Few people know, but on January 15 all over the world people celebrate Wikipedia's birthday. All Internet users know what it is. It remains only to find out how it all originated.

What is celebrated on January 15 in Russia

Day of foundation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Since in 2011 the law "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" came into force on January 15, this was the reason to create such an event. The first specialized bodies in Russia appeared in 1713.

They were the major investigative offices, which were subordinate only to Peter I. They also dealt with cases of the most dangerous acts. This number could include misdemeanors that infringe on the foundations of statehood: embezzlement, bribery, fraud, and so on. The investigating authorities, which depended only on the emperor, could remain impartial and objective even with respect to high-ranking officials. But when Peter died, then all the independent investigative bodies were abolished.

From 1723 to 1860, crimes were investigated by non-specialized bodies: a detective order, a police chief's office, lower zemstvo courts, and so on. It was from this moment that an administrative model of the organization of the investigative apparatus took shape in our country. In the Moscow province in 1927, investigators were transferred to the prosecutor's office.

The experiment was considered successful. In 2007, the Investigative Committee under the RF Prosecutor's Office became a relatively independent agency. Only then he was not yet part of the system of prosecutors.

World holidays 15 January

Day of international recognition of Croatia

In Croatia, this day is celebrated every year on January 15th. The Republic of Croatia in 1992 on such a day was recognized by 12 countries of the European Union. Bulgaria, Canada, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Malta and Switzerland joined them on the same day. Iceland became the first country to recognize Croatia. It was in 1991 on December 19 when she made this decision.

The Vatican recognized Croatia on January 13, and San Marino on January 14. Until the end of 1992, the country was recognized by another 7 states. Among them were Finland, Albania, Romania, Brazil and others. In 1992 Croatia was accepted by the UN. Since then, the country has had 48 embassies and six permanent missions in various international organizations.

What people celebrate according to the national calendar on January 15

Sylvester Day, or Chicken Feast

This celebration got its name in honor of the church holiday - the Day of St. Sylvester. Pope Sylvester I lived in the 4th century and became famous for creating a miracle. According to legend, he caught the sea serpent Leviathan. With the same action, he prevented the end of the world. On such a day, Russian people also celebrate the day of Kur or Kurka. In other words, Chicken Feast.

In Russia there was a belief that if on such a day a seven-year-old black rooster lays an egg, then on June 4 a Basilisk will be born from it. And so that the chicken coop was protected from evil spirits, a black stone with a hole was hung in it - a chicken god. In addition, the old women fumigated the chicken coops with elecampane and pitch. Then the poultry was protected from night blindness. Likhomanok drove away evil spirits.

On Sylvester's day, people used to read on bulbs. I had to clean 12 of them and not cry. Then salt was dropped on each pinch and left on the stove until morning. Whichever bulb is wet, that month will be rainy.

Who has a name day on January 15

Vasily, Kuzma, Mark, Modest, Peter, Sergey, Ulyana.

What happened in history on January 15

  • 1582 - the Yam-Zapolsky peace treaty is concluded.
  • 1831 - Ural breeder Pavel Demidov instituted a prize "to promote the advancement of sciences."
  • 1943 - Construction of the Pentagon building completed.
  • 1955 - The Chinese leadership decided to create its own nuclear arsenal.
  • 2006 - For the first time a woman became President of Chile - Michelle Bachelet.

January 15 were born

  1. Jean Moliere 1622 - French comedian playwright and actor.
  2. François-Joseph Talma 1763 - French actor.
  3. Alexander Griboyedov 1795 - Russian diplomat.
  4. Sofya Kovalevskaya 1850 - Russian mathematician and writer.
  5. Maria Forescu 1875 - Romanian opera singer and actress.
  6. Osip Mandelstam 1891 - Russian poet, prose writer and translator.
  7. Artturi Virtanen 1895 - Finnish biochemist.
  8. Aristotle Onassis 1906 - Greek ship owner and billionaire.
  9. Eward Teller 1908 - American physicist.
  10. Alexander Marinesko 1913 - Soviet officer and submariner.
  11. Vasily Petrov 1917 - Soviet military leader.
  12. Evgeny Vesnik 1923 - Soviet film and theater actor.
  13. Maxim Dunaevsky 1945 - Soviet and Russian composer.
  14. Vera Zozulya 1956 - Soviet sleigh.
  15. Yegor Konchalovsky 1966 - Russian director and actor.

