PICTURE OF THE DAY in St. Petersburg. Ships in the Neva, planes in the sky and traffic jams on land. How St. Petersburg will celebrate the Navy Day

Two parades, two salutes and "People's karaoke": How the Navy Day will be celebrated in St. Petersburg.

Vests and caps - the road. On Sunday, July 29, the sea capital of Russia celebrates its professional holiday- Navy Day 2018. Chief naval parade, Oleg Gazmanov, "Turetsky Choir" on Palace Square and "Sea Devils" in Kronstadt. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" tells you how not to miss the most important and interesting.

Navy Day Parade 2018

11.00 - Neva water area, Kronstadt roadstead

The most important thing, the most important thing is the naval parade. 40 warships and submarines have already lined up in the waters of the Neva and on the Kronstadt roadstead, 40 combat vehicles of aviation of all fleets - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea, and also the Caspian flotilla - are ready to soar into the sky.

Among those who will solemnly march along the Neva from the Blagoveshchensky to the Trinity Bridge are the Uragan small missile boat, the Alexander Obukhov mine defense ship with a crewless boat, as well as missile, anti-sabotage, landing, patrol and artillery boats. Statistical element of the parade - warships set on the raid. These are the latest frigate Admiral Makarov, the Soobrazitelny corvette, the Dmitrov diesel-electric submarine, the Minsk large landing ship and the Kazanets small anti-submarine ship.

According to the scenario, ships and boats will sail parallel to those that will be moored on the Neva roadstead, the press service of the Ministry of Defense said.

The parade in Kronstadt will follow the same principle. Ships moored there, which are cramped in the waters of the Neva. Among them are the missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov" and the nuclear submarine cruiser "Eagle". By the way, the recreated 54-gun ship "Poltava" will also take part in the parade here - this is the first battleship Baltic Fleet.

As for aviation, it will be visible to the audience both in St. Petersburg and in Kronstadt. In the city on the Neva itself, the parade is best viewed from the Palace, Universitetskaya and Lieutenant Schmidt embankments. And in Kronstadt, the ideal viewpoint is Fort Konstantin.

14.00 - Palace Square

In general, it will be possible to come here already by 11.00, if you want to watch the parade not on TV and there is no desire to crowd on the embankments. Large screens will be installed on the square and will show live broadcast of this exciting action.

A real festive marathon here will begin at 14.00 and last all day. First, Petersburgers will go on a video tour.

Thanks to the voices of theater and film actress Anna Geller and People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Burov, an exciting story dedicated to the past and present of the Russian Navy will come to life on the screens, - say representatives of the operator of the event - the creative brand Dance Open.

And then the music. Soloists of the Mariinsky Theater will dedicate their performance to all those involved in the past and present glory of the Navy. After them, our fellow countryman, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Rosenbaum will come to Palace Square. A special gift for the guests of the marathon will be the performance of the actor, singer and musician Yevgeny Dyatlov.

In general, in a holiday on the Palace, everyone will find something to their liking. The Rimsky-Korsakov Central Concert Orchestra of the Russian Navy, conducted by Alexei Karabanov, will perform favorite Russian and Soviet songs about the sea. Front-line songs and melodies from favorite films will be performed by Alexander F. Sklyar and the VA-BANK group.

At 18.00 Oleg Gazmanov and the Squadron group will appear on the stage. Of course, there will be "Sailor", "Baltic Coast" and other songs loved by everyone. And at 20.00 - the culmination of the evening: "Turetsky Choir" and SOPRANO.

On Palace Square, vocalists, together with Petersburgers and guests of the city, will sing popular hits of several generations, representatives of Dance Open said.

By the way, last year about 60 thousand people took part in such a “Song Celebration”.

Reconstruction in Kronstadt

11.00 - Kronstadt, Anchor Square, 1

The main highlight of the festival "Sea Devils" this year will be the reconstruction of the capture of Koenigsberg. Kronstadt and its surviving old buildings are an ideal setting for recreating the German garrison, the Red Army camp and the battle itself.

