Sometimes it seems to us that all the most interesting was discovered for a long time ago, and it makes no sense to reinvent the bike. But it is not at all. Science does not stand still. Every day are performed new discoveries. We collected a dozen brightest of them, made only russian scientistsand tried to describe them so that you can easily talk about the novelties of science to your children.

New discoveries in the field of archeology
Loaded Mammoths

Until recently, mammoths were extinct in the Stone Age, about 10 thousand years ago. However, new finds of Russian scientists on the island of Wrangel prove that Mammoths lived here in the 2000s before our era. It turns out that in historical age these giants are contemporaries of ancient trends and Egyptian pharaohs!

Denisovsky man

In 2010, Siberian archaeologists opened new kind of primitive people. Now the company with Crohanyonians and Neanderthals are located Denice. Thes of their remains were found in the Denis cave, which in Altai. The age of Denisovsky is about 40 thousand years old.

New discoveries in the field of geography
Standing lakes Antarctica

Our scientists still continue to find new researched lakes in Antarctica. At the moment they are open more than 140! Lake East is the largest of treated lakes in the world. His discovery was one of the greatest under the past half a century. The lake is located under the layer of ice with a thickness of 4 kilometers, and his age - several million years !!!At the moment, research on the Lake East continues. If scientists find microorganisms in the waters of the lake, it will prove the possible existence of a primitive life in our solar system - on Jupiter satellites (Callisto, Europe) and Saturn (Enceladud).

New discoveries in the field of astronomy
The most telescope

Radio astron - a large-scale space project, launched by Russian scientists. As part of the project in orbit the world's largest cosmic telescope, Guinness recorded in the Guinness Book. At the moment it is the tempering telescope in the world. With its help, scientists will be able to observe the processes occurring in distant galaxies, black holes and solve other secrets of the Universe.

New solar discovery

Coronas is a Russian project that studies solar activity. Over the past 20 years, our scientists launched 3 satellites, which are the only ones in the world that observe the sun. During this time, a number of unique discoveries were made: the nature of solar flares, the solar crown and other processes in the sun were studied.

Opening of water on Mars

Russian detector Hand (Hend)Mounted on the American orbital apparatus "Mars-Odyssey" in 2001, found water ice on the red planet! For 14 years this device has been collecting information about Mars for scientists. Perhaps very soon we are waiting for other news about the life of our Space neighbor.

New discoveries in the field of chemistry
Fleurian, Livermorius, Nunoky, ..

From 1999 to 2010, the Mendeleev table was replenished 6 new elementsthanks to the Russian scientist. Physics from the near Moscow city of Dubna were able to get them thanks to a special installation with the Russian name "Masha". This is Fleurian, Livermorius, Lunokyti, Huntri, Ununpenty, Unhunspeti. Total in the table today 118 chemical elements. And there are still empty cells!

New discoveries in physics
The most durable material

In 2010, a group of our scientists received Nobel Prize For the opening of superproof material - graphene. Graphen 200 times steadfast steelBut at the same time very thin and light. To break the thinnest graphene film with a thickness of 0.01 mm, it is necessary to make an effort of 7 tons weighing (this is an adult elephant)! The scope of graphene wide: medicine, electronics, cosmo- and aircraft construction and many other areas of science and life.

Alphene semiconductors and laser

In 2000. Nobel Prize Physics received our compatriot Zhores Alferov. We all enjoy it today: all optical fiber bond is built on semiconductors and laser of Alferov. And only thanks to its discoveries, our mobile phones work, computers, CD players and many other devices.

New discoveries in the field of mathematics
Bagel, Apple and Universe

In 2003, Russian scientist Grigory Perelman solved one of 7 Millennium's greatest mysteries. He proved the famous hypothesis Poincaré, which confirmed the hypothesis of the emergence of our universe - the theory of a large explosion. How to explain the meaning of a complex mathematical theory of kid? Let's try to do this on the example of an apple and a bubble. If a long time and strongly compress the apple, then it will turn into a point. But the bagel to squeeze to the point will not work, it will break. And Perelman, this scientifically proved. For the discovery, he was awarded the Fields Award at 1 million dollars, from which a scientist ... refused!

This world keeps many more mysteries that have to solve our children. Move your little scientists with interesting stories, inspire on creativity. And let them wait for a sea of \u200b\u200bamazing discoveries in life!

Over the past few centuries, we have committed countless discoveries that helped to significantly improve the quality of our daily life and understand how the world is arranged around us. It is very difficult to estimate the whole importance of these discoveries, if not to say that it is almost impossible. But one clearly surely - some of them literally changed our life once and for all. From penicillin and screw pump to X-ray and electricity, you have a list of 25 greatest discoveries and inventions of humanity.

