The work of Galim Salyam is one of the brightest pages of the Bashkir literature of the 20th century.

He went down in the history of the literary life of the Bashkir people as a poet-innovator, intensely searching for new poetic forms, as a poet-lyricist, whose piercing lines excite the heart decades later. His lyrics can be considered an example of innovation in Bashkir poetry.

January 18, 2016 marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of one of the prominent innovative poets, active reformers of Bashkir poetry, Salyam Galimov. Unfortunately, life gave him a little more than a quarter of this term. His poems were not destined to become the lyrics of a wise philosopher. But the poetry of Salyam has forever preserved a fresh, unclouded view of the world, because he lived in the world for only 28 years and left his contemporaries at the age of Gabdulla Tukai and Mikhail Lermontov, without having time to say a lot.

Salam Galimovich Galimov was born on January 18, 1911 in the ancient Bashkir village of Tyagesh (Taskino) of the Kunashak district of the Chelyabinsk region in the family of a designated mullah. At the age of 10, he lost his father, after which he worked as a farm laborer for rich Bashkir bays.

Salam was raised by his mother and grandmother. The young poet was especially influenced by his grandmother. She remembered and told her grandson many Bashkir fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, folk quatrains - baits and lullabies. By the age of 13, Salam had already graduated from the first stage in the Bashkir village of Sary. Then for four years the parents sent the teenager to study in Argayash, where in 1928 he graduated from high school with good grades in all subjects. At the age of 14, while studying at the Argayash school of the 2nd stage, he joined the Komsomol.

Perhaps, it was here that Salam's love for his native word first manifested itself. He takes an active part in editing the school newspaper, where his poems and notes appear. In high school, Salam edits a school literary magazine.

In 1928 he graduated from high school, worked as a teacher, led the Komsomol cells in the villages of Ibragimovo and Galikeevo, actively participates in the organization of the first collective farms.

Then G.Salyam taught the Bashkir language in the schools of the Argayash district for 2 years. As a teacher, he was especially distinguished by the fact that he could arouse a genuine interest of students in his subject, literature. I did my best to develop their aesthetic taste. The famous Bashkir poet Katiba Kinyabulatova recalled what a gifted teacher Galim Salam was: “His lessons left a deep impression, because he taught literature with passion and interest. Walking around the classroom, he enthusiastically talked about the work of this or that poet and cited verse quotes from it by heart. And the students listened to him with bated breath. " Began to publish in 1929. He worked as a village correspondent, publishing articles in the republican Komsomol newspaper "Bashkortostan Yeshtere" ("Youth of Bashkortostan") and "Kyzyl Bashkortostan". In the spring of 1930, Salyam Galimov was invited to the editorial office of the Kyzyl Bashkortostan newspaper, he became a literary employee of the agricultural department and at the same time edited the supplement to the newspaper - the Traktor magazine.

The desire to get a systematic literary education leads Salyam Galimov to the literary faculty of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Timiryazev. It was during his studies at the university that the poet's literary gift was most vividly and fully revealed. During these years, poems such as "Moscow", "Three Songs", "Morning of the Republic", "Monument" and the famous poem "Falcon" were written. He signs his creations with the pseudonym G.Salyam.

His ideological and artistic interests were broad and varied. There is no such area of \u200b\u200bcontemporary reality that he would not touch upon in his works. He is fascinated by issues of socialist industrialization and technical progress, collectivization of agriculture, friendship of peoples, women's participation in society.

In 1932, the first book of poems called "Anxiety" was published. Salam becomes one of the first reformers of Bashkir verse. He conducted continuous searches in the field of intonation and rhythmic possibilities of national poetry. The expansion of the rhythm of the intonational sounding of poetry, the introduction of a system of compound rhymes - a synthesis of various traditions - were G. Salyam's innovation in the poetry of that time.

In 1937, he worked as a research assistant at the Bashkir Research Institute of Language and Literature. In 1938, G.Salyam was sent to graduate school at the Leningrad branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Here he fell seriously ill with meningitis and died on June 19, 1939.

It is still not entirely clear how and why the biography that began so brightly ended so absurdly at the very takeoff. What caused the serious illness that knocked him down in the midst of the white Leningrad nights? Was a cure possible? Who was with the young poet in the last days of his short life? We will never know about this. Salam was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in Leningrad next to the graves of Ivan Turgenev, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and Alexander Kuprin. For ten years of literary activity, a gifted young man from a small Ural village managed to create four poems, about sixty poems and print dozens of essays and feuilletons.

The major poetic work of G. Salyam "We need a song, a song about a hero" became relevant for its time. In the context of the strengthening of the tendencies of sociologism in the 30s, the glorification of shock construction projects, oil derricks, factory pipes in literature, the poet for the first time sounded the alarm about the moral essence of man.

High civic consciousness and genre originality were clearly manifested in the ode-verses "Morning of the Republic", "Monument", "We laugh more merrily than the most cheerful" and others. His epic poems "Falcon", "Child", "Life" are characterized by deep psychologism, the use of novelism techniques, the strengthening of the role of auxiliary images, poetic details, expressive possibilities.

