Official opening of the 2nd Personal Exhibition - Artist Valentina Georgievich Trubetsky - Member of the Creative Union "Lik" (Krasnogorsk), a member of the creative Union of Artists of Russia and the International Federation of Artists ("IFA") was held on November 30

V.A. Trubetskaya took part in the exhibitions: 1992 - the exhibition "Russian Ornice" (Goyirls, Netherlands).
2001 - the exhibition hall "On Kashire".
2001 and 2002 - Exhibition hall in Tushino. These are quite large exhibitions. They participated about 150 artists in Moscow, Yaroslavl and other areas. Organizes these exhibitions Society "Our Isograph".
2002 - Vykhino gallery, on Tashkent street.
2002 - an exhibition organized by the All-Russian Culture Fund in
M. Milyutinsky per.

Valentin Georgievich Trubetskaya is an active participant in all exhibitions dedicated to the "Day of the City" (Krasnogorsk).
Artist V.G. Trubetskoy was born in the peasant family. In the village of Snegiri. Istrinsky district The house in which he was born was preserved. Now there is a sister in it. As a child, he loved to draw, at school issued wall newspapers. Study, family, work did not allow to surrender to artistic creativity. And in 1976 it would seem a random meeting (whether everything happens in our life).

In the hospital ward, V.G. Trubetskaya met with the artist Peter Nikolayevich Reshetnikov, who over the years became the "Honored Artist of Russia". "My Maestro," His Valentin Georgievich calls. With this meeting, the creative life of our countryman began. Before that, he sometimes painted, wrote oil.

In 1977 - 1979, Valentin Georgievich studies from the artist Nikolai Ivanovich Kasatkin in People's University. "Fortunately, under the Soviet government, training was free" - comments on the artist. Now he has about 200 works - mostly landscapes and still lifes. The artist's paintings are bought at exhibitions. One of the five works submitted was sold at the exhibition in the Netherlands.

This is the second personal exhibition of the artist in the Exhibition Hall of Krasnogorier. He wanted to organize art exhibitions with a music program, like, December evenings in the museum of the visual arts. A.S. Pushkin. While it does not work.

At the Personal Exhibition, 25 picturesque canvas made by oil are represented. Here our native nature: Even the names themselves listen - "Winter theater of the funnels", "On the Visit River", "Church of Nicholas Wonderworker in Pushkino", "Autumn on the Mozhaisk reservoir" ... After all, this is our native ... What love and warmth is written " Sunset, "peace and peace be pouring from the canvas. "Winter Morning" is a fairy tale spied by the artist - the poet.

In the article "In the south-east of the Spring Thaw", the newspaper "Our Isograph" (2002) Artist Sergei Isaev notes: "V. Trubetskaya presents a landscape picture as a theater with a ramp, shirma and a flow of light - "Winter Theater". This picture is at our exhibition. Indeed, you look, and, it seems, on the background of these scenery, the Tale of the "Twelfth Night" will be played, or the trees themselves will float in the dance.

Artist has excellent still lifes. "Still life with a jug" - how every element is discharged! Fruits filled with juice, golden glitter cup. So wrote old masters. Cozy bouquets "Lilac" and "Peonies" are a look. The artist's picture of the artist goes the aura of good.

I was three times at the exhibition. I invited our neighbor to the exhibition Natalia Ivanovna Ovcharenko. It turns out, under the post of V.G. Trubetsky on his main work worked her husband. She hangs a picture of Valentina Georgievich "Clean Water", presented to them. How many warm words I heard about the hero of my essay, his family. As helped at a difficult moment my neighbor. It seems that it would be possible to write. But, so, in this way, I understood - where is this aura of good and light from the artist's paintings. This is his good soul leads imagination and brush.

From the exhibition I do not want to leave. No matter how much I wrote about her. It is better to come and see.
Valentin Georgievich continues to work at the main job. He writes a lot, visits Moscow exhibitions. Improves your skills. "Exhibitions are good skill lessons. Now I look at my earliest work, and I think - today I would do wrong. Better, "says the artist.

In Russia, the surname of Trubetsky is known since 1500 - princes, boyars and governors, Decembrist and law, linguistic, philosopher and sculptor. Trubetsky people, high spirit, faithfully loved Russia. Artist Valentin Georgievich Trubetskoy Our contemporary and countryman, the peasant son, stands in a number of such people of this famous last name.

I. Short story The genus Trubetsky

As already mentioned in the introduction, the history of the wonderful kind of Russian princes of Trubetsky begins with the XIV century.

This is an old Lithuanian-Russian princely genus, originating from the Great Lithuanian Prince Gedimin. The surname also comes from the city of Tubech (Trubaur, now Trubchevsk of the Bryansk region), which entered the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1368-1372 and was transferred to the Grand Duke by the Gedymin Gediminovich, the son of that Gedimin himself, the son of the Bryansky and Chernihiv Prince Dmitry Olghadovich - a member of the Kulikov battle (1380), killed in the battle on the Vorskla River (1399). Here, in fact, from this grandson Gediminovich and the genus of Trubetsky begins.

All modern representatives of the genus come from Lieutenant General Yuri Yurevich Trubetsky (1668-1739). But it will be on him further.

Descendants of Dmitry Olghadovich - Specific princes Tubuezi (Trubetskaya): Mikhail Dmitrievich (Rules 1399- about 1420), Semen Mikhailovich (about 1420-1460), Ivan Semenovich (about 1460-1490), Andrei Ivanovich (about 1490-1500). In 1500, Prince Andrei Ivanovich moved to the service of Moscow Great Prince, and his ship was joined to the Russian state. In the middle of the XVI century, Ivan Iv Grozny Princes of Fyodor Mikhailovich and Nikita Romanovich Trubetski were known.

On the river Vorskle, not only Prince Andrei Olgersovich, his brother, Prince Dmitry Olgersovich, but also the son of Dmitry Ivan.

Boyar Fedor Mikhailovich Trubetskaya (died in 1602) as the governor participated in the Livonian War and in the fight against the raids of the Crimean Tatars. He played a prominent role in the courts of Ivan the Terrible (he was a throne overlook!), Fyodor Ivanovich, Boris Godunova. In the absence of the king Fyodor Mikhailovich remained the ruler in Moscow. Before death, he accepted the lead under the name of Feodosia.

Boyar Nikita Romanovich Trubetskaya, Voevod Vologda, on nicknamed oblique (died in 1608) distinguished himself in the war with the Swedes.

During his stay in power, Lhadmitria I, Prince Nikita became one of his close, after the death of the impostor supported the candidacy of Vasily Shuisky into a Russian throne.

The last representative of the older branch of the genus was Boyar and Voevod Andrei Vasilyevich Trubetskaya (died in 1611). Having entered into service in 1573, he participated in the hike of King Ivan IV Grozny at Serpukhov, participated in the final battles of the Livonian War, in the military actions of Russian troops with the Swedes (1590). Andrei Vasilyevich was a governor in Tula, Novgorod-Seversky, Novgorod, Smolensk, participated in diplomatic negotiations. Prince Andrei used the location of the kings of Ivan the Terrible, theodore Ivanovich, Boris Godunova, Vasily Shui. After the overthrow of the Shui Prince Andrei Vasilyevich became part of the seven-warehouse, but soon he died.

Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskaya - "Savior of the Fatherland" - (died in 1625) actively participated in the events of the time of early XVII century, participated in hostilities against the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists, was one of the leaders of the first and second militia, before the election of Mikhail's king Fedorovich was a temporary ruler of Russia, that is, was actually the ruler of Russia in 1612-1613!

Alexey Nikitich Trubetskaya (died in 1680) was a prominent statesman during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, played important role In the process of reunification of Ukraine with Russia. For the suppression of the uprising in Moscow (1662), the king complained Alexey Nikitich to the possession of the Rodan Trubchevsk and the title of "Honor Trubchevsky". In the 1660s, Prince Alexey took out from Lithuania to Russia Yuri Petrovich Trubetskoy - the grandson of his brother Prince Yuri Nikitich Trubetsky (died in 1634), who went to the service to the king of the Commonwealth during the time of troubled time. And already in 1611, Yuri Nikitich went to Poland, where he accepted Catholicism, marrying himself on the Polyaska Elizabeth Drutskaya and making a good career at the Royal Yard. Not wanting to give your possessions to the offspring of Prince Yuri Nikitich, Prince Alexey, Trubchevsk won his godfather - Peter I Great, although it was troubled "the return of the grandee the nephew to Russia. Boyarin Yuri Petrovich Trubetskaya (died in 1679) became the attorney of the later representatives of Trubetsky.

Boyarin Yuri Yuryevich Trubetskaya (1668-1739) began the court service of the household worn kings of Fyodor Alekseevich and Peter I Great. In 1700, he led negotiations with Prussian Kurfürst on the accession of Russian lands to the Northern Union. Yuri Trubetskaya participated in the construction of the Petropavlovsk fortress and in his honor was called Trubetskaya Bastion.

Later in this Trubetskaya Bastion will be able to sit the descendant of his builder, also prince Trubetsky, Sergey. True, the reason was very romantic - he won someone else's wife! He was the Secundant Lermontov on the duel of the poet with Martynov. Here they are intricate fate!

In 1720, Prince Yuri was appointed president of the Magistrate - the Supreme Body of the City Administration in Russia, in 1727 - the Belgorod Governor, in 1730 - Senator.

