June 2.3.0 Update Position Test League"Prophecy" . This League will have its own economy and provide you with the opportunity to start everything from a clean sheet, showing other skill in the Russian-language version Path of Exile.

Dipped, Glad Karui

You will meet withdrawn in every camp that will get your hero while traveling on Racklast in the leagues of prophecy. Surprise her hand and find out about your future. You will be the prophecy that must be executed. Such prophecies will lead your hero in the most remote corners of the continent and will be allowed to compete for the accomplishment of the intended.

Execute the prophecy

Silver coins fall from about one monster in the area. Natured ready to predict the future of your hero for one coin. This is a prophecy, along with six others, you can find prophecies on your screen. Some of these prophecies belong to certain places where it is worth visiting.

The invasion of Waal seriously changes the temple of Lunaris. Other prophecies are executed when performing various conditions. Sometimes the prophecy brings the desired reward. In other cases, the award of the prophecy is the "monstrous treasure", which fills the map of the strains, and not monsters.

In the true style of Path of Exile, you can pay scorched to turn our prophecies in the items that can be traded. This allows you to postpone the intended or even progress on it.

Chains of prophecy

Sometimes the prophecy is revealed gradually, creating a chain of prophecy. The passage of one stage of such a prophecy makes it possible to get access to the next stage. Passing throughout the chain of such a prophecy, you can get a powerful unique subject or component, which will allow you to meet with the pale advice.

Many of these unique items appeared in the Prophecy League, others had moved from the former test leagues. Until the final battle of the league can be reached by performing four separate chains of prophecies and combining their results.

Fateful subjects

Many of the unique items of the game Path of Exile have their own history. Some of these stories are not completed. Certain prophecies pushes you to carry one of these items after the purpose of the purpose. The subject will be forever endowed with a new force and get a new name.

Tests and awards

In addition to the generous awards for the execution of prophecies, as testing, you will receive items and effects that distinguish your hero from a series of other characters. League prophecy offer you to pass 40 new tests. Passing 12 tests, you will get the effect of traces of prophecy.

After 24 tests, you will get the effect of weapons of prophecy. After passing the 36th test, you will get a pet - the monkey wasp. Like effects, it can be obtained only in the leagues of prophecies. Starting from the 19th test and further for every third test, you will receive parts of a decorative totem of prophecies that will stand in the shelter of your hero. He forever witnesses how many tests of prophecies you could pass during this league.

Update 2.3.0 will be installed on the game servers on June 8 at 5:00 Moscow time. League of testing prophecy will begin on June 8 at noon in Moscow time.

More information about future innovations can be found in The second message.

Map of Mabyrintha

Rumors were true. There is a fourth labyrinth, which can be reached through maps. Gradually, high-level heroes will be able to undergo difficult versions of climbing tests and access the map of the labyrinth. In this version of the labyrinth you are waiting for new puzzles and unprecedented type of traps.

The reward for the passage of the card labyrinth will be a new level of configuration and two additional climb points. In total, you can save eight glasses of climb, and this opens up new prospects for the development of the hero. Also in this update will be optimized for the tests of the ascent, which will need to be held only at once for each level of difficulty for the league.

New skills

Developers added to Update Content 2.3.0 five new skills. Offering the Spirit improves the attack and protect the hero used the skill used. If the hero is a necromancer, the skill will play on his hand. The leader of the ancestors is a new toteth of the melee, which uses powerful attacks on the area and enhances the attack of the owner.

Destroying is a melee skill, which allows you to apply two chopping strikes, each of which raises the power wave. An additional damage is applied at the point of intersection. Frosty ball - a new cold spell that pierces enemies and inflicts them damage when hitting.

Purga is a new spell with an impact on the area that surrounds the caster with a cold stream and creates an ice whirlwind. If you use it to a flying frosty ball, he will explode and will allow the caster to check the battlefield by Purga.

New subjects

In the update 2.3.0 you are waiting for many new unique items and fortune-money cards created by the efforts of Path Of Exile sponsors. A selection of such items can be seen below. In addition, three new types of unique lars and a new base type of cards will be added: Square map.

Edit Balance

This update will also make some changes to the balance sheet. The climbers were revised, revised and overbalanced, which allows them to hold on equal to each other in the richness of the methods of developing heroes. Sources of damage to chaos are universally weakened. Strengthened their own properties of wands and scepters.

In addition, the daggers, wands and sieves are slightly elevated a chance of obtaining charms of charms or attacks if the weapon already has the relevant properties. All players will have the possibility of one-time reset of passive skills (including climbing glasses), which will allow to prepare heroes to new realities.

Behind the scenes

This update does not just add new content, but includes some essential technical improvements. The developers have significantly reworked the technology of using the memory of the Path of Exile and replaced the audio system. The resources of the game are now loaded in the background when you are already playing. This allows you to significantly quickly run the game and download the transition screens between levels.

Now Path of Exile occupies a much less memory, which means it is protected from departures due to its disadvantage (which picked up 32-bit system owners). The developers changed the Path of Exile audio system, which will not only increase the sound quality, but also provide audio engineering to the extensive toolkit to create even better sound support of Path Of Exile.

Set of prophecy

Together with the output of the prophecy, the corresponding support set appears in the game, which contains a set of peel armor, the effect of a prophecy portal, a prophecy mask, a forum title and a portrait frame. The kit will appear in the game after updating 2.3.0.

Poecurrencybuy Date: Jul / 16/10 03:13:34 Views: 6178

Navali Can Reveal The Future Of A Player, Which Is Called Prophecy. in path of exile. SO Do You Know The HOW TO SEAL THE PROPHECY AND WHAT IS THE BEST PROPHECY? And Do You Have Any Ideas to Ask Navali for Help and How about the Farming in Prophecy? You are in the right place bro, you Will Know More About Path of Exile Prophecy After You Read This Article Carefully.

Beginner "S Section

Prophecies Are a Mechanic in PoE Which Can Change the Area You Play in, Change A Unique Item, Grant You a Special Effect, Guarantee A Specific Unique Drop in An Area Or Change Your gameplay in Various Styles.

You Get Prophecies by Talking to Navali, She Can Be Found in Act 1 The Climb Area Just Before Lower Prison, Once You Save Her You Can Talk to Her In Town, Or Invite Her to Your Hideout. She Will Give You Prophecies (Seek Prophecy) in Exchange for Silver Coins That Drop Off Random Mobs. She Will Also Let You Save Your Prophecies for Later or Get Rid Of Them in Exchange for a FEW COINS (Seal Prophecy).

Silver Coins Are A Currency That Can Drop in Every Area. The Amount of Silver Coins Is Around 1 On Average IF You Kill Every Mob. This Amount of Coins Is Generally Not Enough for Farming, But People Usually Sell, SO IT SHOULD BE EASY TO TRADE FOR THER.

The Prophecies You Can Get Change with Your Character Level and Are Not Affected At All by All by Where You Talk to Navali and Ask for Prophecies.

Farming Methodology:

The Goal of Prophecy Farming Is To Sell The Most Amount of Expensive Prophecies Souch As Jeweler's Touch, Fated Connection etc. This Prophecy / Minute While Keeping Your Silver Costs / Minute Figures As Low As Possible AS in Finish The Most Amount of Prophecies, Seal The Least Possible Amount and Do Them As Fast As Possible.

You can Also Try to Maximize Your Amount of Good Prophecies Per Silver Coin Ignoring The Time Factor But It Is Extremely Ineffective for.

