One of the most prestigious and respected universities in the world and the richest university in Europe, Cambridge consistently ranks high in the rankings of universities. A rich history, a high level of education and a diploma that opens many doors have made Cambridge one of the most popular universities in the world.


Cambridge is the second oldest university in the UK and is second only to Oxford. By the way, indirectly thanks to its eternal rival, Cambridge was born. A conflict arose between a group of scientists from Oxford and local residents, as a result of which the pundits left the university and in 1209 founded their own. This is how Cambridge was born. First, at the University of Cambridge, they studied theology, philosophy, mathematics, logic and classical languages, and later at academic plan other sciences were added, both exact and humanitarian. Today in Cambridge you can study a variety of subjects - from genetics to business.


In Cambridge, you can get a bachelor's, master's degree, as well as study in a research program leading to a doctoral degree (PhD). The choice of areas and specializations in Cambridge is wide - from medicine and computer technology to social anthropology and law. In addition, the Cambridge business school is located. Judge (Cambridge Judge Business School), which offers MBA programs.

Number of students

About 20 thousand students study in Cambridge. Of these, 12 thousand are studying in a bachelor's degree. 10% of undergraduate students are foreigners.

Famous alumni

Among the graduates of Cambridge there are many celebrities - politicians, scientists, writers and businessmen. Physicist, mathematician and astronomer Isaac Newton, philosopher Francis Bacon, poet and thinker John Milton studied here, statesman Oliver Cromwell, scientist and traveler, author of the theory of evolution Charles Darwin, poets George Gordon Byron and William Wordsworth, scientist, theologian and writer C.S. Lewis, writers Vladimir Nabokov, Stephen Fry and Peter Ackroyd, actress Emma Thompson, actor Ian McKellen, the heir to the British crown, Prince Charles, 15 British prime ministers and 25 leaders of other countries. Cambridge is especially strong in the exact sciences and medicine, and in terms of the number of Nobel laureates issued, Cambridge is ahead of other universities on the planet. ...


Cambridge, like Oxford, its perennial rival, is a collegiate university with subject-specific faculties and departments and colleges.

The faculties and departments make up the central University, which is responsible for developing curriculum content, organizing lectures, seminars and workshops, organizing and conducting examinations and issuing diplomas.

Colleges are involved in admitting students to undergraduate studies, organizing small group studies in addition to lectures and seminars conducted by the university, and providing undergraduate students with accommodation, meals and opportunities for sports and other activities for three years (usually this is the duration of the program of study ). There are 31 colleges in Cambridge, 29 of which offer undergraduate programs, and two colleges specialize in postgraduate education and work with students in graduate and graduate programs.



An application for admission to Cambridge must be submitted in advance, about a year before the expected start of training. The first stage is filling out an online form on the centralized portal for applicants to British universities UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).

When applying, you can specify the desired college (no more than one) or submit an open application. In the second case, the system will automatically send your application to the appropriate college. As a rule, every year about a quarter of applicants are enrolled in a college other than the one they indicated in the application. This is okay: there are no bad colleges in Cambridge.

Many applicants are worried and do not know which college to choose. However, in practice, everything is not so difficult. The level of education you receive at Cambridge does not depend on which college you are in. Within the same specialization, students from different colleges attend the same lectures, seminars and workshops.

College selection criteria may also include location, living conditions, average age of students (some colleges target students at least 21 years of age), size and number of students. When choosing a college, you are choosing not what you will study, but where and how you will live.

Once your application has been accepted on the UCAS website, you will receive an email with a link to a detailed questionnaire including questions about your education and qualifications.

Those who pass the initial selection are invited for an interview at Cambridge. The percentage of those who passed the first stage, as a rule, is high - about 80%. Applicants with excellent certificates and recommendations have a good chance of making it into the next round.

For some courses, the interview will be the only test that applicants must pass, while others may require the delivery of written work and / or additional exams. Sometimes exams are held in conjunction with an interview. In other cases, the university may ask you to submit a written work and / or take an exam before the interview, so that later in the course of the conversation you can discuss the results with you. For information on which exams you need to take for admission to specific programs, visit the Cambridge website.

Interviews are usually conducted by December, and by the end of January, you will receive a response from the college whether you are accepted or not.

Foreigners wishing to study at Cambridge must not only be fluent in English (knowledge will need to be confirmed by passing the IELTS exam or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English - specify in advance which minimum score need to type), but also have high marks, especially in those subjects that the applicant is going to study at Cambridge. In addition, in addition to UCAS, foreigners must complete COPA (Cambridge Online Preliminary Application).

