The Great Russian Revolution of 1917 made prominent adjustments to all signs, ranks, titles and attributes of our armed forces. They were simply canceled. On January 16, 1918, the Central Executive Committee announced the creation of the Red Army, it was assumed that it would be a new type army. Together with various questions of its organization arose and the question of the signs of the differences in the new form. He passed in one country, the opposing forces spoke in the same language, possessed with a single weapon, and the base military form was not much different from opponents. How to determine who your own who is someone else?


Five-back symbol of the Red Army

Initially, the difference of the revolutionary parts were red dressings. They were placed on the sleeve or on the headdress. But it was very unreliable, and five-pointed stars came to replace them. For the first time they were mentioned in the newspaper Izvestia dated April 19, 1918. The newspaper informed that a project of a badge for fighters of the new army was created, which will be presented in the form of a red star, and on a golden background in the center there will be an image of a plow and hammer. Such an option became the symbol of the unity of the world proletariat, and five continents. And the red color in Russia is the color of the proletarian revolution.

It is necessary to be fair and say that a five-pointed star in military personnel is not a Bolshevik invention. Back in 1827, for the first time, there were forged stars of various magnitude and quantities for the first time, and already in 1854 they were replaced by the shied stars on new chains. The star was perceived as a direct attribute of Mars's God and was called a Marsa star. Looking into the future or no developers of the signs of differences, but the fact is obvious: military symbolism has retained its continuity.

Anniversary sign of the 5th battery of the 3rd Artillery Brigade. Source:

Unfortunately, there were no accurate evidence about who is the author of this symbol. Some experts believe that the star offered one of the commissars of the Moscow military district N. Polyansky, others are inclined to the fact that the author became K. Eremeev - a member of the College in the organization and management of the Red Army.

It was originally decided that the star was worn on the chest, but on November 15, 1918, an order of RVS No. 773 came out, according to which the star was located on the heads of the heads not only from soldiers, but also in the sailors.

First Red Army. Source:

Chief Symbol of the USSR

The Army Red Star very soon began to personify the Soviet Russia itself. In 1923, it appeared in the form of an element on the coat of arms of the USSR, and in 1924 - on the flag of the country of the Soviets. In 1930, red ruby \u200b\u200bstars appeared on the first five towers of the Moscow Kremlin. The Red Star with the image of the young steel was to wear members of the October Organization, in 1942 the stars decorated the pioneer icon.

The victory of the Soviet people is also inseparable from the chief symbol of the Red Army. The Red Star was an identifying sign of the USSR Armed Forces and in the post-war time. This sign knows around the world, and how no other personifies the heroism and the courage of the people who have established peace on Earth.

Breastplate signs of the Red Army. 1919-1922

In the fall of 2014. lDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky sent a letter russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoiguwhich raised the question of the formation of army symbols for Orthodox orthodox soldiers. The reason for the letter, judging from its content, was the journey of Zhirinovsky to the farm German Sterligova. The son of the owner allegedly complained that he could not serve in the Russian army, because a five-pointed star in army symbolism is associated with satanic symbols.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Russia Nikolay Pankov He answered the head of the LDPR to a detailed letter, which indicates that the binding of a five-pointed star to Satanism is unreasonable - for example, such a pentagram denoted during the Roman Empire, the transition from paganism to Christianity as a true faith. As for the history of the star in the Russian and Soviet army, Satanism has never been here in risen.

This correspondence is indicative - in the post-Soviet period, attacks on the Soviet symbolism took the nature of the shape, and the participants did not make it too difficult for them to justify their statements.

A red star as a symbol of the Soviet Army was particularly delivered - she was seen in it and Satanism, and Masonry, and the militant Zionism, and much more. We saw everything, depending on the level of intellectual development.

Nikolay introduced French fashion

But what is the true story of the appearance of a star in general and the Red Star in particular in the armed forces of our country?