PROPHECIES SHOULD NOT BE USED UNTIL YOU ARE A HIGH ENOUGH LEVEL (Don't Exact Data On This Matter i'd Say LVL 70 is a good Milestone), Accepting Prophecies at a Low Level Can Give You Terrible Ones Which Will Give You Practiclyly No Profit and Only Waste Your Time.

Some Prophecies Can Be Sealed and Hoard and then Triggered in High Tier Maps for Extra Loot. An Extreme Example Is The Ending The Torment and The Forceful Exorcism Prophecies to make sure That Every Rare Mob !!! In The Area Drops a Bunch of Currencies, A Unique, A Sac Frag and Other Goodies. These Setups Usually Require A Massive Amount of Preparation and Planning and Are Only Worth IF You are Prepared Properly for It.

Other Good to Keep a Few Prophecies CAN BE:


Waiting In Ambush for Spawning Them in Masses from Ambush / Bountiful Trapped 15S IF You Have High MF and Trying to Get a Skyforth Or An 84 Steel Ring in Abyss (Although The Seal Price Can Be Costly and Is Probably Not Worth)

The Dreamer "S Dream This Has a Chance to Trigger on Each Map Boss in Multi Bossed Maps, Althouge You Are Best Off Using this in a T16.

Bountiful TrapS for Your Good Maps

The Wealthy Exile Can Possibly Be Made Really Good for Chance Orb Farming If You Combine It Watch The Mirrored Exile Drop Leagues One

The Scout Can Be Used OnCe Again for ITVL 84 Item Farming

Deadly Twins Can Be USED IF You Are Farming Corrupt 3 Boss Maps, As It Gives A Chance for Extra Sac Frags Etc, Prophecy Farming Can Easily Involve Map Boss Rushes Anyway and Bring A Lot Which Will Make You A Rich Guy.

Master Mission, Escecially Zana.

The Fastest Way I Found to Do Prophecies IS to Trigger Every Area Prophecy I GET, Fill Up with Prophecies That Are On the Kill and IF One Of Them Require Farming a Specific Rare Or Such Try to Have As Many of Them Proc in The Area AS POSSIBLE ON THE WAY. You can Easily Finish 3-4 Prophecies in On An Area and then Ask Navali for more.

Apex runs are especially good for emptying your prophecy tab, it is filled with monsters for generic on kill prophecy, the fix mob types finish The Soulless Beast and Day of Sacrifice I. It has multiple unique monsters for Erased from Memory, the queen finishes A Regal Death And The Queen "S Vaults Prophecy. And Generally Farming Queen IS A Good Pastime Activity With Some Possible GG Loot. Also, The Apex Area Has Tons of Map Drops Which Can Be Used in An Interesting Way Described Below.

Getting Rid Of Prophecies Worth LEAVING AN Area:

Have a Mapping Device, Throw in A Random Map and Watch Your Prophecy Tab, Anyone The Area Or Map Prophecy Can Be Finished Just by Starting a map Worth Having to Enter Said The Area. Be Careful Not to Have Expensive Prophecies While Doing This As It Can Lose You a Monstrous Treasure.

Every ONRA TRIGGER PROPHECY HAS A SET LIST OF AREAS IT CAN BE USED UP IN, FOR EXAMPLE, IF Your MonStrous Treasure Didn "T Proc While It Was The Single Prophecy Available On Area Entry, Or Even If there Were Multiple, But None of Them Proceed You Will Know MONSTROUS TREASURE WILL NOT BE Used Up Said Area Until You Reset The Prophecy (Described Below)

Resetting Prophecy Areas:

If You Want To Use A Prophecy in A Certain Area But Said Area Didn't Get Chosen by The Prophecy You Can Seal A Prophecy and Use It Again, This Will Reset The Prophecy And A Base Part of the Principle Behind Making MONSTROUS TREASURE CERTAINLY TRIGGER IN AN AREA.

Prophecy Chains:

These Require You to Do Many Prophecies to Get Rewarded Once In The End, Some Of These Can Be Really Annoying and The First Part of the Chain Is Rarer to Get Generally than Subsequent Prophecies, This Is True for Them All Except The Four Prophecy Chain Required For Getting a Council Set Which Is Common And If You Are Not Doing Them, They Require a Specific Setup to Be Able to Get Rid of Fast.

Note That You Cannot Gain New Prophecy Chains of the Same Type As Long As You Have Any Area with the Same Prophecy Open, Aka. You cannot Gain Unbreathing Queen III from Navali AS Long As You Have An Unbreathing Queen III Area Open and Unfinished. If You Can Set Up 4-5 PoE Clients to Keep Areas Open for You Can Ignore Up to Five Prophecy Chains from Navali by Having Alt Chars Keeping Them Open Forever. Although Having That Many Poe Clients Might Be Against Tos, I'm Not Quite Certain About This, But Is Definitely Worth To Keep in Mind.


List of Prophecy Chains and How to Get Rid Of Them Fast:

The Unbreathing Queen III (AT LEDGE WP You Can Trigger and Leave Area)

Unbearable Whispers I (Library WP ENTER LEAVE)


The Feral Lord I (Southern WP ENTER LEAVE)

The AMBITIOUS BANDIT I \u200b\u200b(Look for the Area Trigger in ACT 2, Then Leave Area)

Deadly Rivalry Is Easy To Do and You Can Do It Wheel Mapping So You Can Just Let It Be



Thaumaturgical History I (Open The Tome in Upper Prison Then Leave Before Killing The Mobs to make sure You Reset This Chain Into Unstarted State and Won't Receive It Anytime Soon)


Anarchy "S End I (Can Be Done While Mapping, Combine It With Some Leaguestones for Extra Exile Loot)


WP To Ledgea Or Some Easy to Find Vaal Side Area Run It, Then Do A Corrupted Map for Finishing Chain

Use A WP for Prophecy to TRIGGER AND EITER GIVE IT AWAY TO SOMEONE OR JUST Leave and Anytime You Gain This Prophecy Repeat This and Never Finish The Chain

Some Prophecies Are Parts of Chains, Some Of These Can Be Used in Unintended Ways by Not Finishing The Task Yourself, Entering The Area Triggering The Prophecy, Leaving and Letting Someone Else Take the Loot. These Are Generally Not Worth It Unweaten Who You Can Quickly Do It Worth Cast Worth WHO WHA CAN QUICKLY DO IT WITH.

List of Prophecies That Can Be Get Rid Of Upon Entering An Area Like A WP or Such:





Fated UNIQUE Prophecies That Are Worth Trash (Aka Wasting Your Silver Coins)


Killing Rare Mobs That Only Spawn in Specific Tilesets Inside Maps (Sometimes It's Best To Just Seal These)

Smothering Tendrils / Golden Touch (Have Fun Training A White Map / Item and Then Vendoring It Back to the Guy You Bought It From)

The Dream Trial (Thankfully Can Be Wasted by Spamming Maps in The Device and Never Entering Them, Althogh It Might Be Worth Selling These at the Start of the League)

Forceful Exorcism If You Are Not Doing Something Gimmicky With This Your Best Bet Is To Use This Along With a Possessed Foe Prophecy to Get Rid Of It

A Valuable Combination / The Mysterious Gift (You Are Best Off Just Leaving These In Your Proph Tab Forever and Give Up on Two Slots Unless You Have a Friend Who Would be Willing to Pay the Seal Cost for these)


Lucrative Things To Do With Prophecies:

Vaal Winds: Equip IIQ Gear and Either Run a Double Beyond Multi Sextant Map Or An Apex, You Can usually End Up With 2-3 Times The Prophecy Value in Divine Drops.


