The education system in the UK relies on its own millennial traditions of education of the younger generation and is considered to be a global reference standard. Many universities and private schools of the United Kingdom are known for their rich history and quality of graduates. The oldest of the King's School's private schools existing and to this day in Kentenbury - 1420 years old, and the reasons for the most "young" private educational institutions - no later than 1699.

Modern English education system includes four stages:

  • Primary education -from 5 to 11 years.
  • Average - from 11 to 16 years.
  • Post-school - From 16 to 18 years.
  • Higher - From 18 years.

School education Great Britain

The system of school education in the UK exists the following types of educational institutions:

  • unified schools, where training is conducted according to the standard program;
  • grammar schools - their main goal - preparation for admission to the university;
  • modern schools are focused on obtaining practical knowledge in various professions.

Before going to school, the child is obliged to undergo a course of preschool training, during which they do not make much knowledge, and more time pay upbringing and educational games.

In 5 years, children are credited to primary school, where they learn to 11 and pass only three subjects - the native language, the foundations of mathematics and one by choice. The level of learned knowledge is checked at intermediate exams.

With the transition to high school, the course of exact sciences and additional items are added to the program:

  • history;
  • geography;
  • basics of religion and art;
  • music;
  • foreign language.

At the end of the mid-level school, at the age of sixth, students pass a mandatory final exam and receive a diploma of secondary education, but it does not give the right to enter higher educational institutions.

To qualify for enrollment in the UK universities, it is necessary to have a certificate A-LEVEL, which is received at the end of schools on the preparation for universities - the so-called Six Form. Training in them lasts two years, 4-6 selected items are deeply studied throughout this period. At the end, the exam is surrendered, which gives the right to receive higher education.

The academic year in English schools is divided into trimesters. Vacation for Easter and Christmas last for two weeks, in the summer - six. In the middle of each trimester there is a seven-day break.

There are many schools for children with mental or physical disabilities in England. The program in them is much easier and takes into account the features of pupils. The learning process includes special physiotics and work with a psychologist.

Private schools in the UK

Almost all Public Schools (so in English are called private schools) - these are educational organizations full, less often partial boarding house. Closed educational institutions in which pupils receive full content - the tradition and bright feature of the British private education.

From public institutions private schools of England for the better differ in learning. Statistics show that a graduate private school chances of entering the university above. This is explained by a large number of subjects studied, the qualifications of the teaching staff and a strong material base.

If desired, parents can train their child and at home, but for this you need to get the official permission of the education council.

The system of school education in the UK is characterized by strictest discipline: students can be deducted for poor performance and skipping lessons.

Higher education in England

One of the distinguishing features of the education system in England is democratic. In universities there are many different training courses, among which you can always pick up suitable, and if desired, change the list of selected items.

The system of higher education in the UK is represented by universities and colleges.

In total, more than 180 universities in the United Kingdom, and most of them are state universities.

The formation of educational policies The British government leaves at the discretion of higher educational institutions, the state controls only the quality of teaching.

Universities are:

  • collegial, whose structure includes colleges (Universities of Cambridge and Oxford);
  • unitary with faculties and departments as units.

Colleges are divided into three types:

  • Classic. These educational institutions have passed accreditation and have the right to issue a bachelor's diploma.
  • Technical. The education program in them is narrowly aligned and provides basic practical training on a working specialty.
  • Further learning. Give special vocational education (design, engineering, gardening, etc.).

Higher educational institutions of England issues diplomas of the following categories:

  • bachelor -training lasts usually for three years, for those who want to receive a diploma with honors - four;
  • master - two years;
  • doctor - three years.

The learning process in British universities is held in the form of lectures, seminars and practical laboratory work. There are also tutorials - additional classes with a teacher in a small group (from two to ten people).

All students of English universities have access to modern libraries and scientific laboratories. Students can visit a large number of optional. Educational programs in Britain are very flexible and allowed at the end of training not one, but two scientists from different directions.

In the education system of Britain, elite learning is widely developed. High-ranking parents from different countries of the world seek to arrange their children to prestigious British universities or schools. In them, students not only receive deep knowledge and master secular manners, but also acquire communications in the field of politics and business.

