Whether it happened to you when, remembering the past conversation, you invent many witty answers and surprise, how did they not occur to you before? Or is it elementary, not knowing what to do in a non-standard situation?
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All this is amenable to correction. I have already written that our brain, like any muscle of the body, can be trained. Therefore, it is not necessary to bypass the attention and speed of thinking. Today is just about this and talk.

  1. Facial expression. Maybe you noticed that emotional people are most quick to think? Watch in such a person. His face does not remain an impassive mask, it is alive and moving. Everything is very simple - during the thought process, the facial muscles strain and thoughts are accompanied by facial expressions. With a cold, not heated gymnastics face, think heavier. Check!
  2. Collectible. A collection of coins, of course, a profitable investment, but now it's not about it. Collect templates of behavior, aphorisms, all kinds of answers and solutions. After all, most situations can be described by any algorithm. The larger the solutions in your consciousness, the easier and faster you find a way out of the situation.
  3. Quickness solutions. How often the result depends on the speed of the decision. But in addition to speed, it is necessary and correct. This is the most difficult quality - to make quick and correct solutions. Here only communication will help you. Chat more with the most different people, go to meetings, in different companies, do not avoid non-standard situations. First, it will remove the fear that shoves an unprepared person in front of suddenness. And secondly, it will develop your experience.
  4. Practice. Perform an exercise on the development of the reaction speed (for this you need a partner): Catch an unexpectedly abandoned item, put a finger on the revealed palm of another person and have time to take it back to the way he will give up his hand. Peel into memory - you can remember many similar games from childhood.
  5. Oxygen- the necessary thing for the brain. Its lack typically leads to the inhibited reaction. Therefore, do not forget to be more likely to be in the fresh air and watch the room in which you are, which is ventilated. If you feel that the presence of oxygen does not help and "the bowler is badly thinking," the reaction is slowed down, then it's time to consult a doctor.
  6. Self improvement. I can not allocate this item. The more the person knows a new, curious, develops, the more active its brain works, increases the speed of thinking, flexibility. Again - there is a working experience that is so necessary for decision-making. Develop observation, use various senses, associations for memorization, concentrate on trifles.

Of all the above, you can see that only letting the emotions and watching the world widely revealed with eyes, you can increase the speed of your thinking and with dignity to leave any situations.

Eleanor Brik.

Some people are unhappy with their brain activity, netting on genetic predisposition. The speed of thinking directly displays the lifestyle of a person. Improper nutrition and lack of exercise, smoking cigarettes, alcohol abuse and - reasons for reducing memory and speed of thought. In the XXI century, the technique for increasing the potential of consciousness is widely demanded.

Gymnastics for the mind - a set of exercises and daily activities that can be carried out on the way to work during meals or before bedtime. Such classes do not require a certain place and time, because they are held in the consciousness of a person. The exact formula of "success" was not found, but are known ways to achieve a cherished goal.

Change the genetic predisposition, develop the speed of thinking and increase brain activity is quite simple. The main thing to adhere to a number of uncomplicated recommendations:

Regular physical exertion increases brain activity, increasing the amount of gray cells.
Curiousness - useful quality in the "race" for quick thinking. Find answers to emerging issues receiving new information.
Enjoy life, smile and laugh, because in the state of joy in the body is produced by endorphins.
Turn on the rations in the diet, in which omega-3 acids are contained - similar products will help improve memory, accelerating the learning process for new information.
Scientists have proven that classical music increases human ability to account, developing a mathematical mindset.
Regularly fueled in consciousness by adding new and interesting activities to the development of the speed of thinking to the complex of familiar exercises.
Do not neglect the rest, because healthy and strong sleep improves biological processes of life.
Analyze the information that happened to you during the day. Straining memory, you train it, developing thinking.
Learn to concentrate on a certain form of activity, abstracting from distracting factors.
Stop lazy and start reaching your goals.
Aromatic oils help to fight stress, soothing the nervous system, favorably affect consciousness and increase brain activity.