His brother General Field Marshal Ivan Yuryevich Trubetskoy "Big" (died in 1750), called so unlike his namesake and nephew - President of the Justice College, was the favorite of Peter I Great and started service in the Preobrazhensky regiment. In 1698, he became a Novgorod governor; at the beginning Northern War (1700-1721) participated in the Narva battle, was injured and taken by the Swedes captured. King of Sweden Karl XII allowed Ivan's wife - Irina Grigorievna Naryshkina to come to his spouse and live with him in Sweden. Nevertheless, in captivity, the Prince of Swedish was born an extramarital son - Ivan Ivanovich, who was given the surname of Petsk.

It was quite the usual practice of that time. People loved, gave birth to children and did not always consist at the same time in a legitimate marriage. Since the laws of recognition of paternity were sufficiently severe - the property, land, the name, finally, it was necessary to protect against the basstards, but not to recognize illegitimate children was "ugly", and they often had a smarter heart than official, "gave" Sometimes part of their surname or came up with something suitable. And the examples are a great set and then, and in later history.

Wonderful Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Herzen - the fruit of love of the rich landowner Ivan Alekseevich Yakovlev, leading his genus from Andrei mare, like Romanov, and 16-year-old beautiful Germans, daughters of a small official.

The marriage was not issued, and Herzen wore the last name invented by the Father: Herzen - "Son of the Heart" (from him. Herz.).

In 1718, Peter I exchanged Trubetskoy on the captured Swedish Feldmarshal Carl-Gustav Renshild. After the liberation, Ivan Yurevich received the rank of Lieutenant General and the position of the Kiev Governor. Upon joining the throne, Anna John (1730), Prince Ivan "Big" spoke to the Yarym opponent "Condios", for which the Empress complained to his title of Senator, and in 1739 he appointed Moscow Governor-General in 1739. Prince Ivan managed to earn the favor and Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. He was the last boyar, who survived almost fifty years of the Boyar Duma.

Feldmarshal General Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskaya (1699-1767) began service in the Preobrazhensky regiment, until 1740 participated in almost all Russian wars; He was president of the Military College and about 20 years of the Senate Prosecutor General. A prominent statesman, a person of an extensive and enlightened mind, Prince Nikita was friends with A. D. Kantemir and M. M. Heranskov, was the patron saint of Ya. P. Shakhovsky.

Prince Peter Nikitich Trubetskaya (1724-1791) is known as an employee I. I. Bezzky, honorary member of the Academy of Arts. He began the service in the Preobrazhensky regiment, in 1761 was appointed Ober Prosecutor of the Senate, after three years he became a senator.

Peter Nikitich enjoyed influence at the court of Catherine II Great, it is the author of a number of poems and literary translations. General Sergey Nikitich Trubetskaya (1731-1812) distinguished himself in hostilities in Poland during the reign of Catherine II Great.

Nikolai Nikitich Trubetskaya (1744-1821) is known as a friend of Nikolai Novikova, a journalist, publisher, a Russian educator, and one of the leaders of the Martinist Society (Mason Branch). In 1796, Emperor Paul I Petrovich exiled him to Voronezh province, but soon appointed a Senator to Moscow. Nikolay Nikitich owns a number of poems and prosaic writings, the comedy "Patcher". His correspondence was published in 1874.

Adjutant General, Senator, Member of the State Council Vasily Sergeevich Trubetskaya (1776-1841) began with a civil service, but in 1805 he switched to military service; participated in the Russian-Turkish wars napoleonic wars, distinguished in battles in Lucene, Dresden, Leipzig.

After graduating from the Russian-Turkish war, 1828-1829 was appointed Chairman of the Special Committee to draw the Regulations on the establishment of correctional institutions. In 1830, Vasily Sergeevich headed the embassy to London; The following year was the temporary military governor of the city. Around 1839, on his proposal in St. Petersburg, the Committee of Warning Committee was established.

Decembrist Sergey Petrovich Trubetskaya (1790-1860) participated in the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns was a colonel. As one of the organizers of the Decembrists movement, he was sentenced to the eternal Katorga, which was serving in the Nerchinsky mines, in 1839-1856 lived in the settlement in the Irkutsk province. In the Decembrist movement, his brother Peter Petrovich Trubetskaya, who managed to avoid punishment took part in the Decembristian movement.

Their nephew Sergey Nikitich Trubetskaya (1829-1899) devoted his life to military service. In 1889, he was entrusted to head with the Hermitage, but Prince Sergey paid him little attention and for ten years the institution was not even approved as director of the Hermitage.

Sergey Vasilyevich Trubetskaya (1815-1859) from eighteen years later served in the Sauna regiment, participated in hostilities in the Caucasus, was the second of Mikhail Lermontov for Duele with Martynov. In 1842, in the rank of headquarters, he resigned. Nine years later, Sergey Vasilyevich brought someone else's wife - Waving Zhadimirovskaya. In Nikolaev time it was considered a heavy misdemeanor. Sergei Trubetskaya was placed under the arrest in Trubetskaya bastion of the Petropavlovsk fortress, and then "without title, rank and the signs of differences, sent by ordinary to the infantry regiment in Petrozavodsk under the strictest supervision."

One of the most famous representatives Pavel (Paolo) Petrovich Trubetskaya (1866-1938) is an outstanding Russian sculptor, whose works are distinguished by an amazing painting.

Among the numerous representatives of the genus Trubetsky at the end of the XIX - early XX century, the names of the four siblings are allocated: Peter Nikolaevich Trubetskaya (1858-1911) after the death of Mother was brought up by the aunt Sophia Tolstoy, who handed him a narrow hereditary estate, in Soviet times, which became the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Soviet times . In the youth, Peter was fond of liberal ideas, but during the First Russian Revolution (1905-1907) became one of the founders of the Union of the Russian People. In 1911, on the soil of jealousy, he was killed by his nephew V. G. Christi.

His brother Sergey Nikolayevich Trubetskaya (1862-1905) - Russian religious philosopher, publicist, public figure.

Fame he brought publicist articles in defense of constitutional reforms. In the fall of 1905, he was elected a rector of Moscow University, but soon died.

His eldest son Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoy emigrated from Soviet Russia, abroad lived in Vienna and was known as a researcher of the history of Slavic languages. The youngest son Vladimir Sergeevich Trubetskaya (died in 1937) remained after in Russia, was subjected to arrests, died during the period of mass repression. His wife, two sons and two daughters and two daughters underwent repression.

The third of the brothers - Eugene Nikolayevich Trubetskaya (1863-1920, Novorossiysk) was known as a religious philosopher and lawyer, during the civil war, supported a white movement. His son Sergey Evgenievich Trubetskaya (1890-1949), Associate Professor of Moscow University, in 1922 he was expelled from Soviet Russia.

The youngest of the brothers - Grigory Nikolaevich Trubetskoy - after the end of Moscow University served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1920 emigrated abroad, lived in Yugoslavia, Vienna, Paris. He is known as a prominent theoretical Eurasianism.

This is a brief dynastic tree of the genus Trubetsky, and we will try to tell about these wonderful people, amazing and sometimes tragic destinies of some of them.

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After reading this such interesting historical work KN. C. N. Trubetsky can be involuntarily to make a very unfavorable impression of our Russian Cossacks, especially the Cossacks of the Donors ...

According to the traditions of memoirs or memories are published either during the life of the author, or 100 years later. But during this time, so much became stormy change in the life of an ordinary person in any country of the world, that our century can be freely doubted ...

Entering one of the last to this cafe edge, I ask for a forgive me that after so many knowledgeable and authoritative people take your attention. If I decide still to do this, then, first, because I believe that the opinion of the ordinary member of the Cathedral, trying to understand the questions of the assigned before us, should be taken into account, and secondly, because What I am convinced that the question of the restoration of the patriarchate can be resolved not by one scientists of the canonists ...


edited by B. A. Suvorin

November and December 1917 months were held in the fruitless attempts of the Moscow Right Center to find major material forces to support the case of creating a voluntary army undertaken in Novocherkassk General Alekseev. I had to go from Moscow in Petrograd twice in this case ...

Having entered into the path of agreement with the left, Kalins was led by the thought that was not outlined and at that moment, as I write these lines (May 1919). He found it necessary to create strong power, but thought that under these conditions it was possible only if a wide democratic foundation was subordinate to it. He himself went honestly towards democracy, and, as a person's straight and noble man, he hoped to find the same attitude and those with whom I wanted to work with the principle of strong power on the basics of mutual trust and concessions. No wonder he was called "slave of honor" ...

After leaving the headquarters and general Alekseeva to Rostov, I stayed in Novocherkassk and continued to be headed by the Political Department, which was mainly involved in propaganda issues ...

We had to make a rush decision. To go with the whole family from Novocherkassk was unthinkable. Where and how was it to go? Novocherkassk was supposed to pay without a fight. The Cossacks of Bolsheviks came to him, so it was possible to hope that it would not be subjected to stream and looting. But we, men, close to the organization of the Volunteer Army, could not be left. No matter how terribly parted with the family and leave her for complete unknown, but did not have to choose ...

"Old Mishan," as I called him, was unusually trusting, and more than once I used his weakness, when I was younger, all sorts of unprecedented him, and he took everything to heart, jural me and got used ...