Trash to SkyForth: Easy Multiple Exalts

Checking the Price of a Fated Unique Adding Together The Price Of The Nation Fated + The Prophecy Can Net You a A PROFIT OF MULTIPLE PER KILLING A MOB AND DOING SOME TRADING IF YOU ARE INTO THAT OF STUFF.

On the English-speaking servers of Path of Exile on June 3, a new league started. The Russian version will appear a few days later - June 8.

Game Mechanics Path Of Exile has changed little. The game will still have to cyclically pass acts and perform uncomplicated quests. New is the character of the name, which meets in every city. Navalvi can be obtained by the so-called. Prophecies are such mini-tasks about who you can meet in locations. Not in any, of course, the correct will have to search.

To fulfill the prophecy, it is enough to perform certain tasks. In most cases, it comes down to ensure that someone or something to kill. These prophecies are in every act. The farther you are moving around the game, the more difficult the monsters become, with whom you will have to meet for the execution of prophecy. Each completed chain of prophecies leads to a meeting with a stray exile. In the first act, he will try to escape by throwing all his treasures. In the second act, the battle rage will start and run away again. In the third act, a dangerous spirit set in the exile. In the fourth, he will get the effect of the altar. And the final battle will take place on one of the cards.

As in the previous league, the entrance to the labyrinth is opened after performing six tests. These tests have not changed in any way. I mean, in certain locations it is necessary to overcome traps, destroy the skeletons and other monsters, and then activate the cell on a small wall. The labyrinths are quite complicated, also styling by traps and abundance of monsters. Meet the boss will have three times. He runs the first twice, and in the third - heroically stands to the very end.

One of the fundamental changes in the labyrinth is the restriction of the number of visits in them. At the end of the test, a special subject is given, which allows you to unlock the doors of the labyrinth six times. For subsequent visits, new tests will be required, or this item is bought, exchanges from other players.

Labyrinths can be held by groups. And when they are completed, awarded the glasses of climb, to enchant items and open the chests of izaria (the main boss of the labyrinth) higher level. These changes in labyrinth are not limited.

Developers changed a lot more - for example, the method of calculating the character damage, which decreased: 60% of the energy shield protecting health is taken into account. Due to this, it will be easier to pass the labyrinth of wits, the build of which is based on energy shields.

About all these changes, as well as modifications of many skills, which now work a bit differently, as well as new skills, you no doubt already know. The developers told, and at Garena translated many aspects of updating 2.3. Therefore, probably, in a notice, it would be more correct to stop not on the features of the game mechanics, but on personal impressions.

They are lower in the form of screenshots ...

When performing a chain of prophecies fell so good. It will come in handy ...

The passive skill tree has not changed compared to 2.2. Labyrinths are available, where additional subclasses are taken.

The prophecies are taken from the new NPS, which, more precisely, which is in every city. To fulfill the prophecy, you need to do something, most often kill, mobs, bosses in locations.

Mobs fall out of new type coins. The announcement said that only one coin falls in each location, but in fact it can fall and more. Perhaps this is a bug ...

Game mechanics has not changed. The annoying thieves of the coin of the transperm disappeared. But the prophecies appeared.

The first start terrified - 9 thousand. Waiting for online. However, waiting stretched not at the clock - they managed to enter literally after 3 minutes. With subsequent inputs, I did not have to wait ...

Finally, it is worth saying that English-speaking servers work much more reliable than Garena. It seems that they are located further - in Amsterdam - but the loading of the game itself and locations occurs at times faster, and the client is more faithful. Garena is much more likely when switching to a new location, the client crashes with an error about the impossibility of loading ... what is connected with - do not take it ...

POST Views: 2 145

  • The Atlas of Worlds is trying to capture the mysterious entity, known as an ancient. He sows damage and fights for power with the creator. Learn more about War for Atlas on the RU.Pathofexile.com/war page
  • Added 32 new cards, including 2 unique.
  • Added new battles with the ancient and four of its keepers.
  • Added changed and ancient objects. They can be obtained only in areas under the influence of the creator and ancient, or after the victory over the creator and ancient. Changed and ancient items can have properties that cannot be obtained in any other way, as well as the versions of the usual high-level properties.
  • Added a new task, the queen of sands. The task can be obtained from Peter and Ivanna in 9 acts after the task is completed by the storm blade. Book of skills for the execution of a blade storm Now you will receive for the completion of the king of the sands. For the execution of the blade of the storm you will receive a rare weapon to choose from.
  • Added 48 new unique items.
  • Added 6 new fortified cards created by our sponsors.
  • Added new dexterity / intelligence skills, exhumation: The hero produces a projectile that pierces enemies and lands in the specified location, creating a bone archer corpse.
  • Added a new stone skill, cremation: The chosen target is exploded, inflicting damage in the area, and becomes a volcanic geyser, which for some time will consistently produce projectiles around the region around. On damage from the explosion of the corpse, modifiers of damage from the spell and cannot be reflected.
  • Added a new stone of the skill of intelligence / dexterity, the exchange of bodies: the body of the hero explodes, causing damage from the spell in the region around it. The chosen goal of the corpse also explodes, causing damage in the area around it. The body of the hero is transferred to the location of the corpse. On damage from the explosion of the corpse, modifiers of damage from the spell and cannot be reflected. These chairs can not be made again.
  • Added a new stone skill / intelligence skills, an unstable corpse: the corpses in the specified location explode, causing damage in a small area, and produced in enemies of the sphere, which are then exploded, inflicting the damage from the spell in a large area. Damage from the explosion of the corpses does not act modifiers of the dam from the spell and it cannot be reflected.
  • Defenseless is divided into two stones of skills: defenselessness and despair. Defenseless, Stone skill, curses all goals in the area: They get an enlarged physical damage and an increased damage from bleeding. Attacks on damned enemies have a chance to impose bleeding and injury.
  • Despair, an intelligence skill stone, curses all goals in the area: Their resistance to chaos becomes less, they get an enlarged gradual damage. Cursed enemies also receive additional chaos damage when receiving a strike. Existing defenseless stones will become despair stones.
  • Added a new stone of support for intelligence, thunderstorm obstacle: when maintaining the enhanced skill, creates a protective field around the hero. The field reduces the physical damage and illuminated damage, and also gives a chance to get energy charge when receiving a strike.
  • Added a new stone of dexterity support, a volley: adds two shells to enhanced skills, and the shells themselves are produced in parallel from the points on both sides of the hero. Shells manufactured by a ring (on the trap of fragments) are currently overlapping the source of parallel shells of this stone, however, it will be changed in future updates.
  • Added new stone support for intelligence, Cascade Char: The reinforced skills of the region will also choose the purpose of the area in front and for the main purpose.
  • A new stone support is added, the call of the ancestors: the reinforced skills of the melee attacks that cause damage to one goal will choose the purpose of two additional enemies.
  • Added New Dexterity Support Stone, Ghost archer: Blowing the reinforced skill on the enemy creates a ghost archer, which will continue to use this skill for some time.
  • Added 3D models for the following items: Malachaya label, demolition dianta, dendrognev, solid blade, emptiness drive, topteren red saber and electric shock.
  • Added a new unique casket created by our sponsor.
  • Added a new stray exile (the winner of the competition is the most elegant exile).