On January 15, 1622, the greatest French comedian Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, better known as Moliere, was born. All over the world, to the applause and laughter of the audience, for three and a half centuries, "Bourgeois in the nobility", "Miser", "Tartuffe", "Misanthrope", "Scientists" and other pearls of the theater, written by Moliere for fifty-one years of life.

Hundreds of books have been published about Molière as a theater reformer and playwright, and Mikhail Bulgakov wrote the play Molière or the Cabal of the Sanctifier. However, the play was immediately banned, and this is the best evidence that the satire of the seventeenth century also hit the hypocrites of the twentieth century.

On January 15, 1795, one of the great Aleksandrov Sergeevichs of Russian literature, Griboyedov, the author of the immortal "Woe from Wit", was born into an impoverished noble family. This work was scattered into small phrases, and each went into circulation, remaining relevant to this day. In one of the episodes of "The Masks Show" about two pigeons cooing on the tower of the city clock, it is said: "Lovers do not watch the clock." But the author of these lines is Griboyedov. In the film "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" Rybnikov's hero again quotes the character "Woe from Wit": "The carriage is for me, - he says, - the carriage. And she drove off with another." And although the last phrase belongs not to Griboyedov, but to the screenwriter of "Spring", nevertheless, Chatsky's words will remain for centuries. It seems that such examples can be enumerated endlessly.

"Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory - why has my love survived you?" A monument with such an inscription was installed to the wife of Griboyedov's wife, the daughter of the Georgian writer Chavchavadze.

Alexander Sergeevich died at 34 as the Russian ambassador to Persia. Killed at the hands of a fanatical crowd of Iranian Protestants.

“Under the microscope, I discovered that snowflakes are a wonderful embodiment of beauty. Each crystal was an example of a magnificent design, and no design was repeated twice. When the snowflake melted, the pattern disappeared forever. As if beauty was gone forever, leaving no trace behind. "

So wrote Wilson Bentley, an amazing self-taught farmer from Vermont, who, on January 15, 1885, at the age of 20, finally took the first photo of a snowflake that struck him so, attaching a large folding camera to a microscope.

From that moment on, Wilson Bentley did not let go of the camera. For forty-six years, day after day, Bentley collected a unique collection of photographs of snowflakes. By the end of his life, his collection consisted of more than 5 thousand items. And surprisingly, no snowflake shape is repeated!

In 1891, in Warsaw, then still part of the Russian Empire, Osip Mandelstam, a wonderful poet of the "Silver Age", was born into the family of a glove master and musician.

We used to celebrate his birth on January 15 in a new style, but he himself recognized the account of his birth in the old way:

I was born on the night from the second to the third
January in ninety one
Unreliable year and centuries
They surround me with fire.

Ruined by the Stalinist regime, the poet died on December 27, 1938 in a hospital barracks in a transit camp in Vladivostok.

A wolfhound century rushes on my shoulders,
But I am not a wolf by my blood,
Stuff me better like a hat in your sleeve
Hot fur coat of the Siberian steppes ..., -

he wrote presciently back in March 1931, seven years before his death.

After many years of silence, Osip Mandelstam returned to literature and took a worthy - high - place in it.

In 1897, Emperor Nicholas II issued a decree on the minting of a gold coin. Thus, the beginning of the monetary reform of the Minister of Finance Sergei Witte was laid.

The industrial upsurge, which began in 1893, required funds, and free cash in the cash desk of the State Bank did not exceed 20 million rubles. At the end of 1895, Witte presented to the State Council the main provisions of the monetary reform, which had previously been kept in strict secrecy: to introduce gold circulation and stabilize the ruble through devaluation. However, the majority of the State Council opposed, considering the devaluation "humiliation of the dignity of the state." The introduction of gold circulation was also opposed by foreign financial circles, which were afraid of losing funds from exchange speculations with the ruble.

