The faculty of the Institute is teachers, of which academic degrees and titles have over 60%. It is very nice that among the teachers of the university is many of his graduates:

I.A. Church, N.V. Maltsev- candidates of psychological sciences;

O.A. Milkevich, TA Ceresov, T.V. Richter, O.S. Zdanovich - Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences.

G.N. Zakharenko - Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Institute Today - the current system of research work:

  • this is the financing of fundamental and applied research from federal and regional budgets;
  • these are international exchanges with teachers and students;
  • this is the publication of collections of scientific articles, monographs, textbooks and tutorials.

Institute Today is a system of student self-government:

  • this is a rating system for assessing students in the following areas: scientific, educational and methodical and extracurricular activities;
  • these are mugs and studios;
  • it is an opportunity to realize your abilities in sports. Among students and graduates of the institute winners of international, Russian competitions in athletics, biathlon, chess, struggle;
  • this pedagogical squad "Dream" is the winner of the regional competition of student detachments.

The Institute today is modern audiences with multimedia equipment:

  • computer classes with Internet access;
  • library funds with more than 90 thousand publications;
  • student hostels marked in the order of Rosovation "On the Competition for the Best Student Hostel".

The Institute today is the demand of graduates in the labor market.

It is difficult to find an institution, organization in Verkhnekamya, where our graduates do not work. Among graduates of the institute:

  • winners of the city, regional stages of the competition "Teacher of the Year";
  • teachers of the highest category, directors and teachers of various educational institutions;
  • guides and journalists;
  • specialists of regional authorities, law enforcement officers, employees of state and commercial enterprises.

Institute today - This is a university awarded

  • Diploma of social recognition of the city of Solikamsk;
  • Diploma of the International Congress "State and Business: Socio-Responsible Partnership".

From 10/29/2013, the Solikamsky State Pedagogical Institute reorganized into the Solikamsky State Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Perm State National Research University"

Based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 153 of 26.02.2016, the Solikami State Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Perm State National Research University" was renamed the Solikamsky State Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institute Higher Education Institutions "Perm State National Research University"

About university

About the Institute
Material and technical support

Time flies quickly. Our institute for 19 years. Dedile 1991 ... The proposal of the Perm Regional Executive Committee on the opening in the north of the Perm Region The Pedagogical Institute was supported by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, and on April 6, 1991, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 191 "On the organization of the Solikam State Pedagogical Institute" was published.

Employees and teachers of the university recall those who provided the institute assistance in the first years: Grymzin S.L., Tushnolobov G.T., Paderov V.G., Zainchkovsky I.A.

The first rector of our institute is Zimin Alexander Leonidovich. Thanks to him, the university was able to withstand the harsh 90s; In difficult socio-economic conditions, multiply the material base of the institute, to attract pedagogical personnel to university, designate the place of the institute in the educational space of the Perm Territory. Birthday Institute

I peer into black and white amateur photos, the first teachers of the Institute: Porokhin V.N. - Candidate of Psychological Sciences; Vakhrushev I.S. - Candidate of Historical Sciences; Kospintsev L.F. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Zimin A.L., Lynnik N.A. - candidates of philological sciences; Smolin V.E., Yakimets S.V., Koshkina I.D. - Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences; Musina L.S. - Candidate of Biological Sciences; Malagin N.S., Khodorkovskaya M.I., Mukhametyanov I.T., Chunarev G.T. Teachers from educational institutions of Solikamsk who decided to associate their fate with the Institute: Lebedeva G.A., Redko S.V., Obolovkov SG, Frolova O.Kh., Sugobova N.Yu., Tatarinova G.F. This small pedagogical team was standing at the origins of higher vocational education in Solikamsk.

Much has changed in the university over the years.

SGPI 2010 is a state educational institution of higher vocational education, which once again confirmed its status, passing the state accreditation procedure. This is a university that conducts educational activities in 24 programs of higher, medium, primary vocational education; additional and postgraduate (graduate school) of education. This university has an international certification of the quality management system (CRO CERT) to comply with the management and activities of the university ISO 9001: 2008. The quality of students' training confirm the results of Internet exams in which the Institute participates twice a year since 2006; Reviews of representatives of state attestation commissions and employers.