Test League Cupped

  • Test League is an excellent opportunity to start the game in the fresh economy. All your existing characters and items will remain in the standing leagues standard and one life, but you can create a hero in the new league to complete the tests and demonstrate the skill of the game in the path of exile!
  • In 3.1.0, three versions of the league of the abyss will be available: Standard, one life and solo. Mechanics and items in all versions of the league are the same. In the league of the abyss you will find cracks in the ground. As soon as you come closer, these cracks will become wider and spread further, and terrible monsters will begin to appear from black depths. Try to keep up with a crack, and you will challenge dangerous monsters abyss. Do not handle the monsters on time - the abyss will shut, but if you defeat quickly - get a chest with valuable awards.
  • As you get in the league, you will find the abyss that will allow you to get into the depths of the abyss. In these areas you will meet with many monsters, you will find valuable awards and fight the boss.
  • Exploring the depth of the abyss at high levels, you can fight the boss. Such a boss is rarely found, the battle with it is complex, but also the rewards for victory will be valuable. Only winning the personal you will get unique items of the abyss.
  • Gems of the abyss can fall from monsters and chests. Like other gems, they can be placed in the slope on the tree of passive skills to strengthen your character. However, unlike the rest of gems, the gems of the abyss have exclusive new properties and they can be placed in special nests of the abyss on your subjects! Nearby the abyss will be found on new unique subjects of the abyss and a new type of belt: Dark vice.
  • In the abyss league you have to perform 40 tests. Having completed 12, you will receive an abyss in award. For 24 tests you will receive the wings of the abyss, for 36 - the portal of the abyss. All these microtransactions can be obtained only for testing the league of the abyss.
  • Starting with 19 tests for each third completed test, you will receive a part of the chamber of the abyss that can be installed in my asylum. Totem will remain you forever.

Other changes:

  • Improved selection of the goals of many skills, especially the choice of large goals, like China and Arakali.
  • Frames of items are updated in accordance with the current user interface.
  • Updated storage chest model. Now he glitters novelty!
  • The training system has added more detailed instructions for players who are experiencing difficulties at the very beginning of the game.
  • Added a portal script learning page, updated portal training page in areas.
  • A noticeable obstacle to the entrance to the lion's eye is added to the training system. The barrier will disappear after the distribution of the passive skill point.
  • Now you can open the help window of the ";". The key can be changed in the settings menu.
  • Now you can disable help pages by clicking on them right mouse button. They will disappear by themselves after 6 seconds.
  • Now you can donate fortune-up cards in an epilogue or in your shelter. Accordingly, a description of the achievement of "Prediction" was changed.
  • Molded masters returned to the orient, now they can be found in the epilogue.
  • Now the corpses disappearing when reached the limit on the number of corpses created by the skills or exhumation, will reproduce the visual effect.
  • The value of the performance and cooling performance indicators can now be found in the character panel.
  • Added a system of scaling visual state effects depending on the dimensions of the monster.
  • The voice acting of the dialogues of many non-game characters and objects with the history, which were missed in the Falling of Oriat.
  • Added images appearing when hovering on the area on the map, for new regions from the Fall of Oriat.
  • In the drop-down menu in the character portrait added the departure option from the current group.
  • Now the choice of the league filter on the character selection screen saves its value.
  • Improved interface for selecting awards for completing the task.
  • Under each bottle icon, a timer has been added, showing the remaining time of the effect of this bottle.
  • Negative effects are now displayed separately from positive effects, bottle effects and charges.
  • The auras acting on you that you have enabled on your own are no longer displayed on the positive effects panel in the form of the skill icons. Auras obtained from other sources will still be displayed on the positive effects panel.
  • The skills with a changed recharge time now show the final reload time values, and not a recharge time multiplier.
  • Now the monsters displays their rare while they rise from the ground.
  • The test panel now displays the number of completed tests.
  • Now the minimum of frames per second for dynamic permissions by default is 30. You can change this value in the settings.
  • Improved the effects of rarity and states on monsters.
  • Added support for subsurface dispersion. Pay attention to the ice and candles!
  • Improved performance of many skills, regions, monsters and effects.
  • We continue to improve the sound, effects and environment.

Balance characters

  • Enemies under the effect of frightening are now obtained by 10% damage from attacks (instead of increased by 10% damage).

Balance skills

  • Existing stones defensiveness became stones of tender. Despair curses all goals in the area: their chaos resistance becomes less, they get enlarged gradual damage. Cursed enemies also receive additional chaos damage when receiving a strike. New stone defenseless is now red.
  • Your minions (and their minions) will no longer apply or get damage while you are dead.
  • A dark contract no longer receives an increase to the radius of action when using your health. An increase in damage when using your health is growing slower with an increase in the level of the stone, now at the level 20 skill causes 76% more damage (it was 95%).
  • The undermining of the corpse now causes damage from the char on the basis of the level of the abnormal stone, in addition to the damage based on the maximum health of the corpse. Basic damage from fire, which causes spells from the explosion, was significantly increased. Now the ability receives an additional increase in the area of \u200b\u200baction with an increase in its level, the base chance of a critical strike was raised from 5% to 6%. The creation time is reduced to 0.6 seconds (it was 0.8).
  • Creation Ghost now gives ghosts an additional accuracy based on the level of the stone.
  • Bear trap and shower boys Waal now remove the entire speed of movement, instead of declining it by 300%.
  • Furious perfumes now have a factor of the added damage "15% less", instead of 30%.
  • Copyright skeletons now have a factor of the added damage "by 50% more", instead of "30% less".
  • Furious perfumes, spiders created by Aracali fang, and the ghostly skulls from the essence of madness, can no longer provoke enemies.
  • The number of burning damage, applied by burning land from the burning arrow of the character with the gem of a pitch darkness, is now determined by the burning level of the burning arrow.
  • The storm sphere can now cause lightning strikes from supported skills.
  • Determination: now creates 5 corpses (it was 3). Recharge time was reduced to 3 seconds for charge (it was 5), and the creation time was reduced to 0.8 seconds (it was 1). The maximum level of desecration corpses is constantly increasing with an increase in the level of stone. Now the skill can create a higher level corpses at most levels of stone, except 19, at which the maximum level of corpses has been reduced from 100 to 81.
  • Recycled lightning shoots. Now this is a supported skill that causes more damage every 4 pulse. Improved visual effects of skill. The new version strikes a little less frequently than the previous one, but the general damage from the skill has become higher.
  • Stone support Health minions now has a multiplier, i.e. It gives 30% more health of the minions (and not 30% increase in the health of the minions) at 1 level of stone (up to "49% more health" at the level 20).
  • The dark contract is now considered the skill of the minions and will interact, for example, with the effects of the subject of the Cape of Thomor Aii.
  • Stone support merciless will no longer strengthen supported skills.
  • Whirlwind no longer can be strengthened with merciless support.
  • The Iron Will can now enhance the creation of skeletons and influence the damage caused by skeletons-magicians if you use the gem of retribution of the dead.
  • The cooling effect of northern armor is now slowing the attackers by 30% when you get a blow (it was 10%).
  • Middle-fight attacks, reinforced by a hail of shock, now more accurately take into account the range of attack (including damage modifiers) when choosing goals for subsequent attacks. The change has adversely affected the same skills, and positively to others, but in general, the skills of the melee, reinforced by a hail of shocks, will choose the goals in such a way that the behavior of a particular attack is better.
  • The scope of the first waves of the Serepad was wider than thought. Now the scope of the skill more corresponds to the visual effect area in which swords fall. The overall width of the scope of the Serepad was slightly increased to compensate for narrower areas at low levels of skill.
  • Now, on the thunderstorm explosion, modifiers based on the state of shells (for example, the powerful accuracy property "of the shells have a 100% increase in the chance of a critical strike on the targets pierced by them")
  • The charged jerk now has a limit to a maximum of 15 shots for one use of the skill.
  • The radius of the static discharge is increased from 19 to 20, the total radius at the level 20 is now 24. The explosion of a static discharge now correctly imposes states with a "40% less" modifier. Previously, the skill imposed state without taking into account the "less damage" modifier.
  • The radius of the ice crushing is increased from 8 to 9 at the first stage, from 16 to 18 in the second stage, and from 24 to 26 on the third.
  • The earthquake radius is increased from 25 to 28 in the second stage.
  • The empty radius is increased from 17 to 20, at 20 levels of the stone, the radius value is 24.
  • Fading now increases the resulting damage by chaos by 6% (it was 7%), and overlaps up to 15 times (it was 20).
  • The radius of the overflow of the WAL strength is reduced to 70 (it was 120).