25. Penicillin

If in 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming (Alexander Fleming) did not open Penicillin, the first antibiotic, we would still die from such diseases like a gastric ulcer, from abscesses, streptococcal infections, scarletins, leptospirosis, lime diseases and many others.

24. Mechanical hours

Photo: Pixabay.

There are conflicting theories about how the first mechanical clock really looked, but most often the researchers adhere to the versions that in 723 our era created the Chinese monk and mathematician Ai Xing (I-Hsing). It is this fundamental invention that allowed us to measure time.

23. Heliocentrism Copernicus

Photo: WP / Wikimedia

In 1543, by almost death, the Polish astronomer Nikolai Copernicus promulgated his significant theory. According to the writings of Copernica, it became known that the Sun is our planetary system, and all of its planets rotate around our star each in their orbit. Until 1543, astronomers believed that it was the Earth that was the center of the Universe.

22. Circulatory

Photo: Bryan Brandenburg

One of the most important discoveries in medicine was the discovery of the circulatory system, which in 1628 announced the English doctor William Harvey (William Harvey). He became the first person describing the entire circulation system and the properties of the blood, which the heart shakes throughout our body from the brain to the fingertips.

21. Screw pump

Photo: David hawgood /

One of the most famous ancient Greek scientists, Archimedes, is considered the author of one of the world's first water pumps. Its device was a rotating corkscrew, which pushed the water up the pipe. This invention has advanced irrigation systems to a new level and is still used in many sewage treatment plants.

20. Gravity

Photo: Wikimedia.

Everyone knows this story - Isaac Newton, the famous English mathematician and physicist, opened gravity after an apple fell on his head on 1664. Thanks to this event, we first learned why the items fall down and why the planet rotate around the sun.

19. Pasteurization

Photo: Wikimedia.

Pasteurization was opened in the 1860s by the French scientist Louis Pasteur. It is the process of heat treatment, during which in certain foods and beverages (wine, milk, beer), pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. This discovery had a significant impact on public health and the development of the food industry all over the world.

18. Steam engine

Photo: Pixabay.

Everyone knows that modern civilization was caught on the factories built during the industrial revolution, and that all this happened using steam engines. The engine caused by the power of steam was created for a long time, but over the past century it was significantly finalized by three British inventors: Thomas Sayver, Thomas Newcastle and the most famous of them - James Watt (Thomas Savery, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt).

17. Air conditioning


The primitive climate control system existed since ancient times, but it changed significantly when the first modern electric air conditioner appeared in 1902. He was invented by a young engineer named Willis Carrier (Willis Carrier), a leaving of Buffalo, New York (Buffalo, New York).

16. Electricity

Photo: Pixabay.

The fateful opening of electricity is counted by the English scientist Michael Faraday. Among its key discoveries, it is worth noting the principles of operation of electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis. Faraday experiments also led to the creation of the first generator, which became the predecessor of huge generators, which today produce electricity to us in everyday life.

15. DNA

Photo: Pixabay.

Many believe that it is American biologist James Watson and an English physicist Francis Crick (James Watson, Francis Crick) in the 1950s opened, but in fact, for the first time, this macromolecule was revealed back at the end of the 1860s by the Swiss Chemist Friedrich Maysher (Friedrich Miescher). Then a few decades after the opening of the Maysher, other scientists have conducted a number of studies that finally helped us clarify how the body transfers their genes to the following generation, and how its cells are coordinated.

14. Anesthesia

Photo: Wikimedia.

Simple forms of anesthesia, such as opium, mandragora and alcohol, were used by people from the long time, and the first mention of them refer to as much as 70 years of our era. But since 1847, the anesthesia passed to a new level when the American surgeon Henry Bigelou (Henry Bigelow) first introduced ether and chloroform into his practice, making extremely painful invasive procedures much more tolerated.

13. Theory of relativity

Photo: Wikimedia.

Including two interrelated theories of Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein), a special and general theory of relativity, the theory of relativity, published in 1905, transformed all theoretical physics and astronomy of the 20th century and eclipsed with a 200-year-old theory of mechanics proposed by Newton. Einstein's relativity Theory has become the basis for most of the scientific work of modernity.

12. X-rays

Photo: Nevit Dilmen / Wikimedia

The German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen) was inappropriately opened X-ray rays in 1895, when he watched the fluorescence arising from a cathode-radial tube. For this turning discovery in 1901, the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize, which became one of its kind in physical sciences.

11. Telegraph

Photo: Wikipedia.

