113 655 0 Hello! In this article we will tell about how to answer an insult. When we hear negative statements in your address, insults, the first work is included by a protective reaction, I want to snap and answer the "reciprocity" offender. Usually, it is designed. The one who insults is trying to bring another person from emotional equilibrium. How to react to react to keep self-esteem? Is it possible to remain calm when you want to humiliate?

Insult is usually applied with words in oral or writing. And it can also be expressed in action (spit, blow, indecent gesture, etc.).

At the insult include:

  • coarseness;
  • rudeness;
  • unreasonable criticism;
  • piercing, sarcasm;
  • the use of physical force against the will of another person.

What feelings we test when we are insulting

  • Offense
  • Anger
  • Disturbance
  • Hatred
  • Sadness, despondency
  • Despair
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Confusion
  • Contempt.

A whole set of negative feelings. Each of us visits one of them or several times when we hear insults to their address. And these feelings more determine what our answer will be in this situation. Therefore, their awareness is important in order to learn how to react to any attacks of others, addressed to us.

Why people insult others, rude

  1. Dissatisfaction with your own life. When a person is unhappy, dissatisfied with his own personality, achievements, his surroundings, etc., he flies his anger on others. They do not even always realize why they insult others (both close people and others).
  2. Features of temperament, strong excitability. Often, people may insult someone or make an offensive effect on another person in an enlightenment of anger, when they no longer control their emotions. So often happens in a situation of a quarrel. When the emotions calm down, and the mind returns, many regretted about what has been said or deed and asked for forgiveness.
  3. Arrogance. There are people who are unreasonably considering that some of them surrounding them in status. Respectful and friendly communication - not their cone.
  4. Self-assertion at the expense of others. Humiliating others, some feel stronger. Although it is only self-deception. For such self-affirmation, as a rule, there is an insecurity and a complex of inferiority.
  5. Lack of culture and upbringing. If in childhood the rules of politeness and tolerance were not vaccinated, then in adulthood it could pour into rudeness and disrespectful attitude towards other people. And the children who grew most of them on the street were subjected to adverse environmental influence and used to communicate unfriendly.
  6. Insult to Provocation. It is resorted to this method when they want to withdraw a person from themselves to put it not in the best light before others, drop his reputation. And all this usually happens in front of eyewitnesses.

Analyzing the causes of rudeness, we understand that almost always there is an insecurity of themselves, many complexes and hidden discontent with themselves. Such people do not deserve anything but pity. After all, they are deeply unhappy. But unfortunately, when we sharply face rudeness and insults, we cannot immediately realize this and remain calm. Most often we react with some familiar way for us, not always effective.

Unsuccessful ways to answer rudeness and insults

  1. Insult in the answer . This is one of the most common reactions to rudeness, rudeness. Of course, such a reception is sometimes justified, and it even happens that you can get the winner from the situation. But still it is impossible to know about what moment your offender will stop and will stop at all. Perhaps its resources will be enough for a long time, and yours are already on the outcome. So is it worth risking? Moreover, most likely, there will be an unpleasant aftertaste because all sorts of nasty were forced.
  2. Jumping, subordination of the will offender . Never admit as an answer to frank rudeness and insult phrase in style: "Yes, I agree with you, this is my drawback," "I'm sorry that forcing you to be nervous with my behavior," "I don't like it in myself," "Well, I will be corrected" And so on. So you completely lose your face and agree to the addiction on who attacks you. It is better to silend for some time. Although with a delay, but a more decent answer will definitely be found.
  3. Application of physical strength . Some are so touched up the words or actions of others that they are ready to solve the issue of fists. But here, you know, and before the police not far.
  4. Try to persuade, appeal to the human mind. For rudeness, rudeness always stand some emotions. First you need them to calm down, and only then logic will return and constructive thinking. Therefore, it is useless to immediately try to "form" the attacker.

If these methods are unsuccessful because:

  • We require a lot of energy from us, we are emotionally hard at the moments of confrontation of Hama.
  • We are unhappy with themselves, since they could not adequately answer insult.
  • The situation of rudeness for a long time does not give us peace, we plunge into stress.
  • There is a strong desire to take revenge the offender, we feel hate to him.
  • There is no feeling of internal debugging indicating that we have come out of the situation with the winner.
  • Over time, it begins to seem that everything around Hamyat and self-affirmation due to us.

Do not forget that with any interaction with someone more influence on the interlocutor, it does not have what we say, but how we do it and how do you look. When our face is covered with paint from rage, the whole body is intense, the voice at the limit of its volume - the offender feels a personal victory, checking out that he brought us out of himself. Or when we clic down in themselves, we lower the look, something quietly mumble and felt that I am about to write - Ham again jershi, which managed to suppress us with his head.

3 principles contributing to the successful confrontation of rudeness and insults

  1. Respect and love yourself. The surrounding feel your attitude towards yourself. Just those who are dissatisfied with their own person, attract rude attacks and insults. And when we are in Lada, we understand and accept yourself, then we are much more difficult to "drop", to bring out.

