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A. Golovko was appointed Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Major General Alexander Golovko by his decree as the commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces, relieving him of the post of head of the First State Test Cosmodrome. This was reported by the press service of the head of state.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20121224172112.shtml

President Vladimir Putin made personnel changes in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, December 24, made personnel changes in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The head of state, by his decree, appointed Major General Alexander Golovko as commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces, relieving him of the post of head of the 1st State Test Cosmodrome.
link: http://argumenti.ru/army/2012/ 12/222314

General's career ended at a junkyard

Note that yesterday, by decree of President Vladimir Putin, Major General Alexander Golovko, who previously headed the Plesetsk cosmodrome, became the commander of the East Kazakhstan region.
link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/ 2097656

Putin appointed three new military commanders

General Alexander Golovko has been appointed Commander of the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces. The corresponding decree of the President of the country was posted on the portal of legal information on Monday.
link: http://www.gazeta.ru/politics/ news / 2012/12/24 / n_2680393. shtml

Three candidates are considered for the post of commander of the VKO troops

Earlier, a source in the Russian military department told RIA Novosti that the current deputy commander - chief of staff of the East Kazakhstan region, Lieutenant General Valery Ivanov, deputy commander of the East Kazakhstan region, Lieutenant General Sergei Lobov, or the head of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, Major General Alexander Golovko, could be appointed to the post of commander of the VKO.
link: http://ria.ru/defense_safety/ 20121215 / 914917325.html

The Minister of Defense is allowed to have 10 deputies
Alexander Golovko became the commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces, RIA Novosti reports.
link: http://www.infox.ru/authority

Major General Alexander Golovko led the VKO troops

Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday signed a decree appointing Major General Alexander Golovko as commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces, relieving him of his post as head of the 1st State Test Cosmodrome, FederalPress reported.
link: http://www.aex.ru/news/2012/ 12/25/101256 /

The post of the head of the East Kazakhstan region was estimated at 30 billion rubles

Yesterday President Putin appointed Aleksandr Golovko, chief of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, as commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO). The struggle for this post unfolded serious. The day before, the Ministry of Defense reported that Sergei Shoigu was considering three possible candidates. And yesterday, one of these applicants was directly linked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to a criminal offense. It turns out that the current first deputy commander of the East Kazakhstan region Valery Ivanov allegedly caused damage of 30 billion rubles. Experts note that influencing personnel decisions with the help of criminal cases is becoming a common practice in the Russian Federation.

“To appoint Major General Golovko Aleksandr Valentinovich as commander of the EKR troops, relieving him of the post of chief of the 1st State Test Cosmodrome,” says the decree of President Vladimir Putin.
link: http://www.ng.ru/economics/ 2012-12-25 / 1_vko.html

Putin carried out large-scale reshuffle in the Armed Forces

In addition, the President appointed Major General Alexander Golovko as commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces, relieving him of his post as head of the First State Test Cosmodrome. The former commander of the VKO troops, Oleg Ostapenko, was previously appointed Deputy Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu.
link: http://m.rambler.ru/news/head/ 16943983 /

New Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces appointed

A new commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO) was appointed by the decree of the President of Russia. It was Major General Alexander Valentinovich Golovko, who was dismissed in connection with the appointment of the head of the 1st State Test Cosmodrome in Plesetsk, which he held since June 2011.
link: http://warsonline.info

General A. Golovko was appointed commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces

General Alexander Golovko will head the country's aerospace defense. The decree on his appointment as commander was published today.
link: http://www.nachfin.info/SMF/ index.php? topic \u003d 14431.0

Personnel appointments made in the Russian troops

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major General Alexander Golovko was appointed Commander of the VKO Troops His predecessor, Oleg Ostapenko, had previously been dismissed and appointed to the post of Deputy Defense Minister. Alexander Golovko was born on January 29, 1964 in Dnepropetrovsk. Graduated from the Kharkiv Higher Military Command School of the Rocket Forces. Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov, Military Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Served in various engineering and command positions. 2003-2004 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Space Forces. In 2004-2007 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Chief of the Main Testing Center. In 2007-2011 - Head of the State Research Center named after I. G.S. Titov.
link: http://news-w.com/62816-3881/

Tenth Deputy Shoigu

Instead of another nominee - Oleg Ostapenko, who recently took over the duties of deputy minister, Alexander Golovko became the new head of the youngest structure in the Russian army - the Aerospace Defense Forces. Before that, he was the head of the 1st State Test Cosmodrome. But the new commander of the Western Military District, Anatoly Sidorov, does not need to move from place to place. He will only change offices in one St. Petersburg building. Previously, he sat in the chair of the chief of staff of the Western Military District, now he will occupy the commander's apartment.

