For rent to me, friends that all already seen by us in the performance of "Real" and "Barcelona" in the spring-2011 was no more than a warm-up before the main battles for them. From a draw in the championship, no one became cold or hot.

Champions League. 1/2 finals. The first match

Judge: Wolfgang Stark (Ergolding, Germany).

Quotes of bookmakers: 2.64 – 3.40 – 2.80.

The victory of Madrid in the Cup, of course, rushed the pride of the capital, but no more. Cup He is the Cup - to it not only in Spain the attitude of condescending and cool.

Whether the case is the Champions League. That is where genuine passions and weighty fees. That's where prestige! Probably, it is even good that at first they softened at home - now they are guaranteed "lit" in Europe. It makes sense to hide from each other and normalized the load is simply left. Everything went to the background - even the final. On the agenda of the third round of "Clasto". Culmination is close ...

How coaches of teams were attached, the long-standing acquaintances on cooperation in the "Barce" of the last century, so as not to talk to each other's stupid things before the past games, and before today's meeting still did not restrain. And in absentia, they exchanged the bale.

Mourinho.In particular, he said that his young Catalan colleague in his own way a specialist who scolds the judges for the right decisions and was gladly reminded the guest, as in his time his team overcame Chelsea, and this year - Arsenal. The hint is understandable. In both cases, according to the conviction of the English fans, there were a resultful error of judges in favor of "Blagranan". In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bof course, there is another opinion on this score. However, it is not interested in Jose.

Guardiola Also, the word in the pocket did not use. "In this hall he is a damn boss, a damn master," the coach of guests threw annoyed in the press center of Santiago Bernabeu stadium. - And I'm not going to compete with him. But since he allows himself a familiar to contact me, well, so I will do the same. "

Cristiano Ronaldo and Marcelo are preparing for the battle with Barcelona

At the informed state of the catalan, it was noticeable: Replica Mourinho reached its goal. It is possible that the squeezing jose and sought - sow nervousness in the enemy camp. We also know: In war, all means are good ...

Although, to be honest, I doubt that such pieces of the leaders of "Barca" can be derived from themselves - tea, not the first time in "Clasto". Much more guests are concerned with personnel problems. Here they are just the "Blagranan" really big. Guardiola must have already forgotten those blessed times when he had no problems in defense. Now they pursue him literally on the heels. Did not have time to recover Carles a tumor in the liver discovered from Eric Abidal. Recovered long-suffering Gabriel Milito - broke Adriano. Outside the game remains Maxwell. This means that in Madrid, the Barca coach will again have to sculpt the defense "from what was." He has not so much. Puyol will probably move to the left, and its place in the center will take the nominal flaw Javier Maskerano.

Even more Guardiola worries injury Inainsts. Damage to the calf muscle, apparently, will not allow Andres to reach the lawn "Bernabu". Consequently, the pep will have to rebuild the attack group. This is more serious.

There are losses and Mourinho - moreover, approximately equal to Catalan. Disqualification left not a stopper Ricardo Carvalue, injury - Central Havbek Hedira themselves. But Jose, unlike the enemy, there is a significant replenishment. The game of the championship with "Valencia", in fact, "done" two people - Kaka and Gonzalo Iguaine. Brazilot scored four points on the GOL + PAS system, Argentine - Five! And this extravagator ended with a score of 6: 3 in favor of Real. Meanwhile, no, nor the other with Barcelona this year has not yet played. With such a "gold reserve", Mourinho can look into the future with optimism. And even let go of jokes to the opponent ...

In favor of the owners, statistics says. Twice Spanish Colossi measured by force in the European semi-final, in 1960 and 2002, and both confrontations ended in favor of Madrid. "Real" as a result and the main trophy took to the hands: in the first case, the Champions Cup, in the second - Champions League.

If the same will do the same and modern "Real", Mourinho will be the first coach in the world who won the Champions League with three different teams. Guardiola, as you understand, will try to prevent it. Very very try ...