Self-esteem and love for themselves create an invisible, but tangible protection from rudeness and rudeness.We advise you to read :.

  1. Believe in your strength, they have them. With his configuration for successful overcoming conflict situations and inner confidence, you attract positive energy and strengthen personal resources. You will notice that even externally become an impressive and bolder.
  2. Allow yourself to be. After all, you know how much. You have Those who make you smile. And around a lot of pleasant moments, which should be rejected. It is important to realize that happiness in our hands and we must take it.

Happiness is a process, and not some kind of distant goal.

These are three whales of your inner harmony and success in relation to others.

How to answer rudeness

Task number 1 - follow your behavior at the time of "hitting" and learn at least externally demonstrate self-confidence and imperturbability when it happens.

  1. Ignore rudeness, silent. Quite often, this can be discouraged by the opponent. After all, he counts on the fact that you outrage, you will be nervous, join the dispute with him. And if this does not happen, then its further deposits are meaningless, and the offender can quickly calm down. In addition, you will save your emotions and health. We advise you to read:

    Do not think that look weak at this moment. Feel your inner strength and superiority, and it will feel others.

  2. Verbalization of feelings. Roughness is usually conjugate with the experience of various negative emotions. Most often it is manifested without control of the mind. It is important to sound these emotions.
    - a) To direct the offender to the awareness of his feelings, you can say to him: "Are you upset?" or "I understand that it outraged you".
    - b) report its feelings: "I'm unpleasant when you say so". It is important to use "I-statement".

Typically, this method allows to reduce the head of the Grubian and slow down his offensive expressions.

  1. Ask a Question. If the situation has not yet come out of control, and the person allowed himself a little rudeness, you can ask a question: "Why are you talking to me?" or "Why do you behave like this?" This tactic is effective only in relation to loved ones and friends.
  2. Collect all your inner strength and answer without words using external signals, for example, with a terrible look into the eyes of the interlocutor for a few seconds.
  3. If the situation allows you to simply stop communicating with the jubian.Sample phrase: "I am unpleasant for me, and I have to stop him at the moment!" Tell me decisively and leave or put the phone if the conversation was conducted by phone. Often, the offender cools after such words, apologizes and asks to continue the conversation.

How to react to insults

The above responses listed above will also be appropriate in situations when you are insulting. We serve several more options for effective answers.

  1. Test pity for the offender. As we already found out, those who insult others are unhappy people who are dissatisfied in the first place. If the interlocutor negatively speaks to your address, mentally compelling him and feel how aggression and anger in relation to it are reduced. After all, why annoy it when he is so miserable and unhappy? Do not even want to spend your precious energy on this person.
  2. We connect fantasy. In order for the image of the offender is even more pitiful, use the reception of visualization. At the moment when he erupts his insults, imagine it in some ridiculous form (clown, liliput, cockroach, bedbug, in a funny headdress, etc.) You can also mentally blow up the opponent with a glass wall: you see it, but everything What he says can not penetrate your side.
  3. Can reply to insults beautiful. For example, thank for your attention to your person: "Thank you for the interest manifested for me.". Or if you hear insults from a familiar person, you can answer him with a smile: "I am also crazy about you!" or "Your statements will not prevent me from love!"
  4. Cut the offender to respond to your words. Ask for examples confirming criticism to your address. You can say to him: "What exactly does this manifest themselves?" Or "Prove that I ..."
  5. You can answer the opponent smart words. Interrupted the endless stream of insults often help clarifying questions. For example: "What do you want from me?", "Can you suggest something?" Usually these phrases are confused.
  6. Humor also in this case can play you in favor. The ability to witness is always a good protection weapon.
    Examples: "But from now on, I will ask more in more detail, please", "Listen, how do you get so quickly to invent nasty? Or did you cook all night? "," Here, really, very hot - you already have a brain boiled! "
  7. Call for conscience. You can openly ask the source: "How would you answer if you were so insulted?" It discourselves it, and turn thoughts into a constructive channel.

All the answers must be quiet and confident. You can do it both seriously and with a smile (depending on the situation and the type of reaction). Try to look straight into the eyes of the opponent. This is an indicator of your courage.

How to react to rudeness - examples of phrases

If you distinguish between rudeness, insults, rudeness, then the latter most often comes from strangers, unfamiliar or not particularly significant for us. Therefore, you should always have such a mood: everything that is pronounced by those with whom we do not associate any relationship, should not bring us out of themselves.

Touch pity for Hama or to present it in a ridiculous form, as in previous cases, are also effective techniques for consolation with their own negative emotions at the moment of psychological attack.

The main rule - in no case goes to the level of Ham and do not use methods in response.

