We congratulate you on the successful end of New Year's special tasks. All tasks set by Miss Frost and Klauss Inc., successfully completed. The first destroyers are a new class of ships in Star Conflict - available for the production and operation of all pilots. Currently, pilots can build and use only 8 rank destroyers in battles. Esminets of higher ranks will be put into operation in stages in the near future.


Esminets are a new class of ships. Heavy ship fire support. It has high firing power. Can use additional energy shields and special weapons modules.

  • The first available destroyers are located on 8 rank in the tree development tree.
  • Esminets need to be built.
  • For the construction requires a special component - neodium.
  • Neodium can be found in secret caches and ore of high-alkaline open space locations.
  • Get as a reward for the achievement of ranks.
  • Get in special sets.

Esminet Empire "Invincible"

The Invincible ships line was created during the second war for the Bartl sector and have since been constantly refined. The faithful "working horses" of the Imperial Cosmophlot was used everywhere for fire support for offensive operations. Military doctrines changed, the fleet was updated, but Invincible always remained in the ranks. For many years of production and operation, more than forty different models were created and countless emissions of the destroyer. The last model Invincible is deserved considered the strongest link in the modern fleet of the Empire.

Features of the Empire Esming

  • A more powerful housing than the destroyers of other fractions (100,000 units).
  • A little weaker shield than the destroyers of other fractions (12,000 units).
  • 7% higher damage is the main weapon (according to the standards of the Empire).
  • Additional bonuses with increasing synergy.
  • When reached level 2: increases resistance to thermal damage.
  • Upon reaching 4 levels: increasing the radius of the review / reduction of energy / shield volume.

Esmynets Federation "Procyon"

Only six months after the bankruptcy SOL-X INC it turned out that the corporation was spying for the vefses of the Federation for the Empire. By the time the most valuable database with all information about the federation ships left the hammer at the auction. A private investor who bought it was soon discovered by strange circumstances. Further fate of the SOL-X database is unknown. Most recently, Procyon, previously not known to anyone, presented the Esminets of the same name. Despite the fact that most experts are inclined to the fact that Procyon was created precisely thanks to the SOL-X databases, the authorities could not prevent corporations any charges. With its high-tech destroyer, the Corporation won the state tender without any problems.

Features of the federation of the Federation

  • A slightly weaker body than the destroyers of other fractions (75,000 units).
  • A stronger shield than the destroyers of other fractions (25,000 units).
  • 20% higher than the speed of the ship than the destroyers of other fractions.
  • 15% higher than the speed of turns of the ship than the destroyers of other fractions.
  • You can set 3 objects "stationary field", and not 2, as in the destroyers of other fractions.
  • Increased base margin and energy regeneration rate compared with the destroyers of other fractions.
  • When reached level 2: the resistance to electromagnetic damage increases.
  • Upon reaching 4 levels: the speed of the ship is increasing / reduced energy costs for acceleration / increases the speed of turns.
  • Upon level 8: an additional set of amplification of the suppression modules.

Esmian Jericho "Archon"

The Archon destroyer was first applied in battle with others in 4616 by Mendez family. The appearance of the prototype on the battlefield caused hot spores. Too much, the design of the destroyer reminded the work of the Great Master Arthur Liu, who died in the crash of "Monolith". The surviving family members of Liu accused Mendez in the steal. However, the Council of Family, struck by the destructive power of the destroyer, did not listen to them. After Demarche, the Mendez family and their departure to Archon's quarantine sectors became the basis of the impact strength of their fleet.

Features of the Esminians of Jericho

  • A little weaker body than the destroyers of other fractions (70,000 units).
  • A stronger shield than the destroyers of other fractions (35,000 units).
  • Faster recovery of the shield (+60 units per second) than the destroyers of other fractions.
  • Energy costs reduced when activating the objects "stationary field" compared to the destroyers of other fractions.
  • Additional bonuses with increasing synergies.
  • When reached level 2: the resistance to the kinetic damage increases.
  • Upon reaching 4 levels: an additional set of strengthening for the main weapons.
  • Upon level 8: an additional set of amplification of the suppression modules.

Features of Esminsev

The destroyers have a special control mode:

  • Free camera.
  • Sight always in the center of the screen.
  • The ship automatically secures the sight when you click on the "View" button (default - Ctrl).

The destroyers have up to 12 guns:

  • For destroyers have developed their own guns.
  • At the same time, no more than 8 guns from one side may shoot at the same purpose.

Some details of the destroyers may be damaged in battle:

  • Combat modules: No damage to work.
  • Engines: Fast and out does not work during damage.
  • Condenser: Special module does not work during damage.

The case of the destroyer blocks the action of its modules:

  • Some destroyer modules are effective only on the side of the housing on which they are installed.

The shield closes the entire case of the destroyer.

The color of the combat module on the Esmina case depends on its level:

  • Design does not change the color of the module.

Special module Esminsev

All destroyers belong to the new "suppression" role. For this role, a new special module has been developed - energy router. Redistinates energy flows in ship systems. Allows you to choose to increase the maximum speed, damage to the guns or restore the shield charge.


Esming use special weapons.


  • The kinetic instrument of medium range.
  • It has a growing scatter.
  • Overheats.

Meson gun

  • Maisoner emitter, medium range instrument.
  • Inflicts thermal damage.
  • It has growing rapidity.
  • It has a growing scatter.
  • Overheats.