Clarity of thought, simplicity of presentation, melodiousness and smoothness of the verse - these are the main things that G. Salam worked tirelessly on, finishing and polishing every word, every line, bringing them to perfection. Laconicism, the ability to say a lot at a minimal cost of words - the characteristic properties of the poetry of G. Salyam, who strove for accuracy, brevity, aphorism. The language of G.Salyam's poetry is living, folk. He knew many parables, cubaiers and could tell them skillfully. In his notebook, which he never parted with, the pearls of poetry, the classic Bashkir baits, were written in calligraphic handwriting. He was constantly looking for and finding new poetic forms, he could work for hours on one word. The poet wrote: "The most unfortunate moments of mine are those that passed without poetry," called for "full-fledged words for help."

One of the first G. Salam turned to the ballad genre. His ballads "Verka", "Words and Deeds", "The Silent Soldier" and others warn of the impending danger, future imperialist aggression. They are built on a conventional plot, often represent witty finds, which indicate an increase in the culture of Bashkir poetry. At the end of the 30s, G. Salam creates a wide epic canvas "Through the Years", in which he glorifies high humanistic ideals, predicts the bright future of the country and people. The evolution of his work is determined by the transition from declarativeness to philosophical depth, from instructions, moralization - to imagery, from rhetoric - to true lyrics.

He was also engaged in translations, translated into the Bashkir language of the poem "Gypsies" by A.S. Pushkin, "Grenada" by M.A.Svetlov. He had a special love for the genre of the poem, which was quite new for that time.

The largest poetic work of Salam was his poem "Bala" ("Child"). It spans over 50 book-format pages. Covering such serious - especially for "Eastern", "Muslim" poetry - problems such as family relationships, problems of childbearing, etc., the poet consciously and fearlessly turns to the most relevant topics of that time. The poem had the widest resonance. It was read out "to the holes", both old and young were protested, it was studied in schools, universities and technical schools. In a word, it has become not only a literary, but also a socio-political phenomenon.

His friend, the Bashkir poet Mukhametyar Hai, was very pleased with the success of his friend's work, quite sincerely called him the best poet and master of the poem genre in Bashkir literature.

In Leningrad, Salam Galimov studied in graduate school and, it should be said, very successfully, which surprised his comrades a lot. They were amazed at their hard work, the ability to harmoniously combine scientific work with literary work. The poem “Bala” (“Child”), which he created in Leningrad, was considered a new word in general in all Soviet literature. There were attempts to translate it into Russian. He was asked to make interlinear translations in order to publish the collection in Russian, but he was so absorbed in scientific work that he could not find the time for this. Meanwhile, such a rare and insidious disease continued to develop steadily until it brought him to the grave.

A remarkable Bashkir literary critic and critic, laureate of the State Prize of Bashkortostan named after Salavat Yulaev, Kim Akhmedyanov, was very seriously engaged in the work of Salyam, taking into account both the strengths and weaknesses of his work. Appreciating his works, their artistry and the inner meaning embedded in them, he singled out his poem "Shonkar" ("Falcon"), claiming that it is penetrated through and through with genuinely deep lyricism.

In the 60s of the last century, under the influence of the same Kim Akhmedyanov, Gazim Shafikov translated the poem by G. Salyam “Gummer” (“Life”).

The Bashkir Komsomol Prize was named after Salyam, which was replaced by the Shaikhzada Babich Prize during perestroika. In Ufa, for some time, G.Salyam lived in the famous house number 2 on Lenin Street, which was then called the House of a specialist. Today a memorial plaque is installed on the house.

Galim Salam belongs to those powerful artists of the word who continued, developed and enriched the best traditions of centuries-old Bashkir poetry. His poetry is distinguished by high artistic skill, deep emotionality and sincerity, modernity of subject matter and universal content. In the 50s and 70s, he was an idol of creative youth, his drama for many novice poets was a subject for imitation, a school of poetic skill. The best representatives of the creative intelligentsia of those years tried to imitate his manner, poetic style, and the romantic spirit of his works.

The poetry of Galim Salam is, first of all, a fiery, soulful word, always deeply moving. And the grateful people sacredly keep in their hearts the memory of the talented son of the Bashkir people. The evidence of this is the streets, squares named after him, portraits painted on canvas, the publication of his works.

The legacy of this remarkable Bashkir poet, Galim Salam, has become an integral part of the spiritual wealth, national heritage of the Bashkir people and the entire Turkic world. And today it, without losing its significance, plays an important role in the ideological and aesthetic education of the Bashkir people.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

GBOU Neftekma special (correctional) general education boarding schoolVIII kind

(To the 104th anniversary of the poet Salyam Galimov - G. Salyam)

Developed and implemented

teacher - defectologist

Valitova M.P.



Galimov Salam Galimovich

01/18/1911 - 06/10/1939

Extracurricular activity "Life and work of Galimov Salyam".

Purpose: familiarization of children with the personality and work of Galimov Salyam;

Development of memory, attention, formation of oral speech;

Fostering a respectful attitude towards the native land, love for Bashkir author's literature.