Like more, a five-pointed star came to Russia from abroad. At the end of the XVIII - early XIX century, five-pointed stars appeared in the French army on the epolutes and heads of officers and the generals, which determined their chin. This tradition was torn to the times of ancient Rome, where a five-pointed star was a symbol of the God of War - Mars - and denoted Lily from which he was born.

In 1827. russian Emperor Nicholas I Admires French experience and introduces stars on the ecols of officers and the generals of the Russian army. We are talking about gold wrist stars. 27 years later, in 1854, all the same Nicholas I introduce the epaulets in the Russian army, as well as the seaside stars on them.

How widely a five-pointed star was used in the Russian army, there is no single opinion. On the Internet you can find pictures of the famous Russian photographer Charles Bullaon which he captured Russian military echelons in 1904-1905, whose wagons are marked with five-pointed stars with a double-headed eagle inside. Opponents insist on the fact that it is a skillful photo montage.

Five-pointed star with an eagle on a military train car, Russian Empire, photos of Viktor Bulla, 1905. Photo: Public Domain

Logic and nothing but logic

After the February Revolution, the royal signs differences in the army were canceled. April 21, 1917 by order on the fleet and maritime department No. 150 of the Military and Maritime Minister of Provisional Government Alexander Guccov Shoulder straps are replaced by distinguished signs of differences, and a new cokard has been introduced. On it, a five-pointed star was placed on an outlet with anchor.

The temporary government could not solve the problem of revising military symbolism due to the fact that the authorities were very long.

After October 1917, the same question was to solve the Bolshevikov who took the construction of a new, worker-peasant army.

A five-pointed star as a symbol of the new army approached many parameters. First, it, although used in the Russian army, did not have sustainable binding to the monarchy institute. Secondly, she moved to Russia from France, where he appeared in the army after the Great French Revolution, to whose figures the Bolsheviks treated with great respect.

The answer to the question about the color of the star was also obvious - the red banners of the revolution and the Red Guard as the forerunner of the revolutionary army meant that the new symbol would be red.

The form of clothing of fighters and commanders of the Taman army, RKKA times of the Civil War, 1919. Photo: / jp.negre

Five continents of the proletarian revolution

Who was the first to suggest a red five-pointed star as a symbol of the army, it is definitely unknown. Most likely, such an idea arose in several people independently of each other. Among them mention commander of the Petrograd Military District Eremeeva, commissioner of the Moscow Military District of Polyansky. Be that as it may, this idea was supported by the Military Board on the organization of the Red Army.

Initially, the Red Star was viewed as a breastplate. Order Drug addicts the Republic of Lion TrotskyNo. 321 of May 7, 1918, it was approved as a sign that determines the belonging of persons in the service in the troops of the Red Army. However, the half-day experience of using the sign led to a change in its location. On November 15, 1918 by order of the RSSR RSFSR No. 773, the star began to wear on the heads instead of the royal kocard, and we were wearing the red stars and was distributed to sailors.

Reproduction of the poster of the artist A. Appsis "Year of the Red Army". Photo: RIA Novosti / Pavel Balabanov

Initially, the Red Star as a symbol of the Red Army was approved with the image of a plow and hammer, personified the solidarity of workers and peasants.

As a heraldic symbol, the Army Red Star had his interpretation. In the first years of the Earls of the Red Army under it, the unity of the world proletariat of all five continents of the Earth was meant: the five ends of the stars are five continents of the planet. The red color is the color of the proletarian revolution, he had to combine all five continents a single goal and a single start. In a later period, the Red Star was interpreted as a symbol of warriors, guarding peaceful labor protecting workers from hunger, war, poverty and slavery.

Our already in Washington!

Almost immediately, from the moment of the appearance of the Red Star, the opponents of the Bolsheviks began to actively promote the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "satanic" nature of the symbol of the Red Army. Some success has had some success, and the military department of the WTCIK issued a mass edition of the leaflet "Look, Comrade, here is the Red Star," in which the genuine essence of this sign, extremely far from Satanism, described in detail, with the use of parable The star is patheticly called the "Star of Truth".