To increase the speed of thinking, it is recommended to take non-standard solutions that previously soaked absolutely absurd actions. Considering the situation under an unfamiliar and intricate angle, you develop the brain area responsible for learning new information and memory.

Effective exercises for the development of the speed of thinking

You can develop the speed of thinking using special exercises that stimulate the work of certain areas of the brain. It is recommended to choose classes on logic and account. The complex of effective ways to increase the speed of thoughts includes:

Having made a purchase in the store, cover the total amount on the check with your finger. Fold the cost of products in the mind to "develop" on the everyday situation thinking.
Using once again perfume, try the flavor to determine the components of the spirits. Define the components using exclusively smelling. After committing such a procedure, check the conclusions made.
After leaving the limits of your own apartment, remember the 3 car numbers of the machines that met on the way. Returning to the house, try to reproduce in memory signs.
Tie the eyes with impenetrable fabric and define the objects on the familiar territory. Before performing this exercise, it is recommended to make sure that the safety of the room is noticed, so as not to get injured by stumble upon the chair or other components of the interior.
If you are accustomed to perform daily procedures with your right hand, then change it on the left brush (teeth cleaning, food intake, work at a computer, combing hair).
Get home to the notebook, in which write down the phrases and aphorisms liked. Having heard in the dialogue with the interlocutor an interesting quote or reading an exciting slogan on an advertising banner, remember them to later replenish the collection.
Enjoy the dish in the food intake process, studying the flavors and taste of food.
Crosswords, rebuses and mosaics contribute to the development of thoughts.

The exercise complex must be fascinating to associate with positive emotions. If classes become routine training, it is impossible to achieve the goal. Get pleasure from solving logical mysteries.

An unambiguous answer to the question of how to develop the speed of thinking is missing. The main thing is that you have a strong desire to increase brain activity. Methods and techniques, exercises and logic classes necessarily choose, taking into account individual preferences.

January 18, 2014, 11:47

The world does not stand still, and we have to master more and more information at every moment of time. The question is relevant how to develop the speed of thinking in short time.

It is necessary in order to quickly navigate the changes, absorb a new one, keep up with progress, and, of course, use the benefits of civilization 100%. About how the development of the speed of thinking will affect your life, and it will be discussed.

2. Voltage and relaxation

We are talking about the competent distribution of sports and recreation. Regular sports improves nervous conductivity, saturated with oxygen cells, increase the metabolism. In addition, physical activity contributes to more productive thinking due to the change of activity.

Full holiday requires our brain for processing and structuring information. It is proved that after a sufficient sleep, a person better reproduces the learned material. Therefore, it is useful to teach something in the evening and repeat in the morning.

3. Continuing training

As we regularly train the body, you should also regularly train your mind. Our mind is needed information feeding. Reading at least one book per month can significantly develop your knowledge base.

Think that you have ever wondered? Maybe you wanted to figure out the car? Are you interested in psychology? Or maybe you wanted to become mathematician since childhood, but did not work out?

Now is the time to return to your cognitive dreams. Decide which unknown, but the insanely interesting topic you would like to explore. Take the rule to read one article or note on this topic. Literally in a month you can freely navigate in this topic, and your brain will receive the necessary number of new information for your development.

  • Two hemispheres think easier

The first trick is developing in parallel both of the brain hemisphere. We need to load logical thinking and develop creativity. At home, you can solve mathematical tasks (start with simple arithmetic exercises or algebra), and then listen to classical music or draw some time.

You can also sign up simultaneously to the courses of studying work with a computer and playing guitar (acting, vocals). The alternation of logical and creative classes will significantly stir your brain.

  • We develop the reaction rate

The speed of the reaction reflects the speed of thinking. Take the tennis ball and throw it into the wall with one hand, catch another. A few minutes a day - and your reaction can be envied! You can also use different tests to verify the amount of attention, such as the proofreading.

  • Use Mind Card

During the day, a person appears a huge number of ideas, the development of which could give significant results. But, as they say, not written is forgotten.

Drive the so-called mind map that you will include all your ideas. This allows you to strudule thinking, create associations and faster in them to navigate.