The practice of absentee training is widespread in the UK. These are independent classes based on specially designed educational packages and the ability to receive advice from teachers in online or email.

Higher education in England is quite expensive, but in the country there are various scholarships and grants. There may be particularly gifted students.

Diplomas of English universities are considered the most prestigious in the world. Modern British education system completely adopted Australia and Canada.

According to UNESCO and OECD, in the United Kingdom of 2012, there were more than 3.5 million students, 428 thousand of which are foreigners.

A detailed scheme of the higher education system in England (Great Britain) looks like this:

  • kids 5 - 7 years old learn in the preparatory school;
  • children 8 - 13 years old - in primary;
  • young people are 13 - 16 years old - in the middle;
  • at 16 - 18 years - get a complete secondary education;
  • in 18 - 21 - end the highest school;
  • at 21 - 22, students receive a bachelor, master's diploma and graduate student.

Primary education in the UK, Primary Education, begins at age 5, Although many British schoolchildren already in 3-4 years go to school preparation programs. Primary education lasts six years, after that, at 11 years old, students go to high school. Secondary Education (Secondary Education) in the UK lasts five 5 years and necessarily for students aged from 11 to 16 years. Most of the items studied in the British School is mandatory.

British school graduates get GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATIONabbreviated GCSE. - General Education Certificate. According to Britain, graduates of schools can start working, enter a professional college or on the training program in the university.

2. Preparation in university in the UK and vocational education

For receipt of subsequent education programs, a British certificate is needed to obtain full secondary education GSCE or its analogue, for example, the Russian certificate of full secondary education.

In the UK, there are 2 types of training programs in the university: A-Levels and Foundation.

Training programs in the university A-Levels

After graduating from high school and British students, and foreigners who plan to receive the first higher education are biennial training programs for admission to universities - A-Levels. The availability of A-Levels programs distinguishes the British education system from the Russian.

On A-Levels, the student himself chooses objects to explore on the basis of the requirements of the university, in which he plans to do. At the end of study at a-levels, the student exams exams on the studied 3-4 subjects. These exams are simultaneously entry exams at the university.

Programs of preparation for admission to the University International Foundation

Vocational education in the UK

Professional programs in the UK provide technical skills and experience necessary for employment. Students can combine their studies and work. Many professional programs allow you to enroll in the British university for the first or second course of the first higher education.

Relationship with the Russian system of vocational education

British subsequent education can be compared with vocational education in technical schools, colleges and colleges of the CIS countries. The concept of "subsequent" education includes all types of education after school, except for higher education - are professional programs and programs for preparing for admission to universities. In English, the British subsequent formation is called Further Education.

3. Higher education in the UK

Degrees of British Master

AbbreviationDecoding in EnglishName in russian
MA.Master of Arts.M.A
MA (HONS)Master of Arts.M.A
Momp.MASTER OF COMPUTER SCIENCEMaster of Computer Sciences
Meng.Master of EngineeringMaster of Engineering
LLM.Master Of Law.Master of law
MSC.Master of Science.Master of Science
Example: MSC International Accounting and Corporate Governance

Level 3: PHD - UK graduate school

Graduate school in the UK, as well as the magistracy, is the level of postgraduate education ( postgraduate.). On the websites of universities, these programs are most often indicated as "Research Programes" or "Phd Programes". PHD programs in British universities are actually equivalent to Russian graduate school programs. However, in terms of requirements and quality of research work, these programs are more likely to Russian doctoral studies.

In the UK, most programs leading to the degree of PHD are research projects involving visits to lectures and training seminars only at the beginning of the program. Scientist, in the laboratory or at the department of which the student is preparing for the protection of the thesis, determines the topic of scientific research for a student and provides resources necessary for research.

Usually, on completion of the research program takes 3-4 years. By the end of this period, the student must publish the results obtained and write a dissertation on published materials.

What kind of education is necessary for admission to the British graduate school

For admission to the PhD program, a master's degree in Russian, British or other foreign university is needed. A specialist diploma issued by Russian universities, in Britain recognized as a diploma of the first higher education, and in most cases a specialist diploma will be not sufficient for admission to graduate school.

The degree of British graduate school

Philosophy degree Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, Assigns to a student after a successful protection of the dissertation.