War, no doubt, one of the most terrible tests that may fall into a fraction of a person. Nothing brings so much misfortune, so much sorrow and suffering how many of their wars bring. Starting with small intergovernmental skins, and ending with the catastrophic conflicts of the twentieth century, they pursue humanity throughout our history. In addition to the colossal risk to life, the war is also the hardest test of the human psyche. To stay by a person on the front, when comrades die around daily, or in the rear, when you constantly live in fear of loved ones, fearing from the front a fatal letter - this can only withstand a truly strong spirit man. I believe that the consequencyalist principle "In war, all means is good" - in the root of the wrong view of the world, especially in the conditions of real hostilities.

Arguing about the war, it is difficult not to remember one of the greatest works of Russian and world literature - "War and Peace" L.

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N. Tolstoy. Tolstoy ideas of non-violence made a huge contribution to Russian philosophy, and also reflected in the characters of many heroes of this work. The highest manifestation of moral qualities and humanity is the episode in which Natasha Rostov, a person with an extremely rich inner world, in tears, persuades parents to give all the training that has been at their disposal from the family of growth in wounded soldiers, who would otherwise wait for an inevitable death in French captivity. In this scene, the goal is to evacuation from Moscow with as low cost as possible, but to achieve this goal, Rostov would have to refuse to soldiers in help. This did not happen only thanks to Natasha, who was able to convince the whole family, and dispose of the owners fairly.

Another, incredibly heavy for both the reader and for the heroes of the episode we meet in the Roman-epic "Quiet Don" Mikhail Sholokhov. Here the heroes face an even more severe test - civil, "fratricidal" war. Ilya Bongchuk is an example of a person ready to go for all for the sake of the party and the "fighting bourgeois building". He is engaged in campaigning on the front, prepares militia in the rear, applies all his efforts to suppress the white movement. However, even it turns out to be unrelated to withstand the work of the commandant of the revolutionary tribunal. A week later, the constant executions of White Guards, the psyche Bunchuk finally loosened. He suddenly realized what a terrible sin committed, "carrying a revolution in the masses." The death of the sweetheart finally breaks it: death for him becomes a happy occasion, deliverance from suffering.

Thus, on the example of two different works, we were convinced that, in spite of any circumstances, the most important thing is to preserve the basic moral guidelines and do not turn out of a person in the beast. I would finish I would like to quote from the textbook on philosophy: "A person who violates the fundamental moral principles is undoubtedly acting against himself, as he destroys his psyche due to a permanent conflict of consciousness and subconscious. He does not avoid this conflict, even if he convinces himself that he has no effect to high morality. "

Updated: 2017-09-25

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To be able to put and achieve the goal - very good quality for a person. Sometimes it is precisely this lacking talented, smart potential personalities to achieve success and fulfill the conceived. Everything is, but no perseverance, hardness and patience. In such cases, it is support for loved ones who helps not surrender, but to work to succeed.

Modern society is aimed at success. Children from the first years of life are taught on early development programs, later give to all sorts of courses that develop skills, skills, teach critical thinking and so on. To be a smart, erudite, successful personality is good and right and you need to work on it. The main thing is in this race to teach a child to be a person who knows how to love, respect, be friends, appreciate other people and their work.

There is a popular saying "The goal justifies the means", which is widely used in the world. Competition at school, institute, work is not always honest and open. Children will encounter it and here is important:

  1. Prepare them for the fact that not everyone will do honestly, it is not always fair to decide. Let the children know about it.
  2. Help to be strong in order not to move to the methods and strategy of this sinful world, for the sake of their victory. Do not sacrifice friendship, loyalty, your principles, relationships with close people and relationships with God, but on the contrary - to take it with all the might.