There were more objective critics that believed that the problem is that in Russia simply there is no such rich history of using a five-pointed star, as in other countries. For example, such stars were widely used in the japanese army, as well as other countries.

If you look even wider, then a five-pointed star, and it is red that can be found in very unexpected places. For example, on the flag of the deputy commander of the Navy, their four, and on the flag of the city of Washington - three.

Flag of Washington, USA. Photo: Public Domain

To whom the star and to whom and the cross

During the existence of the Red Army - the Soviet Army - the Red Star was several times modified, changing the plow and hammer on the sickle and hammer.

The Red Star has become a symbol of military victories and defense relics of the country.

In the post-Soviet period, a red five-pointed star became a symbol of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan and Belarus. But in Ukraine, the military from a five-pointed star refused - the symbol of the army there was a cross, having a similarity with the symbolism of the German Wehrmacht of the Second World War.

As for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in 2014 they had a new logo - a red and white-blue five-pointed star. Experts argue whether a new star is a departure from Soviet traditions or, on the contrary, returning to them.

With confidence you can say one thing - Satanism and Mystic here is exactly what.

The Russian army used the well-deserved combat glory. She was stronger than the courage of his soldiers, their selfless loyalty of a military oath, their disadvantageous resistance, their ability to gently tolerate the harsh soldier service. In the Russian army there were magnificent military traditions. Traditions in the army - a great deal. Unwritten laws of military honor paid soldiers around the warlords, created a strong inner discipline, combined the warriors into a close and friendly regimental family - she was for a soldier and officer is sometimes more expensive than his home. Our duty is to take the best of military traditions of the old Russian army and introduce them at home. We are the legitimate heirs of the Supreme Fame of the Russian Hardship and, like the maternity owners, is the expense of our heart inheritance, we try to save and multiply.

One of the most wonderful and exciting traditions of the Russian army was love for his regimental banner. The banner was considered a shrine shelf. The banner was a symbol of military honor and glory. With unfolded banners, the Russian shelves went into battle, and the panels of these were banned, hesitated by the wind, as if stretched over the shelves the blessing of their homeland. And when the soldier walked to the feat and saw the regimental banner in the ranks of his combat comrades, he knew and trembles the regimental banner, he knew the Russian land with him, with him the love of the people and fragile.

It is clear why the sacred banner was protected with such a zeal during the battle, why the elected people are partners who were instructed to carry a regimental relic, rather parted with life than with a banner. It is clear why the loss of the banner was considered the greatest shame for the regiment. The regiment, who lost the banner, was to be disbanded, was excluded from the army lists, - couldn't you imagine a greater misfortune for soldiers and officers?! After all, each true warrior, his regiment was presented with his home, native hearth. After all, each true warrior is the Honor of the regiment seemed to be his own personal honor.

The history of the Russian army keeps a lot of examples of the high heroism of soldiers and officers, hastily sacrificing life for the salvation of the military banner.

During the war of the Russians with the French in 1805, the Azov Regiment of the Ontar Officer of Starichkov received several bullets and bayonet wounds. Starting to lose the strength and fear, as if the banner did not fall into the hands of the enemy, he took it off from the shag and hid on his chest, continuing to fight the enemy. Heavily wounded old people was captured, but while in captivity, continued to keep the hidden regimental banner. Dying from the received wounds, the old people called his friend of the soldier of the Butyrsky Infantry Regiment seagull and handed him the banner, taking an oath to save a sacred relic and any way to deliver to the regiment. The seagull exactly fulfilled the testament of a friend: he carefully and diligently hid the banner for the entire time, while he was captured, and when, finally, he returned to his homeland, delivered the banner command.

