"Globus1", "Chagan", "Bhutan" ...

On September 19, 1971, the inhabitants of several villages of the Ivanovo region unexpectedly felt the land goes from under his feet. They snapped in the houses in the houses, the cows in the hlevar were laughed.

However, no one has time to be frightened. The soil fluctuations continued only a few seconds and ended as unexpectedly as they began ...

A few days later from rumors that were transmitted from mouth to mouth, the locals learned the reason for this unusual "natural phenomenon."

They rummed that somewhere under the kineshma, the military blew some terrible bomb and they did not succeed. The explosion area quickly hooked the soldiers, and went there were not allowed to anyone.

The cordon was shot soon, but the ban on visiting berry places was retained for a long time ...

What actually happened at that September day, residents of the Ivanovo region, and together with them and the rest of the population of Russia have learned only twenty years later, when the vulture "secretly" was removed from many events of the Soviet era ...

As often happens, the then-sarafined radio messages in many ways corresponded to reality.

It turned out that on that day four kilometers from the village of Galkino Kineshemsky district of the Ivanovo region, on the left bank of the Shah River, an underground explosion of a 2.3 kiloton nuclear device was produced. It was one of the series of "peaceful" nuclear explosions carried out for industrial purposes.

The experiment was carried out on request of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR and carried the code name "Globus-1".

The depth of the well, in which the nuclear charge was laid was 610 meters. The purpose of the explosion is the deep seismic motion on the profile of Vorkuta - Kineshma.

The experiment itself passed without a bitch and zadorinka. The charge was downdown at the last time. Equipment, placed in the immediate vicinity of the test point, and a thousand kilometers removed from it, regularly registered the oscillations of the earth's crust.

Based on this data, it was planned to identify oil reserves in the northern regions of the European part of the country.

(Looking a little ahead, let's say that it was possible to solve the task, new oil fields were found in the Vologda and Kostroma regions.)

In general, everything went fine, while at the eighteenth minute after an explosion in one meter to the north-west of the charging well, a gas-breeding fountain did not appear, which put on the surface of radioactive sand and water.

The release lasted almost twenty days.

Subsequently, they found out that the cause of the accident was the poor quality cementing of the annular space of the charger well.

It is good that, as a result of an accident in the atmosphere, only inert radioactive gases, having a short half-life, and due to dilution in the atmosphere, there was a rapid decrease in radioactivity in the surface layer of air.

Therefore, after a few hours after the explosion at a distance of two kilometers from the epicenter, the dose power did not exceed the natural radiation background.

Pollution of water in the Shach River above the permissible standards was observed at a distance of just a few tens of meters. And then only in the first days after the accident.

Dry numbers of documents say that on the third day the maximum value of the dose rate was 50 billiongen per hour, and for twenty-second day - 1 billiongen per hour ...

Eight months after the explosion, the dose power at the facility did not exceed 150 microentergen per hour at the mouth of the well, and beyond its limits - 50 microentergen per hour, with a natural radiation background - 5 - 15 microentergen per hour.

As it was written in the report on the experiment, "due to the coordinated work of the radiation safety service, none of the people and participants of the explosion suffered."

This is true. Nobody suffered. But only that day. About the remote and indirect consequences of physics from the nuclear industry for some reason they do not like to speak.

And the consequences seemed to have been.

"After that, the" globe "of the calf with the two heads was born," Peddhecher recalled from the village of Ilyinskoe Nadezhda Surikova. - Children prevented began to be born. The miscarriages became the usual thing, and when I started working - all the women were normal for a full time term. " This evidence published in 2002 the newspaper publishing.

Nadezhda Petrovna is confident that two children have died here from radiation sickness. Teenagers visited the explosion in two months, and in the winter both stunned - they suffered headaches. They took them to Ivanovo, there were diagnosed: meningitis. Soon the guys did not. Rustic meningitis do not believe.

According to local authorities, adolescents themselves are to blame for their death. Despite the ban, they resulted in a closed zone and moved concrete slabs with which the mine was closed. Although it is difficult to imagine how they could cope with multi-torque blocks.

In addition, the number of cancer deaths located nearby the explosion near the explosion. And not only in the 1970s.

According to the chief physician of the regional oncodisprispriser Emma Ryabova, according to the number of cancers, the Ivanovo region is still in the first place in Russia.

The unfavorable environmental situation in the explosion area remains so far. In some way, she even aggravated over the years.

According to the Radiation Safety Crowner of the Ivanovo Regional SES Olga Dracheva, in 1997 at some points of the site recorded a gamma radiation with a capacity of 1500 microentergen per hour, in 1999 - 3500, and in 2000 - already 8,000!

According to Olga Alekseevna, now the radiation power decreased and is about 3000 microentergen, but it suggests that isotopes continue to go to the surface.

This usually occurs during floods - the molten waters wash the infected soil and spread it around the district.

Liberate place near the village Galkino never remained unwell by the authorities.

Back in 1976, two wells were drilled to study the causes of the accident and the consequences of the impact of the explosion. Drilling fluid and pumped water containing cesium-137 and strontium-90 were collected in specially dug trenches.

After completing the studies, the trenches fell asleep with pure ground. Pollution of the atmosphere on the drill site remained at the level of background values \u200b\u200b...

In the 1990s of the expedition to the place of explosion "Globus-1" became annual ...

According to the data at the beginning of the 2000s, the situation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosion was next. Radioactive soil is a depth of 10 cm to 1.5 m, and on the spot with soil tranches - up to 2.5 m.

On the territory of the object, the power dose rate of gamma radiation at an altitude of 1 m from the surface ranges from 8 to 380 microentergen per hour. The greatest testimony is observed in limited areas and due to the autopsy to control the trench ...

In 2002, the regional administration was concerned about the situation in the Kineshole district. A number of meetings took place, on which it was decided to conservate the explosion site. Holding the riverbed of the River Shacha, the saturation of the pure soil at the site of the explosion ... Work at the Globus-1 facility was included in the Radiation Safety Program of Russia and began in 2003. They are completed or continue, no one can definitely say.

