In London in the Duke and Duchess of York.

The queen of Elizabeth's real birthday is usually celebrating in a family circle, while the official birthday of the monarch in the UK is celebrated in June with a colorful military parade in the center of London.
According to the tradition established at the beginning of the twentieth century, by King Edward VII, the monarch's birthday is celebrated in the UK to one of the Sabbath of June - depending on the weather (the king chose this date because in June the weather can not spoil the nationwide holiday).

Princess Elizabeth Alexander Mary Windsor (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor), so called the future queen at birth - from the dynasty of the Windsor. She is the eldest daughter of Duke York George, the future king of Great Britain George VI (1895-1952) and Lady Elizabeth Bowl Lyon (1900-2002).

Elizabeth received a good home education, in addition to ordinary school items, she was taught the foundations of the economy, jurisprudence and constitutional law. The training program also included horse riding, dance and music lessons. With palace etiquette, her mother acquainted her.
After the renunciation of the uncle - King Edward VIII and his father's accession to the throne in December 1936, the 10-year-old Elizabeth became the heiress of the British throne and moved with his parents from Kensington to the Buckingham Palace.

Preparing for political life, the future queen began to attend classes on constitutional history in the Ion College.
At the beginning of the war in 1939 they were evacuated to the Windsor Palace.
During World War II, Elizabeth insisted that parents allow her to enter military service. She mastered the driver's profession in the military-transport train center, having received the qualification of the truck driver, learned to change the tires on the truck, disassemble and collect the motor.
In 1945, Elizabeth worked in the spare women's territorial services (Women "S Auxiliary Territorial Service), where he finished the war in the rank of the younger commander.

A close acquaintance of Elizabeth with monarchs began in 1944, when she became a member of the State Council and began to acquire to affairs, replacing George VI, when he went with the trip to the fronts.
On February 6, 1952, King Georg Vi died from the sickness of the lungs, Elizabeth, who was at that time with her husband on vacation in Kenya, on the same day was declared the Queen of Great Britain.
However, the official ceremony of coronation Elizabeth in Westminster Abbey in London took place only a year later, on June 2, 1953.

© Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum, LondonQueen Elizabeth II on the day of coronation June 2, 1953. Photo from the exhibition "Royal Photography Cecil Biton"

© Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Since that time, she - Queen Elizabeth II, head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is also the Queen of the 15 Commonwealth States (Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint -Vinsen and Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica), head of the Anglican Church, Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces and Lord Islands Maine. From May 29, 1953 to May 31, 1961, the Queen of South Africa was also. In 1999, Australia issued Queen's status to a referendum, but Australians preferred to maintain the nominal status of the head of state.

On November 20, 1947, Elizabeth married his distant relative, as she, as she, the great director of Queen Victoria, Prince Philip Mountbetten, the son of the Greek Prince Andrei, who then was an officer of the British Fleet. She met him at the age of 13, when Philip was still a cadet of the Dortmouth Naval School. His spouse becoming her husband, Philip received the title of Duke of Edinburgh.
In November 2007, the Queen and her spouse Duke Edinburgh celebrated the "Diamond Wedding" - the sixtieth anniversary of living together. For the sake of such a case, the Queen allowed himself a small liberty - for one day they retired with his spouse for romantic memories in Malta, where Prince Philip served, and the young princess Elizabeth visited him.

December 29, 2010 Elizabeth II first became a great-grandmother. On this day, her senior grandson - the Senior Son of the Princess Anna Peter Phillips - and his wives of Canada Otam Kelly was born daughter. The girl has become the 12th in the British Treasury of the Prestaging.

In 2006, the Buckingham Palace announced 80 entertaining facts from the life of Queen UK Elizabeth II, so it became known that the Queen is interested in photography, likes to take pictures of his family members. In 1997, the Queen gave the start of the first in the history of the Internet site british monarchy.
More from youth Elizabeth II is a fan of dogs of the noble hunting breed of Cuga, several of which constantly accompany her on vacation. The queen also brought a new breed of dogs - Dorga.
Other Passion Queen - Horses and Racing. She herself is a good rider and every year watches the main competitions with interest, and also breed horses in its stables.
The queen speaks freely in French and during visits and audiences with representatives of Francophone countries is without a translator.

Elizabeth is the oldest monarch in the history of Great Britain by age, however, the record of the duration of the reign, delivered by the Queen of Victoria, which has ruined 63 and seven months, is still only. To do this, she needs to stay on the throne at least until September 9, 2015.