  1. Ignoring It will be suitable in this case, it is impossible better. You can not look at the offender at all (it is an empty place). Mentally imagine yourself, for example, a stone or mighty oak, the resistance of which is impossible to break.
  2. Do not take everything on your own account. After all, quite often it turns out that you just got under the "hot hand" (or rather, under the "hot" language) Hama. And he, in turn, is angry with the whole world and his life, in particular. But anger expresses an unquilized way. It remains only to regret this unfortunate Hama and sympathize with Him.
  3. Reduce the importance of what has been said.For example: "Do you really think that I wonder your opinion?" or "Probably very valuable remark, but I will Purple!"
  4. Smile. The smile will strengthen your internal resources and will cause a perplexity at Ham.
  5. It will be appropriate reply funny and sarcasm. This will allow to discharge the situation and will give you the opportunity to become the master of the situation. "Probably, you are very old! Congratulations!" or "The public is delighted! Do you work for it? "
  6. Direct question: "You are a hurt me. Want to hurt me or do you have another goal? "
  7. You can force offenders to think about: "Carefully in expressions. It is said that everything said can return to you in a double size ".
  8. Cheeky answer. For example: "You are unoriginal, next time come up with something better.".
  9. Rate the offender: "Rudeness you are not to the face", "I hope that rudeness is only your mask, and in fact you are better."
  10. Release with the world:"Do not worry, and happiness will come to you. Smaller negative - and everything will work out! ".

It is important not only to prepare for the situations of rudeness and be able to correctly respond to rudeness and insults, but in general, pay attention to your approach to life and if necessary to change it. Be positive in everything and do not expect from the life of the surrounding "pinks". Appreciate and love yourself, and other people will relate to you also. Do not take everything very close to your heart, because it is one. Better let him beat in full strength, rejoice in life and breathe full of breasts!

How to react to insult

Useful articles:

Psychologist, family therapist, career coach. Member of the Federation of Psychologists-Consultants of Russia and a member of the Professional Guild of Psychotherapy and Training.

From time to time everyone is faced with rudeness. It can happen on the street, in the office. Often, we hear insults in public transport and communicate online. In order not to become a victim of Hama, and not leading to its provocation, you need to reford and decent answers correctly. This article is devoted to this. After reading the information offered in it, you will learn how to answer an insult.

Silence and fists are not necessary to respond to hurt phrases. Better, while maintaining calm, make a politely response "compliment".

Life situations are different. And if you do not learn how to react to them correctly, you can waste nerves. And, worse, also become a culprit of provocative conflict. Therefore, below we suggest familiarizing yourself, how to behave if you were insulted. And also, how to competently answer the offender.

Insulting a person can drive into a dead end. In such situations, it is difficult to figure out how to react. To keep your nerves, it is useful to know the following recommendations:

Control emotions and learn to rebuff

Initially, try to surround yourself with positive people. Communicate with sincere and cheerful people. So you can probably avoid insults. However, if such a situation arose, you will die correctly protect yourself and answer to answer. Tips for the psychologist will come to the rescue.

It is worth thinking about your self-esteem. By enhancing its level, it will be possible to quickly and quickly answer the insult of Hama. In addition, a person with a strong spirit and confidence in himself is rude much less often.

Replies to provocation

If I had to communicate with a negative person, it's not worth it to show my experiences. With confidence and hardness express your point of view. Speak relaxed. Often, provocative and touchy phrases say weak people. Their "power" is your weakness. Keep calm and do not occupy a defensive position.

In situations, if you feel like a conversation with a consequence that the patience comes to an end, sneeze. No matter how strange it sounds, this method is valid. It is relevant to when insulting from the mouth of Hama "pours" an endless stream. After waiting for the right moment, scorch loudly. This will create a long pause. It is possible to use it by turning the situation to your side. So, for example, after Siha, offer the offender the following answer: "Sorry, I'm allergic to nonsense".

This method will help in situations when the combination occurs in the society of people familiar to you, employees. It lies in the redirection of negative and aggression on the most Grubian. On your part, it is enough to agree with the offender and praise it for spending his precious time, criticizing you. Learn to competently respond in such situations. Correct the phrase correctly to hide peeling.

This method is beautifully responding to rudeness uses network users. Generally administrators and virtual community moderators. Rules written by the management of sites and forums, some ignore. This usually happens when there is any disputes in the community to stay against the participant's stay. For example, if he closes access for violation, in response, a person can move to rudeness. The easiest dispute is to "ban the character". If you need to specify your mistakes, proving your rightness, describe them dry and without emotions. Reading such text (list), man will cool.

Ignore the interlocutor. This method of fighting rudeness and insults is the most common.

It allows you to give a worthy offender answer. Using such a technique, you can answer beautifully and safely get rid of the boolean. Although silence is not always effective. It is necessary to look at the situation. Perhaps it will be necessary to "include" full indifference in response to the attempts of the interlocutor to win attention and bring you out of themselves. Treat him as an empty place.

How to avoid conflicts by communicating online?

Regarding communication on the network, in general, you can adhere to previously given options for responses. But features, how to answer insult in the network, exist.