For the first time in the assault on the city-fortress, we will show new tanks, - the organizers of the festival promised.

In addition to the reconstruction itself, the guests of the festival will enjoy the performance of front-line brigades, an interactive exhibition where they can visit recreated military-historical camps, field kitchens and demonstration performances.

13.30 - Petrovsky park

14.00, 20.00 - Anchor Square

In order to be in time for everything, residents and guests of Kronstadt will have to move between Petrovsky Park and Anchor Square in front of St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. At 13.30, the concert "For those who are at sea" will begin in the park. And on Anchor Square at 14.00, the Turetsky Choir will perform with the project Let's Sing Together. Here in the evening there will be a big festive concert with the participation of the Russian army choir, Alisa Vox and Tatyana Bulanova. Special guest - Sergey Trofimov.

22.00 - beach Peter and Paul Fortress In Petersburg

22.00 - in Kronstadt

And not one salute, but two at once. According to the press service of the Western Military District, artillery salutes will take place both in St. Petersburg and in Kronstadt. They will give thirty volleys.


On Sunday afternoon, while Turetsky's Choir will be performing in Kronstadt, Turetsky's SOPRANO, together with students from the Nakhimov School, will give a 40-minute concert on Petrogradskaya Embankment near the legendary cruiser Aurora.

Fireworks will be given on the occasion of the day of the Russian Navy, which is celebrated on July 29, in Sevastopol, Astrakhan and Novorossiysk, the press service of the Southern Military District reports.

“In total, more than 300 fireworks of various calibers will be fired into the night sky of the city embankments of Astrakhan, Novorossiysk and Sevastopol,” the report says.

According to the press service, the audience will be shown more than 15 types of fireworks in seven colors. About 120 servicemen, eight divisional cannons and firework complexes "Rainbow" will be involved in their implementation.

Fireworks in Sevastopol today, where and when. Fireworks start in Sevastopol

On the day of the Navy, artillery crews of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol will perform more than 2,000 volleys of salute, which will last 10 minutes, the press service of the Southern Military District reported.

“In just 10 minutes, the servicemen will fire more than 2,000 salutes and fireworks, accompanied by 30 blank shots from D-30 howitzers.” The salute will be performed from two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, five 2A85 fireworks systems based on the Kamaz vehicle. They will be carried out not only from the shore, but also from the water - from a floating pier, which will be made in the Sevastopol Bay.

Also, salute installations for the first time on the Day of the Navy will be placed on the territory of the Mikhailovskaya Battery. The start of the fireworks is scheduled for 22.00.

Navy Day in Sevastopol 2018: Celebration Program

More than 30 warships, submarines and boats, five auxiliary vessels, 20 aircraft and more than 30 pieces of equipment of the army corps of the Black Sea Fleet, the site reports. During the military sports festival, 18 episodes of fleet operations will be shown.

08.30 on Nakhimov Square, the traditional laying of wreaths and flowers at the Memorial begins heroic defenders Sevastopol 1941-1942;

8-45 solemn hoisting of the State, Naval flag of Russia and flags of coloring on the ships of the fleet;

Exactly at 9-00 parade of ships and a military-sports festival, where the historical part is replaced by a military one (the water area of ​​the Sevastopol Bay).

From 10-00 to 11-30 guests and residents of the city will see:

– Theatrical performance dedicated to the history of the creation of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia;

- Reconnaissance search and destruction of enemy minefields;

- Deployment of a submarine to the combat area;

- Aviation additional reconnaissance of the enemy's antiamphibious defense with fighter cover;

- Search and destruction of enemy submarines by anti-submarine aircraft;

- Destruction of detected enemy submarines by anti-submarine forces of the fleet;

- Gaining dominance in the landing area, artillery combat with enemy surface ships;

- Aviation fire preparation for landing;

- Overflight of the air control post of the commander of the landing forces;

- Fire suppression of the antiamphibious defense of the enemy;

- Battle for the landing of amphibious assault;

- Aviation fire support for the actions of landing troops on the coast;

– Capturing the landing bridgehead with a demonstration of hand-to-hand combat techniques on the main floating berth;

— Release of the vessel seized by terrorists;

- Fountains on the water. waltz of the tugs;

- Group jump of paratroopers with smoke and flags.