I arrived at Moscow at an insistent invitation of my friends of the right center. The political situation during my flight from dona was as follows. The retreat of the volunteer army from Rostov coincided with the cessation of peace negotiations between the Germans and the Bolsheviks and the onset of the Germans. The victorious procession of the latter was stopped by the surrender of the Bolshevik government and the world in Brest ...

Orsha was in the hands of the Germans. With a sigh of relief, we left the soil of condemnation, but the mixed feeling of deliverance and, at the same time, we had a humiliation, seeing the first German hard hat. As soon as the train approached, the wagons began to disarm the German soldiers who sold under the body of wine, cigarettes, chocolate. Soon we have heard the stories about how fast German soldiers and officers applied to the Russian nravam bribery and speculation.

After spending about a week in Kiev, I left for a ship to the village, where P. N. Milyukov temporarily settled to see and talk about our affairs with him. In Kiev, all the time passed into continuous dates and conversations. Sitting on a steamer, I will try to figure out my observations ...

From the message kN. Gregory Nikolayevich I see that not only in general terms, but also in almost all the details our views on how to bring Russia from these Regulations coincide. Like him, I consider the restoration of statehood and the unification of Russia first and the main task ...

My estimate of the situation in Ukraine is divided by Pavel Nikolayevich. At my request, he formulated its main provisions that are sent to you for № II ...

The following represents the post attempt to considerably understand the prevailing currents of the moderate circles of the Moscow society and summarize their views on the current state of affairs. It should be noted that the events alternate so quickly and change the overall environment that writing these lines cannot be sure how fully his views reflect in this minute the mood of Moscow, which he left two weeks ago ...

In this arrival, I stopped at Darusi Gorchakova. My wife and Kostya have already left, the first - in Novocherkassk, the second - in the Crimea to the butenev. The eighth of August I left in Novocherkassk through Ekaterinoslav. There were courier trains there and so soon, as I have never walked before. The schedule was made up by the Germans. The train swung from the side to the side of the rapid stroke ...

Now about the volunteer army and Kuban. - The number of the army is approximately 40 thousand. But I ask this figure to consider extremely secret. In addition, she all the time tends to increase. On the one hand, from Ukraine, where the volunteer army knows much more than in Velikorsia, volunteers are going all the time. Germans recently recently recent obstacles, but they are much easier to bypass than the Bolsheviks ...

I returned from Ekaterinodar to Persianovka for children, Nikolai and Mikhail and left with them on a steamer from Rostov in Yalta, where arrived on September 16/29. My wife and the younger sons of Seryozhe and Petrishe left there two weeks earlier. Bupers, old men and young people lived in Crimea, and we decided to settle with them. The locality where we lived was considered in the urban art, but in fact defended from the city to two versts, on the Simferopol highway, on Mount above Yalta. We settled the whole colony, in the close neighborhood one from others ...

During my stay in Ekaterinodar, I gained impressions that were convicted of some disappointing thoughts.

It was unpleasant, first of all, a visual impression. Ekaterinodar was full of officers. Under the main street, red, they walked idle, whole crowds, filled all the coffee shops and restaurants, sleeved ragged money, while they received a void salary, they easily lost thousand rubles in the cards ...

October 05, 1858 - October 4, 1911

prince, State and Political Worker, Region


Born on October 5, 1858 in Moscow. On October 21 of the same year in the church of Nikola in the nacks, the suspension was his grandfather - Lieutenant-General Prince Peter Ivanovich Trubetskaya (1798-1871), the owner of the estate of Akhtydka and aunt - Countess S. V. Tolstaya, the pupil of which P. N. Trubetskoy was together with his sisters of Sofia and Maria after the death of the mother. Childhood they passed narrow in the estate. Their Father, Director of the Moscow Branch of the Imperial Russian Music Society (RMO) Prince Nikolai Petrovich Trubetskoy in 1861, was married again - in Sophier Alekseevna Lopukhina (1841-1901), from the second marriage N. P. Trubetsky had ten children - summary brothers and sisters P. N. Trubetsky; The most prominent among them were the famous university professors and philosophers Sergey and Yevgeny Nikolayevichi Trubetsky.

After graduating from the Law Faculty of Moscow University, P. N. Trubetskaya began service under the department of the Ministry of the Interior. In 1883, he first "performed the position of" the Moscow district leader of the nobility, replacing the graph A. V. Bobrinsky, then to him from S. V. Tolstoy moved the estate near Moscow (formally sold for a sufficiently small amount for such ownership). In 1884, he replaced the provincial governor of the nobility. Subsequently, the posts of the county and provincial leaders of P. N. Trubetskaya received by elections.

After the wedding on October 1, 1884 with Prince Alexander Vladimirovna Obolensk (1861-1939), they left for a trip to Europe.

The Moscow provincial leader of the nobility P. N. Trubetskaya was in 1892-1906. In parallel, he received the court and civil titles, having passed the path from the Chamber-Junker to Egermester and becoming an actual statistical adviser in 1896.

P. N. Trubetsky belonged a number of estates in the southern regions of the country: in p. Kozatack Kherson province, Dolmatovo Tavrichesky province, Sochi (Arduche) of the Black Sea province. As a major winemaker, he was one of the founders (in 1901) of the Viticulture Committee and winemaking of the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture. In the Kozatsk, except for numerous vineyards laid in 1896, there was fine-on sheep "- one of the best in Russia and a large equestrian plant.

On July 31, 1900, in a narrow, where Sergey Nikolayevich Trubetskaya lived, in the office of P. N. Trubetsky, the famous philosopher Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov died. P. N. Trubetskaya attended his funerals held in the Novodevichy Monastery.

In the spring of 1905, P. N. Trubetskoy, together with Prince A. G. Shcherbatov, Graphs Pavlom and Peter Dmitrievichi Sheremetev, Publishers N. A. Pavlov and S. F. Sharapov and others became the founder and Chief Worker of the Monarchic Union of Russian People in Moscow ( After defeating in the elections in the 1st State Duma, the activity of the Union has declined sharply; many of its members became participants in other black-and-monarchical organizations).

In 1906, he was elected from noble societies to the State Council (P. N. Trubetsky and St. Petersburg provincial leader of the nobility of Count V. V. Guddovich, supported by the Minister of Internal Affairs P. N. Runovovo, belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200ba separate representation from the nobility in the State Council. In the State Council P. N. Trubetskoy subsequently headed the land commission. At the same time, he was the chairman of the party of the Center, in which the famous liberalism was seen, as the chairmen of groups and parties became, as a rule, only persons who fell into the upper chamber of the Russian parliament not by elections And for the appointment of Nicholas II.

P. N. Trubetskaya died on October 4, 1911, being killed in Novocherkassk one of his own nephews Vladimir Grigorievich Christie. Family of Trubetskiy and Christie on the solemn ceremony of transferring the dong of Don military figures, among whom were their ancestor Count V. V. Orlov-Denisov, in the tomb of the newly completed military cathedral. After the ceremony, P. N. Trubetskaya went to ride a car together with his nephew Maria (Maritsa) Alexandrovna Christie, nee Mikhalkova (1883-1966) and came to his car at Novocherkassk. There came and V. G. Christie, who shot P. N. Trubetsky. The body of it on October 7 was transported to Moscow and buried in the Don Monastery. The investigation of this case at the request of the Widow P. N. Trubetskoy Nikolai II stopped, V. G. Christie was exiled to the estate of the parents of the castle (Chisinau County of Bessarabian province).

Trubetsky. Aristocracy of the Spirit. Brothers-philosophers S.N. And E.N. Trubetsky and their descendants. Prince Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskoy(1862-1905) - Russian religious philosopher, publicist and public figure. Brother Philosopher E. N. Trubetskyand father of philosopher N. S. Trubetsky

Trubetskaya, Sergey Nikolaevich (until 1905)

Born and conducted childhood with numerous brothers and sisters in the near Moscow estate Akhtydka. In 1874, he, together with his brother Evgeny, entered the private gymnasium F. I. Craiman, and in 1877 - to the Kaluga men's stateless gymnasium, where the family moved in connection with the appointment of the father of the family by Vice-Governor. Maria Mansurov writes in his memoirs that "the grandfather gave almost all his condition, sold Akhtyrka and a house in Moscow in order to save his brother from the trouble, who wondered her great condition. The grandfather had to enter the service, more serious than that time, Such to contain a family. He took the place of the vice-governor in Kaluga. She moved to Kaluga and grandmother with all children. Trubaetsky settled in a country house (so they called this house) with a large launched garden. "She also mentions that" in Kaluga Homemade performances were organized. The plays were composed of jointly Sergey Nikolayevich Trubetsky and Slogube "(Count Fyodor Lvovich Sologub - Far relative on the maternal line S. N. Trubetsky, Lopukhini).

Brothers Trubetsky - Sergey Nikolaevich and Evgeny Nikolaevich. Moscow, 1866

In 1881, Sergey and Yevgeny brothers entered the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University, but Sergey had switched to the historical and philological faculty in two weeks, where he studied first on historical, and then on the classic department. From the 4th grade of the gymnasium, he became interested in philosophy, at the age of 16 survived the period of hobbies by the Anglo-French positivism; In the 7th grade, reading 4 volumes of the "Stories of the New Philosophy" K. Fisher marked the beginning of a critical study of philosophy; Turning to religious philosophy occurred under the influence of the reading brochure A. S. Khomyakov. And in his student years, he met works by V. S. Solovyov, who became his friend.