Honor the regiment was saved. The fellow soldiers did not forget the courageous Unter-Officer. The news about his feat was separated throughout Russia. The names of the modest Unter-Officer Starichkov and his friend of the gull were listed in the history of the Russian army. So, in captivity, the Russian soldier remained faithful to his oath, remembered the service, about the soldiers' debt, about his native banner.

The signatorist of the 2nd battalion of the Selenga Regiment of the 2nd Grenadier company Unter-Officer Andrei Snozik, being on October 23, 1853 in battle with the banner, was very wounded and fell. Instantly a few comrades jumped to him in order to take a banner from his weakened hands, but the valiant Andrei Snozik rose and firmly said: "It's still alive, I will not give a banner," and, pouring off blood, Intrusted the banner.

Inspired by his valor, the soldiers rapidly rushed into battle and drove the enemy. The banner who was uncomfortable by courageous Andrei Snozik, highly waved over the battalion and called the soldiers to victory.

During the Sevastopol Defense, the Okhotsk Regiment attacked the strongly fortified English position on the inkerman altitudes. The battery was protected by black arrows - selected English regiment. Although most of the soldiers and officers of the Okhotsk Regiment ran up on the battlefield, nevertheless the Russians captured the English battery. But the English Guard hurried to help the black arrows and knocked out the hunting of a busy height. In an unequal battle, the Russians were killed by a regimental sign. In a minute of confusion, the banner passed into the hands of the British. Seeing this, Unter-Officers Ivan Barabashev and Osip Ignatiev would be outstrong rushed back to the battery, in the most thick of the British, and pulled out his shrine from enemy hands. The banner was saved, and with him and honor the shelf.

In the Turkish war of 1877, the strengthening of the Kizil-Tapap defended the 1st battalion of the 157th Infantry Imereti regiment. During the brutal battle, the Turks pushed the weak forces of the Russians and captured the banner. Then the ensign of Petropavlovsky, exposing the saber, one rushed into the thick of the enemy soldiers and grabbed the banner of the banner. Petropavlovsky's ensign rose on the bayonets, but he desperate efforts had time to rip off the sacred cloth and transfer it through the heads of the Turks into the hands of his fellow soldiers. The Turks were cut into pieces of a brave officer, but the banner was saved.

So the valiant warrior without hesitation gave his life for his native banner, for the honor of his regiment and the glory of his comrades.

During Sevastopol Defense, the 2nd battalion of the 54th Minsk Regiment had to join the battle with the whole French division of General Bosque. The battalion commanded the courageous lieutenant colonel Rakovich. The enemy had a huge numerical advantage. Each Russian had to deal with at least ten-fifteen Zuabami. The French managed to capture the banner of the battalion. Then the lieutenant colonel himself rushed at the French, he dug a few enemy soldiers, beat off the banner and retreated to his.

The heroic feat of the Rakovich lieutenant colonel, who he who who had to fight for his banner, who was still more inspired by the soldiers of the Minsk Regiment. They joined the banned banner again and although they were forced to move away, but forced the enemy expensive to pay for each step of promotion. And the officers and soldiers equally treated the honor of the native banner, for it was the shrine of the regiment, and this shrine was protected by anyone who served under her sena.

In the battle with Turks under the ESI-Upgrain on June 19, 1877, the 3rd squad of the militias were distinguished. The squirrel of the squad of Arsente Cimbalyuk was hardly wounded in the chest. The faithful oath duty, he did not want to leave his shrine and, overcoming painful pain, was brought forward tover. Soon, absolutely disused, he fell. The banner picked up Lieutenant Colonel Kalitin, but he was immediately killed. Then the banner accepted one of the ordinary militias, but he did not have time to take a few steps, as she fell dead. It was scary to approach the banner - the enemy developed a mad fire. However, the militias did not leave their shrine. Five signs were killed on the spot, but the squad nevertheless made his banner from the battle, splashing his glorious defenders splashing with the blood of his glorious defenders.

Here is an example of the heroic service, here is a sample of that high military spirit, which always lived and will live forever in Russian people!