Additional shields

Instead of standard rocket weapons, additional protective fields are installed on the destroyers.

Stationary field

  • Creates a temporary directional shield.
  • At the same time, several additional temporary shields can be delivered in different directions.
  • The operation time of the additional shield is limited.


Added modules for destroyers 8 rank. When commissioning, additional combat modules will be added to the system of higher grades.

PiRO emigerator

The cloud of charged particles is thrown, which is then flammable and causes all ships in the area of \u200b\u200bthermal damage.

Blaster gun

Automatically shoots enemies in the damage zone. The charges are applied thermal damage. In the active mode, the shooting rate increases, and charges become discontinuous.

Multiphase shield

In passive mode, increases the shield resistance. After activating the module, the resistance bonus increases.

Plasma turret

Automatically shoots enemies in the damage zone. The charges are applied by EM damage. In active mode, damage increases.

Starting "Storm"

Releases self-equiping rockets affecting goals in the guidance cone. Rockets are applied thermal damage.

Projector Chervotocyne

Creates a wormwort flying in the specified direction. When re-activated or when the wormwort of a certain distance passes, the ship passes through the preserved wormwort.

Open space

Improved report on the results of departure.

  • Now the number at the top shows how many credits are obtained by a pilot directly.
  • Revenue for the sale of trophies is indicated as usual.
  • The total figures received for the departure of loans are not.

Added new system "Idra"

In ancient times, this system was an advanced deccent of the Federation for the development of long-range sectors. There were miner mining mines, large factory complexes, logistical routes were located. The federation even had several ship shipyards here. However, in the last decade before the invasion, the region began to bring some losses: the mines were rapidly depleted, and extended shopping routes began to attract too many pirates. The federation as quickly as possible turned all the activities and sold its assets to private investors and corporations. The export of valuable property and dismantling stations was never completed when the Idra system was attached to the quarantine zone.

Collection complex - 392

Previously, the factory complex on the planet Ringae was engaged in the production of equipment for the development of asteroids. Supervising and transport ships were built here, accurate measuring equipment and plasma boys were made. The most powerful magmatic energy station provided the energy of the factory and all nearby peculiarities. About fifty years ago, the extraction of ore in the region became unfavorable, and the federation turned all operations. The plant was closed and sold from the auction.

System: ichida
Minimal ship rank: 7

Wheel "Northstar"

Ancient maintenance station, lost at the low orbit of the planet of the challenge-526, and stood abandoned if it were not for an emergency. Robert Artego, Captain Dreadnought Northstar, made an emergency landing there. Artego hoped to find a communications tools at the station and request assistance. His ship affected in battle first with others, and then with pirates, made a rigid landing. For many years, no one knew about the fate of NorthStar, while his raid pirates were discovered.

Location is located in the closed sectors on the border of the Empire and the Federation.
System: ichida
Minimal ship rank: 7
Station Protection: Does Not Act


Now the pilot can redo the already built ships of secret projects and destroyers.

  • Now it is possible to change the slot set for additional modules.
  • Now there is an opportunity to change the ship bonuses.
  • The synergy of the reassened ship is not lost.
  • The rental rebel is carried out for loans.
  • No other resources required.

The system of construction of ships of secret projects and destroyers has changed.

  • Now except for the choice of a special module, the player can choose a bonus for 4 and 8 synergies.
  • For each ship, a fixed amount of resources is required, regardless of how much and what passive slots were selected.
  • For each ship, the number of resources is different.

Tree ships

The appearance of the tree of ships is significantly recycled.

Features of the new tree of ships:

  • Ship icons have synergies.
  • The list of ships is now scrolling vertically.
  • For each role allocated a separate column.
  • Changed requirements when buying a new ship.
  • It is necessary to buy and pump up to a certain level of synergy previous vehicle wood.
  • It is necessary to buy a certain number of ships of previous ranks.
  • These requirements do not apply to PREMIUM ships and ships from DLC.
  • Premium ships and ships from DLC are taken into account when buying other ships.


The appearance of the hangars of all sides of the conflict has undergone a number of changes.

  • Allioned moorings for the placement of destroyers.
  • In the hangar, the camera is focused on the place of installation of the module.
  • In the hangars of Jericho and the Empire, their own musical themes appeared.


The fleet's power icon has been improved.

  • Icon is changed under the new design of the tree of ships.

Changed the order of assorting tasks.

  • Now the later task is obtained, the higher it is in the list.


Added reference processing.

  • The link is square brackets.
  • The link is clipped as needed.
  • Link has yellow.
  • The click on the link opens it in the browser.

Additional effect after the end of the "generator of the metastable energy field".

  • The ship involved in the effect has an additional 1.5 seconds invulnerability after removing the field.

Work on bugs

Improved location of ships in the hangar.
Fixed a bug with the ship model "Sword S".
Fixed battle bugs against the bottle team in the battle of dreadlows.
Fixed errors with the inability to complete the quest.