In 1885, he graduated from Moscow University and was left at the Department of Philosophy to prepare for the Professor rank. Next year, he passed the master exams and since 1888 began to lecture as a privat-associate professor.

October 5, 1887 Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskaya married Praskovye Vladimirovna Obolenskaya(1860-1914). This marriage took place after eight years of mutual misstitution. The obstacle was that brother S.N. Trubetskoy - Peter Nikolaevich(From the first marriage of N.P. Trubetsky) was married to the sister Praskovya Vladimirovna. According to Orthodox canons, brothers on the sisters were not allowed. "My doubt was hard: Whether I do, sacrificing the letter of the canon with happiness, and maybe the life of a beloved weighing creature," he wrote to Evgeny's brother ... "You can understand those moral and religious torments through which I have passed." And S.N. Trubetskoy decided to cross the canon. Not the usual parish priest was invited to make a wedding rite, but a military, less dependent on the spiritual authorities.

Prince Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskaya with sons and wife Praskovy Vladimirovnai

In 1889, he defended his master's thesis "Metaphysics in ancient Greece", and in 1900 - the doctoral "doctrine of Logos in his history" and received the post of extraordinary professor. Since 1904, he is an ordinary professor. S. N. Trubetskaya read almost all historical and philosophical courses: the philosophy of the fathers of the church, the history of ancient philosophy, the story of the modern philosophy, the history of Christian thought in the first centuries, the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.

Prince Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskaya. Photo 1905. On top of the image inscription in his hand: "You need to live so that everyone is good, so that there is no disadvantaged. KN. S. Trubetskaya.

In the summer of 1895, Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskaya settled together with his family in the estate "narrow". His sons, Nikolai and Vladimir, perpetuated by Edacy their cousin uncle, the famous sculptor Paolo Trubetskoywho also visited narrow in 1895.

Trubetskaya P., Prince. Sculptural group "Children" (Princes Nikolai and Vladimir Sergeevichi Trubetskiy). 1900 Bronze. GRM..

Brothers Trubetskikh - Nikolay and Vladimir Sergeevichi. Mentrans, 1990

He was approved in the rank of Stat adviser since 1902. In 1903, sent abroad. In 1904 he received the Greek Order of the Savior of the 4th Degree. He was the editor of the magazine "Questions of Philosophy and Psychology" (1900-1905).

The follower of Russian philosopher V. S. Solovyov, Trubetskoy paid special attention to the relationship between the relationship and the relationship of philosophy and religion, the rationale of Christian verbation, including immortality issues.

Special attention in the religious philosophy of "concrete idealism" Sergey Nikolayevich was given to the development of the law of "universal correlation", which was reduced to approval that "knowledge acquires a logical sequence only when it is a consequence of a universal mind or the second IPost of the Divine Trinity." Through the law of "universal correlation", the Trubetsky was made attempted to overcome the "one-sidedness" approaches of the three whales of philosophy - rationalism, empiricism and mysticism, combining their approaches to the knowledge of Genesis: reason, experience and intuition, respectively.

Solovyov Vl. S., Trubetskaya S. N., Grotto N. Ya., Lopatin L. M.

In 1900, Sergey Nikolayevich Trubetskaya, together with his wife, Praskov, Vladimirovna, and children who have already become almost adults, came again to the narrow for the summer. In addition to them, Praskovy Trubetskaya cousin lived in the estate - Agraphen Mikhailovna Panytin, nee Princess Obolenskaya (1860 - 1936), as well as sons, and the daughter of the owner of the estate. In this exquisite society, I was going to celebrate its named after July 15, Vladimir Solovyov. However, having arrived in Moscow, he felt bad and went to the apartment of a cousin S.N. Trubetsky Chairman of the Moscow Divine Court Nikolai Vasilyevich Davydova (1848 - 1920), who was also going to the estate. Together they went on the road.

"Our trip to a narrow was not only heavy, but straight nightmare; Vladimir Sergeevich is quite weakened, and he had to keep him, and meanwhile the movement of the flight was postponed in it again sea disease; the rain intensified and urine our legs, and became, thanks to the wind, cold , - recalled N.V. Dvalov. - We drove very quietly, as sticky dirt was dissolved on the highway, and the flight slid on the side, and it was already dark. In one place of the road in<ладимир> FROM<ергеевич> He asked to stop to relax a little, adding, "And then, perhaps, I will die now." And it seemed, judging by weakness in<ладимира> FROM<ергеевича> absolutely possible. But soon he asked to go further, saying that he had felt that he had to feel the sparrow when he was plugged, and added: "With you, this, of course, could not happen." In general, despite weakness and suffering, in the intervals, when he was better done, in<ладимир> FROM<ергеевич>, as always, called, raised himself on laughter and apologized that she tormented me with his unhealthy. "

Davydov and Solovyov got to the narrow only late in the evening. The patient was so weak, which was not able to independently leave the crew. He was added to the house and put on the sofa in the nearest free premises, which was the Cabinet of the owner of the estate, at the time of the ex-in departure. Mondally, Solovyov became better and he, without getting up, talked for a long time with Sergey Trubetsky.

Doctors identified atherosclerosis, kidney cirrhosis and uremia, as well as the full exhaustion of the body, but could not help anything. V. S. Solovyov, after a two-week disease, died in a narrow, in the office of P. N. Trubetsky on July 31 (August 13 in a new style) of 1900.

During the illness of the philosopher on Trubetsky, a personal tragedy suddenly collapsed. July 19 In the estate estate lessons (Podolsky county), Prince Nikolai Petrovich Trubetskaya died from the rupture of the heart - father. Peter, Sergey, Eugene and Grigory Trubetsky. To the funeral held on July 22 in the Don Monastery, arrived from the south of P.N. and A.V. Trubetsky. Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskoy arrived at the ceremony without a spouse left in the estate, care for hopelessly sick.

On the same day, the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti" there was a publication about the location of V.S.Solovyev. This caused an influx into a narrow admirers.

Prince Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskaya with mother

Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskaya after the death of V.S.Soloviev no longer spent the summer months in a narrow. He focused on teaching at the Historical and Philology Faculty of Moscow University. The Epochal 1905 has become the culmination of social activities S.N. Trubetsky, June at the reception of Nikolai II of the deputation of the Zemsky leaders, the prince uttered the brave speech, in which the intolerance of the current internal situation of the country, substantiated the principles of the coming national representation and demanded their broad discussion in the press and Society, that is, actually freedom of assembly and cancellation of censorship. The king answered S.N. Trubetsky and speaking after him the vowels of the St. Petersburg City Duma M.P. Fedorov pretty faded and streamlined, without refuting not one of the speakers and expressing the hope of renewing the country, and asked Trubetsky to prepare a note on the present position of the highest educational institutions and measures to restore order in them. On August 6, a manifesto was published on the establishment of the State Duma on the principles that caused only disappointment from everyone who was waiting for this.

After Nicholas II decreed from August 27, 1905 introduced "Temporary Rules for Higher educational institutions The Ministry of Folk Enlightenment ", the University Council on September 2 elected the rector of 43-year-old Prince S. N. Trubetsky. It was a bright expression of the authority, which he enjoyed at the University's team. The prince had to do a severe administrative work, which undoubtedly accelerated his death.

However, the election of the rector did not stop the student unrest, student gatherings at the university continued, and the mass of an outsider public participated in them. And after 20 days after joining the position of Trubetskaya, it was forced to close the university to prevent the military and police into its territory.

At the end of the month of the year, S.N. Trubetskaya came to St. Petersburg at the reception to the Minister of People's Enlightenment, General V.N. Ladzov, who at a meeting of the Commission on the development of the university charter in a gross form spoke against the petition filed to him in defense of several students excluded from the university. Right at the meeting on September 29, 1905, S.N. Trubetsky could not stand the heart. On the same day, he died from a heart attack. His body delivered to Moscow, met a crowd crowd with red flags. Students conducted their rector to the cemetery of the Don Monastery. A huge number of people willing to say goodbye to the deceased delayed the funeral until the end of the daylight. Therefore, in the grave, the coffin was lowered by candles. V.I. Vernadsky said an important speech. Speaking students and teachers. Journalist and public figure I.V. Hesensen, who knew S.N. Trubetsky, recalling the event of that rapid year, wrote that "... Perthardated by the revolutionary parties youth turned higher school to the room for nationwide turbulent rallies that endured foreign resolutions, and the sudden death of the first elected rector of Moscow University of KN. S.N. Trubetsky, who struck him during the meeting in the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, was the obvious consequence of spiritual unrest caused by the university stem, and served as a formidable symbol of hopelessness. And this death student took advantage of this death to turn the funeral into a grand demonstration. "

Funeral Prince Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetsky

Sergey Nikolaevich Trubetskaya in Moscow at the cemetery of the Don Monastery in Moscow.

Sergey Nikolayevich and Praskovya Vladimirovna had three children: Nikolai, Maria and Vladimir. They are a little father constantly admired in the letters to their relatives. But he was not destined to see their mature.

Family Sergey Nikolayevich Trubetsky. Sergey Nikolaevich, Praskovya Vladimirovna (Ur. Obolenskaya) and their children - Maria, Vladimir (center), Nikolay. Mid 1890s. Maria Sergeevna Trubetskaya (Jproveich-Buteneva) (1888 - 1934). Husband - Apollinaria Konstantinovich Butenev(Jrovich-Butenov) (1879 - 1945) diplomat. In 1909-1911 Secretary of the Embassy in England, then the official of the 1st Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Photo from the wedding of Mary Sergeyevna Trubetskaya and Apollinaria Konstantinovich Khreptovich-Buteneva. Moscow, 1910 Photo from the archive V.S. Trubetsky.