Russian applicants cannot enter Cambridge, like other British universities, right after school: a Russian secondary education certificate is not considered a sufficient level of preparation, so those who are going to enter Cambridge will first have to study at a Russian university for at least a year. Find out in advance what transcripts of grades you will need to provide when filling out an application to Cambridge: you will need not only the data on grades from the annex to the certificate, but also an extract about your success at the university.

The average Cambridge competition is five people per seat, but varies by course and program. When considering applications, two main points are taken into account - academic success and the potential of the applicant.

  • Information for undergraduate applicants:
  • Information for foreigners applying for undergraduate studies:
  • Portal for applying to UK universities:
  • COPA Application Portal:

Master's degree

Masters applicants can choose two colleges as their desires. First, you need to fill out the GRADSAF application and send in electronic form the required documents (for example, resume and transcripts of diplomas). You must also provide recommendations and a letter of motivation why you want to study on this particular program. After your application is received, you can track its status online in your personal account and, if necessary, provide additional documents.

Russian students entering master's and postgraduate studies must also demonstrate a high level of proficiency in English. Cambridge accepts IELTS Academic, TOEFL, CAE (Certificate of Advance English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) test scores. Each course and program has its own knowledge requirements in English and may not accept results on all tests, so check in advance what the requirements for your chosen course are.

For Russian students entering the magistracy, the minimum educational level is a Russian specialist diploma with an average score of 5 out of 5 or a bachelor's degree with an average score of at least 4 out of 5.

Postgraduate studies

The process of admission to graduate school in Cambridge has a lot in common with admission to a master's program, but there are also differences. For example, in some cases, a bachelor's degree may not be enough and a master's degree will be required. Since the path to a PhD degree involves serious research work, the application must describe research project you want to study at Cambridge. You need to find your topic, as well as the scientific adviser under whom you plan to work, even before submitting an application.

Information for applicants for graduate and postgraduate studies:


The classic MBA program at Cambridge Business School lasts one year. Applicants must fill out an online application, submit a resume, GMAT test results (as well as IELTS or TOEFL for foreigners), recommendations and write an essay. Those who successfully passed the first round are invited for an interview, after which a decision on admission is made.

The website of the business school. Judja:

TRAINING COST (per year)

For foreign students the cost of studying in Cambridge is higher than for UK and EU citizens. The cost consists of the cost of the tuition itself, college fees and living expenses. International students are not allowed to work while studying, so they must provide financial guarantees to prove they are able to study and live in the UK while studying. The student must provide financial guarantees to both the college and the consulate when applying for a student visa.

Bachelor's degree. From 15 to 35 thousand pounds. The most expensive are medical programs. The cheapest thing to do in Cambridge is to study the humanities. Additionally, a college fee is paid in the amount of 6-6.5 thousand pounds.

Master's degree.£ 20K to £ 26K

Postgraduate studies.£ 20,000 to £ 36,000

School of Business. Judja (MBA): 45 thousand pounds


Scholarships for international undergraduate students are few and far between, and they generally cover only part of the costs. Typically, these scholarships are provided by the colleges themselves to promising students.

The chances of obtaining a scholarship or research grant are much higher in graduate and postgraduate studies. You should look for funding sources in advance, one year before the expected start of your studies, so find out what opportunities exist for undergraduate and graduate students in your specialty. In particular, scholarships for international students are provided by the Gates Cambridge program. If you do not find sources of funding for your research, you may not be admitted to university.

Business school students also have the opportunity to receive a scholarship that will partially or fully cover the costs of tuition and sometimes even living expenses. Scholarships are awarded to promising students with achievements in their field. There are scholarships designed for people in a particular industry or country, as well as for women in business.

Scholarship Information:

Cambridge Undergraduate Scholarships and Grants Program:

Scholarships and Funding Sources for MBA Students:

The University of Cambridge (Cambridge University or University of Cambridge), one of the oldest universities in Europe and the second oldest in Great Britain, was founded in 1209 by scientists who left the University of Oxford due to conflict with the local population. In 1214, they developed a set of rules and laws that became the basis of the academic and daily life of the University of Cambridge. In addition to religious studies (theology), the first Cambridge students studied philosophy, logic, mathematics and classical languages. Later, other exact and human sciences were added to the list of compulsory subjects.