In 2012, in honor of the 60-year-old anniversary of the Board of the Queen Elizabeth II, the famous hour tower Big Ben At the UK Parliament Building in London was officially.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

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For more than 60 years, the inquiry of the Great Britain and part-time the ruling queen of this country is Elizabeth II, who survived many world rulers, shocks, scandals, and still the remaining not only the favorite of the British, but also a person, followed by the whole world.

Queen's childhood

Elizabeth Alexander Maria was born in 1926 on April 21 in one of London's houses. This event was not loud, because at birth, no one even thought that she would be the heiress of the throne. Elizabeth The second was the granddaughter of the ruling king, who was supposed to pass the throne of her uncle or father, but not to her. Therefore, the excitement around the birth of Lilibet, as she was loved to call her in the family, there was no, just born another member of the royal family.
Elizabeth The second was a quiet child. Her beloved occupations were horse racing and breeding dogs. Education she got a great, as he believed a member of the Windsor Dynasty. She studied many objects, but a special emphasis did on legal state, religious studies and art history. Also Elizaven was very interested french.
Eduard, Uncle Elizabeth, renounced the throne in favor of marriage from twice the divorced woman, and since, being a king, he was the head of the Anglican Church, then such a marriage was forbidden to him. The following in the supervaling was the father of Elizabeth - Albert Frederick (later King Georg VI), and suddenly at 11 years old girl became a direct heiress of the throne, since she did not have the brothers. From Kensington, the Elizabeth family moved to the Buckingham Palace, and in 3 years the Second World War began. The United Kingdom was one of the first countries that announced the war to the third Reihi, and life in Europe changed dramatically.
Although the main political decisions in the United Kingdom took parliament, yet the royal family was a symbol of the union of the nation, on her shoulders lean the hard work to maintain the strength of the country and faith in victory. King Georg Vi regularly visited troops, and Elizabeth took an active part in this, visited the Grenadier regiment in 1943. A couple of months before the end of Elizabeth II, II joined the army and today is the only ruler in the world who passed the second world WarIn addition, she is the only participant in the world World War II, who has not entered the military retirement. In the army, she served as a mechanical driver of auxiliary sanitary car, in the female detachment of self-defense. Until now, Queen Elizabeth The second wears the title of lieutenant.

Queen's marriage

In most cases, the royal pains and are married to those applicants who are beneficial to the country, and not for love. But in the case of Elizabeth II, everything was wrong, and she, as in a fairy tale, found her love in his youth and defended his marriage with her beloved. Today we can see that this choice was correct because the future queen fell in love and for life.
With Philip, his future husband, Elizabeth met in the Naval School. Although he was a Greek prince, but nothing but the title and his love, he could not offer the future queen. And yet Elizabeth fell in love without a memory, wrote him letters throughout the war, and defended the right to his love, wandering with the prince. At the 21st age of Elizabeth II married - it was on November 20, 1947. After the wedding, Philip received the title of Duke of Edinburgh and refused the title-consort title of the title. Born in 1921, the Duke of Edinburgh is still in good health and accompanies the Queen at events. In 1952, the young left rest in Kenya, and at the same time the father of Elizabeth died. At that moment she became the Queen of Great Britain.
The family of Elizabeth of the second and Philip was born four children. Charles Charles (1948) is the heir to the throne, as the eldest son of the queen. He has a sister Anna (1950) and the Andrew brothers (1960) and Edward (1964). Today the queen has 8 grandchildren and 5 great-grandfathers, so the royal family is quite extensive.

The first years of the rule of the queen

Behind the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II watched literally the whole world, as it was the first such event on which cameras were used. The 25-year-old government went to the throne on tradition in Westminster Abbey. After the ceremony, the Queen did not leave his habit to travel and attended first of all the member countries of the British Commonwealth. Just in the 50-60s of the last century, these states were given independence, especially many of them were in Africa. At the same time, for the first time in history, the British monarch visited New Zealand and Australia, because Elizabeth II still nominally is the queen of these countries. If we talk about the current state of the Commonwealth of Nations, then Elizabeth is still his unmeasured chapter. All organizational issues in the Commonwealth countries are solved without her participation, it has become only a symbolic figure.
In addition to external affairs, did not forget the queen and the country's internal issues. She regularly conducted meetings with representatives of Parliament and discussed the urgent states of the state. In 1957, the first crisis broke out during the reign of the queen - at the time at the time of the Prime Minister Anthony Eden, and since the party had not yet been worked out the leader's election mechanisms, this issue had to solve the Queen. At that time Elizabeth, the second was often consulted with the legendary Winston Churchill, and with his filing Queen offered a new candidate for the Prime Minister - Harold Macmillan, who was adopted.