Discussion on the forum

Yours faithfully,
Star Conflict team

2 years ago

Do not play it if you do not want to disappoint as well as me. At first, it may seem bright and interesting, but you can see the deceptiveness of this feeling only by playing for a long time. In this game small online and all associated problems, there is no concept of units balance as such.
Self-based weapons and the ability of the type "Press Buton 1 to kill" beat off all excitement and sports interest. Anal pumping (paying now either Grindy half a year to one top imbeel ship, and the ships need a lot).
But this is not as scary compared to the inadequate and non-professional administration. Anyone can be worn for just like that. For example, for a good game. And these are real facts, in the old conflict really there are players whom Banilla for the fact that they played too well.
Now imagine you started playing this game, spent time, money, pumping ships and weapons, you have a good start to play. And then you in the midst of the battle arrives permanent account of the account. Just because the inadequate admin did something seemed to be something, or stuck in the head, or did you personally like him. And all, played, GG.
If you still have a thought to play it, or even more so touch, do not say that I did not warn you)


Heavy ships of firing support. They have high firing power. Extra energy shields and special weapons modules can use. Esminets need to be built.





Features of Esminsev

  • The destroyers have a special control mode: the camera freely revolves around the ship, the sight is always in the center of the screen. When using a "free sight" (default - "Ctrl") - the control will change to the standard for ordinary ships.
  • The destroyers have 12 guns. Simultaneous fire can be the maximum 8, when shooting from the board.
  • Some details of the destroyers may be temporarily damaged in battle:
    • Combat modules: No damage to work.
    • Engines: Fast and out does not work during damage.
    • Condenser: Special module does not work during damage.
  • Esminans can only use special combat modules and guns.
    • Combat modules have rotation speed. If you dramatically change the direction of the chamber, modules may need ~ 1.5c to turn.
    • Combat modules cannot be used not in their hemisphere. For example, if the pyro beam is installed on top of the case, it will not work in the bottom hemisphere.
    • The color of the combat module on the Esmina case depends on its level. Design does not change the color of the module.
  • The shield of the destroyer closes the entire body, but it has a spherical shape. As a result, the Esminian's shield has a huge size.
  • You can switch the control method by pressing the wisely key (key assignment is to look around).

Special module Esminsev

All destroyers belong to the new "suppression" role. For this role, a new special module has been developed - energy router. Redistinates energy flows in ship systems. Allows you to choose to increase the maximum speed, damage to the guns or restore the shield charge.

When assembling the destroyers of 8 and 11 ranks, you can choose one of the fractional variants of energy routers. Jericho is stronger than the restoration of the shields, the federated - bonus for speed, the imperial - a bonus for damage.

Esming 14 rank available an energy router belonging to the destroyer fraction (for example, an imperial destroyer is only an imperial router), a spatial stabilizer, and a unique special-module of a particular destroyer:


Aiming complex "Attila"

For Sirius destroyer. At a speed of 90% of the maximum charge occurs. The accumulated charge allows you to activate the module. When activated damage, the guns increase by 40% by 5 seconds.

Warp reflector

For the destroyer Tyrant. Upon receipt of damage, the shield is digging charge. When activated, the charge causes significant damage to enemies within a radius of 3250 m. From one activation will receive damage no more than 1 target. Damage depends on the size of the target. The goal is more, the more damage. At the same time, the destroyer partially restored the shield.

Radiation destructor

For destroying Vigilant. Deals growing with time damage. In addition, the goal loses 167 units. Energy per second. The module stops working if the distance to the target will increase by an additional 600 m.


For the Ellidium Ellidium, Ze "TA has developed unique special equipment based on technologies of others:

Crystal Roy.

  • Defense mode (the resistance of the housing and shield increases, the swarm itself attacks the nearest enemies within a radius of 1000 m.);
  • Protection mode (the resistance of the housing and shield increases, the swarm forms the shield and overshadows them the ship, additionally increases the ships maneuverability);
  • Tour regime (swarm forms a long-range turret, attacked by the destroyed by the destroyer target additionally increases the speed of the ship).

Balanced Roy.

Runs a crystalline swarm that works in several modes:

  • Defense regime (Roy surrounds the destroyer and increases its resistance to damage and restoration of strength);
  • The attack regime (Roy pursues the target captured by the destroyer and causes it damage, additionally increases the speed and maneuverability of the ship);
  • Hunting mode (swarm split into several groups that attack the nearest enemies, additionally increases the speed and maneuverability of the ship).

With the destruction of the roa enemy, the resistance of the ship is raised by the dam.

Fast Roy.

Runs a crystalline swarm that works in several modes:

  • The acceleration mode (swarm accelerates the movement of the destroyer and increases the resistance of the damage and shield);
  • The projectile mode (swarm flies in the direction of the sight and when you hit or re-activate, goes into the cloud mode);
  • The cloud mode (Roy freezes in place and increases in size; the opponents that have fallen into it are slowing down, cannot teleport and use the microbrope, and their radar range is reduced; the allies falling into the cloud decreases the range with which the enemy can notice them on the radar ; additionally increases the rotation speed of the destroyer and the resistance of the damage of the case and the shield).

With the destruction of the roa enemy, the resistance of the ship is raised by the dam.


Esming use special weapons.


A balanced kinetic medium range instrument has a growing scatter.

Meson gun

The emitter of mesons with fast charges suitable for defense at the middle distance has growing rapidity and growing spreading.

Installation "halo"

Electromagnetic weapon of suppression destroyer. Runs a special emitting projectile. Radio radiation is 350 m. When entering the goal, the projectile explodes.