The oldest building of the University of Cambridge, the so-called. The school of Pythagoras, was built before the founding of the university, in 1200. The first college, Peterhouse, was founded in 1284. At the moment, there are 31 colleges in Cambridge, including the colleges proper, the so-called. "Dormitories" (halls) and the aforementioned Peterhouse.

The University of Cambridge is one of the most ancient and conservative universities in the world, and any student of this university inevitably becomes part of the centuries-old Cambridge traditions. For example, the worst student was given a symbolic wooden spoon. The last time a paddle-sized spoon was given was in 1909 to K. Holthouse, a student at St. John's College. In some colleges, the dining room is allowed only in formal attire, consisting of a dark suit, student gown and a rectangular hat with a tassel. Upon admission, each student is required to undergo a matriculation rite, which consists in pronouncing the student's oath in Latin before the chancellors of the university. No less solemn is the graduation procedure, during which the student also takes an oath in Latin and changes his old robe for a new one, corresponding to the new degree he has received. The graduation procedure takes place in the Senate House, and students are admitted to the ceremony by seniority, in strict accordance with the time the college was founded. In addition, each college has its own specific traditions and rituals.

Cambridge University is especially famous for its successes in the bosom of the exact sciences and medicine. No other university in the world has donated so many laureates to the planet Nobel Prize like Cambridge. 88 alumni and university professors have received this prestigious academic award. 29 of them received prizes in physics, 25 - in medicine, 21 - in chemistry, 9 - in economics, 2 - in literature and one - a peace prize. Famous medieval scholars such as Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon studied here. It was in Cambridge that the founders of modern nuclear physics — Lord E. Rutherford, N. Bohr, and J. R. Oppenheimer — worked, taught, and did research. In addition to tremendous successes in the exact sciences, Cambridge is also famous for its achievements in politics: 15 British Prime Ministers and 25 heads of government of other countries were trained in Cambridge. Among the graduates and teachers of Cambridge are also famous writers such as A. A. Milne, L. Stern, J. B. Priestley, W. M. Thackeray, C. Amis and Cl. Art. Lewis. A graduate of Trinity College and the creator of Lolita, the great Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokov, was educated in Cambridge.

We remind you! To study at Cambridge, you must not only have an impeccable academic profile, but also solid funds to pay for your studies.

    Year of foundation


    East Anglia

    Number of students

    Student satisfaction

Academic specialization

When entering the University of Cambridge, a domestic student usually faces a serious problem: "How to choose the right college?" The fact is that the system of Cambridge colleges, similar to the Oxford one, is fundamentally different from that adopted in the rest. higher schools Europe and former Soviet Union... After completing classes in a faculty or laboratory, the student spends most of his free time in college; public, sports and everyday life student. Each Cambridge college is a separate structure that houses dorms, a library, a computer center, lecture halls, gyms and gyms, a park, a canteen, a choir, theater, music room, chapel, and more. When you choose a college, you are essentially choosing your social circle and lifestyle for yourself. That is why it is extremely important to choose exactly the college that best suits your taste.

When choosing a college, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • college academic profile;
  • location;
  • prestige;
  • the duration of the provision of a place in the hostel;
  • external appearance.

In order to make your choice, we advise you to carefully look through the Internet sites of various Cambridge colleges. Traditionally, students choose the most prestigious and wealthy colleges, such as Trinity, St. John's College, Trinity Hall, Kings College, Jizzas College and others. Being attached to these colleges, students generally have no problem finding a place to live in a hostel, additional funding for scientific projects, playing sports, etc. Given the massive influx of students every year, finding a place to live outside of college can be a major challenge. For this reason, choosing a college should be taken very seriously.

The University of Cambridge has more than 150 faculties, departments, research centers and institutes, united in 6 separate schools:

  • Arts and Humanities,
  • Biological Sciences,
  • Clinical Medicine,
  • Humanities and Social Sciences,
  • Physical Sciences,
  • Technology.

The academic year is divided into three semesters (trimesters):

  • Miklmas (October-December)
  • Ribbon ("lean trimester"; January-March)
  • Easter (Easter Trimester; April-June)

Trimesters at the University of Cambridge are shorter than at the rest of the UK and take 8 weeks each. It is assumed that during the long holidays between trimesters, the student should actively engage in independently.


For the first time, the most renowned university in the United Kingdom has lifted the curtain on the entry requirements for undergraduate programs. Cambridge published on its website a list of the least attractive subjects from the point of view of the university admissions committee, thereby forcing both parents and school counselors to seriously think about their choice to study and further exams for the upper secondary school course.