Realizing that he could not carry out his reform through the State Council, Witte turned directly to His Majesty, and in early January 1897 Nicholas II convened a financial committee under his chairmanship. “At this meeting, it was decided to introduce in the Russian Empire a metal circulation based on gold, which strengthened Russia in all respects,” Witte later recalled. He also wanted to introduce a gold change coin - Russia, even samples of it were minted, but to avoid confusion with a small coin, this project was abandoned.

The monetary system was based on the gold ruble, which contained 0.77 g of pure gold. Gold coins of 5- and 10-ruble denominations were introduced into circulation, which were freely circulating along with paper money. Financial stability was ensured by a stable ratio between the total supply of paper money and the country's gold reserves.

The strength of Russian finances made it possible to weaken the negative consequences of the industrial crisis of the early twentieth century and relatively calmly survive the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Even the defeat in this war and the outbreak of the revolution did not shake the confidence of foreign bankers and industrialists in the firmness of the Russian ruble: in September 1905, Witte signed a loan for a colossal amount at that time - 2.5 billion francs (one billion gold rubles). It is characteristic that even during these years the exchange of paper money for gold continued; it stopped only with the outbreak of the First World War. A successful reform and a balanced budget allowed Russia to accumulate more than 500 million of free cash by the beginning of the war. Thanks to this, the country relatively calmly endured the trials of the first year of World War II.

The day is expected to be cloudy and windy. In the morning -4 ... -6 ° С, in the afternoon the temperature will rise to -2 ... -4 ° С, the wind will remain strong from the south. By the evening, street thermometers will already record 0 ... -1 ° C, wet snow will start, which will turn into a blizzard by nightfall - and forecasters predict this gimp until the morning.

The festivities associated with Christmastide continue. The frosts are getting worse, but the days are getting much longer. Most often, blizzards begin to take revenge, severe frosts hit. They said: "The day is on Sylvester, and the frost is getting stronger."

In churches, services are held, which are dedicated to Saint Sylvester of Rome - the saint and bishop who preached Faith in Jesus Christ when Christians were persecuted.

Among the people, Saint Sylvester was known as the patron saint of poultry and, especially, chickens. Therefore, on January 15, the peasants were engaged in cleaning the chicken coops, fumigating them with fragrant herbs, and also feeding the birds. Young children were given a special treat in the form of cockerels - pastries prepared according to a special recipe. It was believed that if you hang a round pebble on a string with a hole in the middle ("chicken god") in the hen house, then the poultry will not get sick.

Also on this day, Orthodox Christians celebrate the repose of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. On the days of the memory of the saint, a festive service is performed in churches and monasteries throughout Russia, and men who bear the name of the saint celebrate their name days.


Day of the Investigative Committee.
At present, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (IC of Russia) is not included in the structure of any of the government bodies. It is a federal state body in the country, exercising powers in the field of criminal proceedings and other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Thus, today the employees of the Investigative Committee can celebrate a kind of "independence day".

Day of international recognition of Croatia.
On this day in 1992, the Republic of Croatia, then another of the Yugoslav republics, was internationally recognized by 12 countries of the European Union. Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Hungary, Malta, Poland and Switzerland joined them on the same day.

1582 - the Yam-Zapolsky peace treaty is signed between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1759 - The British Museum opened to the public.
1892 - James Naismith first published basketball rules in the school newspaper.

1920 - the arrest of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral A. V. Kolchak
1943 - Construction of the Pentagon building completed.
1993 - The last, 2137, series of the soap opera "Santa Barbara" aired on NBC in the USA.
2001 - the site "Wikipedia", a wiki encyclopedia with free content, was launched.

Born on this day:
1622 - Moliere (real name Jean Baptiste Poquelin), French playwright, actor, theatrical figure.

1795 - Alexander Griboyedov, Russian diplomat and writer.

1850 - Sophia Kovalevskaya, Russian mathematician, publicist, writer.