Since 1753, many researchers have conducted their experiments to establish communication at a distance using electricity, but a significant breakthrough occurred only after several decades, when in 1835, Joseph Henry and Edward Davy (Joseph Henry, Edward Davy) invented an electric relay. With this device, they created the first telegraph 2 years later.

10. Periodic system of chemical elements

Photo: Sandbh / Wikimedia

In 1869, the Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev noticed that if we streamline the chemical elements by their atomic mass, they are conditionally lined up into groups with similar properties. Based on this information, he created the first periodic system, one of the greatest discoveries in chemistry, which later called the Mendeleev table in his honor.

9. Infrared rays

Photo: Airs / Flickr

Infrared radiation was opened by British astronomer William Herchel (William Herschel) in 1800, when he studied the heating effect of light different colors, using a prism spectrum to decompose light, and measuring changes in thermometers. Today, infrared radiation is used in many areas of our life, including meteorology, heating systems, astronomy, tracking heat-made objects and many other spheres.

8. Nuclear magnetic resonance

Photo: MJ-Bird / Wikimedia

Today, nuclear magnetic resonance is constantly used as an extremely accurate and effective diagnostic tool in the field of medicine. For the first time, this phenomenon was described and calculated by American physicist Isidor Rabi (Isidor Rabi) in 1938 during the observation of molecular beams. In 1944, for this discovery to the American scientist awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

7. Dumping plow

Photo: Wikimedia.

Invented in the 18th century, the dump plow became the first plow, which not only screamed the soil, but also stirred it, which made it possible to process in agricultural purposes, even very non-dotting and stony land. Without this tool, agriculture, in which we know it today, in Northern Europe or in Central America would not exist.

6. Camera-obscura

Photo: Wikimedia.

The predecessor of modern cameras and video cameras became the camera-obscura (translated a dark room), which was an optical device used by artists for creating fast sketches during the departure outside their workshops. The hole in one of the walls of the device served to create an inverted image of what happened outside the camera. The picture was displayed on the screen (on the opposite wall of the dark box wall). These principles were known for centuries, but in 1568, Venietan Daniel Barbaro (Daniel Barbaro) made changes to the chamber-obscura device, adding it collective lenses.

5. Paper

Photo: Pixabay.

The first examples of modern paper often consider papyrus and amate, which used the ancient Mediterranean peoples and pre-Polumba Americans. But it would not be quite correct to consider them real paper. Links to the first production of papers are referred to in China during the reign of Eastern Han Empire (25-220 years old). The first paper is mentioned in the chronicles dedicated to the activities of the Justice of Tsai Luna (CAI LUN).

4. Teflon

Photo: Pixabay.

Material, thanks to which your frying pan does not burn, in fact was invented absolutely by chance by the American chemist Roy Plunkett, when he was looking for a replacement for refrigerant to secure homemade life. During one of his experiments, the scientist opened a strange slippery resin, which later became more known as Teflon.

3. Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection

Photo: Wikimedia.

Inspired by his observations during the second research journey in 1831-1836, Charles Darwin (Charles Darwin) began writing his famous theory of evolution and natural selection, which became the view of scientists from all over the world a key description of the mechanism for the development of all living on Earth

2. Liquid crystals

Photo: William Hook / Flickr

If the Austrian Botanist and Physiologist Friedrich Reinitzer (Friedrich Reinitzer) did not open liquid crystals during the inspection of the physicochemical properties of various cholesterol derivatives in 1888, today you would not know what TVs with liquid crystal screens or flat LCD monitors are.

1. Vaccine from polio

Photo: GDC Global / Flickr

On March 26, 1953, the American Medical Researcher Jonas Salk (Jonas Salk) announced that he managed to conduct successful tests of a vaccine against polio, a virus that causes a severe chronic disease. In 1952, due to the epidemic of this ail, the diagnosis was made by 58,000 US inhabitants, and the disease took 3,000 innocent lives. It spurned a solka in search of salvation, and now a civilized world in security at least from this misfortune.

1900 - German physicist Max Planck introduced the concept of energy quantum and quantum constant. Plank - founder of quantum mechanics.

1903- Ivan Petrovich Pavlov based on experimental physiological studies developed the concept of conditional reflex. Pavlov proved the interactiveness and unity of psychic and physiological processes in the body.

1908- Herman Minkowski gave a mathematical formulation of the theory of relativity, introducing the concept of four-dimensional space-time ("four-dimensional world").

1909- Opened "The surface of Mochorovichich" - the border of the section between the earth's crust and the Mantia of the Earth.

1911 - Creation of Charles Wilson "Wilson Chambers", which allowed to observe various types of radiation, traces of which in the gas medium in combination with electric and magnetic fields become visible. When analyzing these "tracks" managed to determine the charge and the energy of the components of their particles.

