Top most famous catch phrases

    And who are the judges?
    A quote from the comedy by A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), no. 2, yavl. 5, words by Chatsky:
    And who are the judges? - For antiquity years
    Their enmity is irreconcilable to a free life,
    Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers
    The times of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimea.

    Balzac age
    The expression arose after the publication of the novel by the French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) "Woman of Thirty" (1831); used as a characteristic of women aged 30-40 years.

    No rudder and no sails
    Quote from the poem "The Demon" by M. Yu. Lernotov (1842), part 1:
    On the air ocean
    No rudder and no sails
    They float quietly in the fog -
    Choir slender luminaries.

    White crow
    This expression, as a designation of a rare, sharply different from the rest of the person, is given in the 7th satire of the Roman poet Juvenal (middle of the 1st century - after 127 AD):
    Fate gives kingdoms to slaves, delivers triumphs to captives.
    However, such a lucky man happens less often than a white crow.

    Borzoi puppies to take
    Arose from the comedy of N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General", d.1, yavl.1, the words of Lyapin-Tyapkin: "Sins are different to sins. I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter."

    Throw a stone
    The expression "to throw a stone" at someone in the sense of "accuse" arose from the Gospel (John 8, 7); Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees, who, tempting him, brought a woman convicted of adultery to him: "He that is without sin among you, first throw a stone at her" (in ancient Judea there was an execution - to stone them with stones).

    Paper endures everything (Paper does not blush)
    The expression goes back to the Roman writer and orator Cicero (106 - 43 BC); in his letters "To friends" there is an expression: "Epistola non erubescit" - "The letter does not blush", that is, in writing you can express such thoughts that hesitate to express orally.

    To be or not to be is the question
    The beginning of Hamlet's monologue in Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name, translated by N.A. Field (1837).

    You cannot harness a horse and a quivering doe in one cart.
    A quote from the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Poltava" (1829).

    Great, mighty, truthful and fluent Russian language
    A quote from a poem in prose by I.S. Turgenev "Russian language" (1882).

    Let's go back to our rams
    With these words, in the farce "Lawyer Pierre Patlen" (about 1470), the first in a series of anonymous farces about the lawyer Patlen, the judge interrupts the speech of a rich clothier. Having initiated a case against the shepherd who stole the sheep from him, the clothmaker, forgetting about his litigation, showered reproaches on the shepherd's defender, the lawyer Patlen, who did not pay him for six cubits of cloth.

    Wolf in sheep's clothing
    The expression arose from the Gospel: "Take care of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

    In borrowed plumes
    Arose from the fable of I.A. Krylov's "The Crow" (1825).

    Time is money
    An aphorism from the work of the American scientist and politician Franklin (1706-1790) "Advice to a Young Merchant" (1748).

    I carry everything with me
    The expression originated from ancient Greek tradition. When the Persian king Cyrus occupied the city of Priene in Ionia, the inhabitants left it, taking with them the most valuable of their property. Only Bias, one of the "seven wise men", a native of Priene, left empty-handed. In response to the puzzled questions of his fellow citizens, he answered, referring to spiritual values: "I carry everything with me." This expression is often used in the Latin formulation belonging to Cicero: Omnia mea mecum porto.

    Everything flows, everything changes
    This expression, which determines the constant variability of all things, expresses the essence of the teachings of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 530-470 BC)

    Was there a boy?
    One of the episodes of M. Gorky's novel "The Life of Klim Samgin" tells about the skating of the boy Klim with other children. Boris Varavka and Varya Somova fall into the wormwood. Klim gives Boris the end of his gymnasium belt, but, feeling that he is being pulled into the water, releases the belt from his hands. Children are drowning. When the search for the drowned begins, Klima is struck by "someone's serious mistrustful question: - Was there a boy, maybe there was no boy?" The last phrase became a catchword as a figurative expression of extreme doubt about anything.

    Twenty two misfortunes
    So in the play by AP Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" (1903) they call the clerk Epikhodov, with whom some comic trouble happens every day. The expression is applied to people with whom some kind of misfortune constantly happens.

    Twenty three years and nothing has been done for immortality
    The words of Don Carlos from F. Schiller's drama "Don Carlos, the Spanish Infant" (1782), no. 2, yavl. 2.

    Two-faced Janus
    In Roman mythology, Janus - the god of time, as well as all beginning and end, entrances and exits (janua - door) - was depicted with two faces facing opposite directions: young - forward, into the future, old - back, into the past. The resulting expression "two-faced Janus" or simply "Janus" means: a two-faced person.

    The matter of helping drowning people is the work of the drowning themselves
    In the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov "Twelve Chairs" (1927), chapter 34 mentions a poster with this slogan, hung in the club at the evening of the Society for Rescue on Waters.

    Money doesn't smell
    The expression arose from the words of the Roman emperor (69 - 79 AD) Vespasian, said by him, as Suetonius reports in his life, on the following occasion. When Vespasian's son Titus reproached his father for imposing a tax on public latrines, Vespasian brought the first money received from this tax to his nose and asked if it smelled. In response to a negative answer from Titus Vespasian said: "And yet they are from urine."

    "Domostroy" is a monument of Russian literature of the 16th century, which is a collection of everyday rules and moral teachings. The husband, according to "Domostroy", is the head of the family, the master of the wife, and "Domostroy" specifies in detail when he should beat his wife, etc. Hence the word "homebuilding" means: a conservative way of family life, morality, affirming the slave position of women.

    Draconian measures
    This is the name of the excessively harsh laws by the name of the Dragon, the first legislator of the Athenian Republic (VII century BC). Among the punishments determined by its laws, the death penalty allegedly occupied a prominent place, which punished, for example, such an offense as stealing vegetables. There was a legend that these laws were written in blood (Plutarch, Solon). In literary speech, the expression "draconian laws", "draconian measures, punishments" have become entrenched in the meaning of harsh, cruel laws.

    Eat to live, not live to eat
    The aphorism belongs to Socrates (469-399 BC) and was often quoted by ancient writers.

    Yellow press
    In 1895, the American graphic artist Richard Outcault published a series of frivolous drawings with humorous text in a number of issues of the New York newspaper "The World"; among the drawings was a child in a yellow shirt, to whom various funny sayings were attributed. Soon another newspaper, the New York Journal, began printing a series of similar drawings. A dispute arose between the two newspapers over the primacy of the "yellow boy". In 1896, Erwin Wordman, editor of the New York Press, published an article in his magazine contemptuously calling both rival newspapers "yellow press." Since then, the expression has become winged.