G "tor" du

A group of special crystals launches the energy network, which, when contacting with the target, explodes and generates a gravitational anomaly by 2 s., Apply damage within a radius of 200 m.


It shoots short bursts of discontinuous shells, high-active gas remains dangerous for any matter. Gas inflicts additional damage.


Thermoactive gun

For the destroyer Tyrant. When heating, the gun is increasing the likelihood of critical damage.

Vacuum resonance laser

For destroying Vigilant. When holding the beam on the goal more than 0.5 s., All other enemies within 500 m. Get damage for 5 s.

Dragging installation "Kai"

For the Esmina Ze "Ta. Runs a cloud of fragments that damage. Fast pressing the button starts one small fragment. Cloud when it restores the nearest swarm.

Additional armament slot / rocket compartment

Instead of standard rocket weapons, additional protective fields or heavy drones are installed on the destroyers.

Stationary field

Creates a temporary directional shield. At the same time, several additional temporary shields can be delivered in different directions. The operation time of the additional shield is limited.

Heavy repair drone

Creates a drone in the direction of the cursor. Drone restores the housing to the damaged ship in a radius of 300 m.

Heavy repellent drone

Drone generates an anomaly that repels the ships at a distance of up to 1500 m. The repulsion rate is up to 550 m / s. Anomaly does not cause damage.


Pyro emitter

Combat module of the suppression destroyer. The cloud of charged particles is longer than five kilometers long, which is then flammable and deals with all ships in the range of a large thermal damage. The module is incredibly effective for sedentary, standing and group purposes.

Blaster turner

Universal combat suppression module. Automatically shoots all enemies within a radius of up to two kilometers. Automatic mode supports the shooting paced in 90 shots per minute. In the active mode, the shooting paced increases twice, and the charges become discontinuous, with a radius of an explosion of 100 m. They reduce the speed and maneuverability of the target by 40.1% by 4.2 s.

Multiphase shield

Universal two-mode suppression destroyer module. In passive mode, increases the resistance of the shield for 35 units. After activating the module, the resistance bonus increases to 110 units. In active mode, the module is able to work for 6 seconds.

Plasma turret

Automatic gun specifically created for suppression destroyers. In standby mode, it is capable of independently fix objectives and conduct automatic fire on enemies in the damage zone. In active mode, damage rises three times. The lesion range is 4495 m. An indispensable weapon for the defeat of multiple goals in close and medium distances.

Starting "Storm"

Automatic combat suppression module. For one shot, he releases 20 self-watering missiles, affecting targets in a cone of a guidance with an angle of 25 degrees. Each rocket causes up to 3000 units of thermal damage. Flight range up to 5000 meters. One goal can get no more than two missiles at the same time. It is very effective to use the module in battle against multiple targets moving a dense group.

Projector Chervotocyne

The suppression destroyer transport module. Creates a wormwort flying in the specified pilot direction. When re-activated or when the wormwort of a certain distance passes, the ship passes through the preserved wormwort. The maximum jump can be made by 5000 meters. This allows you to quickly and suddenly move on the battlefield. The module requires a lot of time to recharge and does not allow the destroyer often to use this opportunity.

Gravitational lenses

Combat module of the suppression destroyer. Creates a gravitational anomaly that attracts all ships around within a radius of 2,200 meters. The rate of attraction up to 135 meters per second. Harves the body of all ships that were closer to 1,100 meters from the anomaly. In the center of the anomaly, a radius of 40 meters, damage reaches 7,000 units per second. An extremely powerful combat module is incredibly effective against a large accumulation of enemy ships. Requires high power consumption and long recharging.

Photon emitter

The module of the suppression destroyer, which creates an unmanaged stream of high-active particles. Compact compressed particle cloud can overcome a distance of up to 10,000 meters. When the explosion creates an unstable space of a radius of 300 meters. Ships that have fallen into this radius lose the resistance of the housing by electromagnetic damage. The effect is summed. The space becomes stable in 25 seconds.

Repulsive ray

Ships in the beam for 3 s. Strip in the direction of its action. The goal receives damage to the case.

Combined Rocket

Runs a rocket with a combined warhead. After undermining damage, a combat drone is activated at the bottom of the undermining.

Destructive beam

He shoots a ray of far distance. The destroying zone is formed at the site of its fall. The opponents that came there are damage and tightened into its center, and small objects are destroyed.


Destabilizing field

For Sirius destroyer. Launches the shell that causes damage to enemies within a radius of 500 m. If ships that have in the field have a speed above 30% maximum, they receive an additional damage.

Isotopic Harvester

For the destroyer Tyrant. Drone generates a field of 500 m. And flies to the ship. All opponents in the field receive damage depending on the distance to the drone. Upon arrival, Drone's ship restores the shield proportional to the damn damage.

Remote director Min

For destroying Vigilant. Releases self-propelled mine, activating when hit or by timer. After activating Mina invisible. It works if the target is removed from it while in the radius of detonation 500 m., Or after 120 s.


For the Ellidium Ellidium, Ze "TA has developed unique modules based on the technologies of others:

Landing platform

For a while it prepares for the launch of Dron, capable of defending the ship when the module is activated. It can take on landing allied ships, while the ship-guest can not use modules, but gains enhancement of guns and repair of the body. The carrier ship receives reinforced shield and energy reduction.

Managing ROEM

Temporarily transfers the pilot control of the crystalline roame of the destroyer. Roya damage increases, and at the same time the ship is repaired.

