On the last Sunday of July, Russia traditionally celebrates a big public holiday - Navy Day. A professional holiday does not bring the residents of the country extra days off, but it gives a lot of unforgettable emotions, because only on this solemn day we have a unique opportunity to admire the power national army, and especially its fleet.

The naval parade is the main attribute of the holiday. They take place in all cities where the domestic fleet is based, but the largest, of course, will take place in the northern capital - St. Petersburg and Kronstadt will host a parade, which will bring together the main novelties and "old men" of the domestic fleet, distinguished by their equipment, strength, endurance and others. virtues.

Parade on the day of WWII - where and what time it will take place, how to see

The parade, according to the preliminary program, will begin at 11.00 local time. As in the case of the Victory Day parade on Red Square, only a few will be able to see the action with their own eyes, and therefore it is better to occupy convenient places for broadcasting.

The broadcast can be seen on TV - all federal channels of the country will show the naval parade.

For those who are already going to celebrate the holiday at this time, the screen will be installed on the main square of St. Petersburg - after that, a large-scale cultural and entertainment program dedicated to the Navy Day will take place on the Palace Square.

About 40 ships, the same number of aviation units and more than 4 thousand "souls" of the ground forces will take part in the parade this year - on land, in the air and on the water, the latest equipment and capabilities of the Russian army will be presented. Unique boats and reconnaissance ships, submarines, rocket launchers. The organizers promise the audience a lot of surprises and unexpected discoveries.

Kronstadt will also host the parade - part of the parade was moved to the city due to the considerable size of some representatives of the domestic fleet, because of which they simply cannot enter St. Petersburg.

Navy Day in St. Petersburg - program of events

The city authorities have already presented the full program for celebrating Navy Day in 2018. The celebration starts with a parade at 11.00, after which a concert program with a historical context awaits residents and guests of the northern capital.

Alexander Rosembaum, Oleg Gazmanov, as well as the Turkish Choir will take the stage from the stars on this day. Spectators are waiting for the performance of military bands from abroad and songs of the war years performed by talented local and visiting performers.

The holiday will end with bright fireworks.

Changes in traffic in St. Petersburg in honor of the celebration of the Navy Day

In view of the celebrations in St. Petersburg, the scheme for the movement of land transport, as well as the regime for the passage of water transport along the Neva, will change:

- Traffic will be closed on Admiralteyskaya Embankment from Blagoveshchensky Bridge to Palace Embankment, Palace Embankment, Kutuzov Embankment from Palace Embankment to Liteiny Bridge, Birzhevaya Square, Palace Passage, as well as on Admiralteysky Prospekt;

- Traffic will be closed on Makarovskaya Street, Komsomol Street, Karl Marx Street and Anchor Square;

— The entrance to the Liteiny Bridge from the Pirogovskaya and Arsenalnaya embankments will be closed;

- From 11:00 to 13:00 - unscheduled wiring of the Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Trinity and Liteiny bridges;

Navy parade in 2018: the program of events in St. Petersburg on July 29, where to watch fireworks, a list of ships, and much more, read in the material.

Navy Day in St. Petersburg 2018: the parade will be held in a big way

Russia celebrates the Day of the Navy. Celebrations are held throughout the country - from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad. The main naval parade will take place in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, in which President Vladimir Putin will take part. More than 40 warships will take part in the celebrations, almost half of which are the latest.

On July 29, 2018, Navy Day 2018 will be celebrated in the Northern capital. Residents and guests of the city will find a lot of entertainment, the main of which will be the Navy Parade.

The grandiose review of equipment will begin at 11:00 Moscow time in the Neva water area and on the Kronstadt roadstead, where 41 ships of all fleets - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea, and also the Caspian flotilla will stand.

Channel One will broadcast the parade live. Broadcast starts at 11:00 Moscow time.

Navy parade in St. Petersburg 2018. Live broadcast on July 29. Watch online VIDEO

On the main waterway of St. Petersburg, in a solemn formation from the Blagoveshchensky to the Troitsky Bridge, the small missile boat "Hurricane", the mine defense ship "Alexander Obukhov", missile, anti-sabotage, landing, patrol and artillery boats, the corvette "Savvy", diesel-electric submarine "Dmitrov", large landing ship "Minsk" and other vessels.