Ernest Rutherford missed A-particles through a thin metal foil and watched their scattering. Only suggesting the existence of atomic nuclei that occupy a total of 1/10000 part of its diameter in atom, Rutherford was able to explain the scattering of OS particles in the substance. The opening of Rutherford confirmed J.Tomson's hypothesis (1903) on the existence of a positively charged atomic core. Rutherford created the planetary model of the atom, in the future quantitatively developed by Niels Bor.

1912- Thomas Morgan suggested the theory of localization of genes in chromosomes. His gene theory was based on a number of laws that complement the laws of Mendel (genes in chromosomes are clicked with each other, the number of possible combinations between the genes inside the chromosome depends on their remoteness from each other, the genes of the same chromosome form a bound group, and the number of these groups is not exceeds the number of chromosomal pairs).

1913 g. - Nils Bor, using a plank's quantum hypothesis, developed a quantitative model of hydrogen atom, thus creating the first quantum theory of atom.

1915 - The Nobel Prize in the field of physics is awarded to English physicists - Father and son Braggam - for the study of the structure of crystals using X-rays. They experimentally proved the frequency of the atomic structure of crystals and thus laid the foundations of modern crystallography.

1918- Norwegian physicist and Geophysicist Wilhelm Bjercnes explained the emergence of cyclones from the polar fronts and developed a methodology for compiling meteorological maps. The founder of modern meteorology.

1919- E. Rutherford carried out the first artificial nuclear reaction, irradiating nitrogen A-particles (helium nuclei). It received an oxygen isotope.

20s- Experimentally confirmed the existence of an ionized layer in the atmosphere (ionosphere). Height up to 20 thousand km. In addition to neutral particles, the ionosphere contains charged electrons and ions occurring under the action of solar radiation.

1922- Soviet geophysicist and mathematician Alexander Alexandrovich Friedman proposed a model of a nonstationary expanding universe based on relativistic cosmology. The theory of "Big Explosion" based on this model explains the origin of the universe and the forms of its matter with a sudden jump.

1923- Soviet physiologist Alexey Alekseevich Ukhtomsky created the doctrine of dominant, the emergence of which determines the nature of the reflex reaction of the nervous system.

1924- Louis de Broglie in the doctoral dissertation "Studies on quanta theory" made an idea about the wave properties of matter ("Waves de Broglie"). He believed that each moving particle could be described by the wave conjugate. According to de Broglie, corpuscular-wave dualism is inherent in all, without exception, the types of matter - electrons, protons, etc. So there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe waves of matter.

South African Anatas Raymond Dart discovered fossil remains of primates in South Africa, which were attributed to Australopithecks. Their age of 1 million years (at present, the age of these primates is determined by 5 million years).

1925- In Dayton (USA), a teacher J. Skops was convicted for teaching the theory of Darwin ("Monkeys Process").

1926- Austrian physicist Theorient Erwin Schrödinger developed the wave mechanics, which put the private differential equation - "Schrödinger Equation". It showed the equivalence of its wave mechanics and quantum mechanics in matrix form developed by Werner Geisenberg in a quantum theory (1925).

In Leningrad, the work of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky "Biosphere" was published, which is a generalization of geological, biological, chemical and geographical data on the structure of the earth's surface.

1927- Werner Geisenberg formulated the "principle of uncertainty", according to which it is impossible to completely define the impulse and the position of the elementary particle at the same time (the product of the uncertainties of the coordinate and impulse is limited to some minimum value of the constant plank).

1928- Paul Dirac Theoretically suggested the existence of anti-particles. In 1932, the first antiparticle - positron - was found in the space rays.

1929- Public speeches of representatives of the Vienna Circle - students of the Austrian philosopher and physics Moritz Schlock - Rudolph Carnap and others who understood philosophy as a logical analysis of the language of science. They put forward a program for constructing a single science based on physics (physicialism).

American astronomer Edwin Hubble found that the displacement of the lines in the galactic spectra towards the "red" edge (the so-called red displacement), which is one of the manifestations of the "Doppler effect", increases in proportion to the distance that objects are removed ("Hubble Law") and associated with the runoff of galactic formations.

The English pharmacologist and physiologist Henry Dale found that the occurrence of an electrical impulse at the end of the nerve or synapse connecting two neurons is accompanied by the release of adrenaline or acetylcholine. These substances stimulate the nervous cell transmitting excitement on.

In China, Teyar de Charden discovered Synantropra - a representative of the ancient fossil people close to the previously open on. Java Peteitrontopu. Synaltopes used fire 300 thousand years ago.