Also, no one can say that for bright yellow tank trucks with radioactive danger icons, all summer months of 2005 were kicked towards the object. This was reported by the newspaper Ivanovo-Voznesensk.

Machines had the numbers of Tver, Murmansk and Voronezh regions, where, as you know, atomic power plants are located.

Journalists suggested that some dangerous waste with nuclear power plants were reduced to the Ivanovo region. The authorities of the region are categorically denied. However, it was not possible to find out for the cargo.

Although the explosion in the Ivanovo region and passed under the designation "Globus-1", he was not the first to be held in the framework of the project for seismismism of the Profile of Vorkuta - Kineshma.

The first experiment under the code designation "Globus-4" was produced on July 2, 1971 in the Komi ASSR.

Eight days later, the second test was passed there, marked in official documents as Globus-3.

Then there was an explosion in the Ivanovo region, about which we told above.

The explosions in the Komi ASSR and in the Arkhangelsk region were held without complications.

According to official data, in the Soviet Union from January 1965 to September 1988, 124 nuclear explosions were carried out for peaceful purposes, including 119 explosions - outside the territory of nuclear polygons. All of them were held underground.

The first such experiment took place on January 15, 1965 in Kazakhstan, on the territory of the Semipalatinsky test landfill.

The test had a code designation "Chagan". His goal was to work out a new type of charge, which was later supposed to be used for industrial nuclear explosions.

The test was successful, demonstrating both the reliability of the device, and the relative simplicity of its use ...

In the same year, on March 30, the first explosion, which had a practical purpose, thundered in Bashkiria, under the code name "Bhutan". Its purpose was the intensification of oil production in the region.

It was the first so-called group nuclear explosion in our country: two charges were laid near each other in wells 617 and 618 and blew up at the same time.

In subsequent years, explosive work with the use of nuclear charges was carried out quite intensively. Various ministries and departments were the customers of experiments: geology (51 explosions), gas industry (26), oil and oil refining industry (13), medium engineering (19).

The geography of the use of nuclear charges for peaceful purposes is also the geography (explosions produced on nuclear polygons, in this case are not considered).

On the territory of the RSFSR, 81 shell was blown up: Bashkir, Komi, Kalmyk and Yakutskaya ASSR, Tyumen, Perm, Orenburg, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Murmansk and Chita region, Stavropol and Krasnoyarsk region. In Ukraine, two shells, in Kazakhstan - thirty-three, in Uzbekistan - two, in Turkmenistan - one.

The last industrial nuclear explosion in the USSR was produced on September 6, 1988. The charge of 8.5 kilotons blew up in the Arkhangelsk region. The experiment was the code name "Rubin-1".

An explosion in the Ivanovo region is not the only nuclear test in the framework of the use of atomic energy use for peaceful purposes, which belong to emergency. There was a number of other incidents. Moreover, the consequences of "Globula-1" against the background of others look not the most terrible.

On March 11, 2002, a meeting was held in the administration of the Ivanovo region, which considered the draft elimination of the consequences of the nuclear explosion of thirty years ago.

Leading Researcher of the Moscow Institute of Industrial Technologies Vyacheslav Ilyichev led such data: from 81 peaceful nuclear explosions produced in the Russian Federation, four were emergency.

Unfortunately, information about these incidents is a bit - the atomic office is still in no hurry to report that actually happened last years in various parts of our immense country. But some information still leaked through high fences.

So, it is known that on August 24, 1978, in Yakutia, by order of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, the Kraton-3 experiment was carried out.

According to the negligence of workers from the mine, into which the nuclear charge was laid, knocked out a concrete plug, which prevented the output of radionuclides to the surface.

Most of all, the participants in the work were injured most of all, since it was towards their camp that the infected cloud was moved ...

Emergency call experts and explosion on the river of the focus in the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous District. Although there are no official data on this.

The fact that during the tests there were problems, says the fact of a sharp increase in the number of oncological diseases among the locals. Children were especially affected. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Or maybe not…

An increase in radiation background after conducting peaceful nuclear explosions was also fixed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia, the Murmansk region.

Fortunately, the indicators only slightly exceeded the natural background, so it is impossible to talk about any serious consequences for the population and nature. Although nothing passes without a trace ...

But in the Astrakhan and Orenburg regions, where the nuclear explosions were created underground storage tanks for oil and gas condensate, unfavorable radiation situation remains so far.

These structures were operated with violation of technology. Instead of pumping dehydrated foods in them, solutions that are able to accumulate radiation are flooded.

Now, after decades, the underground cavities began to decrease in volumes, and the radioactive brine began to commemorate on the surface ...

And one more fact. There is a rather curious and widely known document - "Analysis of the environmental situation in Russia." It was prepared specifically for the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation in June 2003. In the document, in particular, it is said: "The negative consequences of underground nuclear explosions conducted for peaceful purposes are noted in Yakutia, Arkhangelsk, Perm and Ivanovo regions."

You can with a lot of probability to assume that about emergency peaceful nuclear explosions we know only a small tolik ...

After the experiment, "Rubin-1" of peaceful nuclear explosions in the USSR did not spend. And soon and on testing of combat charges, a moratorium was imposed, which lasts until today's days.

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Globus - 1.

On September 9, 1971, the inhabitants of some villages of the Ivanovo region unexpectedly felt the land leaves from under their feet. They snapped in the houses in the houses, the cows in the hlevar were laughed. However, no one has time to be frightened. Soil fluctuations continued only a few seconds and ended unexpectedly, as they began.