Also, postgraduate education programs may lead to doctoral degrees in certain sciences - for example: doctors of education ( Doctor of Education, EDD) or Dr. Business Administration ( DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, DBA).

The main difference between the doctor of education from the doctor of philosophy in education (PHD in Education) is that the first program allows you to cover a wider range of subjects related to education, and focus on one research problem only at the end of training.

The DBA degree is also a research degree. Such programs are aimed at developing the theory and practices of business administration and management.

Educational institutions for PHD programs

With the rare exception of the PHD program and other research programs are offered by major multi-disciplinary universities with a highly qualified scientific and teaching staff, an extensive research base and significant research budgets. On how to enroll in the graduate school of the UK, read here.

Prepared based on Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), OECD Thematic Review Of Tertiary Education - Country Background Report: UK, The European Educational Directory.

The English educational system is considered the reference of all existing ones. Universities and first schools in the UK appeared in the 12th century. This system varies, but loyalty to century-old traditions and a high level of education remain unchanged.

Features of the formation of the United Kingdom

The education system in the UK is considered ideal, and some countries are focused on it. A vivid example is Canadian and Australian education.

All educational institutions in England are divided into private and state-owned - this is a distinctive feature of the British system. Schools differ from Russian: they do not work according to a single program. The student has the opportunity to choose the one in which he can better prepare for admission to a certain faculty.

The education system in England has the following structure:

  • Elementary School - primary education, from 5 to 11 years;
  • SECONDARY SCHOOL - secondary education, from 11 to 16 years;
  • FURTHER EDUCATION - afternoon, from 16 to 18 years;
  • Higher Education. - Higher, from 18 years old.

An important feature of the British system is a strong pre-school education. Here children receive knowledge and learn discipline. In universities, you can finish not only undergraduate or magistracy, but also get other types of diplomas. For example, Sandwich Courses - it is issued after passing one year of practice at the end of two courses in the university. They are received by students of technical specialties.

Preschool education

Pre-school education in the UK is not mandatory. From two to five years old, a child can be at home or visiting Nursery - an analogue of the Russian kindergarten. Preschool educational institutions can be of different orientation: Language, religious. In the first studies are conducted in several languages, in other children they are talking about religion. But everywhere kids are taught to read, write, count. The British believe that visiting a good preschool institution is an important component of the upbringing. The state pays only 15 hours a week - for the rest of the time parents pay from their pocket.

Preparatory education

In paid schools, children can get preparatory education. A child can come here for five years, and later to transfer to high school. Private education is considered better, but not all can afford it. Therefore, most children after kindergarten goes to municipal schools.

Primary school education

In public schools at the age of 5-11, the royal subjects receive primary education. Here, the schoolboy has to study the basic items:

  • mathematics;
  • music;
  • geography;
  • english;
  • art;
  • industry technology;
  • story.

British schoolchildren, unlike the Russians, are accustomed to getting an assessment in literacy. Letters from A to U here appreciate the knowledge. And here it means "excellent", and u is "extremely unsatisfactory." In some private educational institutions, the diligence and efforts of the student are evaluated by numbers. So, "1" means that the child tried, and "5" - did not show zeal when studying the material. According to reviews, such digital estimates are very motivated.

Training in England passes through trimesters. For the parties, English schoolchildren are sitting on September 1, and training is completed on June 30. Schoolchildren are resting in July and August. In addition to summer, in Britain there are Christmas and Easter holidays.

Secondary school education

This education is a mandatory step. It should be obtained by all British children by age up to 16 years. In high school, they master knowledge of basic disciplines, are engaged in sports, music, develop leadership qualities. Many choose private closed schools to study, where the child is in full board. Upon completion of training, schoolchildren surrender the exam, the results of which depends will take a child to the elder school or not. The secondary school in England is completed by obtaining a general certificate of secondary education. With this document, you can enter the school or get official work.

Post-school education

After the end of the main educational cycle, those who want to become a student of the university continue to learn. At 16, a person begins a biennium a-levels. In the first year, he studies 4-5, and in the next - 3-4 disciplines and chooses which of them he will take. At this stage, it already determines which specialty will receive at the university. For example, those who come to medical will pass biology and chemistry.