alans objects

  • Hadal maps: recycled areas, the chances of the fallout and the requirements of a plurality of fortune-up cards, due to the changes in the atlas in this update, and for better integration of fortune-up cards with new regions from the Oriat's fall.
  • Some names of the properties of health regeneration are changed, two new high-level properties have been added, and therefore all these properties have been reformed.
  • Improved health regeneration properties on rare items. Existing properties now give up to 20 health per second. To update existing properties to new values, use the Divine Sphere on the subject.
  • When used on the belt, the essence of madness now gives a 10% increase in the speed of movement when using the effect of any bottle (it was 5%).
  • The basic types of items relating only to the atlas can no longer be found in the side areas of Waal.

Balance of unique items

  • Aziri's insight: no longer abducts health instantly from critical strikes, instead gives an agreement with Waal if you recently applied a critical strike. Changing does not affect existing versions of the subject. Learn about changes in the agreement with Waal from the section with changes in the tree of passive skills.
  • Decoration of the Witches Fire: When used, it creates a tear of curse despair. Change affects all versions of the subject.
  • Rock arrows: now adds 100% physical damage in the form of damage from the random element (it was 110%). No longer increases the chance of a critical strike, instead has from (12-16) to (20-24) added physical damage. The use of the Divine Sphere to the existing versions of the subject will change the added physical damage and added damage from the random element, but will not remove the chance of a critical strike.
  • Roca arrows prism: now add 100% of the physical damage in the form of damage from each element (it was 110%). Use the divine sphere to the existing version of the subject to apply this change.
  • Conmina strategist: no longer creates a cloud of smoke when the trap placed in the subject is triggered. Instead, the subject grants the ability of the "fog of war", which creates a cloud of smoke when you trigger any of your trap. The fog of war has a recharge time.
  • Lion Ryiv: Now adds discarding only to melee attacks during the effect of the bottle effect.
  • Spider-wolf: significantly reduced the chance of loss of this object from monsters. The subject is too widely used by melee characters at different levels, as a very affordable way to circumvent the requirements for the accuracy.
  • Bisco Collar: Significantly reduced the chance of falling out the object of monsters.
  • Queen Forest: now has from 200 to 240% increase in evasion (it was from 240 to 380%). Use the divine sphere to the existing version of the subject to apply this change. Increasing the speed of movement from this subject is now limited to 100% on all versions. Changing the basic types of objects with evasion in the fall of the Oriat led to a too strong increase in evasion and speed of movement on this subject.
  • Revival of the Phoenix: the maximum of the resistance of the fire is reduced to 5% (it was 8%). Health regeneration is "from 15 to 20 per second" (it was 6). Use the divine sphere to the existing version of the subject to apply this change. New versions also give from 40 to 60 health (the change cannot be obtained by the Divine Sphere).
  • Windband: Now allows an ice shot to pierce 3 additional objectives (it was 5). Use the divine sphere to the existing version of the subject to apply this change.
  • Dancing Dervish: While the manifestation of a dancing dervish is actively actively, dancing Dervish when applied to a unique enemy has a 25% chance to give you a charge of a richness. The minion created by this unique item can no longer move on impassable places. Changes affect all versions of the subject.
  • The abode of demons: cooling effect now slows down the enemies by 30% when you get a blow (it was 10%). Change affects all versions of the subject.
  • Baron: Now adds half of your strength to minions (instead of all strength). Change affects all versions of the subject.
  • Retribution of the dead: now correctly replaces the number of skeleton-warriors on skeletons-magicians when using the creation of WAL skeletons.
  • The death oath: now correctly updates the behavior when changing skills, objects or passive skills.
  • Auxium: In the description of the subject now it is indicated that it is the duration of freezing based on an energy shield. The functionality of the subject has not changed.

Balance of Monsters

Balance of cards

  • Recycled all atlas. Changed the names of many cards, as well as their balance, level and place on the atlas. On many cards, bosses were recycled or completely replaced.
  • The rules for generating monsters on high-level cards are significantly processed, their balance is changed towards the speed with which players, in our opinion, will cleanse the cards. Basically, on even linear cards, the total number of monsters will be less than on maps with a more complex layout. We will closely monitor the balance of these changes, and over time we will make further changes and improvements.
  • Changed the balance of the properties of cards. Now every property gives an increased rarity items, an increased number of objects and an increased size of a group of monsters. Values \u200b\u200bwill depend on the complexity of the properties.
  • Mao Kun: Monsters no longer receive energy charges and endurance every 20 seconds, as this led to problems with performance. Monsters now have a chance to get these charges when applied. The number of monsters on this map is reduced, but in this area you will now receive more experience.
  • Added a new prefix for cards, singing: an area inhabited by Cultists of China.
  • Monsters from 5-10 acts have been added to the cards, which have not previously appeared on the maps.
  • Bosses with multiple forms or stages are no longer considered for several bosses cards.
  • Changed the balance of Asha calling the sun, now the skill has a 4-second recharge.
  • Rivers "Tar can now jump on enemies that are too close to the wall.
  • Hounds of cleansing now appear from the gateway located in the distance, and can pursue players for long-range distances.
  • The aqueous elementals and their variations now appear groups of visible and invisible monsters (instead of all visible or all invisible).
  • The boss of a unique card death and taxes are now moving on 35% faster under the effect of immunity to damage.
  • The corpses of distorted statues can be obtained when using desecration on maps, if you already have a ghost of such a monster.
  • Bosses-Roa on the maps now restore 33% of their health maximum every time you ruin one of the nests.
  • Added groups of magic monsters in rooms with bosses on the maps, where there were no them before.
  • Monsters can now appear closer to the inputs on the map Cursed folding.
  • Now the graveyard card is the basic type of unique map of the Sacred Earth.