A few days later, from rumors that were transmitted from mouth to mouth, old-timers learned the cause of this unusual "natural phenomenon". It was rumored that somewhere under the kineshma the military blew some "terrible" bomb. And, allegedly, something did not work with them, since the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosion hurried the soldiers and went there were not allowed to anyone. Cleaning was soon removed, but the ban on visiting berry places was still long. What actually happened at that September day, local residents, and together with them the rest of Russia, found out in 20 years, when a stiffness was removed from many events of the Soviet era. 57 ° 30 "59.6" N 42 ° 36 "41.1" E

As it often happens, the then messages "sarafined radio" in many ways corresponded to reality. It turned out that on that day 4 kilometers from the village of Galkino Kineshemsky District (Ilinskaya Rural Administration) of the Ivanovo region on the left bank of the Shas River, an underground explosion of a 2.3 kiloton nuclear device was produced. It was one of the series of "peaceful" nuclear explosions carried out for industrial purposes. The experiment was carried out on request of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR and carried the code name "Globus-1". GB-1 well depth, in which a nuclear charge was laid was 610 meters. The purpose of the explosion was the deep seismiandification on the profile of Vorkuta Kineshma.

The experiment itself was "without a bitch and zadorinka": the charge was down in the time-laid time, equipment, placed and in close proximity to the test point, and remote thousands of kilometers, regularly registered the oscillations of the earth's crust. Based on this data, it was planned to identify oil reserves in the northern regions of the European part of the country. Looking a little ahead, I will say that it was possible to solve the task, new oil fields were discovered in the Vologda and Kostroma regions.

In general, everything went fine while on the 18th minute after an explosion in one meter to the north-west of the charging well did not arise a gas-water fountain with the removal of radioactive sand and water. The release lasted almost 20 days. Subsequently, they found out that the cause of the accident was poor-quality cementing of the annular space of the charging well.

It is also good that as a result of the accident in the atmosphere, only inert radioactive gases, having a short half-life, were published. And due to dilution in the atmosphere, a rapid decrease in radioactivity in the surface layer of air took place. Therefore, after a few hours after the explosion at a distance of 2 kilometers from the epicenter, the dose power did not exceed the natural radiation background. Pollution of water in the Shach River above the permissible standards was observed at a distance of just a few tens of meters. And then only in the first days after the accident.

Dry numbers of documents say that on the third day the maximum value of the dose rate was 50 billiongen per hour, and on the 22 day - 1 billiongen per hour. After 8 months after the explosion, the dose power at the facility did not exceed 150 microentergen per hour at the mouth of the well, and outside it - 50 microentergen per hour, with a natural radiation background 5-15 microentergen per hour.

As it was written in the report on the conduct of the experiment, "due to the coordinated work of the service of radiation safety, none of the population and participants of the explosion suffered." In general, this is true. Nobody suffered. But only that ill-fated day. About the remote and indirect consequences of physics from the nuclear industry for some reason they do not like to speak.

And they are the consequences - it seems that they were still. "After that, the" globe "of a calf with two heads were born," recalled Feldsher from the village of Ilyinskoe Nadezhda Surikova. - Children prevented began to be born. There are now ordinary things, and when I started working - all the women were normal for all the time. " This evidence published in 2002 the newspaper publishing.

Nadezhda Petrovna is confident that two local children died precisely from radiation sickness. Teenagers visited the explosion in two months, and in the winter both stunned - they suffered headaches. They took them to Ivanovo, there was diagnosed - meningitis. Soon the guys did not. Rustic meningitis do not believe.

According to local authorities, adolescents themselves are to blame for their death. Despite the ban, they resulted in a closed zone and moved concrete slabs with which the mine was closed. Although it is difficult to imagine how they could cope with multi-torque blocks. Unless they were preparing over the years to turn into "Ilya Muromets" and "Alesha Popovich".

In addition, the number of cancer deaths located nearby the explosion near the explosion. Moreover, not only in the 1970s. According to the chief physician of the regional ONKODISPANISTER Emma Ryabova, according to the number of cancers, the Ivanovo region still keeps the first place in Russia.

The unfavorable environmental situation in the explosion area remains so far. Something she even aggravated over the years. According to the Radiation Safety Crowner of the Ivanovo Regional SES Olga Dracheva, in 1997 at some points of the site recorded a gamma radiation with a capacity of 1.5 thousand microentergen per hour, in 1999 - 3.5 thousand, and in 2000 - already 8 thousand ! "Now the radiation power fell and is about 3 thousand microentergen," says Olga Alekseevna. - But everything indicates that isotopes continue to go to the surface. " This usually occurs during floods - the molten waters wash the infected soil and spread it around the district.

"Libele place" near the village Galkino never remained unwell by the authorities. Back in 1976, two wells were drilled to study the causes of the accident and the consequences of the impact of the explosion on the bomb. Three trenches were burned to drilling on the territory of the object. In the process of drilling wells and their studies, drilling fluid and pumped water containing radioactivity (cesium-137 and strontium-90) were collected in these trenches. Upon completion of the studies of the trench and the entire polluted territory was covered with pure ground. Pollution of the atmosphere on the drilling site remained at the level of background values.

And in subsequent years, experts studied the Globus-1 explosion area. In the 1990s, these expeditions became annual. According to the beginning of the XXI century, the situation in the explosion area was next. The radioactive soil is at a depth of 10 centimeters to one and a half meters, and in places covered with soil tranches - up to 2.5 meters. On the territory of the object, the power dose rate of gamma radiation at an altitude of 1 meter from the surface ranges from 8 to 380 microentergen per hour. The greatest testimony is observed in limited areas and are due to the autopsy to control the trench.

In 2002, the regional administration was concerned about the situation in the Kineshole district. A number of meetings took place, on which it was decided to conservate the explosion site. Hovering the riverbed of the River Shach, the fusion of pure soil at the site of the explosion, laying new reinforced concrete slabs, which, in turn, must once again be saturated.

The work at the Globus-1 facility was included in the Radiation Security of Russia and began in 2003. Are they completed or still continue, no one can definitely say.