The banner inspired Russian warriors, called them on tart feats. When Alexander Nevsky, his princely stale walked highly at the crowing stone, and each of the warriors knew: there is a prince, there is a commander there, there is a heart and soul of combat. In the clock of a terrible Kulikovsky battle, when 150 thousand Russian warriors were cut by the mortal battle with an unmearable Mama Horde, in the center of the boiling battle was waving a great-resistant Dmitry Donskoy, and one type of this banner forced the heaven to beat the hearts of Russian warriors. They knew that with them their commander, with them the love of the people!

Slavs Russian banners! Where didn't you visit?! They trembled in smoke and flame of the Poltava battle, when the Great Peter crossed the Russian sword with a Swedish sword and when the question was resolved about whether Russia was a great power or to remain in the long century a weak reproach. Proud Ishmael, taken by the unparalleled assault of Suvorov's miracle heroes, saw Russian banners on her dotol in impregnable walls. In the Grozny Godina of the Patriotic War, what Russia led with Napoleon, the Russians have fluttering over the iron regiments of the Russian military that defended Moscow on the fields of Borodin.

The Germans saw Russian signs on the squares of Berlin, which occupied by us during the years of the seven-year war. Through the Alpine Gorge, Russian banners were carried during an unparalleled Suvorov campaign. Lombardy Valley, who heard the measuring step of the Russian infantry, visited our banner, covered with great glory.

Russian army, the army of the Great People, whose history is marked by many brilliant victories, was a guardian, a defender of Russia. Her valor and courage should be imprisoned that our homeland resisted against numerous enemies, repelled many enemy invasions.

We, modern Soviet people, Russian people, proudly say: the blood of the heroes of Poltava and Borodin, Gangut and Cesma, Izmail and Sevastopol flow in our veins. We bow to the memory of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Suvorov and Kutuzov, Bagration and Kulnev, Nakhimov and Brusylov. These names, as well as the names of other valiant commander, make up the military glory of our Fatherland.

And the symbol of the glory of Russian regiments are military banners, covered with dust of long-range hikes, powder cooled with countless battles.

We, the heirs of the Russian military glory, should raise the sacred battle banners over the regiments of our valiant red army, who defends his homeland from a terrible and evil enemy. The battle banners of the Soviet regiments as well as the knowledge of Russian warriors who defended their depreciation will be a symbol of military honor, valor and glory. What pride is our original guards regiments and divisions! The crankshakes are taken by the guardsmen of their deserved banner and sacred in battle.

Martial Regimental Badges will once again reminded every fighter and the commander about their sacred oath, about their debt to serve his homeland, defend it courageously and skillfully, to defend each right of his native land, without sparing his blood and life itself. And when our fighter would be hard in the stern hour half a battle, he will turn his thought to his native combat banner. In it - the honor of the regiment, the honor of the army, the honor of the depreciation. In it - the blessing of the Motherland, the blessing of the people. In it - the soldier's valor and glory. //.
* ("Red Star", USSR)
("Red Star", USSR)

**************************************** **************************************** ***************
Agitator in the oops
From the front agitator notebook

In agitation, sometimes a small barcode, small facts are pushing on a topical subject. It happens that the agitator decided to talk on any topic. He is sent to the company, and, having come there, builds a conversation at all, as she used to think. That is one of the manifestations.

I recently met the agitator captain Rogozhkin. We were talking about the purposefulness and effectiveness of agitation. And that's what he told me:

I walked on the front edge with the intention to talk about discipline. But all my plans were tilted, only I got to the trenches.

The first thing that rushed into the eyes is small trenches. The Germans all the time they are shelling and often withdraw from our fighters. At that moment, when we walked, they were rocked from the machine guns and periodically threw mines. From our side the shooting was not. What's the matter? We approach machine-gun calculation, ask.

Why are silent?

And how to shoot, we do not see anything, "the fighter says.