Equipment: presentation, book exhibition.

1. Organizational moment (emotional attitude)

We have many guests today. and guests are always joy, a good mood.

We are very pleased to see rays of curiosity in your eyes. We feel that you are ready to listen and hear us.

We would like to wish you that this joyful and creative state does not leave you during our entire holiday.

We will greet the guests with a smile, wish ourselves good luck in thought and start our event.

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Slide 1.2.

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the prominent innovative poets, active reformers of Bashkir poetry, Salyam Galimov. Unfortunately, life gave him a little more than a quarter of this term. His poems were not destined to become the lyrics of a wise philosopher. But the poetry of Salyam has forever preserved a fresh, unclouded view of the world, because he lived in the world for only 28 years and left his contemporaries at the age of Gabdulla Tukai and Mikhail Lermontov, without having time to say a lot.

Salam Galimovich Galimov was born on January 18, 1911 in the village of Taskino, nowadays in the Kunashak District of the Chelyabinsk Region, in the family of a designated mullah. Here is what G. Saleam writes about himself: “I was born and raised in the village of Bolshoye Taskino, in Bashkir Zur Tagesh. Despite its name, in the pre-war period it was a small village - dark, poor, no more than 50 yards.

True, we had our own collective farm with a cattle farm, a horse yard and a grain warehouse. The collective farmers sowed grain and raised livestock. We had our own elementary school, but we had no village council, no post office, no store. Despite all this, Taskino was not a bearish corner, wilderness for the simple reason that there was a village, and even now it continues to do so, on the Chelyabinsk-Sverdlovsk highway. And the road, as you know, is life.

By 1940, the population of the village numbered only 184 people, of which 92 were men and the same number were women. As we can see, there are very few people. But at the same time, there was an inexplicable paradox in the fate of this village, which consisted in the fact that quite a lot of famous and literate people came out of it in the pre-war period. And in it, I repeat, apart from the elementary school there was nothing more from the centers of culture and education. Even a club with a library - and they were absent. "

By the age of 13, Salam had already finished the first grade school in the village of Sarino.

A slide show of the village.

The future famous Bashkir poet studied at this school.

Then for four years the parents sent the teenager to study in Argayash, where in 1928 he graduated from high school with good grades in all subjects. Perhaps, it was here that Salam's love for his native word first manifested itself. He takes an active part in editing the school newspaper, where his poems and notes appear. In high school, Salam edits the school's literary magazine.

After leaving school in 1928-1930s, the future poet works as a teacher in the villages of Ibragimovo, Kunashak District and Ralikeevo near Argayash, is a Komsomol leader, an active village correspondent, participates in the organization of the first collective farms. Biographers note that it was during these years that the notes and the first poems of Salam appeared in the republican newspapers. In 1930, a nineteen-year-old boy was invited to work in the editorial office of the newspaper "Bashkortostan". The desire to get a systematic literary education leads Salyam Galimov to the literary faculty of the Bashkir Pedagogical Institute. It was during his studies at the university that the poet's literary gift was most vividly and fully revealed. During these years, poems such as "Moscow", "Three Songs", "Morning of the Republic", "Monument" and the famous poem "Falcon" were written. He signs his creations with the pseudonym G.Salyam.

In 1932, the first book of poems called "Anxiety" was published. Salam becomes one of the first reformers of Bashkir verse. He conducted continuous searches in the field of intonation and rhythmic possibilities of national poetry. Expansion of the rhythm of the intonational sounding of poetry, the introduction of a system of compound rhymes - a synthesis of various traditions - were G. Salyam's innovation in poetry of that time.

In 1937, he worked as a research assistant at the Bashkir Scientific Research Institute of Language and Literature. In 1938, G.Salyam was sent to graduate school at the Leningrad branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Here he fell seriously ill with meningitis and died on June 19, 1939.

It is still not entirely clear how and why the biography that began so brightly ended so absurdly at the very takeoff. What caused the serious illness that knocked him down in the midst of the white Leningrad nights? Was a cure possible? Who was with the young poet in the last days of his short life? We will never know about this. Salam was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in Leningrad next to the graves of Ivan Turgenev, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and Alexander Kuprin. For ten years of literary activity, a gifted young man from a small Ural village managed to create four poems, about sixty poems and print dozens of essays and feuilletons.

The major poetic work of G. Salyam "We need a song, a song about a hero" became relevant for its time. In the context of the strengthening of the tendencies of vulgar sociologism in the 30s, the glorification of shock construction projects, oil rigs, and factory pipes in literature, the poet for the first time raised the alarm about the moral essence of man.

Revolutionary maximalism, paucity of feelings, asceticism, “black and white” outlook on life - these are the characteristic signs of Bashkir poetry of the twenties. She did not get rid of these features even in the thirties. Even in Gafuri's poems, such as “I am a patriot,” which were then considered a vivid example of Soviet patriotism, one comes across lines like this:

An excerpt from the poem will be told by Regina Yaranova, a student of grade 8b:

I am endlessly devoted to the Motherland,

But with the condition

So that this homeland was Soviet.