SGPI 2010 is a steadily developing higher educational institution. In 5 faculties, more than 1,500 students are studying. The faculty of the Institute is teachers, of which more than 60% have scientific degrees and titles. It is very nice that among the teachers of the university is many of his graduates: Pavlova I.V. - Candidate of Philology; Church I.A., Maltseva N.V., Egorova N.N. - candidates of psychological sciences; Milkevich O.A., Yaburova E.A., Bushueva N.L., Bezsova T.A., Richter T.V. - Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences.

SGPI 2010 is the current system of research work; This is the financing of fundamental and applied research from federal and regional budgets; These are international exchanges with teachers and students; Publications of scientific collections, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. Research of candidate of geographic sciences Balkovsky L.V. "Solikamsk - Crystal City" is the winner of the city competition dedicated to the 580th anniversary of the city. Scientific and popular films created by teachers and students of the institute received the title of the laureate of the festival "Student Concert and Theater Spring 2010" in the nomination of journalism. Only in recent years, 10 million rubles were raised by the university for scientific research.

SGPI 2010 is a system of student self-government; This is a rating system for evaluating both teachers and students in the following areas: scientific, educational and methodological and extracurricular activities. These are mugs and studios; It is an opportunity to realize your abilities in sports. Among students and graduates of the institute winners of international, Russian competitions in athletics, biathlon, chess, struggle. This pedagogical detachment "Dream" Winner of the regional competition of student detachments.

SGPI 2010 is modern audiences with multimedia equipment, computer classes with Internet access, library funds that have more than 90 thousand publications; Student hostels marked in the order of Rosovation "On the Competition for the Best Student Hostel".

SGPI 2010 is the demand of graduates in the labor market. It is difficult to find an institution, organization in Verkhnekamya, where our graduates do not work. Among the graduates of the institute: the winners of the city, regional stages of the competition "Teacher of the Year"; teachers of the highest category, directors and teachers of various educational institutions; guides and journalists; Specialists of regional authorities, law enforcement officers, employees of state and commercial enterprises.

SGPI 2010 is a university, where I work from August 1991, where the path from the senior teacher of the department to the rector has passed. This is a university who received a "diploma of public recognition of Solikamsk"; "Diploma of the International Congress State and Business: Socio-Responsible Partnership." This is a university who keeps up with the times, keeping young hinders and adult ambitions.

Head by the correspondence department - Sakovich Anna Nikolaevna

Dispatcher branch - Hadzseva Evgenia Vasilyevna

tel.: +7 (34 253) 4-00-23

Address: 618547, Volga Federal District, Perm Territory, Solikamsk, ul. North, 42, Cabinet 104

E-mail: This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. (marked: for A.N. Sakovich)

Mode of operation:

From Monday to Thursday from 8.30 to 17.30;

On Friday from 8.30 to 16.30.

Break for recreation and nutrition from 12.00 to 12.48.

Weekends - Saturday and Sunday.

About the department

In 1992, in the Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute, students were adopted for the separation of absentee training. Since 1992, the department headed Lebedeva G.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. In September 2000, the department headed Mazitov M.Sh., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Since 2006, the branch of absentee learning is headed by Sakovich A.N.

The department of absentee learning leads and training in the specialty:

  • 050703 "Pre-school pedagogy and psychology"
  • 050701 "Pedagogy"
  • 050711 "Social pedagogy"

In 2011, new areas of preparation were opened at the department:

  • 050100- "Pedagogical Education" Profile "Pre-school education"
  • 050400 "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" Profile "Psychology and Social Pedagogy" (5 years of study and an accelerated form of training for 4 years)

In 2013, directions were opened at the branch of absentee training:

  • 050100 "Pedagogical Education" Profile "Life Safety"
  • 050700 "Special-Defectological Education" Profile "Development of children with a delay in mental development"

In 2014, a direction was opened at the department of absentee training:

  • 050700 "Special - Defectological Education" "Speech Study" profile

In 2014, students were adopted to obtain postgraduate vocational education (graduate school - 13.00.01 General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education).

In 2015, students were adopted at the department of absentee training to obtain a higher education "Pedagogical education" - magistracy.