  • Improve blood flow

To develop the speed thinking, it is also important to pay attention to the skin of the head, the muscles of the face and eyes. Massage of the scalp improves blood circulation, saturates blood oxygen and improves the power of the brain.

Performing circular movements by eyes several times a day expands focus of attention - this will allow you to cover more information. The gymnastics of the face removes congestive processes associated with thinking, since the Mimic muscles are directly related to emotions.

  • Use technologies

There are many applications for a smartphone that allow you to develop the speed of thinking. Being in a traffic jam or queue, use them to improve your thinking abilities. For example, the game called "Balda" perfectly trains attention and reaction rate.

Be patient, and after a month of the fulfillment of these simple recommendations, you will notice significant progress. You will be easier to perceive new, gladly engage in learning.

You will faster make a weighted solution, generate new ideas. You may independently think of ways to develop the speed of thinking suitable for you.

Good luck to all in the development of your thinking!
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Have you happened, scrolling in the head just held negotiations or your participation in a turbulent discussion, with annoyance to admit that, to great regret, only now, after some time, they came to your head the necessary argument for partners or an accurate replica in a peak Your opponent? And the train, as they say, has already gone. What does the decision-making rate depend on and how to develop the speed of thinking?

Turn to the simple comparison. Have you noticed how is the speed of the information flow at the film in the cinema and the series on TV? Directors, taking off the film, are well imagine, in what atmosphere will look at the audience, and depending on this choose the appropriate speed of the plot. In the cinema you are fully involved in what is happening on the screen.

The temporithm of information is so high that the rest of the irritants are removed to relieve perception, turning off the light in the hall. On the contrary, at home you are watching the TV series in a measured temper, you have the opportunity to reach the refrigerator for something delicious, to distract the phone call and at the same time still remain aware of the events occurring on the screen.

The brain from different people also works in different temps. Someone easily focuses in information flows that have been making it like a film-action frames, and someone is able to process only the speed of the temporite of the soap opera. Available for a person the rate of processing of incoming information is called the speed of thinking.

The development of the speed of thinking is one of the directions of development of the disciplined mind.

The speed of thinking is determined by the rate of flow of the main nerve processes: excitation and braking. These are psychophysiological characteristics, and they do not affect the effort of will. But what can really be done, so it is with the help of training your mind to achieve an increase in the rate of information processing.

So, before you 10 effective exercises for the development of thinking speed.

1. Scenario "And what if ..."

Preparing for a difficult negotiation or a meeting, where you will need to promptly respond to a rapidly changing situation, think about possible options for the development of events in advance. Ask yourself what you say in response to such a question, or as you will act in such a situation, or how they parry for the opponent's replica.

Such workouts are useful in that you encourage you to build probabilistic models of the future in your head. Use preventive calculation of options for possible events as a simulator, because, representing the situation, you can arbitrarily accelerate or slow down the speed of your reasoning.

2. Exercise clean your speech

As long as your vocabulary is littered with this verbal husk, the tempering of your thoughts will be slower than the temperithm, which you are actually capable of.

3. Exercise to think in another language

When it falls the opportunity to paint out the hard time frame, make your brain argue on a foreign language, and not native language. Forcing the brain to build the logic of reasoning in a non-standard language, you train it so that he can then do the same in his native language much faster.

4. Reading with a stopwatch

Read the chapter of any book as quickly as possible. Came up the time you need to read. Now check again and quickly retell the basic information that you just read. Perform this exercise regularly, every time trying to reduce the time for reading, and time for retelling is read. So you develop at the same time the speed of perception and speed of playback of information.

5. Speed \u200b\u200balphabet

Put the leaf with the letters of the alphabet. Invent as soon as possible 3 words starting for each letter of the alphabet: three words on "A", then three words on "b" - and so before the letter "I". Gradually increase the number of words that you need to come up to 10.

To complicate this exercise, take advantage of the stopwatch again. Measure how much time you need to pick up 30 words. Then try to reduce this time, speeding up the task execution paces.