In fact, before the front edge of the Germans of 500 meters, and the shelling sector at the machine gun machine is designed for 150. Ahead is a high dry grass, bodies and small bushes. We approach another machine gun.

Well, how do you shoot? - We appeal to the fighters.

We shoot a little girl.

And won Fritz go, why not be afraid? - asked the Lieutenant Colonel Yurchenko present here. He quickly put the sight and gave turn. Two Germans melt on Earth.

What are you doing, lieutenant colonel? - a platoon commander of Lieutenant Pop appealed to him. - After all, the Germans will open the retaliatory fire.

In the replica of Lieutenant, I was heard not only anxiety for the life of the senior commander, but also him. From the conversation with a nearby fighter, I found that the platoon and his commander on the forefront recently, that the Germans are here all the time, without fear, go to their front edge in full growth, and our fighters do not worry them. I got everything clear.

In this company, I spent two conversations. Themes suggested themselves. The first is to strengthen the defense and organization of fire, the second - "".

Five days later I went to this company again, "Rogozhkin agitator tells," and he was not enough. Trenches were deepened. In the trenches it was possible to safely bring ammunition and food. Shelling sectors are cleared. And to top it all - a few days a platoon fighters destroyed 60 Germans.

Agitator Rogozhkin clearly convinced the strength of his word.

Night - the most busy time. She is full of surprises. It is at night in the opposite, in the dumping it is necessary to pretend the agitator to.

In the dark night I made my way from the command item to our front edge. In the distance flooded with intermittent fire, strawing without the end enemy machine gun. Mines ripped with a dry metallic crackle. The bullets are and the case was screened over her head. Our fighters did not shoot.

Why such silence? - I asked the fighter that was standing in the foreskin.

Head does not give to raise, everything hits and beats, "he replied.

And you make it silenced it. Bates themselves.

The enemy was arranged under the houses of the houses - you won't get it.

Hungarians sitting in the village, in the undergrounds of houses, equipped firepoints. From these suns, connected by the trenches, they continuously watered our trenches with fire. As soon as our mortar makers started shooting a firepoint, she shut down, but after two or three minutes the machine gun again started to scatter from the underground of another hut. Continuous fire did not give rest. It was necessary to intercept the fire initiative.

I knew that Senior Sergeant Leon was a wonderful shooter, he had a vintage eye and a solid hand.

Hit the incendial, - I advised.

After half an hour, the extreme huts were stuffed.

The next night I was again in the trench. Having lost the warm apartments ,. The machine guns were silent. Feeling the power of your weapons, our fighters triumphed and did not stop fire for a minute. In the morning of the enemy troops, soldiers crawl and began to shout something in the mouthpiece.

Fackers, remove the "Krikuna", - commanded Leonov.

Followed shot. "Krikun" hung on Bruvier, and the ruger rolled down.

During the day, leaving the front edge, I already knew that silence in this company would no longer. The fire initiative passed into our hands. I unwittingly remembered Captain Rogozhkin. I was also pleased. Night - good time for the agitator.

What is needed in order for the word of the agitator to be intelligible, sounded fresh and convincingly, irresistibly acted on the mind and heart of the fighter? First of all, it is necessary that the agitator has to have concrete, understandable to every fighter arguments and facts close to him, taken from his own life. Therefore, before the conversation, you need to get acquainted with the life of fighters and all the divisions, replenish your notebook with fresh facts from their fighting practice and trench. It is too easy to attract even small facts from the life of the agitator to attract even small facts from the life of the division, the action of his words to the consciousness and behavior of the fighter. Before ITti in one or another company, I usually meet her "in absentia", collect materials in politicalotel, from commanders.

Our fighter -. It immediately determines what is strong and what is weak agitator. And if he sees that in front of him, an agitator, who knows his life and life, knowing good weapons, he provides him with sincere trust and express her location. And to locate a fighter - this is already half of the success.