End of the 20s- Soviet physicist and physicochemist Nikolai Nikolayevich Semenov opened a new type of chemical reaction - branched chain reactions, during which active particles are formed - free radicals, which, interacting with the source substance, except for the reaction products, react radicals again.

30s- Austrian Zoologist Conrad Lorenz laid the foundations of a new field of biology - Etology (study of instinctive behavior of animals).

30-40s -the formation of the synthetic theory of evolution, combining the idea of \u200b\u200bdarwinism with modern genetics.

1931. - Logic and mathematician Kurt Gödel proved that if the theory of consistent and axioms of formalized mathematics essence of the theorem of this theory, then such a theory is not full. The truth (consistency) of any theory containing formalized mathematics cannot be proved using finite (finite) processes in reasoning. Thus, formalization has its limits.

Canadian pathologist Hans Selre introduced the concept of stress.

1932- Hypothesis V. Geisenberg, D.D. Ivanhenko and I.E. Tamma on the structure of the atomic nucleus from protons and neutrons. The number of nucleons is equal to a mass number. The sum of the masses of nucleons and electrons gives a mass of an atom.

English physicist J. Chechik opened neutron.

The Austrian Biologist Theorient Ludwig Bertalanfi developed the theory of biological objects as open systems in a state of dynamic equilibrium (the so-called "general theory of systems").

Charles Sherrington introduced the term "synaps" and showed the value of braking in the reflex activity of the spinal cord. Shergangton's school laid the basics of modern neurophysiology.

1933- German physicist Theodore Gaging opened the mutual annihilation of the particle and antiparticle.

1934 -french Physicians Irene and Frederick Jolio-Curie discovered artificial radioactivity, irradiating aluminum foil a-particles. Enrico Fermi found that with the bombardment of uranium neutrons there are new radioactive elements.

1935- Japanese physicist HiDeki Yukaws theoretically substantiated the presence of unstable elements in the nuclei of strongly interacting particles (mesons) with a very short period of existence.

The industrial production of synthetic tissue - "cellulose wool" began.

German biologist Hansz Shempan awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for the opening of the "Organizational Effects (Centers)" of the embryo. Having established the interdependence of the development of one part of the embryo from another, Speman formulated the theory of "organizers", affecting the development of the pieces of the embryo.

1936- English Mathematics Alan Turing and American Mathematics and Logic Emil Post independently developed the concept of an "abstract computing machine". Turing also described a hypothetical universal discrete information converter, called the Turing Machine.

1938 G. - In England, the first system of radar equipment is designed - radar.

1939- Soviet mathematician and economist Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich released the book "Mathematical methods of organizing and planning production" in Leningrad, which laid the foundations of the new discipline - linear programming.

F. Jolio-Curie and independently of him E. Fermi found that the cleavage of uranium-235 is accompanied by the release of new (secondary) neutrons. So the chain nuclear reaction was opened. Later, the project of the first nuclear reactor is proposed.

1942, August -the "Manhattan" project was approved related to the development of an atomic bomb (the head - Robert Oppenheimer);

the first controlled chain reaction in the nuclear reactor created in the University of Chicago under the leadership of E. Fermi was carried out.

1943- Otto Yulievich Schmidt put forward the hypothesis of the meteoric origin of the solar system. In 1944, his study "Meteoric theory of the origin of the Earth and Planets" was published.

1945 August 16 -the first experimental explosion of the atomic bomb was produced; August 6.- the atomic bomb is dropped at Hiroshima, 140 thousand people died, August 9.- At Nagasaki, 75 thousand people died.

1946 -Ivan Ivanovich Schmalgausen developed the theory of a new integrated form of natural selection - stabilizing selection.

1947- Viktor Amazaspovich Ambartsumyan opened a new type of star system - star associations (dynamically unstable groups of young stars) and proved that the star formation process in the universe continues.

1948- Norbert Wiener has released the book "Cybernetics, or management and communication in an animal and machine." American mathematician and engineer Claude Shannon released the book "Mathematical theory of information transfer".

American Physicists Walter Brattein, John Bardin and William Shockley created a transistor, and Hungarian physicist Dennis Gabor formulated the principles of holography.

The Nobel Prize was awarded to the Swiss chemist Paul Muller for the synthesis of DDT.

The first Thermonuclear explosion was carried out on the draft American Physics Edward Teller. The beginning of the work on the implementation of the controlled thermonuclear reaction using the device-trap chamber for the Tokamak plasma (head - I.E. Tamm).

1953-american chemist and biologist Stanley Miller showed the possibility of artificial amino acid synthesis from ammonia, methane, water vapor in conditions similar to those that could be on the earth's surface shortly after the formation of the Earth. Synthesis could begin under the influence of electrical discharges and ultraviolet rays.