1853 - André Michelin, French engineer and industrialist, co-founder of the Michelin company.

1891 - Osip Mandelstam, Russian writer, literary critic.

1908 - Edward Teller, American theoretical physicist, "father of the hydrogen bomb."

1913 - Alexander Marinesko, commander of the Red Banner submarine S-13, captain 3rd rank, Hero of the Soviet Union.

1923 - Evgeny Vesnik, Soviet actor

1929 - Martin Luther King, American clergyman, leader of the civil rights struggle for black Americans.

1945 - Maxim Dunaevsky, composer, People's Artist of Russia.

1966 - Yegor Konchalovsky, Russian film director, actor, screenwriter and producer.

* If clouds appeared in the sky in the evening, this promises a change in the weather
* If the roosters started singing early - there will be a thaw
* If on the day of January 15, you wipe the doorframe with charmed water, then sorrows and diseases will never enter the house.
* On Sylvester, they usually tried not to eat meat. This was especially true of the bird - signs say that this is done so that happiness does not flee from home.
* Married women and old women wondered using bulbs. We sprinkled 12 onion slices with salt and left them on the table all night. In the morning we watched how many onions got wet - so many months of the year it would be rainy.
* If the fever is treated on January 15, the patient will soon recover

Name days:
Vasily, Egor, Kuzma, Mark, Peter, Seraphim, Sergey, Sidor, Sylvester, Ulyana.


Published on 1/15/18 00:09 AM

The national holiday of Sylvester's Day is celebrated on January 15, 2018. The church today commemorates Saint Sylvester, Pope of Rome.

In Russia, this day was called the day of the Kur and Kurki. Today it is customary to clean chicken coops and hang in them a talisman for a bird from evil spirits - a black stone with a hole in the middle.

According to legend, Sylvester was born in Rome into a Christian family. After the death of his father, he was raised by his mother Rufin intcbatch and the teacher is Elder Quirin. They gave the boy a good education and brought up pious thoughts.

As an adult, Sylvester began to shelter wanderers in his home. During the period of persecution against Christians, he provided shelter to Bishop Timothy. He lived with him for less than a year, but during this time he converted many pagans to the Christian faith. After the execution of Timothy, Sylvester secretly took and buried his body, which the city governor learned about and ordered to seize Sylvester and torture him. But he bravely withstood and did not renounce the Christian faith. Soon the ruler died, and Sylvester was released.

At the age of 30, he was ordained a deacon and then a presbyter of the Roman Church. After the death of the Pope, he was elected to the office of bishop of Rome.

Saint Sylvester became famous for the fact that during the reign of Constantine, at one of the disputes with the help of the books of the Old Testament, he proved to the emperor, his mother and the Jews that the Christian prophets predicted the birth of Christ, his sufferings and death. He was recognized as the victor in this dispute, but the Jews, led by Zamvri, tried to notice witchcraft. However, Sylvester stopped their attempts by pronouncing the name of Jesus Christ. After that, the Jews present were converted to the Christian faith.

According to signs, if clouds appeared in the evening of January 15 or a rooster crowed, wait for the weather to change.

If on this day the rooster started singing earlier than usual, or geese with ducks began to swarm in the snow, then a thaw will soon come.

On this day, it is better not to eat meat, especially poultry.

On January 15, 2018, the largest Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia celebrates its 17th anniversary. Wikipedia has supplemented the free online encyclopedia in English "Nupedia" (Nupedia). It was founded by Nupedia founder Jimmy Wales and its editor-in-chief Larry Sanger.

Scientists originally wrote articles for Nupedia. Then the editor corrected each of them. This encyclopedia existed from March 9, 2000 to September 2003. During this time, 25 articles were published in it. Another 74 articles were in the work of the editor. After its closure, Wikipedia became the main open Internet encyclopedia with the ability to freely write and edit articles.

Vasily, Kuzma, Mark, Modest, Peter, Sergey, Ulyana.