7. Dear calls

Sometimes abroad make money for international conversations on the mobile phone. Imagine that every second of your conversation is worth a lot of money. Remembering the conversation that you had just been with anyone, take the rule to mentally repeat it so as to minimize his time. Think how it would be possible to clear this conversation from unnecessary information noise - unnecessary phrases and questions, without which it would be quite possible to do.

Coverage by entering by anyone in the business dialogue, if the situation allows. Imagine what you speak on such a phone where the calls are very expensive. Try to speed up the dialogue, say and think faster than you do it usually. Focus only on the main thing, select only the most accurate words, do not get distracted from the theme, say and answer quickly.

8. Define your priorities

To train the speed of thinking, use prioritization practice. Everything with what you are dealing with, entering into contacts, you surround you, you can rank from important to optional and useless. The habit of ranking structures your personal information space.

Just as you can easily find the right things where they are located in a certain order, known to you, you will easily search for the information you need to make a decision. Although this recommendation can hardly be attributed to developing exercises, to follow it means in advance to prepare his brain to rapid decisions.

9. Read the humorous stories

Not only stories. You can also make a rule to watch humorous pictures. The sense of humor is always associated with a high response rate of the situation. Plus, the ability to see a non-obvious contradiction is connected here and designate it in the most bright and accurate wording. All this together and is the speed of thinking.

Do not just read or remember witty jokes, but are aiming to understand what is a joke, why does she cause laughter?

No less benefit to your mind will bring the collections of the Kalamburov collection. Accumulating such an unusual response experience, you train your brain at the right time to issue something similar.

10. "Up Tormashkami"

This exercise echoes the exercise 3, but it is much easier to perform it. And besides more fun. When you take into the hands of some magazine, or a book, or a newspaper, turn over to change the top and bottom, and scroll through, considering the pictures and photos placed there.

Try to understand what is shown there, and do it as quickly as possible. So you train your brain to recognize non-obvious signals, orient in the situation "overwhelmed". And most importantly, not satisfied the first answer, but to delve into the assessment of the situation. You can place "upside down" a complex intricate picture on the desktop of your computer.

Have you happened, scrolling in the head just held negotiations or their participation in a stormy discussion, with annoyance to admit that, to great regret, only now, after some time, they came to your head the necessary argument for partners or an accurate replica in a peak Your opponent? And the train, as they say, has already gone. What does the decision-making rate depends, and how to develop the speed of thinking?

Turn to the simple comparison. Have you noticed how is the speed of the information flow at the film in the cinema and the series on TV? Directors, taking off the film, are well imagine, in what atmosphere will look at the audience, and depending on this choose the appropriate speed of the plot. In the cinema you are fully involved in what is happening on the screen.

The temporithm of information is so high that the rest of the irritants are removed to relieve perception, turning off the light in the hall. On the contrary, at home you are watching the series in a measured temperithm, you have the opportunity to reach the refrigerator for something delicious, distracting the phone call, and at the same time still remain aware of the events occurring on the screen.

Brain from different people also works in different temps. Someone easily focuses in information flows that have been making it like a film-action frames, and someone is able to process only the speed of the temporite of the soap opera. Available for a person the rate of processing of incoming information is called the speed of thinking.

The development of the speed of thinking is one of the directions of development of the disciplined mind.

The speed of thinking is determined by the rate of leakage of the main nerve processes - excitation and braking. These are psychophysiological characteristics, and they do not affect the effort of will. But what can really be done, so it is with the help of training your mind to achieve an increase in the rate of information processing.

So, before you 10 effective exercises for the development of thinking speed.

  1. Scenario "And what if ..."

Preparing for a difficult negotiation or a meeting, where you will need to promptly respond to a rapidly changing situation, think about possible options for the development of events in advance. Ask yourself what you say in response to such a question, or as you will act in such a situation, or how they parry for the opponent's replica.

Such workouts are useful in that you encourage you to build probabilistic models of the future in your head. Use preventive calculation of options for possible events as a simulator, after all, representing the situation, you can arbitrarily accelerate or slow down the speed of your reasoning.

As long as your vocabulary is littered with this verbal husk, the tempering of your thoughts will be slower than the temperithm, which you are actually capable of.