Let's first look at the general conditions for admission to Cambridge.

First of all, the university prefers to have applicants who have completed the A-Level program and passed final exams in 4-5 subjects studied in more depth. All the marks received for these disciplines are provided to the university, but those for which they intend to further study at Cambridge are mainly taken into account. It is preferable that candidates have the highest marks - A.
For example, 70% of applicants who entered Cambridge in 2005 had the highest A-Level score - 360 points, i.e. 120 points for each of the three final examinations passed at the school. Of these, 95% received university places.

One of the exams can be replaced by a document stating that the candidate has received from one of the authorized organizations a confirmation of excellent knowledge of one or another subject (Advanced Extention Award - AEA). This will be evidence that the applicant has not only passed the subject of an increased level of complexity, but also that he has spent additional efforts on studying it and on testing his knowledge through an independent organization.

Therefore, the selection committee will treat with equal attention an applicant who has provided two A's, one B's and an AEA certificate instead of three A-Levels. Some of the colleges that make up Cambridge even give preference to AEA candidates.

Those who decide to enter Cambridge for mathematics must, in addition to the A-Level exams, pass an additional test called Sixth Term Examination Papers in Mathematics (STEP). The university believes that the STEP grades can perform better than the A-Level exams. STEP is taken only by those who are aimed at studying mathematics at leading universities in the country. In 2005, for example, 1,350 candidates passed them.

However, each specialty taught at the university has its own specific requirements. They can be found on the university website.

Applicants who have completed secondary education in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and successfully passed the exams (Scottish Advanced Highers, Welsh Advanced Diploma in the Welsh Baccalaureate or Irish Leaving Certificate) can compete for a place at the university on a general basis.

Graduates of schools teaching in the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs have a good chance of becoming a freshman at Cambridge University. On average, they need to score from 38 to 42 points out of 45 possible for the final exams passed.

Their task is facilitated by the fact that the IB course includes a mandatory section called Creativity, Action, Service -CAS. Let us consider in more detail the components of this extremely important part of the teaching and educational work of IB schools.

"Creativity" - the development of creative skills in students, for example, participation in school musical performances, theatrical performances, the release of the school newspaper or school website, etc.
"Action" - participation in school and regional sports events, group or individual sports.

“Service” - work in the service of the community, for example, in the volunteer fire brigade, the Red Cross department, the provision of social services, active participation in the activities of school authorities, in the training of guide dogs, etc. (a list of activities is offered by each individual school).
Why is this part of the IB program so important when applying not only to Cambridge, but also to other eminent universities in the world? The fact is that Western society wants to see its citizens not only highly educated, but also capable of assisting its development, which is not possible without active participation in the country's public life.

Therefore, graduates of Western secondary schools intending to storm the heights of higher education, after graduation, can take a year to volunteer for various charitable organizations.
This adds points for admission to the world's elite universities. I don’t want to draw parallels, but our parents still strive to send their children to study at a foreign school, accompanied by mothers-nannies.
Graduates of foreign high schools who have received a national certificate with good grades, for example, a French Baccalaureate (Baccalaureate), German Abitur (Abitur), Italian Maturita (Maturita), have chances to enter Cambridge. For applicants from Russia and countries the former USSR, in which the Soviet eleven-year secondary education system is still preserved, this does not apply. They are missing a year of study that can be covered by training in a Foundation preparatory program. However, after graduation, the chances of admission to Cambridge are extremely small.

In addition to excellent marks in the certificate, foreigners must provide a document confirming their knowledge of the English language at a very high level (IELTS not lower than 7.0, better than 7.5). All applicants also provide feedback from their educational institutions, as well as write the so-called letters of intent, in which they must explain reasonably what made them go to Cambridge.
The university may also request to write 1-2 additional essays on a specific topic.

But that's not all. After the applicant has passed all the stages of the initial selection, he will be invited to undergo an interview. The questions asked during the interview can be provocative. For example, future physicians are asked: "If you were faced with a choice - to kill one healthy person in order to transplant his organs to two others, terminally ill, or leave these two to die, what would you choose?"

Although the university, due to financial circumstances, is extremely interested in foreign students who significantly replenish its budget (for example, the number of foreign students admitted by the university in 2005 for 1 course was 16.7%, and in 2004 - 13.4%), it does not reduce the rigid entrance requirements. The competition is fierce. Each year, approximately 14,000 candidates compete for one of 3,400 Cambridge seats.