How no one can say anything defined and about bright yellow tank trucks with icons notifying about the radioactive threat, which all summer months of 2005 traveled towards the object. This was announced by the newspaper Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Machines had the numbers of Tver, Murmansk and Voronezh regions, where, as you know, atomic power plants are located. Journalists permit the possibility that some dangerous waste with nuclear power plants were reduced to the Ivanovo region. The authorities of the region are categorically denied. However, it was not possible to find out that the cargo did not manage to be taken for the goods in any of the "interested" departments.

Sleep mind gives rise to monsters ...

Ivanovo region, deaf forests of the Volga region. The nearest village is four kilometers. On the shore of the forest river, the ball opens a wide caught meadow. On it is a rich dispersion, most wormwood and pizhma, nettle and sources. The tropic is almost hidden by the vegetation leads to the center of the glade, where the incomprehensible metallic sign is towers. Around - some pits that are silent from the ground of the pipe and the bold remnants of a wooden fence. Turning on the device, slowly go there. We are on the spot - it was here almost 40 years ago I was shaking in convulsions the earthly tape ...

In the 1960s and 1980s, commissioned by the Ministry of Geology in the USSR, a program of deep seismiamondification of the earth's crust was implemented - both to clarify its structure and to identify structures in which it is advisable to produce further search for mineral deposits (mainly oil and gas). A special regional geophysical expedition was created. The plan developed on the expedition became the basis of the state program under the code name "Program-7". She covered the territory of the whole country, from Brest to Yakutia.
The seismic exploration is carried out quite simply - in a certain point exploded the charge of an explosive substance, and sensitive devices placed at different removal around, record the arrival time of seismic waves and their parameters. After several "man-made earthquakes", a three-dimensional map of the whole thickness of rocks is created - after all, the seismic wave passes in different breeds in different ways, and the explosion as it were, "shines" the Earth. Typically, the seismic method is used to examine specific deposits, and the power of charges is small. But for the project of the study of a huge territory, completely different power took.

In the spring of 1971 in the unclosed area of \u200b\u200bthe Ivanovo region, near the villages of Galkino and Butusih, there were first groups of surveyors, and then heavy machinery: tractor, bulldozers, drilling stoves. The place of the future well for a number of parameters was chosen a point on the left bank of the shore. The object received the code designation "Globus-1", and was the closest to the capital and the densely populated center of the country among 22 to him.

Several months went work. The local population also participated in them - on the roll of forests and other supporting work. Everyone was considered that in the well "Bomb will blow up and will look for oil." In September, everything was completed, the charge was conceded, lowered to a depth of 610 meters, the well was muffled and filled with cement.

It was not an ordinary charge. For the global seismiamondification program, as mentioned above, very high charge power were required. It was decided to use nuclear devices. Back in 1966, VNIITF began developing non-military charge charges, including well. For seismiamond drawing, charges were chosen with a capacity of 2.3 to 22 kilotons of Ttrotyl equivalent (the bomb, discarded in 1945 on Hiroshima, had a capacity of 13-15 kilotons). For Globus-1, the smallest charge was chosen - 2.3 CT.

On Sunday Day on September 19, 1971, people from the construction site were held on the only street of the village Galkino. Having stood in all at home, they recommended the flip of the windows with paper crosswise, and everything after 19:00 get out of houses to the street. A car was sent to the village who had to evacuate people to the Volga in case of an accident (but they did not declare this in advance - to prevent panic).

In the evening, the Earth trembled, snaveed the glass, bored the cattle. The explosion of the camouflage nuclear charge was made exactly according to the schedule. A small earthquake is all that the inhabitants of Galkino and neighboring villages. At the same facility, there were not so rosy: after 18 minutes after the explosion, a fountain of the water-gas and ground mixture has arisen from the combat well. In the calculations there was a mistake, the huge pressure destroyed the breed and the cement layer, and the pressure from the focus was dropped into the atmosphere along the wellbore.
Fortunately, inert gases, having a short half-life (within a few days and months), were mainly on the surface. In twenty days, their exit stopped by itself. The decay products are contaminated with a relatively small platform of approximately 200h200 meters in size, including the Shash River Shore. But even at the time of the greatest activity of the "Geyser", in the first hours after the explosion, two kilometers from the well, the dose power did not exceed the natural background. Long-lived isotopes on the surface came out a bit.
Deactivation was carried out, strongly infected soil is buried in several trenches. Then the object was canned, and soon people left this place, leaving all the technique. There were still a lot of work across the country, the depth seismiandification program continued. The generators and a powerful water pump recorded by the "explosives" and have taken away the local state farm - such a technique in the economy is very useful. A bulldozer went there, possibly busy before this on decontamination work. And for a long time, the locals were exported from the glades then the wire, the bolts, then the sheets of metal ...

Further events gave rise to a mass of rumors and legends. Teens from the surrounding villages, tormented by curiosity, more than once came the autumn to the glade. In winter, two fell ill - tormented by headaches. They were hospitalized - first in the district center, then in Ivanovo. There they soon died - according to the official diagnosis, from meningitis.
According to the stories of local residents, the picture is diverted. Most says that nothing special happened, mortality after the explosion has not grown and the consequences are not felt. Others talk about two-headed calves and deceased from cancer relatives. But anyway, the Ivanovo region holds one of the first places in Russia on cancer. True, cases of the disease are not concentrated in the Zloschetic Kineshemsky district.
Almost every year, scientists drive almost every year, measured the background at different points, studying groundwater. A few years ago, after a long nuclear o'clock, the River Shacha, threatened to flush the platform on which the well drilled, took to a new course. However, the re-deactivation of the area was not carried out.

Now these places are a real "bear corner". The village of Butusih did not survive the recovery period of the collective farms, it also led to the radiation of Galkino. Several fires led to the fact that the Galkins were drove into other places, and there were only two residential buildings there. The emergency explosion place is allocated only by a rusty "Forbidden zone" sign, and in some places, the headings over drilled later by research wells. On most of the clearing radiation background normal - 10 μR / h. You can find several spots, where this value reaches hundreds of MKP / hour (we measured the value of 672 microns / hour, which is rather a modest result).