Praskovya Apollbariavna Jrovich-Buteneva (1911 - 1969)

Konstantin Apollyanovich Khreptovich-Buhenev (1912 - 1963)

Maria Apollbariavna Jrovich-Buteneva (Svyatopolk-Mirskaya) (1913 - 1973)

Elizabeth Apollbariavna Jrovich-Buteneva (Gagarina) (1915 - 1989)

Ekaterina Apollbariavna Jrovich-Buteneva (Lviv) (r. 1917)

Mikhail Apollbarievich Jrovich-Butenev (1919 - 1992)

Sergey Apollyanovich Khplovich-Buhenev (1922 - 1974) Prince Nikolay Sergeevich Trubetskaya(4 (16) April 1890, Moscow - June 25, 1938, Vienna) - an outstanding Russian linguist; Also known as a philosopher and publicist of the Eurasian direction

Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoy, Austria, 1920s

From the age of 14, attended a meeting of the Moscow ethnographic society; At the age of 15, published the first scientific articles on Finno-Ugric pavement. The study of folklore was accompanied by acquaintance with the relevant languages.

At the age of 15, N. S. Trubetskaya wrote a letter to the ethnographer in the aetnographer in which she shared his scientific ideas (without specifying his age). Bogoraz, admired by the ideas of a young scientist, came home to him, discovered the boy there, with whom the tutor was engaged and could not believe that it was not a draw.

In 1907, he began comparative historical and typological studies of the grammatical system of North Caucasian and Chukotka-Kamchatka languages; Materials collected during this work continuing until the revolution died during the civil war ("went smoke"; however, the Soviet Caucasian E. Bokarev reported that he saw them in Rostov shortly before the Second World War and were subsequently restored by Trubetsky in emigration. by memory.

Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskaya. con. 1900-Nach.1910-Hg

In 1908 he graduated from the external fifth Moscow gymnasium (he studied only in the graduation class, and all other years he was engaged in the tutoring at home and only at the end of the year she passed the exams in the gymnasium) and entered Moscow University for the philosophical and psychological department (where he had great influence L. M. Lopatin).

Future poets also studied in 5 gymnasium B. L. Pasternakand V. V. Mayakovsky. Pasternak was a peer of N. S. Trubetsky and they were familiar and even a little friendly. Mayakovsky studied for three years later, most likely they were familiar with shap. According to B. L. Pasternak, Trubetskoy was fond of Russian religious philosophy and the neocantianism of the Marburg school. Then turned to the department of Western European literatures and finally - to the separation of comparative linguistics, where he became a student of F. F. Fortunatov.

From left to right: Vladimir Sergeevich Trubetskaya, Elizabeth Vladimirovna Golitsyn (sits), Tatyana Vladimirovna Golitsyn, Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskaya. Menshimovo, 1911

In 1912 he graduated from the first issue of the separation of comparative language and was left at the University Department; Commanded in Leipzig, where he studied young school. Returning, taught at Moscow University from 1915 to 1916. After the 1917 revolution, I went to Kislovodsk; Then I taught some time at the Rostov University.

In 1920, emigrated to Bulgaria. In 1905, Bulgarian historian and public figure Ivan Shishmanov, a former friend S. N. Trubetsky, presented his book with an inscription: the future historian of the ancient Bulgarians (due to the enthusiasm of the young scientist Praslavan). In 1920, being in Sofia, Trubetskoy appealed to Shishmanov, and he recommended him to the post of associate professor of the department of comparative linguistics at Sofia University. Thanks to this, the emigrant Trubetskoy got a job. At the same time, a 30-year-old scientist had only 8 printed works, from which there was not a single linguist. Its main course "Introduction to a comparative linguistic language with special attention to the main Indo-European languages" gathered only three listeners in Sofia University. But a year later, with a small Trubetskoy, he had already made a name for publishing on linguistics and history of culture and was invited to the post of professor at the University of Vienna. In 1923, he moved to Vienna. At the first congress of Linguists, A. MEY called Trubetsky the greatest mind of modern linguistics.

In Sofia, there was an essay of "Europe and humanity", in which closely approached the development of Eurasian ideology. Discussion of this book in the Sofia seminar, in which P. P. Suvchinsky participated, G. V. Florovsky, P. N. Savitsky led to the birth of Eurasian ideology, which was stated in the collection "Exodus to the East. Premonition and accomplishment. Statement of Eurasians. Book 1 "(Sofia, 1921).

In the 1920s - 1930s, an active member of the Eurasian movement, one of its theoretics and political leaders. Along with P. P. Suvchinsky and P. N. Savitsky, he entered the governing bodies of the Eurasianism (Council of the Three, Council of Five, the Council of Seven). Until 1929 participated in all program Eurasian collections, in the periodicals of the Eurasians (Eurasian Chronicles magazine, the newspaper "Eurasia"). Co-author of collective Eurasian manifestos ("Eurasianism (system of systematic presentation)" (1926), "Eurasianism (formulation of 1927)"). He released a number of books in Eurasian publishing ("Heritage of Genghis Khan" (1925), "To the problem of Russian self-consciousness" (1927)). As an ideologist of Eurasianism developed the concepts of multipolar world, the Slavic-Turan cultural interactions, the Mongol influence on Russian political history and culture, ideoxracy, the exercise on the ruling selection in the state.

In 1929, in protest against the Soviet and Prommunist orientation, the newspaper "Eurasia" came out of the governing bodies of the Eurasian movement. Did not participate in the creation (1932) and the work of the Eurasian Party, but continued to support personal contacts with P. N. Savitsky, participated in the work of theoretical Eurasian seminars and in the 1930s began to be printed in Eurasian publications (Eurasian Tetradi magazine, etc. ). At the same time, together with R. O. Jacobson, the theory of Eurasian Language Union is developing the theory of the Eurasian language due to the geographical factor, on the basis of ontological structuralism, which formed in the ideological space of the Prague linguistic mug.

In parallel in 1920-1930. He taught Slavic languages \u200b\u200band literature at the University of Vienna, engaged in scientific activities. In the late 1920s - early 1930s developed a phonological theory. It was one of the participants and ideological leaders of the Prague linguistic mug, one of the creators of the school of Slavic structuralism in linguistics. In their lectures on the history of Russian literature, expressed revolutionary ideas about the need for "discovery" old Russian literature (like the opening of the Russian Icon), on the use of a formal method for works by the ancient and medieval literature (in particular to the "walking for the three seas" Athanasius Nikitin), about the metric of Russian epic.

Trubetskoy with great inspiration wrote works on linguistics and with great reluctant propaganda articles on Eurasian topics. He complained that Eurasian propaganda ruined him as a scientist, taking too much time

He was an irreconcilable opponent of communism, a victorious Orthodox Christian. The heads of the Russian Nikolskaya Church in the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan of Energia (Georgievsky) (in the late 1920s in the end of the 1920s, carried out the duties. At the exit on July 1, 1928, from the jurisdiction of the energine of the abbot of the church of Archimandrite Khariton (Drobotov), \u200b\u200bdue to the impossible political demands of the loyalty of the Soviet power, "Prince N. S. Trubetskaya, consisting of the church older of this church, immediately donated Metropolitan Euroga about the release of Archimandrite Hyriton from canonical subordination to the Metropolitan Euroga and the last, one by one of the consecration of Miryanin, contrary to the sacred canons,<…> He dismissed Archimandrite Khariton from office, with the prohibition of priesthood and the tradition of the church court. "

In the 1930s. He spoke in print against National Socialism, seeing in it a kind of "biological materialism", as incompatible with the Orthodox worldview, as well as Marxist "historical materialism". In response to attempts by the former Eurasian A. V. Meller-Komelsky, who lived in Germany, bring together the position of the Right Eurasianism and the Russian National Socialism of N. S. Trubetskaya with the theoretical anti-Nazi article "On Rasism". Criticized the "Aryan theory in linguistics", proving that Indo-European Pravoke did not exist, and the similarities of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family could be explained by their influences on each other during historical development. These ideas made by him in the article "Thoughts on the Indo-European Problem" were the cause of denunciation to the Gestapo from the Pronocister configured Austrian Linguist.

N. S. Trubetskaya suffered from depression and addressed for help to a psychotherapist
At the end of life from drugs that Trubetskoy took for the treatment of a sick heart, he acquired a stomach disease. On this occasion, the scientist joked: It is inconvenient that a person has so many organs.

In 1938, after Anshlus Austria, he was oppressed by the Gestapo, was called for interrogation, he was arrested on three days, his apartment was searched. According to P. N. Savitsky, only the title of Prince saved him from the concentration camp. However, a significant part of his scientific manuscripts was confiscated during the search and later lost. Nikolai Sergeyevich Trubetskaya, Nikolay Sergeyevich, died from myocardial infarction, in the hospital.