American biochemist James Watson and the English physicist Francis Creek opened the structure of DNA.

1954- The first nuclear power plant in Obninsk was put into effect. American paleontologist Patrick Harley discovered in silica near the upper lake (Canada) green algae, whose age, by his assumption, 2 billion years, and eight amino acids of organic origin.

1955 - Swedish physiologist Ragnar Granit released the book "Receptors and sensory perception", in which he reported on his experiments that proven that the impulse from individual receptor cells is transmitted to the nerve fiber to the brain with an electrochemical path.

1956 - American astronomer Werner Baum, watching the accumulations of galaxies at a record removal of 550 megaparsecs (1 megaparsk - 3,259 million light years), confirmed that the Universe expands, and an increase in the expansion rate, according to its data, is 55 km / s per 1 megaparsek.

1957 - In Dubna, the world's largest accelerator of charged particles - synchrophasotron entered into force. The first artificial satellite of the Earth rose from the Baikonur cosmodrome and the first civilian atomic vessel - icebreaker "Lenin".

1958 - At the initiative of the American scientist Linus Pauling, more than 10 thousand scientists have signed an appeal against the termination of experiments with nuclear weapons.

American Physicists Charles Towns and Arthur Shavlov theoretically substantiated the design and principle of the laser operation (abbreviated from English: enhancing light with a forced radiation) - the device for obtaining extremely intense and narrow beams of monochromatic light radiation.

1960 - Unsuccessful attempt by American astronoma Frank Drake to take radio signals of alleged reasonable civilizations from the stars "Tau" of the Equatorial Constellation of China.

1961 - First flight of a person in space, which lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes.

1963 - American astronomer Martin Schmidt opened quasars (sources of radio emission close to Star).

1964. - English anthropologist and archaeologist Richard Liki in the gorge Oldayway in the north of Tanzania discovered the remains of the overhead and bone of four monkey-like people close to Australopita and called "Skillful Man".

1965 - Open space relict radio emission. It is assumed that this radiation is a consequence of the explosion of the initial very compact and red-hot metagalaxy and proves the justice of the "hot model of the Universe".

1966 - The Nobel Prize was awarded French biologists Francois Jacob, Andre Lviv and Jacques Mono for the opening of the so-called structural genes responsible for the synthesis of enzymes.

1967 - American physicist Gerald Feynberg and independently of him Indian physicist Ennakal Sudarshan put forward a hypothesis about the existence of tachyoni - particles at a speed of greater light speed.

The Nobel Prize was awarded to the German physicochemistry Manfred Eigen and English chemists George Porter and Ronald Norrish.

For the study of ultricular chemical and biochemical reactions with an average rate of 10 ~ 9 s.

South African surgeon Christian Barnard in Cape Town first carried out a heart transplant operation.

The English astronomer Anthony Hewish and who worked under his leadership, a student J. Bell was opened in the remnants of supernovae Pulsary (in this case, it was about fast rotating stars).

1969- The first person joined the surface of the moon.

1974- At the first international conference on ethical problems of molecular biology and genetic engineering, a temporary moratorium on all experiments with recombination of genetic material was proclaimed.

1975 - The Nobel Prize is awarded for the spheroidal model of the atomic nucleus.

1994- Report on the opening of the sixth, last quark.

1997 -In Edinburgh (Scotland), as a result of using the donor nucleus of the breast, an adult sheep was obtained a clonal animal - a sheep nicknamed dolly.

The world does not stand still, so annually scientists make significant jumps in various fields of science and technology. 2016 did not exception, and therefore we decided to assemble the most interesting inventions and important scientific discoveries of the outgoing year. The future is not far off!

On the official website you can learn in detail about the possibilities and purpose of the program:

Huge holograms Magic LEAP

With the help of the Magic Leap device, you can now see a jump from the water of the most vast animal in the world - China, see what things look, animals or nature in life look like, create whole worlds imposed on real things, imaginary dragons and small fairies .. Main feature The fact that the image is not just voluminous, but also what it moves, creating an animation! No, this is not a distant future - it can be done now!

By the way, you can use it now.

Artificial skin invention

A group of scientists from America has developed a skin similar to an elastic film. It can not be used not only not only for beauty purposes - for example, to reduce the visibility of wrinkles, but also in medical - let's say, for constant moisturizing, which is necessary with certain skin diseases.

Data is recorded on the carrier using ultra-speed laser pulses.

Development of the Eternal Data Storage Method

Until 2016 there was no way to store digital information infinite time. However, scientists of Southampton University, and using nanostructured glass, developed a new process of recording and reading data. The device itself looks like a small glass disk size slightly more coins, but it is possible to save up to 360 TB of data and to withstand temperatures up to 1000 ° C.