The enemy of the Soviets is my enemy

Even if he is my father! ..

Surprisingly, over the years, most readers have taken this verse quite seriously as a classic. And if an experienced poet, who went through a difficult school of life, exclaimed in those years: "The enemy of the Soviets is my enemy, Even if he is my father!", As the little boy Pavlik Morozov, whose head was undoubtedly dizzy with revolutionary slogans, should have done ? ..

An excerpt from the poem will be quoted by a student of grade 8a Gimatov Aizat:

Friends turned out to be enemies

We found enemies among our friends.

We learned:

Kinship is not determined by blood,

And by class ...

These lines of Galimov Salyam clearly show how the eternal feelings of kinship and brotherhood were crippled in the new conditions.

High civic consciousness and genre originality were clearly manifested in the ode-verses "Morning of the Republic", "Monument", "We laugh more merrily than the most cheerful" and others. His epic poems "Falcon", "Child", "Life" are characterized by deep psychologism, the use of novelism techniques, the strengthening of the role of auxiliary images, poetic details, expressive possibilities.

The main characters in the lyrics of Galimov Salyam are the people who have their past, present and future. In the poem "Morning of the Republic" he sings a hymn to his people:

An excerpt from the poem will be told by a student of grade 7b Shaydullin Aydar:

Reborn to a new life

An old falcon in a cage.

In his own "Prologue to the poem about the years being born" there are the following words:

An excerpt from the prologue will be told by a student of grade 7a Amirova Chulpan:

This is Bashkortostan being reborn!

Dressed in steel and iron

Agrarian country.

This is the spirit of the Bashkir poetry of the thirties. Many works of that time are characterized by high pathos and romantic aspirations. The dramatic nature of events, the desire to convey a wide historical panorama, the scale of the images gave rise to a strong sound in them, similar to new transformations in the fate of the people. The poem “Earth” by Bayazit Bikbai, beginning with winged and tragic lines: “The body of Bashkortostan has turned black from a thousand lashes”, a large-scale panorama that appears in the lines of Rashit Nigmati: “Ural! He drinks the waters of the Arctic Ocean, and his tail splashes in the Aral Sea ”, as if the poet's gaze from outer space could contemplate a grandiose picture when he wrote his poem“ The Beautiful Shores of Agidel ”, Salam's poem“ Shonkar ”became milestones in the development of skill. Reflections on the fate of the people and the strengthening of historicism enriched poetry with new qualities and outlined the prospects for its development.

One of the first G. Saliam turned to the ballad genre. His ballads "Verka", "Words and Deeds", "The Silent Soldier" and others warn of the impending danger, the future imperialist aggression. They are built on a conventional plot, often represent witty finds, which indicate an increase in the culture of Bashkir poetry. At the end of the 30s, G. Salam creates a wide epic canvas "Through the Years", in which he glorifies high humanistic ideals, predicts the bright future of the country and people. The evolution of his work is determined by the transition from declarativeness to philosophical depth, from instructions, moralization - to imagery, from rhetoric - to true lyrics. He was also engaged in translations, translated into the Bashkir language the poem "Gypsies" by A.S. Pushkin, "Grenada" by M.A.Svetlov.

He had a special love for the genre of the poem, which was quite new for that time, and his fame as a poet was much wider than that of another famous poet of that time, Mukhamedyarov Khaya. But this did not interfere with their mutual love and friendship.

The largest poetic work of Salam was his poem "Bala" ("Child"). It spans over 50 book-format pages. Covering such serious - especially for "Eastern", "Muslim" poetry - problems such as family relationships, problems of childbearing, etc., the poet consciously and fearlessly turns to the most relevant topics of that time. Unfortunately, as Gazim Shafikov believed, the unjustifiably large size of this truly "epoch-making" poem, in the damage to poetry, inevitably led to completely unnecessary lengths in this case and even to frank narrative, which reduced it to numerous proseism and even superficiality. Nevertheless, it had the widest resonance. It was read out "to holes", both old and young were protested, it was studied in schools, universities and technical schools. In a word, it has become not only a literary, but also a socio-political phenomenon.

M. Hai was very pleased with the success of his friend's work, quite sincerely called him the best poet and master of the poem genre in Bashkir literature, although in one of the letters sent from Izhevsk, where he served in military service, he made a number of remarks concerning too free treatment with a word, unjustified lengths and prose. “The word should be treated like a living being,” he wrote shrewdly, not fearing that he could thereby offend and even mentally hurt his best friend, knowing that he sometimes takes criticism too painfully. Even coming from the lips of people close to him. In Leningrad, Salam Galimov studied in graduate school and, it should be said, very successfully, which surprised his comrades a lot. They were amazed at their hard work, the ability to harmoniously combine scientific work with literary work. The poem “Bala” (“Child”), which he created in Leningrad, was considered a new word in general in all Soviet literature. There were attempts to translate it into Russian. He was asked to make interlinear translations in order to publish the collection in Russian, but he was so absorbed in scientific work that he could not find the time for this. Meanwhile, such a rare and insidious disease continued to develop steadily until it brought him to the grave.