Be the Queen - it's not easy!

In all his long life and the long reign of Queen Elizabeth II survived a lot of adversity and even scandals. And yet, in every situation, she with a true British sense of dignity found the necessary words or actions.
In 1979, Uncle Prince Philipp - Louis Mountbetten was killed, and the radio-controlled bomb in his yacht was subsemed by terrorists from the Irish Republican Army. On the same day, the radicals decided to deal with British soldiers, organizing an attack on them. As a result, 18 people died.
After 2 years, the son of Elizabeth, the second Charles married Diana Spencer. Today we know that this marriage was not in love and ended tragic. Lady Di, or Princess Wales was a favorite not only the Great Britain, but also around the world, she led a rich charity and secular life. Even despite the two children, the spouses did not find a common language and, according to both, changed each other. For the queen, such behavior was unacceptable, she insisted on the divorce of Charles and Diana, which took place in 1996. In 1997, Lady Di got into the car accident, which became fatal for her. After that, many condemned the Queen Elizabeth II for its cold behavior on the days of mourning and after them. Subsequently, Charles married his long-standing love Duchess Cornish Camille Parker Bowls.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the second and the Falkland War passed, ending the victory of Great Britain and the preservation of the archipelago as part of the United Kingdom.
The queen was also able to reconcile Catholics and Protestants in his own country, because she is also the head of the Anglican Church. For the conciliation meeting of the Pope and the British Queen, the heads of two churches, followed the whole world.
In 2017 was the 65th anniversary of the rule of Queen Elizabeth II, and this is a whole epoch.

Monarchy today

The world does not stand still and in the UK constantly occur. If in the last century, the power of the monarch was absolute, today all legislative issues are solved by the Prime Minister and members of parliament, but again, only with the consent of the Queen. "England", "Monarchy", in understanding many, are words-synonyms, and it is harmoniously: the queen continues to play a major role in the life of the state - it has the right to declare war or conclude a truce, and it is her "oath of loyalty".

To this day, the queen constantly lives in the Buckingham Palace and only in the summer goes to rest in his country residence - the famous Edinburgh Castle. Despite the pretty serious age of Elizabeth, the second, as before, has many hobbies: engaged in breeding and training of dogs, is enjoyed by horse breeding and continues the traditional family passion for postal pigeons. Elizabeth II has the largest collection of jewelry, among which a unique pink diamond gained inherited.

It is interesting to know that the British Queen does not have a passport, which, however, does not prevent her from freely move around the world. According to British legislation, all passports in the country are issued on behalf of Her Majesty, this document itself does not need this document. By the way, the remaining members of the Royal Family this rule does not concern - they all have an ordinary passport. In addition, the main Lady of Great Britain is the only one in the state who can drive a car without rights.

Hello, my wonderful readers!

Have you ever wondered that if you look at world history Over the past 60 years, the only thing that remains unchanged is Elizabeth Second - Queen of England? Is it not surprising that having survived 60 years of change and shocks around the world, she still remains a loved one?

Therefore, today I suggest you to plunge into the history of the Great Woman, find out her brief biography, what was her childhood, as she fought for her only love and why it still remains a constant symbol of Britain.

And, as a bonus, I will share with you some amazing stories from the life of Elizabeth second.

The beginning of time!

If we talk about a brief biography of Elizabeth second, it is worth it, naturally, from birth. On April 21, 1926, a little girl was born in one of London's homes, the appearance of which did not produce absolutely no excitement in the family. Guess why? Because no one even suggested that one day this little girl will become. The country at the time of the rules of her grandfather, and the throne was supposed to take her uncle and his heirs.. So a little Lilibet, as her affectionately was called in the family, was just one of the many members of the royal family.

But Uncle Elizabeth - Eduard - could not cope with the fate of the heir of the throne. He decided to marry twice the divorced lady named Wallis Simpson (and, as the head of the Anglican Church, he is forbidden such a marriage), for which he was denied the throne. So, the king was the father of Elizabeth - Albert Frederick. And Elizabeth herself at 11 years old became a full heir to the royal throne.

Elizabeth grew by a quiet child. She spent all his free time with horses and dogs. But in a quiet baby buried the rebellious character. Once she as a protest against the excessive rigor of a French teacher poured a jar with a jar with ink.

Love and marriage!