Original options allowing to rebuff the enemy

Often there are non-standard situations, when only witty answers to insults are able to introduce an offender into a stupor. For such cases, we give a list of how the answer may be:

  • "I don't know what you eat, but it works. Your intelligence slowly, but confidently seeks to zero. "
  • "To hit me, you will have to finally say something clever"
  • "Your teeth reminded me of the stars: they are the same yellow and are so far from each other ..."
  • "The fact that you look awful, does not give you the right to behave as well."
  • "Are you so really or is your image?"
  • "And in childhood you were the same or preparing?"
  • "You're so clever! You, by chance, does not like a skull? "

These and other witty responses will help beautifully and tactfully remove the enemy with the "battlefield".

And if the sword happened in front of colleagues, your reputation is guaranteed not to suffer. Unlike the person who threw an insult to your account.

No one can give an accurate answer, as competently respond to insult. Life situations are different. Therefore, first analyze what has happened to give a bite with a worthy repulse.

Useful advice

    Nobody wants just so put up with rudeness and rudeness that you can hear in public transport, at work, online, and just on the street.

    No need to fulfill the role of the victim, and learn to react correctly on aggression in your direction.

    Obviously, for most people, rudeness in their address may be negative affect health, self-esteem and performance.

    How to answer rudeness

    To be able to answer rudeness, first you need to work on improving self-esteem.

    It is worth noting that it's not easy to heat a man with a strong spirit.

    And yet, if you urgently need to know how to communicate with Ham, you can use one or more methods of struggle.

    Answers to rudeness

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    When talking with similar people, you should never demonstrate to them that you are confused. Try to express your point of view frankly, firmly and open.

    Try not to move into defense and speak calm and relaxed.

    Most often, the Grubians are weak, envious people who are difficult to get used to honesty and calmness, and sometimes they do not know these words at all. They take energy for their negative precisely from those people who give in to rudeness and begins to be nervous. Do not "eat" your nervousness.


    © Diablo2097 / Getty Images

    This method is more suitable as a reaction to prolonged rudeness.

    If a person who is rude to you, can not stop, you can make it help it.

    To begin with, try to listen to him calmly until he himself will be convinced that right. After that, loudly and demonstratively sneeze - the small pause will hang, in which they calmly say the phrase: "Sorry, I'm allergic to nonsense" and politely add: "So what have you stopped?"


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    Simply put: You are me, I am. This method translates the negative of your interlocutor to him. You just need to agree with his attacks to your address, thank for the spent time and strength to underscore your shortcomings.

    You can even praise the interlocutor for attentiveness and those "tips" that you heard. Do it calmly and try not to show the peeliness of your phrases.

    It is worth noting that the more conflict witnesses will be, the better for you, because Grubian hardly gets the right approval from the side, and most likely causes laughter and jokes to their address.


    Such methods can take advantage of forum administrators, sites, blogs and groups in social. networks.

    © Elnur.

    Despite the fact that the majority of community members are familiar with the general rules, some still consciously violate them, after which they express dissatisfaction with the personal administrators associated with the fact that they were covered with access.

    After all the arguments ended, these characters turn to frank rudeness and rudeness.

    The easiest way is just banned, but if you want to prove your rightness, try without emotions, describe in detail all the errors of the intruder. At first, the interlocutor will refresh and continue to "have fun" by rudeness, but when it will understand that it is darling dry, without emotions, just get along.


    Perhaps the most famous and simple method of combating rudeness. Sometimes silence is not only efficient and safe, but also beautiful.

    © Latino Life.

    In the event that you do not need anything from Grubian, or you are psychologically just not ready to enter into your debate with him, or if the "interlocutor" is simply not in your mind, and can harm your health - just ignore it. Grubians want to win your attention, do not give them this joy.

    It is worth noting that you also need to ignore correctly. No need to include anosis look and sigh - These are signals that you paid attention to it. Do not show any emotions, Ham for you - an empty place.

    How beautiful to answer rudeness

    There are several phrases that can be used when "skirmis" with a storm:

    "Sorry, that's all?"

    "I was the best opinion about you"

    "Rudeness you don't really go"

    "Do you wish a polite answer or truth?"

    "Why are you trying to look worse than you really do?"

    "Like everyone, I also have unsuccessful days. Do not be upset, everyone will succeed"

    "Yes, of course, go through. Yes, there will be luck on your side" (in case someone climbs out without turn)

    "Looks like this role is not suitable for you. And what do you really want?"

    "Thank you for showing interest in my person"

    "Do you want to offend me? For what?"

    How to react to an insult

    If you accidentally or intend to wrap, you should not understand these words literally and take everything to your account.

    Understand that if someone who insulted you, a bad mood or he is just Not enough wellded, this does not mean that you wines everything.

    In order to be able to correctly respond to insults, it is necessary, first of all, to know that a person who insults with all possible ways, he himself is a victim, namely the victim of the rapidness of his character.

