Country USA USA State Iowa District Lynn Mayor Ron Corbett History and geography Based 1849 First mention Former names Columbus. City of S. 1879 Area 64.4 kV ml km² Height above sea level 247 M. Timezone UTC-6. Population Population 126396 people (2006) Density 1912 people / km² Agglomeration 252784 Digital identifiers Telephone code 319 Postcode 52400–52499 (eng.) Audio, photo and video on wikisklad

Lynn County in Iowa

The prosperous city of art and theaters in East Iowa, Cedar Rapids is home to the city museum of art and theater Paramaunt. The population of the city and its surroundings is about 252,784 people. In 2007, the population of the city was 126,396 people. Population of the corridor [ ] From Cedar Rapids to Iowa City amounted to 423353 people according to 2006.

Among the former residents of Cedar Rapids are the famous Americans: artist Grant Wood, journalist and historian William Shairer, writer and photographer Karl Van Detecture, researcher aerodynamics Alexander Lippish. In the years in Hollywood, a natives of Cedar Rapids were worked in Hollywood, such as Ashton Kutcher actors, Elijah Wood, Michael Emerson and Ron Livingston.

The name of the city comes from the name of the Sadar River ("Cedar"). Cedar Rapids is also called the city of five times a year, because Here, in addition to the traditional four, the fifth, during which you can enjoy the rest of four at times of the year. The symbol of five times of the year - the sculpture of the tree of five seasons - is located in the business center of the city.


The territory of modern Cedar Rapids is located on the territory of Fox and SECs belonging to the tribes. The first permanent settler Ozgud Pastet arrived in 1838. When Cedar Rapids was formed in 1838, William Stone called the city of Columbus. In 1841, the city was renamed Brown in Cedar Rapids in honor of the thresholds on the Sadar River. The river was named after large red cedars growing along the shores. Officially, the city appeared on the map in 1870.

The economic growth of Cedar Rapids accelerated in 1871 with the basis of the meat-pack company Sinclair.


The city is divided into 4 district. From north to south, the city is divided by the first Avenue, and from the west to the east - the Sidar River. The address usually indicates the house number, the name of the street and the name of the square. For example, 123 Example St NW (North-West). The only exception is the municipal island with a local government that does not belong to any square.

The city is divided into 14 postal indexes. The municipal island has an index 52401. In the northeast square indexes 52402 and 52411. Southeast Square has an index of 25403.

City Territory (Urban Area) Cydar Rapids Cities is located in three districts: Lynn, Benton and Jones. In 2007, this urbanized zone had a population of 252,784 people.

As a growing city in which you can find it, Cedar Rapids began to capture the cities of Maryon and Hyavat, who were the outskirts of the city. Other small cities, including Eli, Svisher, Shayville, Palo, Fairfax, Walford, Robins and Bertram, are considered the so-called "bedroom areas".

In accordance with the data of the US Cartographic Bureau, Cedar Rapids covers an area of \u200b\u200b166 km², of which 163 km² is sushi. The rest of the area is covered with water.


  • Average annual temperature - +9.0 C °
  • The average annual wind speed - 4.4 m / s
  • Average annual air humidity - 74%
Climate Cedar Rapids
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. November Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, ° C 18,3 22,8 31,1 35,0 40,0 39,4 43,3 42,2 40,6 34,4 26,1 20,6 43,3
Middle Maximum, ° C −2,1 0,7 8,1 15,9 21,8 26,8 28,6 27,5 23,6 16,6 8,1 −0,1 14,6
Middle temperature, ° C −6,9 −4,2 2,6 9,6 15,6 20,9 22,8 21,7 17,1 10,3 2,8 −4,8 9,0
Middle minimum, ° C −11,7 −9,1 −2,9 3,2 9,4 14,9 16,9 15,8 10,6 4,2 −2,3 −9,6 3,3
Absolute minimum, ° C −33,9 −32,8 −28,9 −17,2 −4,4 2,2 5,6 2,8 −5,6 −18,9 −24,4 −33,3 −33,9
The rate of precipitation, mm 23 31 53 78 105 125 113 114 80 67 54 36 879
Source: Weather and Climate