You know, if you remember all the fairy tales that we read in childhood, then you want the princess to find his prince, they loved each other and lived long and happily.

And Elizabeth performed this particular dream of many girls. She fell in love. Fell in love once and forever. She met her husband in the Naval School.

It would seem that the Greek Prince is the perfect party for the future queen. But the royal family resulted in this union. Philip, though he was a titled prince, but nothing but this very title was no longer. His mother graduated from life in a psychiatric hospital, and his father became a playman. And Britain took a little boy in the Navy to provide him with the future.

But Elizabeth still defended his right to love. She wrote to him the whole of the war, and after her end, he proposed to engage in the Greek prince. On November 20, 1947, the 21-year-old heiress of the throne married.

In 1952, the young decided to rest in Kenya to relax. They lived at the hotel among the branches of the ficus. And it was the only time in history when "the princess climbed into a tree, and he descended from there Queen." Yes, unfortunately, her father died.

Why people love to eat in the second way so much!

Elizabeth rules Great Britain for 60 years. And still remains a favorite of the people. Of course, now the Queen is practically nothing solves in the management of the country, but, according to polls, 2 out of 3 citizens of Britain do not represent their country without mONARCHY. In general, the Queen Elizabeth in particular.

People love her for dedication. She suffered the second world war, being another young girl. She supported his fellow citizens, appealed to the affected children on the radio. But she was just a small 13-year-old girl. And then also went to the front when she was only 18.

She is loved for exposure and self-control. Once, during the celebration of the Birthday of the Queen in 1981, in the immediate vicinity of Elizabeth, squeezed on the horse, they sounded shots forced everyone around. But, to the general delight, the queen was kept in the saddle and did not even lend an eye.

People love her for the kindness, which is eloquently telling the love of animals. As already mentioned, in the youth of Elizabeth, the second was an excellent rider. And agile journalists made hundreds of times her photo with cute redhead dogs, which turned into one of the symbols of the British monarchy.

Her Royal Highness is modest, easy to communicate, hardworking, demanding, valid and attentive.

In addition, Elizabeth Second - the head of the family itself in Britain. The family of them, of course, as on the selection. Prince Charles became famous for a polygaman, Prince Harry - a walk and a scandalist. And just until I disappointed the cute old woman Prince William. But she doesn't care as the kindly long-life grandmother, loves all his children, grandchildren and great-Grandsons.

What does an 89-year-old old woman do?

What do you think, what does the Queen do during the day? Now you tell me: walks around the garden with your dogs, looks at the flowers and breathes with air. And here is a nonubwow! Let even the thought even appear in your heads that, being a 89-year old old woman, can be lying in bed to lunch and do nothing! Here is what schedule adheres to the Government of Britain.

  • She wakes up at 8 am, breakfast and browsing the morning newspapers.
  • At 9 am, the Queen goes to his office and begins to work with documents. Every day she gets approximately 200-300 letters, but she always browsing his mail, and then dictates his assistants. She answers almost all letters.
  • Then the time of the "red box" comes. These are documents from the government and representatives of other states.
  • At 11 o'clock undergo important meetings. The queen meets with important people.
  • The queen dins usually in the Buckingham Palace, where he lives and spends all his time.
  • After dinner, the queen inflicts public visits. It can be schools, hospitals, military units, nurses for the elderly, homeless hostels and other places.
  • At 17 o'clock Queen ... Guess, drink tea!
  • Dinner usually takes place in the official setting. In the evening, she can take part in the premiere of the film, visit the concert, to hold a charity event.
  • And only late at night almost the most recently, the light turns off in her room.

Interesting facts and stories from the life of Elizabeth Second:

  • The queen lives without ... passport!
    It would seem that we are not in middle ages. Now almost every person, with the exception of any aborigines from the distant islands, there is a passport, but she is also a queen. Queen of the modern European state. Queen, which visited 120 countries of the world. The thing is that in the UK all documents certifying the identity are issued on behalf of Her Majesty. Therefore, personally, they do not need them! The same acts in relation to driver's licenses.
  • "Unfortunately a birthday only once in the Goo ..."! But this does not apply to Elizabeth second. Queen of Great Britain 2 birthday! She was born on April 21 and she celebrates this date solely in a family circle: their children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. But the country celebrates the birthday of the queen in the first, second and - oh God! - Third Saturday of June!
  • Suddenly, Elizabeth The second drove a truck during World War II. The 18-year-old princess overpowered the king to let her go to the front. When the king still agreed, Elizabeth put on a military uniform, graduated training courses And it began to work as a mechanic and driver of military cargo cars.
    Naturally, after such a bright example, the members of her family - the grandchildren of William and Harry - did not even dare to refuse his military service.
  • Elizabeth The second one among state rulers who served during World War II.
  • Queen The first ruler of the country that took advantage of e-mail. She sent the first email back in 1976, when the majority had not yet known, did not guess what the Internet is.
  • Once a stranger climbed into the queen's room. One night of 1982, Queen Elizabeth, the second woke up to his bedroom and found a man sitting near her bed. It was a patient of a psychiatric hospital. Fortunately, the queen did not panic, and began to ask a stranger about his family, children, difficulties. Hearing the conversation, one of the Laces entered the room and arrested the intruder. As it turned out later, he climbed into the palace on the drain pipe and did it not for the first time. Last time he grabbed a bottle of wine from the reserves of Prince Charles.
  • Elizabeth The second is the most elderly from the operating heads of various states.
  • And you knew that the name Elizabeth (on english language Elizabeth) means "God's oath" or "God's help"? Yes, I am 100% sure now that any Elizabeth, which is rising to the British throne, is simply doomed to universal love.
  • And you knew that the queen in all laws is the owner of all whales and dolphins in British waters. If you need even greater proof of the kindness and humanity of the queen - let me know!

We can talk long about why we, in Russia, do not understand such a frantic adoration of the British of their Queen. We can die by force and the nature of 89-year-old British granny. But one remains unchanged: Elizabeth second is the symbol of the country. The symbol, losing which, the country will grieve very and very long.

And if you, my dear, you want to learn even more and more information about English culture, history and language - then subscribe to the newsletter of my blog. You are waiting for the sea useful information and interesting stories.

To new meetings!

Elizabeth 2 causes interest not only by British subjects, but also many other people who are interested in history. Not so long ago, in the UK, a sapphire anniversary was noted, which marked the 65th anniversary of the rule of the queen. Elizabeth was crowned at the age of twenty seven, when the country was still recovered after World War II. Until now, Queen supports the authority of the British monarchy.

Childhood and family of the future Queen of Great Britain

Biography of the English Queen Elizabeth 2 (then the princesses) began on April 21, 1926. The baby was born in the Maifer district, in London, in the residence of Count Strathmore on Breuton Street with the help of cesarean sections. Now this area is rebuilt, and in the place of house number 17 on Breuton Street there is a Chinese restaurant, on the wall of which a memorable plate is installed. The event did not cause an excitement at the courtyard, because no one could think that the girl would take the royal throne over time.

First, the baby wanted to call Victoria. But the father of the princess, consulting with the ruling monarch, decided to call it Elizabeth Alexander Maria. Baby christenings took place in the chapel in the Buckingham Palace on May 29. Later, the chapel was destroyed during hostilities. Four years later, Sister Elizabeth Margaret was born.

At that time, Grandfather Elizabeth II Georg V. The cousin of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II ruled the country for more than two decades, although also did not prepare become the king. He was the third in the chain of the Preconsession. Elder brother George Albert Victor died during the flu epidemic, and his father, Edward VIII, the son of Queen Victoria, died in 1910

It was George V who renamed Saken Coburg-Goth's Royal House in the Windsor Dynasty. During World War I, he refused all personal and family-friendly German titles. Little Elizabeth loved her grandfather very much, although by nature he was a hard and harsh man, and in the upbringing, he often overtook a stick. The result was the stuttering of Prince Albert, the second son of the king, from which he did not get rid of the end of his life. But to the granddaughter King Putal the warmest feelings.

Georg V died after a long illness in 1936 aged 70 years. Only after 50 years it became known that Life Medic on his own initiative made Euthanasia when the king fell into someone after severe bronchitis. The heir of the throne was considered his elder son Edward, and the father of Elizabeth, who eventually became the queen, was the second son of King Prince Albert. In the biography of Queen England Elizabeth 2, then there was no hint of the future as head of state.

After a sad event, the throne moved to Eduard, but he did not become the king. He renounced the throne at his own desire due to an unequal marriage with American Wallis Simpson. Prince Albert became King Georg VI. He entered the story as a symbol of the struggle of the British Empire against Nazi Germany. The reign of the monarch was marked by the establishment of the position of the dominion and their relations with the UK. So, the monarch created the British Commonwealth and became the king of all the dominions.

Elizabeth II at the time of the beginning of the Board of the Father was 10 years old. The hear of the throne was announced by Henry's younger brother, because the king had no sons. But Henry refused such an honorary role in favor of Elizabeth. So the girl became the legitimate heiress of the British throne at such a young age. But if at that time she had a younger brother, then the throne would have inherited him.