4.16 μS / hour (416 microns / hour) - background near the research well.

Galkino Village is one of her two residential courtyards.

Local resident shows the road.

The road to the explosion place after the month of the rain is such that to drive

Next to the Volga there is an abandoned platform with radioactive waste of 10 thousand cubic meters

40 years ago, September 19, 1971, 4.5 km from the village of Galkino (Kineshemsky district) on the left bank of the Shachi River was produced underground nuclear explosion.

At the disposal of the Ivanovo Gazeta, there were new documents, testifying: now a promoter at the site of the explosion (its code name - "Globus-1") of 05-1.5 hectares and a depth of 10 to 300 centimeters can be regarded as an object with radioactive waste.

Radionuclide Cesium-137 in samples was found in quantities exceeding natural content up to 2000 times. The territory is also infected with fragmentation radionuclides and tritium, the maximum specificity of the soil is 170 times higher than the norm, and radioactive water from the explosion center can flow into the river.

What happened in 1971?

On the forest clearing at a depth of 610 meters, scientists laid a nuclear charge with a capacity of 2.3 kilotons. At the 18th minute after the explosion, an accident occurred: a fountain broke out from the ground from the ground. Along with water and mud on the surface began to go inert gases, radioactive products of cesium-137 and strontium-90 ...

In the next to the place of experiment, the village of Galkino - then there were about 10 families.

One of the witnesses - Faina Ryabtseva, who worked as a chef in an expedition that made explosive work, found a journalist "newspapers" Vasily Gulin.

- For the first time at my job, I served as a table with a pauster caviar, cannon ham and Finnish Servelat, "the woman told. - And people were all good - merry, intelligent, sang well under the guitar. We arrived a month before the explosion, and somewhere a couple of weeks after him left ... they said that they found that they were looking for, but elsewhere. And they advised the place of work more than a job: they say, it is dangerous, you can fail.

Now Nobody lives in Galkino, and it's not easy to get there: the past hurricanes were filled with roads, beavers staged dams, places along the roads of the swamps. But in the village of Oktyabrsky, which is 4-5 kilometers from the village Galkino, Journalists "IG" found another witness of those events - Valery Smirnova, who came to the launched village for the sake of bees.

- About 1500 people lived in Soviet times in Oktyabrsky, - remembers Valery Ivanovich. - A couple of weeks before the explosion, two lieutenant colonel and the colonel went on the village, they said that they would search for oil in the area, drill well. And on the day of the explosion required residents to free the premises. And not in vain: several houses were injured from the explosive wave, then the authorities even paid money for repairs.

Valery Smirnov believes that his son died precisely because of those events. Some time after the explosion, the son and four of his friends tried to get into the "holes" at the work of scientists: see if oil found. Smirnov-Jr. and Jura Pirikin got sick, tormented by headaches and soon died. Official diagnosis - meningitis. Three other guys remained to live only because the "holes" did not climb.

Head of the explosion Olep after 4 years

Until 1996 at the polygon grazed cattle. Thirst animals quenched from a lake formed after the explosion. And, allegedly, there were cases of bodies of calves with fifth foot on the spine and sheep without wool.

The seismologist team left, leaving the technique and property - apparently, understanding its danger. But the locals did not give the abyss of good: the bulldozer took the local collective farm, and a powerful pump that swung water from the pile to the drill, for several years later served on the village water supply!

Evaluation of the influence of the accident on local residents diverge. One of the paramedies in Ilinsky told reporters that dozens of her patients then earned malignant tumors, premature children were often born.

However, it is impossible to trace the dynamics of oncological diseases and diseases of the blood from the local residents: as the press wrote, in 1996, in the mysterious circumstances, the archive of the Savolzhsky district hospital burned, where medical cards of the population were kept.

Meanwhile, seismologist V.V. Fedorov, who led the preparation and conduct of the explosion, in 1975, at the age of 44, the landing and became disabled by the first group.

Radioactive cesium across Shach hits the Volga?

Scientists of the All-Russian design and redemption of industrial technology of Minatom of the Russian Federation (the successor of the Organization, conducted by the "peaceful" explosions in the USSR) argue: the damage from Globula-1 is not.

Back in the 70s, 3 trenches were pulled out on the territory of the GLOBUS-1 object, where the drilling fluid and pumped water contaminated with radionuclides were collected; We drilled 2 research wells. And then the whole area simply fell asleep with pure ground.

- after an accident in the atmosphere, only inert radioactive gases, having a short half-life of half-life, - says the leading researcher by NII Vyacheslav Ilyichev .- Already in the first hours after the explosion at a distance of 2 km, the dose rate did not exceed the natural radiation background. None of the population and participants suffered.

Despite the brix reports, the Research Institute had to develop a draft rehabilitation of the Globus-1 facility. The thing is that the River Shacha, which in 12 kilometers from the landfill falls into the Volga, washed the sector of the site and could have tried his way right above the well, which means all the "radioactive dirt" could well be in the Volga. In 2004, the bypass canal was built, and the shores of the shutters strengthened.

But completely did not solve this problem. In 2008, specialists of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene visited the site. Their conclusions are disappointing: according to the Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Victor Repin, the processes in the wells lead to the fact that radiation nuclides go to the surface. Some scientists are altogether categorical: in the spring and summer, the cesium salts still fall into the patch, and through it they go to the Volga, which puts the health of thousands of people under threats.

Solid radioactive waste lie on the surface

The "IG" journalists came to the study of the Globus-1 platform today. Here are a number of quotes from this document that scholars come to which conclusions.