A remarkable Bashkir literary critic and critic, laureate of the State Prize of Bashkortostan named after Salavat Yulaev, Kim Akhmedyanov, was very seriously engaged in the work of Salyam, taking into account both the strengths and weaknesses of his work. Highly appreciating his works, their artistry and the inner meaning embedded in them, he singled out his poem "Shonkar" ("Falcon"), claiming that it is permeated through and through with genuinely deep lyricism. Unfortunately, this poem (as well as others) has remained untranslated.

Fizminutka "Cat and Christmas tree"

At the top in bright light

Mouse with beads of eyes.

Neighbors admire:

Well, you have a Christmas tree!

And the cat admired

From a cozy corner:

“We took a little more nap,

I slept all the fun! "

And the sloth wanted

If no one would interfere,

Showing feline courage

On a shiny ball jump.

Spin, ride

And have some fun -

The tree would stay naked

If you gave the cat power.

Only tomorrow is the holiday of the Christmas tree,

Only tomorrow is New Year.

In the 60s of the last century, under the influence of the same Kim Akhmedyanov, Gazim Shafikov translated the poem by G. Salyam “Gummer” (“Life”). It was published in the newspaper "Soviet Bashkiria", but further, as Gazim Gazizovich himself said, "did not go". Perhaps because its plot was rather primitive, which is generally inherent in the poet's lengthy works.

G. Salyam's fame was shaken when he and two of his pen colleagues in the fateful 1937 published an article in the magazine Oktyabr that was sharply "accusatory" and absolutely unfair - against the best writers of the older generation, many of whom were declared "enemies of the people" and shot or sent to Siberian hell. Now it is difficult for us to objectively judge those distant events, we still argue and cannot come to a common opinion. No less, the Bashkir Komsomol Prize was named after Salyam, which was replaced by the Shaikhzada Babich Prize during perestroika.

Several innocent people fell victim to that ill-fated article, one of whom was the editor-in-chief of the Bashkortostan newspaper Kasim Aznabaev, who spent many years in Stalin's camps.

G.Salyam's great friend was Bayazit Bikbai, who was two years older than him.

Show of a slide with the image of G. Salyam with like-minded people.

Bikbai dedicated his poem "Life" to Salam:

The poem will be read by a student of the 9th grade Fast Zhenya:

Didn't lengthen longevity

Human life never.

Know how, having lived for a moment in the world,

Stay alive forever.

There are many poets on earth

Years and days forgotten in the run.

Pushkin's life is like a flash of light,

And he lives in the hearts of people.

In Ufa, for some time, G.Salyam lived in the famous house number 2 on Lenin Street, which was then called the House of a specialist. Today a memorial plaque is installed on the house.

Slide show (house and plaque)

Already before the war, the poet G. Salam was known, who composed hymns of a new life in Bashkortostan. His younger brother, Lukman Galimovich Galimov, who worked as the 1st secretary of the Beloretsk city committee of the CPSU and headed a number of party organizations in rural areas, also became known there. Before leaving for a well-deserved rest, L.G. Galimov held the post of Secretary of the Supreme Soviet of the BASSR.

Slide showing G. Salyam with a friend and brother.

Work on the exhibition of books by G. Saleam

A book exhibition opened on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Salyam Galimov.

Slide show (photo from the book exhibition salon).

A book exhibition dedicated to the anniversary date of the Bashkir poet Salyam Galimov was opened in the department of Bashkir literature and local history of the National Library of the Republic of Bashkortostan named after Akhmet-Zaki Validi. The famous poet and publicist would have turned 100 on January 18.

The exhibition presents 50 books about the life and work of the poet, collections and periodicals with the works of Salyam Galimov. Among them are such books as "Red Bouquet" (1958), "Monument" (1941), "Selected Lyrics" (1968).

4. Summing up. Reflection.

Complete the sentences:

In this lesson, I learned ………

Most of all I liked…………

Everything is so familiar, so familiar:

Dear home, cliff, Ural ...

Seventh morning at home now

A Guards General is visiting.

Such a morning! At the barn

The rooster bawls the song of the day

Rowan berry is burning

By the dusty wattle fence.

Such a morning! Whatever hut -

The windows are open wide

Funny guys are getting up

And they drink fresh milk.

From the sun - gold on the cries.

Still sunrise, and by the yard

Already on thin cobwebs

Heat floats through the air.

Here it would be to drive a vague alarm.

And he is like a cloud, like a thunderstorm.

And they look at the road for a long time

His stubborn eyes.

And they hear for a long time in scraps

Words of distant antiquity:

Bitter soldier's stay

In a time of blood and war.

Yes, how can you stupidly

Which day to hang around like a tree stump?

He would have a steppe devil,

He would have a hat on one side!

And the day goes noisy, echoing,

The morning calm falls.

Bouncing by the lane

The kid runs on tiptoe.

Funny, freckled, ruddy,

White-haired, small in height.

He saluted and rapped out:

I come to you, comrade general!

Whose are you? - And in-oh-he is our village

(He pointed beyond the vacant lots.)