    Finest hour
    Expression of Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) from the preface to his collection of historical novels "The Star Clock of Humanity" (1927). Zweig explains that he called the historical moments the finest hours "because, like eternal stars, they invariably shine in the nights of oblivion and decay."

    Knowledge is power
    Expression of the English philosopher Francis Bacon in Moral and Political Essays (1597).

    Golden mean
    Expression from the 2nd book of odes by the Roman poet Horace: "aurea mediocritas".

    And boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand
    Quote from M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Both boring and sad" (1840).

    And you Brute?
    In Shakespeare's tragedy "Julius Caesar" (d.3, yavl.1) with these words the dying Caesar addresses Brutus, who was among the conspirators who attacked him in the Senate. Historians consider this phrase legendary. Mark Junius Brutus, whom Caesar considered his supporter, became the head of a conspiracy against him and was one of the participants in his assassination in 44 BC.

    Choose the lesser of two evils
    An expression found in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle "Nicomachean Ethics" in the form: "The lesser of evils must be chosen." In Cicero (in the essay "On Duties") it is said: "One should not only choose the least of the evils, but also extract from them what may be good in them."

    Make an elephant out of a fly
    The expression belongs to the ancients. It is quoted by the Greek writer Lucian (III century AD), who ends his satirical Praise to the Fly as follows: , according to the proverb, I make an elephant out of a fly. "

    The expression is used in the meaning: something that gives a special taste, attractiveness to something (a dish, story, person, etc.). It arose from a popular proverb: "Kvass is not expensive, a zest is expensive in kvass"; became winged after the appearance of Leo Tolstoy's drama The Living Corpse (1912). The hero of the drama Protasov, talking about his family life, says: "My wife was an ideal woman ... But what can I tell you? There was no zest, you know, there was a zest in kvass?" And you won't forget without the game ... "

    Capital to acquire and innocence to observe
    Expression popularized by ME Saltykov-Shchedrin ("Letters to Aunt", letter 10, 1882; "Children of Moscow", "Little Things in Life", 1877, "Shelter of Mon Repos").

    A biblical expression that arose from the description of a special rite of the imposition of the sins of the whole people on a living goat, which existed among the ancient Jews; on the day of absolution, the high priest laid both hands on the head of a living goat as a sign of the laying on of the sins of the Jewish people, after which the goat was driven out into the wilderness. The expression is used in the sense: a person who is constantly blamed for someone else's fault, who is responsible for others.

    a swan song
    The expression is used in the meaning: the last manifestation of talent. Based on the belief that swans sing before death, it originated in antiquity. Evidence of this is found in one of Aesop's fables (6th century BC): "They say that swans sing before they die."

    Summer. Sink into oblivion
    In Greek mythology, Lethe is the river of oblivion in Hades, the underworld; the souls of the dead, upon arrival in the underworld, drank water from it and forgot their whole past life.

    Flying Dutchman
    The Dutch legend has preserved the story of a sailor who vowed to round the cape that blocked his path in a violent storm, even if it took him forever. For his pride, he was doomed to forever rush on a ship on the raging sea, never touching the shore. This legend, obviously, arose in the age of great discoveries. It is possible that its historical basis was the expedition of Vasco da Gama (1469-1524), who circled the Cape of Good Hope in 1497. In the XVII century. this legend was timed to coincide with several Dutch captains, which is reflected in its name.

    Seize the moment
    The expression, apparently, goes back to Horace ("carpe diem" - "seize the day", "take advantage of the day").

    Lion's share
    The expression goes back to the fable of the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop "The Lion, the Fox and the Donkey", the plot of which - the division of prey among the animals - was used after him by Phaedrus, La Fontaine and other fabulists.

    The Moor has done his job, the Moor can go
    Quote from the drama by F. Schiller (1759 - 1805) "Fiesco's Conspiracy in Genoa" (1783). This phrase (d.3, yavl.4) is uttered by the Moor, who turned out to be unnecessary after he helped Count Fisko organize a republican uprising against the tyrant of Genoa, Doge Doria. This phrase has become a saying characterizing a cynical attitude towards a person whose services are no longer needed.

    Manna from heaven
    According to the Bible, manna is the food that God sent to the Jews every morning from heaven, when they walked in the wilderness to the promised land (Exodus, 16, 14-16 and 31).

    The expression arose from IA Krylov's fable "The Hermit and the Bear" (1808).

    The idea that the happiness of the first time of marriage is quickly replaced by the bitterness of disappointment, figuratively expressed in oriental folklore, was used by Voltaire for his philosophical novel "Zadig, or Fate" (1747), in the 3rd chapter of which he writes: "Zadig experienced that the first month of marriage, as described in Zend, is a honeymoon, and the second is a wormwood. "

    Between a rock and a hard place
    The title of the novel (1868) by Friedrich Spielhagen (1829-1911). It is used as a characteristic of the plight of someone, when danger and trouble threaten from both sides.

    The wealthy Roman patrician Gaius Cilny Maecenas (between 74 and 64 - 8 BC) was widely patronized by artists and poets. Horace, Virgil, Propertius glorified him in their poems. Martial (40 - 102 AD) in one of his epigrams says: "There would be, Flaccus, Maecenas, there would be no lack of Marons", that is, in Virgils (Vergilius Maro). Thanks to the poems of these poets, his name became a household name for a wealthy patron of the arts and sciences.

    Your gift is not dear to me, your love is dear
    Expression from the Russian folk song "On the street pavement":
    Oh my darling is good
    Chernobrov soul, comely,
    Brought me a present
    Dear gift,
    From the hand a gold ring.
    Your gift is not dear to me, -
    The road is your love.
    I don't want to wear a ring
    I want to love my friend so much.

    We have a road for young people everywhere
    Quote from "Song of the Motherland" in the film "Circus" (1936), text by V. I. Lebedev-Kumach, music by I. O. Dunaevsky.

    Rivers of milk, jelly banks
    Expression from a Russian folk tale.

    Silent means consent
    Expression of the Pope (1294-1303) Boniface VIII in one of his epistles included in canon law (a set of decrees of church authority). This expression goes back to Sophocles (496-406 BC), in whose tragedy "The Trakhino women" it is said: "Do you not understand that by silence you agree with the accuser?"