Demographic situation

Year Population Growth
1830 -
5940 224,6 %
10 104 70,1 %
18 020 78,3 %
25 656 42,4 %
32 811 27,9 %
45 566 38,9 %
56 097 23,1 %
62 120 10,7 %
72 296 16,4 %
92 035 27,3 %
110 642 20,2 %
110 243 −0,4 %
108 772 −1,3 %
120 758 11 %


Cydar Rapids Located a number of large enterprises, such as: General Mills, Cargill, Alliant Energy, Ge Commercial Finance, Rockwell Collins, Quaker Oats, Aegon, United Fire and Casualty, Toyota Financial Services, Paetec, Archer Daniels Midland, QWest, GreatAmerica Leasing, Ruffalocody, PMX, Square D and CRST International. These corporations are located in Caridor Cedar Rapids - Iowa City. In addition, there are the highest newspaper archive in the United States (more than 15 million pages have accumulated in the archive for 250 years).


In Cedar Rapids there are a city symphony orchestra, theater Paramount, urban theater and others.

The city has a museum of art, National Czech and Slovak Museum, African American Museum, Woodwood Grand Studio.


The city has a baseball team of the Premier League Cedar Rapids Kernels, a member of the Mid-Ripped League since 1962. CEDAR RAPIDS ROUGHRIDERS Hockey Team is a USHL member, and once the Clark Cup Champions settled in the city. For sports, there are: Veterans Memorial Stadium - for baseball, Kingston Stadium for football, Cedar Rapids Ice Arena for Hockey and U.S. Cellular Center for basketball.


Cedar Rapids is served by the eastern airport of Iowa (formally - Carytar Rapids Airport), a regional airport related to other international airports.

The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays give the necessary light and warm. At the same time, the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun is detrimental for all living things. To find a compromise between the useful and harmful properties of the Sun, meteorologists calculate the ultraviolet radiation index, which characterizes its degree of danger.

What uv radiation of the sun is

The ultraviolet radiation of the Sun has a wide range and is divided into three areas, two of which reaches the Earth.

  • UV. Long-wave radiation range
    315-400 Nm

    The rays are almost free through all atmospheric "barriers" and reach the ground.

  • UV-B. Middle-wave radiation range
    280-315 Nm

    The rays are 90% absorbed by the ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

  • UV-c. Shortwave radiation range
    100-280 Nm

    The most dangerous area. Completely absorbed by the stratospheric ozone, without reaching the Earth.

The larger the atmosphere of ozone, clouds and aerosols, the less the destructive effect of the sun. However, these saving factors have high natural variability. Annual maximum of the stratospheric ozone falls on the spring, and at least - for autumn. Cloudy is one of the most non-permanent weather characteristics. Carbon dioxide can also change all the time.

Under what values \u200b\u200bof the UV index there is a danger

The UV index gives an estimate of the UV-radiation of the Sun on the surface of the Earth. The values \u200b\u200bof the UV index vary from safe 0 to the extreme 11+.

  • 0 - 2 low
  • 3 - 5 moderate
  • 6 - 7 high
  • 8 - 10 very high
  • 11+ Extreme

In medium latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values \u200b\u200b(6-7) only at the maximum height of the sun over the horizon (occurs at the end of June - early July). At the equator, during the year, the UV index reaches 9 ... 11+ points.

What is useful for the Sun.

In small doses, UV-radiation of the Sun is simply necessary. The sun rays synthesize the melanin, serotonin, vitamin D necessary for our health, prevent Rahit.

Melanin Creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from the harmful effects of the Sun. Because of him, our skin darkens and becomes elastic.

Horone of happiness serotonin It affects our well-being: it improves the mood and increases the overall vitality.

Vitamin D. Strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-developing functions.