Those who leave for 16 years from school can get vocational education in colleges. Students who successfully surrendered A-Levels claim to be trained in the university.

Classification of schools by age of students

In Britain, there are a full cycle school, in which the child is studying aged 3 to 18 years. But also there are institutions separately for younger and senior schoolchildren. Parents with the child choose where he will receive education.

For the younger, there is a primary schools - children have learned from four to 11 years old, as well as Junior Schools, where training takes place from seven to 13 years. There are institutions for senior students with in-depth study of individual disciplines.

Learning in the UK can be held in schools mixed, for girls and for boys. The society has supporters and opponents of a mixed learning system. Some argue that children must communicate with the opposite sex - they motivate them and teaches to defend their rights. Others insist that boys and girls distract each other and digest the material worse. Including therefore in English schools are shape: so that the children are engaged in studying, and not discussed who we are dressed in.

Public and private schools

British schools are public and private. The quality of education is not very different, because the state is strictly watching. Although it is believed that students of private schools receive better training, as in these educational institutions the best material and technical base, a more experienced teaching staff, less people in the classroom. Private British schools appeared yesterday. Many of them function for several centuries, and their graduates traditionally receive a high ball when entering the university.

Higher Education: Features, Reviews

Higher education in the UK is one of the best in the world. It is it that it is supposed to be in the Bologna educational system, which employs European universities and from recently Russian. For many years, these universities have been included in the tops and occupy the second and third places in world rankings, and diplomas obtained here are listed in all countries. Being a specialist with a British diploma is prestigious.

In Britain, higher educational institutions are the following types:

  • classic universities;
  • polytechnic institutions;
  • university Colleges - there is an emphasis on scientific and research activities;
  • colleges of higher education - Here is the preparation of applied disciplines.

The training program is very diverse. In addition to visiting lectures, seminar occupations, students work in small groups with tutors, rent coursework and writings.

Training consists of three steps: undergraduate - 3 years, graduate - 1-2 years old, doctoral studies - 2-3 years. Inclusive education is well developed in Britain, so persons with disabilities can receive knowledge in full.

Preparation for study in high school

Before studying at the university, you need to pass the A-Levels courses and pass the exam. The student himself chooses a set of disciplines, thus at this stage defining a specialization at the university. Foreign students going to enter Britain's educational institutions are recommended to first pass a-levels. So there will be more chances.

Private school in England will cost parents of the student in a decent amount. Children whose parents cannot pay them, get a free secondary school education.

Getting higher education in Britain is paid for the Corporates, and for foreign citizens - for them the price is greater. One year of study will cost from 10 to 25 thousand pounds per year. A student having a British passport can be borrowed: it will start paying it only after graduation and employment. Mandatory condition - to compensate for the state the costs of training it can only if its annual wages will be at least 21 thousand pounds of sterling.

Most popular educational institutions

The highest positions in world rankings are occupied by Cambridge University and Oxford University. So, in the QS University Rating Table, these universities occupy 5 and 6th positions, in the ranking The Complete University Guide - 1 and 2, and in Shanghai - 3 and 7 places, respectively.

One of the largest universities is the University of London, consisting of 18 colleges. There are more than 120 thousand students. Among the most popular British universities include Easton College, Manchester and Saint Andrews Universities.

Postgraduate education

Roztgraduate - so called programs that are available to students after undergraduate. This is a good way to develop and improving knowledge in the theoretical or practical direction.

A student can pass the theoretical course, upon completion of which it is necessary to take a diploma project with a minimum of 20 thousand words. You can choose a research type of postplomal education, which involves focus on independent scientific work.

International assessment of the quality of English education

British higher education is evaluated high in the world. British universities are located on leading positions in world ratings, and the structural scheme in many states are adopted.

The level of general education institutions respond worse. If in 2000, Britain on the results of monitoring the assessment of the quality of education at school occupied the 7th place in the ranking, then after 9 years - already 24.

Obtaining education for Russian

Russian applicants after graduating from high school must first complete the course of A-Level or a one-year preparatory course Foundation - they are offered by many universities. Directly in the British university can be received after the end of the first courses of the university in the homeland.

Foreigners have the opportunity to receive the second higher education, master's degree or MBA - Master of Business Administration. As part of the passage of this course, the student acquires professional, business and managerial skills.