There is a good example from the Bible - King David. He was said through the prophet that he would be king. Time passed, and David was not that he did not become a king, he is not even an ordinary shepherd, he is a fugitive, who hides from the operating king Saul. The whole situation is unjust in relation to David. David can not be reproached in infidelity or unable, he is a good and faithful warrior. Saul's attacks are unfair, the situation in which David turned out to be unfair. And in this heavy and emotionally, and physically the moment David appears the opportunity to take revenge on the King Saul, to answer justice and enter his own, which God prepared him. But for this you need to kill the king Saul. With all the desire and all open opportunities, David makes a decision that will not allow to cross its principles, will not make it possible to disappoint God. He leaves the king Saul alive and is waiting for this situation from God. It is necessary to explain to children that even when they face difficult situations, then sometimes a way out, which is not from God. In this case, you just need to be solid and strong and wait for God's exit.

  1. Help the children to put the first and main goal of their lives - to please God. All your goals and methods, and desire to check this parameter. Does the fact that I do, God? Do the methods, thoughts and motives, with whom I do this, God? So it will be easier for a child, and an adult, keep the right course of your life. When we learn to measure everything in the Word of God, then God himself will lead us to a spicy place, will succeed, will help, will reinforce and give strength.

And, although it seems quite an adult topic, the same problems happen in children at an early age. Collapse the guilt on the brother or sister so as not to be punished; write a task to get a good assessment; Select something in the other to be fun and joyful.

It is necessary to help and inspire children to set goals. Help and maintain them in achieving these goals. To teach the kids to the fact that, whatever a goal is, the methods of its achievement should not contradict God's Word. Reaching heights, it is important not to lose friendship, trust, mercy, relationship with God and people.

I suggest your attention a story called "Mainly to do! And the rest is nonsense! "

Happy viewing. Peace, love and wisdom from God in all.

Introduction: What could be worse than war for humanity? It is terrible, of course, natural disasters, and epidemics, but they do not depend on human will. War is the concentration of hatred and malice in the people, their destructive splash. How many grief and tears she brings how much human lives takes, how much destroys!

It is terrible that people are dying innocent, civilian population and children. Our people had to survive a lot of wars, but the first world, civil and second world war were especially detrimental and cruel. Many writers as Russian and foreign ones also appealed to this topic. They condemn the war, her minded breathing, they talk about her indulgence. But it also happens as in the Patriotic War - an enemy came, you need to defend my homeland. War is inevitable. Are you good tools? What can be in war, which is impossible?

Arguments: Lion Tolstoy in the epic story "War and Peace" shows the ghostity of military glory. Andrei Bolkonsky, in touching with the abomination of war, understands its inhumanity. As a person with high moral principles, he considers all means justified. Napoleon goes to the glory, the ascent road to the corpses of the soldiers.

A tragic MiG from the Civil War is torn by Mikhail Sholokhov. Ilya Bongchuk seeks to defeat bourgeoisie at any cost, considering that all means are good in war. Extremely cruel their reprisals with opponents of the revolution. But the price was too expensive for him - Ilya lost his mind. Higher value on earth - human life. The death of a person is equivalent to death of a whole universe. You can not deprive the life of yourself similar and remain without punishment.

War awakens and reveals low human feelings, the animal fear of death often becomes caused by betrayal. A bright example of this Alexey Shvabrin from the "Captain's Daughter" Pushkin. The fear of death makes it a traitor, there is nothing worthy of the title of nobleman and just a person.

Without the need for the United States, the explosions of nuclear bombs above the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to approve their positions. Many civilians and children, including those killed. Such management of the war can not justify anything, the life of the American people did not threaten. It's just a kindergarten of the winner over the defeated, strong over weak.

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people with fascist Germany left us terrible scars and scars in memory of how terrible means of warfare. Mass extermination of the population, concentration camps, burned villages, stunned young people, robbery and violence - these are the means. Who will return the ruined lives of young people, will gather spilled tears of widows, mothers, orphans? Who is able to do it? In the Soviet army, violence over the civilian population was prohibited, and Mraderism was, there was a high military discipline. For me personally, this is a sign of moral and moral superiority.