At 12-00 the celebration continues on the square. Nakhimov. An exhibition of weapons and military equipment opens. At the same time, everyone for the Day open doors invite the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet and the Military History Museum of the fortifications of Sevastopol;

14-00 in the Sevastopol seaport organized a free visit to the ships and vessels of the Black Sea Fleet;

19:00 gala concert (Nakhimov Square);

At 22:00, the culmination of the holiday is artillery salute, colorful fireworks and fountains on the water.

How will the Navy Day 2018 be celebrated in Sevastopol?

In Sevastopol in 2018, they decided to start the Navy Day with a trip to the past. As many people know, Navy Day is far from being a Russian holiday, and they began to celebrate it back in 1939. Everyone knows that then began the Second World War and the USSR had certain problems with the recruitment of volunteers for the fleet.

Then one of the famous naval commanders, Nikolai Kuznetsov, suggested that the authorities of the former Soviet Union approve a holiday that could emphasize the importance and dignity of service in the fleet. This idea was accepted immediately and on July 24 the first military parade was held in honor of the Navy Day. Further, the holiday was celebrated on July 24 for 40 years, but it was decided to move it to the last weekend of the second summer month, as we celebrate now.

After the collapse of the USSR, Russia was not particularly up to the holidays, and many of the celebrations that were celebrated in the Union disappeared into history, but not Navy Day. Thus, already in 2006, the holiday was officially approved in Russia.

To be transported back to the times when the fleet Soviet Union has just begun its development Navy Day in Sevastopol will begin with a shot from a cannon, which is already over 200 years old. To better plunge into the past, the soldiers will be dressed in military uniforms of those times.

But this is not all. The holiday will begin in the morning, or rather from 08:30, and the first thing will be the laying of flowers at the Memorial to the heroic defenders of Sevastopol in 1941-1942. After that, the traditional raising of the Andreevsky flag will take place - a symbol of the Russian fleet, without which not a single Navy Day can do.

And immediately after that, at 09:00, the long-awaited military parade will begin, in which more than 30 warships will take part. Parade rehearsals should take place just a few days before the holiday, so keep an eye on the news.

And from 10 am, an incredibly exciting program will be arranged for all residents. Here you can see how it was built Black Sea Fleet in a theatrical production, amphibious landing, the destruction of enemy minefields and group parachute jumps.

Already this coming weekend, July 29, Russia will celebrate the Day of the Navy. The holiday is considered very important for the state and is always met with a mass of cultural and entertainment programs in the "marine" cities of the country. Traditionally, St. Petersburg and Kronstadt become the main venues for the holiday.

It is here, in the Northern capital, that the solemn parade of ships dedicated to the Navy Day takes place. Everyone can see the action on TV, but many people personally come to St. Petersburg for the weekend with their whole families to admire the power of the Russian fleet with their own eyes, especially since after the parade, some representatives can get on an excursion to see the life of sailors, as they say "from the inside" .

This year the parade promises to be even bigger than before, because it will take place on land, in water and in the air.

Navy Day in St. Petersburg will begin with the main naval parade of the country

The parade starts at 10.00 - according to tradition, it is he who will open the holiday in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. It will be possible to see the parade from the embankments, as well as on screens that will be installed in parks and on Palace Square. In Kronstadt, it will be possible to watch the parade from Fort Konstantin, but the authorities are also advised to look at the screens throughout the city, because it will be possible to see what is happening on them better.

The parade is specially divided into two cities, because large ships simply cannot turn around on the Neva in St. Petersburg, and their participation in the main review of the country is mandatory.