Scholarship and grants for foreign students

For training in the British university, foreign students can get a grant or scholarship. The most popular includes:

  • THE HILL FOUNDATION. (Stockhill);
  • coca-Cola and Shell grants;
  • Scholarship Felix. (Scholarships);
  • Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award (Premiedorotikhodzhina).

Special training programs offer many universities. Detailed information and rules for receiving grants must be sought on the websites of universities.

Committed to receive scholarships can every low-income student under the age of 35. The applicant should not be a citizen of the euro economic zone.

Accommodation for Foreign Students

For residence to foreigners, the overwhelming majority of universities provide rooms in hostels. But for it you need to pay a week from 70 to 250 pounds. In prestigious universities, the student receives a room for the entire period of study, but in most - only for a year. In Oxford and a little-known university, the price per room will be different.

If finance allowed, the student can live in a removable apartment. It will cost 5-9 thousand pounds per year. The most favorable option is to accommodate in the British family, which is picking up the university.

What requirements are presented to foreigners upon admission

For admission to the undergraduate, a certificate of secondary education is needed, in a magistracy - a diploma of higher education. The bachelor programs can be affected by the age of 18, on the master - from 21 years. A foreigner can enter the university who is on the list published on the UK MIDD website. The cadet of the Military Academy, of course, a foreigner cannot become.

A foreign student studying in the British university should not be a language barrier. English should be free, and knowledge is documented. To do this, pass the IELTS, CPE, TOEFL, CAE exams or others. To study political science, rights, literature you need to know the language as well as carriers.

The Reception Commission draws attention to the performance of the applicant, the presence of scientific work experience, it studies the characteristic from the place of work and study. Big Plus - Participation in Olympics, Competitions, Sports Events, Active Life Position. Another requirement - a foreigner should have a financial opportunity to learn and live in the country.

Conditions and procedure for obtaining a training visa

Education in England Alien can only with a special visa. It is impossible to study on tourist resolution. A foreign citizen who wants to go to study in the UK is a visa of one of the following types:

  • Student Visitor Visa;
  • Extended Student Visitor Visa;
  • Tier 4 Child Visa;
  • Tier 4 General Student Visa.

Student Visitor Visa get foreigners who will learn less than six months. Extended Student Visitor Visa give only those who will learn in language courses. Tier 4 Child Visa receive applicants from 4 to 17 years old. Students who will learn more than six months in college receive Tier 4 General Student Visa.

To obtain a British training visa, one of the species needs to be submitted:

  • actual passport and all old;
  • colored photos;
  • questionnaire filled in English;
  • the applicant's enrollment document in the university / school / courses;
  • certificate from work or study;
  • housing rental agreement at the time of stay in Britain or a certificate of the provision of a room in a hostel;
  • C(CAS) - a document provided by the educational institution with full information about the applicant.

Persons who receive a college apply a certificate that confirms the level of proficiency in English Intermediate and above. Minors need notarized permission from mother and father to leave.

You need to contact the UK Embassy or one of five visa centers. Extend permission to stay in the country in diplomatic structures abroad and in Britain. The cost of obtaining a training visa depends on its type. For the short-term need to pay the consular fee of 10320 rubles, and more than six months - 37100 rubles. Visa center services are charged additionally.

The term of consideration of documents on a short-term visa is an average of 15 days. To obtain a permit for a long stay, documents must be submitted for 3 months.

In the issuance of a visa may refuse if the applicant submit an incomplete package of documents or cannot confirm financial spending. If there are doubts that a foreigner returns to his homeland after studying, a visa is not issued to him.

Pros and Cons English

The undoubted plus of British education is high quality and prestige. With an English diploma, more chances to leave abroad and find a good job in Europe or America. The advantages also include a huge number of educational institutions and educational programs. You can listen to a short course on general disciplines and deepen in the study of individual, which are needed for further work. The difference between English education is a high intensity of learning. Students are busy throughout the day: they visit classes, prepare abstracts, abstracts, perform practical tasks. Foreigners who really want to get high-quality education and are counting on career growth in the future, they receive knowledge not only from textbooks. Many of them spend many hours in the library for learning books and electronic resources. Such independent work is just welcome. Due to the high intensity of obtaining knowledge, the term of study in British universities is shorter than in other countries.