What's your name? - Me? Yasha ...

Well, Yasha, speak up.

Yesterday I'm in the club with my aunt Zina

I saw you in the motion picture ...

I thought you were ... a motion picture,

And you really are a general.

I've argued with everyone, argued,

But it turned out ... Here's to you!

He, smiling, silently looks

On stars, on orders.

Will you go to the front again?

And somehow quietly, suddenly:

My dad was also at the front -

He is the oldest political instructor.

Shadows roam in the eyes of a child

And from a smile - only a trace.

And it seems in an instant

He has aged for many years.

How worriedly sad

Eyebrow boyish curve:

We were waiting for dad from the front,

And we were told that he was killed.

Having not yet survived the separation,

He cries hard, hotly ...

And the general unwittingly hand

Puts on a child's shoulder.

I wanted to console: - Listen, kid ... -

But it turned out what I thought myself:

Run to the Council so that the general

A horse at twelve o'clock.

The kid rushed with a cry, with a noise,

Still: he is glad to trust!

And the general looked and thought

And my heart was beating out of place.

After all, you can do everything in the world

Overcome everything in the end

But is there a remedy for the children

Didn't you grieve without fathers?

Yes, there is one such remedy

One thing, he knew it for sure:

He will go into battle for someone's childhood,

General who did not know childhood!




Bashkir poet and publicist. Born in the village of Tegeshevo, now in the Sosnovsky District of the Chelyabinsk Region, in the family of a mullah.

He lost his father at the age of ten, worked as a laborer. Participated in the collectivization of agriculture.

Graduated from the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute in 1937. He was engaged in research work in the field of folklore.

G. Salyam's book "Selected Lyrics" (Ufa, 1968) was published in Russian.

The Republican Komsomol Prize named after Galimov (G. Salyam) was established in the Bashkir ASSR.

MORNING OF THE REPUBLIC. Translation by A. Filippov


Trains rush by, by

Exciting white light with thunder.

Rises inextinguishable

Sunrise over my republic.

Slow fog in gray lakes

Wets the swan's wing.

Illuminating the fabulous mountains

The sun rose over Bashkiria.

The wind blows and the grass sways,

Belsk water turns blue.

And the republic rises

With glory

Meet a hot labor day.

The windows are wide open!

Song over the woods

And the factory chimney hums;

Dynamite reared rocks somewhere,

Only the ground swayed underfoot.

As if the whole Urals shuddered ...

... goose bumps went down my spine,

To the side -

notebooks and pieces of paper!

I'm just probably tired

I just sat up on poetry

My nerves got sick ...

And around the work does not subside,

Youth is in a hurry, walking

With songs

More desperate than fire.

I hear them singing around the wheel

I see how in the awakened distance

In the sea of \u200b\u200bgolden ears

Ships are heading out.

The day comes in

With the wing of an airplane

The song of the plow

The hum of tractors

Into the lines of an unborn romance -

By volume

In a thousand volumes.

Sounds don't fit in cantatas

Views do not fit in posters:

There are not enough colors, words and notes ...

Morning song

Under the clouds you

Fly away resolutely.



Excite the fabulous distance

The gushing fountains of oil rigs

Lightning solid electric flashes

And fiery steel in open-hearth furnaces.

Where the kurai cried for centuries

Cities and factories rise

The Dimitrovs are growing up again,

The great Chkalovs are growing.

... It was not funny

When on old ones,

Dilapidated and rotten bunks

We went to bed tiredly.

It's good that I replaced the bunk

Soft, with springs, bed.

Good with a light bulb, right,

It's good when they sing everywhere ...

We ourselves have won the right

For a fun holiday

And to work.

Paths of happiness

We didn't find right away

We have searched for many years and days;

The mind illuminated these paths for us,

Bright mind

My party.


On a new labor day

The country entered ...

This day

In the mountains, the plant will build

And on the chest of deserved heroes

New orders will hang.

The day is coming.

He will give houses to the homeless

Pour milk into a bottomless can

And he will write poems in the heat of the moment,

And put in the started blast furnace

A portion of cast bricks.

Someone will graduate from the institute today,

Someone will sing a new song,

Someone will become a turner or an architect,

Someone will come to the registry office with their beloved.

... I stand in the boundless steppe,

Behind the composition - lightning composition.

Trains rush by, by

The braids of smoke in the grasses are spread out.

Along the auls,

Along the Ural slopes

Trains - steel roads.

From the vestibule of the carriage

Waves to me

With a blue kerchief ...


Driver, slow down the car,

Drive by slowly

Let the passengers look better

How bright he is

Our dawn land.

Let them hear

How the Bashkir reads

Original Pushkin's poems,

Let the Bashkir not be considered "dumb"

As Pushkin once thought.

Let them see

Our flight is high

Striving into the future of centuries

And they will learn:

Our land is a falcon,

Proudly escaped from the shackles.


... A steam locomotive flashed and disappeared,

Dropping off a gentle slope

Quivering orange braids

To the snow-white spreading birches.

I went to the Ural mountains,

Closer to the sky -

The blue is clearer:

High are you mountains

But not higher

To my awakened joy!