In the forefront, the agitator is always ensured by a warm welcome. The audience is grateful here. Usually you have to answer hundreds of various issues. Burning interest is shown fighters to the international situation of the country, the situation on the fronts and life of our rear. Therefore, the agitator before each trip to the part should be ready for the report on these topics.

Finally, each of us often have to deal with shortcomings in military units. The agitator in the part is not an extraneous person. Agitator is a representative of the Poltorgangan. Therefore, he cannot pass by observed disgraces. // Captain G.Rumyantsev. Voronezh Front.

Release of medical collections at the front

Leningrad Front, December 8th. (Specialcore. TASS). The medical workers of the N-Army are largely scientific and practical work, summarize the experience gained by them during the Patriotic War. The sanitary department of the army issued a number of scientific papers in which professors and doctors working in divisional and army medical institutions take part.

On-day comes the third medical collection. It consists of four sections: "Organization and tactics of sanitation", "Military Hygiene and Epidemiology", "Military Field Surgery", "Military-field therapy and toxicology".

________________________________________ ________
A. Krivitsky: ("Red Star", USSR)
A. Tolstoy: * ("Izvestia", USSR) **
("Red Star", USSR) ***
* ("Red Star", USSR)

Initially, the Bolsheviks called their star "Marsa Star", for according to their understanding, it, as it were, belonged to God of war - Mars.

But your first order, a red banner, they made unusual, approved and placing an image on it a turned star.

In the statute of this order it was said that the five rays of the Red Star were the union of simple workers of the five continents of the Earth for freedom. Developing the Order of the Order In September 1918, he instructed the chairman of the CECA Yakov Sverdlov by the artist Vasily Denisov, but he sick and almost all the main work was performed by his son Vladimir Denisov, who was also an artist. Awarded by this Order of Commanders and Commissioners of the Red Army, the first of which was Blucher. Nestor Makhno was also awarded this order (in Soviet times, this fact was gross in every way).

But a five-pointed red star at the Order of the Red Banner of the RSFSR was performed in a turned form, and this is one of the versions, corresponds to Masonic symbols:

The evolution of the first order of the country of the Soviets - the Order of the Red Banner:

In addition to the RSFSRovsky Order of the Red Banner, there was a similar Azerbaijani "Red Banner":

And here is a rare Mongolian "Red Banner" and very similar to the order "Hero roar. Movement ":

Star - an ancient magic symbol. In alchemy and hermetic designs man. Everyone knows the image below.

Vitruvian man. Drawing Leonardo da Vinci

But the pentagram is also a working symbol of the 5th Arkana Magic. Star - Pentagram, Pentacle (Penta - Five) is usually depicted in two kinds. Star up top and top down.

Star Top up means violence, programming of people, subordination of someone else's will. And the top down - any interaction with dark forces.

Not because revolutionaries, among which the Jews grew up as a rule in Zhidovsky families and most likely to create visibility and achieve their goals [in accordance with the Shulkhan Aruh laws registered in the second part of the Jewish Code, say: "If a Jew can deceive Akumov (apostates from Judaism), forcing them to believe that he (himself) Akum, then it is allowed. " Thus, Judaism teaches that before the interempions of Jews are entitled to pretend, for the type of Christianity], along with the "Violence Star" accepted and turned the star?

It is obvious that people from religious families, because of their origin, to one degree or another were familiar with the Kabbalah and other mystical currents of Judaism, among which they grew and brought up before baptism accepted. The Bolsheviks were interested in theosophy, the popularity of Blavatsky is known in their environment. In addition to using the sacraments of Kabbalistic currents, after the revolution, the Bolsheviks were attracted by A.V. Barchchenko, who, under the control of the Blumkin, who worked by the secretary of Trotsky Kabbalist, Blumikin (Simh-Yankel, Blumkin), was looking for information about the ancient knowledge of different peoples and denominations. The head of the specialties of OGPU Gleb Bocca was aware of all occult-mystical contacts and discoveries of Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko. Mysticism washed and the murder of the royal family, when the investigators discovered the investigators on the walls of the Ipatiev house the investigators and signs, as well as inscriptions in Jewish.