  • 1582 - the Yam-Zapolsky peace treaty is concluded.
  • 1831 - Pavel Demidov, a Ural breeder, instituted a prize “to promote the advancement of sciences”.
  • 1943 - Construction of the Pentagon building completed.
  • 1955 - The Chinese leadership decided to create its own nuclear arsenal.
  • 2006 - For the first time a woman became President of Chile - Michelle Bachelet.
  • Jean Moliere 1622 - French comedian playwright and actor.
  • François-Joseph Talma 1763 - French actor.
  • Alexander Griboyedov 1795 - Russian diplomat.
  • Sofya Kovalevskaya 1850 - Russian mathematician and writer.
  • Maria Forescu 1875 - Romanian opera singer and actress.
  • Osip Mandelstam 1891 - Russian poet, prose writer and translator.
  • Artturi Virtanen 1895 - Finnish biochemist.
  • Aristotle Onassis 1906 - Greek ship owner and billionaire.
  • Eward Teller 1908 - American physicist.
  • Alexander Marinesko 1913 - Soviet officer and submariner.
  • Vasily Petrov 1917 - Soviet military leader.
  • Evgeny Vesnik 1923 - Soviet film and theater actor.
  • Maxim Dunaevsky 1945 - Soviet and Russian composer.
  • Vera Zozulya 1956 - Soviet sleigh.
  • Yegor Konchalovsky 1966 - Russian director and actor.


(1725 - 19.12.1796),
Count, Field Marshal.

He was born from the marriage of the orderly Peter I, Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev, with Countess Maria Andreevna Matveyeva. Peter I, who arranged the wedding of Rumyantsev with his frivolous and cheating mistress Matveyeva, and after this marriage showed her great favor. Many considered the newborn the son of the tsar, and Ekaterina I became their godmother. At the age of 15, Rumyantsev was sent to Berlin to acquire diplomatic skills, but the young man was distinguished by such "extravagance, laziness and boorishness" that the envoy Brakel hurried to get rid of him.

Having finally managed to enter military service, Rumyantsev became a colonel in four years. Rumyantsev achieved his first great victory in the Seven Years' War (1756-63), when in 1757 his corps decided the outcome of the battle at Gross-Jägersdorf. This was followed by successes in the battle of Kunersdorf (175, capture of the Kolberg fortress (1761). FRIEDRICH II told his generals: "Beware, as much as possible, this dog - Rumyantsev, others are not dangerous for us."

In 1764, Empress Catherine II appointed him Governor-General of Little Russia, and for over 30 years he was an active assistant to Catherine II in carrying out reforms aimed at eradicating Ukrainian separatism, this "innermost hatred of the local people against the local (Great Russian)". At the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-74. Rumyantsev first commanded the 2nd Army, and soon, due to Catherine's discontent with the slowness of Prince GOLITSYN, he became the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops. Victories in the battles of 1770 at Ryaba Mogila, Larga and Cahul, when he was opposed by superior enemy forces, brought glory to Rumyantsev, the field marshal's baton and the ribbon of St. George 1st degree. After the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kaynardzhi peace treaty in 1774, Rumyantsev received the title of Transdanubia and a field marshal's rod, sword, laurel wreath, olive branch and diamond insignia of the Order of St. Andrew; a medal was struck in his honor, and 5 thousand souls, 100 thousand rubles, a silver service and paintings were given for entertainment. In the next Russian-Turkish war, because of the conflict with the new favorite G. A. POTYOMKIN, Rumyantsev only nominally led the troops, and Catherine found "his stay in the army harmful to her affairs."

The commander outlived his empress only for a month and died from a blow. They buried him in the Great Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.


Alexander Sergeevich GRIBOEDOV
(1795 - 11.2.1829),
diplomat, playwright.

Sofia Vasilievna KOVALEVSKAYA
(1850 - 10.2.1891),
mathematician, the first woman - corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1889), the world's first woman professor.


Osip Emilievich MANDELSHTAM
(1891 - 27.12.193,

The evening is gentle. The dusk is important.
Hum after rumble. Shaft by shaft.
And the wind is wet in our face
Beats with a salty blanket.