This year, more than 40 ships, boats and submarines, more than 30 aviation units and about 4 thousand people of the ground forces will participate in the parade - the scale and colorfulness of the event is guaranteed.

After the parade, the holiday will not end - the action will last until the very night. Concerts and theatrical performances, excursions, thematic lectures on the Russian fleet, as well as other entertainment will await the residents of St. Petersburg and Kronstadt in the main city recreation areas.

Navy Day in St. Petersburg - the program of events is already known

For film screenings and lectures on the holiday of residents and tourists waiting in the museums of St. Petersburg. So, at 10.00 in the State Memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad there will be an exhibition dedicated to the national fleet. The cinema hall of the Central Military Museum will broadcast documentaries about the Russian Navy. There will also be a concert here in the afternoon.

July 29 at 13.00- The celebration of the Navy Day will be held on the territory of the Dolgoye Lake park. The program includes: demonstration performances of the marines and the naval band, exciting competitions and flag shows, a music concert and much more.

The main holiday is on Palace Square - after the parade, a large-scale concert will begin here. A video tour of the history of the Russian Navy awaits you. Performances by orchestras from India, Vietnam and China, songs performed by Alexander Rosembaum and Oleg Gazmanov, as well as folk karaoke with the Turetsky Choir will take the stage.

The holiday will end with a grandiose festive salute, which will be in honor of the Navy Day for two whole.

Fireworks on Navy Day in St. Petersburg will be especially enchanting

In honor of the Day of the Navy in St. Petersburg will be an artillery salute. It will be carried out by the forces of a separate guards salute division of the Western Military District.

According to the press service of the Western Military District, fireworks will begin on July 29 at 22.30 at two sites at once - from the Big Beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress and in Kronstadt. 500 military personnel of the district, 85-mm D-44 guns and salute installations from the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy and the Guards Division of the Western Military District were involved.

There are only a few days left before the important and bright holiday, the Day of the Russian Navy - the country will traditionally celebrate the celebration on the last Sunday of July, in 2018 - on the 29th.

A naval parade will become a traditional event of the day, and a colorful fireworks display will take place at the end of the holiday. The main action will unfold, according to tradition, in Kronstadt and St. Petersburg.

Two festive fireworks at once will mark the end of WWII Day celebrations in St. Petersburg - one will thunder from the Big Beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the second will delight those gathered at the celebration in Kronstadt. The beginning of both colorful spectacles is at 22:00 on Sunday, July 29, 2018.

Salutes will be held by the forces of a separate guards salute division of the Western Military District.

500 military personnel of the district, about forty 85-mm D-44 guns and salute installations from the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy and the Guards Division of the Western Military District will be involved in providing artillery salutes, the press service of the district said.

“30 volleys will be fired, accompanied by several thousand fireworks from 105 mm, 125 mm, 195 mm, 310 mm caliber installations, which will provide different heights of fireworks and different opening diameters,” the district noted.

Sites that will be involved in the celebration of the Navy Day

The main naval parade on Navy Day is traditionally divided between St. Petersburg and Kronstadt. Larger ships and substrates will be presented in Kronstadt, since they simply cannot turn around in St. Petersburg.

You can see the action with your own eyes, just come early.

In St. Petersburg, all the embankments are prepared for spectators. In addition, the parade will be broadcast on the big screen on Palace Square. Many people prefer to watch the action this way, because you can better see almost every sailor on the decks.

In Kronstadt, you can watch the parade with your own eyes from Fort Konstantin - this is the most convenient point. Screens will also be placed around the city, on which it will be possible to see the passage of ships, because everyone on the site simply will not fit.

It should be noted that it is better not to drive your own car to Kronstadt on July 29, 2018 - only buses and local residents with passes will be allowed into the city. Bus number 8KR will run from the city of Lomonosov to Fort Konstantin. Stop - railway station Oranienbaum.

Residents and guests of the country who cannot come to the Northern capital for the holiday will be able to watch the military parade on TV - the broadcast will traditionally be conducted by federal channels.