Foreign students have the opportunity to work, but physically not all time to do. Minus learning in Britain - high cost and the need to know well. Foreigners who graduated from the British University receive permission to work for a period of one year.

The English education system is considered a benchmark. She stands on two whales: traditions and innovative technologies. Educational programs are improved, and the quality of work of schools and universities is controlled by the state. Loyalty to traditions, a high level of teaching training and the use of modern techniques make English education one of the best. Of course, he has shortcomings, one of which is the high cost. But thousands of applicants are ready to pay for learning big money, because many doors are open to the owner of the British diploma.


Higher educational institutions in the UK are divided into:

- Classic Universities (University)

- Polytechnic Universities (Polytechnics)

- University Colleges (University Colleges)

- Higher Education Colleges (Colleges of Higher Education)

Most of them constitute state universities, which are characterized by their autonomy. They can freely invest finances at their discretion and receive income, but at the same time, to receive government funding, which, by the way, can be from 30 to 90% of their overall balance, should demonstrate the perfection of research and teaching.

And it is worth noting that the state conducts careful control of the quality of education. British universities Work under the continuous supervision of quality assurance management (Qual Assurance Agency, QAA). The organization's responsibilities include monitoring compliance with all mandatory requirements, as well as stimulating universities to the continuous improvement of their programs.

Stages of higher education in the UK:

- Bachelor (Degree Courses or Undergraduate Courses)

- Master (Postgraduate Studies)

- Master of Philosophy (Mphil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland there are undergraduate programs, calculated for three years, in Scotland they occupy four years. After passing this program, applicants are issued with the degree of Bachelor's Degree (or First Degree). According to studies, the number of foreign students studying in undergraduate is 10%.

Types of programs for applicants and students of British universities:


If you have learned a year or a few years in the domestic university and decided to continue, then this program is for you. For 9 months, you can master the material of the first academic year of the British University, to obtain language training and adapt to learning in England. The successful passage of the Diploma program makes it possible to go immediately to the second course of the English university without entrance exams. But we recommend in advance to get acquainted with the list of universities, which recognize this program and work on it.

The following steps master and doctoral studies. Here, with preparing for the admission, things are much easier. The Russian certificate about higher education is enough to enroll in the British university. But sometimes it happens that there are not enough knowledge and language practices for the successful admission and passage of the master's course in England. And it turns out that the preparatory programs are needed to be mastered in the new system of the educational process, to understand the essence of British learning and adapt the existing knowledge of it.

Pre-Masters, Pre-MBA

These programs are designed specifically for applicants, whose English is the second language. They give active linguistic and academic training and help students relieve in an English-speaking environment and learning abroad. Training takes place in universities and colleges and durability can vary from one to three semesters.

Graduate Diploma.

Suitable as a preparation for admission to a magistracy, wishing to change their specialization. First, students learn English and the basics of the new specialty selected. At the second stage of training - profile items in specialization are in-depth. Upon completion of the program, exams pass. If the points are high, students are guaranteed to enroll in the magistracy of the selected university.

Master programs and MBA programs in the UK themselves are designed mainly for one year, although in other countries they take two years. At this stage, the number of foreigners among future masters reaches 45%. Almost always at the end of the training it is necessary to pass written examinations in the field of specialization and provide the dissertation.

The third stage of higher education - master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy. This stage is exclusively in research. This period lasts two years and ends with defense of the thesis, after which the Master of Philosophy is awarded. Next, you can continue training for another three years and claim the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Again, granting the dissertation.

Finishing Step - scientific research. This level of doctoral degree is awarded to specialists in the field of jurisprudence, natural sciences, humanitarian sciences, medicine, music and theology. To get the title, it is necessary to publish a certain amount of research.

The manifold and the choice of preparatory and basic programs is impressive. Sometimes, to understand them yourself, and most importantly, it is difficult to prepare the necessary documents in a timely manner. Therefore, so that your nerves and time are not spent without fail, better in this area.

Education in the UK has centuries-old traditions. Like studies in any other country, it has its pros and cons. An overview of all levels of education system from top to graduate school and doctoral studies will make it possible to study the features of learning as much as possible.