A unique thing that helps to be close in Dali from each other.

Holographic teleport

The device was invented and invented by scientists in Microsoft. A person who is thousands of kilometers can send his hologram to communicate and even interaction.

According to some futurists, after 30 years, people will begin massively grow outside the body.

Scientists first raised the limb in the test tube

The first live limb appeared, grown in laboratory conditions by scientists of their massachusetts hospital. When the finite-sheer rat was filled with blood, the animal began to move his new paw. If now people who have lost their arms or legs can only take advantage of the prosthesis, then in just a few years they will be able to again become the owner of the real living organ!

You can only download that computers become smarter even the most intelligent earthly representatives of the planet.

The victory of the computer over man in the game "Go"

Go is one of the most ancient games on Earth, and probably the most difficult of all existing ones. Until 2016, the world's best player was a saddoll man, but the first time for all time the Alphago computer program won. The founder of Google Deepmind Demis Hassabis compared this event with a man falling on the moon.

Such numbers are widely used cryptography, but the new number found is too large for practical application.

Opening of the largest simple number

On January 7, 2016, the Mathematician Kurtis Cooper team opened the most well-known simple number, which equals 274207281 - 1 and contains 22,338,618 decimal digits. In his search, scientists spent more than 2.5 years, received a grade as 150 thousand dollars.

Now the first stage can be used repeatedly, which will reduce costs.

The first vertical landing of the rocket in the ocean

Previously, the vertical landing of the rocket we could only see in films, but in reality, such a landing is an incredibly difficult task. That is why space agencies build rockets with such accounting that the waste parts either fall into the ocean, or simply burn in the atmosphere.

On April 8, 2016, Spacex first managed to plant the first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket launch at the ocean platform, which means that the spent steps can be reused, saving gigantic money!

Inventors injected CO2 to volcanic rocks, accelerating the natural process of transformation of basalt to carbonates, which then become limestone.

With this design, the steering is not provided, but is intended only for cuttlelines.

Levitating tires rotating in all directions

It turns out the wheel can be invented twice: a goodyear company came to such a discovery by developing spherical tires "Eagle 360". They will allow the car to move in any direction, including sideways, facilitating parallel parking, as well as under certain angles and speeds, counteracting slippery surfaces.

"Well, and that" - you will say, without even thinking about the huge opportunities that are now opening to people.

On the ISS for the first time in history bloomed flower

On board the International Space Station, many years of age, astronauts carry out experiments on plant growing. And the miracle happened, bright orange Astra-Zinnia became the first flower that grew up in space!

At the moment, 9 planet remains only a hypothetical assumption, since no one has seen her in the middle of it., But according to preliminary calculations, it is at a distance of up to 240,000,000,000 kilometers from the Sun.

9 planet detected in the solar system

In the 20th century, the theories were put forward on the existence of the ninth planet "X", which follows Neptune. Its presence indicated the peculiarity of the behavior of gravitational waves, which could be called the presence of a very massive object. Astronomers who wrote about their discovery say that the likelihood that for the 9 planet was made some very dense cloud from asteroids or meteorites, is only 0.0007%.

After installing the implant, a person who spent the last 6 years of his life completely paralyzed, returned the opportunity to move his fingers.

Cybernetic implant

This is perhaps the most useful and important invention of 2016, able to give a paralyzed person to move the limbs! This chip is installed in the human brain, from where it sends signals to the receiver - that they processes them and data transfers to a special electronic glove on the hand of a person. In the glove there are electrical wires that stimulate certain muscles and force the fingers to move.

It is worth adding that there is already a final version of the project for small plants.

Development of bioluminescent trees

Glowing in the dark trees plan to use instead of ordinary street lamps. Make trees glow decided with the help of a enzyme meeting with some jellyfish and fireflies.

The invention of the eyelid: Compact, spacious, without unpleasant odor, does not need cooling and uses only 8% of the energy of the house for the control panel.

The invention of biochelodistine

Another interesting invention of 2016 was the concept of the refrigerator proposed by the Russian designer for the ELECTROLUX Design Lab contest, Which coolsfood with a biopolymer gel. It has no shelves, departments and doors - you just insert food to the gel.

The genome editing implies the introduction of a specific DNA that will complement or completely replace the existing genome.

Editing a human genome

And with this scientific discovery at the stage of pregnancy, you can choose the floor of the child, it will be possible to get rid of all hereditary genetic deviations and even make a baby similar to a certain parent!