    Most often, those who "attack" are trying to humiliate others, are weak personalities who are simply not able to cope with negative emotions, which loses them to splash all on others.

    What to do in response to insult

    If insulted an unfamiliar man

    The best option is ignoring. Try to just not notice the one who is trying to insult you. Of course, there are cases when you need to act differently, but most often you need to act as if there is no stranger, andhis words - empty sound.

    If you insulted a close man

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    From the very beginning, try to place all the points above "and". You should calmly and directly tell him that the words have said that they are crushed. The correct step will be a discussion of the situation.

    If you insulted a work colleague / head

    With this coincidence, try carefully to get away from the conflict. If the colleague insults tirelessly and silence does not help, try to respond with neutral packaging.

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    In the case of the head, conflicts are not needed, and therefore, do not respond to insults. Instead, imagine your head in the role of a capricious and fucking little child.

    In my head, inhabit it on your head, feed the kola and help him sit on the pot. This method recommends psychologists. You will not only postpone insults, but also acquire a good mood, or at least it will cause a smile on your part and increases performance. In addition, the boss can also pay attention to your durability.

    How to answer an insult

    A person who is trying to insult you, wants to assert himself, stand out, which means you need to give him a cold answer "Well, I asserted at my expense?"

    Listening to such a person, try to understand what purpose is why you want to insult.

    * If you do not know how to answer an insult, then you need to know one important thing - nOTit is easy to reach mutual insults and rapid reactions.

    In addition, it may look stupid, you are also addressed to manipulation that can end the cappos for you. You do not need to play according to the rules that you impose.

    * Another major rule - answer rudeness calmly, without losing self-esteem. But it is worth noting that the cultural response to the "attack" of Ham most often does not produce any effect, because The game occurs on someone else's territory and not according to your rules.

    * If it comes to trolling, or other similar situations, best ignore the offender.

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    * It happens that you need to answer, but you know that all your arguments simply will not work against stubborn Grabian. In this case, the best option will be turn out and leave.

    * The person who insulted you or is trying to do it may just failed the day. Therefore, with you it will be enough to ask: "Bad day?" . If a person is adequate, he will agree and may even ask for forgiveness.

    But if it comes to the troll, the problem is not only inappropriate, but can also lead to additional insults to your address.

    * Most often to answer an insult is not a good strategy, and you can get away from it, only by neutrally asking a person, that he just told you. Try to pretend that you did not hear his words or did not pay attention to them. In this case, continue its "attacks" only frank Ham.

    * If you fell into a situation where you need to answer the offender, or you have a desire to do it, do not rush to it. The main thing is calm, cold in words and expressions. Swiss Insults Preferably witty replicas And only after the interlocutor finished his monologue.

    * It happens to insult more like a mock. In this case, perhaps, the best option will be the answer in the form of a joke, which not only does not offend a person, but also will retain normal relationships.

    One of the frequent mistakes that people allow is an attempt to justify, they say, "No, you're wrong, I'm not guilty". First, such a strategy can make it humiliated, and secondly, an attempt to justify is simply meaningless, because justification, as a rule, no one listens.

    Uncomfortable questions

    "How much does it cost?", "When you marry?", "What is your salary?" - These questions are annoying, and despite the fact that you can ask them - a bad tone, some can not stop.

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    Several situations can be considered, but first notice several universal responses.

    As the original answer

    - "I am amazed by your ability to ask questions that can put in a dead end!"

    - "You are an amazing woman (man). I was always struck by your ability to ask uncomfortable (correct, uneasy, rhetorical) questions!"

    - "I will gladly try to answer your question, just answer you first, why are you so much interested in you?"

    - "And for what purpose are you interested in this?"

    - "Do you really want to talk about it?". If the answer is positive, then just answer: "And I am not very" - And complete the smile dialogue.

    If a person is not very pleasant to you, and you have no desire to communicate with him, especially after an incorrect question, you can answer cold: "This is my dog \u200b\u200bbusiness."

    - write: "I understand correctly that ..."

    Questions about money

    When you encounter an unpleasant question, you have all the right not to give the interlocutor any specific answer. For example, to the question "How much do you earn?" You can evaporate the answer "As a majority, the average salary in the industry (significantly less Abramovich)."

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    You can also answer this question to the counter-question. For example, to the question "How much is the jacket?" You can ask the interlocutor how much is his jacket. Another way to answer this question is naturally overstray or lower the digit And then transfer the conversation into a joke.

    Questions about work

    "What are you doing?", "What are you doing at work?".

    © Pressmaster.

    When answering such questions, psychologists advise to call that profession that can give you more confidence for what you are doing. If you have a different job, you are engaged in many different cases, you can decompose all the work per month on the shelves. So you will know what the most time goes.

    Questions about personal life

    "Why not a girl (boyfriend)?", "When the wedding?", "Why not married?".

    © Minerva Studio.