The educational process at the department of absentee learning is carried out by the following departments:

Department of Mathematical and Natural Science Disciplines

Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

The departments are equipped with highly qualified personnel: the percentage of persons with scientists by degrees and scientists by the titles is an average of 85%. All departments use new methods and techniques of teaching disciplines, while improving traditional forms. PPP Department engaged in the training of students in the specialty periodically passes advanced training courses related to modern teaching technologies in high school. Particular attention is paid to the professional orientation of readable courses, the possibilities of practical training are used to model pedagogical situations and solving vocational-pedagogical problems.

Current certifications are carried out in accordance with the curriculum in the form of tests and exams. In addition to organizational, educational and methodological work at the department, scientific and educational activities are carried out. Students annually advocate reports at traditional scientific and practical conferences conducted by departments based on university and having different statuses - All-Russian and international. The most interesting reports are published in the university compilation of materials on the basis of the conference. Directions of scientific research Various: pedagogy, psychology, private techniques, history, social pedagogy, health-saving pedagogical technologies. The successful speech of students with the results of the studies carried out in the framework of the WRCs at the conference makes it possible not only to form a culture of public speeches, but also to equate the presentation with the presentation procedure for WRCs when preparing for final government tests. In addition, students are actively involved in methodological seminars, competitions and events held by the departments.

The decante department of absentee training and the above departments are equipped with computers, printers, photocopies, scanners, audio, video recorders, DVDs, multimedia projectors, TVs, video cameras, digital cameras and other necessary equipment.

The educational process is based in full compliance with the working curriculum developed on the basis of the State Educational Standard. Annually a graph of the educational process is drawn up. The educational process in the specialty is implemented in accordance with the schedule of the educational process, which is approved for the entire academic year by the Rector of the Institute. According to the curriculum, the schedule of training sessions, current exam sessions and the final state certification of graduates is drawn up.

The academic year consists of two semesters, during which the individual loads of teachers and students are distributed on the decanted decante schedules.

The schedule of classes is drawn up for each semester, in strict accordance with the current curriculum, with uniform downloads by day. When making a schedule, an audited load is maintained by the curriculum.

The educational activities of the branch of absentee learning include conducting professional-oriented activities (holding students and teachers of the Department of Open Claims, mutual aperture of students in the framework of pre-diploma teaching practice and practice in school, preparation and holding of holidays, solemnly presentation of diplomas), which forms training professional readiness Labor activity, stimulates the development of understanding of the significance of the profession.

Calendar training charts

The code

Name of the educational program

The level of education

Calendar training graph




Calendar training graph




Calendar training graph


Teacher Education


Calendar training graph


Psychological and pedagogical education


Calendar training graph


Special (defectological) education


Calendar training graph


Teacher Education


Calendar training graph

Schedule of testing and examination sessions

Regulations on the practice of students who master the basic professional educational programs of higher education in PDF (PDF)


Regulations on form, periodicity and order of current control of academic performance and interim certification of students in PGNIU (PDF)

Regulations on the scoring rating system for evaluating educational results of students of PGNIU (PDF)

Regulations on the procedure and reasons for translation, deductions and restoration of students in secondary vocational and higher education programs in PDF (PDF)

Internal regulations for students of PGNIU (PDF)

Regulations on the academic mobility of students in PGNIU (PDF)

Order of Rector No. 800 dated September 12, 2013 "On the introduction of the procedure and basis for the provision of academic leave of the student" (PDF)

Regulation on the organization of independent work of students in PGNIU (PDF)

Regulations on the procedure for testing the results of training for programs of secondary vocational and higher education in PDF (PDF)

Regulations on the procedure for conducting state final certification on educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs and magistracy programs in PDF (PDF)

Regulations on the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs, Master's programs in the SGPI branch of PGNIU (PDF)

Regulations on the procedure for conducting the state final certification of educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs and programming programs of students of the PDF branch of PDF (PDF)

Regulations on the verification of written works of students of the PGNIU branch for borrowing (PDF)

Regulations on the student portfolio of the SGPI branch of PGNIU (PDF)

Questions to the State Exam (Direction "Pedagogical Education", Profile "Pre-school Education") (PDF)

Questions to the State Exam (Direction "Psychological and Pedagogical Education", Profile "Psychology and Social Pedagogy") (PDF)