N. S. Trubetskoy was going to move with his family to the United States after the Avshlus Austria, but the disease and suspicious death was prevented

Prince N. S. Trubetskaya, being a political conservative and an Orthodox traditionalist, loved poetry V. V. Mayakovsky
Philologist P. Bogatyrev called Trubetsky, whom he knew personally, a real aristocrat and a real democrat

Trubetskaya did not like Russian religious philosophers of the older generation (primarily Vekhovtsev Berdyaev, Struve, Bulgakov). In a private correspondence, he called them "old gryms" and performed sharply against Grymz publications in Eurasian publications

In 1973, a commemorative board was established in the University of Vienna N. S. Trubetsky

In 1914, N. S. Trubetskaya married Vera Petrovna Bazilevskaya(1892 - 1968). Their kids: Elena Nikolaevna Trubetskaya (Isachenko) (1915 - 1968) Alexander Nikolaevich Trubetskaya(r. 1917) Daria Nikolaevna Trubetskaya(1920 - 1976) Natalia Nikolaevna Trubetskaya(1925 - 1982) Prince Vladimir Sergeevich Trubetka(1892, Moscow - (October 30) 1937, Uzbekistan) - Russian Soviet Writer (pseudonyms V. Vetov, Vladimir Vodov), Memoist; Son of the philosopher and public figure Prince Sergey Nikolayevich Trubetsky Prince Evgeny Nikolaevich Trubetskoy(September 23 (October 5) 1863, Akhtyka - January 23, 1920, Novorossiysk) - Russian philosopher, lawyer, publicist, public figure, brother S.N. Trubetsky.

Evgeny Nikolaevich Trubetskaya (1890th)

Evgeny Nikolaevich was only a year younger than his brother. His life is closely related to the life of Brother Sergey Nikolayevich. In 1874, both brothers entered the 3rd class of private gymnasium F. I. Kreiman, in 1877 - in the 5th grade of gymnasium in Kaluga, where their father was appointed by the Vice-Governor. Huge spiritual treasures were invested in the life of the family of Mother - S. A. Lopukhina.

A strong influence on the formation of religious mood in the family was provided by monasteries, located not far from the manor of Trubetsky - Akhtyrki. Thirteen versts from her is the Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra and in five versts - the Khotkovsky women's monastery.

Khotkov and Lavra are full of all our Akhtyra memories. In Lavra, we were made, children, frequent pilgrimages, they also buried the grandfather of Trubetsky, and the image of St. Sergius hung over each of our children's beds.

Trubetskaya E. N. From the past. Memories. From travel notes refugee

In 1879, both brothers passioned by the ideas of Darwin, Spencer, Bokell, Buchner, Belinsky, Dobrolyubov and Pisarev, survived a sharp religious crisis. This crisis brothers overcome pretty quickly, thanks to the book of Kuno Fisher's "History of the New Philosophy" from the Gymnasium Library, reading the beginning of a serious study by them philosophy. Now the subject of their study was the works of Plato, Kant, Fichte, Schelling. Then followed by A. S. Khomyakov, V. S. Solovyov, Roman "Brothers Karamazov" F. M. Dostoevsky. An unexpected revelation was given by E. N. Trubetskoy, in the execution of the 9th Symphony of Beethoven under the control of Anton Rubinstein. The perception of the Beethoven Symphony led him to the faith that opened him as a source of higher joy.

In 1881, the Trubetsky brothers entered the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University. Evgeny Nikolaevich Like Brother was fond of studying the history of philosophy. However, unlike brother, did not move to the historical and philological department. In one of the letters, he explained that he could get a master's degree of philosophy of law: "I don't need anything else, since I need a master's degree only to have a position that gives a piece of bread and the full opportunity to indulge in scientific research."

At the end of the university in the spring of 1885, E. N. Trubetskaya entered as a solid-defining Kiev Grenador Regiment in Kaluga; In September, the officer exams surrendered and already in April 1886 received in the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl (where he taught) the title of privat-associate professor, defending the thesis "On slavery in ancient Greece".

In 1887, E. N. Trubetskoy during one of the "environments" in the house L. M. Lopatina met with V. S. Solovyovyov. As a student and successor V. S. Solovyova, E. N. Trubetskoy did not agree with many aspects of his teachings, especially with his ecumenical ideas.
He was "... not even a nightingale, but active and often invincible his opponent." ( Losev A. F., "Vladimir Solovyov")

In the same, 1887, he married the princess Believe Alexandrovna Shcherbatova, daughters of the Moscow urban head. From this marriage they had three children. Summer family almost always spent in Nare (Veresky County), in the estate A. A. Shcherbatov.

In 1892, after the protection of the master's thesis, the "Religious and public ideal of Western Christianity in V c. The world of blissful Augustine "E. N. Trubetskaya received a private privacy, and in 1897, after the protection of the work" The religious and public ideal of Western Christianity in the XI century. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Divine Kingdom of Gregory VII and publicists - his contemporaries "- Professor at the University of Kyiv. Vladimir.

At the end of 1905, the Count S. Yu. Witte, who formed a new Cabinet of Ministers, wanted to offer E. N. Trubetsky post of Minister of Folk Enlightenment, but at the meeting I realized that Trubetskoy is a pure person full of philosophical views, with great knowledge, a wonderful professor , Real Russian man, but naive administrator and politician.

Since 1906, he is a professor of the Encyclopedia and the history of the Philosophy of Law at Moscow University.

At the end of May 1905, he met the patronage. K. Morozova, when the thirty-teeth-alert widow with four children provided his home to the delegates of the All-Russian Zemstvo Congress, where the Sergey and Yevgeny Trubetsky brothers were performed. For her funds, E. N. Trubetskaya began to publish the socio-political magazine "Moscow Weekly" (1906-1910).

Margarita Kirpllovna Morozova, Before Marriage Mamontov (October 22 (November 3), 1873, Moscow - October 3, 1958, Moscow) is a well-known Russian patronage, one of the largest representatives of the religious and philosophical and cultural education of Russia of the beginning of the twentieth century (1907).
Acquaintance with Prince Sergei Nikolayevich Trubetsky occurred in 1902-1903 thanks to Alexander Skryabin. Scriasin considered himself a student of Trubetsky, and he led the philosophical reading of the composer. Rapprochement of Morozova with the younger brother Sergei Nikolayevich - Evgenia - happened later, after the All-Russian Congress of Zemstvo, who happened in her house at Smolensk Boulevard in May 1905. Active participation in the Congress of Evgeny Nikolayevich took along with Sergey Nikolayevich. Brothers Trubetski entered the backbone of Moscow psychological society (his member was A. N. Scriabin). The society had its own body - the magazine "Issues of Philosophy and Psychology", subsidized by the merchant Alexei Alekseevich Apricos. The magazine was the only purely philosophical periodic publishing published in Russia. Margarita Kirillovna also began to let go of his funds for the publication of this magazine. And after the revolution, she continued to participate in the affairs of the Moscow Psychological Society, consisting since 1921 his treasurer

In November 1905, "Moscow Religious and Philosophical Society of Memory of Vladimir Solovyov" (MRFO) was organized. The members of the Company, except Margarita Kirillov, were S.N. Bulgakov, Prince E. N. Trubetskaya, N. A. Berdyaev, S. Kotlyarevsky, L. M. Lopatin, Priest P. P. Pospelov, G. A. Rachinsky, A. V. Yelchaninov, V. P. Svencitsky, P. A. Florensky and V. F. Ern - the color of Russian religious philosophy. Morozova was directly involved in the work of the Society along with Prince Evgeny Trubetsky.

Initially, he was one of the prominent members and founders of the Kadeans Party of People's Freedom, then came out of her and became one of the creators, on the basis of the "peaceful renewal" faction in the 1st State Duma, the party of peaceful update, the informal body of which became the "Moscow Weekly" . More than three hundred advanced articles E. N. Trubetsky was printed here. Already in 1907, in the article "Two Beasts", the Trubetskoy anticipated the imperial catastrophe of the Russian Empire:

With the first external shock, Russia may be a colossusion on clay legs. The class will rise against the class, tribe against the tribe, the outskirts against the center. The first beast will wake up with the new one, internal force and will turn Russia into hell

In 1907-1908 (and then in 1915-1917), he is a member of the State Council.

Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (1865-1911). Portrait of Margarita Morozova. (1910. ART MUSEUM OF DNEPROPETROVSK)
With Evgeny Trubetsky Margarita Kirillovna met shortly after returning from Switzerland in the spring of 1905, most likely, at the end of May. On which the soil there was a rapprochement, unknown. In a letter dated August 4 from Biarritz Margarita Kirillovna, the most intimate details of their life informs the nearest girlfriend (Momchka) Elena Polyanskaya: "I am" His "love very deeply and do not worry about it, but rejoice." From the same letter it becomes clear that it has long been internally ready for a new feeling: "I lived in the inner life, I read, I thought, rested, but now pretty. I want life and activity. " Perhaps this rapprochement occurred abroad, it was in Biarritz:
... we are too close. Especially we experienced strong and some sacred minutes here, abroad. I only assume victory in the fact that such a keen desire will fade, but then the bright with him will continue that I am so expensive. It depends on his strength and from mine. The end will be, even if there is a well-known event, but the bright celestial side of everything will be lost. I assure you that I even have gotten your hair, so I tormented here. I assume it is possible now in the extreme case, some other person, to just calm this storm.
M. K. Morozova, Letter E. I. Polyanskaya,<4.8.1905. Биарриц — Москва>.
"Another person" is, according to V. Caidan, P. N. Milyukov. To test your feelings for Trubetskoy, Morozova decides to get acquainted with a famous historian and future leader of the Cadets. She seemed still choosing who she prefer, Milyukova (gallery) or Trubetsky (Oblomov), but the main choice in favor of overcoming loneliness has already been made: "About Oblomov and Stollen, you are right and wrong. Everyday is so, galley could give me a lot, but I could never give what he could give "he". In addition to "Him" can only Christ. " So, M. K. Morozova trusted to his feeling without and left him correctly despite the fact that he had never experienced a lack of fans. Under the influence of Prince Yevgeny Nikolayevich Trubetsky (or, or rather, for the sake of him), she began to be interested in social and political issues. She studied Lot Chase, Kanta, V. S. Sollingov, "System of transcendental idealism" Schelling in order not to be a boring chosen one and if you find my cultural awareness.