"The radiation situation is only worsening. The conditions for the long-term localization of radioactive explosion products are not created. "

"The total amount of soil contaminated with radionuclides is 10 thousand m3. Expedition data confirmed the presence of cesium-137 radionuclide samples in quantities exceeding natural content up to 2000 times and soil contamination with fragmentation radionuclides and tritium. "

"Revealed a significant variation of the dose rate of gamma radiation in the air. Cesium-137 concentration in all soil samples were very high. For most studied soil sampling, there is an excess of minimally significant specific activity. Such materials refer to the category of solid radioactive waste. "

"The distribution of radioactivity on the site is uneven and chaotic. The most contaminated soil, including classified as solid radioactive waste, is located on the location of previously existing tranches, in the trunks of research wells "

"According to preliminary estimates, possible doses of irradiation per month can be from 0.7 mW to 12 msv. The values \u200b\u200bof forecast doses are talking about high radiation risks, especially when implementing emergency scenarios. "(Acceptance doses for the population are now up to 1 mW for the year, and a number of specialists insist on a decrease in this dose to 0.25 mSv per year)

« It is most likely that water at the mouth of three wells is directly related to the water of the central zone of the explosion. There is an amusement of radioactive water from the central zone of the explosion to the mouths of the wells, followed by the contamination by the radionuclides of the deputies. Calculations showed the potential possibility of receipt of radioactive water from the explosion zone to the overlying aquifers. "(Translated from the scientific language, this means that the contaminated water from the depths where the explosion occurred, through the wells it has long been upwards, and it does not exclude her hit in the River Shach and Volga).

120 million rubles need to be remedied

It cannot be said that the situation came out from under control. As stated in the same document, the levels of radionuclides beyond the "Globus-1", in the water of the Shach River, so far significantly below the norm, mushrooms and berries from nearby forests are not infected. Livestock and crop products from close townships do not cause concerns.

However, experts are confident: it is necessary to create sarcophagus wells, eliminate the flow of radioactive water from the explosion zone, compact the ground, isolate the platform for accessing people and animals. According to some estimates, reclamation work can cost more than 120 million rubles.

In the annual report of OJSC "VnipipromTechnology" for 2010 (the same institution that insists that "All is well, beautiful marquise") It is indicated that their specialists still spend " ... Design and survey work on the rehabilitation of the territory of the Globus-1 facility.

However, according to the "IG", financing from the Federal Program "Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Russia" of the Ivanovo Object has long been discontinued.

Why blew a nuclear bomb in the center of Russia

The explosion at the village Galkino is one of the 124 peaceful nuclear explosions held in the USSR for the period from 1965 to 1988 and one of the four in which the territory contamination occurred.

Full official data on the results of all tests are not published, information about the radioactive infection of the terrain is incomplete and often contradictory. (True, in 1994, Minatom acknowledged that "Local Nadfonic Pollutions around Wells" remains in 24 cases.)

The purpose of the explosion at the village Galkino is the study of the internal structure of the Earth by registering shock waves, as well as search for minerals. Dozens of sensors fixed the movement of geological layers throughout the USSR, which allowed, allegedly, to identify oil reserves in the Vologda and Kostroma regions.

Peaceful explosions were also used to create underground tanks for the burial of hazardous waste, extinguishing petroleum fires. There were projects where the use of hundreds of such explosions was assumed (for example, to connect the dead sea with red, rotation of the northern rivers)

Soil with promoterGlobus-1 can be used by terrorists?

Quote from the report of Ivanovo scientists:

"Radioactive soil has no physical protection, which allows unknown" researchers "to conduct an opening of radioactive burials with the removal of radioactivity to the surface and further pollution of the territory of the industrial site.

At the same time, the possibility of exporting radioactive soil from the Globus-1 promoter and the commission of illegal acts regarding the population and the environment of the Ivanovo region "is not excluded.

Globus-1 will be dangerous within 48 thousand years

Data on radiation dose at object sites:

1971 - 150 microrentgen

1997 - 1500 microrentgen

1999 - 3500 microrentgen

2000 - 8000 microentgen

20 g. - 3000 microentergen, at a depth of 50 cm The intensity of radiation reaches 20-45 thousand microentergen

For reference: Maximum threshold "background" value - 50 microentergen


On the oncological morbidity, the Ivanovo region ranks 3rd in Russia after Ryazan and Novgorod. The incidence of malignant neoplasms exceeds the Russian figure by 21%. Every year more than 2500 people die from cancer in the region, of which 1000 people are in working age.

Photo: Scientists from St. Petersburg explore the object. The inscription on the plate: Zone forbidden construction and drilling rigs within a radius of 450 m are prohibited! Customer - Yaroslavl NGRE, address: Pechora, pos. Energy.

Nuclear explosion in the center of Russia

For 50 years of "nuclear madness" (from 1945 to 1996), almost 2500 atomic charges were blown up in different parts of our planet. For the most part, these were devices created for the "Defense Needs". But "peaceful" explosions were held. Although such They can be considered with a big stretch. One of the explosions "thundered" just 300 kilometers from Moscow. Fortunately, this is the only nuclear test conducted in the central part of Russia. But it was an emergency.

"Globus-1" ...

On September 19, 1971, the inhabitants of some villages of the Ivanovo region unexpectedly felt the land leaves from under their feet. They snapped in the houses in the houses, the cows in the hlevar were laughed. However, no one has time to be frightened. Soil fluctuations continued only a few seconds and ended unexpectedly, as they began.

A few days later, from rumors that were transmitted from mouth to mouth, old-timers learned the cause of this unusual "natural phenomenon". It was rumored that somewhere under the kineshma the military blew some "terrible" bomb. And, allegedly, something did not work with them, since the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosion hurried the soldiers and went there were not allowed to anyone. Cleaning was soon removed, but the ban on visiting berry places was still long. What actually happened at that September day, local residents, and together with them the rest of Russia, found out in 20 years, when a stiffness was removed from many events of the Soviet era.

As it often happens, the then messages "sarafined radio" in many ways corresponded to reality. It turned out that on that day 4 kilometers from the village of Galkino Kineshemsky District (Ilinskaya Rural Administration) of the Ivanovo region on the left bank of the Shas River, an underground explosion of a 2.3 kiloton nuclear device was produced. It was one of the series of "peaceful" nuclear explosions made for industrial purposes. The experiment was carried out on request of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR and wore the code name "Globus-1". The depth of the GB-1 well, which was laid in a nuclear charge, was 610 meters. The purpose of the explosion was the deep seismiandification on the profile of Vorkuta Kineshma.