Everything went out. Everything was confused.
The waves were drunk by the shore.
Blind joy has entered us -
And the hearts were heavy.

The dark chaos deafened us,
Intoxicated the drunken air,
The huge choir lulled:
Flutes, lutes and tympans ...

Leo Oskarovich ARNSHTAM
(1905 - 26.12.1979),
film director, screenwriter ("Counter", "Girlfriends", "Zoya", "Sophia Perovskaya").

Konstantin Fyodorovich ISAEV
(1907 - 9.1.1977),
playwright, screenwriter ("The exploit of the scout", "Pavel Korchagin", "Not under the jurisdiction", "Taimyr is calling you", "The Eternal Call").

(1907 - 21.6.1940),
Polish athlete, 1932 Olympic champion in the 10,000 m race. He was shot by the Nazis as an active member of the Resistance. In honor of the athlete, an international athletics competition is held annually in Poland - the Kusochinski Memorial.

(1909 - July 1981),
theater director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR (1964). In the period from 1938 to 1961, he successively directed the Opera House. Stanislavsky (which in 1941 became the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater), the Moscow Operetta Theater, the Moscow Drama Theater. Pushkin. Since 1961, Tumanov has been the chief director of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, and in 1964-70 also the Bolshoi Theater. He also staged the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1980 Moscow Olympics.

Afanasy Fyodorovich SHCHEGLOV
(1912 - 28.1.1995),
military leader, general of the army (1970), Hero of the Soviet Union.

He took part in the Soviet-Finnish war, during the Great Patriotic War he defended Leningrad, broke through the blockade. The 63rd Guards Division was then awarded the title of Krasnoselskaya, and its commander, Colonel Shcheglov, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Then he liberated Estonia, in May 1945 he accepted the surrender of the Courland grouping of German fascist troops.

Evgeny Yakovlevich VESNIK
(1923 - 10.4.2009),
theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1989).

Evgeny I. NOSOV
(1925 - 13.6.2002),
front-line writer, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of many literary awards, honorary citizen of Kursk.


Maxim Isaakovich DUNAEVSKY


actor of the Maly Theater, People's Artist of Russia (1999). The actor also acts in films a lot, but his participation in television series ("Petersburg secrets", "Turkish March", "Trace of a werewolf") brought him special popularity.

Vera Vasilievna ZOZULA

luge athlete, honored master of sports. The representative of Latvia in the USSR national team is still the only one in this sport in the entire post-Soviet space, who won the titles of European champion (1976), world (197 and Olympic Games (1980).

Egor Andreevich KONCHALOVSKY

film director (Antikiller). Son of Andrei MIKHALKOV-KONCHALOVSKY and Natalia ARINBASAROVA.

Passed away

(before baptism - SAIN-BULAT)
(unknown - 1616),
Kasimov khan, a descendant of the khans of the Golden Horde. In the fall of 1576, by the will of Tsar IVAN IV, he unexpectedly for almost a year found himself in the role of the Grand Duke - the ruler of the Moscow state, then became the Grand Duke of Tver, and ended his days in the Kirillovo-Belozersk Monastery, being tonsured as a monk by FALSE DMITRY I.


(unknown 1710 - 1762),
Count (from 1746), Field Marshal (1762).

A courtier, not a commander, he played a prominent role in the enthronement of ELIZABETH, was treated kindly by her and was not bypassed by any ranks or awards. He received the highest military rank on his deathbed, but historians note that the count rendered an important service to the Fatherland by improving Russian artillery, thereby facilitating the victories of Russian weapons over Prussia.

Matvey I. PLATOV

(17.8.1751 - 181,
ataman of the Don Cossack army, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, count.

The son of a Cossack esaul, he achieved all his titles and awards in battles and on the battlefields. For the first time he distinguished himself at the age of 17 during the assault on Perekop. A year later, he was already a military sergeant major, commanding a regiment. At the age of 20, Platov was awarded a personalized medal for his first feat, when, accompanying a large baggage train with provisions, he fought off the Tatar cavalry, which outnumbered the Cossacks 20 times. His first George - 4th degree - Platov received for the storming of the Turkish fortress Ochakov in 1788, and two years later for the storming of Izmail he was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd degree.