Jumping system "Capan"

The ship jumps forward. Everyone who was next to him turns out to be in the cabin for a few seconds and can not move.

Crystal suppressor

Releases large crystalline shells that cause damage to opponents and restore the chassis to the allies.

Unique modifiers

Forced cooler

For Sirius destroyer. Reduces the heating rate of the weapon.

Warp-flow detector

For the destroyer Tyrant. With the death of the enemy within a radius of 2000 m. For 2 s. Restores part of the shield.

Vulnerability detector

For destroying Vigilant. Reduces resistance to the damage of all enemies within a radius of 2200 m.

Dead hand

For the destroyer Ze "Ta. After receiving a deadly damage, it allows you to control the swarm, which causes an increased damage. After the end of the module, the destroyer is destroyed. Additionally increases the speed of energy regeneration.


For the destroyer Ze "Ta. During manual control, it allows the shooting of single drones. Additionally increases weapons damage.

Esming Empire


The Invincible ships line was created during the second war for the Bartl sector and have since been constantly refined. The faithful "working horses" of the Imperial Cosmophlot was used everywhere for fire support for offensive operations. Military doctrines changed, the fleet was updated, but Invincible always remained in the ranks. For many years of production and operation, more than forty different models were created and countless emissions of the destroyer. The last model Invincible is deserved considered the strongest link in the modern fleet of the Empire.


  • Case strength of 100,000 units
  • Shield volume 15,000 units
  • Energy stock 3,000 units
  • Location of combat modules - 2 below, 1 left, 1 right.


The Buve destroyer was developed by a team of talented civil engineers by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Empire. The design office initially planned to engage only by peaceful developments. Unfortunately, in a state of war, the empire was not ready to go for such spending. Developers had to resort to tricks: they were combined with their civilian developments with the development of a new destroyer. The empire has money for him. The project was successful. The new destroyer passed all the tests without a single comment and was adopted. The joy of pilots, the destroyer turned out to be a comfortable salon, rightly like civil liners.


  • Case strength 113,400 units
  • Shield volume 18 480 units
  • Energy reserve 3 200 units
  • Damage to guns increased by 7%
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
Upon reaching 2 levels of experience: the body resistance increases thermal damage by 30 units. Upon reaching 4 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer. Upon reaching 8 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer.


An excellent sample of imperial shipbuilding, Esminet Vigilant was designed by order of the Inquisition, as an answer to the sharply increased activity of the cult of rheentants. The project personally oversees a special agent Miranda del Arte. The inquisition is familiar with the activities of the Order. Two organizations that have undergone huge metamorphoses since then, opposed each other during the time of the old directory. Despite the originally narrow specification, Vigilant turned out to be a universal combat machine. Soon he was adopted, and the drawings are presented in the ECN.


  • Case strength 133 980 units
  • Shield volume 20 160 units
  • Energy supply 3 400 units
  • Damage to guns increased by 7%
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
Upon reaching 2 levels of experience: the body resistance increases thermal damage by 30 units. Upon reaching 4 levels of experience: the bonus is chosen from three when assembling the destroyer when the 8 experience level is reached: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer
  • The location of combat modules is 2 top, 2 below.

Esmina Federation


Only six months after the bankruptcy SOL-X INC it turned out that the corporation was spying for the vefses of the Federation for the Empire. By the time the most valuable database with all information about the federation ships left the hammer at the auction. A private investor who bought it was soon discovered by strange circumstances. Further fate of the SOL-X database is unknown. Most recently, Procyon, previously not known to anyone, presented the Esminets of the same name. Despite the fact that most experts are inclined to the fact that Procyon was created precisely thanks to the SOL-X databases, the authorities could not prevent corporations any charges. With its high-tech destroyer, the Corporation won the state tender without any problems.


  • Case strength of 75,000 units
  • Shield volume 30,000 units
  • Energy reserve 4000 units
  • 20% higher than the speed of the ship than the destroyers of other fractions.
  • 7% higher than the speed of the ship turns than the destroyers of other fractions.
  • You can set 3 objects "stationary field" and "heavy repair drone", and not 2, like the destroyers of other fractions.
  • Increased base margin and energy regeneration rate compared with the destroyers of other fractions.
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
  • The location of combat modules is 2 top, 2 below.


The history of the destroyer Antares is tightly connected with the name of Amir Gregory, the founder and the chief designer of the FME Corporation (Federal Milling Equipment). A recognized genius of his time and convinced pacifist, he created exclusively civil engineering ships adapted to the most extreme conditions. In the first days of invasion, the Amir family and many employees of his corporation were saved thanks to the intervention of Armada. In gratitude, the brilliant designer created the first and only combat machine. Esmynet Antares, named after the native Amir system, became the real pride of the Fleet Federation.

Features of the destroyer antares.

  • Shield volume 36 960 units
  • Energy reserve 4250 units
  • 20% higher than the speed of the ship than the destroyers of other fractions
  • 7% higher than the speed of the ship turns than the destroyers of other fractions
  • You can install 3 objects "stationary field" and "heavy repair drone", and not 2, like the destroyers of other fractions
  • Increased base margin and speed of energy regeneration compared with the destroyers of other fractions
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
Upon reaching 2 levels of experience: the housing resistance is increasing with electromagnetic damage by 33 units. Upon reaching 4 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer. Upon reaching 8 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer.