    Do not treat these issues seriously. In response, you can ask the interlocutor why such an unusual question came to his head. In this case, the interlocutor will be in an awkward situation.

    There is another option - just answer straight as it is. For example, to the question "Why is one more (one)?" Proudly admit that patiently looking for your half, which would not leave you in a difficult hour.

    Third option will be "Cooling". For example, "I understand correctly that you do not mind hold the candle over my bed?" , or "... that, today, your main task is to discuss my personal life?" , or "... that interest in the troubles of other people for you in the order of things?"

    How to react to rudeness

    Hama can be found everywhere. These are people who often experience pressure, which leads to rudeness as protection weapons.

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    Why Hamyat

    Cause 1: Despair

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    The person did not hold the day - here he is Hamit. For example, the saleswoman, a customer, a colleague, brought to stress for the entire working day.

    Most often, such people, after all anger splashed on someone, feel guilty and can even bring their apologies.

    If you decide in such a situation to answer the same weapon, then the feeling of guilt will go and the person will think that it is normal - this is normal.

    Cause 2: Self-affirmation

    When Ham degrades another person, he feels above him, especially if this person, for one reason or another, can not give offext.

    © Syda Productions.

    Usually such hams have, albeit not big, but still in power. They believe that they can just tear the anger on those who depends on them and escape from it unpunished.

    Cause 3: Desire to be noticed

    If rudeness is an integral part of a person, it means that its roots can be hidden in childhood.

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    The child always wants attention and love from his parents. If he does not get it, it begins to rude, so that at least somehow paid attention to him. With age, a person uses the same strategy.

    Answers to rudeness

    Method 1: You do not need to perceive everything that has been said to your account.

    Often a person who has a Hamit does not do this specifically to you - Rather, it's anger to the world at all: an uncompatible youth, guys goats, etc. And only grubean white and fluffy.

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    Such Hama can only be sympathize, because In the world in which he lives, living is not easy. Remember, each person sees the world in his own way. If Ham says that you are an uneducated person, you can try to refute his statements with your knowledge, but it is unlikely to succeed.

    Method 2: Ham should not be the master of the situation

    Try not to give Hamu power over the situation so that they do not feel stronger.

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    In case you are kamit's head, and it is impossible to get away from it, think about the fact that you are not for all my life chained to him. You are not a slave, you only professionally perform your work, i.e. You help him work, which means you can call yourself a partner in a certain case. You can demand more respect, because You have the full right to do it.

    Method 3: Remember your rights

    When you rude in a public place, it is necessary to fight not with overtakers, but with their bosses.

    © KatarzynaBiasisAwicz / Getty Images

    Learn the name, surname, position and contact. You can ask the book of complaints if there is something. If it did not help, try contacting the consumer protection society or a lawyer.

    Use your weapon - human rights and levers of influence. This method is suitable if Ham is an official, manager, waiter, security guard and other representatives of large organizations

    Method 4: Turn on the imagination

    Try to imagine an offender for a glass wall: you see him, notice that he expresses something, but you just don't hear.

    © LightfieldStudios / Getty Images

    You can also imagine Hama in the image of a large fish in the aquarium: it seems like shelitis lips, fins, but it is not clear why it all.

    If you watched the movie "Matrix", remember the moment when Neo stopped the bullets, bruised into it. Imagine that the rudeness thrown into your address is bullets, and you are invulnerable, and all rudeness does not reach you, falling with a ringing to the floor.

    Method 5: Try to contact Ham

    Try to learn the cause of aggression. For example, you can say: "Now you are a haeper, why do you need it?" Or "on your face a smile, and at the same time you speak unpleasant things, so I have not come up with how to respond to your words."

    © Mangostar Studio.

    Perhaps a person who heard you will think of his actions, look at himself and rethink his behavior. You can use this method when communicating with people with whom you will have to meet more than once and talk - work colleagues, familiar, close.

    There is a chance that a person will look at himself and rethink something in his behavior.

    How beautiful to answer rudeness

    © Tommaso79 / Getty Images

    Rudeness can be well treated with politeness, which scares Ham, forcing them to be cautious when communicating:

    - "You see, dear, I do not intend (a) to communicate with you in such a tone"

    - "Dear, you may have been confused with someone"

    If Ham can not stop, after all your attempts, then beat your nerves, wish him all the best and leave the place of conversation.

    Sometimes Hama is worth putting in place, otherwise your silence you will make them stronger. A good answer can close the mouth of the Ham. But remember, Hamit on rudeness does not put you above.

    Try using humor. If you rude, smile and tell me "Well, you and the Bolon (Fool, Idiot)!" Such an act can pour out Hama even more, the reaction of which will make you.

    A smile in response often annoys Hama, so you sincerely smile.

    "You ignore how to hither me ... Why? Your goal to offend me? Why?"

    Answer your word will last and then rudeness will stop.

    Do not pay attention to Hama. Imagine the script in your head: "You are a sheet of the road ... Everything passes by and does not hurt you" .