The United Kingdom is famous for its traditions, including educational. Private boarding schools and universities with a centuries-old history are included in the list of the most prestigious in the world, so such a diploma will open many doors not only on the shores of Misty Albion, but at any point in the world.


  • Prestige. British education relate to respected worldwide: this is a kind of quality mark.
  • The United Kingdom is not so far from Russia as the United States and, so it's easier and cheaper to fly home to visit relatives or invite them to visit.
  • British universities are combined with century-old traditions, modern technologies and the most advanced resource base.
  • Education in British universities is more intense than in many other countries, which allows you to get a cherished diploma faster, and also save.


The UK education system in English-speaking countries is considered a reference, many of them built their educational institutions, programs in the English sample. Compulsory education in England is based on temporary framework (from 5 to 16 years). Education in Scotland differs from the training system in England, Northern Ireland, Wales.

School education

State secondary education for free, but is considered the worst in quality compared to private schools. The network of private schools is based on schools-boarding schools, where children learn and live in a separation from the family. There are quite a lot of Catholic schools, schools of the full cycle (from three to eighteen years).

There are separate schools for boys, girls, mixed type. Each school teaches on its own methods, programs, although the set of basic items is the same. The cycle of primary education (up to 11 years) includes English, mathematics, geography, history, music. Such objects as industry technology, art is taught by choosing parents. The initial course of study in public schools ends with a standardized test.

Actually, secondary education in various schools is divided into Secondary School (up to 13 years), Senior Schools (up to 18). The older school is divided into two two-year programs that end with the exams GCSE, A-LEVEL. At the achievement of sixteen years of age, the results of passing exams - schoolchildren receive testimony of GCSE (secondary education) or GNVQ (secondary vocational education). Sixth form schools are becoming a separate opportunity to prepare for higher education. Education seeks to higher education (enters higher schools) only a quarter of graduates of British schools.

For foreign students (from 16 years), the best opportunity to prepare for further education is studied in private boarding schools. The first year of study involves the study of five mandatory subjects, passing the AS exams. The second year of preparation is completed by the passage of the A2-Levels exams, on the subjects of further education at the university. In private schools, language schools training, the cost of learning is different, making up a ten to thirty thousand pounds per year.

Higher education Great Britain

English Higher education is aligned with international standards - divided into a bachelor rate, magistracy, doctoral studies. Training paid for all students, but citizens of Great Britain have the opportunity to get a loan to pay for their studies, which will be necessary after a successful employment.

For most Russians, British universities are associated with and. These universities are among the top ten universities in the world. The uniqueness of these higher schools is due to the level of teaching staff, the system of individual training, practiced only here. Knowledge students are purchased with individual consultations, constant tutorial control (Oxford), supervisors (Cambridge).

Other universities of Britain are practicing their own historical, international type programs similar to other universities in the world. British applicants are focused when choosing a geographical location, the prestige of the university, the level of teaching the selected disciplines.

So, one of the best in the level of teaching began hotel business, tourism, sports management was recognized by the University of John Mura in Liverpool. In the largest university about 30,000 listeners from England, 100 countries of the world. Another leading direction of study was maritime, port logistics.

Popular Surrey County University in Gilford. For the rating research ever in the UK, he receives higher education assessments of education in the fields of business, international management, electronic engineering, civil engineering. Such successes lead to constant attention from industrial, scientific firms. The university cooperates with several hundreds of production, scientific companies who choose their employees among graduates.

A typical example of the British University can be called Lester University. In it, educational programs are combined with scientific research. Authoritative recognized education on the architectural, geographical faculties. International recognition received academic work on mathematical sciences. High demand for graduates of the diplomatic faculty, television specialists, radio.

In the supervisors of higher education, the UK undeservedly little place is given to the Higher School of Scotland. Meanwhile, interest in higher education in the country is the highest in the UK. Scotland leads in the European Union by the number of people with higher education (on average per capita). The world championship of Scotland in matters of animal husbandry, molecular biology, genetics, astrophysics is not disputed by anyone.

The prestige of Scottish universities is evidenced by studies at the universities of Scotland members of the English royal family. The main universities of the country are recognized by the Edinburgh University, which are often choosing to study the British (more than half of students).