Born in the village of Anapskaya, now Krasnodar Territory, in the family of an employee.

After leaving school, he studied at the Novorossiysk Pedagogical College, worked in the editorial office of the newspaper "Proletarian Chernomorya".

In 1932 he moved to Magnitogorsk.

From 1935 to 1943 he worked at the editorial office of the Putevka newspaper in the city of Sverdlovsk.

Since 1943 in creative work.

Author of collections of poems published in Moscow and the Urals - "Mountain Shield" (1945), "Ural Sun" (1946), "Selected Poems" (1947), "Street of Gunners" (1947), "Friendship" (1952) , "New Poems" (1957), "High Sky" (1962), "Mountain Bride" (1965), "Ural Poems" (1974), novels and stories "At Eagle Mountain" (1947), "In the Urals "(1950)," Night in the Taiga "(1951), several collections of poetry for children, etc.

This year marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of the poet-innovator, reformer of Bashkir poetry Salyam Galimov.

Unfortunately, only 28 years of his life were meted out by fate. His poems were not destined to become the lyrics of a wise philosopher, but the poetry of Salam has forever preserved a fresh, unclouded view of the world.

Salam Galimovich Galimov was born in 1911 in the village of Tagesh (now Taskino) in the family of the designated mullah. By the age of 13, Salam had already finished the first grade school in the village of Sarino. Then the parents sent the teenager to study in Argayash for four years. Perhaps, it was here that Salam's love for his native word first manifested itself. He takes an active part in editing the school newspaper, magazines, where his poems and notes appear. After leaving school in 1928-1930s, the future poet works as a teacher in the villages of Ibragimovo, Kunashak district and Ralikeevo near Argayash, is a Komsomol leader, an active village correspondent, participates in the organization of the first collective farms. Biographers note that it was during these years that the notes and the first poems of Salam appeared in the republican newspapers. In 1930, a nineteen-year-old boy was invited to work in the editorial office of the newspaper "Bashkortostan". The desire to get a systematic literary education leads Salyam Galimov to the literary faculty of the Bashkir Pedagogical Institute. It is during his studies at the university that the poet's literary gift is most clearly and fully revealed. During these years, poems such as "Moscow", "Three Songs", "Morning of the Republic", "Monument" and the famous poem "Falcon" were written. He signs his creations with the pseudonym G.Salyam.

In 1932, the first book of poems called "Anxiety" was published. Salam becomes one of the first reformers of Bashkir verse. He conducted continuous searches in the field of intonation and rhythmic possibilities of national poetry. Expansion of the rhythm of the intonational sounding of poetry, the introduction of a system of compound rhymes - a synthesis of various traditions - were G. Salyam's innovation in poetry of that time.

In 1937, he worked as a research assistant at the Bashkir Research Institute of Language and Literature. In 1938, G.Salyam was sent to graduate school at the Leningrad branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Here he fell seriously ill with meningitis and died on June 19, 1939. It is still not entirely clear how and why the biography that began so brightly ended so absurdly at the very takeoff. What caused the serious illness that knocked him down in the midst of the white Leningrad nights? Was a cure possible? Who was with the young poet in the last days of his short life? We will never know about this.

For ten years of literary activity, a gifted young man from a small Ural village managed to create four poems, about sixty poems and print dozens of essays and feuilletons. The major poetic work of G. Salyam "We need a song, a song about a hero" became relevant for its time. In the context of the strengthening of the tendencies of vulgar sociologism in the 30s, the glorification of shock construction projects, oil derricks, factory pipes in literature, the poet for the first time sounded the alarm about the moral essence of man.

High citizenship and genre originality were clearly manifested in the poems: "Morning of the Republic", "Monument", "Laughing More Fun than the Most Fun" and others. His epic poems "Falcon", "Child", "Life" are characterized by deep psychologism, the use of novelism techniques, the strengthening of the role of auxiliary images, poetic details, expressive possibilities. One of the first G. Saliam turned to the ballad genre. His ballads "Verka", "Words and Deeds", "The Silent Soldier" and others warn of the impending danger, the future imperialist aggression. They are based on a conventional plot, often represent witty finds, which indicates an increase in the culture of Bashkir poetry. At the end of the 30s, G. Salam creates a wide epic canvas "Through the Years", in which he glorifies high humanistic ideals, predicts a bright future for the country and people. The evolution of his work is determined by the transition from declarativeness to philosophical depth, from instructions, moralization - to imagery, from rhetoric - to true lyrics. He was also engaged in translations, translated into Bashkir the poem "Gypsies" by A.S. Pushkin, "Grenada" by M. A. Svetlova. He had a special love for the genre of the poem, which was quite new for that time, and his fame as a poet was much wider than that of another famous poet of that time, Mukhamedyarov Khaya. But this did not interfere with their mutual love and friendship.

The largest poetic work of Salam was his poem "Bala" ("Child"). It spans over 50 book-format pages. Covering such serious - especially for "Eastern", "Muslim" poetry - problems such as family relationships, problems of childbearing, etc., the poet consciously and fearlessly turns to the most relevant topics of that time.