The first "folk" destroyer Sirius was designed and created during the mega-popular transfer of "shipyard", whose rating broke all records. Thirty engineers during the six months fought for the right to be called the "King of shipyard", the outcome of their battle solved the audience vote. The army leadership initially did not believe in the success of the project, but gave permission to use one of his shipyards when the producers gathered the desired amount on the crowdfunding platform. To universal surprise, Sirius turned out not only to a high-quality, powerful and reliable machine, but at the same time - relatively inexpensive in production. After the end of the show, Sirius was put into service, and its drawings were transferred to the ECN.


  • Body strength 91 350 units,
  • Shield volume 40 320 units,
  • Energy reserve 4500 units,
  • 20% higher than the speed of the ship than the destroyers of other fractions,
  • 7% higher than the speed of the ship turns than the destroyers of other fractions,
  • You can install 3 objects "stationary field", and not 2, like the destroyers of other fractions,
  • The basic reserve and the rate of energy regeneration are increased compared to the destroyers of other fractions,
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
Upon reaching 2 levels of experience: the housing resistance is increasing with electromagnetic damage by 33 units. Upon reaching 4 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer. Upon reaching 8 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer.
  • The location of combat modules is 2 top, 2 below.

Esminets Jericho


The Archon destroyer was first applied in battle with others in 4616 by Mendez family. The appearance of the prototype on the battlefield caused hot spores. Too much, the design of the destroyer reminded the work of the Great Master Arthur Liu, who died in the crash of "Monolith". The surviving family members of Liu accused Mendez in the steal. However, the Council of Family, struck by the destructive power of the destroyer, did not listen to them. After Demarche, the Mendez family and their departure to Archon's quarantine sectors became the basis of the impact strength of their fleet.


  • Case strength 70,000 units.
  • The scope of 40,000 units.
  • Energy supply 3200 units.
  • Energy costs reduced when activating the facilities "stationary field" and "heavy repair drone" compared to the destroyers of other fractions.
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
  • The location of combat modules is 2 top, 2 below.


Designed originally for the protection of Jericho temples, the SIBYL destroyer always had two functions: military and religious. In fact, he himself can be a place of worship, a religious symbol. All his design strictly meets the requirements of the ancient manuscripts for shipbuilding. Perhaps thanks to the divine will Bartla, and perhaps because of the genius of the designers of the past, Sibyl still is an effective martial car of Jericho. His appearance on the battlefield Many pilots are considered as a blessing over.

Features of the SIBYL destination

  • Case strength 79 275 units
  • Shield volume 49 280 units
  • Energy supply 3400 units
  • Faster recovery of the shield than the destroyers of other fractions
  • Energy costs reduced when activating the objects "stationary field" and "heavy repair drone" compared to the destroyers of other fractions
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
Upon reaching 2 levels of experience: the resistance of the housing kinetic damage increases by 27 units. Upon reaching 4 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer. Upon reaching 8 levels of experience: the bonus is selected from three when assembling the destroyer.
  • The location of combat modules is 2 top, 1 left, 1 right.


The very first destroyer Jericho, Tyrant was created in the XLII century, shortly before the third war for the Barthla sector. It was created under the watchful supervision of oracles, as opposed to the Imperial Invincible. Powerful Tyrant was used in a bundle with low-tonnage vessels during raids to unprotected colonies deep into the rear of the former "directory." Despite the solid age of this destroyer, it is not inferior to modern samples for most parameters, and something even exceeds them.


  • Case strength 85,050 units
  • Shield volume 59 137 units
  • Energy reserve 3,600 units
  • Faster recovery of the shield than the destroyers of other fractions
  • Energy costs reduced when activating the "stationary field" objects compared with the destroyers of other fractions
  • Additional bonuses with an increase in the level of experience:
Upon reaching 2 levels of experience: the resistance of the housing kinetic damage increases by 27 units. Upon reaching 4 levels of experience: selected from three when assembling the destroyer. Upon reaching 8 levels of experience: selected from three when assembling the destroyer.
  • The location of combat modules is 1 from above, 1 below, 1 left, 1 right.

Ellidium destroyers

Ze "TA.

The Ellidium Corporation is proud to present its main achievement - the newest destroyer, created by scientists from the Station "Ellidium Teta". The ship is designed using the latest achievements in the development of crystallide technologies. Incredible offensive and defensive power makes the destroyer of a trump card of the team in any fight. The vessel is able to provide fire support both in offensive and defensive operations.

The unique feature of the ship is a remotely controlled special crystalline swarm, created under the personal leadership of Doctors Matthew Gilmore and Conrad DIMEN. This is a real weapon of retaliation! The punishing sword of mankind, stocked by employees of the Ellidium corporation!


  • Unique tools, modules, special modules and modifiers, not available to other destroyers.
  • The ship can be adjusted by a pilot to its needs with the on and off "nodes (nodes)" in the ship evolution tree.
  • Nodes improve ship survival, its combat characteristics, allow you to choose different special modulus.
    • The more nodes are activated, the higher the rank of the ship.
    • The initial opening of the node requires resources. In the future, its inclusion / off is free.
    • Each node spends evolution glasses. The total number of evolution points is limited, it is impossible to activate all nodes.
  • The appearance of the ship varies greatly depending on the selected special module.
  • The ship receives 50% less reduction of the shield and housing from any sources.
  • If 5 seconds the ship does not use modules and does not shoot, then its body begins to recover by 400 units. / S. (comes 200 units / s. due to fine).
  • The location of combat modules depends on the selected special module.