What is dangerous sun

Taking sunbathing, it is important to understand that the border between the useful and harmful sun is very thin. Excessive tan always borders with a burn. Ultraviolet radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

The protective system of the body cannot cope with such aggressive impact. This reduces immunity, damages the retina of the eyes, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

Ultraviolet destroys the DNA chain

How the sun affects people

The susceptibility to UV radiation depends on the type of skin. People of the European race are most sensitive to the Sun - protection is required for them under the index 3, and 6 is considered to be dangerous.

At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans, this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

Who is most falling under the influence of the sun

    People with light
    tone leather

    People having many moles

    Residents of medium latitudes during rest in the south

    Winter lovers

    Skiers and climbers

    People having a family-friendly skin cancer story

In what weather the sun is more dangerous

The fact that the sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather - a common misconception. It is possible to burn in cool cloud weather.

Cloudy, whatever dense it, does not reduce the amount of ultraviolet to zero. In medium latitudes, cloudy significantly reduces the risk of burning, which cannot be said about traditional places of beach holidays. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can burn in 30 minutes, then in the cloud - in a couple of hours.

How to protect against the sun

To protect against destroyed rays, follow the simple rules:

    Less are in the sun at midday hours

    Wear bright clothes, including broad-colonged hats

    Use protective creams

    Wear sunglasses

    On the beach more in the shade

What sunscreen to choose

Sunscreen varies according to the degree of protection from the Sun and marked from 2 to 50+. The numbers mean the share of solar radiation, which overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

For example, when applying a cream with marking 15, only 1/15 (or 7%) ultraviolet rays will overcome the protective film. In the case of cream 50 - only 1/50, or 2%, affect the skin.

Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream is able to reflect 100% ultraviolet.

For everyday use, when the time of staying under the sun does not exceed half an hour, it is quite suitable for a protection cream 15. For a sunbathing on the beach it is better to take 30 and higher. However, it is recommended to use a 2+ cream to be used for ceiling.

How to apply sunscreen

Cream should be applied evenly on all open skin, including face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe enough for a long time, the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before the exit and, additionally, before entering the beach.

Required volume for applying to specify the cream instructions.

How to use sunscreen when bathing

Sunscreen should be applied each time after bathing. Water blends the protective film and, reflecting the sun's rays, increases the dose of the resulting ultraviolet. Thus, when bathing, the risk of burning increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

Abundant sweating and wiping with a towel - also a reason to re-protect the skin.

It should be remembered that on the beach, even under the umbrella, the shadow does not provide full-fledged protection. Sand, water and even the grass reflect up to 20% of ultraviolet rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

How to defend your eyes

Sunlight, reflected from water, snow or sand, can cause a painful back of the retina. To protect your eyes, use sunglasses with an ultraviolet filter.

Danger for skiers and climbers

In the mountains atmospheric "Filter" thinner. For every 100 meters, the height of the UV index increases by 5%.

The snow reflects up to 85% of ultraviolet rays. In addition, up to 80% of the reflected snow cover of ultraviolet is again reflected by the clouds.

Thus, in the mountains of the Sun is most dangerous. Protect the face, the lower part of the chin and ears is necessary even in cloud weather.

How to deal with sunburns if you burned

    Treat the body with a wet sponge to moisten the burn

    Lubricate the burnt plots by anti-sparkling cream

    When the temperature is raised, contact your doctor, you may be advised to accept the antipyretic

    If the burn is strong (the skin swells heavily and bubbles), consult medical attention

Cedar Rapids.
41 ° 59'00 "s. sh. 91 ° 40'07 "s. d.
District Lynn
Mayor Ron Corbett
History and geography
Based 1849
First mention 1838
Former names Columbus.
City of S. 1879
Area 64.4 kV ml km²
Height above sea level 247 M.
Timezone UTC-6.
Population 126396 people (2006)
Density 1912 people / km²
Agglomeration 252784
Digital identifiers
Telephone code +1 319
Postcode 52400–52499 (eng.)