Changes of the Tree of Passive Skills

  • Significantly reworked Agreement with Waal. It no longer gives instantaneous abduction, instead, the speed of kidnapping is doubled, as well as the maximum speed of abduction. Passive skill moved to the gladiator area.
  • Non-significant passive skills for the mind above the matter now give 10% increase in mana (it was 12%), and significant gives a 30% increase in mana (it was 40%) and 40 added mana (it was 100).
  • The key skill vampirism now gives 3% of the health maximum per second to the maximum abduction rate (5%).
  • The emptiness of the body now gives 3% of the health maximum per second to the maximum speed of abduction (it was 5%).
  • Passive skills that previously gave an increase in physical damage in the near battle with a shield in their hands, now give an increase in physical damage from attacks with a shield in their hands (total physical damage, not only in the near battle).
  • Many passive skills that previously gave protective bonuses with a shield in their hands now also increase the physical damage from attacks and damage from states with a shield in their hands.
  • One of the passive skills on the way to the ashes, frost and a bore (near the nobleman) are removed.

Balance of climb

  • Shubaka: Hard zeal no longer increases the maximum speed of kidnapping.


  • Aligned most of the bosses of maps that you need to kill to improve the forces of Pantheon.
  • Shakari added on the pantheon.

alans Mabyrintha

  • Added a new effect of a dark shrine, which can only be found in the labyrinth of the eternal.
  • Changed the conditions for the appearance of some chests. In general, the awards of them will now be more valuable and more correspond to their level and complexity.
  • Increased the total number of objects in silver chests.
  • From the ruthless labyrinth removed the success of the helmet, which gave additional stages of the queue. Enchanting for the labyrinth of the Eternal now gives one additional projectile (it was 2).

Properties are lit. 3.1.0:

  • Level 2: anarchy (cost 2 of the sphere of chaos): additional stray extensions in the area: 3, 20% increase in the number of objects found in the area.
  • Level 3: Pedigree (cost 3 of the sphere of chaos): All groups of magical monsters have the property of pedigrees, 25% more magical monsters, 20% increase in the number of objects found in the area.
  • Level 4: Incomiere (cost 3 of the sphere of chaos): The enemies killed close to each other can attract monsters from another world, 20% increase in the number of objects found in the area.
  • Level 4: Good luck bold fagomol (cost 3 of the sphere of chaos): Selects a random property of the current list, including not yet open properties.
  • Level 5: ambush (cost 4 of the sphere of chaos): The area contains additional lars: 3.
  • Level 6: domination (cost 4 of the coex of chaos): In the region you can find additional altars: 3.
  • Level 7: Entity (cost 5 of the chaos area): In the area you can meet additional entities: 2.
  • Level 8: Rift (cost 6 of the spheres of chaos): In the region you can find additional faults: 2.

Pvp balance:

  • Remote Arena Sandria 60 level. Players that do not meet the requirements of the Arena Sandria 40 will be sent to the open arena of Sandria.
  • The characters entering the portal on the Oriat at the end of 4 acts will not be able to in line with low-level duels.
  • The death oath now inflicts significantly less damage to players (and great masters).
  • Characters only for PVP can no longer activate the car of the motherboard.
  • Bleeding, arson and poison now receive fines depending on the speed of attack or the creation of the skill of the skill (or similar time parameter), which caused them.

Changes in the world:

  • For the completion of the task, the love of neighbor players will receive not only the bottle, but also a support stone to choose from.
  • Green Maze is removed from the game. Titus plum and labyrinth test moved to imperial gardens.
  • Added objects with stories, mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the Oriat.
  • From mysterious barrels, more diverse monsters appear.
  • Now, during the refueling of the lighthouse in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lighthouse, additional groups of monsters will appear.
  • Improved area of \u200b\u200bthe southern forest, especially in 6 acts. South Forest in 6 Act now can generate side areas Waal.
  • On the way to a fight with a vicious trinity, heart-portals to Melavia, Scholasty and Darya, cease to beat when the corresponding boss is death.
  • The priest repository from the Khuznitsa in 10 act is renamed to the sealed chest. The chest has a new model.
  • Hadrian will no longer talk about hanging gardens, this dialogue is removed from the requirements of achieving a good listener.
  • Added more options for layouts of the principles of the main storyline. Most areas, in particular, new areas from the fall of Oriat, now have several new possible layouts.
  • The circulation of the Western Forest in 2 parts will be destroyed. Pay attention to it, looks very cool.
  • Added some door-missed doors and transition icons in areas.
  • Altari will no longer appear at the entrance to the Tukohama Fortress.
  • Arena Kitava in 10 act now called the altar of hunger.
  • Malachaya magazine no longer refers to an incorrect date.