By mutual agreement, the publication of the weekly socio-political newspaper "Moscow Weekly" was undertaken in Moscow. The newspaper began to go out in March 1906 with the support of M. K. Morozova and was published until the end of August 1910.

Over the years, the Publisher's relationship and editor have undergone changes caused by the cooling period and outbreaks of feelings, but at the same time there are always two close people with relations. In the letters of 1906, Evgeny Nikolayevich still reservedly and in business turns to Morozova on "You", and already in the following years the tone of letters is exclusively friendly and sincere. He called his correspondent not otherwise as "my dear and expensive," was shared with his creative and family plans with frost, asked her advice, he was looking for her support in his spiritual searches. On the tone, Margarita Kirillovna answered him: "My groom's angel!", "Dear, cute, invalid my!", "I kiss you tight and gently ...". But Trubetskaya was the older Margarita Kirillovna, he was married for twenty years, had three children and did not want to throw a family (P. N. Milyukov was also married).

As reports from Trubetskogo messages, the wife of Vera Aleksandrovna knew about his relationship with a beauty-patronage and quite painfully reacted into their connection. She knew everything from her husband's stories, fundamentally avoiding the division of philistine treasures, deceptions and stools. Moreover, according to Trubetsky, she wanted to meet with Margarita Kirillov and explanations with her. Having defended his wife, he wrote so much frost:

My dear friend! As I am glad that all this, you do not need to explain that in our whole assistant you, and that you understand me with half a half. What kind of angelic soul my wife! For two days now, as she reminds me of several times to me, so that I sent a letter today, so that it certainly sugared to your arrival, for sure I myself do not know; And how many times she repeats, what wants to see you! My God, for which I am so spoiled! ... But everything God helped. Again, sent his infinitely clear bottomless blue azure over us. Again, light and brightly in the soul ...

And we must think with you with you, as if hair did not fall from her head; Without it, neither you nor me blessings ... Remember that for her I am everything. Self-denial of it is limitless; But just as limitless she feels me - every word, not even said, every feeling, only nascent. Any letter, I received and not shown to it, hears feeling. Every change my change to me [myself?] Feels like flour and illness ... And then you will understand why there were enough minutes here are so terrifyingly difficult when I did not see any exit and immersed in gloomy despair. So you and I were joyful, you need it to be joyful.

Margarita Kirillov also was pretty hypocrisy and a lie of the vulgar adulter, she sincerely in his feelings: "And you really would like my life to be resolved by a bourgeois-well-safe connection with a deception. So that my soul stopped on this!<…> Stand is possible. And here, where is my whole soul, and suddenly in her shrine - lie and deception! "Never!" She writes a friend. She worried his feeling tragic: "Never destroyed to have two joys: to be yours before God and see the child, in which you would have a miraculous way and my features would be connected! From our love will not remain anything! " - She wrote to Trubetsky.

In the moments of despair and loneliness, she came to breaking this triangle, to end with his "sinfulness" and even explain to the wife of Trubetsky to be able to start living anew: "I am very gadko, my angel, mommy! I am in Moscow one in an empty house and one, alone! I feel on the ruins with such love built building! I am alone and now I write to you,<…> In order not to see this gloom of loneliness! ". Gradually, Margarita Kirillovna comes to the idea that we need decisive changes in her life: "You need to change your feeling! This is all God punishes me for sinful wishes! " In letters, she begs Evgenia Nikolayevich in despair: "I will bring all the victims, I want one minute, one little minute of joy, my joy in life! Think only, because this is the only one of my minute when I live - it's with you! But only quite, at all with you, one with you in the whole world, albeit for a minute! I know that I will give everything for it and I will carry everything out! " But she had a long reasoning about Christian ethics: "With a sin, God cannot have any transactions and compromises: the laws of unconditional" are put here. "

But the situation, when from the philosophical principle of the denial of sinfulness, Trubetskoy allowed himself to love both women, not satisfied with any of them. "It is not interesting to be a second beloved woman ...<…> I would like to be the only one, "wrote Margarita Kirillovna. And then, in order to relieve the tension and calm the jealousy of the faith of Alexandrovna, relaying the course of events in his favor, Morozova decided to close the newspaper "Moscow Weekly" allegedly due to financial problems. In fact, she did it to soften the suffering of faith Trubetsk. This conclusion researcher Alexander Nosov directly contradicts a few straightforward conclusion of the previous Soviet historians about the true causes of the closure of the newspaper, according to which the financial inconsistency of the Moscow Weekly occurred from the bankruptcy of liberalism against the background of a "acute class struggle in the country." Morozova donated regular meetings with his "editor" (the work of the editorial office also took place under the roof of the Morozovsky mansion), since, having conceived a new joint edition, decided to return the Trubetsky to the family, leaving himself only the possibility of personal correspondence with him. The rationale for his inconspicuous feeling to Trubetsky was her thought: "Our love is needed by Russia."

In such an unusual way, one of the outstanding outcomes of this, according to the expression of A. A. Nosov, the "lawless love" was the Moscow Publishing House "Path" on the production of religious-philosophical literature. It began its work back in February - March 1910. Nominally, the prince of Trubetskoy in the publishing affairs "paths" was equal to other members of the founders of the publishing house, in fact, his voice sometimes became decisive. So, for example, it happened when discussing the publishing concept and policy of book publishing. As a result, the work of Vladimir Solovyova, N. A. Berdyaev, S. N. Bulgakov, E. N. Trubetsky, V. Florensky, were seen here. M. O. Gershenzon issued in him the writings of P. Ya. Chaadaeva and I. V. Kireevsky. The works of V. F. Odoyevsky, S. I. Shchukina, A. S. Glinka, S. N. Durylin were printed here. The first book released by the publishing house was the collection of articles "On Vladimir Solovyov". As the researcher of creativity E. N. Trubetsky A. A. Nosov:

Their romance unfolded in the cultural paradigm of the century last: the feeling experienced by them was too famous for their time, deeply, and most importantly, it was too truly; And in it was absent exactly what the XX century made special demand, - actually literature, the game, always implied the viewer, albeit the only one. It cannot be said that they remained completely immune to the "poisonous fogs" and "donisian ecstasy" of the Russian decades (to a greater extent they were exposed to M. K.), but if they were destined to become literary heroes, then the heroes of the classical novel; Their love drama may have been able to tell the author of the "Plegov and Dum". But the classic novel went along with his thorough century, and the new century simply lost the language that was required for such a narrative.

Nosov A. A. "Our love is needed Russia ..." // New World. - M., 1993. - № 9.

Margarita Kirillovna and Evgeny Nikolaevich carefully hid his relations from others, although from the letter of Morozova to E. I. Polyanskaya on July 20, 1908 it is possible to understand that the loneliness of a young, wealthy and beautiful woman caused natural questions from others: "However, it is annoying that all You write about this, about my personal! ". The impossibility of marriage in both of them. The ambiguous position gave rise to breeding and misunderstanding. In the same letter to his friend, Morozova repeatedly complains about the nature of his beloved: "In" Him ", in my opinion, is very heavy, closed and memorable character"; "I am with good and selfless, and he proudly, his wife and pride! It's not easy. Although he is right, but then why did he get into all this? "

1910 was largely a turning point for them, to a greater extent for Margarita Kirillovna. At this year, she had a lot to change in their lives. She gave most of the collection of her husband to the Tretyakov Gallery. She sold a luxurious mansion on Smolensk Boulevard and moved to a more modest house in the dead alley. She refused to publish the "Moscow Weekly" and founded the Press Press; And most importantly, she decided to stop regular meetings with Evgeny Trubetsky, giving peace of his family. But it was not all.

In 1911, Evgeny Nikolayevich Trubetskoy, together, a Liberate Group of Professors left the Moscow University, disroxant with violation of the principles of university autonomy by the Government. In this regard, the Trubetsky family moved to the Kaluga province - in the estate of Begichevo. Here Trubetskoy was engaged in the management of the economy, and also wrote the philosophical articles for the publishing house "Path" and "Russian thought". He came to Moscow only to read lectures at the People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky and participation in some meetings of religious and philosophical and psychological societies.

Trubetskoy Evgeny Nikolaevich (1910)

Trubetskoy most His time lived in Begichevo, M. K. Morozova lived in Moscow. In 1909, she acquired the estate of Mikhailovsky near Begichev. All these decisions were closely connected with each other and were carefully thought out by it. From this point on, the correspondence with his beloved becomes hardly the most important thing of her life. But moving away from Trubetsky at his own insistence, Morozova felt even more lonely than before.