    Tantalum flour
    In Greek mythology, Tantalus, the king of Phrygia (also called the king of Lydia), was a favorite of the gods, who often invited him to their feasts. But, being proud of his position, he insulted the gods, for which he was severely punished. According to Homer ("The Odyssey"), his punishment consisted in the fact that, being cast down into Tartarus (hell), he always experiences intolerable torments of thirst and hunger; he stands up to his throat in water, but the water recedes from him as soon as he bows his head to drink; branches with luxurious fruits hung over him, but as soon as he stretches out his hands to them, the branches deflect. Hence the expression "torment of Tantalus" arose, which has the meaning: intolerable torment due to the inability to achieve the desired goal, despite its proximity.

    We are lazy and not curious
    A quote from "Travel to Arzrum" (1836) by Alexander Pushkin, ch. 2.

    We cannot wait for favors from nature, it is our task to take them from her.
    The expression belongs to the biologist-geneticist and breeder I. V. Michurin (1855-1935), in practice, on a large scale, who showed the ability to change the hereditary forms of organisms, adapting them to the needs of humans.

    On the seventh sky
    The expression meaning the highest degree of joy, happiness, goes back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), who explains the structure of the firmament in the work "On Heaven". He believed that the sky consists of seven immovable crystal spheres, on which the stars and planets are affirmed. The seven heavens are mentioned in various places in the Qur'an: for example, it is said that the Qur'an itself was brought by an angel from the seventh heaven.

    Our regiment has arrived
    Expression from the ancient "game" song "We sowed millet"; used in the meaning: there are more people like us (in some respect).

    Do not throw beads in front of pigs
    Expression from the Gospel: "Do not give the holy things to the dogs and do not throw your pearls (church-glorious beads) before the pigs, so that they do not trample it under their feet and, turning, do not tear you to pieces" (Matt. 7, 6). Used in the sense: do not waste words with people who cannot understand them, appreciate them.

    Without further ado
    Expression from the tragedy of Alexander Pushkin "Boris Godunov" (1831), scene "Night. Cell in the Chudov Monastery", words of the chronicler Pimen:
    Describe, without further ado,
    Everything that you will be a witness to in life.

    I don't want to study, I want to get married
    The words of Mitrofanushka from the comedy of DI Fonvizin "The Minor" (1783), no. 3, yavl. 7.

    The sky is in diamonds
    Expression from the play by A. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya" (1897). In Act 4, Sonya, comforting Uncle Vanya, who is tired and worn out by life, says: "We will rest! We will hear the angels, we will see the whole sky in diamonds, we will see how all earthly evil, all our sufferings will drown in mercy, which will fill the whole world, and our life will become quiet, tender, sweet, like a caress. "

    Regardless of faces
    Expression from the Bible. The thought of actions without partiality, without obsequiousness to superiors is expressed in many places in the Old and New Testaments (Deuteronomy, 1, 17; Matt., 22, 16; Mark, 12, 14, etc.), although in slightly different words. It is possible that the expression "regardless of faces" is a translation of the phrase "Ohne Ansehen der Person", which is widespread in German speech, which is a quote from Luther's translation of the Gospel (First Epistle of Peter, 1, 17).

    No one will embrace the immensity
    Aphorism from "The Fruits of Thought" by Kozma Prutkov (1854).

    Nothing is new [forever] under the moon
    A quote from N. M. Karamzin's poem "Experienced Solomon's Wisdom, or Selected Thoughts from Ecclesiastes" (1797):
    Nothing is new under the moon:
    What is, it was, it will be forever.
    And before the blood flowed like a river,
    And before a man cried ...

    This poem is an imitation of Ecclesiastes, one of the books that make up the Bible.

    The new is the well forgotten old
    In 1824, the memoirs of the milliner Marie-Antoinette, Mademoiselle Bertin, were published in France, in which she said these words about the queen's old dress refurbished by her (in fact, her memoirs are fake - the author is Jacques Pesche). This thought was perceived as new, too, only because it was well forgotten. Already Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) said that "there is no new custom that is not old." This quote from Chaucer was popularized by Walter Scott's Folk Songs of Southern Scotland.

    About the times! about morals!
    An expression that Cicero (106-43 BC) often used in his speeches, for example, in the first speech against Catiline. It is also quoted in Latin: "O tempora! O mores!".

    About dead or good or nothing
    An expression often quoted in Latin: "De mortuis nil nisi bene" or "De mortuis aut bene aut nihil" seems to go back to the work of Diogenes Laertius (3rd century AD): "Life, doctrine and opinions famous philosophers ", which contains the saying of one of the" seven wise men "- Chilo (VI century BC):" Do not speak evil of the dead. "

    Holy simplicity!
    This expression is attributed to the leader of the Chsh national movement, Jan Hus (1369-1415). Sentenced by the church council as a heretic to be burned, he allegedly uttered these words at the stake when he saw that some old woman (according to another version - a peasant), in an innocent religious zeal, threw the brushwood she had brought into the fire. However, biographers of Gus, based on the reports of eyewitnesses of his death, deny the fact that he uttered this phrase. The ecclesiastical writer Turanius Rufinus (c. 345-410), in his continuation of Eusebius's History of the Church, reports that the expression "holy simplicity" was uttered at the first Council of Nicaea (325) by one of the theologians. This expression is often used in Latin: "O sancta simplicitas!"

    In Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina", part 1, chapter 2 (1875), the valet encourages his master, Stepan Arkadievich, upset by a spat with his wife, with this word. This word, used in the sense of "everything will be settled," which became winged after the appearance of Tolstoy's novel, was probably heard somewhere by him. He used it in one of his letters to his wife back in 1866, urging her not to worry about various everyday troubles. His wife, in a reply letter, repeated his words: "Probably, all this will work out."

    Window to Europe
    Expression from the poem of Alexander Pushkin " Bronze Horseman", Introduction (1834):
    On the shore of desert waves
    He stood, full of great thoughts,
    And looked into the distance ...
    And he thought:
    From here we will threaten the Swede.
    Here the city will be laid
    To spite the haughty neighbor.
    Nature is destined for us here
    To cut a window to Europe ...

    This expression, as Pushkin himself pointed out in the notes to the poem, goes back to the Italian writer Algarotti (1712-1764), who in his "Letters about Russia" said: "St. Petersburg is the window through which Russia looks to Europe."

    An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth
    An expression from the Bible, the formula of the law of retribution: "Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he did damage to the human body, so he must do" (Leviticus, 24, 20; about the same - Exodus, 21, 24; Deuteronomy 19, 21).

    There are horns and legs
    An inaccurate quote from the song by an unknown author "The Little Gray Goat", which has appeared in songbooks since 1855.