The aviation display is best viewed at Palace Square Petersburg, Universitetskaya and Lieutenant Schmidt embankment.

At the same time, large screens will be installed on Palace Square, where you can watch the live broadcast of the entire parade.

At 14:00, a big concert will begin on Palace Square. In particular, soloists of the Mariinsky Theater, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Rosenbaum, actor and singer Yevgeny Dyatlov, the Rimsky-Korsakov Central Concert Orchestra of the Russian Navy conducted by Alexei Karabanov, as well as Alexander F. Sklyar and the Va-Bank group, Oleg Gazmanov and the Squadron group, Turetsky Choir and SOPRANO.

Fireworks on Navy Day in St. Petersburg on July 29, 2018: where to see?

The festive program will end with fireworks in honor of the Navy Day. It will start at 22.00 on the beach Peter and Paul Fortress.

Navy Day began to be celebrated in Russia

In Vladivostok, more than 40 warships and support vessels took part in the celebration of the Navy Day, said the official representative of the fleet, captain of the second rank Nikolai Voskresensky.

A parade and a military sports festival were held in the waters of the Amur Bay, in which warships, boats, submarines, military equipment of coastal troops and more than 1.5 thousand military personnel of the Pacific Fleet, TASS reports.

In particular, the flagship of the Pacific Fleet of the Order of Nakhimov, the guards missile cruiser Varyag, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleev, the destroyer Bystry and other ships took part in the parade.

The ships demonstrated how they search for and destroy enemy submarines and underwater mines, the special forces of the Pacific Fleet showed the capture of a submarine, and the amphibious assault - a landing on the coast.

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In addition to the already mentioned new flagship Admiral Gorshkov, parade spectators will also see the Uragan small missile ship, the Ivan Gren large landing ship, the Ivan Khurs reconnaissance ship, and the Karakurt-type small rocket ship among the novelties of the domestic fleet. In total, 18 new units of the domestic fleet will be involved in the parade.

In Sevastopol, more than 30 warships, submarines and boats will be involved in the celebrations. The holiday will begin with the solemn hoisting of the St. Andrew's flags and the flags of coloring on the ships of the fleet. Then, on the inner roads of the Sevastopol Bay, a parade of ships and a military sports festival will take place, during which 18 episodes are scheduled to be shown, demonstrating the capabilities of the fleet forces.

The program of the holiday in St. Petersburg is also impressive. The parade will be attended by warships from four Russian fleets - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific, as well as the Caspian flotilla. In addition, naval aviation will take part in the parade.

In the first historical part of the parade, artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla will pass along the Neva, carrying the flags of formations that defended the sea frontiers during the Great Patriotic War. In the second part of the parade, modern ships of the Russian Navy will demonstrate combat power.

While in St. Petersburg they are just preparing for the start of the grandiose parade, in the East of the country the main part of the holiday has already died down. The naval parade in Vladivostok was held in the waters of the Amur Bay.

The parade formation was led by the flagship of the Pacific Fleet of the Order of Nakhimov, the guards missile cruiser Varyag. Behind him - the large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Panteleev", the destroyer "Fast", the hospital ship "Irtysh", the training ship of the Baltic Fleet "Perekop" from Sevastopol, the border ship "Commander". The Komsomolsk-on-Amur submarine closed the front line.

At the end of July, one of the main summer holidays will be celebrated in the country.

Russia is rightfully considered a great maritime power. The history of the Navy is inseparable from the history of the state. The rise and fall of the country has always been associated with successes and failures in battles on the water, with periods of strengthening or weakening of sea power. Today the Russian Navy includes the following formations: 4 fleets - the Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet, the Northern Fleet and the Pacific Fleet, as well as the Caspian Flotilla.

Navy Day-2018: what date

Navy Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on the last weekend of July. This year, sailors and everyone associated with the navy will be congratulated on Sunday, the 29th. The whole country is looking forward to this summer holiday to watch the fireworks and the sea parade.

The most grandiose celebrations are held in coastal cities where the largest naval forces of the Russian fleet are based: St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Vladivostok.