(born January 29, 1964, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian military leader, commander of the aerospace defense forces since December 24, 2012, major general.

Education: Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of the Rocket Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I.Krylov (1986); command faculty of the Military Academy. F.E.Dzerzhinsky (1992); Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2003).

After graduating from a military school, from 1986 to 1998, Alexander Golovko served as a department engineer, station chief, company commander, department head, department head in military units of the Titov Main Testing and Control Center for Space Means.

From 1998 to 2001, he was the head of a separate command measuring complex of the Main Testing Center for Testing and Control of Space Facilities named after G. S. Titov.

In 2003-2004, Alexander Valentinovich held the post of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Space Forces.

From 2004 to 2007, Alexander Golovko was Chief of Staff - First Deputy Chief of the Main Testing Center for Testing and Control of Space Means named after G. S. Titov. In 2007, he became the head of this center, being appointed its head.

On June 23, 2011, Golovko was appointed head of the 1st State Test Cosmodrome of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and held this position until December 2012.

On December 24, 2012, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Major General Alexander Golovko was appointed Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces of the Russian Federation.

Awards: Order for Military Merit, Medal of the Order for Service to the Fatherland, II degree, departmental medals.

Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces. Major General

Graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of the Rocket Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov (1986), the F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1996), Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2003).

1986 - 2001 - served in various command and engineering positions in the military units of the Main Test Center for Testing and Control of Space Means named after G.S. Titov.

2003 - 2004 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Space Forces.

2004 - 2007 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Chief of the Main Testing Center for Testing and Control of Space Means named after G.S. Titov.

2007 - 2011 - Head of the Main Testing Center for Testing and Control of Space Facilities named after G.S. Titov.

From June 2011 to December 2012 - Head of the State Testing Cosmodrome of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Plesetsk Cosmodrome).

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2012, he was appointed Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces.

He was awarded the Order for Military Merit, the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, and other medals.

Alexander Valentinovich Golovko
Alexander Valentinovich Golovko
Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Religion: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth: January 29(1964-01-29 ) (55 years)
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Death: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Burial place: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Dynasty: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth name: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Father: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Mother: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Spouse: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Children: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
The consignment: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Education: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Academic degree: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Site: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Military service
Years of service: since 1986
Affiliation: Russia 22x20px Russia
Type of army: 22px Aerospace Forces
Rank: 60px
lieutenant general
Commanded: State Research Center named after G. S. Titov;
Plesetsk cosmodrome;
Aerospace Defense Troops;
Space Forces
Battles: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Autograph: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Monogram: Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
40px Medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 1st class Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree 40px
40px Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" (Ministry of Defense) I degree Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" (Ministry of Defense) II degree Medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree
40px 40pcs

Thumbnail creation error: File not found

Lua error in Module: CategoryForProfession on line 52: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Alexander Valentinovich Golovko (born January 29, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian military leader, lieutenant general. Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces (from December 24, 2012 to August 1, 2015). Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation - Commander of the Space Forces (since August 1, 2015).


Alexander Valentinovich Golovko was born on January 29 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR.


  • Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I and II degrees

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An excerpt characterizing Golovko, Alexander Valentinovich