  • Rare monsters, which are required for the prophecies to receive a unique subject, have been added to various areas around the world. They provide an opportunity to get a high-level item so that it can be obtained by 6 connections.
  • You no longer need to wear a unique subject to fulfill the prophecy, just have enough to have it in the inventory during the murder of the desired boss.
  • Prophecy Twins, which turns a non-twin card into a twin, no longer gives a 6% increase in the number of items found.
  • Prophecy The monstrous treasure is now performed when opening the last Lart in the area.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug due to which, due to which chests with jewelry in the maze contained various types of objects.
  • Fixed a bug due to which a stone skill lifting a zombie displaced incorrect health values. This does not affect the zombie balance.
  • Fixed a bug due to which some fotys tasks continued to be displayed even after their execution or failure.
  • Fixed a mistake, because of which you received a dedicated whispering otea with a 20% quality.
  • Fixed a bug due to which a significant passive skill of the combat magician gave force and dexterity separately (and not together). This does not affect the mechanics of passive skill.
  • Fixed a bug due to which you could pass through the barrier in the abode of sins of 7 acts.
  • Fixed a mistake, due to which the bite of ice could increase the skills of totems, traps and min, although his effect did not work on them.
  • Fixed descriptions of ice bite and excitement.
  • Fixed a bug due to which a significant passive skill of the challenge gave an increase in physical damage in the near battle, and not an increase in physical damage in a short battle with a shield in his hands.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which you could leave the Arastrassia Starga with the help of skot. Now you can not pick up tender dust before the murder of this boss. RAIZ, you know that everything is because of you.
  • Fixed a mistake, due to which the "Enhancement of Global Argument in the absence of an energy shield" on a unique item broken faith incorrectly acted on armor received from converting evasion into armor key passive skill with steel nerves.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the shrine in a maze, which added an additional unique item as a reward for murder of izaria, caused severe lags during activation.
  • Fixed a bug due to which some monsters could not blow their mines.
  • Fixed a mistake, because of which suffering spirits could accommodate in the spheres of Solaris and Lunaris during the battle with a dawn and sunset.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the text in some languages \u200b\u200bwas not placed in the subject window.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the text on the test screen could be superimposed on each other in some languages.
  • Fixed a bug that brings to the crash of the client during a small number of mana.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the totems with low meaning maxima could not achieve a unity of health due to rounding, so the righteous fire did not turn on them.
  • Fixed a bug due to which you could kill Abberat, forked, before going to other stages.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the stone learning is displayed instead of other learning.
  • Fixed a bug due to which Altari could appear in inaccessible places.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which a double-click character with an expired name of the name led to the discharge of this character's choice during the name change. This prevented the entry into the game of this hero and did not display a new name of the hero on the character selection screen, despite the fact that it was changed on the server.
  • Fixed a bug, because of which it was necessary to click on the microtransmission cell twice if the inventory and then the microtranscase selection screen were called keystrokes.
  • Fixed a bug due to which damage modifiers from states from attacks with the shield in the hands were superimposed twice if you did not use Varunastr.
  • Fixed a bug due to which a sextant that gives players instantaneous health and mana, actually did not give any instant recovery.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which, when removing the ability of the skill, a static discharge (or when performing actions that disconnected this skill), all the explosions of the static discharge immediately.
  • Fixed a bug, because of which the enemies that have fallen under the initial blow of the split also received a blow from the action area created by this blow.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which low-level characters in the city or asylum appeared plot tasks associated with the creator, if on the same account and in the same league were characters that perform these tasks.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the effects that change the character size could lead to the incorrect appearance of some spell and effects.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which some bosses could not move into their next stages due to the effects of gradual damage superimposed on them. Because of this, the characters applying only a gradual damage could not complete some battles.
  • Fixed a bug due to which Dairi could die during teleportation, if she had very little health.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the skeletons-generals designed by the creation of WAL skeletons reproduced the incorrect effect when the appearance.
  • Fixed a bug due to which you could continue to support skills even after your speed has been reduced to 0 (for example, after receiving the effect of petition from Vasilisk).
  • Fixed a bug due to which the automatic updating of public groups led to the disconnection of the "Departed" mode.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the rejected master could teleport to the place that blocked the entrance to the area (for example, in the door pass).
  • Fixed display of the duration of excitation and witchcraft emission on skills that have their own duration modifiers.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the time of existence of the time imposed by objects when applied, it was too short.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the random attempt to the shelter in which the portal was blocked by the object, led to a trip.
  • Fixed a bug due to which health indicators and mana were superimposed on the text when the help window is open.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the unique card displays the presence of a boss to improve the pantheon if its base type was the same as the conventional card with a boss to improve the pantheon.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the chilling hammer sometimes interacted incorrectly with the effect of ice messenger when breaking enemies.
  • Fixed a bug due to which some non-game characters dialogs were displayed in the wrong category.
  • Fixed a mistake due to which the use of combat shift with dibion's memorialist in his hands ignored the discarding avoidance.
  • Fixed a bug due to which allied forerunners (and other entities that could not be selected target), caused the operation of enemy traps.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which several effects shrines of the labyrinth of the same type were imposed, and not replaced each other.
  • Fixed a bug due to which some skills became invisible if the player left and returned to the region. This applies among the number of China's devouring darkness.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the explosions of the thunder blast did not destroy the chests, stone columns and barrels.
  • A little corrected descriptions of passive skills associated with the strengthening.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the skills reinforced with excitation, called all the skills of the charms in the hint.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which some areas with a large density of monsters (for example, the area of \u200b\u200btasks of loot masters) tried and could not create additional monsters, such as suffering spirits and stray exiles. Now they will try and create monsters! Success!
  • The silver chests of the labyrinth and other awards will now not appear near the walls and under the free corner. Objects no longer have to appear in inaccessible places.
  • Fixed a mistake due to which the ruins of the desecrated shrine could generate the side area of \u200b\u200bWaal on the inaccessible side of the river.
  • Removed several obsolete dialogs Shelka.
  • Fixed a mistake, due to which the charges of rage gave great masters only more damage from attacks, and not damage in general.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the ruins of Waal 2 act could generate additional rooms that should not be in this area.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the objects did not fall out of the strong crabs in the boiling lake.
  • Fixed a mistake, due to which the thunderstorms on the Arena strategist Adrastia and Minotaur could be discarded.
  • Fixed some problems with cracking sound.
  • Fixed a mistake, due to which the size of Ankha Eternity and Tears (from the tasks of the storyline) did not coincide with the size of their images.
  • Fixed a bug, because of which the players followed more pets than they really had.
  • Fixed a bug with rare name epithets in French.
  • Improved the behavior of the arrows-teleport at an unusual area.
  • Fixed jitter when attaching a description of the subject.

One of the biggest questions that can stand in front of the player in this after he has mastered a little in the game, I realized that such trade and what it is eaten is how to make more currency to buy items necessary for build. Or start experimenting with something, make more playable characters, it does not matter, the essence is only that there is always a need for the means that in the conditions of the living market of the game can be satisfied with a large number of ways. It is them that we will consider below.


Of course the main and most important way, as people earn currency - it is just cleaning cards . The more cards you do, whatever they are, the common random game will definitely give a reward. Currency, random expensive unique, good rare items and so on. Many Western streamers, like Zizzaran, Rizkuti, Tarka, Matil, Grimro and so on, hundreds of times repeated this on their streams - the more often you are renting random, running a new card. The more chance you have a good award. . The faster and most optimal than you manage your time, the more you get.

Therefore, all the methods described below are either somehow associated with maps, or are also time-in-time, but otherwise cannot be. If you want to get something, for this you need to spend time, play the game, everything you can help with this guide is like this time to spend more practical.

1. Farm of fortified cards.

Most simple, popular and reliable way which, however, requires a certain knowledge of the game. Why simple and reliable? There is an exact location in which a certain map definitely falls, this card is still worth it and will buy it, at least if it is necessary and useful cards. The smallest random factors It can only be found in this, or rather the factor is only one - the chance of the map itself.
For those who do not know what fortune-money cards themselves - maps are objects of a certain type, they are going to the decks and when passing the deck of cards The necessary NPS you get a guaranteed award that was written on the maps. Example: Heart of the leader, when collecting a deck of 8 cards, you can exchange them from Navalvi or Tasuni on the Kaom's Heart's heart (Kaom's Heart) unique dear lats.
This is one of the ways of really aimed farm when you are cleaning only the card you need, waiting for the deposition of maps, which then use or sell. Also an excellent way to earn a currency for those who have no premium tabs And does not want to trade through the chat / forum. You can choose cards where fortune -akers fall: the treasure of the holy, forgotten wealth and scopeid that the exit gives the spheres of elevation. The currency market works in both directions and to exchange expensive currency for a cheap or cheap on the expensive you do not need a premium tab, so you can farthematize the flowers, to trigger them for example on the chaos or directly buy itselves to yourself.
In addition, the essence of this method is that in parallel until you student a fortune-up you also fall in all Lout, which would fall on other cards, you just have to task with the same appearance of the county times over time.
Useful references for this method :

https://poe.ninja/ You can find prices for different cards and objects.

http://poewizard.com/database.php Here what fortuneal cards fall on what cards. Furning is the fan site of one English-speaking row and his team, so there may be problems in reliability, but these are all sources that I know.

2. Farm cards under the influence of Shaper / Elder.

For this method there are quite complex optimization mechanics, but here it is not about them, because there is already absolutely not for beginners, information and actions are confused for its implementation and complex. The reason for the passage of such times is simple: rare (yellow) items distorted by the influence of Shaper or Elder are falling on them. Their rear background is lit by the starry sky or dark tentacles are drawn on them and these items are relatively rare, and with proper modifiers can be very expensive. They need to identify everything, they can be sold as a base for crafting serious uncle (especially if it is jewelry and it was chosen on the map of Tira 12+), use themselves as a good strengthening of your own equipment or sell the stridor, if modifiers and rolls fell good.
Also an extremely simple way to receive an additional currency, because it is not necessary to do anything but to follow the star luminescence and tentacles on the atlas, but try to clean these cards.
Suitable in quality lazy way, however there are problems with understanding, is it a good thing that you fell . I can't write all the useful rolls for a very long time, given that for each type of objects they are yours, but you can ask in the chat at least an approximate price, for a great subject, even the most latter troll will not appreciate in 5 chaos, but you should also It is understood that those estimates are extremely approximate.
If you tell you a lot of people right away that the subject is expensive, do not be lazy and check on the case. At the same time, the analogue is exactly adjacent for each status, so you can get an additional 10-20 chaos. And then the 2x, simply because you will know the exact price and not Netherhat.
Last but I will say that this method most likely will not bring because basically such items fall with bad modifiers and they can be disposed of vendors, however, the cable / elder cards themselves have more monsters or reinforced bosses, which will have a positive effect on all types of lute, currency, unique etc. Therefore, combine this method with the first, choosing those cards that fall and good fortuneal cards and there is an influence of one of the bosses - a very good tactic, if you are new to and want just fun, run around locations with lots of mobs and potentially delicious treasures.