Ships on Navy Day July 29, 2018

For the first time, the Main Naval Parade of the country will be held in St. Petersburg. Before the eyes of the spectators, ships with raised flags of formations that participated in the Great Patriotic War. About 40 surface ships, submarines and boats are expected. Naval aircraft will demonstrate their skills in the air.

The ships of the ocean flotilla, which, due to their size, will not be able to enter the Neva, will take part in the parade in Kronstadt.

On July 29, 2018, from 14:00, free access to the ships will be organized, which will moor on the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment, as well as in Kronstadt. The main place of celebration in St. Petersburg will be Palace Square. There will be an exhibition of anchors, brass bands, as well as artists Lyudmila Senchina, Vyacheslav Butusov and the Turetsky Choir will perform.

Every year on the last Sunday of July, Russia celebrates Navy Day. This is a great holiday not only for the “sea” defenders of our Motherland, but also for the country as a whole. Glory to the sailors! Glory to all the people associated with this professional duty! Kudos to their families for their support! Glory to our Great Maritime Power!

Since St. Petersburg is the sea capital of Russia, this holiday is celebrated here on a special scale. Every year the Government of Russia tries to surprise us and once again remind us of the power of our country. Many families have even started such a tradition: every year to visit St. Petersburg on the Day of the Navy.

The festive program on Navy Day is very large-scale (in the literal and figurative sense of the word). During the parade of warships, even men cannot hold back tears of joy and pride for our fleet, which is our world power. It would seem, what is it? Ships sailing along the Neva on the day of the holiday, especially in St. Petersburg - we see this every year, but no! Every year, more and more patriotism and faith in our country wakes up in our souls, and especially after the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Many of us have regained faith in the future, faith in the power and greatness of our state, and we are sure that the Navy Day in St. Petersburg in 2018 will be filled with a special atmosphere of patriotism and pride.

The main naval parade of the ships of the Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic Fleets and the Caspian Flotilla will traditionally take place in the afternoon, near the Blagoveshchensky Bridge.

You can appreciate the scale of the holiday only by your personal presence on it!

The flagships of the naval parade this time will be the missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov and the nuclear submarine with the Eagle cruise missile system. Among the ships, St. Petersburg residents and guests of the Northern capital will also see the Admiral Makarov frigate, the Soobrazitelny corvette, the Ivan Gren and Korolev landing ships, and the Vladikavkaz diesel-electric submarine of the Northern Fleet.

What new will we see this year? Nuclear submarine "Orel", 5 latest multi-role fighters Su-30SM of the Baltic Fleet Naval Aviation Base, anti-submarine helicopter Ka-27PL. and other participants.

On July 20, 2018, especially for the Day of the Navy 2018 in St. Petersburg, the State Memorial Museum of A. V. Suvorov will open the exhibition “Remember the war. Heroic Pages in the History of the Russian Imperial Fleet for 200 Years.

July 26, 2018 The Central Naval Museum will host a city-wide historical quest called “Naval Traditions of My Family”.

At the Museum of the History of Kronstadt from July 27 to September 1, 2018. the thematic exhibition "On full sail" will be opened.

According to the annual tradition, the Alexander Ivanovich Marinesko Museum of the History of Russian Submarine Forces will hold an open day. This year this day falls on July 28, 2018.

July 28, 2018 The museum on Labor Square will host a thematic event “Vivat Ushakov!” Dedicated to his victory in the battle of Kaliakria.

This year, as part of the military holiday, on July 28 and 29, 2018. Vyborg Castle will host the Vyborg Castle Military Historical Festival, the only fully preserved monument of medieval military architecture in Russia.

(program of events for July 29, 2018):

Parade of ships on Navy Day 2018:

The opening of the festive program of the Navy Day in St. Petersburg 2018 on the most famous cruiser of the 1st rank of the Baltic Fleet "Aurora" is scheduled for 9:30 in the morning.