    One step from great to ridiculous
    This phrase was often repeated by Napoleon during his flight from Russia in December 1812 to his ambassador in Warsaw, de Pradt, who told about it in the book "History of the Embassy to the Grand Duchy of Warsaw" (1816). Its primary source is the expression of the French writer Jean-François Marmontel (1723-1799) in the fifth volume of his works (1787): "In general, the funny comes into contact with the great."

    Oh, you are heavy, Monomakh's hat!
    Quote from the tragedy of Alexander Pushkin "Boris Godunov", scene "The Tsar's Chambers" (1831), monologue of Boris (Monomakh in Greek is a combatant; a nickname that was added to the names of some Byzantine emperors. In ancient Russia, this nickname was assigned to the Grand Duke Vladimir (beginning of the XII century), from which the Moscow tsars originated. The Monomakh's hat is the crown with which the Moscow tsars were crowned the kingdom, a symbol of the tsarist power). The above quotation characterizes a difficult situation.

    Panic fear
    Arose from Greek myths about Pan, the god of forests and fields. According to myths, Pan brings sudden and unaccountable horror to people, especially to travelers in remote and secluded places, as well as to the troops rushing from this to flight. Hence the word "panic" originated.

    Feast in Time of Plague
    The name of the dramatic scenes by Alexander Pushkin (1832), based on a scene from the poems of the English poet John Wilson "The Plague City" (1816). Used in the sense: a feast, a cheerful, carefree life during a public disaster.

    Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer
    The Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC) in the work "Phaedo" ascribes to Socrates the words "Following me, think less about Socrates, and more about the truth." Aristotle in his work "Nicomachean Ethics", polemicizing with Plato and having in mind him, writes: "Let friends and truth be dear to me, but my duty commands to give preference to truth." Luther (1483-1546) says: "Plato is my friend, Socrates is my friend, but the truth should be preferred" ("About the enslaved will", 1525). The expression "Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas" - "Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer", formulated by Cervantes in the 2nd part, ch. 51 novels "Don Quixote" (1615).

    The fruits of enlightenment
    The title of the comedy by L. N. Tolstoy (1891).

    Dance to someone else's tune
    The expression is used in the meaning: to act not of their own free will, but at the will of another. It goes back to the Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC), who in the 1st book of his History says: when the Persian king Cyrus conquered the Medes, the Greeks of Asia Minor, whom he had previously tried in vain to win over to his side, expressed their readiness obey him, but under certain conditions. Then Cyrus told them the following fable: "One flutist, seeing fish in the sea, began to play the flute, expecting that they would come out to him on land. Deceived in hope, he took the net, threw it down and pulled out many fish. Seeing how fish are beating in the nets, he told them: "Stop dancing; when I played the flute, you didn’t want to go out and dance. ”This fable is attributed to Aesop (6th century BC).

    Success is never blamed
    These words are attributed to Catherine II, who allegedly expressed herself in this way when A. V. Suvorov was put on trial for the assault in 1773 of Turtukai, undertaken by him against the orders of Field Marshal Rumyantsev. However, the story about arbitrary actions Suvorov and his bringing him on trial is refuted by serious investigators.

    Know yourself
    According to the legend reported by Plato in the dialogue "Protagoras", seven wise men of ancient Greece (Thales, Pittacus, Bias, Solon, Cleobulus, Mison and Chilo), having come together in the temple of Apollo in Delphi, wrote: "Know thyself." The idea of ​​knowing oneself was explained and disseminated by Socrates. This expression is often used in the Latin form: nosce te ipsum.

    After us, even a flood
    This phrase is attributed to the French king Louis XV, but memoirists claim that it belongs to the favorite of this king, the Marquis of Pompadour (1721-1764). She said it in 1757 to console the king, dejected by the defeat of the French troops at Rosbach. It is possible that this phrase is an echo of a verse by an unknown Greek poet, which was often quoted by Cicero and Seneca: "After my death, let the world perish in fire."

    Potemkin villages
    In 1783, at the initiative of statesman during the reign of Catherine II, Prince GA Potemkin (1739-1791), Crimea was annexed to Russia, which was included in Novorossiya. Contemporaries said that Potemkin, in order to show Catherine the prosperity of the new territory (during her trip to the south in 1787), erected villages on the way of the empress, which were entirely decorations, exhibited festively dressed people to meet her, driven from afar, but posing as local residents, showed bread warehouses, in which sacks were filled with sand instead of flour, drove the same herd of cattle from one place to another at night, planted parks in Kremenchuk and other cities, and planting was carried out for several days, so that the plantings died after travel of Catherine, etc.

    The delay of death is like
    In 1711, before the Prussian campaign, Peter I sent a letter to the recently established Senate. Thanks to the senators for their activities, he demanded to continue not to hesitate with the necessary orders, "even missing time is like death irrevocably." The winged words of Peter received in a shorter form: "Delay is like death."

    To indulge in all grave
    Big bells in ancient Russia were called "heavy". The nature of the bell ringing, i.e. when and which bells were to be rung was determined by the Typikon, a church charter, in which the expression “to strike all the hardest” meant: to strike all the bells at once. From here arose the expression "to indulge in all the grievous", which is used in the meaning: to stray from the correct path of life, to start unrestrainedly indulging in revelry, debauchery, extravagance, etc.

    Branchy cranberry
    The expression is used as a playful designation of absurd reports about Russia and Russians, belonging to ill-informed foreigners, in general - something implausible, revealing a complete lack of familiarity with the subject. Oral tradition considers the source of this expression to be the description of the journey through Russia by Alexander Dumas-father (1803-1870). Meanwhile, in the books describing his journey through Russia, no gross distortions in the depiction of Russian nature, Russian manners and customs are found. V " Explanatory dictionary Russian language "under the editorship of D. N. Ushakov, it is reported that the expression" came from the description of Russia, in which the superficial French author sat under the shade of a majestic cranberry. " , ridiculing really anecdotal descriptions of Russian life, found in some ignorant French authors.

    Wake up, shoulder! Swing, hand!
    Quote from A. V. Koltsov's poem "Mower" (1835).

    Rare bird
    This expression (lat. Rara avis) in the meaning of "rare creature" is first found in the satyrs of Roman poets, for example, in Juvenal (middle of the 1st century - after 127 AD): "A rare bird on earth, sort of like black Swan".

    Born to crawl cannot fly
    Quote from "Song of the Falcon" by M. Gorky.