Morozova Margarita Kirillovna (1910s)
From 1909, the intensity of their correspondence increased significantly: from June to August 20, 1909, Morozova wrote about 60 letters from Trubetsk, that is, about two letters every three days.
Letters M. K. Morozova Prince E. N. Trubetsky - Of course not love story in the interiors Silver century <…>, And not only a monument to a deep and sincere feeling of a particular person: it is probably the most extended, most intimate experienced religious and philosophical treatise on love ever appeared in the history of Russian culture and Russian thought.
- Letters of Margarita Kirillovna Morozova. Preport. Alexandra Nosova. // Our legacy. - 2000. - № 52. - P. 91.

The long-term correspondence of Morozova and Trubetsky (from 1906 to 1918) contains several hundred letters (the total amount of Morozova correspondence is approaching ten thousand letters). There would be nothing to know about the true relations of these two people if Margarita Kirillovna did not transfer his archive shortly before death (several thousand letters) in the Lenin library - GBL. The intensity of correspondence says that both forced to live in separation, all their feelings were invested in almost daily messages.
The relations of two people interrupted the revolution and civil war. Margarita Kirillovna opposed the entry of the prince into active political life: "Throw all this! For politics, you have to be Milyukov ... or Kerensky, then you should give it all. " However, in spite of everything, Evgeny Nikolayevich, in 1918, joined the white movement, said goodbye to Margarita Kirillovna near Moscow and died of typhus near Novorossiysk in 1920.

In 1914, in connection with the world war, he, having experienced a patriotic inspiration, thought about the meaning of life, which manifested itself in articles and books of this period. At the same time, under the influence of the impressions of the exhibition of the ancient Russian painting from the collection I. S. Ostrukhova, he writes three essays about the Russian icon: "Molding in colors" (1915), "Two Worlds in the Old Russian Icon Pouring" (1916) and Russia in Her icon "(1917).

In 1917-1918, E. N. Trubetskaya took part in the work of the All-Russian Local Cathedral as a comrade of the Chairman. At this time, on May 19, 1918, E. N. Trubetskaya was the official opponent on the protection of the dissertation of Ilina I. A. on the topic "Hegel's philosophy as a doctrine on the specificity of God and man." The immediate threat of arrest forced him to leave Moscow: he arrived at Denikin's volunteer army, where his brother, G. N. TrubetskayaIn the government of Denikin, he held the position of head of office for confessions.

Once with the rebounding army in Novorossiysk, got sick here with a raw title and died on January 23, 1920.

Trubetskoy is one of the main representatives of the metaphysics of unity created by V. S. Solovyuv. He critically reviews the Solovyov philosophy, determines some kernel and puts the task of development from this nucleus of the whole and systematic philosophy of the God. Outside the kernels are primarily such "utopias" of Solovyov: a sharp exaggeration of the role in the God-human process of individual private spheres and phenomena: Catholicism, theocracy. The central object and at the same time the main instrument of research in the philosophy of Trubetsky is the concept of absolute consciousness. It occurs during the gnoseological analysis. According to the ideas of Trubetsky, any act of knowledge is aimed at establishing some unconditional and communicative (and therefore transbjective, superficological) content - meaning or truth - and, therefore, implies the existence of such; In any case, the truth should exist. The truth is, in nature, there is no essential, nor being, but it is the content of consciousness, and more precisely characterized by unconditional and superficiency.

He was married to Evgeny Nikolayevich at the princess faith Alexandrovna Shcherbatova and had two sons and daughter. The house had a special atmosphere. His son Sergey recalled: "I go to my office to engage, Dad`a as if I left the earth and went to some other, the alternate areas ... when the Phal`a communicated with us, we felt completely simple, but when he "I started thinking about something," and even more so went to his office, the relationship between us completely stopped. We were forbidden to enter the Cabinet of the Pap`a, when he is engaged, but we will not dare to enter there. In the Cabinet of Pap`a was surrounded for us some kind of mystical atmosphere ... ".

Prince Evgeny Nikolaevich Trubetskaya with sons Sergey and Alexander Prince Sergey Evgenievich Trubetskaya(February 27, 1890, Moscow - October 24, 1949, Clamar) - Russian philosopher and writer

S. E. Trubetskaya

Born on February 27, 1890 in Moscow, in the House of Grandfather on the Mother Line Prince Alexandra Alekseevich Shcherbatova.

Primary education received at home. Traveled a lot with parents in Europe. Until 1906 lived in Kiev, in the summer - in the suburban estate of Shcherbatov Nare. In 1905 he entered the 6th class of the Kiev first gymnasium. In 1906 moved with his family to Moscow.

He graduated from the 7th Moscow Gymnasium with the Gold Medal and the Historical and Philology of Moscow University (1912). He was engaged in Professors L. M. Lopatina and G. I. Chelvan. He taught at Moscow University.

He participated in the Kaluga Noble Assembly, was elected by a deputy from the nobility.

With the beginning of the First World War, he tried to go to the front with an overly determining, but did not get due to health problems. He worked as an assistant commissioned in a sanitary train, an assistant to the head of the control department in the Committee of the North-Western Front, the comrade of the Chairman of the Front Committee, authorized in the representative office of Zemmor, in the liquidation commission on the affairs of the Polish kingdom.

In 1917 he moved to Moscow, lived at his aunt S. A. Petrovo-Solovovo. He served as authorized in the Financial Department of the Main Committee, later - the Senior Clerk in the Moscow Union of Cooperative Societies.

After the October Revolution, Trubetskoy took an active part in the activities of secret organizations - the National Center and the Tactical Center, which provided the White Army from Moscow.

January 20, 1920 was arrested, kept in the internal prison of the special department of the HCC in Lubyanka. He was working with the investigator especially illustrated agranov. Was translated into a single camera. At the same time, I learned about the arrest of Sofia sisters and the death of the Father in Novorossiysk. Was translated into a Butyrsa prison.

The Supreme Tribunal of the RSFSR (Chairman of the Tribunal of the Tribunal Kryngochko actually sentenced Tribunal to the execution, which was replaced by ten years of strictest insulation. It was translated into a Tagansk prison, participated in the church services of Metropolitan Kirill, who was also kept in this prison.

In 1921, the dean of the Historical and Philological Faculty was petitioned about the direction of Trubetsky to the university. The Central Executive Committee satisfied the petition and the prince was sent to the university with leaving in prison. At the same time, Trubetskaya learned that his sister and mother were resettled in a communal apartment.

In the summer of 1922, he was again arrested, kept in an internal GPU prison on Lubyanka. She saw there with Metropolitan Cyril (Smirnov), philosophers S. L. Frank and N. A. Berdyaev. At this time, the investigator first suggested the Trubetsk to sign the departure of the departure abroad, but he refused. Subsequently, the prince still signed the departure of the departure, along with his mother and sister.

He left Moscow to St. Petersburg to swim in the German steamer. Upon arrival, he met with his brother Alexander. Moved to Berlin.

In 1922-1938, he worked in the Russian Promotional Union: was a bulletin on the situation in the USSR, consisted of the political adviser among the generals of KUPOVOV and Miller. In 1938-1949 he was engaged in translations and journalism. Left memoirs "last", which described his conclusion in the first years of Soviet power.

In 1923 he married the princess Marina Nikolaevna Gagarina(August 5, 1897-14 December 1984). Marina Sergeevna Trubetskaya(1924 - 1982) Vera Sergeyevna Trubetskaya(Jrovich-Buteneva) (r. 1926) Tatyana Sergeevna Trubetskaya(Jproveich-Buteneva) (1927 - 1997)

Born in Yaroslavl, where grandfather taught in Demidov's lyceum. He studied at Moscow University, wanted to become a lawyer. Children's and youthful years spent in the estate of parents, not far from Kaluga, where he was fond of equestrian sports, hunting and photography (albums of amazing quality photographs were preserved with types of estates, family, horse-line and beloved dog - Setter Ralph). When World War started, his, like many peers, a sense of debt before the Motherland called to the front. He wanted to go there with a simple soldier, but he was persuaded to enter accelerated officer courses. After graduating from the Nikolaev Cavalry School with the "Guards Ball", was sent to the Life Guard of the Connon-Grenadier Regiment. The oath took Nicholas II in Peterhof. He took part in hostilities since the beginning of 1915 and earned the Order of St. Stanislav III and II degree, St. Anne III degree. In 1918, the regiment was disbanded. In the eyes of A.E. Trubetskoy soldiers raised several officers on the bayonets. He got lucky. One of the soldiers said: "It does not touch him, he turns well with our brother!" Only the headquarters of the Rotmistrovsky epaulets tear off. Alexander Evgenievich returned to Moscow. There took part in street battles, commanded the protection of the main post office. Then I had to hide the weapon under the floor of the family house of the princes of Shcherbatov (the house was located on the site of the current American embassy). At the same time, he entered one of the secret officers to combat the Bolsheviks. These organizations were in contact with the voluntary army, which began to be created in the south of Russia. It was decided to send a group of officers to Tobolsk to save the royal family. In the 1930s A.E. Trubetskova described his participation in this expedition in the "Clock" magazine, which was published in emigration. This article was secondaryly published in the book "Princess Trubetsky" - Russia will perceive "(M.: Milivdat, 1996).

Then evacuated along with the remnants of the White Army to Constantinople, studied at the University of Prague, worked by the car carriage, taxi driver

October 30, 1934 in Clamart, France, married Alexandra Mikhailovna Golitsyna(Osorgina) (August 8, 1900 - October 25, 1991)