The festive program of the Navy 2018 in St. Petersburg will traditionally begin with a parade of warships in the Neva water area - at 10:00, near the Blagoveshchensky bridge. At 11:00, the movement of ships will continue, and the military, meanwhile, will march along the city's embankments. Aviation will appear in the sky.

It will be most convenient to watch the parade of ships from the Palace and University embankments, as well as from the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment.

Museums and thematic projects on Navy Day 2018:

July 29, 2018 from 11:00 to 18:00 in the cinema hall of the Central Naval Museum on Labor Square will be broadcast documentaries dedicated to the Russian Navy. On the same day at 14:00, a festive concert dedicated to the Navy Day will take place in the atrium.

From 26 to 29 July 2018 on the cruiser "Aurora", on the submarine "D-2 Narodovolets" excursions dedicated to the history of the Russian fleet will be held.

The State Memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad will be held on July 29, 2018. one-day exhibition “The Baltics are fighting. The Red Banner Baltic Fleet in the Great Patriotic War.

July 29, 2018 from 14:00 on large screens on Palace Square you can see a historical film about the Russian Navy.

Concert program on Palace Square on Navy Day 2018:

From 11:00 to 23:00, a festive concert program with video broadcast will be held on Palace Square.

The big concert on Palace Square on Navy Day 2018 in St. Petersburg will begin at 11:00.

The day part of the program will feature: Alexander Rosenbaum, soloists of the Mariinsky Theatre, the youth choir "Soglasie", artists of the creative team of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Dyatlov.

At 18.00, the holiday on Dvortsovaya will continue with the performance of Alexander Sklyar, the VA-BANK group, as well as the traditional concert of Oleg Gazmanov and the Squadron group.

At 20.00, Turetsky Choir and Turetsky SOPRANO will perform with the Song Celebration project. Both bands will take part in the "People's Karaoke" action and will sing hits of the past years together with the audience: "Blue Eternity", "Cruiser Aurora", "Hey Sailor" and others.

Fireworks on Navy Day 2018 in St. Petersburg:

Colorful fireworks and fireworks from the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress will begin at 22:00.

Traffic changes on Navy Day 2018
in the center of St. Petersburg:

  • along the Admiralteyskaya embankment from the Blagoveshchensky bridge to the Palace embankment
  • along the Palace embankment
  • along Kutuzov Embankment from Palace Embankment to Liteiny Bridge
  • along Birzhevaya Square
  • along Palace Passage
  • along Admiralteisky prospect.

WHSD: July 26 and 29, 2018 from 10:00 to 14:00 the passage through the WHSD Central Section will be free of charge.

From 10.00 July 26, 2018 on Senate Square. it is planned to carry out trainings of the ground component of the GVMP.

From 11.00 to 13.00 on July 26 and 29, 2018 due to the large concentration of people in the bridge draw zone, as well as next to the television screens, to ensure the safety and anti-terrorist protection of viewers, traffic is planned to be closed on the Admiralteyskaya embankment from the Blagoveshchensky bridge to the Palace embankment, the Palace embankment, the Kutuzov embankment from the Palace embankment to the Liteiny bridge, Birzhevaya Square, Palace Passage, and also on Admiralteisky Prospekt.

Also on July 26 and 29, 2018 it is proposed to organize the main outlet of the transit flow from Nevsky and Moskovsky prospects, Gorokhovaya street to the embankment of the Fontanka River, from Ligovsky prospect to the Obvodny Canal embankment. Additionally, it is planned to close the entrances to the Liteiny Bridge from the Pirogovskaya and Arsenalnaya embankments. It is planned to provide an advantage for entering the central part of St. Petersburg along the Bolsheokhtinsky bridge using a reverse lane.

About bridge opening on Navy Day 2018:

July 22, 26 and 29, 2018 from 11:00 to 13:00 Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Trinity and Liteiny bridges will be raised simultaneously.

July 23, 27, 30, 2018 the planned wiring of the Blagoveshchensky, Palace, Trinity and Liteiny bridges will be extended until 06.00 am.
