncle Step" or no less famous poem "And what do you have?". The author returns us to the Soviet past, but over the years it does not become obsolete, but only acquire charm. Mikhalkov's children's poems have long become a classic.
  • Tales SUYEEVA Vladimir Grigorievich Tales SUYEEVA Vladimir Grigorievich Steev - Russian Soviet Children's Writer, Illustrator Artist and Director-Animator. One of the prosecutors of Soviet animation. Born in the family doctor. Father was a gifted man, his fascination with the art was converted and son. With the youthful years, Vladimir Suteev as an artist-illustrator was periodically published in the journals "Pioneer", "Murzilka", "Friendly guys", "Sparking", in the Pioneer Pravda newspaper. He studied in MVTU. Bauman. From 1923 - artist-illustrator of books for children. Sheyeev illustrated the books of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, D. Rodari, as well as its own works. Fairy tales, which V. G. Suteev composed himself, written concisely. Yes, he does not need a verbose: everything that is not said will be drawn. The artist works as a multiplier that locks each character's movement so that it is a whole, logically clear action and a bright, memorable image.
  • Fairy tales of Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy A.N. - Russian writer, extremely versatile and fruitful writer, who wrote in all kinds and genres (two collection of poems, more than forty pieces, scenarios, processing fairy tales, journalistic and other articles, etc.), primarily a prose, master of fascinating narration. Genres in creativity: prose, story, story, play, libretto, satire, essay, journalism, historical novel, science fiction, fairy tale, poem. The popular fairy tale of Tolstoy A.N.: "Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino", which is a successful alteration of the fairy tale of the Italian writer of the XIX century. Colleges "Pinocchio", entered the Gold Foundation of World Children's Literature.
  • Tales of Tolstoy Leo Nikolaevich Tales of Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich (1828 - 1910) - one of the greatest Russian writers and thinkers. Thanks to him, not only works included in the treasury of world literature, but also a whole religious-moral course - the Holp. Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote a lot of instructive, living and interesting fairy tales, Basen, poems and stories. His Peru belongs to many small, but beautiful fairy tales for children: Three bears, as uncle Semyon told about the fact that he was in the forest, lion and doggy, a fairy tale about Ivan-fool and his two brothers, two brothers, an employee of Emelyan and Empty drum and many others. Tolstoy very seriously referred to the writing of small fairy tales for children, he worked a lot over them. Tales and stories of Leo Nikolayevich and to this day are in books for reading in elementary school.
  • Fairy Tale Charlet Perra Charles Fairy Tales Persian Charles Perra (1628-1703) - French storyteller writer, critic and poet, was a member of the French Academy. It is impossible, probably find a person who would not know a skaz about a red hat and a gray wolf, about the boy from his finger or other not less memorable characters, colorful and such close to the child, but also an adult. But all of them with their appearance are obliged to the wonderful writer Charle Perso. Each of his fabulous story is folk epicsHer writer has processed and developed the plot, having received such delightful works readable and today with great admiration.
  • Ukrainian folk fairy tales Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk fairy tales are in many ways echoing in their style and content with Russian folk fairy tales. In the Ukrainian fairy tale, much attention is paid to household realities. Ukrainian folklore describes very brightly folk fairytale. All traditions, holidays and customs can be seen in the plots of folk narches. What Ukrainians lived that they had and what they were not, what they had dreamed of and how they went to their goals as clearly laid in the meaning of fabulous stories. The most popular Ukrainian folk fairy tales: Mitten, goat-deresses, punctured, Serko, fairy tale about Ivasik, spikelets and others.
    • Riddles for children with answers Riddles for children with answers. A large selection of mysteries with answers for having fun and intellectual classes with children. The riddle is just a quarter or one sentence in which the question is concluded. In the riddles mixed wisdom and the desire to know more, to recognize, strive for something new. Therefore, we often encounter fairy tales and legends. Riddles can be solved on the way to school, kindergartenUse in different contests and quizzes. Riddles help your child's development.
      • Riddles about animals with answers Riddles about animals love children of different ages. The animal world is diverse, so there are many mysteries about domestic and wild animals. Riddles about animals are a great way to introduce children with different animals, birds and insects. Thanks to these mysteries, children will remember, for example, that the elephant has a trunk, a bunny has big ears, and the hedgehog has broken needles. This section presents the most popular children's riddles about animals with answers.
      • Nature Riddles with Answers Riddles for children about nature with the answers in this section you will find riddles about the seasons, about flowers, about trees and even about the sun. When entering school, the child should know the seasons and names of months. And with this will help the riddles about the seasons. The riddles about the flowers are very beautiful, funny and allow children to learn the names of flowers and room and garden. The riddles about the trees are very entertaining, the children will learn what trees in the spring bloom, which trees bring sweet fruits and how they look. Also, children learn a lot about the sun and planets.
      • Riddles about food with answers Delicious riddles for children with answers. In order for kids to eat one or another food, many parents come up with all sorts of games. We offer you funny food riddles that will help your child treat power from a positive side. Here you will find riddles about vegetables and fruits, about mushrooms and berries, about sweets.
      • Riddles pro the world With answers Riddles about the world around the world with answers in this category of mysteries, there are almost everything for a person and the surrounding world. The riddles about the profession are very useful for children, because at a young age, the first abilities and talents of the child are manifested. And he in the first one thinks who wants to become. Also in this category includes funny riddles about clothing, about transport and cars, about a variety of items that surround us.
      • Riddles for kids with answers Riddles for the smallest with answers. In this category, your kids will get acquainted with each letter. With the help of such mysteries, children will quickly remember the alphabet, learn how to put syllables and read words correctly. Also in this heading there are riddles about the family, about notes and music, about numbers and school. Cheerful riddles distract the baby from a bad mood. Riddles for the smallests are characterized by simplicity, humor. Children with pleasure they solve them, remember and develop in the game process.
      • Interesting riddles with answers Interesting riddles for children with answers. In this category, you will learn your favorite fabulous heroes. The riddles about fairy tales with the answers help to make a magical way to turn the fun moments at the present show of fabulous experts. And funny riddles are perfectly suitable on April 1, Carnival and other holidays. Riddles of deception will appreciate not only children, but also parents. The ending riddles may be unexpected and ridiculous. Flacking riddles increase the mood and expand the horizons of children. Also in this heading there are riddles for children's holidays. Your guests will not be bored!
  • Russian folk fairy tale about how they were friends of the tricky fox and crane. He invited the redhead rosasnik of the crane to visit and decided to treat his porridge, which smeared thinly on the saucer. In response, the crane suggested her a treat in a jug with a narrow neck. Moral story: Do not make anyone to another, you yourself will not get the same.