Therefore, for those who graduated from professional colleges and received professional certificates and diplomas (VCE, Applied A-Level, GNVQ, BTEC), it will be very difficult to enter the University of Cambridge. Here the stereotype is triggered, based on the fact that it is necessary to begin to tune in to study at leading universities (i.e. build your career line) as early as possible.

Returning to undesirable subjects, I will quote the information provided on the Cambridge website: academic subjects(including 2 items not included in this list). For example, math, history, and business may be an acceptable combination of subjects for a certain number of our disciplines. At the same time, history, business and media usually cannot be considered as acceptable because this combination contains only one item not listed. Likewise, for applicants who have completed International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, no more than one of the disciplines listed in the list must be presented in the diploma. "

The list of unwanted items is as follows:

A levels

Art and Design (see also Architecture requirements)
Business Studies
Communication Studies
Drama / Theater Studies
Film Studies
Health and Social Care
Home Economics

Information and Communication Technology
Leisure Studies
Media Studies
Music Technology
Performance Studies
Performing arts
Physical Education
Sports Studies
Travel and Tourism

Business and Management
Design and Technology (see also Engineering requirements)
Information Technology in a Global Society
Visual arts

Also, in the event that the student has not properly decided on the choice of the future specialty, the selection committee recommends choosing a set of disciplines as subjects for passing exams for the A-level course, which would include chemistry, English literature, history, mathematics, one of the modern languages as well as physics.

It should also be noted that, not entirely satisfied with the quality of the A-Level final exams, from 2008 the Cambridge University International Examination Board (CIE) will introduce new exams, called Pre-U. The purpose of these exams is to identify the most talented children who are able to study in the most prestigious universities Great Britain. The new test system was developed in conjunction with the renowned British boarding schools and universities that make up the Russell Group. To pass the Pre-U, students will need to study 3 subjects in depth during the last two years of schooling, pass exams on them and write an extended essay on a given topic. The new exams do not replace the old A-Levels system, and students can take both Pre-U and A-Levels, however, upon admission to the universities of the first division, preference will be given to those who will take the new test.

In parallel with Cambridge, the London School of Economics posted its set of subjects, more or less preferable to the university admissions committee. Mathematics, French and economics will look better to her than mathematics, French and business. But examiners will have a very negative attitude to the combination of mathematics, accounting and media. The best view will be the results of the final exams for the A-Level course in two academic subjects and only one subject from the list, which included: accounting, art and design, business, communication, dance, design and technology, drama / theater studies, home economics. Information Technology communications, law, media, sports.

The article was written for the publishing house "Kommersant"


To enter an educational institution, you must graduate high school... It is best to do this abroad, since a certificate issued by the Russian Federation is likely to be rejected by the admissions committee. Cambridge a. If you graduated from a university, institute or academy in Russia, it will be easier to enroll. V Cambridge There is a special one that assesses the list of subjects indicated in the incoming applicant.

If the members of the commission approve the candidate, then inform him of their positive decision, if not, they propose to enter the next year on a general basis or submit documents to private schools Cambridge a. In the latter case, training takes place on a paid basis.

Based on the results of the consideration of documents, the commission may schedule an interview for a specific date, or may ask to write an essay about yourself, as well as provide a short video with a story about your personal qualities, social life and other achievements.

To get started, you will have to fill out the UCAS application form, which can be received by mail from UCAS or download the site Cambridge university special form (CAF) with detailed instructions for filling out. Next, the form must be sent to the admissions office Cambridge and specific and wait for an answer.

To enroll in Cambridge you can use one of the international student programs. The most famous program to date is the Chevening (Chevening Scholarship). Participants in this program can obtain a degree from any university in the UK. You can also graduate from one of the international schools. To enroll in Cambridge you need to score a certain number of points at the end of the university and if the diploma is suitable, there are chances for admission.

During the interview, questions are most often asked that do not relate to the chosen specialty or subjects, the commission is guided by the logical thinking of the applicant and his imaginative perception of the world. The questions are asked very unexpected, for example, is the Moon made of cheese or which US politician is similar to the British Prime Minister?

Documents do not need to be filled in, copies of all submitted documents on higher education must be certified by the relevant institution. All translated documents must be notarized. All documents must be submitted in at least three copies, the cost of each package is 35 euros. This amount is a commission fee and not to the applicant in case of refusal of the admissions committee.