Lynn County in Iowa

Cedar Rapids (English Cedar Raris, Cedar Thresholds) - the second largest in the US state. Located in Lynn County. The city spread over the two shores of the Sadar River, 32 km north of Iowa City and 160 km east of De Moines, the capital of the state and the largest city of Iowa. The city hall building and leadership is located on the island of Mays. Cedar Rapids is one of the few cities having self-government bodies at the municipal level.

The prosperous city of art and theaters in East Iowa, Cedar Rapids is home to the city museum of art and theater Paramaunt. The population of the city and its surroundings is about 252,784 people. In 2007, the population of the city was 126,396 people. The population of the Corridor from Cedar Rapids to Iowa City was 423353 people according to 2006.

Among the former residents of Cedar Rapids are the famous Americans: artist Grant Wood, journalist and historian William Shairer, writer and photographer Karl Van Detecture, researcher aerodynamics Alexander Lippish. In the 1990s and 2000s in Hollywood, Sidar Rapids were worked in Hollywood, such as Ashton Cutcher, Elijah Wood, Michael Emerson and Ron Livingston.

The name of the city comes from the name of the Sadar River ("Cedar"). Cedar Rapids is also called the city of five times a year, because Here, in addition to the traditional four, the fifth, during which you can enjoy the rest of four at times of the year. The symbol of five times of the year - the sculpture of the tree of five seasons - is located in the business center of the city.


The territory of modern Cedar Rapids is located on the territory of the Fox and SECs belonging to the tribes. The first permanent settler Ozgud Pastet arrived in 1838. When Cedar Rapids was formed in 1838, William Stone called the city of Columbus. In 1841, the city was renamed Brown in Cedar Rapids in honor of the thresholds on the Sadar River. The river was named after large red cedars growing along the shores. Officially, the city appeared on the map in 1870.

The economic growth of Cedar Rapids accelerated in 1871 with the basis of the meat-pack company Sinclair.

In June 2008, the Sadar River rose to the maximum level over the past 500 years and flooded about 9 square miles on both shores. Residents of almost 4,000 houses were evacuated. The river reached a level of 9.5 meters on June 14, 2008. Over 300 houses were destroyed.


The city is divided into 4 district. From north to south, the city is divided by the first Avenue, and from the west to the east - the Sidar River. The address usually indicates the house number, the name of the street and the name of the square. For example, 123 Example St NW (North-West). The only exception is the municipal island with a local government that does not belong to any square.

The city is divided into 14 postal indexes. The municipal island has an index 52401. In the northeast square indexes 52402 and 52411. Southeast Square has an index of 25403.

City Territory (Urban Area) Cydar Rapids Cities is located in three districts: Lynn, Benton and Jones. In 2007, this urbanized zone had a population of 252,784 people.

As a growing city in which you can find it, Cedar Rapids began to capture the cities of Maryon and Hyavat, who were the outskirts of the city. Other small cities, including Eli, Svisher, Shayville, Palo, Fairfax, Walford, Robins and Bertram, are considered the so-called "bedroom areas".

In accordance with the data of the US Cartographic Bureau, Cedar Rapids covers an area of \u200b\u200b166 km², of which 163 km² is sushi. The rest of the area is covered with water.


  • Average annual temperature - +9.0 C °
  • The average annual wind speed - 4.4 m / s
  • Average annual air humidity - 74%
Climate Cedar Rapids
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. November Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, ° C 18,3 22,8 31,1 35,0 40,0 39,4 43,3 42,2 40,6 34,4 26,1 20,6 43,3
Middle Maximum, ° C −2,1 0,7 8,1 15,9 21,8 26,8 28,6 27,5 23,6 16,6 8,1 −0,1 14,6
Middle temperature, ° C −6,9 −4,2 2,6 9,6 15,6 20,9 22,8 21,7 17,1 10,3 2,8 −4,8 9,0
Middle minimum, ° C −11,7 −9,1 −2,9 3,2 9,4 14,9 16,9 15,8 10,6 4,2 −2,3 −9,6 3,3
Absolute minimum, ° C −33,9 −32,8 −28,9 −17,2 −4,4 2,2 5,6 2,8 −5,6 −18,9 −24,4 −33,3 −33,9
The rate of precipitation, mm 23 31 53 78 105 125 113 114 80 67 54 36 879

Cedar Rapids, the city, which takes second largest among the cities of the American state of Iowa. While in the Linn County, 32 km north of Iowa City, the city spread out on both shores of the Sidar's full-flowing river, 160 km east of the city de Moine, which is the capital of the state and the largest city of Iowa.