3. Prophecies.

This is not so much in itself the method of farm currency, as an auxiliary element in this matter. The game has mechanics of prophecy. For 1 silver coin at the wrong cast, you can get a random event What will happen to you in the future. That is why it is both prophecies. Mostly there will be a prophecy on the type "You will meet the mind and free it", "a rare monster will give more rare treasures at death" and so on that are minor magnifiers of your lute When you pass the cards. Most of the prophecies are such.
There are those that convert some kind of unique subject in the improved version, if you take the original subject and to kill some boss from the old acts in the inventory or on the cards. Similar prophecies can bring from 10 chaos up to a couple of elevations, this is one of the most fat and coolBut also, only on some popular items, the rest can be useless. Prophecies may fall out to a labyrinth, on a guaranteed 5 or 6 link, which is expensive and so on. In general, the Luet is unmerced, now in the other aspects of mechanics.
The method is passive, do not much to do - it's not necessary to go to the wrong way and take new prophecies . The only thing that the silver coins will have to buy. Title it is spent with a large number of cards quickly.
Now to minuses with which you will meet. Any prophecy can withdraw and sell to be performed by another person. Basically, all expensive prophecies do and go, for seizures you need from a couple to a dozen silver coins. With an average course of 1 chaos \u003d 4-6 coins, everything is not expensive. But there are prophecy chains, from which to get rid - it's pain in the ass . It is necessary to fly into some location of the 25th levels, there to look for useless mobs, which will not even give a special lute, kill them and only then such a prophecy will be fulfilled and will free the place, and in the future you can get another part of this chain.
You can simply fly to the right locations, immediately flying from there, without fulfilling the prophecies, but as if it's a tripger, but then you will not even get a minimal lute, and you cannot move to the chain just to spend a bit of time and one silver coin. The problem of such chains is that even for the execution of solid do not give something special, during the time spent on all you will receive 5-10 chaos (although who knows what items in the future will be popular, maybe a pale advice or something else Yes, from the prophecies of chains will be expensive, but so far it is not so), and the time to spend is not bad. A couple of cards would have time to argue. And to remove such prophecies mostly costs 7-8 coins, which is quite expensive and unpleasant, so it is better to at least just trigger them by spending ten-twenty seconds to teleport in the desired location.
Also prophecies associated with an additional mob , by type of pile of rats or other ordinary, often falling cheap prophecies do not hire with 100% chance . That is, double enchantment in the labyrinth - it will definitely work, but you can meet an additional stray exile as on the next map and after a dozen. Therefore, heavily twist the wheel of the prophecies strongly, replacing the old new ones only if you spend a bunch of silver coins on the seizure of cheap, and this is not useful. Therefore, the way of earning as such is not a way, but rather a help.

4. Shansing items.

In the game there are unique items that are always in demand . Of course, with the introduction of new content, it is more difficult to be aware of Trend Shmotov, however, when knowledge, what kind of uniqueness is now expensive, you can use another way to random to earn money. As you pass the game, you will often fall enough Fortune spheres, these spheres turn a white subject to random rarity With this base. Random here includes and unique rarity also .
Speaking simply: you take white magnificent lats, we put the sphere of luck, which is often 1/10 chaos, you can fall out magical, rare magic lats, and may fall in Caoma's heart, which now, even cheaper, but cheaper than 50 chaos at the start of the league It will not be worth it.
This is a cheap way, but hemorrhea. You need to tune in the LUT-filter display of white things you need the bases you need, you need to spend time on the selection of these databases, then chalk them, relying on random. Read and know which items are needed. In general, it is problematic, but as a way it is possible to consider it. And also for solo players, this is one of the ways to get the unique item they need, aimed to "farming" it is so that way.

5. Farm Uber Mabyrinth.

Uber Labyrinth is a labyrinth that will open after passing the desired tests, randomly spawn on the maps. For each entry to you it will takes a bogin , it falls after passing the very trials, and also sold for 3-5 chaos on average.
What do you need to save the lava easy to farm?
Firstly build, must have a lot of protection against physical damage and be enough mobile in plan jump Since the final boss of the izariya, in addition to his daily changing strengthenings, always hits a physical damage and has a lot of acoe skills, from which you can dodge. In the maze will have to run a lot, because the goal of the passage is not monsters inside, but a hopeless key to the main key places in the chain of cards and murder of the Boss Isaria. Roughly speaking, you need to first stay with a dozen locations, semi-tailed megasunduki, visiting the hidden altars and kills the miniboss of Argus, and then complete the passage of maps killing myself. For slow buildings, the occupation will be too time and impracticious, for builds made to clean the cards with packs of thin monsters too heavy due to the large amount of physical. Izaria damage to which Bild may not be ready.
Secondly knowing what, where and how lies in a maze today . Uber Laba is updated every day, in order to know exactly where it lies what a bun is a detailed English-speaking site, but this is an extra time spent on reading and learning, and not the game, so you choose to you.
The gameplay will be mainly like this: They went to the map, visited one or several key places on this map, quickly ran to the next chain. It repeats while you do not reach the challenger's test for the first time, there you are encountered with Izarius, pull, demolishing him a third of HP. Go on. All this is repeated even twice - and here you are ready to receive the main profit.
Profit in the labyrinte comes from two sources : Heaps of cheeks What is waiting for you after killing aiaria, the number of keys to such chests depends on how many key places have visited on all maze maps and how well Izaria was killed. To go to Uber Laba for the sake of 2-3 keys at the end - not logical and meaningless, so if you plan to farm currency in this way, you will have to prepare and do everything carefully.
AND the second source is enchanted . Gloves, shoes and helmet in this game can be attracted on the special altar of the labyrinth, which is in the room after the battle with Izarium. This altar is in all the difficulties of the lava, but the most powerful enchantments can be obtained only from Uber Laba. The main slot, which is most of all diverse editing is a helmet. The bottom line is that many popular builds get a wild increase in the damage, having a shock on the skill they need, which is only on helmets. And due to the fact that there are simply tons of useless or useful less popular beilds of configurations, it turns out that some of them are unrealistic expensive due to the rarity + popularity of Bild itself.
As a result, the next game with random, if you fall a good enchantment - you swim in the chaos, maybe even an exam. If not, go through again. For this method, earnings have the necessary preparations, without which there will be no benefit. First, buy or open the prophecy yourself for double enchantment. This will add you another use of the altar at the end of the labyrinth and can double profits with a run. It is always in different ways, but usually at the beginning and middle of the league are not cheaper than 4 chaos and no more than 10. Something between. For a beginner - expensive, but possible profit in 60-80 chaos is also not just given. Or spend two times more time on more labyrinths, here as best.
Second Cooking - Always have 2 and more Devoto's Devotion helmets (piety) or Starkonja's Head (heading head), which will apply enchancies. These two are ideal, because many popular buildings are connected with them, in particular those for which there are the most expensive shocks, as for example, additional shells for the queue on the archers. Helmets themselves can also go to the beginning of the couple and up to 6-7 chaos, but what to do.