Once upon a time (now it seemed - a very long time!) At this same huge mirror every morning I combed the wonderful, silky hair of my little Anna, playfully giving her the first childhood lessons of the "witch" school ... Girolamo's eyes, burning with love, were reflected in this mirror. , tenderly embracing me by the shoulders ... This mirror reflected in itself thousands of carefully preserved, wonderful moments, which now shook my wounded, tortured soul to the very depths.
Here, on a small night table, there was a wonderful malachite box, in which rested my magnificent jewelry, so generously once presented to me by my kind husband, and causing wild envy of rich and capricious Venetians in those distant, past days ... Only today this box was empty ... Someone's dirty, greedy hands managed to “remove” all the “shiny trinkets” stored there, evaluating only the monetary value of each individual thing ... For me, it was my memory, these were the days of my pure happiness: the evening of my wedding ... the birth of Anna ... some of my long forgotten victories or events of our life together, each of which was marked by a new work of art, the right to which only I had the right to .. These were not just "stones" that were expensive, it was my Girolamo's concern, his desire to make me smile, and his admiration for my beauty, which he was so sincerely and deeply proud of, and so honestly and passionately loved ... now These pure memories were touched by someone's lustful, greedy fingers, on which, cringing, our outraged love was crying bitterly ...
In this strange "resurrected" room, my favorite books lay everywhere, and a good old grand piano waited sadly by the window alone ... On the silk bedspread of the wide bed, the first doll of Anna, who was now almost the same age as her unfortunate one, was smiling merrily, the persecuted mistress ... Only here the doll, unlike Anna, did not know sadness, and an evil person could not hurt her ...
I growled from unbearable pain, like a dying beast, ready for its last fatal leap ... Memories burned out the soul, remaining so wonderfully real and alive that it seemed that right now the door would open and smiling Girolamo would start right "from the doorway" with enthusiasm the latest news of the bygone day ... Or the cheerful Anna will rush in like a whirlwind, pouring on my knees an armful of roses soaked in the smell of a wonderful, warm Italian summer ...
It was OUR happy world, which could not, should not have been within the walls of the Karaffa castle! .. There could be no place for it in this den of lies, violence and death ...
But, no matter how much I was indignant in my soul, I had to somehow pull myself together in order to calm the jumping out heart, not succumbing to the longing for the past. For memories, even the most beautiful ones, could easily interrupt my already fragile enough life, not allowing to end Karaffa ... Therefore, trying to somehow "protect" myself from the expensive, but at the same time deeply wounding my soul memory , I turned away and went out into the corridor ... There was no one nearby. Apparently Karaffa was so confident in his victory that he did not even guard the door to my "chambers". Or, on the contrary, he understood too well that there was no point in guarding me, since I could “leave” him at any moment I wanted, in spite of any efforts and prohibitions made by him ... One way or another - no stranger there was no presence, no security outside the door of "my" chambers.
Melancholy choked me, and I wanted to run without looking back, if only to get away from that wonderful ghostly world where every memory that came up took a drop of my soul, leaving it empty, cold and lonely ...
Gradually recovering from such an unexpected "surprise", I finally realized that for the first time I was walking alone along the wonderfully painted corridor, almost not noticing the incredible luxury and wealth of the Karaff palace. Before that, having the opportunity to go down only to the basement, or to accompany Karaffa to some interesting meetings of his alone, now I looked in amazement at the amazing walls and ceilings, completely covered with paintings and gilding, which seemed to have no end. It was not the Vatican, nor the official Papal residence. It was just Karaffa's personal palace, but it was in no way inferior in beauty and luxury to the Vatican itself. Once, I remember, when Karaffa was not yet the "holiest" Pope and was only an ardent fighter against the "spreading heresy", his house looked more like a huge fortress of an ascetic, who truly gave his life for his "just cause", no matter how it was not absurd or terrible for the rest. Now he was the richest man, “eating” (with the pleasure of a gourmet!) His boundless strength and power, a man ... who too quickly changed the lifestyle of a true “monk” for the light gold of the Vatican. He still faithfully believed in the correctness of the Inquisition and human bonfires, only now they were mixed with a thirst for enjoying life and a wild desire for immortality ... which no gold in the world (to everyone's happiness!) Could buy him.
Karaffa suffered ... His temporarily lasting, bright "youth", given by the once strange "guest" of Meteora, suddenly began to leave very quickly, forcing his body to age much faster than it would have been if he had not tried the deceitful " gift"...
Still so recently fit, slender and youthful, the cardinal suddenly began to turn into a hunched over, drooping old man .... A whole "bunch" of his personal doctors panicked! .. They honestly racked their clever heads, trying to understand how "terrible" disease is devouring their beloved "holiness"? .. But there was no answer. And Karaffa was getting old just as "accelerated" before his eyes ... It infuriated him, forcing him to do the stupidest things, hoping to stop the fleeing time, which with each new day, transparent grains, mercilessly flowed through his aging, but still very beautiful, thin fingers. ..
This man had everything ... His power and authority extended to all Christian kingdoms. Lords and kings obeyed him. He was kissed by the princess's hand ... And with all that, his only earthly life was approaching sunset. And the thought that he was helpless to change anything drove him to despair!

In 1988 he was appointed commander of an operational and technical company. It was not the easiest choice and far from the easiest position. The service of this unit, its entire existence is very characteristic of Vorkuta. The command and personnel of the company were responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the high-pressure boiler house, electricity and water supply for the entire unit - for everything that is vital in the conditions of our polar city. In this position, Golovko survived both the "Ryzhkovskaya" blizzard, and the next blow of the elements that covered the city in 1991. I am sure that even now General Golovko will easily report on the construction of his boiler room, decipher "DKVR" - the fancy name of its boilers.