Elizabeth received a wonderful home education. Teachers taught her maneers, humanitarian sciences, horseback riding and many other disciplines that the princess was needed. She studied religion, art, story, right. Many sources say that the girl stretched to knowledge and even learned French alone.

Elizabeth II during the Second World War

No years, a courageous and conscious girl appeared in the years of World War II to the residents of Great Britain. The biography of Elizabeth II began to resemble the history of the Member of the Monarch family. In 1940 at the age of 14, she spoke on the radio with the appeal to children who were injured during hostilities. And the first independent appearance of Elizabeth in public refers to 1943. Then the girl visited the regiment Guards Grenadiers.

At 18 years old, the girl became one of five advisers - a person who has the right to perform the monarch functions in the event of its incapacity or absence. In 1945, in the biography of the Queen of England Elizabeth 2 (then the Crown Princess) there were changes: she entered the self-defense detachment and along with other girls was trained as a driver of a sanitary car.

Girl received military rank Lieutenant. The biography of Elizabeth II during the war years was associated with the front. Military service The girls lasted five months. She became the first woman from the British royal family, which served in the army. Future husband Elizabeth 2 Philipp, whose biography was associated with the fleet, in those years, also served on the front.

The longest marriage in the history of the monarchy

Since childhood, a girl wanted to marry a farmer, but her husband's biography of Elizabeth 2 was not associated with agriculture. The girl was distinguished by an iron character, so that parents' plans to issue it for a noble young man threatened. But in the end, the girl refused this idea, because her attention was attracted by a sailor. By the way, according to the royal family, it was a bad better than the farmer.

Cadet Philip did not imagine Elizabeth for the family, although distinguished by noble origin. The young man was the only son of the six children of King Greece George I, at birth was the title of Prince Danish and Greek. Philip is the great-grandda of Queen Victoria and the last emperor Russian Empire Nicholas II. After the renunciation of the Greek king Konstantin, the family moved to France, and Little Philip sent to London to relatives.

Young people met on one of the family dinners. Then Elizabeth were only 13 years old, and young Prince - 18. The biography of Elizabeth 2 (English Queen in the Future) began to change. The girl actively took part in secular events, because in the future she had to become a monarch. And the meeting with the prince marked the beginning of the history of the love of his life.

It is believed that during the war, when the young man wrote from the front, gentle and passionate letters of his beloved, his fatal father asked his arms of Elizabeth from George VI, but received a refusal. The family of the groom shook out, and during the war almost completely turned out to be on the side of the Nazis, because the sisters of Philip married the German officers.

During the war, other applicants for marriage with princess were set somewhere: someone married others decided to continue the search. Only Philip remained. It is said that Elizabeth itself made a proposal of the hand and heart Philip. Parents were not satisfied with this decision, but they had to consent to marriage.

Officially, the engagement was announced in the summer of 1947. The wedding was scheduled for November. Wedding took place in Westminster. The bridegroom was allowed to invite only the mother to the wedding, which for several years has been seriously ill. To the altar, the bride escaped his father. Elizabeth chose satin wedding Dress The colors of the champagne, which was extended by pearls and crystal beads. To create this outfit, court fashion designer needed several months.

After marriage, young spouses led an active social life. They often appeared in secular events. Elizabeth showed an iron character, and the romantic prince even fell in love with the singer Pat Kirkwood, but Philip was always devoted to his queen. Elizabeth did everything to stop rumors. Very soon she gave birth to the firstborn, and then the spouses left for the Philippines. There sent Philip on debt service.

Entry into the throne of Queen Elizabeth II

In early 1952, the royal couple went on a visit to the countries of the Commonwealth, but the trip was interrupted by the death of the king. He was diagnosed with lung cancer, but a man died from thrombosis. Newspapers reported that he was in the usual state of health on the eve of the evening.

Then Elizabeth, together with her husband, was on vacation in Kenya. The first news learned Philip. He became the first who kept kneeling and brought the king's oath. The queen then stayed in despair. The dispute was broken about the fact that the ruling home should now be the house of Mountbettenov, from where the Philip is happening, and not Windsor. But on the advice of Winston Churchill, the girl refused to take the surname of the spouse.

The biography of Elizabeth II has changed. Coronation took place in June 1953. The event was broadcast by central television in many countries of the world. The solemn ceremony collected thousands of people from TV screens and contributed to the popularization of television. This day must be changed by the destiny of the country. In the Buckingham Palace to Coronation was preparing a twenty-semiletry Elizabeth Windsor.