Output: There are wars inevitable when our consent is not asked. Often, our people had to lead the liberation wars, and the main thing in war is to be able to remain a person. Invalid violence over the civilian population, especially cruel methods of conducting hostilities. Above all the human life should be valued.

End justifies the means

End justifies the means
From Latin: FINIS Sanctificat Media (Finis Cattitis Madia).
Traditionally, it is considered that these words belong to the well-known Italian thinker, historian and state actor of Niccolo Makiavelli (1469-1527), the author of the famous treatises "Sovereign" and "reasoning about the first decade of Tita Libya." But this is a mistake - in the creative heritage of this outstanding political scientist, the Middle Ages there is no such expression.
In fact, this saying belongs to Jesuit Eekobaru and is the motto of the Orden of Jesuit and, accordingly, the basis of their morality (see: Velikovich L. N. Black Guard Vatican. M., 1985).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

End justifies the means

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis expression, which is the basis of the morality of Jesuits, is borrowed by them from the English philosopher Thomas Gobbs (1588-1679), which in the book "On Citizen" (1642) wrote: " Since to the one who refuse to apply the necessary funds, it is useless and right to strive for the goal, then it follows that once it has the right to self-preservation, then anything has the right to apply all means and make any act, without which he is not able to protect Himself". Jesuit Pater Herman Buzenbaum in the composition" Basics of moral theology "(1645) wrote:" To whom the goal is allowed, the means are allowed".

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004.

Watch what "the goal justifies means" in other dictionaries:

    - "The goal justifies the funds" The winged phrase, originally belonging to Niccolo Makiavelli Il Fine Giustifica I Mezzi. This expression is found in a number of authors: from the English philosopher Thomas Hobbs (1588 1679) from the German Theologian German ... Wikipedia

    NARCH, CAL IN SINONIMS: 3 The game is worth a candle (6) of the heater of the dressing costs (6) ... Synonym dictionary

    End justifies the means - wing. sl. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis expression, which is the basis of the morality of Jesuits, is borrowed by them from the English philosopher Thomas Gobbs (1588 1679), which in the book "On Citizen" (1642) wrote: "Since someone who refuses to apply the necessary ... ... ... Universal Additional Practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

    end justifies the means - On the justification of immoral ways to achieve goals. Art tank. The authorship is attributed to the writer and the political figure of Italy N. Makiavelli. This thought was expressed by them in the composition of the "Sovereign" (1532). Similar thoughts are ... ... Directory of phraseology

    . On justifying immoral ways to achieve goals. BMS 1998, 612 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    The problem, expressed in the famous maxim "The goal justifies the funds" and the relationship with the value aspect of the relationship between C. and C. and, respectively, with the choice and assessment of funds in expedient activities. Regarding the solution to this problem in the popular ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    The goal is an image of the desired future, the ideal result to which political actors are striving, which is an incentive motive activity. The goal in politics except motivational, performs and organizational, mobilization ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    Cf. It is a lot of money to get rid of it ... The goal is sanctifying the means ... Our fraternity allows us in cases of similar to the dagger or poison to resort. C. A. Tolstoy. Don Juan. 1. Wed. Some Jesuits argue that any means is good, just ... ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    NARCH, number of synonyms: 3 The game is not worth the candle (11) inappropriate (14) ... Synonym dictionary

    One of the elements of behavior and a consciousness. Human activity, which characterizes anticipation in thinking of the result of activities and the path of its implementation with the help of the definition. funds. C. acts as a way to integrate various actions ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia


  • The goal justifies funds, Evgeny Monk. The goal justifies the means - the leader of the criminal group of the monk believes. And if so, then any ways are good. Including the most dirty - murder, bribing, blackmail. Competitors at the monk ...