The office of the destroyer is special and to it will have to get used to some time, for example, the camera here is cut off from the ship, the sight is always located in the center of the screen, and we can twist the camera in any direction around the ship. We seem to see our ship from the side all the time and can control the direction of fire. The keyboard is responsible for the movement of the ship itself, but if you wish, you can return the usual ship control mode, through the control key, but in this case you should be prepared for the fact that you will be easily destroyed with more easy and moving enemy ships. The fact is that the destroyers do not differ in mobility, and the tools are located so that the most powerful volley is from the side, and not from the nose of the ship. So decide what is more important for you and more conveniently the usual management or a big damage of your ship.

Our tops:

Further, unlike other ships, the destroyer can not only be destroyed completely, but also to fail one of its parts. With a damaged engine, you cannot use the forples, and the battered combat module cannot be activated if you have been the condenser, you will not be able to activate the special vehicle modules. This is another feature of new ships. Now the player himself can regulate where to redirect energy. If you need to defend yourself, then all the accumulated energy can be sent to the power shields, and if you want to put more damage, then the energy can be sent to the ship's guns and then the blow from all tools will be truly crushing.

Armament and combat skills

As for the armament of these ships, only two types of guns are available to players. The meson gun causes thermal damage to the enemy's ship, very similar to heavy frigate lasers. The second weapon is an old-kind Relagin inflicting kinetic damage. The total damage of the destroyer is truly huge, but to fold this damage in the column and to apply it to the enemy cannot immediately. The fact is that 12 guns of your ship are uneven and wherever you shoot all the tools will not work. The largest amount of guns is located on the sides of the ship and on the nose, and then up and down the entire pair of guns. So that the ship is not vulnerable in these blind projections to help him come combat skills. For example, automatic turrets lead fire on all approaching purposes. And if the ability to activate, then the damage of turons increases. Also helps to survive the ship and a multi-phase shield, which on an ongoing basis enhances the standard shields of the ship. And one more interesting combat skill of the ship is wormochin. This skill allows you to increase the mobility of the ship. With the first activation of the skill, the ship in the direction of its course creates a tunnel, and with the second commits a jump through the space. If you need to quickly get away from the attack of the enemy, then it is better to do the tools and do not come up with. The maximum range of such a jump is 5 kilometers. In the attack on the enemy you will also help the so-called pyro emitter. The ship creates a beam, which is flammable after a while, causing a huge damage to everyone who did not have time to get out of the lesion zone. And finally, the rocket complex "Storm" produces as many as 20 self-watering missiles who quickly find their sacrifice. By the way, this is the only rocket weapon available to the destroyers, in any case. Why don't you install other rockets? And all because the compartment, the destroyer intended for missiles is busy under a special shield, which moves with the ship and does not prevent him from leading fire on the enemy. This shield is ideal for frontal attacks, because it does not miss the damage on the ship in the nasal projection and forces the enemy by bypassing the destroyer, put on the side of the side guns. But the chip is that this shield can be put not only in the nasal projection, and in the case of a sudden attack, put it on either side of the ship.

How to collect

In order to collect the destroyer, you need a standard set of resources for the crafting of the ship and one special ingredient - Iodium. You can get it in different ways. Previously, it could be obtained for the fulfillment of New Year's tasks, and now you can find in the hidden caches of high-level locations. In general, if you specify the goal, then you can scrape the iodium. After all the ingredients are ready for you only to decide on the special skill of the ship and you can start making.

These are the new ships in the game. As far as the entry of the destroyers in the game did it more interesting to solve you, and we say goodbye to you. Good luck in the fields of space battles!

The game has three (plus one "special") class of ships and all of them have their own characteristics and different "taste", plus, each class is divided into three subclasses - which gives a total of nine different "ass". Each ship has its own special module that will determine its basic characteristic - and it, in turn, will be with it to the very end.

So here is a list of ships, their basic modules and styles of games suitable for each type.


Interceptors B. StarConflict. They put on speed, maintain more or less balanced housing and shields and "cut" the amount of energy that ships of this class can use. The rate of interceptors can be a serious stimulus for frigates - besides, interceptors relatively easily "bounce" into the "blind zone" tools of the frigate and to drain it. Weapons on interceptors are the weakest among the three classes.

So, subclasses:

  • Interceptor Diversian (Federation). Sablers have the highest initial speed and punching power - among interceptors. Although he is very fragile, but it should be afraid in a fight alone. Their special skill "Plasma Network" allows you to shoot and wash off from the field of view of the enemy - as the network inflicts damage for a while (about 10 seconds). And if we take into account even the presence of a plasma gun and a rocket - then the saboteur is quite capable of destroying the enemy interceptor or an attack aircraft. Unfortunately, this is the only thing for which they are good - therefore they are best suited for the protection of the point in the capture of beacons and control.
  • Interceptor Rab (Jericho). The most "tank" of all interceptors. The use of their special ability is the "metastable energy field generator" - the ship itself is invisible, and after a few seconds it radiates a powerful ema-wave, which displays the system of high-speed ships for a few seconds. This ability can be used to make your opponents vulnerable to allies, leave unsuitable for the fight of opponents, giving their team an advantage - either in order to "hide" if the fight did not go according to plan. Use well in reconnaissance mode.
  • Scout Interceptor (Empire).Fast little ships capable of changing the map. A wonderful subclass for capturing beacons and annoy the enemy. Although they are the most fragile and firing power of them quite modest - they can not be underestimated (especially if they act as a group). It is best for monitoring and intelligence, but it is also well to select bombs in detonation on it - but it should be borne in mind that the use of a special ability of the "Microharp-Engine" scout will lead to a loss of a bomb.