In the biography of Elizabeth II English on this day began new page. It was expected that the girl would be crowned with a crown created for Queen Victoria. But she insisted on putting the traditional crown of St. Edward, weighing more than three kilograms. Her father and grandfather put on this crown only for several hours during the coronation, Elizabeth II turned out to be the first monarch of special, which did not shoot the sign of power throughout the ceremony.

The design of the coronation dress Elizabeth remained in secret for a long time. The outfit from the White Atlas, decorated with pearls, diamonds and amethysts, should have been particularly spectacular to look in the light of the spotlights. The skirt was the emblems of Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries.

With this detail almost emerged confuse. Royal tailor mistakenly painted Narcissus as the emblem of Wales. The officials insisted that the dress was leek (this is a real emblem). The tailor was made by leek, based on the traditions of military uniforms. The queen called the dress magnificent.

Rehearsal Elizabeth did not pass in vain. During the ceremony, she forgot to make only one revuranta, while at the entry into the throne of her father a lot of mistakes were committed. When the Queen moved to the exit from the abbey, it was closed by a plot. The BBC producer decided to make a close-up, although in advance media representatives warned that there should be no major plans.

Beginning of the Board of Elizabeth II: Actions and Events

To the biography of the Queen of England Elizabeth 2 (photo of coronation above) from this moment on the attention of all citizens of the United Kingdom. Elizabeth at the beginning of the board complained to Prime Minister Winston Churchill Titul "Sir" and went on a trip to the countries of the Commonwealth, the colonies of Great Britain and other states. She became the first monarch in Britain, who visited New Zealand and Australia.

The second half of the fifties is the beginning of the nineties

short biography Elizabeth 2 Usually includes a dry transition of events and actions of the monarch at the post, but really worth mentioning the most important facts. In 1956, Elizabeth took Nikita Khrushchev and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the Buckingham Palace. According to the results of the meeting, the leaders of the Soviet state handed the Konya horse with the decoration, the picture of Aivazovsky, Pellerina from Soboley, a casket with a portrait of the royal family. Prince Philip received a set of wines, Tula samovar, painting and box with a portrait of a spouse. Little Charles granted a horse with a decoration, a complex of illustrated children's books of Soviet authors and a set of candies. Princess Anna presented even a three-month bear.

In the same year Elizabeth met with Marilyn Monroe in the London Theater "Empire". In the fall, the Olympic Games were held, the opening ceremony led by the royal spouse. In 1957, Queen Elizabeth II had to choose the head of government. Harold Maxillan was appointed to the post, who was 63 at that time. In May of the same year, Queen took Eleonora Roosevelt, and in October, he made visits to Canada and the United States. AlsoSaveta II became the first monarch, which congratulated subjects with Merry Christmas on television.

In 1960, the second son of the couple was born, Prince Andrew. He became the first century for the last century, which appeared at the ruling monarch. Next year, the queen continued his active travel. She visited Nepal, Pakistan, Vatican, Ghana, Cyprus, India, Turkey, Iran and Italy.

At the same time, a new page began in the biography of Sisters Elizabeth 2, Margaret. The girl married the descendant of the Welsh nobleman. Margaret was repeatedly called the "rebellious princess". She often appeared in the society of rockers, visited London clubs and constantly twisted the novels. With the eighties, she had health problems, addiction to alcohol and smoking. Sister's biography of Elizabeth 2 Margaret tragically broke out in 2002. She died of stroke.

In the summer of 1961, the Queen took Chet Kennedy, and in 1962 - only Jacqueline, which went in a tour on behalf of her husband. In 1965, Kennedy's family members together with Elizabeth will open a number of memorable objects dedicated to John Kennedy's memory in the UK.

In the summer of 1961, Elizabeth met with the first cosmonaut in the world. In honor of Yuri Gagarin, there was a lunch, which was attended by the royal couple, their children, as well as the sister of Queen and Uncle Prince Philipp. In 1969, the first person was accepted in the Buckingham Palace, landed on the moon, the American Nile Armstrong.

In March 1964, the last child of Elizabeth II was born. Prince Edward will further refuse the traditional for boys born in the royal family, military Career. He will receive a degree in humanitarian sciences and will work in companies involved in the theater.

In 1970, the biography of Queen England Elizabeth II was replenished with new diplomatic meetings and visits. She met with the President of America Richard Nixon and traveled through New Zealand and Australia. During the trip, a new practice of communicating with the subjects was introduced. Spouses walked through the streets and communicated with a huge number of people.