Navy Day 2018 in St. Petersburg: where and what time the parade will take place, how to watch

The authorities of the Northern capital have prepared a large-scale entertainment program for residents and guests of the city. The naval parade in St. Petersburg starts at 11.00 local time. Ships, aviation and ground forces will take part in it. The procession was organized in memory of Peter the Great, who not only founded the Russian fleet, but also put forward the idea of ​​a festive review of ships.

Those who cannot attend the event in person will be able to enjoy the spectacle from the comfort of their homes. The naval parade will be shown on all federal channels of the country.

Petersburgers will be able to watch the broadcast on Palace Square, where a large screen will be installed for this purpose. After that there will be a concert dedicated to the Navy Day. The singer Oleg Gazmanov, the Squadron group, Alexander Rosenbaum, the Turetsky Choir will take part in it.

Kronstadt will partially accept the parade: large ships simply cannot enter the Northern capital.

Navy Day-2018 in St. Petersburg: program

9:30 - grand opening of the holiday on the famous cruiser Aurora.

11:00 - ship parade.

14:00-20:00 - the opportunity to visit the ships that participated in the parade for free.

15:00 - start of the festive show on Palace Square

22:00 - end of the festive concert

23:00 - festive fireworks at the Peter and Paul Fortress.


On July 29, 2018, Navy Day 2018 will be celebrated in the Northern capital. Residents and guests of the city will find a lot of entertainment, the main of which will be the Navy Parade. The grandiose review of equipment will begin at 11:00 Moscow time in the Neva and on the Kronstadt roadstead.

The main naval parade, which will be held simultaneously in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, will be attended by 41 warships and more than 4,000 servicemen from all Russian fleets.

Fighters, bombers, attack aircraft and helicopters will fly in the sky in parade formation. At this time, for the first time, a unique reconnaissance helicopter Ka-31R will appear over the northern capital.

A video broadcast of the festive action will be organized on Palace Square, which will begin at 11.00. The parade in Kronstadt starts an hour and a half later, at 12.30.

The historical part of the parade will be opened by the artillery boats of the Caspian Flotilla with the battle banners of the famous marines that heroically defended and liberated Leningrad, Sevastopol and Novorossiysk during the Great Patriotic War.

Later, the audience will see new military naval equipment: the Ivan Gren large landing ship, the Ivan Khurs reconnaissance ship and the Admiral Gorshkov frigate of project 22350. The newest small missile ship Uragan of project 22800 Karakurt will also be held before the guests of the holiday.

The beginning of the parade in St. Petersburg on July 29: the main events

At 10.00, the parade of warships will begin in the waters of the Neva, near the Blagoveshchensky Bridge.

At 11.00, military personnel will march along the city embankments, aviation will appear in the sky, the movement of ships will continue. The best places University and Palace embankments, as well as the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment, will be used to watch the parade.

At 11:00 a.m., a video broadcast of the parade will be organized on the Palace Embankment.

At 14.00, a video tour about the history of the Russian Navy will take place on Palace Square.

At 15.00, a festive concert will be launched with the participation of soloists of the Mariinsky Theater and musical military orchestras from the Eastern states, as well as the Orchestra. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov of the Russian Navy, artists of the national stage. The event will take place on Palace Square.

At 18.00, Oleg Gazmanov and the Squadron group will perform on Palace Square.

At 20.00 on the Palace Square there will be a performance of the "Turetsky Choir" and "SOPRANO Turetsky".

The celebration of the Navy Day in the Northern capital will end with a festive fireworks display, which will be given at 22:00 near the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Day of the Navy (Navy) is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of July on the basis of a presidential decree Russian Federation dated May 31, 2006 "On the establishment professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". In 2018, it falls on July 29th.

Events will be held at all naval bases. The most ambitious are planned for the Pacific Fleet. In Vladivostok, there are four dozen warships, boats, submarines and support vessels in parade formation.

In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - more than 20. Demonstration performances were held in the waters of the Amur Bay. The viewer was shown how they destroy the enemy submarine and land troops, the Rossiya 24 TV channel reports.