Stormtroopers - more balanced game class StarConflict.. They have a good body and shields in the fortress, and damage tools are decent. The attack aircraft - as understandable by the title - are more suitable for instant and direct binding into battle and are not going to drain how the interceptors do. They are slower than the interceptors and are not so furious and turning - but more than the absenteeism.


  • Sturzovik-Barrier (Federation).The only real "stealth" -Clavela in the game, a barrier, makes it possible to suddenly start the fight - when no one was waiting for him. Although the boiler for firepower is inferior to shock and team - it's still a decent ship with good vitality and situational utility. It is good to use it for assault in capturing a lighthouse and control. It is not very good for detonation ("Stealth" leads to the loss of bombs) and intelligence in the fight (as the commander, the barrier will still be seen to the enemy, and as a R2yad ship "- the commander of the enemy will be visible).
  • Team Stormsovik (Jericho). The most "stable" on the characteristics of the attack aircraft - with good firing power and tank. A special module ("diffusion shield") absorbs all damage, but disappears if energy ends. But, in general, it gives good ability to resist - and bonuses, if the damage was caused by the way that the defense was chosen. Particularly more and not say, it is good for control and capture of lighthouses.
  • Impact attack aircraft (empire). The special module "Forcing of the System Systems" allows the style attack aircraft to instantly "increase" and shooting speed, and the speed of movement and the rate of energy recovery. It is recommended to use a shutture attack aircraft in detonation - because it can "buffle" as the possibility of destroying the enemy, carrying a bomb and its own impact of the attack. By the way, it will not lose the bomb, if you use a special ability - and even "annuls" a penalty for speed until its action ended. In fact, the drums are good for any other mode too - but here, depending on the tactics that the team uses.


In essence, the most real "cosmic tanks" - move slowly, turn slowly, but they apply a very serious damage and very, very strong.

Subclasses of frigate B. Star Conflict.:

  • Engineering frigate (Federation).The only frigate "melee fight". Given the special module "Combat Drones" as a result, you can have at your disposal up to eight cannons with a radius of about 1500 meters. Depending on the type of engineering frigate, different tactics are possible - in one case, the drone can restore the shields, in the other - to shoot down the missiles "on the fly", which is very useful against the frigates of the cover. It will serve in protecting the lighthouses or when beating beacons, in a team. But due to the small speed and turning, they can be destroyed by much smaller and shrinking ships. So it is better not to use it to make a lighthouse alone.
  • Frigate cover (Jericho).One of the long-range ships armed with homosexual rockets. The advantage is that the player can "be launched next" behind the enemy - either in general send him a rocket from somewhere because of the asteroid. The rockets also work on the attack on the area - and during the explosion they will cause damage to everything within 500 meters radius. Remarkably suitable for the attack of lighthouses, the enemies "from afar" or "press" the enemy in principle. But, alas, the frigate of this type is catastrophically slow and is suitable except for the capture of lighthouses or detonation, where the bombs are most often the interceptors.
  • Dolly ground frigate (empire). The name speaks for itself - long-range frigates local "snipers" and provide support from afar. In addition to the "capture" target also uses a laser sight. Because it comes to "sniper" then it will be a little higher than the goal. It is not bad for detonation and control. And the best option is to capture beacons, where, after death, the ships can no longer be used again.


The most powerful class of ships from available in StarConflict.. It was added relatively recently and their main feature is that players need to build them on their own. But they have nine slots for modules at once, the modules are unique, up to 12 special guns, the mode of a free chamber and shields covering the entire body of the ship - well, is it not charm?

Esming Federation:

  • Procyon.. High-tech, possesses a hull, which is much weaker from the "brothers in class", but "wipes them the nose" is the most powerful of all shields. Also, its speed is 20% higher, the weeks from other destroyers, and the speed of turns - by 15%. It also features a large reserve of energy and the speed of its recovery.
  • Anthares.. "Hardy". Relatively weak housing, but a powerful shield. The speed of movement and rotation is higher by 20% and 15%, respectively. Increased energy supply and its recovery rate.
  • Sirius.. "People's". The housing and shield are more powerful than other models of the Federation. Otherwise - the same.

Esminets of Jericho:

  • Archon.. "Impact force." The body is even weaker than the federation of the Federation, but a more powerful shield, which, besides, is restored much faster.
  • Sybil.. "Crusader". The body is weaker than the fellow in class, but more powerful shield - and is restored faster than any other.

Empire destroyers:

  • Invincible. "Working horses" possessing a more powerful body than other destroyers, but a less good shield. Elevated damage to the main tool.
  • Brave.. A defensive destination destroyer with a powerful body and shields more serious than that Invincible. Elevated damage to the main tool.