Therefore, it is not to be surprised that in those years I decided to use the starring star. Taken by the army of the star the top up is violence and submission. And the inverted star, intended directly for the commanders and commissioners of the Red Army, awarded for the destruction of disagreement to live under the start of the new government, meant the identity of the carrier to the dark devilish forces, one can say-- it was a label to determine particularly zealous assistants.

This topic inspired by mystics was reflected in such a campaign poster calling for workers and peasants to join the army under the management of the Communists:

A poster is the work of the famous artist Dmitry Moore. Later he was published in the Soviet book "Illustrated History of the USSR".

And in the 30s in the Republic of Soviton, gloomy mysticism is visible in the Republic of Soviet, at least here in such a badge of the All-Union Olyuzkiada, whose participants were mainly military and security officers:

More than once in his articles, he conducted parallels between the ideology of the Communists and the Abrahamian religions born in the Jewish minds in order to enslave these ideas and religions of the peoples and equally destroyingly acting on the consciousness of the listeners. - "Judah on the Internet" - "Occupants in the regions".

Here and today I will add this small post to the image of a turned star, symbolizing communication with the dark forces not only liquidobolshevikov, but also servants of various religions.

Andrei Rublev painted this Orthodox icon (in photo 3) not Spy:

He was well acquainted with various symbols, not the last place among which hexagrams also occupied and inverted stars located on the religious buildings of various denominations (photo 1 and 2).

The first official sketch of the Red Star as a sign of the Red Army was approved in the spring of 1918. On April 19, in the newspaper Izvestia of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Councils of Peasant, Workers, Soldiers and Cossacks, correspondence appeared, which said that the commissioned of military affairs was approved by the drawing of the breastplate for the soldiers of the Red Army in the form of a red star with a golden image of a plow and hammer in the center. By itself, the star, which, by the way, in the article, and some time after official adoption, called the "Marsa star", personified, on the one hand, the god of Marsa war, on the other, due to its red color - the protection of the revolution. And the symbolism of the hammer and plow to read was both easier: they, of course, personified the "working-peasant" character of the new army.
Interestingly, at one of the preliminary sketches, painted and proposed by the Commissioner of the Moscow Military District, Nikolai Polyansky, except for a plow and hammer, was also present - as a symbol of the intelligentsia. But from the book they refused, calculating that it overloads the sign and makes it poorly readable. The idea itself is to combine in one sign, the symbols of workers and peasants were first implemented in March 1917, when the image of the workers of Moscow factory Faberge appeared an image of crossed hammer, soils and a rifle.
With the official approval by order of drug addict No. 321 of May 7, 1918, the new sign of the Red Army was called "Marsov Star with Plow and Hammer" and had to rush on the chest on the left. By the way, many redarmeys, especially the red commanders, preferred to wear a sign on the flaw - so that she does not cling to him and did not close, turning the Red Warrior in an unknown armed person. And this consideration in July 1918 made the renovation of the republic to give the order to transfer the Red Star from the chest to the shaker of the cap - the place that became familiar to the several generations of Soviet soldiers. And on November 15 of the same year, an order of RVS No. 773 was published, to which the Red Star was finally placed on headdresses, and not only the Red Army, but also the Red Fleet.
The first enamel red star, named "Marsoy," had a characteristic form. Her rays were thicker than we used to see, and their faces were slightly convex, why the whole star seemed more voluminous. In this form, with convex thick rays, hammer and plow - it existed for four years. On April 13, 1922, the plow, which was considered the symbol of the wealthy peasantry, that is, the fists were replaced by the poor sickle (although, most likely, this replacement had a more urban designer explanation: the sickle is simplerly portrayed and perceived easier). Three months, July 11, changed the shape of the rays of the star - they were hidden, giving a sign well-known to us.