    Fairy tale Lisa and crane download:

    Fairy Tale Lisa and Crane Read

    Fox with Zhurasl made friends. Even Quma, he became when the bear had a bear.

    So he decided to treat the crane once a fox, went to call him to visit him:

    Come, Kumaneuk, come, dear! Just as I treat you!

    There is a crane on a sought feast, and Lisa welded the manna porridge and smeared on a plate. Served and treats:

    Attempt, my dove kumanes! Herself prepared.

    Crane clap-clapped nose, knocked-pounded, nothing falls. And the fox at this time licks himself yes licks porridge - so the whole thing I licked. Porridge is eaten; Fox and says:

    Do not blame, kindty kum! More treat nothing more!

    Thank you, Kuma, and on it! Come now to visit me.

    Fox comes the next day, and the crane prepared the okroshka, laid out in a jug with a little neck, put on the table and says:

    Kushai, Kumushka! True, there is nothing more treat.

    The fox began to spin around the jug, and so it also goes well, and lienets it and sniffs; Everything does not get anything! Does not climb the head in the jug. And the crane between the same pecks himself, it pecks until everything.

    Do not blame, Kuma! More treat nothing more.

    I took the Fox DosaDa: I thought it was to fit for a whole week, and I went home as unsolon bread. As it was awesome, it responded. Since then, friendship in foxes with crane apart.