    Hands off!
    Expresses the requirement of non-intervention in the affairs of someone or something, the preservation of the inviolability of something. This expression as a political slogan was first used by the British minister William Gladstone (1809-1898) at Austria, which occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina in the autumn of 1878.

    Stigma in fluff
    Expression from the fable of I. A. Krylov "Fox and Marmot" (1813). The fox complains to Surk that she endures in vain and, slandered, was exiled for bribes:
    - You know, I was the judge of the chicken coop,
    Lost health and peace in business,
    I didn’t eat a piece in my labors,
    I didn't get enough sleep at night:
    And for that I fell under the wrath;
    And all for slander. Well, think for yourself:
    Who in the world will be right if they listen to slander?
    Should I take bribes? but if I get mad!
    Well, have you ever seen, I will send you,
    So that I was involved in this sin?
    Think, remember well ...
    - No, Kumushka; I've seen often
    That your stigma is in fluff.

    This expression is used in the meaning: to be involved in something criminal, unseemly.

    From the ship to the ball
    Expression from "Eugene Onegin" by Alexander Pushkin, ch. 8, stanza 13 (1832):
    And travel to him,
    I'm tired of everything in the world
    He came back and got hit,
    Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.
    This expression is characterized by an unexpected, abrupt change in position and circumstances.

    With a sweet paradise and in a hut
    A quote from the poem by N. M. Ibragimov (1778-1818) "Russian song" ("In the evening, a girl is red ..."):
    Don't look for me, rich:
    You are not sweet to my soul.
    What is to me, what are your chambers?
    With a lovely paradise and in a hut!

    First published in 1815, this poem became very popular and became a folk song.

    With feeling, with sense, with arrangement
    Quote from the comedy by A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), no. 2, yavl. 1.

    Blue stocking
    The expression denoting the contemptuous name of women, completely absorbed in bookish, scientific interests, originated in England in the 80s of the 18th century. and did not have the disdainful meaning that it received later. Originally it meant a circle of persons of both sexes gathered at Lady Montague's for conversations on literary and scientific topics. The soul of the conversations was the scientist Benjamin Stellingfleet (1702-1771), who, disregarding fashion, wore blue stockings with dark clothes. When for some reason he did not appear in the circle, they repeated: "We cannot live without blue stockings, today the conversation is going badly - there are no blue stockings!" Thus, this nickname was first received by a man, not a woman. The expression was especially widespread when Byron used it in his satire on Lady Montagu's circling "The Blues".

    Blue bird
    Play by Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), staged at the Moscow Art Theater on September 30, 1908. The plot of this play is the adventures of the children of a poor woodcutter in search of the Blue Bird. According to Dub in the play, the Bluebird is "the secret of things and happiness." "If a person finds the Blue Bird, he will know everything, see everything" (words of the Cat).

    Mixing the languages ​​of French with Nizhny Novgorod
    Quote from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboyedov.

    Combine business with pleasure
    Expression from "The Art of Poetry" by Horace, who says about the poet: "Anyone who combines business with pleasure is worthy of all approval."

    Happy hours are not observed
    Quote from the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", d.1, yavl. 4, words of Sophia.

    Wash your hands
    Used in the sense: to be removed from responsibility for something. It arose from the Gospel: Pilate washed his hands in front of the crowd, giving her Jesus for execution, and said: "I am not guilty of the blood of this righteous man" (Matt., 27, 24). The Bible tells about the ritual washing of hands, which serves as evidence of the person's innocence to anything (Deuteronomy, 21, 6-7).

    It arose from the myth of the only vulnerable spot on the hero's body: the heel of Achilles, a spot on Siegfried's back, etc. Used in the sense: the weak side of a person, business.

    Fortune. Wheel of Fortune
    Fortune - in Roman mythology, the goddess of blind chance, happiness and misfortune. She was depicted with a blindfold, standing on a ball or wheel (emphasizing its constant variability), and holding a steering wheel in one hand, and a cornucopia in the other. The steering wheel indicated that fortune controls the fate of a person.

    The one who laughs last laughs well
    The expression belongs to the French writer Jean-Pierre Florian (1755-1794), who used it in the fable "Two Peasants and a Cloud".

    End justifies the means
    The idea of ​​this expression, which is the basis of the morality of the Jesuits, was borrowed by them from the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679).

    Man to man wolf
    Expression from the "Donkey Comedy" by the ancient Roman writer Plautus (c. 254-184 BC).

    This formula ends every mathematical argument of the great Greek mathematician Euclid (3rd century BC).

    What we have, we do not store, having lost, we cry
    The name of the vaudeville (1844) by S. Solovyov

    The language of native aspens
    Expression from the epigram (1884) by I. S. Turgenev to N. H. Ketcher (1809-1886), Shakespeare's translator; his translations are distinguished by an exceptional closeness to the original, which often harms poetry:
    Here is another luminary of the world!
    Catcher, friend of sparkling wines;
    He rewrote Shakespeare for us
    Into the language of native aspens.
    This expression is used ironically about crude translations from foreign languages into Russian.

Quite often, one particularly memorable phrase can become the quintessence of the entire plot, the author's intent and the nature of the film in which it sounded. As a rule, such phrases become an integral part not only of the history of cinema, but also of the lives of viewers.

We present to your attention 50 best phrases, which have become classics and firmly entrenched in the minds of a huge number of people:

1. I'll be back.
Terminator, 1984

2. Honestly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Gone with the Wind, 1939

3. I will make him an offer that he cannot refuse.
The Godfather, 1972

4. Hasta la vista, baby!
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991

5. May the Force be with you.
Star Wars, 1977-2005

6. I had two heart attacks and had to have an abortion because I used heroin during my pregnancy. Otherwise, I'm fine.
"Amelie", 2001

7. In Hollywood, women have three ages: "baby", the district attorney and crazy Miss Daisy.
First Wives Club, 1996

8. Greed, in the absence of a suitable word, is good.
Wall Street, 1989

9. I had an old friend for dinner. I ate his liver with beans and a glass of Chianti.
Silence of the Lambs, 1991

10. My lovely!
"The Lord of the Rings", 2001-2003

11. Fasten your seat belts, there will be a stormy night.
"All About Eve", 1950

12. I'll think about it tomorrow.
Gone with the Wind, 1939

13. Choose life. Choose the future. Choose a career. Choose a family. I chose something else.
Trainspotting, 1996

14. Elementary, Watson!
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, 1979-1983

15. Do you want to arrest me for smoking?
Basic Instinct, 1992

16. Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what filling you will get.
Forrest Gump, 1994

17. My name is Bond. James Bond.
Any Bond movie from Doctor No (1962) to Casino Royale (2006)

18. Nobody kills anyone in my store. Just me and Zed. And here is Zed.
"Pulp Fiction", 1994

19. - How do you like the boots?
- Very defiant, I would not take such.
- So, good boots, we must take.