The following year, the Japanese emperor was accepted in the UK, and in the mid-1992, the spouse and their daughter Anna made a visit to Socialist Yugoslavia. There they met with the Tito Brooke. In September next year, the republic's spouse unofficially made a visit to the USSR. He met Leonid Brezhnev, Alexey Kosygin and Nikolai Podgorny. Philip arrived in Moscow as the President of the International Equestrian Federation.

In 1974, in the UK began to crisis crisis. This was required by the queen of interference. None of political parties He did not receive most of the votes, but as a result of the Prime Minister was appointed Harold Wilson.

In 1975, Elizabeth became the first monarch of Great Britain, visiting Japan on an official visit, in two years she solemnly opened the Olympic Games, adopted President of America Jimmy Carter. In 1978, the Great Britain visited the leader of Socialist Romania and his wife Elena. In the 1980s, Elizabeth met with Pope Romans in the Vatican. In 1982, Dad personally visited the UK (for the first time in the last 450 years).

In 1986, Queen learned about civil War In the colony of Aden. At that moment she was on her yacht "Britain". Elizabeth II decided to enter the territorial waters and took on board more than a thousand evacuated.

Elizabeth Board II in the late 90s - beginning of the 2000s

By definition of the Queen itself, 1992 became the "terrible year." In the biography of the Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II then the other sorrowing pages appeared. Princess Anna was experiencing a divorce with his spouse, Prince Andrew and Charles also diverged with his beloved, but at that time it was still unofficial. In the same year, the Windsor Castle was very much suffered due to a fire, the financing of the courtyard declined, and the responsibility for the payment of income tax began on the queen.

In 1995, the Queen visited Russia with an official visit, and the next year he took at the Buckingham Palace Bill Clinton and his spouse. At the same time, the princess of Diana and Prince Charles was officially announced. A year later, the princess was tragically died in a car accident. It became a shock for the ruling family and ordinary citizens.

Fiftieth anniversary of the residence of the queen on the throne

Solemn events about the fifty years of stay of Elizabeth on the throne were held in 2002. This is a golden anniversary. Unfortunately, in the same year, the sister of Elizabeth Princess Margaret died. The biography of the mother of Queen Elizabeth 2 was tragically interrupted in the same year. The Queen of Elizabeth Bowl Lyon died at 101 from a heavy cold. It was hard to experience all the England. The biography of Elizabeth 2 continued. In 2007, she became the first monarch of a special, celebrating a diamond wedding (sixty years of married life) and the oldest British monarch in history.

Diamond Anniversary Queen Elizabeth

The brilliant anniversary was celebrated in 2012 in the UK and the Commonwealth States. To date, the Queen rules sixteen states (twelve of them at the time of coronation Elizabeth were dominions). Elizabeth became the second British monarch, which celebrated this anniversary. The first was Queen Victoria. Many solemn events planned. Parliament as an anniversary gift invited the Queen to a meeting as an observer. This happened for the first time.

Role in political and public life

It seems that the biography of Queen England Elizabeth 2 (and the photo confirm this) - these are only techniques, visits and participation in secular events. Partly this is. Elizabeth performs exclusively executive functions and practically does not have a visible impact on state affairs. But during the entire period of the Board, it is quite strengthening the authority of the monarchy. Responsibilities of the Queen include visiting different countries with visits, meetings with high-ranking guests, reading annual messages to the ministers, dedication to knights, presenting awards and receiving ambassadors. Daily Elizabeth II views the news and personally responds to several random letters, which in huge quantities send subjects.

Family and the order of the inheritance of the throne

In summary, the biography of Queen England Elizabeth 2 was focused on maintaining the authority of the monarchy and performing executive functions. At the same time, she managed to give birth to two children, being on the throne. In total, Queen Elizabeth II and her spouse, Prince Philip, four children: Charles, Anna, Andrew, Edward. Queen has nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The first in the queue of inheritance is Charles, he follows his son, Prince William, his grandchildren (George, Charlotte, Louis).

Presents some interest Biography of the daughter Elizabeth 2. Princess Anna experienced a few attempts, she performs the responsibilities of a member of the Royal House of Britain. At the end of the school, the royal princess constantly organized a meeting, participated in the work of several funds assistance in need. Daughter Queen Elizabeth II more often than other members of the royal seven attended Russia. She officially represented its state at the Olympic Games in the Russian Federation.