His poem was read to the holes, wasted both old and young, it was studied in schools, universities and technical schools. It became not only a literary, but also a socio-political event.

In Leningrad, Salam Galimov studied in graduate school and, it should be said, very successfully, which surprised his comrades a lot. They were amazed at their hard work, the ability to harmoniously combine scientific work with literary work. The poem “Bala” (“Child”), which he created in Leningrad, was considered a new word in general in all Soviet literature. There were attempts to translate it into Russian. He was asked to make interlinear translations in order to publish the collection in Russian, but he was so absorbed in scientific work that he could not find the time for this. Meanwhile, such a rare and insidious disease continued to develop steadily until it brought him to the grave.

In Ufa, for some time, G.Salyam lived in the famous house number 2 on Lenin Street, which was then called the House of a specialist. Today a memorial plaque is installed on the house.

The administration and residents of the Sosnovsky district remember and honor the classic and innovative poet of Bashkir literature Salyam Galimovich Galimov.

In the 90s of the XX century, in the poet's homeland in the village of Taskino (formerly Tagesh) of the Sosnovsky District, a memorial plaque was installed on the house where the poet was born and lived. This initiative belongs to the participants of the Kurultai Bashkirs of the Sosnovsky District, chaired by Arslan Bikbulatov.

In 2011, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of G. Salyam, the Administration of the Sosnovsky municipal district established a regional literary prize named after him. This prize has several goals: propaganda and popularization of the name and work of the poet, encouragement of the creative activity of young authors, revival, preservation and strengthening of spiritual and moral traditions, fostering a sense of friendship between peoples.

Despite the difficult economic situation, the prize has been awarded annually for 5 years. In 2016, the prize will be presented for the sixth time.

In 2011, the Interregional Creative Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of G. Salyam was held in the Sosnovsky District. The conference was prepared by the regional literary association named after Akmulla under the leadership of Kamsa Murtazin in conjunction with the regional literary association "U Kamin" and the Central Library of the Sosnovsky region.

In the district museum there is a permanent exhibition dedicated to the life and work of G. Salyam "I will go through ten lives and hundreds of roads with my Muse!" All visitors to the museum can get acquainted with the biography of the famous poet and his poetic creations.

Workers of the Central Regional Library are doing a lot of work to promote the work of the classic of Bashkir literature. In 2016, for the 105th anniversary of the poet, together with the literary association "By the Fireplace", it is planned to release a book dedicated to the life and work of G. Salyam. The book will also include materials about the laureates of the G. Salyam literary prize. At present, an exhibition entitled "The Poet's Star Will Not Go Out" has been prepared in the Central Library for the anniversary of the poet.

The regional literary association "U Kamina" has been closely and fruitfully cooperating with the regional newspaper "Sosnovskaya Niva" for almost 20 years. The pages of the publication periodically publish poetic pages and articles about the literary life of the Sosnovsky district.

For a long time already the idea of \u200b\u200ba trip to the poet's grave in St. Petersburg has come up. We know that a young and talented poet is buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery next to the graves of Ivan Turgenev, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Alexander Kuprin. The regional kurultai (congress) of the Bashkirs of the Sosnovsky region supports this initiative and promises to help in organizing the trip.

Dear readers, we invite you to feel the poetic talent, power of love for life, patriotism and love for your homeland, which permeate the poems of the innovative poet, classic of Bashkir literature Galimov Salyam.

Ural Kulushev,

head of the district literary association "U Kamin", member of the Writers' Union of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Salam G. [pseudo .; present name and fam. Salam Galimovich Galimov ; 18 (31) .01.1911, der. Tyageshevo, Yekaterinburg district, Perm province. - 07.19.1939, Leningrad], head. poet and publicist. Graduated from Bash. state ped. in-t them. K. A. Timiryazeva (1937). He worked as a primary school teacher in the village. Ibragimova Kunashak. district and Glikaev (now the territory of Argayash district); actively collaborated in gas. "Bashkortostan" and "Lenise". In 1930, at the invitation of ed. gas. Bashkortostan moved to Ufa. In 1937-38 scientific. employee Bash. Research Institute lang. and literature, then a graduate student of Leningrad. branch of the Institute of Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences. I was engaged in collecting and studying heads. folklore. He began to publish in 1929 (poems "The Son of Miron", "Moscow", "Life"; the poem "Shunkar"). In the beginning. 1930s the first collection of poems was published: Anxiety (1932) and After Anxiety (1934); in 1935 - the poem Three Songs; in 1936 - Sat. "Shunkar", in 1939 - "Child". Into verse. "Morning of the Republic" (1935) S. created the lyric. the image of Bashkortostan. Several manuf. wrote for children: "Red bouquet", "Why did the cat get into trouble? ”And others S. enriched the head. poetry with new genres, stylistic. and arts. forms. Translated into the head. lang. poem by Alexander Pushkin "Gypsies" and verse. MA Svetlova "Grenada". In the 1960s and 80s. the name of S. was borne by Bashk ave. Komsomol for the best productions. literature and art.