The University of Cambridge, the second oldest British university after Oxford, was founded by immigrants from the latter as a result of a conflict with local residents. And as a result, it turned into the most popular and prestigious educational institution of the world level.

For this they say, firstly, its place in international rankings:

  • THE, QS and CWUR - 4th,
  • ARWU - 5th,
  • US News - 6th,
  • RUR - 9th.
  • studied and worked more Nobel laureates than in other universities in the world - 130;
  • 15 future prime ministers of Great Britain and 25 leaders of other states were trained;
  • a whole scattering of celebrities was educated - philosophers Francis Bacon and Bertrand Russell, poets William Shakespeare and George Gordon Byron, scientists Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, writers Alan Milne ("dad" Winnie the Pooh) and Vladimir Nabokov, even the comedian actor Sasha Baron Cohen and many, many others.

The academic achievements of the university are also undeniable - so, in it:

  • thanks to the work of Niels Bohr, Ernst Rutherford and Robert Oppenheimer, a whole scientific discipline appeared - nuclear physics;
  • discovered the genes for pain and obesity, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of anesthesiology and dietetics;
  • have achieved the ability to immerse a person in a state of immunity to pain with a clear consciousness - which can revolutionize the work of doctors, as well as military, firefighters, rescuers and representatives of other professions associated with an increased risk.

Features and infrastructure

Ancient customs are strictly observed here. For example, the rites of matriculation (initiation) and graduation of students are very solemn. For several centuries, until 1909, the most lagging student was “awarded” with a large wooden spoon. And without an official uniform (a gown and a rectangular hat with a tassel), you won't even be allowed into other dining rooms.

But, of course, this educational institution is strong not only in traditions and teaching staff, but also a solid infrastructure, which includes:

  • 114 libraries, the main of which contains about 8 million books and periodicals in all world languages ​​(and almost all of them can be borrowed at home);
  • 8 museums - art, zoology, anthropology and archeology, classical archeology, history of science, geology, polar exploration and a magnificent botanical garden;
  • lecture halls, laboratories, conference rooms, offices, etc. equipped with the most modern equipment.

Moreover, all these high technologies feel great in ancient buildings of medieval architecture (which the educational institution is also proud of).


University Of Cambridge offers traditional degree study options:

  • bachelor
  • master's

Its structure is rather complicated - on the one hand, it is divided into 6 schools:

  • technological
  • biology,
  • arts and humanities,
  • clinical medicine,
  • humanitarian and social disciplines,
  • physical sciences

each of which consists of more than 20 faculties (of which there are only 150) - and on the other, the university is formed from the 31st college. And these two principles of separation can be said to be parallel to each other - that is, students of the same school may belong to different colleges, and students of the same college can study in different schools. How are they different?

The main thing is that the school determines for whom and how you will study (i.e., what diploma you will receive, programs, plans, methods, etc.). And college - where you will live, what uniform to wear and what traditions to observe. In other words, your choice of school determines your academic performance in Cambridge, and your choice of college determines your social performance. Which we will now talk about.

Social life

Perhaps anyone will find a hobby and a community of interests here, no matter how unusual his hobby is. V free time students are engaged in the study of ancient artifacts and the work of J.R. Tolkien, go on hikes, make films, sing, play music, play preference, etc.

The same can be said about sports - there is no such kind of it that could not be practiced in Cambridge. And the annual competition between him and Oxford (the quintessence of which, of course, is the rowing regatta) becomes a sporting event not only for the university, but for the whole life of the United Kingdom in general.

There are numerous student communities here, including very active Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh. They constantly hold their own events, including balls, meetings with national celebrities and politicians, and evenings of their native language and culture. An Orthodox church is always available for believers. But adherents of other confessions can also perform services according to their rites - in a mosque, synagogue, church or Cathedral of King's College, which is recognized as an architectural masterpiece and one of the Cambridge symbols.

Student career and scholarships

While a University Of Cambridge degree is in itself a major asset in your favor in the eyes of any employer, there is a Student Career Support Center here nonetheless. He helps future specialists in every possible way both in subsequent employment (market monitoring, database and job fairs), and in preparation for it (trainings on interviews, resume writing, etc.).

Plus, according to certain criteria (excellent study, promising research activities etc.) here it is possible to accrue grants that can significantly reduce training costs. According to statistics, 40% of foreign students of the university receive such assistance. True, special incentives for students from the CIS countries, as in many others educational institutions UK, is not provided here - except for the fellowships for graduate students, which were established by BP.