Office Romance, 1977

20. - You said that you never cheated on your husband.
- I said that I never cheated on him in Paris.

Emmanuel, 1974

21. Don't teach me how to live, better help me financially.
"Moscow does not believe in tears", 1979

22. Self-improvement - masturbation. Self-destruction is what really matters.
"Fight Club", 1999

23. Sushi. That's what my wife called me. Cold as a fish.
Blade Runner, 1982

24. You turn me on, baby.
Austin Powers, 1997

25. I have never drank champagne before breakfast. It happened at breakfast. But never before.
Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961

26. You shoot as badly as you cook.
"Mr. and Mrs. Smith", 2005

27. How can a woman remain attractive and not starve to death ?!
Tootsie, 1982

28. The lord appointed me his beloved wife!
"White Sun of the Desert", 1969

29. Look at me, I masturbate in the shower - this will be the high point of my day. Then everything will only get worse.
American Beauty, 1999

30. I can not imagine anything sexier than a naked girl with a gun.
9 yards, 2000

31. Every day is important
Titanic, 1997

32. I now think that the power is in the truth: whoever has the truth is stronger!
"Brother", 1997

33. Sometimes your whole life comes down to one crazy act.
Avatar, 2009

34. Happiness makes sense only when you have someone to share it with.
Into the Wild, 2007

35. I was drunk, my behavior was unworthy of a Soviet officer!
Assa, 1987

36. I smoke dope, chase balloons, the last 15 years my career has not taken off.
The Big Lebowski, 1998

37. It is a tradition: when another child is born in the house, one of the children must die.
The Addams Family Moral, 1993

38. I demand the continuation of the banquet!
"Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession", 1973

39. If you can steal an idea from someone's head, then you can put it there.
"Beginning", 2010

40. You may not be ready for this kind of music yet, but your kids will love it.
"Back to the Future!", 1985

41. There is no spoon.
"The Matrix", 1999

42. Stole, drank - to prison. Stole it, drank it - to jail. Romance…
Gentlemen of Fortune, 1971

43. Whoever said that orange is the new pink is seriously ill.
Legally Blonde, 2003

44. - Daniel, what you have done now is illegal in several countries.
“That’s why I’m happy to be living in Britain.

Bridget Jones's Diary, 2004

45. - Will you declare anything, sir?
- Yes. To England - not a foot!

"Big jackpot", 2000

46. ​​The magician doesn't come late, Frodo Baggins, and neither does it early. He appears when needed.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001

47. I don't know who I am, but I probably have a lawyer.
Overboard, 1987

48. Avada Kedavra!
Harry Potter, 2001-2011

49. Each passing minute is another chance to change everything.
Vanilla Sky, 2001

50. Carpe diem. Seize the moment, boys. Make your life extraordinary.
Dead Poets Society, 1989

If you have your own versions of the best phrases, then the list can be continued in the comments. ;)

Real seducers and seducers, whom no one can resist, will never act directly, vulgarly, persistently seeking to seduce ... They prefer intellectual seduction (English alert), act softly and unobtrusively; know 3 basic commandments of real seducers, wise and always desirable: adhere to style; be confident in yourself; use body language.

But today we would like to dwell on the intellectual aspect of this art. We bring to your attention a collection of carefully selected phrases that no one can resist, and if they do, they will surely melt. Use them for the right ones!

English vocabulary on dating and communication


Top 30 phrases for seduction

Before you read the following phrases, we would like to remind you of an important element in a relationship, sincerity. We are sure that there are people worthy of your attention next to you. If you also think so, then your compliments will never look empty and

Another thing is when the acquaintance is just beginning. Not everyone is aware that men, for example, have a much better intuition than women often assume, and they are quite capable of distinguishing when they are told the truth and when they are cunning.

Last night I looked up at the stars and named a reason why I love you for each one. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.
Last night I looked at the stars in the sky and each one named the reason why I love you. I did great until the stars ran out.
Life without you is like a broken pencil: pointless.
Life without you is like a broken pencil, meaningless. ("Pointless" - dull, not pointed (about a broken pencil)).
Passion can drive you crazy, but is there any other way to live?
Passion can drive you crazy, but is there any other way to live?
You are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on; you’re the love of my life, you’re my one and only, you’re my everything.
You are my best friend, my support shoulder, the one I can count on, you are the love of my life, the one and only, you are my everything.
Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.
Why would our souls be made - yours and mine are the same.
Are you Google? You’ve got everything I’ve been searching for!
Are you "Google"? You have everything that I was looking for!
You are my North, South, my East and West, my working week and my Sunday rest.
You are my north, south, east and west, my work week and Sunday rest.

Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to smile for no reason.
Before I met you, I didn't know what it means to smile for no reason.
Your parents are thieves because they stole all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
Your parents are thieves because they stole all the stars from the sky and transferred them into your eyes.
I could walk forever and a day with you.
I could walk by your side forever.
If I died and God asked me what I’d like to come back as, I’d say a tear; so I can beborn in your eyes, roll down your cheek, and die on your lips.
If I died, and God asked me who I would like to be reborn, I would answer: "With a tear." So that I can be born in your eyes, roll down your cheek and die on your lips.

You are my religion. I would die for you.
You are my religion. I would give my life for you.
My love for you is like a circle - it has no beginning and will know of no end.
My love for you is like a ring - it has no beginning and no end.
I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.
I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.

I was one of those women who believed that all men were equal, but it was enough to meet you and share some moments with you to realize that I was very wrong because you are unique.
I was one of those women who believed that all men are the same, but it was enough for me to just meet you and share moments with you to realize that I was far from the truth, because you are unique.
No day can be perfect if I have not had the opportunity to have been even at your side for a moment, exchanging some words and contemplating those beautiful eyes that you have.
Not a single day can be considered ideal if I did not have the opportunity to be with you at least a little, to exchange a few words, contemplating your beautiful eyes.
I lived in a world full of sadness and darkness until you appeared in my life, illuminating everything with your light, and since then I look forward to your company because that "s when my happiness becomes complete.
I lived in a world full of sadness and darkness until you appeared in my life, illuminating everything with your radiance, and since then I strive to be with you, because that's when my happiness becomes complete.