Cedar Rapids is one of the few cities that have self-government bodies at the municipal level. The magnificent building of the city hall and local leadership of the district is located on the island of Mays.

Being a prosperous city of art and theaters in Eastern Iowa, Cedar Rapids became a house for the Paramaunt Theater and the City Museum of Art. The population of the city and its nearest surroundings is about 255 thousand inhabitants. According to the 2007 census, the population of only urban traits amounted to about 127 thousand people.

Such famous Americans as a journalist and historian William Shairer, researcher aerodynamics Alexander Lippish, artist Grant Wood, writer and photographer Karl Van Vuretn once born in this city. And Hollywood star actors Elija Wood, Ron Livingston, Ashton Kutcher and Michael Emerson are sidar rapids natives.

The city received its name through the Sadar River. Cedar Rapids is often referred to as the city of five seasons, because in these places, in addition to the traditional four seasons, the fifth season is clearly distinguished, when you can enjoy the usual four seasons. The city's business center has a peculiar symbol of these five seasons - an unusual sculpture of the tree of five seasons.

The territory of the modern city of Sadar Rapids is located on the lands that once belonged to the tribes of Fox and SEC. The first migranet named Ozgud Parset arrived in these places in 1838 and at first called the newly formed city with the name of Columbus. But already in 1841, this new city was renamed Brown in honor of the thresholds on the Sidar River in Cedar Rapids. And the river received its name in honor of large red cedars, the huge number of which grows along its shores. On the official map, the city was noted in 1870.

With the basis of the meat pump company Sinclair in 1871, the economic growth of Cedar Rapids significantly accelerated.

In June 2008, a serious flood happened in the city. Then the Cedar River rose to its maximum level for 500 years. Thus, about 9 square miles on both shores were flooded. Residents of almost four thousand local houses were urgently evacuated. And when on June 14, 2008, the river level achieved 9.5 meters. More than three hundred houses in the city were simply destroyed.

The city is geographically divided into four districts. From the south to the north, the city divides the first Avenue, and from the east to the West it divides the Sadar River. In local addresses, the name of the square is usually indicated, the name of the street and the house number. The municipal island with a local government, which does not belong to one square, is the only exception in this territorial division.

All city districts of Cedar Rapids are located in three main districts: Jones, Benton and Lynn. According to statistical data of 2007, the population of the entire urban area has numbered about 255 thousand inhabitants.

As a fast-growing and developing city, in which it is easy to find a job, Cedar Rapids began to unite around himself the city of Hyavat and Maryon, who later became the outskirts of the city. And other small nearby cities, such as Eli, Berrtram, Svisher, Palo, Shayville, Walford, Robins and Fairfax. It is customary to be only urban "bedroom areas."

In accordance with the statistical indicators, Cedar Rapids occupies the territory of the total area of \u200b\u200babout 166 km², of which 163 km² are accounted for. And the rest of the area is covered with an aqueous surface.

Castar Rapids are offices of such large enterprises as: Cargill, General Mills, Alliant Energy, Rockwell Collins, Aegon, Ge Commercial Finance, United Fire and Casualty, Quaker Oats, Paetec, Archer Daniels Midland, Toyota Financial Services, Ruffalocody, QWest , PMX, CRST International, Greatamerica Leasing and Square D. All these corporations are located in the so-called Corridor Cedar Rapids - Iowa City. The largest US newspaper archive is located in this city. For 250 years, more than 15 million pages of various publications have been able to save in this archive.

Sidar Rapids is located famous outside the city and state of the city symphony orchestra.

The city also has a National Czech and Slovak Museum, Museum of Art, Wood Grand Studio and African American Museum,.

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