Topographic mapping of the brain

In 2016, scientists still managed to learn our brain more, making it up. It became visible to important centers of the brain, and at the same time, they can be viewed their activity. With the help of experiments, the relationship between the actions of the body and the brain orders was clear. Now the technique helps to treat mental disorders, but very soon we will witness how a person will be able to use his abilities completely in a new way.

It turns around not only around the Sun, but also around our planet. But it is not necessary to break up in the hope of visiting it, since its dimensions range from 40 to 100 meters in diameter.

The earth appeared "Another Moon"

Scientists from the aerospace agency NASA discovered an asteroid captured by the gravity of our planet and now in the orbit of the Earth. In fact, this makes it a second natural companion of our planet. Of course, a lot of things flies around our planet: space stations, artificial satellites and just thousands of tone of various space debris. But the moon was always only one. And now there are two of them, as the NASA confirmed the existence and appeal to the orbit of the 2016 HO3 object.

The history of mankind is the history of scientific discoveries that made this world more technological and perfect, improved the quality of life, helped to understand the world around. In this review, 15 scientific discoveries, which provided key attention to the development of civilization and which people use so far. .

1. Penicillin

As is known, Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming opened Penicillin (first antibiotic) in 1928. If this had not happened, then people would probably die from such things as the ulcer of the stomach, the abscess of the tooth, angina and scarletin, staphylococcus infection, leptospirosis, etc.

2. Mechanical hours

It is worth noting that so far there are many contradictions as to what can be considered the first mechanical clock. However, as a rule, the Chinese monk and mathematician and Sin (723 N.EE) are considered their inventor. This innovative discovery allowed people to measure time.

3. Screw pump

One of the most significant ancient Greek scientists, Archimedes, as believed, developed one of the first water pumps, which pushed the water up the tube. It completely transformed irrigation.

4. Gravity

This is a well-known story - the famous English mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton discovered gravity after the apple fell on his head in 1664. His discovery explains why things fall to the ground and why the planet rotate around the sun.

5. Pasteurization

The Pasteurization detected by French scientist Louis in the 1860s is a heat treatment process that destroys pathogenic microorganisms in certain foods and beverages such as wine, beer and milk. This discovery had a huge impact on the health of the population.

It is well known that modern civilization has grown thanks to the industrial revolution, the main cause of which was a steam engine. In fact, this engine was not invented overnight, but rather, he gradually developed for about a hundred years thanks to 3 British inventors: Tomas Severi, Thomas Newkomen and (the most famous) James Wattu.

7. Electricity

The fateful opening of electricity belongs to the English scientist Michael Faraday. He also opened the basic principles of electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis. During their experiments, Faraday also created the first generator generating electricity.

8. DNA

Many people believe that American biologist James Watson and the English physicist Francis Creek discovered DNA in the 1950s, but in fact, deoxyribonucleic acid was first revealed at the end of the 1860s by the Swiss chemist Friedrich Misher. Then, for decades after the opening of Misher, other scientists have conducted many scientific research that helped to understand how the organisms convey their genes and how they control the work of the cells.

9. Anesthesia

Rough forms of anesthesia, such as opium, mandragora and alcohol, were used in the 70th year of our era. But only in 1847, the American surgeon Henry Bigelou determined that ether and chloroform could be anesthetics, thereby making painful surgical operations much more tolerant.

10. Theory of relativity

Two interrelated theories of Albert Einstein - a special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity - were published in 1905. They transformed theoretical physics and astronomy in the XX century, replacing a 200-year-old theory of mechanics created by Newton. This theory has become the basis for most of the modern science.

11. X-ray radiation

The German physicist Wilhelm Conrad X-rays opened X-rays in 1895, when he studied phenomena accompanying the passage of electric current through extremely low pressure gas. For this innovative opening, X-ray was awarded the first in the history of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.

12. Periodic Table

In 1869, the Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev, studying the atomic weights of the elements, noticed that the chemical elements can be formed in groups with similar properties. As a result, he managed to create the first periodic table, which became one of the most important discoveries in the field of chemistry.

Infrared radiation was opened by the British astronomer William Herscheme in 1800, when he studied the heating effect of various colors of light with a prism and thermometers. In modern days, infrared light is used in many areas, including tracking systems, heating, meteorology, astronomy, etc.

Today it is used as a very accurate and effective diagnostic device in medicine. And for the first time, nuclear magnetic resonance was described and measured by American physicist I. Rabbi in 1938. For this discovery, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944.

15. Paper.

Although the predecessors of modern paper, such as Papyrus and Amate, existed in Mediterranean and Precucumbian America, respectively, these materials were not real securities. For the first time, the process of manufacturing paper was recorded in China during Eastern Han (25-220 AD).

Today a person makes discoveries not only on earth, but also space. That's just. They are really impressive!