While you have not yet gone headlong into your fantasies and started thinking about which phrase to surprise your loved ones with, we want to draw your attention to the main part of today's article.

In the video below, a writer, dancer and simply master of seduction, Chen Lizra, shares her experience with us. She will tell us about the main components of the art of seduction and charm.

The following simple but sweet suggestions may be appropriate later in the relationship. Any conversation will become much more pleasant if one (or several) of the following phrases are used in it.

"What can I do right now to bring a smile to your face?"
"What can I do now to bring a smile back to your face?"

When a woman is feeling upset, overwhelmed, or simply tired, she deeply appreciates that her man not only notices, but offers everything she needs to fix the situation. Most women want to please their man, thinking in advance about
which will make him happy, but rarely feel reciprocated in return. They believe that there is a double standard here, and they fear that they may lose their man if they cannot maintain control over the situation.

You can kill three (!) Birds with one stone at once, putting aside your current desires and becoming fully available to express your love when a woman needs it so much. By verbally admitting how much she deserves to be concerned, a man shows that he understands and loves her when it really matters. The ability to be valuable to someone without selfish goals is a gift for years to come.

"I know my long stories can drive you crazy, so I’ll start with the bottom line and you can ask for more details if you need them".
"I know my long stories can drive you crazy, so I'll start with the basics and you can refine the details if necessary."

Sometimes women can get confused and sound rather oblique when they want something or are "exchanging their experiences". Then it makes sense to work on developing a more direct approach that does not keep you waiting, and try to give an answer that directly, without unnecessary "decor", answers the man's question.

Women understand that it is much easier and more pleasant for men to listen to some topics. For example, dissatisfaction with a man's behavior in a relationship should be expressed in the most succinct way: complaint, context, feeling and desired outcome. Interesting stories, in turn, those directly related to the life of men deserve, of course, a longer period of time for discussion.

"Even if we lost everything, I’d still have you, and that’s what matters the most."
"Even if we lose everything, I will still have you, and that is the most important thing."

Many men believe that if they do not provide, do not protect or do not curry favor with their women, then by principle they cannot be considered representatives of the strong half of humanity in full. If they get sick, lose their jobs, or are not around at critical times, they may feel careless about their commitments. Men who know they are deeply loved and valued do not get stuck on what they should do or who they should be. They are grateful to their women for the fact that they do not need to adjust and always show themselves, no matter what position they are in and how they feel.

"I love you even when you're upset."
"I love you even when you're upset."

Many men often pull back when their ladies are in turmoil. They don't want any part of an angry or complaining woman to ruin their mood. As a result, many women give up their bad moods for fear of losing their love in
which they so need in difficult times. A man’s assurances that a woman’s suffering will not alienate him or make him colder in a relationship lead her to believe that she is loved, regardless of her condition.

This behavior, however, is not always appropriate, for example, when a woman views the above assurances from a man as an attempt to minimize or get rid of the problem. Otherwise, it is a wonderful experience when, instead of criticism, she gets support.

"Take all the time you need to get your thoughts and feelings out. I’m not goinganywhere."
“You have as much time as it takes to express your thoughts and feelings. I'm not going anywhere. "

Women tend to express their feelings out loud. And when it is not possible to do this, they begin to scroll through a bunch of thoughts in their heads. These thoughts sometimes lead them to deplorable conclusions. Impatient men, in turn, can often interrupt a fragile female monologue at an early stage and demand a summary or simply lose interest in the topic. Women feel welcome with those who will remain with them, at the same time listening to them, no matter how long it takes. This can be a precious gift for them.

"I feel the safest when you're near me."
"I feel safe when you are near me."

Men tend to want their women to feel safe, valued, and not overly interested. If women are too dependent on them and need constant reassurance, then men may feel burdened or irritable. But when a woman does not need much attention or care, then a man can freely open up and feel a connection. Most men want to protect their women when they can and feel proud about that.

Phrases to start a conversation

Finally, we present to your attention a few phrases with which it is good to start phrases while in a relationship.

"I understand how important this is to you."
I understand how important this is to you.

Women judge relationships by how well they think you understand them. And one way of expressing understanding is not to take action every time the slightest worry is shown. A lot of men do this. Look, here "s how we can fix it! Instead, just listen and say that you understand the cause of the concern (even if you disagree.) Listening and understanding is a powerful indicator of how much you respect the person.

"Let me tell you how my presentation went."
Let me tell you how my presentation went.

When you are asked how your day went, no one wants to hear the answer: “It's okay. Is yours?". Details are needed here, not key information. To increase efficiency, sort it out in terms of your emotional responses: "I was so nervous when they didn't take my offer, but then I felt relieved when they realized I was right after all."

"Let "s talk about the work tomorrow. Tonight should just be about us."
Let's talk about work tomorrow. Tonight should only be about us.

Focus on each other as much as possible, and it doesn't matter if it leads to something concrete or not. Avoid dragging sore topics of conversation with you, especially if you are already sitting on the couch together. After all, these are one of the most important points in relationship.

"I "ll draw you a bath."
I'll give you a bath.

A great way to unwind after a hard day. And it's so nice when a loved one offers his help in such undertakings.

"You deserve a perfect weekend with your friends. I "ll take care of everything."
You deserve a great weekend with your friends. I'll take care of everything.
"I adore your moles."
I love your moles.

To feel beautiful, you need to feel the beauty within yourself. It is important. It is important to hear the words of loved ones who notice small details, be it your appearance or character traits, those that may have seemed ugly to you, and embarrassed you.

"The weather "s just terrible! Let me pick up the groceries."
The weather is just awful! Let me stop by for some groceries.

It is not always necessary to do everything according to the established schedule. It's so easy to do something nice - just offer spontaneous help.


You are now one step closer to the perfect relationship. Use the right phrases and words with meaning and be gentle and gentle with your loved ones.

Don "t forget to surprise them with your attitude and your English!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Look here - Listen.
What can I do for you? - How can I help you?
Keep in touch. - Do not disappear (be in touch).
Good job! - Well done!
It is a good idea. - It's a good idea.
I don’t saga. - I don't care / don't give a damn.
It doesn "t matter. - Doesn't matter.
Look out. - Watch out.
Be careful. - Pay attention.
Don’t worry. - Don't worry.

Aahh, where have you been? Ahh, where have you been?
My goodness, long time no speak (see) Oh gods, we haven't seen each other for so long!
What "s his nickname? What is his nickname?
My name is ... / I am ... My name is ...
My friends call me ... Friends call me ...
You can call me ... You can call me ...
How do you spell your name? How is your name spelled?
Haven "t we met (before)? Haven't we met already (before)?
I "m going to call you Bill for short. For short I will call you Bill.
I think we "ve already met. I think we already met.