This is one of the first wishes arising after insulting. But the response is appropriate, only if he:

  • witty;
  • occurs in a circle of relatives or friends;
  • rather, discharges the situation than the conflict exacerbates.

In all other cases, even if you consider yourself a sharp, Oscar Wilde, respond to an insult to an insult - is not the best way out. So you go to the level of Hama-opponent and let's understand that his words trembled you, that is, there may be some truth in them.

2. Jold

The difference between witty insult and the joking answer is that in the second case you are ridicuing the situation itself. The advantages of this strategy are obvious: an insult loses its toxicity, voltage, and the audience (if there is) takes your side.

In this case, you can also take a pseudo-sensitive position. So you will somete the opponent and disguise sarcasm.

Example 1: Colleague says you have prepared an ugly presentation.

Answer: "Perhaps you're right. The next time I will not ask for help from your five-year-old son. "

Example 2: An unfamiliar man calls you.

Answer: "Thank you, it is very valuable information. You opened my eyes to my shortcomings. Will be thinking about dinner. "

3. Accept

In some cases, analyze the words that seem offensive to you really stands. Especially if they come from close and respected people. In this case, perceive their replicas not as an insult, but as criticism that can make you better.

We will not know about the motives of people, find out what exactly forced them to use sharp expressions. Perhaps this is a stormy reaction to your far from angelic behavior.

4. Reply to the intention, not on words

Any insult always has a hidden goal. Make a secret explicit: mark it.

For example, in response to rude words, tell me: "Wow! Between us happened something really serious, since you decided to hurt me. "

So, on the one hand, you will be able to knock out the opponent from the rut, and on the other - to find out the reason for his negative attitude.

5. Save calm

If an insult is not coming from a loved one, and from a colleague, a familiar or even a stranger, never show that you have been treated. Most likely, the insecurity lies behind them, dissatisfaction with their own life and the desire to just recoup on you. Do not allow the trick to work, react calmly and with a smile.

If necessary, continue to bend your line: ask what exactly caused a person with such a reaction, not paying attention to his words.

6. ignore

Often the best answer is his absence. If we are talking about Internet trolls, you can simply not respond to their comments or send Hamov. Well, "In Offline" you can always miss an insult by ears or leave. You have full right.

An example from ancient Roman history ... Once in public baths, someone hit Katon's policies. When the offender came apologized, Caton replied: "I do not remember the blow."

This phrase can be interpreted as: "You are so insignificant that I not only do not care about your apologies, but did not even notice the insult."

7. Use the law

You can attract an offender to justice or at least treat it to him. The punishment for insult is spelled out in the Code of Administrative Offenses, but the slander is already in the field of criminal law. In case of insults from the head, you can contact the personnel department.

The main thing - remember: no one has the right to encroach on your honor, dignity and reputation. But you must answer people in the same way. Otherwise, any recommendations are meaningless.

Each had to deal with the situations of rudeness and rudeness. Branch words can be great to spoil the mood for a long time. And curses, alas, you have to hear not only from strangers, but also from loved ones. If you react correctly, the situation is easily replayed in your favor. Hamit will help in response, but not in rough shape, but beautiful. This will be discussed in the article.

This category of people is characterized by low self-esteem, a sick psyche and a lack of healthy energy. Self-fixed and replenish the reserve of energy they are trying at the expense of other people. At the same time does not play the role of wine, but just want to "break." It seems that with such people it is impossible to talk. However, there is always a way out of the situation.

It is amazing, but they can only be cooled to certain people. Some they bypass the party. Why so it turns out? There is an explanation for this. Does not allow to fight ingrain:

  • conflictleness;
  • guilt;
  • diffidence;
  • weak human biopol.

It is felt by the Grubians at the subconscious level, and such people become "easy prey". But it should not be silent to demolish insults or, on the contrary, answer something like "the fool himself". Therefore, we study how beautiful!

It is more efficient and better for your own well-being. The main thing is not to descend to the level of the offender, otherwise you will have to recognize a similar level of culture. Therefore, you need to come up with a non-standard answer. What? Cheeky, but beautiful.

Get the foul language foolishly and retraced himself. Thus, intelligence, mind and self-confidence won limitations and arrogance. It turns out sharpness, savvy by erudition, and hidden in the cultural phrase. This is the techniques of beautiful rudeness. It seems that there is no swearing, and at the same time, Grubian is put up in a bad light. The phrase: "Oh, how sharply joked, I also cut down" to show hooligan and the stupidity of the antics.

Rules of beautiful rudeness

Reacted to the sharpness of loved ones, friends and other people need to be learned in the correct form. If you are provoked to a quarrel, you can respond in response to psychological measures of impact. So, we learn how to go beautifully!