The experiment itself was "without a bitch and zadorinka": the charge was down in the time-laid time, equipment, placed and in close proximity to the test point, and remote thousands of kilometers, regularly registered the oscillations of the earth's crust. Based on this data, it was planned to identify oil reserves in the northern regions of the European part of the country. Looking a little ahead, I will say that it was possible to solve the task, new oil fields were discovered in the Vologda and Kostroma regions.

In general, everything went fine while on the 18th minute after an explosion in one meter to the north-west of the charging well did not arise a gas-water fountain with the removal of radioactive sand and water. The release lasted almost 20 days. Subsequently, they found out that the cause of the accident was poor-quality cementing of the annular space of the charging well.

It is also good that as a result of the accident in the atmosphere, only inert radioactive gases, having a short half-life, were published. And due to dilution in the atmosphere, a rapid decrease in radioactivity in the surface layer of air took place. Therefore, after a few hours after the explosion at a distance of 2 kilometers from the epicenter, the dose power did not exceed the natural radiation background. Pollution of water in the Shach River above the permissible standards was observed at a distance of just a few tens of meters. And then only in the first days after the accident.

Dry numbers of documents say that on the third day the maximum value of the dose rate was 50 billiongen per hour, and on the 22 day - 1 billiongen per hour. After 8 months after the explosion, the dose power at the facility did not exceed 150 microentergen per hour at the mouth of the well, and outside it - 50 microentergen per hour, with a natural radiation background 5-15 microentergen per hour.

As it was written in the report on the conduct of the experiment, "due to the coordinated work of the service of radiation safety, none of the population and participants of the explosion suffered." In general, this is true. Nobody suffered. But only that ill-fated day. About the remote and indirect consequences of physics from the nuclear industry for some reason they do not like to speak.

And his consequences

And they are the consequences - it seems that they were still. "After that, the" globe "of a calf with two heads were born," recalled Feldsher from the village of Ilyinskoe Nadezhda Surikova. - Children prevented began to be born. There are now ordinary things, and when I started working - all the women were normal for all the time. " This evidence published in 2002 the newspaper publishing.

Nadezhda Petrovna is confident that two local children died precisely from radiation sickness. Teenagers visited the explosion in two months, and in the winter both stunned - they suffered headaches. They took them to Ivanovo, there was diagnosed - meningitis. Soon the guys did not. Rustic meningitis do not believe.

According to local authorities, adolescents themselves are to blame for their death. Despite the ban, they resulted in a closed zone and moved concrete slabs with which the mine was closed. Although it is difficult to imagine how they could cope with multi-torque blocks. Unless they were preparing over the years to turn into "Ilya Muromets" and "Alesha Popovich".

In addition, the number of cancer deaths located nearby the explosion near the explosion. Moreover, not only in the 1970s. According to the chief physician of the regional ONKODISPANISTER Emma Ryabova, according to the number of cancers, the Ivanovo region still keeps the first place in Russia.

The unfavorable environmental situation in the explosion area remains so far. Something she even aggravated over the years. According to the Radiation Safety Crowner of the Ivanovo Regional SES Olga Dracheva, in 1997 at some points of the site recorded a gamma radiation with a capacity of 1.5 thousand microentergen per hour, in 1999 - 3.5 thousand, and in 2000 - already 8 thousand ! "Now the radiation power fell and is about 3 thousand microentergen," says Olga Alekseevna. - But everything indicates that isotopes continue to go to the surface. " This usually occurs during floods - the molten waters wash the infected soil and spread it around the district.

What was done and what is being done

"Libele place" near the village Galkino never remained unwell by the authorities. Back in 1976, two wells were drilled to study the causes of the accident and the consequences of the impact of the explosion on the bomb. Three trenches were burned to drilling on the territory of the object. In the process of drilling wells and their studies, drilling fluid and pumped water containing radioactivity (cesium-137 and strontium-90) were collected in these trenches. Upon completion of the studies of the trench and the entire polluted territory was covered with pure ground. Pollution of the atmosphere on the drilling site remained at the level of background values.

And in subsequent years, experts studied the Globus-1 explosion area. In the 1990s, these expeditions became annual. According to the beginning of the XXI century, the situation in the explosion area was next. The radioactive soil is at a depth of 10 centimeters to one and a half meters, and in places covered with soil tranches - up to 2.5 meters. On the territory of the object, the power dose rate of gamma radiation at an altitude of 1 meter from the surface ranges from 8 to 380 microentergen per hour. The greatest testimony is observed in limited areas and are due to the autopsy to control the trench.

In 2002, the regional administration was concerned about the situation in the Kineshole district. A number of meetings took place, on which it was decided to conservate the explosion site. Hovering the riverbed of the River Shach, the fusion of pure soil at the site of the explosion, laying new reinforced concrete slabs, which, in turn, must once again be saturated.

Work at the Globus-1 facility was included in the Radiation Security of Russia and began in 2003. Whether they are completed or still continue, no one can definitely say.

How no one can say anything defined and about bright yellow tank trucks with icons notifying about the radioactive threat, which all summer months of 2005 traveled towards the object. This was announced by the newspaper Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Machines had the numbers of the Tver, Murmansk and Voronezh regions, where, as you know, there are nuclear power plants. Journalists allow for the possibility that some dangerous waste with nuclear power plants are reduced to the Ivanovo region. It is categorically denying. However, it was not possible that the tank trucks did not manage to be taken for the goods in any of the "interested" departments.

Other "globes"

Although the explosion in the Ivanovo region and passed under the designation "Globus-1", he was not the first to be held in the framework of the project for seismism forming Vorkuta-Kineshma's profile.