Nice to see you. / Good to see you. I'm glad to see you.
I don "t mind - I have nothing against
I think so - agree
You "ll make it - you can do it
That "s the whole point - that's the point
Easy - take it easy
Calm down - calm down
It makes things easier - it's easier (to experience / endure pain)
I havent given it much thought - I haven't thought about it yet (about plans for the future)
It serves you / smb. right - so-so / anyone needs it.

You "ll hear from me - I will let you know / inform about myself
It "s going to be all right - everything will be fine
You bet - still asking!
Sounds good to me - it suits me
Hear me out - listen to me
I couldn "t reach you - I couldn't get through to you
Let happen whatever would happen - whatever happens
It never crossed my mind, (that) - it never occurred to me that ...
Don "t mention that - don't talk about it

Get out of my way - get out of the way
Get lost - disappear
You have a point there - here you are right / also true
I mean it - seriously
Let "s get to the point / Let" s hold a reason - let's get to the point
So far so good - so far everything is going well
It "s not that I don" t - not that I don’t ...
I'm counting on you - I rely on you.
When we meet? - When shall we cross (meet)?
Spare me two minutes
I would like ... - I would like (I "d like)

Are you free tomorrow? - Are you free tomorrow
Are you free tonight? - Free this evening?
Well, you're cool! - You "re cool!
Well, you are an eccentric! - You "re a strange dude!
He doesn't have all his houses - He doesn "t have all his buttons
How are you? - How are you? (How are you getting on?)
What's new? - What "s news?
What are you doing? - What are you going?
What the hell are you doing here? - What the hell are you doing here?
What's wrong? - What has gone down?

I "m really buzzing! - Everything is just great with me.
I "m having a really peachy time! - I'm having a great time.
I "m walking on air! - I'm in seventh heaven!
She threw a wobbly. - She's not herself.
I had a complete fit. - They made me angry.
She blew her top. - Her "roof" went.
I have no idea - I have no idea
I mean it! - I'm serious
I wish I knew - I wish I knew!
It "s none of your business - none of your business

What are you driving at? - What do you mean?
What are you talking about? - What are you talking about!
What for? - Why?
What of it? - And what of it?
You can take it from me - You can believe me
It is urgent. - This is urgent.
I "ll see about it. - I'll take care of it.
What a pity! - What a pity!
It didn’t work out. - It didn't work.
It was a success. - We did it successfully.

That "s so true. That's right.
That "s for sure. That's for sure. / That's for sure.
Tell me about it! (Conversational form.) How! / I understand perfectly! / etc.
You "re absolutely right. You are absolutely right.
Absolutely! And how! / Oh sure! / Yes sir! / etc.
No, I don’t think so. No I do not think so.
I don’t see it that way. I see it differently.
I can’t share your point of view. I cannot share your point of view.
I'm afraid it isn't right. I'm afraid this is wrong.
You can’t really be serious! You're not serious, are you?

Take care! - Take care
Good luck! - Good luck
All the best! - All the best
Have a good trip - Bon voyage
Write to us - Write to us
Call me - Call me
I "m sorry to see you go - It's a pity that you leave
I "ve enjoyed seeing you - I was glad to see you
Come back soon - Come back soon
My regards to the family - hello family


I don "t mind. - I have nothing against it.
2. I think so. - Agree.
3. You "ll make it. -You can do it.
4 . That "s the whole point." That's the point.
5 . Easy! - Take it easy. Don't be on the rampage. Take it easy.
6. Calm down. - Take it easy.
7. Don "t worry. Relax. - Don't worry. Calm down. Relax.
eight . It makes things easier. - It's easier (to experience / endure pain).
nine . I haven "t given it much thought. -I haven't thought about it yet. (About future plans)
ten . It serves you / smb. right. - So you / someone needs it.
eleven . You "ll hear from me. - I will let you know / inform about myself.
12 . It "s going to be all right. - Everything will be fine.
13 . You bet! - You also ask !:
fourteen . - Do you want me to help you? - You bet! - Do you want me to help you? - Still asking!
15 . Sounds good to me. - That's fine for me.
16 . Time "s up. - Time is up.
17. Hear me out! - Listen to me!
eighteen . I couldn "t reach you. - I couldn't get through to you.
19 . Let happen whatever would happen. - Let it be, what will be.
twenty . It never crossed my mind (that) ... - It never occurred to me that ...
21. Don "t mention that. - Don't talk about that.
22. I don "t give a damn / a shit - I don’t care, I don’t care: Let" s hold to reason. Let "s hold to reason. Let" s hold to reason.
23. Tell him whatever you want, I don "t give a shit. -You can tell him whatever you want - I don't care.
24. Get out of my way. - Get out of my way.
25. Get lost. - Get lost. Roll out of here. Get out.
26. You have a point there. “You're right about that. / It is truth too.
27. I mean it. - Honestly. / I speak sincerely.
28. I want to buy your house. I mean it. -I want to buy your house. Honestly.
29. Let "s get to the point. Let" s hold to reason. - Let's get to the point.
thirty . So far so good. - So far, everything is going well.
31. It "s not that I don" t ... -He is that I don’t ...:
32. It was not that he didn "t love her.
33. Don "t be silly. - Don't be silly. Don't be silly.
34. You know better than that. -And you are not so simple (as you seem).
35. Don "t worry, I can make it on my own. - Don't worry, I can handle it myself.
36. Not likely. Unless ... - Most likely not. If only...:
37. No reason in particular. - Just. For no particular reason .:
38. Why do you ask? - No reason in particular.
39. Suit yourself. - As you wish. Your will. Do as you know .:
40. Suit yourself, but I "ve got a work to do and I won" t go to Paris. “It’s your will, but I have something to do, and I’m not going to Paris.”
41. It never occurred to me that ... - It never occurred to me that ...
42. I meant only the best. - I only wanted the best.
43. Tend to your own affairs. - Better mind your own business. / Do not meddle in your own business.
44. Think it over. - Think hard.
45. Coffee? - If it is no bother. - Coffee? - If it's not difficult.
46. You are on the right track. - You are on the right track. You are thinking correctly.
47. Come on. Let "s get this over with. - Let's finish this case.
48. Whatever is to be will be. - Which have not be avoided.
49. Here "s what we" ll do. “We’ll do this.
50 . It beats me. - That beats me.