  1. Exercise to think in another language

When it falls the ability to speculate outside the harsh time frame, make your brain argue on a foreign language, and not native language. The process that you run is similar to how the Tibetan monks train. Performing various physical exercises with a load, then they can then perform the same exercises without load many times easier and faster.

Here the same principle works: forcing the brain to build the logic of reasoning in a non-standard language, you train it in such a way that he can then do the same in his native language much faster.

  1. Reading with stopwatch

Read the chapter of any book as quickly as possible. Came up the time you need to read. Now check again and quickly retell the basic information that you just read. Perform this exercise regularly, every time trying to reduce the time for reading, and time for retelling is read. So you develop at the same time the speed of perception and speed of playback of information.

  1. Speed \u200b\u200balphabet

Put the leaf with the letters of the alphabet. Invent as quickly as possible 3 words that begin with each letter of the alphabet: three words on "A", then three words on "b" and so before the letter "I". Gradually increase the number of words that you need to come up to 10.

To complicate this exercise, take advantage of the stopwatch again. Measure how much time you need to pick up 30 words. Then try to reduce this time, speeding up the task execution paces.

With Wikium, you can do exercises for the development of the speed of thinking on an individual program.

  1. Dear calls

Sometimes abroad make money for international conversations on the mobile phone. Imagine that every second of your conversation is worth a lot of money. Remembering the conversation that you had just been with anyone, take the rule to mentally repeat it so as to minimize his time. Think how it would be possible to clear this conversation from unnecessary information noise - unnecessary phrases and questions, without which it would be quite possible to do.

Coverage by entering by anyone in the business dialogue, if the situation allows. Imagine what you speak on such a phone where the calls are very expensive. Try to speed up the dialogue, say and think faster than you do it usually. Focus only on the main thing, select only the most accurate words, do not get distracted from the theme, say and answer quickly.

  1. Define your priorities

To train the speed of thinking, use prioritization practice. All with what you have the case are entering into contacts, you surround you, you can rank from an important to optional and useless. The habit of ranking structures your personal information space.

Just as you can easily find the necessary things where they are located in a certain order known to you, you will easily search for the information you need to make a decision. Although this recommendation can hardly be attributed to developing exercises, to follow it means in advance to prepare his brain to rapid decisions.

  1. Read the humorous stories

Not only stories. You can also make a rule to watch humorous pictures. The sense of humor is always associated with a high response rate of the situation. Plus, the ability to see a non-obvious contradiction is connected here and designate it in the most bright and accurate wording. All this together and is the speed of thinking.

Do not just read or remember witty jokes, but strive to understand what is a joke, why does she cause laughter?

No less benefit to your departure collection of Kalasburov collection. Accumulating such an unusual response experience, you train your brain at the right time to issue something similar.

  1. "Up Tormeshashi"

This exercise echoes the exercise 3, but it is much easier to perform it. And, moreover, more fun. When you take into some magazine or a book, or a newspaper, turn over to change the top and bottom and scroll through, considering placed pictures and photos placed there.

Try to understand what is shown there, and do it as quickly as possible. So you train your brain to recognize non-obvious signals, orient in the situation "Perevils". And, most importantly, not satisfied the first answer, and to delve into a deeper assessment of the situation. You can place "upside down" a complex intricate picture on the desktop of your computer.

  1. Change speed

Because it is about the speed of thinking, it is worth practicing in controlling the speed of its processes. Make the same thing by changing the speed of its execution. For example, you can brush my teeth at different speeds, drink a glass of water, read the letter received by mail. Intentionally, then accelerating, then slowing down their actions, you teach your brain to work in different temps. Slow execution Try to gradually do even slower. And, on the contrary, quick execution is still accelerating.

These exercises will not give effect if they do not perform regularly. Execution every day one task will stimulate your brain to develop in the right direction.

If you really intend to seriously approach the problem of the task, how to develop the speed of thinking the exercises proposed here will help you

  • promptly respond to the problem situation
  • unlock that the necessary solution occurred to be late
  • protect your brain from early aging and devastating diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.