During the accession of PAUL I, Platov found himself in disgrace due to libel and spent more than three years in exile in Kostroma. He even ended up in the Peter and Paul Fortress, when he was accused of harboring fugitive peasants, when he was suddenly forgiven and sent to conquer .. India. There is a version that this seemingly extravagant idea was conceived with the aim of destroying the Don Cossacks. The campaign was interrupted at the very beginning in connection with the death of Pavel, and the offenses inflicted on Platov were compensated by the appointment of him as a military chieftain, the Order of St. Anna of the 1st degree and the rank of lieutenant general.

In 1805, Platov laid the foundation of the Don capital, the city of Novocherkassk, and two years later, for battles with the French in East Prussia, he was awarded George 2nd degree. After the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, when Platov covered the retreating Russian army, took part in the Battle of Borodino, smashed the French rearguards and entered Paris with the Cossacks, he was honored to visit London in 1814 as part of the retinue of Emperor ALEXANDER I.

The visit of the Russians aroused unprecedented interest among the British. The ataman, accompanied by bearded Cossacks, enjoyed especially great success among the people. Everywhere he was greeted with applause and shouts of "Hurray!", Everyone tried to shake his hand, and the ladies cut off the hairs from the tail of the chieftain's stallion and kept them like a jewel. When the court artist, following the portrait of Platov, depicted his white horse separately, the chieftain gave it to the British. He himself went home with the title of Honorary Doctor of Oxford University and Elizabeth's companion, allegedly taken not so much for "physics" as for "morality", as he himself said. The Russian delegation was accompanied by cannon fire by an English squadron, which included frigates Borodino, Prince Kutuzov, Count Platov, Kazak, Vilna, Smolensk, and Moscow.

This visit was so loud that almost 70 years later the count also became a literary hero: in Nikolai LESKOV's story "Lefty", it was the Cossack Platov who brought the English flea, which was shod by a Tula craftsman.

Nikolay Petrovich RUMYANTSEV

(14.4.1754 - 1826),
Count, son of Field Marshal P.A.RUMYANTSEV-ZADANAYSKY, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia from 1807 to 1814.

The unique collection of books and manuscripts, the so-called Rumyantsev Museum, made it famous. On the basis of it, a public library began to operate in 1862, in 1925 it was named after Lenin.


(13.5.1850 - 1916),
younger brother of PI TCHAIKOVSKY.

He graduated from the School of Law, but devoted his life to art. Modest Ilyich wrote plays, translated Shakespeare's sonnets, he is the author of the libretto of his brother's operas The Queen of Spades and Iolanta. The composer's closest friend became his first biographer and founder of the Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin.

Ivan Alexandrovich ZEMNUKHOV

(8.9.1923 - 1943),
one of the leaders of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" in Krasnodon, Hero of the Soviet Union.


(23.12.1874 - 1951),
actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1936).

Evgeny Lvovich SHVARTZ

(21.10.1896 - 195,
writer, playwright.

The first fame in the pre-war period was brought to him by the plots of the fairy tales of Hans-Christian ANDERSEN and Charles PERROT “The Naked King”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Snow Queen”, “Shadow”, adapted for the theater, and the script of the famous film “Cinderella” brought true fame in the following years "And his own philosophical tales" Dragon "and" An Ordinary Miracle ".

Boris Georgievich TATUSHIN

(31.3.1933 - 199,
footballer, forward of "Spartak" and the USSR national team, two-time USSR champion, Olympic champion in 1956, Honored Master of Sports.

Sergei Petrovich IVANOV

(22.5.1951 - 2000),
actor, People's Artist of Ukraine ("Only" old men "go into battle" (Grasshopper), "Born by the Revolution").

Artem Fyodorovich SERGEEV

(5.3.1921 - 200,
major general of artillery.