The first experiment under the code designation "Globus-4" was produced on July 2, 1971 in the Komi ASSR. After 8 days, a second test was conducted there, which is designated in official documents as Globus-3. Then there was an explosion in the Ivanovo region, which was described above. And finally, on October 4, 1971, Globus-2 was held in the Arkhangelsk region.

Of the four experiments, sad consequences had only one. The explosions in the Komi ASSR and in the Arkhangelsk region were held as expected.

"Peaceful" nuclear explosions

According to official data, in the Soviet Union from January 1965 to September 1988, 124 nuclear explosions were carried out for peaceful purposes, including 119 explosion outside the territory of nuclear polygons. All of them were held underground.

The first such experiment took place on January 15, 1965 in Kazakhstan, on the territory of the Semipalatinsky test landfill. The test had a code designation "Chagan" and its goal was to work out a new type of charge, which was supposed to be further used for industrial nuclear explosions. It has passed successfully, demonstrating both the reliability of the device, and the relative simplicity of its use.

In the same year, on March 30, the first explosion, who had a "practical purpose", thundered in Bashkiria, under the codenate name "Ban" - its goal was to intensify oil production in this region. In addition, it was the first so-called "group nuclear explosion" in our country - two charges were laid near each other in the wells 617 and 618, and blown up at the same time.

In subsequent years, "explosive work" with the use of nuclear charges were carried out quite intensively. Various ministries and departments were the customers of experiments: geology (51 explosions), gas industry, oil and oil refining industry, medium engineering.

The "geography" of the use of nuclear charges for peaceful purposes (explosions produced on nuclear polygons are not considered in this case). On the territory of the RSFSR (Bashkir, Komi, Kalmyk and Yakutskaya ASSR, Tyumen, Perm, Orenburg, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Murmansk and Chita region, Stavropol and Krasnoyarsk region) was blown up 81 charge, in Ukraine - 2, in Kazakhstan - 33, in Uzbekistan - 2, in Turkmenistan - 1. The remaining "fraternal republics" of this share passed.

The last industrial nuclear explosion in the USSR was produced on September 6, 1988. The charge with a capacity of 8.5 kiloton was blown up in the Arkhangelsk region. The experiment was the code name "Rubin-1".

Test incidents

An explosion in the Ivanovo region is not the only Soviet nuclear test in the framework of the Atomic Energy Program for peaceful purposes, which belong to emergency. There was a number of other incidents. Moreover, the consequences of Globus-1, compared with others, can be considered and not so "serious." According to the leading researcher in the Moscow Institute of Industrial Technologies, Vyacheslav Ilyicheva, who sounded March 11, 2002 at the meeting in the administration of the Ivanovo region, which considered the draft elimination of the consequences of the nuclear explosion of thirty years ago, from 81 "peaceful" nuclear explosion produced in the territory of the Russian Federation, four There were emergency.

Unfortunately, information about these incidents is not so much - the atomic office is still in no hurry to report that in reality occurred last years in various parts of our immense country. But some information still leaked through "High Fences".

So, it is known that on August 24, 1978, in Yakutia, by order of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, the Kraton-3 experiment was carried out. According to the negligence of workers from the mine, into which the nuclear charge was laid, knocked out a concrete plug, which prevented the output of radionuclides to the surface. Most of all, the participants in the work were affected most of all, since it was towards their camp and an infected cloud was moved.

Emergency call experts and explosion on the river of the focus in the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous District. Although the official data on this is not completely absent. This experiment under the codenate name Rift-3 took place on July 31, 1982. The fact that during the tests there were some problems saying the fact of a sharp increase in the number of cancer among local residents. Children were especially affected. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Or maybe not.

The increase in radiation background after the "peaceful" nuclear explosions was recorded in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Yakutia, in the Murmansk region. Fortunately, the "indicators" only slightly exceeded the natural background, so it is impossible to talk about any serious consequences for the population and nature. Although, "nothing passes without a trace."

But the unfavorable radiation situation in the Astrakhan and Orenburg regions, where underground oil and gas condensate storage with nuclear explosions were created, still remained. These structures were operated with violation of technology: instead of pumping dehydrated products in them, solutions that can accumulate radiation were inward. Now, after decades, underground cavities began to decrease in volumes and the "radioactive brine" began to come on the surface.

And one more fact. There is a rather curious, although not a well-known document. If desired, with its text can be found on the Internet. If you look good. He was entitled "Analysis of the environmental situation in Russia" and was prepared specifically to the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation in June 2003. In particular, it is said: "The negative consequences of underground nuclear explosions conducted for peaceful purposes are noted in Yakutia, Arkhangelsk, Perm and Ivanovo regions." And does this not evidence that the emergency "peaceful" nuclear explosions we know only a small tolik?

After the experiment, "Rubin-1" "peaceful" nuclear explosions in the USSR did not spend. And soon and on testing of combat charges, a moratorium was imposed, which lasts until today's days.


In the picture in front of you is not a map of the treasure of the party treasury of the CPSU. And not the place of the burial grounds.
Red dots indicate the places of nuclear explosions for the deep seismic glanding of the earth's crust when searching for minerals. Yes, it was that in Soviet times they were looking for gas and oil and investigated the underground structure. Moreover, the danger of such explosions was minimal, at least no one had anything harmful yet. Because they operated on the program containing quite three strict items:

1) measurable quantities of radioactive products should not get into the area affordable
2) Nuclear explosions should not be used, as a result of which radioactive products, although they do not fall directly to the human habitat, will be in contact with the products used by the person
3) should be "frozen" any nuclear camouflage explosions, if they are not the only one - fast and efficient - the solution commensurate with the scale of the problem

In principle, everything is reasonably as in the rules of robotics. Yes, and thanks to the possibility of such explosions, a fire was stopped in 25 seconds in URTA-Bulak gas fields of Uzbekistan in 1966. And then they helped eliminate the problems for another four emergency gas fountains.
Yes, and it turns out to destroy chemical weapons much more efficiently and more conveniently with the help of nuclear explosive technologies.