Anatoly Vasilyevich Yakubovsky, a comrade and then subordinate of Golovko, recalled several years later: “In those years, after graduating from the Mozhaisky military institute, I served as the head of the boiler house. Every morning, leaving Golovko on a shift bus from the city along the northern ring, the first glance is towards the unit, to the boiler room chimney. Smokes - everything is fine, the day will start well. There is no smoke - the company commander (A. V. Golovko) and I risk becoming the protagonists of the commander's morning meeting. "

The unit commander at that time was Colonel N.P. Kolesnikov. Fate will bring Alexander Valentinovich directly to his former boss once again in the early 2000s. Having become chief of staff of the Main Testing Center, A.V. Golovko will again serve under the command of General Kolesnikov. But Alexander Valentinovich will soon bypass his old commander on the career ladder.

Alexander Valentinovich served in the operational and technical company for three years. After that, he was successively appointed head of the department, department of the ITC and chief of staff of the unit. Here, in Vorkuta, Alexander Valentinovich was awarded a rare award - in 1993 he was awarded the military rank of major ahead of schedule. During the same time, he successfully studied and graduated from the Military Academy named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky in Moscow.

Golovko's rise as a military leader fell on a timeless period, in the 90s. The usual norms and traditions of the army and of the whole society were crumbling, the country “wandered” in search of its own way of development. Every day I had to solve a lot of questions and problems, the appearance of which a few years ago it was impossible to imagine. The retention of the cadre of the unit, the high-quality fulfillment of tasks as intended, the departure of officers on leave, the salaries of servicemen - all this required the application of significant efforts by the leadership of the military collective. The previously unheard-of - difficulties in clothing and food supply for soldiers and officers - a heavy burden fell on the shoulders of the commanders. The veterans of the unit recall that, for example, in 1998, the unit's allowance was paid three times (!) - in May, September and November. And in May it was not money for the previous five months, it was just repaying the debt for some of the months of 1997.

In 1998, the 12-year Vorkuta period of his biography ended. For so long, Alexander Valentinovich did not stay at any of the many places of his service. Lieutenant Colonel A.V. Golovko was appointed commander of the command and measurement point in Ulan-Ude in Transbaikalia. This is one of the oldest command and measurement points, the combat crews of which in 1957 put the first artificial Earth satellite into orbit, and in April 1961 received messages from the first cosmonaut of the planet.

In 2001 Colonel Golovko entered the main educational institution of the army - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.

From 2004 to 2007, Alexander Valentinovich - Chief of Staff of the Main Testing Center for Testing and Control of Space Facilities named after G. S. Titov. For more than half a century, the Main Center has been the only military and scientific and technical formation in the country that performs the tasks of direct control of the country's orbital grouping.

Since 26.09.2017 Aerospace Forces ()

Colonel-General Surovikin, appointed to this position on November 22, 2017, is in no hurry to change into a blue uniform - judging by recent

His place at the collegiums and meetings in Moscow is occupied by general Dronov... Therefore, they personally stayed:

If the problems of reforming the Aerospace Forces demanded the appointment of a land general, then why marinate him?

If the military-political situation in the SAR requires a long-term presence of a specific Severe general, then why appoint him in absentia as chief “for air and space”?

In the meantime, I think the VKS headquarters is in anxious anticipation.

Anxiously awaiting the deputy commander-in-chief of the VKS:

(photo below)

Two "pilots" - and Yudin

Two "Air Defense Forces" - Humane and

Two "cosmonauts" - Golovko and Kazakevich

And it came from nowhere - .

The most unexplored situation by Yandex - in position deputy chief of armaments... I don’t even know if such a position was preserved? The Internet with grief in half found us two people:a person likecolonel A.N. Medvedkov, and a person likecolonel Miruk K.V. Both come from the Air Force weapons structures; but what if the new commander-in-chief wants to see an engineer of armored vehicles in this position? :)

Deputy Commander of the VKS

lieutenant general

(as VRIO GC is present in all television pictures)

As a cadet (!)

For courage and heroism he was awarded the order " Red Star ",

By landing a malfunctioning plane - preventing an aircraft accident / disaster

Chief of the General Staff of the Aerospace Forces

lieutenant General Pavel Petrovich Kurachenko

Air Force Commander - Deputy Civil Command of the Aerospace Forces

lieutenant-General Andrey Yudin Vyacheslavovich

Commander of the Space Forces - Deputy Civil Command of the Aerospace Forces

colonel-General Golovko Alexander Valentinovich

(he, by the way, is the only one of all the Deputies of all Commanders

is a member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

Air Defense Commander - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces

lieutenant General Gumenny Viktor Vasilievich

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces for personnel

major General Andrey Kazakevich

Deputy commander-in-chief of VKS for logistics

major general Trishunkin Vladimir Viktorovich

Will you replace? Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces

colonel Medvedkov Andrey Nikolaevich

colonel Miruk Konstantin Viktorovich

(behind the right shoulder of General Bondarev)