His father is the legendary Bolshevik ARTYOM (Fyodor SERGEEV). He died when his son was only 4 months old. The boy was brought up in the family of Joseph STALIN, who soon became the leader of the country. But Artyom never spoke about this either during the life of the leader or in the future. Maybe that's why he survived when he was in German captivity during the war. He fled to the partisans, met victory in Prague. After the war he graduated from two military academies and served in command positions until 1981.

Veronika Borisovna DUDAROVA

(5.12.1916, Baku - 2009, Moscow),
conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1977).


Simonov Monastery founded in Moscow

After two days earlier, the Novgorod ruler and boyars had taken the oath of allegiance to the Grand Duke of Moscow IOANN VASILIEVICH (IVAN III), Prince Ivan Yuryevich PATRIKEEV arrived in Novgorod with four other Moscow boyars and summoned the whole of Novgorod to the chamber, and not to the square, because the afternoon of the evening was no longer in Novgorod. All the best Novgorodians, the children of the boyars and clerks, were sworn in, everyone kissed the cross, not excluding the wives and people of the boyars. At the kiss of the cross, a letter was taken, which the Novgorodians wrote and strengthened among themselves behind 58 seals. In the following days, all the boyars of Novgorod and all the children of the boyars and living people beat their foreheads to the Grand Duke in the service, and on January 20, a letter was sent to Moscow that the Grand Duke of his fatherland, Veliky Novgorod, brought in all his will and perpetrated him as a sovereign, as and in Moscow.

In Yam-Zapolye, an armistice was signed between Rzeczpospolita and Russia.


The Nevsky Foundry and Mechanical Plant was founded in St. Petersburg, which built warships and steam locomotives. Today Nevsky Zavod produces gas and steam turbines and compressors.


The premiere of PI TCHAIKOVSKY's ballet The Sleeping Beauty took place at the Mariinsky Theater.

Premiere of Dubrovsky, opera by Edward Frantsevich NARAVNIK at the Mariinsky Theater. The opera is based on the novel of the same name by A.S. PUSHKIN, the libretto was written by Modest Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY.

Gold circulation was introduced in Russia. Gold coins appeared - imperial and semi-imperial, other banknotes were also exchanged for gold. The ruble has become the hardest currency in the world.


LD TROTSKY resigned from the post of People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. Soon MV FRUNZE will be appointed People's Commissar, and in the fall, after his unexpected death, KE VOROSHILOV will be appointed to this post.

The first traffic light in the USSR to regulate traffic was installed in Leningrad at the intersection of 25 October and Volodarsky (now Nevsky and Liteiny) avenues.


At the Fourth Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the "Law on a New Significant Reduction of the Armed Forces of the USSR" was adopted.

In the previous four years, the number of the USSR Armed Forces was reduced unilaterally by a total of 2 million 140 thousand people, now the army and navy were reduced by another third, namely, by 1 million 200 thousand people. After the reduction in the ranks of the Armed Forces, 2.423 thousand people were supposed to remain.

The Supreme Soviet also adopted an appeal to parliaments and governments around the world, urging them "to respond to the new peace initiative of the Soviet Union, to take practical steps on their part aimed at reducing the existing armed forces, at ridding the peoples of their countries of the burden of arms, at ridding mankind of threats of war and ensuring peace throughout the world. "


The film by George DANELIA "Tears were Falling" with Evgeny LEONOV in the title role was released.


M. S. GORBACHEV came up with a program for the destruction of nuclear weapons until 2000.

The Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces "On the declaration of a state of emergency in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and some other regions" was issued.

At 9 am, federal troops began an assault on the village of Pervomayskaya, which was captured by Raduev's militants. Russian President Boris Yeltsin said at a meeting with journalists: “It (the operation) is very well prepared, there are 38 snipers, and each has its own goal. And if she moves, then he follows her. The streets were smoky to allow the hostages to escape. " For persuasiveness, the president showed how snipers work with his head and eye movements. As a result, after targeted volleys from the "grad" installations (if my memory serves me, a volley of one car covers an area of \u200b\u200b6 hectares) and no less targeted air strikes, the terrorists left, some of the hostages died, the survivors were rescued.