On the occasion of the Navy Day, naval parades will also be held in Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Astrakhan, Severomorsk and Baltiysk.

Full information on how they will be held can be found on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. On the eve of the holiday, an interactive section was opened on it. Here are available schemes for building ships, their specifications, an overview of the aircraft and helicopters that participate in the shows.

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July 29 in St. Petersburg - the sea capital of Russia - will solemnly celebrate the day of the Russian Navy - one of the most beloved and spectacular holidays. An extensive program of events and fireworks has been prepared for this day, and motorists should remember that traffic restrictions will be introduced on July 29.

On Navy Day, naval parades and air shows will be held in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt, a big concert will be held on Palace Square, and volleys of solemn fireworks will scatter in the sky in the evening. In honor of the sailors' holiday, torches will burn all day long on the famous Rostral Columns, which embody Russia's naval victories. By tradition, the main naval parade of the country will be hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The program of events for the celebration of the Navy Day 2018 in St. Petersburg

The central event of the holiday is the parade of the Russian Navy with the participation of warships of the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific fleets, as well as the Caspian flotilla. Naval aviation will also take part in the 2018 parade, which will begin at 9.30 (video broadcast will start at 11 a.m.).

Two parts of the parade on the Neva are planned. The first is historical. Artillery boats of the Caspian flotilla with the flags of formations that defended the country's sea borders during the Great Patriotic War will pass along the river.

The second part of the parade is modern. Spectators will be able to see the combat power of the ships of the Russian Navy, which are currently on duty, guarding the peace of the country.

Aircraft and helicopters from the naval aviation, including modernized Il-38N anti-submarine aircraft, Tu-142 long-range anti-submarine aircraft, Su-30SM and Su-33 fighters and Ka-27M helicopters (the latest modification equipped with radar command and tactical system).

The big gala concert on Dvortsovaya, which will start at 2 pm and last until the evening, will feature performances by artists of the Mariinsky Theater accompanied by a symphony orchestra, Alexander Rosenbaum, Evgeny Dyatlov. The show of military bands will be attended by creative teams from Russia, India, Vietnam and China. Front-line songs and famous compositions from domestic films will be performed. Popular hits, including those on maritime themes, will be performed by Oleg Gazmanov and the Squadron group, and the Turetsky choir and the Turetsky Soprano ensemble will perform in the finale.

From 14:00 to 18:00, everyone will be able to board the warships moored at the Angliskaya Embankment and the Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment.

No less intense program of celebrations is in Kronstadt, the city that is called the historical base of the Baltic Fleet and the sea gates of St. Petersburg. Here at the parade - it will start at 12.30 - it will be possible to see those ships that, due to their size, cannot enter the Neva. Among them are the Soobrazitelny and Boikiy corvettes, small missile ships, including the Serpukhov armed with Caliber cruise missiles, the latest Admiral Gorshkov frigate, the Vladikavkaz diesel-electric submarine, the Marshal Ustinov missile cruiser .

Fighters, attack aircraft, bombers and helicopters of naval aviation will rise into the air.

Fireworks on Navy Day 2018

Solemn fireworks in honor of the day of the Navy in the Northern capital will begin at 22.30. The traditional place for launching fireworks is the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress. Best of all, salutes will be seen from the Palace Embankment, from the Palace and Trinity bridges, as well as from the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. In Kronstadt, fireworks will take place on Anchor Square at 23.00.

Transport restrictions

The celebration of the Navy Day in St. Petersburg will make adjustments to the organization traffic. For example, it will be possible to get to Kronstadt exclusively by public transport, the number of which, by the way, will be significantly increased on this day.

On the afternoon of July 29, travel along the central section of the WHSD (from Ekateringofka to Bogatyrsky Prospekt) will be free. This is due to the parade and the divorce of the Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Liteiny and Trinity bridges (from 11 am to 1 pm) on the Neva.

In addition, from 6.00 to 12.00, the passage for cars along Nevsky Prospekt (from Palace Passage to Sadovaya Street), Palace and Admiralteisky Drives, Admiralteiskaya and Angliyskaya Embankments to the Blagoveshchensky Bridge, as well as Senatskaya Square is closed.