  • Lovers to communicate in the network is known for the term "trolling". The reception is that in response to the rudeness of the sprievings, a set of intelligent increasing phrases is obtained, like: "What do you think about the race of people, being an outsider?"
  • Another way is the answer in the form of a question. "Oh, sorry, now I can not say, busy. After 20 years where you find? "
  • Under any circumstances helps a sense of humor. On this account, many phrases are available on the Internet. Here are examples. "Opposite my house - a cemetery. You will turn out - set off opposite, "or" Hichkai - Hichkai. Do not laugh with such teeth "," already went? What is so slow? "," You say, speak. Maybe you will say smart! "
  • Eastern martial art called "Aikido" is based on the principle of "omissance". Takes are used in the dispute, agreeing with the opponent and disarming.
  • Disappointment It is easy to cool the dust of the "hot head". You can use, for example, such phrases: "But okay, do not worry. One day it turns out to say funny, "or" Do not worry, many are deprived of talents "...
  • "Allergy" is used from cough or sowing, after which they say: "Sorry, I have an allergy begins with a verbal diarrhea." "Speak, say. I always yaw when I'm wondering. "

Other interesting reaction techniques for rudeness

You can show politeness and patience, without showing aggression in response. Smile and politely respond to lunges. This will choose an offender from the habitual track. In the end, it is retracted.

  • The bore method also sometimes helps. It works on the forums. Administrators can safely describe the participant's violations without emotion, deciding to ban the Grubian.
  • Shock breaks stereotypes, entering the offender to confusion. For this, phrases are suitable that do not belong to the topic. To stock top of the top of the workpieces in a pair of the top of the progress in the case.

Do not argue the abuser mentally on the pedestal, representing the incarnation of evil. It is better to imagine a little hedgehog that has released barbs from fear. He is evil with long and sharp needles, but at the same time frightened and small. It is worth a friendly, manifesting pity. Then, perhaps he will change hostility and go into a peaceful direction.

  • Ignoring is a universal treatment of rudeness. Silence is not just a safe response, but also beautiful if you try. The way it is better to prefer in cases where the grubean is dangerous to health and life. It is important for him to focus with energy. But if this does not get, it becomes a terrible punishment.

Ignoring should be right, without accompanying unfortunate views and sighs. The impressions that insults are badly swallowed because of the inequalities to answer and all apart, should not be. Emotions are turned off - this is the reception. The offender is not in nature, and the point. And you stay a happy person who does not pay attention to trifles and stupidity.

How to answer opponents

There is a difference, between beautiful rudeness towards friends and close or strangers on the street. The manifestation of rudeness with loved ones is low and deliberately. But, in life it happens that we relax and break down at home. In such cases, it is important to be able to react correctly to the rings. The best way becomes:

  • calm;
  • condescension;
  • sense of humor.

Strangers should keep politeness, intelligence and friendliness.

  • In the direction of state service workers, better than ironic phrases do not express. It is more useful to GRABIANS Write a complaint to a higher person.
  • Many prefer to endure an insult from employers without reacting to them. Such behavior is unlikely to correct. Self-esteem is lowered below and below. Keep dignity and your own opinion. Then respect from the authorities are provided.
  • It also happens that hurt words are heard from the most native person. In such cases, the optimal option becomes a sincere desire to understand the cause of behavior, to understand each other.

Learning how to handle beautiful: new and old

  • Yes, save the world Beauty - the mission is not for you.
  • What, wings behind the back rose? Karica need less.
  • The teeth are not hair, will disappear will not grow up.
  • You are Make-Up a la boxer.
  • To go crazy, first find the mind.
  • For some jokes, intervals arise between teeth.
  • What, with an additional chromosome was born?
  • Dissolving in horror!
  • Tup! - And you are acute, I look!
  • I will not call today, so I'll call you. But not you.
  • What to say about you? Mom did not want Dad did not try.
  • And you're cool! - Yes? - No, I'm drunk, and you are the first in the list of contacts.
  • I'm sure you were conceived on the dispute!
  • Here you have a wand from ice cream, I presented myself that this is a horse, and crushed out of here.
  • Resh factor, this is the only positive quality you have.
  • And with the fractures of the hands of the teeth from the floor collect?
  • What is your love for nature! It is a pity that unrequited!
  • Nothing, we still drink a couple of glasses of beer, and you will be beautiful!
  • Are you here? And the zoo that forgot to close the night?
  • Yes, do not look for you in your head. There is nothing there.
  • Well, that stupid was born, it is understandable. But recurrence, because of what?
  • We run cool or tired of living?
  • I have already received a medal in idiocy?
  • What is the star? So sit on the Christmas tree and flush!
  • - Did you find someone? - Yes, instead of you. Care? - No, I'm on the diet, too, I fell as a sugar substitute.
  • Yes, I am polite. If I send, then I will call you back to find out if I got ...
  • Yes, you do not need to ask me so about life! After all, it is so interesting that in his disappointed.
  • Look, as if to smile to smile.

If a person learns to be easily responding to lunges and quiet, then after communication with a gruret, the mood will not deteriorate. But, self-esteem will grow steadily, and the new perception will improve life as a whole.
